PM! . • - ' 1 e • . . . , . •r •• - . . ' , . . . . . - ..,' ..-.•.:;‘-,. • • . , . ' 1 . • _ . • ~,..-':',_•,',' ~ ,,f i'''..-. -T . . - ~ • - • ' . - • ...,.... ...,..-....,...41 , . , . . . - 1 .- ' -'.- -----/: , - .T.,-- : :: 1 ::::i „- ~ . ..p ~. , p . . ~. . . . . . * , • p.'", . • ... ~ -. .. P 4 ' .. 4 - '' ' n ''' .-" . ' ' ' .' - ...' ~.,', • • • • • „1 I 4 l ~. ••",,-, - ,1 -.-..:•*.. , i . 1: ', ':: ....1 ...:- .:,*. . .., r . r . ..t lo oi 'J 12 . .. ... , • . -. ,1., •-,t 1-.., -I , , • _ . . _____-:.................... . . _ . t' • . '.' '-' •''' ' • 'I. ' I VOL - X -----No). - 259 -'l' ,4=ftmse .s. SF,~:tt~_ BUSINESS. CADS. • - .1.46 EA ri lig IL 41011,1131.1.11, -4.l.gumani wad og Mc re ham, OA Wen and 10 i hll n. 1 • 11 , sk.b.Ah. • mc 'CIAqUOLII. JONES & Co.. Godwin...war 1 , d E hlctettaata,aaAa. ratucacd , Is4_,! , tand,,i , ,:atcl and Fitad wiNcitEsTma,4e.lor ill kin& or Ini: LJP. ported Add I.baci ,, c Acucar. Apantda lad c dim , act 1,11,dc0 , eitevriag Touacto, adicacsald and IVrJ elldlatt)a 0:17 ltitiCTS.ll, Aylsoltoate • Ihtati.,s. curia. IdArrty sod St Clan larects, 111. E Wad!rala Re - (j ILOWA, .dlttyNaddl, Asw ta Co mtplop UDOSM ; . t :lord • (tont 11 A. FAIINUATOCK.4",V47,::'2.I.tI;., " • B tared 1 , L.r 1240 )11l.srry, orret-t.ybitrSt!t' MID la AG ALEX 4 stger drUitolcsale throcets, Itl 1/ *tr.: so l'r t.t.argk. & AtaAt.E. , i & CO.."Wir•Heiale3llro f slutla-=I Market !greet. be. 11„.:F a L orth dr.:S3lladephr. neve r. A• Ile /01114.8,9 i sr, CO, Porummiltarui 1 %4 •, a. 401111%, ttttt alecetta tka, CAtiat Darin, I'm mcoll., roaLANbo LOOMIS, &army a! Lair,of• . 1 1 1''...4"..!`."'' ...i.l/4..l11"; d.-2---d.911:11-- i 1 . 03. Carmen John F, Jennivs. Jae. W.:llaillnan. i 'ml4E:aim:Nl, IIAILPLAN int% Manufacturer. 1.1 a Catreve des. Santee...l Arica, A, 11. arid .Spriv elect, nod 4ealers in Coach Tritruninge lit veil. f firs6oll,inlildaCtOF V as Y.. Clair Al. W liratlie a Woo del .notorite St Vbarlen Hotel tvir.. --... eli/ZiIIVINGIIAtt & BOININSit., Wholesale Gm %a Cl+l, Commi•etun and Voreennbag ‘. L ltlerCbdtbda , dealete llt Produce awl. ILbtreVeret'lvaatataqq.b No' 444 Liberty , I.ot.l.uitts. itn_6_. nAkt.CC.AII.• . .1. .11.11 , C11)0808 & PI cstLlNltly,t, (surcavont r• 11. and llury7a'rd'lntr.4cribtig, LetAleeattr,PrOTe.tind Pinsbargb hinstiilitensi,t‘iith Streelt;.betvreell Weal., and Liany, I' aelatzlb !IL !' 0014 . CI yedhu Ka, importer and orbolesale land retail ki•dealer in Fain y and Staple Varlet" . Goods. sign of ti,, Olt Cann, Ht. Martel stocet,near lAterly, rim, bore& PaL_ . __ ___.____LL , 7- 1 1-11 t FIC&Lit IL Dealer in Produce nod Falai ..L.F." Ratan lilac, NO4tl Ltlxny at, neit iletif 10 CC. per Of 1,15_ . t ft , ,, ...,.... _............ IL_.L." _ J. 11 - 14.4‘ &Tell ...--... _. V a.:IUNINThi, dal La,. DUar-sPola:l4Suk.a2f3el.l, *tavern 3d art ,MI mit.3.17 4 - 4 .E._____ I VDW A IILI lIE ...Z IClATOS,Vholosaloctr..._. JP.A cast ~“1... a Ittr I/ o.ooa, *econd 47_ mai t 0.... t o ----- -- M . .r). .iii" tosocus• B. n''''' ' ' gintait.T. Whoinsaid Gr.; "OW ALT, & GI °duce astd Patsbn{th =ileac- L. , ~,s, d.aier. in id tares, comer of Libeffly aud Hand m., r dix,, pr fabl7 . . --------- WU. IL [MAL Md. /LIMB L 1111131311 TL MANOLViIi a 1316,3131Ca.r. (Male Engnah, Gal- LA Lighcr t Co.) Weigel:4a Orono., CandLodnon and Forwarding Morchatito. and Dealer. in Produce and Piusburgh ilaooknnn% No. 37, Wood a bow.= &wood and yligrdrws._ . well liA A C ' lll..Vlr A Moli2llollT. at Law, JAI. Lama ioinovrd • owe door. neaten Grant Moat. NI E2,___ltil.+. 2 l!!!lr_or_el • 01,----r nlkl ito VaIt:WAIILD SWAILTZWELPICHI Atm r )••• at Lave ve. have removed that, dada the - o.llk ludo of Four geet, between Cheafillel end GM • • uar • ,etneet. tgi Vnend. Gee Sbe lame. Wood. CaliaND, an CV Co. Wholewde Grpeeny 1.1: and Comm...on &embattle, end Ateritsfet Bogie& Worn Yates, Noe Water and NS Fro& etteete,rats. beret. l'e. U2IE, Plano Font, Idenateeirrer dad &ai r 131.. et In 2141cel toetroneeme,ll2 Wood eveet,aar -Team roasted. . &merle. IGLQRSYTII & Co. docomi or d F4retardles J: Nereeente. No te Water et. PatlldOW te ZA.NCIS• NELL.L.EII.2, Liroeek Cdstuals.doz FMerChant 1,011 JO6lOOlO Yrotle=,tregt.4.o4t, ke. Ltd, No 17 !Abel at,Sl nee. Ceett ou . Leektan, Poe , orolla Rope, & Li24.leeelet Gioaes;Ltoteeris J:11. and . 1.111?) WTI StalanT , .... a pt 01.0. 101161•11. r&LX. floortog nonoen a co , NVlHppala ( l so . l .; r..r. and COCatni”loll Met - Clow. ~ 1,?5y.?.?. ;.1 Iht • Llif.,o. A. 13111/1.11:11 Wholesale tirriCer mid Caro- fIA anis im Merchant, said Dealer to Produce md Pnlshorsh Mttaufacorled. lio_r_Wmp2l,rldsb_r_iqlt. Geo, W Smith. M . Ii Brown. I 1140. W. smiTti fr. Co., Ilfoart,'llolslers , 4.3 and dealers in flops, Patsliorgh sod-I%am Brew- Mies, rood sad Pitt dlltYld. ~ . .... load f iti/Itarli:, Pornansdion and Tor kr ~ A J tg.,; Mc oil aro, No. mi W oiletrecAPlObonl l, . M.l 7 ' -tscnt. C. llill. lido s 4. Mrowne.. '' . • 111.1.1.. to lIUOWNIC, lsocceicos to dioldsfop Ai.. fI. llrosone.l talporterd and demon Moamar, of %•:, all Pop!, mid Uenoral.Psper )Vorchonier.Aca e 7 13 ao d 'trent. PinsAbourgh. . A _i_ lo:A.1 ti A.V.13. lAOC*.W li, Della, - 11 tercial Row,nem tho cam! iis .iii.i:iizi - '''' - ' - `-** T _ 1411..kitir ISRUNOT,.W lira. 3.. .ny.s . ) LEO) Manafacturer,ranit & MI Merchtint, Cr , i , ,li it lir1 6. env snit O'Hara at , ., eittalui&___ LL2__ of LICKS. koAsimit laprAir, JR. TBAlrfai DI/MET & Ctrs Wilotesale Grocers, J. Consnaussion Merchants wirldealen,i in Prone., Nos SO 'A . m.,' and Ill? Vrorit n . i:tzts,r ity . &!rign...l ..B ._ 1 --- 1, aitiii,:i...,.7 — . , LAW, \Piuituirgh. al T. r. lossaresibLorned the prseuee o i :innt PrOln.inn in his *MC.. islo7, Irstrevrell's littikhn Omni 'strett.od . • espied donate hi. alerojand . , = i'ddild . oo ff: 7011211 D. DOD.GIAN, WhoDsale_Drn. Wstr nrtd , a/ deader In Dye Stuff, .ranits, Oil Y . .r. r.ere q No on Wood street ooe noor.Soens Uin All , Pittsislski,___ ILL_._.L.._-------- - ; ---- . I : 4_, TAIIIIII Ir.Ellilt dn. td.C.2,lssfee, , n.' nr, i /n el D. Dn".l Chaudicrs. 4d BIS. leggy bona ale end Retort J oan r Normand Plutteni I netroaterda, Schoolllcedo, Pant. ,/ ter glee! Pear Witte, YrinterrClria, had &a generally, No. el Wood it. Pttleboritt.l —o7:#"gl'lSTes' “Piq j SC.IIOON7rAIEI3,a. vrholelak, r IIIE'PNIIOIIDA;41 EtCoutolt.sainPlind Forwardtof Merehrua, o ettrerty tatio South Getd ,d_Lteop,on'e Poo I 1 JUAN I. GALLATIN, µareal at . Law, Wee 4h et, between Groot aud Sadtkkeld, path pde, Pdaharik. W Mateo attend igrecepdy to busman a r the adro , rims cuddle* _ V1.8,-AUCTIONEVAI &mot 141% and Wood rurets. Pooderith, _ -4 , 41 3 .1 0 g r .S . door above the .11,,donigaiele Undige, Pitteho:gh, irr Iron, Nut., Oars, he. r , d ertat .4 .l aorta , STOCKTO TOIIRIMON es. N Booksenets J Punters and Paper osanatactiaers, 411 Id ark? rt i r : 12 - Zit! 117) 13 0 ` J. Claseleal,Theolor,seal, I School{ td4e4- aloe°. and Methodist Dear and.Statroaery. sp-41 IW. 110131CILTSOS & lizakenarti LA- O .clutoge Broke., corner or Woad and Third Km*, (Merchant'. Hotel tleildsztp,) ' 1171hrtteaerpureiaraal uca. oerd _—__---,--,--- 61 --- _ -roux 1.18.11, WholearthiGarocrohn tltt in Pro 0 doe., Yriteloineli anansfaeinrea . Tin Plato, tof 1q.',..... LP.'l7'”, rth's'`—r-1--1,-.----r, John Regd. I' - 7 Richard Fkrfel. 1 T kS. VLOYD. pale .1. 044 krC___ • J. Grocer& No. itet Irbeny Wore' .' ,' - • arr I JAMES DA.I.2ILIa Whiresalerjrcreer,Praranhe • aiern blerchant. and dearer s& yonfire a and Pittabmg& atanaraernrea. Na ItWater in, r ,..,.... 1 ,. , 1.... N T 11. IN/LTEJLASANI iftroleule 1111Oetf: For. ILI. warthog rord Coonnoision Merchant. Dealer in Piurbur:h 11Isaufacrares sod !rodaerr..NOS. Mil Water ended Ir rout .... __4_,___ in LiEWLIIIII3IIITO#IIIO2IIc a . Co. Wroiialt Li Wows, For ar ' - ------ and dealers ;d P. ...bomb WC., and Oknont Or ..11ingnI.414:iani. is i n 3 r, F :a ". .. , :taitt da2 as wood sr. Yoro.nrate John WOO ._ rr li A' - ...La —._ . .4 . 630.1 / Nortolan Me wha W m., No 111 LibenY afrorir PM., All'. - , —"..___lELLV r ._ • rt h les 11.noe .1. Wec r lE Mallet , 1 ',.. 1 Al t ' ~ . c . o . 0 na .....ri0n and Foroa_rdine; D1..11,, nalts.:Wan.'r and Fora ilia between Wood. and Mark . ________..........142.11 1117 Eli. , IliiNT&il-&7Go, Whaleaalc OPPK(111 .1.1 I. No. Ix Liirrny et. ~___ ictlO_ 1 *" 7l;re = "l 7 .rtor ' ZILI.V.I I . h 11.1q.LET8931. 1_ , , DX err. and Goula,:n.a. ..trYl alLeer. Yti L iirah. O i'. Me.COtila & KING, vinole.le sod mall Bat' and Inr. on .natartarrrr. and 'dealers, tlr VOnCy Vars. err ,. Lo r tv....1 and Fla. rei. ___ An_ LI / NA' & p .. 1 IJAL ttl. Wrr. .to. lile re alftZt. ' el.V.el Potabara ykillo 1118.4 & &Whi r ; IN . oar door ff..% comer 1. Droned , and tiorneuns 111114 off Droned. ank 11.o.,sanJ Sort ID" C • ..., /not, OA ar *WA , IT iva :iv... I iii, wu:sicii ti..... .D.,k,., No. e Gel Ic Cr I.' firl'eit.i7"-i is P°.',,, 1 7...z,,7„ , T i '..1`F.1 Iyj .. ilerr rrrt.. „ I) 11. IiAIFILD. II . It • LI rwan , . inoldnall our! rl ee _ nouaTsom a 111 It is land Carernimon r Pritaierah. TIICIIAIi s w .re. mmd Carriage 7 MO •-. &ureic Psugne • Tv ." 'Airittun CO, A: gpn bierato.M. an , Pstt,buqh: Ma oulfe,tlit . r, 6 , 111 rt.. 1!!AT'I tb : 1 : RIO 11A11:1VZ.2: ind Can iat l'inskarsk. BUSINESS, CARDS. icaule tiro- R°cßeraff:,ElT ! ' rutork Z arui F L orta C rd?ng Me ' r ° criatu., duo lerf in Produce arid PiUslotagt, Alaltulacturro, 6141 SORT. 1101111101‘. SAX . .. 1. novisamr. 11013ISON & Co., Wholesale timer.", Pro. 41. , duee and Comuueruon &lutetium., and Mud.' d‘ .PrUddirgrt Maitufacdares, INo. lb° Lrbeny strer i t ;m ras. burr*. Pa- ..- 11 ° orst l iZerralor P‘toifl. l'Arstf:,;:;lfou:l - koolo of and Dorucsuo Winro onl Liquors, Nu ~ 11 Libony suoto, iusburgh f 011.11Tolgoll'ell'\\Vitils:4;7;Itirsvillte LITt: clod. — - uow23-Iy_ L..-0.• Reynold.. - 111.12 " 11.t„.:ItTiA v itT .nrd,lig,v'Vrcoz. dealers la Grocerica.PrOda., Pittsburgh blanufact urca and Chloride of time. The highest vie., in cash, raid at all times for Corer.. 9 ! FL.F.!C,.?StrII2! Penn and Irwin ate. Ansi Dl7 Shackles. - , 'Tata R WhLle. UACIEGETT & WHITE, Wboteale Uea Ssera to Foreign and Doman. Dry Gouda No 110 Wood Imo, POuburgh febl7lf Q WIRT. EARDRUM!, Wooliteretkants7—deTtl. Cr. in flour and Produce racially and Forward tna and'Cortgoitoion Merchants, No' 314 Wood street Pitaburab. O in Breed's buiLltny, SI Fourth Street, Leturrer I g Y 13" " fr. e4' "rft2Mo quit IA. not—. aaapi.Winter and ellll l. IscandLtudOlT,./. Noll 7 nth at, bets.. Waal and M0.7.1f .31 Q Nom ISONNEORRT kV..., Wholesale 53.0rocer• vorentrang and Cannstalon ,. slcreltants, Dealers in Pataharth l% Manatactures and astern Pra do., fa. anteaied Oar.. warehouse, (old stand) Nu 35, tooter of Front at and Chancery Lane., noel QAVIVEL Poraranting and Coot.- 53 clod Merchant, Dealer ta Salt, Produce and P larlh aanafacturead armies, Cattal !Lain, near 7th el • Flo. t y. - Q., In N Lan,— ' , VAISIIET •it BlZlST—Wholesale Groce, Courdalssidra Merchanut, and dealers la Prodoes Nu 31 Wood suiet.'Patsbareg. sp3ll rr4IO3,YENNEDY,Jr., Looklng Plan Manufactz A. res.. semi Dcaler in Clocks, o,glkb., ano V.n 40W...corner of Waxl•tul Foaribi stre