-,-n jfefliyJiljjp for'^TSrrßV- fl ."I .Baiaiia. .- i Jxinbhs f«;\V.r iractfi llie ■ once gave to that cilv 1 x y(t the Pearl rtf the Esihi..' The, . jft ha* lost its sparkle; 1 scarce : avvs- of former ' brilliancy remains’. — . Choked canals, falling houses,Jlifeless streets, on all aides meet the eye ; only here and there a stalely edi flee tells of better days. The most re markable is the Stadt-lluis, of town house, a. gigantic building, of simple but'appropriate style of architecture, wttli handsome wrings enclosing a large court. The wings are still used as prisons.—• None of the other public buildings claim j especial notice Built nlier the plan of j Amsterdam, (he close streets, and th« f canals that intersect them,* hare comribi 1 uut'd lo the insalubrity of Batavia. Only , •in the daytime does the city show, signs of life ; towards evening, all European* j fly the poisonous atmosphere that has j destroyed so many of their countrymen, j and seek the pure air of the suberhs ami adjacent villages. There they have dwelling-houses, and pass the night. At nine in the morning, the roads lend- 1 ing to Batavia are covered with carria- j gea—as necessary in JaTa ?s boots and ; shoes are in Europe, walking being obi of the question hi that climate-—and life returns to the deserted city. /Jbincsc, Arabs, end Armenians, busy them-clves in their shops, where the products of ■ three-quarters of, the globe are display-j ed ; the European merchant, clad iu a loose cotton dress, repairs to his count-j ihg'house, the public oflices arc thrown | open, and the bazaar is crowded with the j numerous races of men whom eouwrercc : has here, assembled. Including the ■ neighboring villages and country-houses, properly belonging to it, the city,of Ba tavia contains about 3,000 European in habitants, exclusive nt the garrison, *J3, v 000 Javans and Malays, 141,700 Chinere, 600 Arabs, and 9.000 sluves. . s A griev ous falling off from the time when the population was of 160.000 souls. Ihe Arabs, Chinese, and Javans, have each their allotted quarter, or camp, as it is termed. That of the Arabs is iu the Rua Malacca —a remnant of the old Portuguese nomenclature —and rousts'* of a medley of low, Dutch-built houses, and of light bamboo huts. The Arabs are greatly looked up to by tin* abnr:- . gines, who attribute to them an especial holiness on account ol their strict ob servance of the Malnmu-dau law ; and to such an extent is this reverence carried, that vessels known to belong lo them are respected hv the pirates of the Archipel ago, Remarkable f->r their quiet, order ly’ lives, crime is said to he unknown amongst them. They arc tinder thu or ders of a chief, upon whom ihe Dutch government confers the title of Major. * and who is answerable for the good be havior of Iris countrymen. Whilst tra versing their quarter, Dr. Selhorg 01-sGwwd, -sGwwd, in front of many of the dime-*, ' ! triumphal arches of green boughs, deco- ( rated!with colored paper—an imliraiinn , that the occupants of those dwellings t hail recently returned from a pilgrimage i to Mecca, and thence had the peculiar claim on the respect of all true In hever-. The wav to the Chinese district is through a labyrinth of deserted streets ! and crumbling houses, abandoned on ac- i - count of their unhealthmess. The con trast i» striking on emerging from ibis scene of solitude and desolation- into the hustling Chinese Kampoug. wh*-re ilia; active and ingenious people earn on their innumerable trades and handicrafts. Here mechanics, with the simplest and seemingly most inadequate tools, give a perfect finish to their manufactures; here a shop*full of toys, clothes, food, of everything, in short, that can mini.-tt-r to the wants and-tastes of Chinese, Javans, or Europeans. On the roofs of seter.il __ Chinese houses, i saw jars, some with the mouth, others with the bottom turn ed towards the street. They are m» placed in conformity with a singular cus tom. The. jars whose bottom is turned to the street indicate that there is in Uie ___ house a daughter not yet grown u;>. When the damsel becomes -marriageable, the position of the jar is reversed : ami when she marries, it is taken down. JAVAN CRIMINAL AND THE TtOEK. "A Javan criminal was condemned by the sultan to tight a large royal tiger, whose ferocity was raised to the highest point by want of food, and artificial irri tation, The only weapon allowed to the human combatant was a kreeso with- the point broken'ofl*.' After wrapping a rh.ih round his left fist and arm, the man en tered the arena with an air of undaunted : calmness, -and fixed a steady, menacing gaze upon the brute. The tiger sprang . furiously upon his intended victim, who, • with extraordinary boldness and rapidi ty, thrust his left list into the gaping •jaws, and at the same moment, with liih keen though pointless dagger, ripped up the beast to the very heart. In less than a minute, the tiger lay dead at die conqueror’s feet. The criminal was not only forgiven but ennobled by his sove reign." A TIOER HUNT. A tiger having attacked ami lorn..* Ja van woman, a bunt was ordered, and !Jr. Selberg was invited 10 share in it. lie got on borscback beture daybreak, iuii tho sun was tip and hot when he ru.icii ed the place of midevous where lie found a strong muster o! Kuropeatis uml Javans. ‘‘ln front of tix was a Min«ii wood, choked and tangled with bushes : this was a tiger's lair. At about.twenty paces from tin; tires, we European* posted ourselves, with onr rides, twWx paccs from each oilier, and in the twin of a Remicirele. Behind us was a Ho*.- , chain of several hundred Javans, aimed with long lances, kn estis. and short Lswords. if the tiger broke through our ranks, they were to kill him alter thru fashion. The natives —those, at ira-i, who have not served ax *u»ldirrs- briny unskilled in the use of lire-arms, are imi trusted with them, for fear of jicchlciii-*. From tho opposite side of the Wood a crowd of musicians now advance, bra'- ' ing drums, triangles, and gongs, and ma king the infernal din, intended to -r.ire the tiger from fits lurking place, and drive him towards us. We were all on tho alert, guns cocked, eves riveted on the wood. The instruments came near er and nearer, and 1 expected each mo ment to see the monster spring forth. There were no signs of him, however, and presently the beaters stood before us. Heartily disappointed at thi# fruit less chase and unexpected result, 1 was about to join tho hunter stationed to my left, when the one on my left hand call ed a Javan, and bade-him thrust a lance, into a brush on my right front, between our line and the little wood, impossi ble, thought I, that lift; beast should bo there ; and I turned, to speak r to my friend, i had uttered but a word or two, when a rustle apd a rush made me look round. The Javan stood before the bush, clutching a tiger by tho throat with both hands. The brute was alrea dy pierced with bullets, lances, and dag gers; a broad stream of blood poured over the face of the Javan, who contin ued firmly to grasp his enemy, until we released the lifeless carcase from his hands. His wound was not so serious as we had at first feared : a bit of tho scalp was tom eff, and the nose slightly injured. He stood silent, and apparent ly stopified, and revived only when an official informed him that he should re- r ceivo the reward of ten dollars, aci upon 1 ihohead of every tiger.” I r L_ PffIiMwrWEETIiSEHESTS. • STK Ml iuON BAILniO FACTORY* jr>!W»K KOAD, abort Buttonwood StreevPMl , At this e«ubtiib(iicnt cny befnuod tin: UTralir.l variety i-i Plans cud teauhlul Pallets* for I RUN in the United ?uiti, to which the alien'mu »l ihov id wantol'iny descnp'- lion.and especially lor Cemeteries, is particularly invited. ’ The principal part <;l ail the handsome Railings 41'Lae el Nil!, Monument, and other celebrated ttsmelcric!* in the ettv and coast) ol Philadelphia, which Ijj»c been »o Highly extolled by the pablir pens, were executed at ti-u manufactory. j A liijro \Vare-ltomn u connected with the eainb lifliiaeal. where i* kept constantly on hand o large atitek of rraiJy-ni.irtc Iron Hailing*.Ornamental Irou Si ttccr. I*«n Chair*, new style plain anil ornamen ial Iron Oates. with at» eitenUscafSwtmeni of Iron I'oiU. Pedestals. Iron Arbors. Ac: AI«o. in great ! variety, Wrought and CastJrnnOrnamentSjSuiiable . fnr Railings, and oilier purpose* The subscriber would also state that in hi* Pat leru and Designing Department he has employed 'some f.r ho best talent in the country, whose whole atienlion is oevoii.il to the tiuimess—forming alto* gelher one of tbc most complete and systematic e*» i üblithmcni* of iho In no in the Union. I RUBKHT WOOD, Proprietor. 1 Ridge Itind, above Buttonwood street, j Philadelphia* .'larch 12. 1817 dCmos, CIIKAP WATCHES. • ra;,j; C'tL.vrKSTIiOLD SILVER WATCH 1 KS IN nill.MH-l.l'illA • f.old Lever*. fulfJrwrded, • 9111*0 “nvrr <J«« dn SI W (inl.l Jewvil-d. 30 00 v-dsrr du do IS Ui .•“liter Quart.er», Cue tjualiiy, 1U W Gold Wuirkes. plain, 15 00 Silver Spectacles. * • 1 t.01.l IVllC.l!', '• tat (■old Urareltl*. 4 00 Also on hand. * huge lururtrurnt of (io'nl and ll.nl tlruo:lrt«, 6ii;m rmj?«, hit u*t pm*, hoop rai rings, gold p«-ti». *ilvei *)mmiii-. Migar umg». lliiinhle*, guldneek, «• irL. Had fui. ci>aa ». guaid kc)» ami jewelry of ever) description, ut tijuall) low |ir>cr». All I want is u cull Ah kmi!« o(* Wa-chrs mid Cock- repaired and war ranted to keep goml time for one year, old gold mid sil- ver iKnight or taken in exchange for vutc right ilnv umi ilurty hour hra«« Clocks at LEWIS LADOMUS* Wnieli, C. ork, nml Jewelry Siore. No 4JIJ Mnrkr -rr.-et, above K.evrnth, North «tde. Philadelphia. Ijj’l have »oine t.’nM and Silver Lever* .nil cheaper than the above price-. jaiKGm NASMYTH'S PATKMT DIUKOT-AGTIUh STEAM HAMMKK. 1 'lli> lUiuuier jK>-»w*e- man) ndviuilage* over ah 1 other*—among wlnehtnu) lir mentiont-il. It- bnuugeablcux*— I Tin rupidiitl) and urceof hlow j»W) lw coiiiroilL-J .with the greatest c«e, while tit* l.amtwi i- .ii operai-on. and the hammer way he hi • t.uili) nut'.l. u mid Mi-peiiJi-d at an) bright , II- l it ver-j.ii), or eiipr.c.iv to execute work of al I • >n;ipl.i-.l). tVmpiu'tm and Chenpii" »*. li. AiT'Oili.iii) njKin uii *.d.-r, b. the workmen Ai: t:,r hiimiii.-i-i.lv inuJl- Self-A. hur '1 li.- -ui.-cnScr- continue Ui .x.-tu'c uiil- r* for tbr :.inm-:r- <>! aii *.*■-*. upon icasoiiahle Icriilf arn.rr part . u '‘ f^|, J ‘^ r - ro i\ N ,. : A(o. finer? of the Palrnl for the L'mleil Siatr*. dee If 1> >ouihwarl loumlry, Pltllad'a. MUSIC 1 MUSIC I MUSIC I J I'. K A W ALKKK. iVo/'Ti i'i AlKiit ««</ Win I • ai Injtrurrunls. |'JU Ik ainut itreit. PhUaJtfy'hia ■ H tv,- j.,«i pui-ii*lifd.—FnriMJ«li'p. or Scant-* of ottn ,'sy* nut)' Fude. !.<• Ivn .• J>au»ciim-. V„ imot«r«, by II Kem 1 ul*c Fi-c-nl, W V Wallace I’*, dc Her. M tr.-izck W J L«in*ti llii-m, \’i.ia MafH. l!i,.lol[*li I’oikit. ■* I* Kuilolph Hdu M Kel.rr 0.-. i Ta>t«*r'« M.irrli ami Quick Sicp, Ac Ac I'm-, |niMi«ti-R!; ami n-crivtu? «H - m-wmi.-n from Nrtv \„rk. Ro-mm. llitlliliii'lr . A C 0r.1.-i* ri -pi-, iliilly -ill r u it, itrtl jitlcmlril >e Wi ‘ Ul \Tai,..' i• n i.atij, a-ikiid.L.l Mu* , ill In-irutr.' .'■'... a ,-ir .!<*, TuriirtK Pork*. and nil nrl.rl. - ot »! Mi rotund u! She linvr»i pure* in) Wlnl IIKKKY A NKJKKKSON, Minium.-lurer* o' AWNINGS, SAVING BOTIOMS, U AtiON roVP.RS AND IJRAIN BA<i» U.L hKstIUPTMiS? No. 3N4 South Front Street, Back af T. .1. M ilson's Cabinet Ware Manuf y Philadelphia A [.I. ..f.i.-r* >;i with S. Si. Moon,.ai the j»(Ere ihr \l-i •'i i>i!'. Il.'lrl, Pittsburgh, will !Ai pfini'P'M ... THUS. (I. DKRRY ..•pliidl, _ A. C. MCKP.RS* >\‘ TO WATCH 91AKKUS asul DKALKUS. J, LADOMUS, I',ll'UUrKKiii \\ uiche,*. Waiehmakcr*-* Tool*, and 1 U'uicli .Mj'.ermK wholeiaJc uisJ retail,and con .i:t|uiv on hand a large assortment of l.uncue, I'aicut, • nit I'la-u tJla**, Waiu»pnsisS. Verses. Dials, Wai. i. i|jni|<, mul a c.itnplrie astorunrm ot allTooU and M.i I’-nui* iK-lonßire U» she trade; with a large assortm-m oi u.i d and stiver I.rvt‘r, l.ej*ine. nn<l Plant Waiebr ail oi wit ch he will guaranty in sell as th* lowers Nrw York jinrf All order* from ilie country punctual ) .•in'ilnl .\. ll—tluumry Merchants and others ore invited io rati ;i ’in r sure, ac a I she Did Stand, No. Hi South Pour'll *n-oi. Philadelphia- jau&JGo CAIUII'iVOES tnu.uu nci.K. rn.icn .t.vr* //.4JLYKSS .M.'fVKA’, ->.l I , xfiW«l*ou. rr»pcelfs!l) lafbrau hi, friruJ, the puhlrc, lh*l lie li» and will k«*-|> ciauti.nl]) on hand slid for talc, » !>.«ud»ooie v»*ortnifßl of . xihiuiahlt Carriages Vehicle* of and dr*cripboa* ' rnsdc In order at the »hurtr»t pnnihle notice, acd eunited in the r try bear nwiuirr, of scterlrJ ostenaL letnS-1) SIIEfUXA.V' Tow * a PASTE * sat-i-.-ii hK^rr.rncx, '■pun 1-« t article Irncwn.fcrcleanmgand white runt i ;:,e Tccih. *ueu'thciiin- the euros, sweetening th» r.n iitii. Ac it should he ir*ed ever) bight with a Mid hrur.i. and the teeth uod >ooaih will only-require a *nga waunni.' m ihe morning. U’et the broth w.ih w*rat «i;i r. <.r cold will aiutrrr, and rirL> .1 a few imii-i ;m me ,'a*te. when enough will adhere for e.caiung ihe leclh. h leavrsa drliciou* ta*te ui the mouth, and iru pari* i* ir,o>t delighiful fruitrunce to the breath. 11-inu i» uuriraVJ a* a plrasan.. etlicaeiocs, convenient- and safe deiitnCcc It is warranted bo; to uyurc the Lccih By iisiiiy it rrgularly. it w.ll remove the tartar aua prevent its acc.ialulatluil --prevent the tuothachc s;reitj»ti.t-u the gum*, aud prevent uii <3uea-*e» ot mem Cl.eiai*t». uud ibe clergy recommend. 4 4 d-nCcdly *apenor u> eveO' thing of ihe kind in u*e A-k fur Sherman’*Compound Orris Tjoth Paste, and oLi*rrvc h.s signature is uttachedto esen pot. Recommcfnird by Dr Castle, 3rl Broadway, one o •>jr t.e*t i>etj!r«t». and by moM of t'ne old r»tst<ii».i-4 ones .11 the Uiutc.t Stai-r. slid ever Xirn-;vely u»c‘> (A tile Nob-lity of P.tiglatiil aud Frf af is- from kuuc derangement «>t tin • inmacUor l»owet« wn.eb a tiuiei- u»r oi the Cailm .--r Loaengv*‘would entirely nbv.air. Persons of Inliru* habAi *.*iocid(id- Wkiys have a for at hand, and take u dost! whenever they ice.l the .ea-t d*rahgemen iin their health A juJ. u»e uf tiir.-,- La/euge* -.vuuJ.l prevent iho-nunO* Kor»ilrr,; W.M. JACKSON’S rf>rin-rof Wood and Liberty -t« deeif.i COACH MAKING FRCI.V the very liberal P . mem the wt«riber ha* received jAjgEjßßs be bu locoed him«clf in AUeghn j bn* induced liiin to take 4 lean;, for a of year*, on the.property he now vcupieii. .n Rmvcr street. immediately be*...Ju '*m I'rcil.yUTiaii Church From the Ion; expert* nee in nr al>ov<' lu«:uc»i and a de»;rr :• pleas*, to it.* r .1 arid receive a -bare of public patronafji. Now or. han-l and finishing to orVrr, RocXuwcy tli-{ rntut top Huggies and every-jtedcnpuoti •>: . urnas*-* made to order, from seventy dnllor* *n 1-eol-IIP _ JOHN SODTU \VlTnlr«al« Drn£ X\ urrlmune UemoTctl U A FAIINKHTOUK A CM, HA V K rreetrd anritenriTf warehou.e on the rornr i Woott Jtid t-iasr *tr. et», 10 who-h itiry bare removed their Wholesale Inline.*. where they wj.'l nl wav s In Ve on l.anrl nil rlln-.vc u--onme»t pt all the arcelc* m il«.-.r inr :o wh-en viiej invite the alien liu:t of the pulil C. " t.r I). ug bj*:rte>>« ivil! he continue J at the oi.a stitnri i-uiu r nl i>th uml Wood *k apr6 roIITKK S UAGUKUIIIA N .POHTItA IT t « AJ.I.KKV, Hurd-irt'ei, ad;o.Jot.g roMHlSee Kill, t 1 tin'ch, Pa.-Mr mil I KK t'.om Uallitnorr) re spectfully >«vite« the Udn » aril genUein»n of Pnuti’/b, s>n I the puiHie generally, to < nil and r raioui- the laig roileet on 01 Du.ru, rr.-ot [>r I'er'itf.i* Kl In* l.utlci) The -per.men* |.rt|ii.»r. d l. y XJ r t*.. for l-ejutv, t'ldlia.i r>. d.<(nretne»-. and fine nr . olonng are not .iirp-i.s.-il l.y any 'ft l*.i* pnujti.) - A numbr rof the Poriraii* >«f i -irren* ran .* e ■een at tii- f.aiWy Call and eg amine ir >r,m>e!vr« kei"-**e« lak.-n hi clrur or c|pft-'y N It - lii.ifU'-!nin». npparq'u* uml at| ina'enau fur ■i T. m-.d< 1 .- w S I*UKTKR ll.ilpj. rreoiyp.-t: r.itrnne t*h !o Malt >ta.r\v»y, on bl -ireel adjoining l’<-l <>lfr.-e upVli 'j ‘’Hl', f.r.- - e-t mill i,e*i variety even.(Ten •! inil, *< i) i I- fore • in i.tr or ii.r iii-mI upprov.-d Ku-tcrn Jdaiu 1 and nr -i la • lirirliiM.- K.-*«lci u pat let r>- nnrl eoiort AI *ll Till. i HKAi' KOM., or HOLTON BUM), mi In.tft or iuu.fe 1., i.rdrr uf all nrid at all pr<ee« t'-ou.lH y Met chan'* uni! o!he«» are invited in rail l<nd • iau. il. tl»<- nt.ov.. for tbrm*elve>. h> all iy.!l l.e •.■!<! v.-ral. .ale ..r reißil.u'nfj liberal dr.lur ~n mad- to apldtr *' ,!l * n A 'Vf.-tif'RVFf.T Wormv Worm*’ Worm [,nn*viu.g, Aran. la. l-d* •i.-.-r- J Knl.l A • 11. .1 ul an.l.e wu*n)tlrctrd wlh V*’oKM« i procufril ,-if,on* kind* ot Veninfogr. and odnim-iried ihnn, ton w.th no effect. I then purrha«ed a vial of Uf Me l.ane'* c.-l. br.iied Verrtjifnce. and alter ifiving a l- w do«r, tt.r child (ti<ch«r|cl ulwiui a <|uari of large \Votrn»' The’lirnith of the rhiltJ improved iminrd.. aiely 1 wo-iiii riii-oriimettd Dr. MrLano'* Vermilu*' tr> |hn public. 11 r one of ibr flk>«! n±:e an 1 etfcCt-JB] rr me lt) 'or worm-, now m inc. J II CUTTKK Kold wtu>tc«j|« ond retail by J KIDD A CO, comer wool A fndrth <t< -up'^J BOSTOW aTaKW TOtlK PIANO l-X>RfT5 —John It Metlor. No “1 XVood Mrnel. fau Ou hnnrl and for >«le at inanui'aciurcr*’ price* ' One 'iegaiit Ko<ewood. fix or lavn Piano Form, with Freneh grand aetion, and non frame, made by Cltll'K- EßlNli.of lt««ion- fine very liandiom- Mxlrognny Piano Forte, made by Hale A Co . Nea VorV. tat‘J7 BOLIVAU villE mtiuiii - rARR ANTED an pertor to the tw»t K-t*l'«b •‘Pumr • • hridgr.” on hand and for ante at the VV»..e|.ob«e “Sloan** W tiarf," (.'aim) llntm. J SIIAW XI AHI.A It KV Vt.VINO KOSK-’*, Montlily Hum ntul Ever rrc-*n«. Ac . ruivai.k fur m Otnetry'* '•« riir»i*b':tl r-n aiipbcanon at the *eed »lore, from Nurtonc* of Ja«. VVnrorop. Maitcheiler. 8 N wickersiiam njohltStf No 133. tot wood and Oih it* GROUND Cinnamon and Ctovr* <n ti'iU, hoxei and Mnallpackage*,commnUy on hand and for *a)e aithe < MB«Urtl and r*j»iec Factory. V 7 Fiitli atreeu -pH RHODEB k. AMX)RN RKFINED COPPER IIfOOTS, OF luperior ijuoJiiy, (or httM fonndert’ and manu fhetorer’* o*e,of Urn mike ofjhe Uaitimore Smell ing Company, are o(fer< d tor «atel>y W II McKI-M. Agrnt lot the Company tngl.Vilw 608. (lay ureet, Baltimore Pars FRESH TEAS— I?H Male Cnett* Vowmr Hyaoa Teat; 138 Catty Boxe* do do; Of Shit> Hunter'* cargo, now landing and for *afo by ja;*£) ' UA<JAf.KV A SMITH, 1? ond 20 wood * ' ‘ HEUH'AL. " -- r \ TO TUB SICK AND AFFLICTED • DRIBWATRE’S GREAT- DISCOVERY. 7h* greatlkntiJfi fur Coo»ompi4«n.-Cougb*, CoJd*, A«ihuia BruilciiUif, Live Complaint, Wood. Oifficultv of Hreaitnn^, Psin m the Side »nd Breast. Palpitation of the Hean,Cnfloenz«.Cfoop3niitciiC<jn>tiiotiOM. Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, anil all disea-esof the Throst Breast and - Langs; the aoit effectual and speedy cute ever known fur any o( above disease*.'. nDI(.SWAVSP« ‘ COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CJIKRRY. Ahothf.k Livifla w itse**- Read -with oston lihtneni the wonderful cure .performed by Doctoi Swayne’a Compound Strap of WILD CiiKHKY: PHILADELPHIA, January lb 17 Dr. Swajoe—Dear Sir In justice to'youraeiraod a doty 1 owe to suffering humanity, I cheerfully give my testimony, and declare in the world the rooi: astonishing efiects, and the great cure your 1 Comi»oacd Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on uie, ! urdertne moat unfavorable circumstance*. I*n taken with a violent Cough, Spitting of Uloud.se vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed tn break down and enfeeble my constitution, s- tn.it my phyaicinn thought my cuae bovnnd th" power of medicine, and my friends all g:»vc me up to die, but thanks to vou and the effect* ul your great disrovc ry, | now feel mvscll a well man, and raised from a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I have been for years, and slullbc pleased to give any information lespccling my case, by calling at my Mechanic street,thin! door below lacorge street, Northern Liberties. Jacob Psipter Testimony is nuir reeared from all i/uarters oj the Globe. The following letters are presented with a view 1 of more Cully showing the opinions i.f Physicians in ! relation io the Medical value of Dr. SnV-WNK'S . CUM POUND SYRUP OK WILD CIIKKK t. Dr. Swayae-—Dear Sir. Having used your Com-I pound Syrup el' Wild Cherry extensively in my practice, I was recj iestcd by your Agent, Doctor ! Crutcher to express my opinion in writing of it**| properties as a remedial agent, I most cheerfully comply, a*. I Teel by so doing. I will discharge a j debt I’owo the community at large, and Physician* i in particular. As much as I detest Uuaek Kemr* : dies and Patuit Nostrums. I was induced from j . PITT hUUKUtI PORT \BLfc. B. LINE. a laiiurc of the urnst potent expectorants. rvenm- J £S£pSia3ll Jo 4/. mantled in our materia medtea in some cases ol ! rc' j «-*» -M- s-m—i i-izx Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficictiUosay th .1 ltll . and ,he con»i-<|ur.u r.*k ofdelav. damage, i was eo much pleased with the result of that and ,iad (epaiution of good*, su Mpquent Inals, that I uovv prescribe it in prefer- Praprirtart . cnee to ail other Remedies where an expectorant is ' IHMIItItUKiK A CASH indicated. In the much ilte-ded Pneumonia or. Disease of the Lungs, in the alarming lorn, m whirh Cor Ih iui umtWayuo M» I‘ivuhur •! it appear* in Kentucky, 1 regard it as an invaluable > ovtiNNtiU A i.\>, North Atieru Haltimuie / . K * Remedy in the treatment ot that disease. To all 1 \V AJ T I’AI'SCOTT, TASouih si. ,N. V. J who know nte l have raid enough, hut as tin* may ; Ki-c«ur.<grd by tin-ren-cd’ business the Propneior* be seen by persons nut of the vtnnity ol Prsitklort.; have m'.i. d n> ihm .ml nod t'licuJfd, ihcir arrange- I will hncllv add, that I have hern erg mud in an i dli, " , s |l|C and -re now prepared to u*r. active practice ol my prulesnon r.t I • yrarr.aml am ’• va, ‘ l " c *•' *" u f "' ul,,r ‘‘>' ~,ui «n*uipar*.fl a Regular Cr.iduilc of Transylvania and this i. the ,\l «• "be i'^wbTu'^Mt first Pateul Medicine I ever thought enough ol to ; aill , , I|C C re.a rapar«> ami i imvcinciirr of ibe ware express an opinion in writing. ' ' * ..t rdrii end of the line, are |*r.-uhail> ralcul-i- J I! KuimN. M |). • : it-il It. r.uable the proprietors lo iulhl the.r engagement* January 7th. Id 17 franklin Countv. K» J and u« l oirimrMliiie lh-n <-u*i.imrr.~ confidently uflenm: l iuxkfour, Kv , Jun'ry 7th,' lUl'7. »•«“ 1 "‘.«« «h« lutura. they Tbc above certificate l-o'm one of our Pl.vsi- I.“ l’ a,ru,,aSe wl,icb " ,ey ,u,w cntis living a few miles from her«> lie wdoingg very Cf “fi “...Ug.m A. OVo.mor wid he ireM good pnrtice. and ts considered a good Pliysieun, and lorwardrd Sienmi.dut charges p»»l ai d (title or r and stands fair; be is. as he says, a regulargraduale. Ludng irmoiuitird nee of any charge lor Cotnrtnsriun, Dll. W.L. t kltcii Kit, advancing or rtorae- Uuvuig iu interest directly or Druggist and Apothecary. .ml.rn-Hy m av.unloai*. the mieren oi the coruignnra Totinmial, ttKTJ r tom the I emperaure I ledge. , ronsigni-d lo iheiu prornpily and on die innsi advunta- Now that Winter is u|>on u* with its altcndan , geou.irrui* io therwnrt>. train of Pulmonic and Bronchial atleclionr. Coughs | March 1 . Ir*4T mart Cpld»,J»'c &**. we vvooldadviKotiu.se afll.etel h this way to make immediate trial ol Dr. I‘wjinr't Cooipound Syrup ol XVihl Cherry It will never li Utl to pcrft.rm a pcruiaueul euro. The reputation ■if tins mediru.e Iww caused nuny spurious articles to be put luelh undrr its name; l.ut the propnratnin - of lir Sway lut. b«‘»ide» hemg the lir*t ever ollerrti to tlie public. i« ll c only one Hint can be rein d «n Pile other mixtures soldlor U ild t 'nerry >*rup, tialsams, Atr.. are ail »punou« and worthii-ts, sin' contain none ol the virtue* the original prepara tion, Dr. Swjyne’* t on-pound >vrup nt Wild jherr, JBSsgSsJ I s IT. n»H niKTKANSJ’OUT.vno.N OK I’KOiIUCK ami mi:kcma.ndi>k io and from itits- IHmill. l , l(U..\Di:i.l*MlA AND iIAI.TIMORK. J!7*U'.tlioni Truii*tii|'iiiciii 1 <-on»igia-il w<nir rare will l»r fortvniilej wuii .ini dr la i. at ilir loviv»i iin niil rwrr. lUi« m iiaii»iiiiiir;o. ami all iti*truc-iuii* |iruiniul) nilrnJiUin urr iTuiu iiuy i jinaT'liurjc tor siorufl-/ or romihionii A.Ur.-vnr aj»|.’y ».> FA Mi AM.’I.TV AVo From (lie Kipro**.' ' Cj,,nl a * il1 ' I'o'^tmrglr Of lli** thousands ol jiurjrorLtd curative noatruoir STUKAJiH now belnrt* Ilir public. hut icr» lew arc ttiund to. Mnviuc a vrry largr ami ci>iiiin»ihou« ivtir.lioii posses* lire healing virtues lor winchthev arc it trr arr prepare.; to reer.se (hi uiiihixm to <»r enmuioudnl. Among the httrr we arr plVand U* ‘ *ii |*njctn) a inr*r utoojnt of I'roJorr ic . Oil ui leant nnnr* .-land a better lr*t Dr Stvavnr’v hiwraics. |uiar>| F A MeANUl.rv AUi Compound Syrup «l Wild ( licit, The'afil'irl.it t CO'g LIKE. . ■ u tins nrirnty are li'-gi'miing (o use il.amito their JgSTTfr' IV 1 T *>»-*gsat ji»j the'} llml in its use their hope* hax.l iU . ' ' SS&S&E^B recommendations more than rci'.zr-.) Ti:.* i.libcled J * XFl.t’Sl V KJ.Y lor thr nanrp'.rai.oi! of WAV need not despair. While nerr .» hi. , ti.i-rr now i- lli FIIHUIIT l.riwrrn r.itn.urgh. llidass.it-. hope. ntifii. ll*ii J:\) »i’Ui ch. W'aler Sliest. !Virr*l<ur;li ami \ i:.AI TIU.S TO rilK I hßl.lr. »II; ..,.nmrJuir J'tai*. • , |I ;'>uire the ifltrnduct-nn nt mv article to tlic *J*’ ll ' ‘ W!,r ''^ ,u *'' 01 ' •' Me A null> oubttc. there have a number of rnmnnctplol m.i. \ K "' ‘ -\"> •*»» . | and r _ . . , > '* «h peer. ( utl »l»IIV. rrprtej rttl hlVlilfi thrlr rood« far up iioflrutn* "htchlhev .i-seri conU.n « „,!|. 0 w.-liout JH.> «».| oi i«if rate. W IUI l licrry, tunic ■ lUliiiqi, " Utllerv ’|'n * wi.j lormrd tor rcronnoixbiioii aud even byrupot' Wild Cherry, but mine it the oi n.. <« ay I,u«iiicm. an.l ■ [■- j'lc.pr.rini. rr«pi*ei'u!i\ original 3tu> only pti-|MraU»n cm r inUrxlu *•>. . i tiuirc oi paiiomi^c cod to the iijbln:. which can be proven bv the nute Frs/»»:i9rr». l.c Record* oi the ('nmmoutv.' i!th of IVnntt Iran, a J “ |N I’ICKWORTIt JOHN MII.LKR r ner »ru. Oi tne « ornm. ui . iiui ot I enrmiran.a ~ % | u.v itNf.s ItotlKUT "WOODS I he only •nlrjourd iinp..Mt;oii i, t,. ,ve th.it U lI.MAM in.fi • im m.r.iallir- .» Oil oar.. Irnttlr- .MV|\' \i|. IKK .'o. !a , .1,.|, c, 1." ) c.i I! Ml USt: K.I MMI J.. 1 -u*.. , j.^ru- I'frjuuiJ -nl) i v !)■ (V "%* x\ wi. it ?ii* I’rinti • C A Mr.t M/I.n A I* i:.:.urci. . fal Otfico, corni'r <•! K;c»r ■irtd'Kti.j: Mrrcu , nutitWin. All %A*ild I‘herr) prtpsnlioiid bti‘ J J M'-Ov-n. J' lid t'irkrr, llobcr >u*otp. fr*> firliUou* and cuuntcrlrit nahout ti:» »i-'i i.iurc, “ P ,u -“ r ' Kor *alc .n I’lttsburgl. wh..le.4jc an «l n-u.l hy LAkE IUiIK AND KICHHM* UW. IVM. TiIOU.N. 63. Market *tr.-ct. «. v-t % x y OSDKN &i ,-\OWI)KN. corner _:.,1 A 5V...„! f, ; Inti. Ki^l^ZZ^SS* S JONK*. IflU L»b**rt> .trcrt. • | „„ t., s . ™ TTr* ccr Normal <'ulo.il.ir, .Met.aeiiJi', J H UurSoo A s mnrti** m?t rmj hn» •air-.r.iurmi-wm Co.. Knc; .M’Kensio &. Kaakoll, (.lorelait, Uenn W Kr<-..'» !.;.>>• •.r >.<-ainim.it |*rtt].wirr» -utd Ac Son, LVJutnboi; MdUr. ,M ar>b .on o-e U»r., w..l U pMpar..! U ;.o;. .he raiitt.i op<*n t. ic Co.. >l. 1.0 u..; J S Mom. i I , h‘„,. [., ,1 „ fo, r „oir)m. im.l,, .nJ p„. Lotiuvi'.lc. Ky.; Andrew Oliver .V <>.. .New i>r- v*::h j.iti dupaieh. ii.e pro,-*n«ioi leans. art iim at>-t:n ic-pn tu'ly *oi.cii iretu then ft.ruu* • STAXTOS 8 EXTKUMAL HK3IKDY '' HUNTS LINIMENT, IS now universally acknots iedgnl to be tl,.- I \- FALLtBLK HfIMEDY f..r Khcuiiui.sm. s,„. nal Atfccliona, L'outrncl.tut**.f the Muscles. s..re Tbrnat and (}uiu*>lssue* Old 1 leers. Pams i-. t.'.t Hack and ('best, Ague in the Brei.t and fart. Tooth Aeln , Sprain*. Bruises, Salt Lbi-niti, Burns, Croup. Frosted Feet and all N rvous Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCfb>*« whtrh ha. a*- tended the-apclkeattoa of tin* most Wt LNUEIU t I.’ MELM'. JNE in curing the mo»t »ew*rr c u*-* ol tl.r difiercnt |t|*ea ei above named, —and the lII'.II ENCOMIUM.** nut hare been b-.t-wed ojon it. wherever it has been tntr.Hiuccd, gives uie (be ng> l to call on ll.e AIfLU.PEI) in ri-sort at oner to the ONLY REMEDY THA I'(. AN BE BELIED ON. (Jjf*The (acoltT unite tn ref onunending tl.c r > c ated External Remedy. Hunt's L.inmrt.t The follow ng kttrr from t: e highly runio-'l Phratcians who have been alUcln<l to the Mourn Pleasant State Prison lor many year., is the (>« «' evidence of the valun (d this t vlei.rated Linm-. n: Sisti Suro. Dccrintx-r Sii. lu4-'» My Dear >ir —I received your note of yrstentav. liking my opin on in relation u» Hunt's Lfcrmcni. as prepared by Mr F. Maolon Knnwn.g iu composition, and having (rcqurr.tiy »wil it. 1 can recommend it to you as a sale External il'cno dy.and tn my <>pin:oa, the best Liniment i.o* .. use. Very truly aii<l respccllullv tour*. . A K HUFr.M \ .N Col Pierre Van Cortlar.dl. f 'roinit Manor. 1 fully concur in the ab"»c opinion. W \ BEI.I ! I K.H. V<'itNTows, Jan It, tdfj. Str—ln reply t<> your letter. I tvuuto •-» t)u' I 'have uaedyour Et'ernnl Kuoicdv, called Hunt r Liniment, in my practice »mcr mu made u»e .i<- quamted with it* eoinp‘>*tli'in, and itin^ly »iy that I belictc it to be Die bc«t Kitrrn ii Her..- dy now in u*t Jnr <be eouiplamt* J.ir which vuu r« comtnctu) it Vour* renpcrtluKr, ISK.NJ D D (»e«i E Stanton.F.aq From t!.v iN V JP/’Amonj the into of »oritile»g arii< •< hutuburt that arc poured forth kl the pret. -.t it. ujkiii the cownlrr, it h really ffilrc*luug •., i. of real prartiral utmly, uuaieUti.. ; mi pie. ,*pcody and erteclual tn iLs operatiO'i, »i,.i the mine tinm lire from tho-e injurious -I which generally .ittend {Miwr-rlul ri'med:.-* H> Liniment, prepared by l.e.i K ‘••Union, "I tiiongh it ha* been but a abort tin..- b~ Hip public, hi* jlrci.lj i.bumnl tlie e.inli.ti -i. •- , only ol our mo»t we. .'lliy »rul intluenlm hut our moat eminent j.Jiv*ir*jii« Ml edf(e it l>> bo ,<»> irij’ii li.ilin lorn, > •>, ■ till r.-.h i* heir to, oj.itbinj Ibo acim.n by it* yg»• m*- aimiu ji inllin-uc>- ( h.in .M.r lrtilll tlio j -ti ll! .Mr '•Uolon—s,r_,S euin your ,i.:» ul Hunt'* l.iniiiu-nl, I -i-.,i> .mini a-,I t• >lr ■ < .j, on my i-m. wlm hid hci-n mppla-.l «it , , lM<:k Ir.on an n.l ilil, tml it it U.lb l;j.il||. ... | teitioiony to it* woiuludui |>n.p..i, , child, t'-li" is itu.v h««-)n ar* oi-ij;c mm. way of rr.cotc'i DE.MM-iN i Nil KLi. «) - Pn-,1 U» m Ti>« v i ita, I uii. ... i I errt ly Dirt I -mi per«oni<l- a r, piii - u Hi the above rtau.ed cli. Id. nnd Hunk the 1j1..-> a .ti be *ate in Raying Ib-ii hi* M.n i- i<Jmo*l >»< 1 1 J \' \V IjYKM Nov i. JBl.’i. Deputy po»l i . t. . t’. ."i I would iii-o sl-le Hi .l | batn t. . .. > . number ot year* iiibyn tto lrr.j.|,-nt att n m Khcurnatisiti. wliirh in many iii.tinci .. ...i my ittendinc to my bufir.m 'l'.\oorU. •.- - , cation* of the Liniment inr.iriably renn ’• a ’ frction* ol the kind. In ca*r* ol biui*< . i-p ajut «c>rc*. too nuincrnus to mention, it l< i-- ■i. -:.i• vicinity prove.! n cerium remedy, Jiss .i-ir •,n only he estiin.tct by lhr-i'i« wlm Invr ,1 i ..i trial Thu [.mitnr r.t i i sold (■< - 1 ) and &H ct-nl , ■-- -<-i tie, by all tbe rnntipal and ,M> <l -nii l tic country WhultAolr Agcntt in Ntu< Vdr-V. lIOAULKV, PHELPS A t o. |« W .tci KUSirmNA Co, 110 ..roadway. A ll dc l> SAiNUS, corner Fulton and \\ ■ 1.. m, ASPINWAt.L. ISC Wllh.li,i utrr rt Order* addru**cd .to ipo at Sing St ijr. r > V w.,. be attended to. (JEUIUiK L MTAN'tLA Prii|.nfllt.r For *.ilc in Pittsburgh by L Wild OX, Jr. an.l .1 KIDD A Co. Allegheny l itv, JOHN SAIU.KiNT Birmingham,JOHN .'iMI I'II. '.-i.t'i l.adlra ladif*. I’m iMioiiMheil, When you know lint you are prnrni*ed A natural, bfe.-likc. *nmvy -luir. Thai \u t *a .i. *iill u»r cuiniiiuii rjiali, Amt b>ak a deathly yellow f'dtbl. 'Hie lliemr of laughter nml or ulk Ifyau would u*e u t«x of JONH’S Lilly-wbite. ii would give your «km tin nl*ba*ier yet natonl white, end at the fame time clear and improve it Hold at ‘JACKSON'S, 60 Liberty *L Price ‘£3 cent* per box. • mya YOU PUSILLANISIOUB HCOUNOOKLI WHOSE meanness can equal your* ’ Look at Your fait young wife, wltbherbright*unny facr! Look at your own, pitted with eranuon* and blotcbc*! Vet you.ate 100 mean to give fifty crul*forunakeof the great Italian Chemical Soap, which would entirely free you from Ihcm, and make your yellow skin clear and healthy. «a at once to J«ck*on’» Store, » Liberty »t. Pittsburgh,and get a cake. J'JLJXS •-U.*only pl»o« iiirm«l>uwh where the ORNUINr. ia u> be obtained. Reware ofitoonter feiu U7-OBSER vr Ihr Big Hoot standa in the doorway. mcb3 TKAfiSPOKi'ATIOK' LlJiliS. i»*7vJßESuB*dy PENNSYLVANIA CANAL A RAILROAD Ksn’csjrAsr packet > u»l ■ PITTSBURGH to PHJLADA oi BALTIMORE ExeAurrcljr for Paiunfrrj, rPUK public are respectfully informed thattlns Line ,L.wiU commence running on or about the ICth instant, and continue ihroughom {he reason. The proprietor* bavc now placed a superior cla** of Packen and Rail road Cart on the route, with extra accommodations, ‘ which will give greater comfort to trnvclett. A Packet Uoarwili always be in port, and the rav eling pal.lie are requested to call and examine them, prev.eu* to engaging pa**sgc elsewhere. •FARE ONLY NINE DOLLARS-' , Oncjr.f the Psckets wiJMeavc the landing, (opposite the fluted State* Hotel,| corner Pcun meet and the Canal, wery night at 9 o’clock 1 TIME 3J DAYS F»r information apply at the office. Monongahela Huu-e. W liter «trert. or to D LKKCII A Co rarlil l cor Penn street and Canol WESTERN'TRANSPORTATION CO. &L&&- D. LEECH A CO’S. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINK, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE ANDNEW YORK r |*IIK muck oi ili'» linn con«i»«* of n double daily 1 l.rnr oi Hn»l» ami Car", {owned l»y tliein.r !ve*»J winch .ire in good ord*-r The «üb*cnbero arc prepa id to forward a large quantity of Merchandize and Produce wall certainty and dispatcn: Produce or .Merchandmi consigned lo any of the un der »igiW • forwarded Iree m any rbarge foi coinrau •ion or onrage. Dill* l-adiin; iranMiniii ii ami all ’attraction* promptly IllClirtrll (o. The hunne** of tin* Line ia conducted oti fn.-tly >al.Lnt!i lrepiiig prmr.pleK Addrrsn, or apply lo ■ l) LEECH A Proprietor*. C.nml Iln.in. P.iul.uigh HA R KIS A LEKCII, Proprietor*. No 13South Third •iret-t Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SONS. Agent*. ‘ No 1H North Howard street, Baltimore \V tt WILSON, Agent. mi IBS No 7 Wc*t street. New York INDEPENDENT PORTABLE BOAT LINE. .-n'-fal/) their paiionsgr. P M HEED, Kr.c Pronnrtor KUI'.IK PARKS .A Uo. Uravrr Act- J'MiN I'.M ta'HEV. r.ti-b-g1..... -.dsnl W.,-., r sis. l-, jkm le tin- \1..., u5 ,g4 Wl.crt.-r Cfi>i lrr i I I, i; b d4lo K N I’afk* JL l\>. CitVf'Uii-l Jj- A a tin'Uu3,i A Co, K-iro.i Mfl'.uiri W.,',«ru». M.iwauk.c 11. s o' S l\me«. irhiragw VV.u r<>-»rt» l'jvsrr*iown JVuna (i. o Mi' nriiu j it. Ktilusl uigli, I'e.in.'i )nun Me Ai .Ji.ii, liunuiou t», i'<> 1' .rk A Ackrr. ( ■ r«*#*ts v• I'c . do i*ta < A l'i ji.'.pto.i. riafVsvillp. do li4> • A I*: ini, I*a W i- Mu-a.l, Sl»um. do It \V I'u'invieliain Now r««l>. do KK.LIAXC E POUTABLE BOAT LINK. IS47. ftid t H.>.>**PH4ir»Nc» .MhHUn" bi?r. it™ TWEEN iM'JT.-ItLIHiH AND THE EASTERN C-ITIK*. XSII lint r TRxaiKIPMKRT ' [’UK itoprovrd method of csrr) ing used hv llix tni-.g i Estal.'-sti-d Line, it now »o well known ihst i)*■ *rt pnon i* unn'cc»*s»y Dcmkl* sir nol lou, !*<•(> on thr nun*, din* ali iT*n«b.piu**nt or extra handling :« *j»r.| The Bust- sic of t-j|lil draught oir-1 perturrn their u jii\ .-■.n».g’Hii( in* lua-le to u«f Reeeivtun. •tormg, and adrancc> free «f charges Being f-il’s prepared lo make sales ut Pro. I nee,. we i Lsnl Batter, Ctice-e. Wool, Fesibcr-. mud «ii>ri ari.itc. lor n.r, nil which hbcr.il sdvanres will l-e made and oilier usual turdl!'.'* stLmW, pledging nur -clv<- 'lni any bu-iiic.s rntruslrd to u- shall t.r a* rxceuted Slid Upon 8* fair term* OS lay 1141 T Other luiure JNO McF.VDDKN A i.o Canal lU«>n, I'nul-ureh JAS M !»A VIS a Co 9W ami JSI Market I’f.,l a ila J. K, DICKEY, rumRDINli L td.MISSiU.t UKUCIIAXT, Hast Heaver and tiridgeieaicr, mivtit tot'a TV, rx., ' l’tn|irieti>r -ted Agent ef «tr»mei». LAKE EIIIK AND 9tlClllUAN. naILT MCTVFXEV riTTHBt-aOH *SU lIUVU, Uf I l.t. >*• I'.rj.arr.l on ear best opening *»f e-iuat luv. t.. f. ve prnjieri)- *:rr tn« wburl l«ul ~r m wii. iuiii.*. ini -id points no Kr.e K»lr;i-".o Ci..«* ■'in. iii-l l l**.t.il*. I.»r ’ *ll (*>ris on I,at •* K. .e .in.| litipf»»veltien'» Aj-.i.V tn or u T, clfe-» 1.-I.vt.l't JaS H-**-r ITITSUt mill ,v CI.r.VfI.YNI) LINK. IN4H. , mSM, M I'ilfk" II t1.«',.« T I. .-liHU.II.I A i',, CLARKE & CO., Ki.rH’srilliig A bummlsslon .Imhaau, 'J’llf « »•«-*»* * nt.i! I'rulH •■•itii* nlllii« ) -**l r 1 (*•' I (*[!*' J i -g It! <:il|.|' I.UVIf kl.l'll !i at I.<-11 riri* kml llrtivvr, Util! i!i|i\ »tl' I-... 111 •>n tli l i!mi i mini*. and <|-<i an-l \l .1 li.p in >v ii> ilir- nri'’Hi'»l '!'• • ;•«<!' i, 'tl»p |'Mi|Mir!ih a (• I tliiiiirtr Mil.rit if. t '.m' ,liru« ul ilu-.i (-imfi i-t.*ui«ii-r« urlli cnnfi.lr'if r kin"* itir Hi 11 Apply !(• ill ktM»p«« i. M li Ait TON. Ai>i 1 nt.i w/ rt, a.AilKi; It t’n. ih.vn Jkni r /< '“pUii.i 'TdTiik i>uoi.ic. - f|MM' iton rin-n'f I’miiiblp lloai 'Y>inpsii> l-n ug <[,». 1 mil»i-.1 il.r Company npO'U wpiil lino nriicira of l'n |niiini-f-lii|i uihlpi Un* nunif of Hip “lloQliniiii’a |,| l|r •• ■int l.krwiM) apjrfpil l i irfil tin l Mlopk >0 a> lo hnvp a tivml'oi' or lk»il» for tin- jiurjimi* of currying gornl* thiougli in from «ix 10 r plii i'a)i. wnfa mc'inly —and iff ! i ni iiur jC. il l.y iJip tilirialii) rif lu*i jj i,»» US', l" tn.ilp iii-nr ••*li rr»i'vi rirtuiippin. uu j,, r i|„. •• ll.'-lrfor.' K-Jirrl|'uil) «.hc.l I. i,n.| • rhi our imiuri paironK.ahd refer nil u, w .u.imn.r. t<« iho— wr l.nv.- done l.ntni.:** fu|. ,g£agg^lB47.^s3E^i BO AT GIANS’ LINK, For the trap’pomiion of All. KlflHfl OF MF-Ht |l Afti'lAK, tl» aNU Rlioy I'luhaokintu. Nkw Yoxx, aau Ronton SAMUEL WJUHTMANA Co, i'ofni-i l.ilin'y ami Const ils»m. I'lUtburrli A I. WKRUABTACo, No 3fis Market strpci, I'biUilrluliiu KJ.RKH,UF.I.STUN A. Co. Agent*. ' llaluuinrv, Mil RKFF.RKNOF.S PiriHHCIUi»l-Ja.. MrCuiiy, cjro Morgan A c.. W MrCuUy A<'» fl A Sampson A Co. M AllriiACn PHILADELPHIA—Morn* Pnttcrtnn A Co. Reynold* McFarland A Co. Fleming A Eutl.y, |Vi r r Wright A Hun. J llcspham, Joseph (,rnir. ■ NKW YOHK—Goodhue k Co, Thro. Perry A Co BOSTON— Reed, Maid A Co. CINCINNATI—Adams A Oreoßli, W W Soatbur- HI.KARA NT. VA—l* A Maehlrr. NASimLLK-F Firming Not*—All merchandise from New York and lloi'nn, consigned to A I. Opihart'fc Co, Philodelphtu, will Ik promptly forwarded/r«j>f rorntmOkm. IritlG LEECH A CO’B Pscksgt Kipnii lo Phlladct|.tilfc. ims ims {ms *MT i’HB Canal being now oncn, the O4WMIXP<I*OTfI Express which has been c»- uoiished tor me conveyance of salaahfe package* of merchandise, specie. bank notes, jewelry, Ac, com menced running on Thursday, March is. An l*o2i Ch*st will bo dispatched daily until ih* close of tiieranallngicavm. Apply lo I U LEECH ACo mcht9 eui I'enn it and Canal tMissfob™ REGULAR HORSlira PACKET FOR BEATER. iftfg* K. The new anil splendid steamer BEAVER, Chaxlei Hoop*, commence* her trips ittia day. leaving Pm* burgh at V o’clock. *. * ,and Beaver at - J o'clock, r m.,- cannecting with Pittiburgh and Cleveland Inne of Cad nal Boat* daily u> Cleveland, 0., Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Line of Canal Packet* a.nt Stage Coachea daily io Warren and Cleveland; Cana! Hacaet Line* to New Cattle and Greenville, Pa. Erie Extension Line to Meadville and Erie Neil, Moore A Co'aLinetol Singe Coaches for Cleveland ahd Wooster, leave Bea ver daily on the arrival of steamboat Beaver fiom Pittsburgh Apply io G M BARTON & C.», I’.tt-borgh opN CLARKKA Co. Beaver : UNION lTn k » ort thk rcimirutxiA i.'t» ohiocapai.s, nErWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND K N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, O ) R « PARKS, U«ttvrt, Pa. J Proprietor* \V T MATHER. rittaltureh. Pa ) TMIK above Line > 4 now fully prepared 10 tram-port Freight and Passenger* from Pittsburgh and Cleve land, 10 an? poinioit tbr Prniwylnma (k Ohio and Ohio Cnnil* The lacilinc* of 'Bid l.mc an- nnioijuaJled by any on •aid Canal*, in number* and capacity of Boat*. expe rience of Captain*, and promptness of Agent*, Ac. One Boat leave* Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily tun nmc if connection with the Steamer*. Michigan and Luke Kric. Imlweeii Pittsburgh and (leaver; and u Line of first dan Stcainbooix, Propel ler*. Brig* and Schooner*, on Lair* F.ne, Huron, Mi chigan nnd Ontario ; Property forwarded to any pan of the Union with dr*patcli KN PARKS It Co, Cleveland, Agt* RKKD. PARKS & Co, Ucaver, Ago \V T MATHER. Pitubargli, . aptn Cor Woier and Smiihticl.l street* SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS- Lim IS 17. NONONGAIIELA ROUTE, VtA. HUOWNSVII.I.K A\D CUMBERLAND to BAL TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA Time to Baltimore 3*l hoar*. Time to Philadelphia 40 (Only ”* Mile* Staging.) ronK •plehdtd und/a*t running s'camer* Consul, I-nu* 1:» Mel.uiic and swatara, have corninenced making double il-iily trip*. -One boat will leave Ibe Monongif beta wharf everv morning pieriscly nl t* o'clock.— Pa«s*nger* by ih' morning line will run ve m Baltimore noil evening m time for the Philadelphia Mad Boat, or Rail Road ear*. The evening Boat will leave the wharf dad) at A o'clock, except Sunday*. Passenger, by tin* Ihi nt willlodge on bourd, in coinfunuble ktate room*; leave Brownsville next morning at 0 o'clock. ero*» me niouiHain* in day light; *up ami lodge m Cum in-Hand. Tlia* avoiding mghl navel ultogether The preparations on tin* route arc un.plc. and the connection complete; dial disappointments or delay* will be un known upon it. . I’osst-nger* cun -fip on the route lunLreMime lhc:r teal,* agnm at |ili-:nuff, and have choice of R.td Road or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia Coaches charteied to purtn- to irnvcl a* tiny demn> . Seeuie vour tickets at (he ofli-. e. Miinonpahrl* House. orSt Charles Hotel. J .MKSKI.MKN lebtC TO CLKVKLAMD vtsu WARUES. 1847. Ba THROUGH IN »* HOURS. PACKET Boat* Swallow nndTelrgnph leave Bea ter daily ui It o'clock 1* a . alter the arrival of thr morning Boa- from Pittsburgh, and urr.vc at Warren -n i.inr tor the Mail Line ol Singe-, which leave mini, di iiidy thereafter and arrive ut Ctevelund uido'cluck. r Thi* route i* die most eiprd.nnus and comfortable one io the. bake*. tJOTKS A LKFFINIJ WELL. \\ arren Prnpr • RF.Ill). PARKS A IV.. Beavrf, Agent* JOHN A C.\ UI.IIKV. corner Water and StnitlifielJ «•», a |i<t|y Opposite the Mtinongslie'it llon-e Pittsburgh^ PITTSBURGH AND GRRKHVILLE jszfejg 1547. tJiZUS' and freight mm:. rpnlS Luo-eon-i-nn-ol finght andpasicug -r Pack 1 ns, will run regularly during thr reason i.euveen Denver and Gieeiivdle, Pa . b> winch trciglit and p.,» -engeiß Ik tween the two point-, will Ik-can ird prnliipd' him ut die lowest rales \VICK A ARCHER.Greenville, Agt* OltAlG A FRAMPTON.CIark.vd r. do. McFarland a king. b. k Ur„,i. .1... HA Vs A PLUMB Sna(|i«i.urgh. d>>. W C MALA.N. SUrtMt. do, \VM. M.\ rIIBWS, Putasai. do. KI'KI), PARKS fc 0.., He a* ei. do ji BIN A »'•' I G 11. corner W.u.-r arid Stn ihfn Id • » a|C v Opp.rsiit- die .Mt)n»ngnlie‘a House, Pit.-.niiiiii CITIZENS PORTABLE JJMAT LINK. IS 17r full Til K TKifliriiHTfTlON t>r AM KINDS OF MERCHANDISE TO AND FRO Philadelphia, BalOatot*. New York and Boston. j 1 S\HK encouragement tli-» lice ha* received since A it* commencement, his induced U.e propru -1 tor* In nr tetsr the stork by addino number t.f lir-t rla*« boat*; and instead of giving receipt* beret.• fore .1* ngcaU. we will true our own r/t eipU b*i 1 freight shipped by this line The'bost* are-ill purt.iblr '<-..n»i-c|u«-M!v I e lit ' ts liken the whole distance v.nnnut tran.-hipnicnt , thereby preventing duma&r from Irrqucnl handling j on Hit- rutile, and as each boat i» owned by the [ f ipLun who rum Lite tit. which is a 'sulfirier t gunr ! anter that there will be no delay on the mule. All Produce «r Merchandise consigned to the J will be forwarded I LEE OF COM j M ISSIO.N. for advancing and forwarding, and « ill I be stopped williuut deliv at the lowest t-f age ' WAu'INIH- OUD A| U < o < '.null B.ittn. PitUburgh i KAUi. BELLAS A L».. Agt. Broad Street. Philadelphia. J F MILI EU. Agent Buwley'a Wharf, (Llt.raoie Pittsburgh, Feb. Itt. 1&47. 18-lti **» 1847 crfStraL -Ur-g |, -i T(t TUE EAST BY TOUSGAUEU ROUTE ■) VIA BKOWNSVIU.K 4 OMHKRLAND oiKlcnijnftl are now to loiwarti pm 1 iitut e. 4c.. to tnr lla»trnt Market* ilurme ilir >n«a ...< VV.:..ec on i:.r mo,. hlc t.-m*. I.) i.,,fr* P r >*“•<>«» mote. • \- Ai! |*fi»|«eft) fnn*iencij to o» wilt be tor wanin' ttt< rrce vi-«l !•) ihi'iuute promptly for wmrdeJ J i* lIIUWKI.L, Ak’j. Pni'iiureu W U OA!*!*. 8r0w.,.v lie r«ov«*T I! lU.KimiN A Co.t'amttrrUrvl 184 ti 1847 111 WT W mT TO THE EAST BY BALTIMORE AND OHIO R AIUiOAI). r IMIF subscriber* will receipt for the delivery of Pro I ilurr to ilalliiuoir liy ibe .Monuiigal.via Sia.'kwalrr at the lollowing prior* A *br *. I lull—r. I-rid. Lard, Pork. Tallow. Whiskey . Oheesr, ai d tila**— •?! ot» per lIRJ lbs Tof.arco. hemp. h*i4i and Wheat— W c«s j*rr Jot» jt.% A*he». iPoij Apple*, f'hrrwi, Flax-Seed, Cila*». ami Lcailier— 108 n* per 100 lh« Oil*. Skin* Srrd« Wool—11(1 cl* j>rr lOt* ll» Mi »*wal. Fraiher*. Fur*. fi.ii*eng. and Snake Root --( At cl* per 1U011... Ab piopert) consigned to niher or the ander*ignrd w.H Ik- fofwatded wuhuuf drMy. free of Co«io:«*ion. al »t-»vr r nr* 'V M tTI.A RK. Ilfi>wu*Villr. HANNA i WATERMAN. Pittsburgh n.*v->.tlf • ... - FRKtGM I'KRS and others wishing I havr Kite Itr-ck. HioJucr, Ar. bimigtil lo lb<r place from Sieul.rnvilir iiileimrdiale landing*, run make airangrmrni*. by calling tin me. n* 1 linvr a lb,.it running iceuUrlj hrtwreii Pnuhutgh q„d Siraftcnvilte («K.l> II iIII.IT.MIKKi.KK. jiirt Sieambont Ageni, GO Waii-r at FOR BALK. N. TI‘K Sieamlnat HARLEM re| nun ' rchlird in -tutid*onie »tyie am gAWW now at the Monongubela whari A' MlaßilKalßß *»e I* linproved the is wrlladap ed mi .-ait) .ng Hr .gilt and passrugri*, nr for tow.ug, *h hu> gfrul rapscily and IKlWci ,\m\ prison .11 - dl. ;-Mri lu,'T w ill ol c(mt*i ili«recl her I ilm plo}K»*t u» ira*e. lor one or mor- year* in) ro «. I*'l.,*i, mid to u man uf I’nerg) umi hit*itic«< hal.il- tl.r) I.lr r fieni ndvail'lagr* t ran fiinn*h the 1.-.vr, e.ihci ~ii <*i> or charier. tn> >nw 1-031 "MINKR '* Hi cm have on isif trim* *i.i bar-;,-*, ihrcr tlal*. and nri ri>:>l (mi'.nn*. >ille«-u cur* w.iii re*;**. liliurr* A. iiumlc lull operation* An e»i.in.iuiiien ol ihr r ial.!i*lui.riil i* m»ilril I’fi'iim di*;.o*i-il li> n.-ginm Will. rctrrcnrr lo mi) <.l the »l«jvr |'H'liru>*r tint* -nidi.-** me at oivtnf.ce ,<i Siuitri's tlii.M.ri « .lii'i't I* n -nut gli oral ilarlrrn. near Mi-iumj-jbel r it • uv.*> nuw n tiAiiin Till: Till TH. ItV MKN OK Till Til (lliM-HtSIMi SELLER?-’ VERMIFUGE - A »t.i / t M» v.ai prodti---ig wumler. Kra.l the fo:lim-.i-i f«.. „ the H.-v S W.U. lirl-M’a-toi uf Llt.. |iy MI! I'lUihurjli. Mirrh |'-1T . Mr R E Sell f. It i* from a »en«e „f duty. n. wvl u • woii t*ie jl |i‘i-4*ure. tljnt I bear *.110011) u, Uie vir i .rill t.mf |u*'ly crdchisilr-.l Vermifuge I prorur.M : i-i'ii.f and gave 'I u> three o' tny c In Mien, who I, rt. Item .11 fur *« Veiitl »r'l« The el,lr*i will trwi .rill nl.l (hr lien four, olid ihe \oimyeti i-ifhori mninli* Jli- 1-r*i pu I li'•>-i* worm*, the »rr..in fmtv-rt-eii, mid the i.’nnl n «-r»i*r|erni,'e numl.,-r mi d.-imril) n collected Smiic, llirn lli. y h-ivi-hrrti do.iu well uml mr now m rood hr.ihli m V«ur* re»p'etfn:iy, S \V,“lhsi.u I‘hmii ihe Rev. SF. llabriM , |t, ol the Methodiil Fjmco pal l.'lmich Mr. It K .<* ilrr» li >* w.th gri st jilomuic I would ililnmi pul of itir (p-iel rflcrl* produced hii ni) vtu ol (••nr t i-.m oi nee. !■) your )u*ily rrlet.rated Veiuniur.-. A Hr. !••• having rnnvuUioiia. I gave him thrrr ilw>, when i|.e |nii*ed an ulmu*l Incic.lnatle iiumtr. Inuu which lime hi* fennel lirblt|i hlvlievu .iniirovril BKlla*<'(K'( Croin he Rev Chtirlm Cooke, nf the MethoilKt Fjn« m|.j| I’luiii li . IM|iln|rgli, Mrcmitn-r M le4G Mi II I'. Selin* I guvo u'y little daugliier (hriweri) three imi.l fur year* old) ihreK dotes of )our Virmifugc. nefortlrnrf lo pre»i riplion. with the happn *t aucce** The number of worms eiprlfcd I dn not know pl. ci.e ly bill il was large s*he now m |r)«,e»»ion/l Rued hraliti. I think the medicine may lie conGdrdfm wiih greut uiuc*ervcdnc*«. C Coots As this Vermifuge ha* never been known to fail m ■ny HiMtriee. when worms aciually extsird, pstem* •tiouhl give n m preference in all oilier* Hrupwird mid •old by R. K. BHI.I.KKS, hrlwern 'td Hud till, on W«hl ((reel. For talc by Dr C»**cl. Filth Ward. mvl For the Hut.burgh Uaxriu* lIAHRIS’B BUSINESS DIRECTORY. r|M» EASTERN MKBOHANTB ANDMANUFAC 1 Tt'RF.RJS Ac.—The vndersigued begs leave lo in form ihe I'lliirn*, merchant*, manufacturer*, Ac, of Baltimore, I'hilsdclnhia. New York, and other csilern towns and cities, that Mr. C. Lachapcllr. In* agent, will call on ibem in n few days to collcel subscri bers, cards, advertisemrnu, Ae , for kia new and very useful Directory, now preparing for publication, ami tbey will please subscribe and patronise a woik that will be very nseful They can pay fall Agent in ad vance, or whten the work is delivered. i ISAAC HARRIS [CTEasictn Papers will please copy iheaboTc£ mytw _ j _ FLOOR— Front 4’loGfiO bbls to arrive by Zanesville Racket, warranted to aland Inspection m Philadel phia or Baltimore, for .sale by niytff ISAIAH DICKKY A CO COTWW MILLS- . ! STAR COTTON MILL, {Nearthe Upper Bridge, Allegheny City ] THE proprietor* of the Sur Cotton Factory respen full) inform the public ibotihr? urenow iii rnerr** fuloperation. Having employedthe *nvier*ol ti. \V Barne* a* At*nfcgei, who b*» Lad an experience of IS year* in the. principal lactone* of Allegheny Cnv. they would inform A/eichan;* and Dealct* mi general that they trill ultra)* have on band luperur Ca>n,a Yam*of all Noa.. Bailing*, Warp*, and Brown of rapenor make. N VOF.fiTUY il’n N. B —Order* left ai ihe A/ili. or at H e r .f My. er*. Humor A Colss Libe. ty *trrt l trill He promptly niiendidui sßcln&lSm \ V A Co EAGLE c6fTONTwb*RKS. PITTSBURGH. MANUKACTisEF. COTTON' YARN, Candle-Wick, Baltina, Twine, Coverlet YARN, OaKI'KT CHAIN. WARPS. At-; A* . KlNti. PHNNOCK A Co (Socrc*sor> ol Aibtteklr* A Avery.) jan? ProprieUM* PENN COT TON MILL. PitTsßi'iiuii. Pa. . IMIK al-ovr truiablnd.meiii being now m successful operation, we are manufacturing. very extensively, an aniclc of iienvy Shcriinti*, well u.lsptvj to Hie retml lruile, vvlm-li for Heuui); ana quality cannot he exreltrd I*s any other make Hi tlir country. The attention of pui»dia*cr» >• solicited in an examination. frMI.I4.MAwIt KKNNI-'U » CHHHS.VCn MEDICAL. jCH K i i • A POSITIVE Jt PERMANENT CURE FOR (HIIKUMATIBM AND ALL NKRVOL’S COMPLAINTS •' Who ttliough the cause* may not t*e explained Suicq their tjfrtls are duly ascertained; l.et not delation, prejudice, or pride, Induce mankind to sri the mean* nside Mean* whichtlhn’ simple, are t.y Heaven design'd To ullrriate the HU of human kuitl.” UR. CHRISTIE'S UAI.VAMi: RI.MJS AND MAG- NETIC FLUID •Ills* rrint.rkal.le. i.ivcm on. wh.ch !.a* re. nv.-.l il, c univernti npprohnnnn nl the medical profev-n.n o! Great Britain. comprises un --iiti'ciy trees appUrat.iu; nl Galvanism. n* a remedial agent, by means of winch Hie ordinary Galvanic Hatteric*, Klertrie ami Magnetic M" dime*. Ar , ate eiiiiruly ibspcifer! wit:.. ..ml dm my*tr objection which sue nwpuruble irmn the general mode now in u»c. The strong stow*. uml irregular interval* in which Gulvumsm i» iipphcd bv lii-j Muel.iuc*. l.a; been proinu’iiccd, d iet a inn n:ul impartial trial, t*> b> ,UeUulln injuriout am! it wu. ;<■ remedy thi* radical de fect tli it tb-» nnv .'ppiiraimn iv.«s projected, which, af -10 d* present suite ol |*. rleelio.j Ttie litlitesnic ftlrlgi answer nil Hie purpose, ot Hie most osprlfiv. Mn clime*, and 111 ninny other ur-peoi- are more safe ami certain m accomplishing the cleared meet. The Galvanic Ring* u»ed <n Conner non with the tutir FlutJ. air conbd. inl) rccutiiiiiended til altt/Uvr- Jm tchuJi mat from an mftthlttl or unhealthy ttatt oj the tier rotes or ritai iystrv\. mi! these eomplair.ts are nmoiig.thr: mo»t painlul and universal to vvlu-h we ute •abject. They nri»«. without cicep'-on. from wtir ».in pie e.i«i*e*-ii derangement oi the Nervoe* Sysieui— and it w«. in the<e case* mat other ‘rsmr.be>' having otirn failed n new agent w»» greatly needed, whim :« eniiCilcnily believed, ha* been iouihl in the propr r The Galvanic lLnc. have been used wilh«:i:i.l« -ue e. •• 111 all cases of IfItLCM *TI«>I. acute ot rinon-e. up. plying to the head, faro or lilubs; Gout. Tu-DoUerevlr. Toothache. Bronchitis, Vertigo, Xcrrou* or Sit* Hiatlaeht, ln,hg'<tiO’i. F/iro/yiM, Fafiy, E/>iJrpi|r, >'tO. Ctnar)-, Pali-ittuien ti/ l/ft Utti’t. Aivflei'/. Stiffnui c/ Joint*. Syinal (WjJiniiti. Lvtn/i*igo. Sruralria, A'rrrutu 7V»- »a»r». Dizsinrtt *_/ tht fltatl. t ain u. the Chut m-d Side, GVnrraJ'/hhiiitu. Drjiciency 0/ iVirrcus atu/ Phytual Kit ergj, and alt NERVOUS UISORDEUS. hi e.i.e* ol lonfintird D>«pr|i«ia. wh.eh i- .imply t nervous ■!••• ratigemeul oune dißesliV'e <>rp;au». lliey have I lound equally sacce*.ml. Their eit.uordmarv etfs-s-1* upon the svitrtn must be vvitncsed 10 be belnved ntidusß ernaui preveetiVr for the ptree.ling compiahi* they ■ rerqualt) recopnncnde.l The Ring* are of ditfereni puces, being made of all sire*, and of various orna mental pal'ertiv mul can be worn by llic moil delicate lemitlc w-ilinnt Hi.- sl.ghte.t meouvenience. in tail. 1 the •eusaiion 'i r.stbcr urreenl.le than otherwise, The <*alrnnic Relts, Ilrucclcts, Uande., (•nrters, Keckltice*, Arc. la some eases ol a vrre severe charuclvJ.and Ol l'*nr iml'ii* die power a- appl ed l-r the c ILn^* l.MMtriy reslo.-r lieallh. Die improved m.idificunon .ti,Hie (■atvunin Belt*, llracelel*. Ae.. nil.rely reme dies Hi'- oi.je.-lam, uny ilcgter u i |«ivver tint' reijm red cun l.'j-1.1v1.r oniumed. mid no CoCd-J'i'l wlin-l Hie in) iteraiu. Hj'-nu' <ta!vani*in can cll.-cl will lad to tie pcrUianen|i\ relieved. These nriiC'ieu- lie Hdaji ted u tiic wa.«i. nun., wm*. Lril.v sin-i.-. or .<u) p -u ol the Uidy. w.ihpi r'--ri ronvett'enrr. _l lie Oalvnnie ■ tid ..Miilar ei.inplaml* Christie'* Jlacnrttc Fluid • n cnunrrtiOn wjh 'lx - (Jalvuiu Kuijj* n>i-l :.ll it niixt BriUioii*. 1 !:-• r*-ii j-i.* ■ • >u. >.•)» !.• < <■ [!»•■ dm. g. v rapid, and p. tmane.u n! M No ..H.. r . otnj>o'ti:im hi ehem.str .* inownto pt.sdn e the rai.e ed. t, or to iinpan v . k-mdirr property «u ihc n-rvui* .) meauvol aii ouC.vc.f.t local ap|.l.. ai'.m H.e BtSL-iV* *' l H-d contain* uotl.m- ettpuhic ol die e.i« R L cl .ijui). .i» appi.s anon i* a*rnil.le, . ami it k thi-M ss'ovrfer on.> re.jUv.'.u linr trial u* nlci. 1 '.)! the r *urtir «.u« elbcue v and periuincitt benehl Christie* Uuituaic NUengthening Pin.*- Tlicfc anir!** form m.mtirr vaiuaLle applies:.c«jo; ili' u»(»tcr-oui uiflucmc ol li.ilvan »m y a if m, mpoduni B«tjur,fi lotlif uu m- (iaivomr k i<l itir.t modification*. act itj upon ilir same jnincipJr. ’ j' ha«r.n« Utr .-i.!rantn|fr ol runrr.oca! application. Ttr.n ir cot.>• h i i a-o valuzMr sdil.t.o't , ’ V/'om IS, S\Jt,u% A'lAniattt ami in Wtaltnai pr «w*i .»/ tA* Pultkonarf Orgnn* In Spin.! Compln.jis J*e r rtf* ( t* an ;oi the tm**: «(• e.drd cltar.ntcr, and >!t\ have m'lcti hem used w.th rouipl< i(-.9UCCC>*'. They :ir ; •Iv! nr the.<teate‘»t 4<Jvaniagr in I'aiui and \VcjOci c«r of the lErra.t, amt are Inchlv recommended for many c' A» in (m Mmipilirirng i:».n -i >1 in rnu-i.'ii: nii.i, iVr.iki,r«»..a» a J'rymtt.vi fur *V»M». ami ail m atTrcl;<m« <j( tho Chest. fm.-ndi) C'eai and permanent advantage |t< a few worth-; n rmlirwM uli the virtues of die t»c*t ionic preparation. w>ili ih*r .tnporum addition m the galvanic influence which >» up.ilier impaired hot rxtiauMciL while ihe nc -I*oll continues.. These article* w.ll l>c found entiielt of complaint w th the on! nary plaaters m coalition mr. CAUTION. HIT” The frcul celebrity and acre** of there an.clr* lias abused them to be i-oUU!crfrilcil,l>y unprincipled persons Tt* provide aguinM imposition, Dr. CuKsrir ha* hut one auihorircd iigenl m each city oft he Union. The onh aerm m I’lnM-urrh, \V tt' WII.SOY CERTIFICATE* & TESTIMONIALS, Of the Inchest and tn£*l re.perialde character, u»e eon •taiuly reeeivrd. rerardui* the extraordinary ram and ninctiiif the al>ovr articles Ilia believed trial in the: city of New York alon-'. upward* of Kl(i IT THOUSAND PERSONS durinc a period of !e». ihnn a year, have t*ceu entirrlv relieved oftbe moil poimn) rhmw jliaorder*. tome ot which have compd-iciy but* Aedal! fanner e.tfnru of medicahart. Inilecd many »i the fir*t ph> «;c an* of tlna city, who diaipprovc of the (lilvun c ami Magnetic Mach.lie*, constantly rrenm mnnd thi* apphcntinn in iheir practice, and with tin. ex ception of those wb" arc too prejudiced to five it a tr. ihe muM inteliicenf among t'ie American Paculiy 1)| t'hr.stic i* at nil tunc* rc.t.l *• nad moat happy to cirr eveiv furihty to phyaieinn*. and all interested, for ie»f. iinC the truth of hi« assertion. and the efficacy <>; h • discovery Only agency m pituburgh, corner lib and Market m wirtWlv IU H.NS AND ftCALDS .•'FFKCTTaU.N and .per.hly iurc-1 t.y the u»e o u the Hrr«i KnneJt ..i Kamrr. AMERICAN Oil. *lnu»! tn:rnrii'<iu«l\ r<*in,'«-. Inflammation, and .'on* •.jm-iilly i* tv-irraill'-tl in Jit r ;»•«•* u> l< nvr no ream or war in the flc»li. S.UI wl.dr.al. and wtn.l by WM J ACKSON. at }„t Root un.l Shoe S:ore ami I'airin Medu-me VVn-h..o*<\ Liberty firm, hrait it* Wood, I’iii-lukkli I’nr oAU Kf «ml tl per 1.0.j10. W J.ck-on I.p.i.b iln* K<«‘tu«ivr Aerm r..r W..<n>, I’rmm Ivum i, none i* rmumr lull wltal .• *Ol.l by HIM ui Hit* appointed A unit •• N. II A Pumphlri caui.ini'iic‘implr d rrction*. with ilic iniirir* uml addit*** i >f ilir I'roj'ri**ior and Pti i e.pal A«rni i* rnvrlo|.. il wnii wiap|M i oi mrli Imllle A Ixliidxii'i' ul (Cllilic tip* O.IU !.«• »|Tl| nl thr Store SCKOFI l.\ VNI» fiiKOFULOIS MVH.L I V—Si r.i'ula in all m inullipLod Kmm whether mi that i>! king'* I’.vil. <• the (*lnmix or ttnnra. (imlrr. W hile Swelling*, I 'j.n.n < litnumitum. t..invcr dor i*e« nf the Skin nr Spun-, •>r of I‘iilnMvfjit* r>i!itiii(ii|i|ii>n. ciiiimalp Trnm one and tlx* nun l rauee, wlnrli >* a (MtinmoU' pniinp e morn nr lr*v iiili<-ri*iii m thc.iiiiiiuri *)ktein. There* Inn*, iin|r«* lint pnnrijili* r in tie drv'trmed, im rnti •*al cure ran ho otlorieil, hut i! tin* j<nn«*t|>le upon winch the iiisr !*•' Ut-prnd*, t* r.'moved, a cure iuUnl nl norevpili l.»t|nw, no oil Her under » hit Im in the divcmo fhnuM mamlnl it»ell Tint. Ilicn-loic ii tor reavnn whv J vvn k.'j A it t it ati v >. if. to um leriilly vnncr.filul in icmnvmg ■■■ miny malignant i!i*ca«rs. It iloitroyi the vim* ur principle tram wine i tJiiiie difcmea Ii ivr tln*ir origin.liv eiitonrjr into the nrrnl.itii.;i. rind with the Mood |* conrovi d l» tin* minutest, fibre, icimtving every p*ilir|eif ilneripr I’m in the luvi'em l’trpired and »o|ti at No. 11 South Third Street, I'hilidclphi.i. Sold at the I'ekin I’ea Store. j\o. 7‘J Fourth alrec PiU*burgh. . iiuhJl, M'rnm me Spirit ■>( ihr Time* i A FACT WOKTI.I KNOWING A gr nllciliriu of Hemfulliu* liol'il* Itolil imlnj’rei im i Ju« youiijeri dayi lireiilm* alln i. d with rii-erarnni* die ftiriuii and No 1 **, Mini a <ii»j|>rvcal>!<* mid iin-i- Irmiu'* i*ru|)l-on of the Skill. lie'ied, In* v\Uil«- .)•- li'in Imre the mark* oi heme laiuiuod'will, .!.■< j.r One hand mid wmi weir *o inueh niT.riod iluu Ite had In*l the n*r lit llir hand, urn v |i irt Ik iiijt i'livrfril \\, || drep', (lamlul, and elletiuve liicer*. and were na ho!* low and |uni)u« a* n luinrj-ininli Ii vrn* at iln* »iar,e of In* eoui|ilaiul.wliru ilrnih ap|>eure<l nirviiahle, from a loaihaotne di*eH*e, thui hr eonmicnced the u«e of JA\ M-rS AI.TFItNATIVK. and having taken »n*' teen Imllle* i* n<tw lierfrcUy eurrd. AI.TKHNatI VF.operair* ihrough the nreiila* ; lion, uinl punQea the Ul«*i-l and eradien’i'f ili»ra*i f t'nmi ihe «yfii ni. wherever locaiod, ami ihp numeroca cure* it h i* performed in di*ea*ea of Skin, Cancer, I Srtufuln, Goitre, Inver Compluim. Uy*|i-p t ia, and other , Chronic diica«ea, la truly aitonifhing. For *ale in I’itlßhuigh ai the I’rkin Tea Biorr, 7*i -i>h •tirrt, m ill wood, and nl*o at the Prng Store of II P Seliwnni. Fe-lr.nl eiiy iny4JAwF' , lir. McLaue’a Worm Sueclrio ~ qMUS >i urcert.ty ihal, bv•(.■king line vial of Doctor 1 Mcl-anr’* W onn Sprnlic, a*clii!d of Janie* Shaw> |in(*ed upwnrilf of Tl? worm*, and tty tho U)>c of »a,<l medicine a child of my own pnaaed I f large wonna.— It i* i»uly the inofi lurpmmg worm medicine 1 ever •ecu 1 mun have two more viala. WM OU.MORF. .. . . , , Wilkin* Townrhip *"oi *aiehy J KIDD 4 Co, No 60 Waod ilreei. Pin* l HL r ? h mrlttiO P kn WINK ITALIAN CIIKMICAI. ° , , A‘• f ?. r • ofl ® n "!* the Bk '». cradicaun* lhinplroi ami all Rrupiion*i for healing chapped hand tor cracked flew, far difpelling freckle*, tan. tanbum and hleirked •tin, tnirproducing a fine, heal'hy. youthful elearne** rnce J/J cent* per cake. The rvnuine article >* lor *»'*hy B A FAIINKSTPCKA Co ap!4 cor I*l and wood it* and wood and fllh * OPT*. TDRPKNTINK-lo Uhl*, lu.irrrcvcd Mini] for tala by mylr*' IiHAUNA IIKI'I'I'I! r ¥EmdL'; SAND S ‘SARSAPARILLA: For the nrmo**l *Bd I emanent care of ail diseases - *ri«ing fte* *a Impare of the blood orkafc'tof Ar*v*iMn vi»s Scrofalx. KHft AC, EA*i.mathm, Oktunali Cutaneous ilwMo, Pamla or puuuUson (At Fate, BbUkts, . Biles. Chav* Ben fir», Ring Worn cr Tour, Scald Hm*. Enlargement an J fain of t*» Boms ami Joints Sialic** Vlttn. Sfpkihtu Sywpawat, Scialua at Lw*»- togo,and Diseases ariiintfrom an injudicious use of Mfreur},iinUioT Dropsy, Brfosuu or Imprudence t*., l.i ft. A'io. Ckronit Constitutional Disorders. ; ITS utneiy udmimstniiou baa been attended w. • 1 the ; happiest r«*»ali* in many anomalous affection*; hu t it i<Rbirl}y mimded to fill the'void which extstsbetween 1 vaiburuc and appneui medicines; bonce it* modueop- ■ rand» i< that ol an alterative directly—indirectly, pro vm; u In-unt; lunu-io the sftlcrii. It is highly conreairated tor convenience.moil porta bility, containing noth'iig hut the expressed essence, and i* the representative of the Stompariffct-Root, ja thfc '.Aatne .manner a* Quinine i* of Peruvian Hark,or Morphin'* of Op um. it i* an established fact, that a few grain' of etUicr Qaiinne or Morphine contain* all the ofitiemal valueot a.largie. quantity of the entile j xub'ianre*; heave the superiority of those (uepurationj —and no invalid tvould desire io .Irinka gallonmixture when a half pint contained ihrsame ntedicmal value. The Sarsaparilla can l«« diluted when taken *g ictable io ihr direction', ami-mide to suit’the taste’oLlhe'T*' lieni. The foitowtngtertificaie addre«*ed to the Agenlsai Chicago, fuiiii*!tr*'<onf*lu*fve proofof in great value_ in rH«» of Fever store*. ; , Chicago, in. Sept. 14, 184 d. Mes»r« t } ieliliin''4' Reed-H»enu: In May. ISIS, I ob> tamed at yout iioma botlle of Sand's Sar*apanlt>;and «4. ihcu confined loruy beih without sleep for a week, ocrtisioncd by violent pulti tfpro* resultr fever sore of long iiandmg.on my.right leg\ 'My physiciansadvised uie to have the limb amputated, saying it wav the only nieauv likely io ptenerve my Hfe. After o*los lhe bottle the pam began to subside, and by the time I had used ue.trly three bottles, I wai able to transact my reg ular bufiiißKs, oud before ! hall finished the fourth bot tie. 1 woI ns well.QJid sound a(‘everl bad been. I have no hcsiui.on in saying that Sand's Sarsaparilla war the tneatn. under Providence, of raving my iinih and I doubt not my life. 1 most cheerfully recommend it *< the best article extant for the purification of the blood Youm, most rerpeetfully, JAMES MILLER Tar following certificate m only another link iu the grcittfiiiiin of ii-niimouy to its merits: SooTti BoLToa. Canada East, April 19,1H6. .• Mc«r'. twinlr—Gentlemen: Exposed as we arc to die nitin.-ksof di'care, and #0 frequently disappointed in proposed remedies, we cannot but look 011 the effort* of MifccsMulprarutioiiers with interest ard-gralilude This i* true ri-F|» cijng )oar valuable preparation of San.D|inritlit. I have been mvcrely nlilieted for wiihii ili'cii'c about which “doctor's.disagree,” and ine,r prc'cripiinn' were mil more di.ver*e. I tried va nou'-ictiiedii'A but Iciuul no relief until I commenced u'iiic >"nr rxci-ilcm tm-iiicine, at which.lime I woe wlioii . .'o.ifinril iu 111 y bed Alter using it a few month* 1 am liouMd.l* id w.<iE about, rule out. and enjoy acom ilrpti'e oi health, «h.ch 1 aiWibute entirely to d r a.r of s<uiur» Jbin'iipvrilla.' Plrape accept 'toy a*- • uruiir.- uf i*r I'.Uinicnud rc"tird. ..,q jin!>rrtr'NfiKßis Pr-na v *pi| laiitletl with the above flute nrt'M, I L'-rv!>; 11:-y ilint the Mine is irue. UKV. T M MKKRIMAN F*rrti»:H Tv.''riiti)\T —Hu- following is an extract irom :t inter u mved fiom Ilcv. William Galusba: IIcbESUIBR, VL.Ocl IMS.. 'I. **r'. S?n(!*: I have beeft afU ctrd with a severe |ia u in my •Mtc. ccrasiotied liy n liver, for the I m i >*. cui) >cuj*' 'ulTernig ut t me* (what language i-umiDt convey, t-ut since taking \ ouriSontoparilU, I have licet) greatly relieved, so much so that I have been' able to a'teml to my husuicfa, oud preach occasionally foe the )x*l fifteen ijoiuli*, I wholly discarded all other' medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, which I can rrcotnrw ud >u uutuand sinecrity to aU those who lire in i.rty way alilieird with any specie* of scrofulous coiopinnis There have been some remarkable cure* effected by us u*t in tin* vicinity. , Mr*. 1. Shaw, by ibr u<e of six bottles. wit> restated to better health than she hod before enjoyed lor leu > ears, and Mrs. \V. Ste ven*, who had been severely ofllicted wuh the elan, >\:n r ntirrly curclTtry the use of a few bottles. Yours truly. \VM. GALUSHA For t'lin her particular* and eouclusive evidence of il«- «upt r.or value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which ma/ he oMuincd of Agcnir gratis. i n-jiarcd and so d by A U. A. D Sands.Dtoggists, 100 Fulton *t. corner of W illiam, New York. ulso by i<. WILCOX, Jr., rmsburgh; 11. Har wood. Heaver; Wm. Watson, New Castle; I). N. Rob* nioti. Hiownsvillc; A. Crcigli, Washington; and by Drugrt'*!* grueraily throughout ih. United flutes. P*n !• $1 per bottle—six bottles for f 5. The public ate resjieetfuHy rcqueaird to remember that it is Sand'sSarsapartllaihatittsconsianiiy erhiev ing such remarkable cures of the thosl difficult class of d.*('*•<•» io which tlie human frame is subject; there fore )t-k for Suiul's Sarsaparilla, and take no other. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ABU TIIE SUFFKKEU SIOM ABTHMA . wlmi lia* rrlittid him io such a short time from his dif . i.culii uf brealhiog, Cough sud suffocation? Ht i - ,iill tell you il wii-‘. ; lLe Olosacihiia, or AU ”” Healing Ask the eoosuaptive *lut hu allayed his Cough, removed the Pun in his Bide and Chest, ' ehrrked his night sweats, and placed llit rose .of htsftli uputi hu check? and ■ - - hr will tcJl tou SIIKK.MA.Vd OLOSAONIAN, ua . A U.-HEAI.ING BALSAM. A.k juur friends if they kuuw uf anything that will w spec Jilj cure a luiic 'edkiti* Csragh, Raising of Blued, Bros ' .hiio, l)),|irciM- Cousnmptioo. Jlusmacss, laflnmgs. and ilix-.u-t. ui tlie'Ti.riot, a. the Ohiuouian? aud they will Veil ).mTime never jet has teens remedy introduced to pi.htu' uuticc mliipli has been productive of tumueh good ia •o .I.ort a «pare of time. Read the following t Ailntilshlag Cures. It's, Cos d, il>r ■ . IrbtrK.l Itosloncracker baker, U 9 N»i Vil. ill ret, lliiaiklju, slain that luv Wife lilt* Ucu atSiclrd will, Aelbma for ikf )var>, and euuld uul And prrznautat rej lief frx'tn the best mediral advice which New Ycch ami Druukhn could pr.Mluce, was induced to try this great reme dy. Hir i> now nearly well llis daughter who was suffer ll,e fr. il) Ibr sa»>e <JueS«. tried it, nod was also Cured by it. Mr> bond (,aow so well that she is able to aiafratn her Ud early iuti* mueciag and attend to her usualdeties through the daj without any miuoyaucc from her distieuing maiany. Hoar Jsoxsoti, tilth street, near the Catholic Cemetry. i rim.' |.. il.i- sl.itr f,r tin- purp»e uf obtaining a bottle of the | Olox&.man, basing been alfJsrlrJ with the Asthma for mur* than )ears, and r.as so eihaustrd ots Lis arrival that he Could nut speak. lie purchased a butUa and rode hnmv— , Four days afterward 'die walked from his reiidcace to the of fice without fatigue, a distance'of over two mils*, to tell of die wonderful relief which he bad experienced from using about ime half of one bottle. Consumption off th« Langs. Mr. CoxrnßT, 3S White itreef, was so low in the month uf December last, that be was given np by his phykieiaa. His frkndseulertaiscd no hope of bis recovery. He was persua drd m try the Ofosaonian, and to bb surprise it ha* so for restored him U> health that he is now able to walk ahont the streets Mr. Amu, the wife of Wro H. Atlne > J«Bie*HtnMn, Si and Oro w. Hayi, E*q. can all hear traimociy frota I ihcir c»u eapericbev of the healing propertin of liii* Great RtaxJy in Cooiuaptioo of the Long*. Spitting Blood. Mr.. Tnocaocaac, 359 Monroe itrvct, who had been troubled far • great length of time by a tevere eoogb, end rxi>r>L|uanlitiv7 of Moo4 r wa* relievea by ooehoUlt of the Olowi.uiau, *od ileeiom >1 the grvafevt remedy in the world. Dk.sm* Kkllt, 2C Water tlreet, wa* alio relic*rd iroo the un,t nenpUiul, a&hottgh he wav very*mueh reduced nhrn he rerouaroerd taking it, having been nad«r tbe'eare of Im trim during the put winter. AJtboogk he coogbtd rmoUutl} a»d uu very much troubled with night tweats, S Uuilr.of the remedy enabled him to rrtiu?) to hi* daily work. Hr wa* entirely relieved. t)ivip !Il*oxrso*, GO Lalrht Ureet,Geo W. Barnett, firmerly of Newark, N. J., Hrary Liibun, 199 Riviagtoe •Iren, aw) numeruu* other prnniu hate been *peedi)T and. permaocully eurrd of the came cneaplaint by thu rentcuy. The Array of Names 7 winch routd be produced «if itnoiii who bate ued thu great remedy would nwwe than fill a column. Amoerlhe number w* arc nermiUed to refer In A. M. Ominger, 1& BorclaTit , Mr. Witwo of Hoboken; Mr* Bell of Morriilowa, N. J 4 Jamei B Devor, 10] Ueade *l.; Mr*. M’Ca£ree,so Attorney .1,; V. Smith, iU Third A’rnoe. Mr* Wtn. tL'AUncoftlio city, and Air* Archibald,.'tt While M Sold wlintrale and retail by Wtn Jackioe, al hi* Patent Medicine Wnrvhnurr and Boot and Shoe Store, No SB Lilwr t£*tre«t, head of Wood itreet, PitJibugh. per hot GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Pop CoagHMs, Asthma, And Consuaptifin! TUP. or.DAT AND ONI.V RPMEDV l hr. C4.ii, Cettgb*. Afthina. ami CnNSt'MPTION. Ii llve HUN. OAUIAN UAI.SAM OF LIFE, dlvcnvercd by lltC ctAr brated Dr. Iturlnn. of London. I‘iigUail, and Introduced Into thu United State* under the immedtate lupetiatend* anoe »f the inventor. Tlw eitraordinary iiicves* of title medicine, in tlir cure of Pulmonary di**»*ei.. ! warrant* the Amor Ira b Agoat In uUldting flir treatment the WOBTT POS. SIDLE OASES that ran be found in the community— rate* that *e*k relief In vain tann any of the escuomu rwmeUU* of the day, and iiare been given up by tbe ria*t dMtnrauheJ PhyekL-ins a« CONTHIMEU AND NCtIKABCK The Itunpulan Balaam ha* cured, and Win cum. Um MOST UCSPEItATE OF CARES. It I* ao cyuack non rum, but n vtandanl Eii|ll»li medicine, of known ami iKUidbheJ efficacy. Bvwy fotmly in Uie United Stale* thould be aupptlad with wieJuvn’t jjiingartan UaUam of Life, not only ta CoQnt*mcl the condtnipUve lendeiMlee uf the climate, out Id be u*od a* a preventive mod trine In all uin of Ckdit*. OtHiglm, Spitting of Ulood. Pola In the Side and Chert, Irritation and Sorenee* of the lot nr*. Brunch lUAauky of Ureathiag. Hectic Fever, Night Sweat*. Cmactaunn and Genera! Dbbßlty, Aithnut, laflueuu, llanplar Cough, and Ckoup. o EhJd in lug« baula*. at 91 per bottle, with fttli dim. lien* Jbr the rcatarutiod of tfaaitb. ■ Poop Meta, coo tain Ug auaM of Engliah and AmerL cmn conßkates, and otbar .evllance, alibwlng the u» equalled tnerUa of thla Grout Engiiah Remedy, stay to obutnoU of the A genie, grutultouily. + DAVID F. BBADLEE, ecAe Agent fbr the United Stales, 119 Court itreet, Boatou. T. W. DYOTT k. SON*, Ganval Wholeaala Ageuta, No. IB North Second *met,.PhlUdelphla. . A ''A'iXKSIWK .' C. corner of w«K)4 mul liuiii .m U* • injC' ¥ ADI KS-. Who U*o Cominon Ptcpared Chalk, are jU Oiten not rnghiAtlly injuriona >i it i 0 tfo- ».km how coatve, how tough, how *alloa', yelfow. a... uoUc.-ilthy tl.ck.n ajyicof. aflr-r uong prcpmrrd Hivor 1 l ’ ,sult V 1 “'",iOMuu*.cmiia,maga|aigrqu«n tlty of Ira. \\ r- Lav- tntpa/ed- k bcnutitul vegetable We / r *l , l JONKBW SPANISH LILY 1 emocent, being parified of all Urletrrioq* fiualiiir*; aniltt impana to die akin a neiu i4l..hcniihy, ululitMet, clear, living white, attheeeme tunc acting an a covinctic on the akin, making it aofl and nncoth. n s - l)r. Jamr* Anucr<on. Practical Chemiat of Ma»*a- aay»; “Aneaunalyalng Jo«ea , aSptni»h Lilly Whiir, I find u poocaac* ihe mutt beautiful and naiu* ral, at the same time innocent white ! ever aaw. 1 ccrtnmlv can coii*clentiou»>y recommend it* u*eloail wbo*c »km require* beautifying " J ; ,n*l*rie-aiccnu u bo* ' tP~sold by WM JACKSON, at hi* Doot and Shoe Store, rt) l. : bertr *trre!, head of Wood, at the ilgtt of t |.r Hi. Pom ' jsB UIIUAA'S COUGH STfllUH—“lt ibould be published and ju«d« known to the public.” Thu wai the ciptc**io»of andkl man who Uied the Syrup rmrßcßou, February 1, |b47 Mi. Moreau:—Thi* may certify thai being affiicted with a iroubleeome cough aomo time, I bought a boute of Morgi.n’* Cough Syrup, and to aay, utter uvne .1, my cough ia entirely rured. | pronounce your Cou*lt Syrup the beat medicine I have ever u»ed * NV fanmy *liouid lic withoiUlhia valuable medicine DAVID McHOIIERTSJ.AUMIS«»‘ri.w ID-Tlu. n,«Jlci r i. prepared rSIViSTaS rXll aline llr'ieSlnrcof , JOim D MOHUAS ' .-ria.4 f'"" W ° W DU ““ J .■, TU® MOORISH fiaia nvV t . 1 "•"“y V ifbl ’ u*d«?i , V!! t wn £l/■!?, c S dyeing or injuring Die • k t«ttlo' o d w «*h/nil dlwctiona Price » eenta, or *1 ftrsiui by WM. JACKSON, at hia Patent Medicine " ■ffhou.'Pv WI Libetry «ucet, head of Wood, at the ngn of the Big Boot. jiedica! * DR. 811UUUa*8 - - MEDICATED LOZENGES, iND POOR MAN fLASTF-R.-" .TNIt. SIHUIMaN’ has Jiscoveredb waj lomalc u,, U pf*munt.suthatchiUrva »uitike it rvad.fr aiai t°i * Pot of Toothpaste ue the back of earh vi, i . e-sch Bjß of Directions. • *** ' i SHERMAN'S COUCH LOZENtny These *-«*“C* the safost, mat sure aud eßectun , m cdj rohU, whoopiuc coiu;i,. uf Arlvtg.gr , “W *“ *W*«ce where tbiy Ual 1*.%? ? , smufociMs. Several thojwaftd bom taie " tl»e lasi year, restoring to health person, u ufcna.umptam.aodthoeelalajriug.umirru, colds and coughs. They do sot check and dr, ui. the, , , , fc btt render it easy, promue «tpecforatiou, aIL., u e ul imtauun, and remove the 'pruimute U » hey arc made Irom a rombumUm of a most rahJiv turaot,oecough medsones, and are ifndouHedlyT V*7 • iiundrvd. u «?T,uu deeds ofecrtificus havehrea u*rcd ofthei. wr.HiiMllTb low, from those who h*rcbm,«ved from an oat ‘.I and restored to perfect health by mine them .'’s*'. Where there b much pain io the breast or'»ide,u*e „y s-.., man’s Poor Man’s Plasters (jwie* nth l“sil, , applied over the wt, 4nd wo.u till relieved. If ,‘1‘ with eosutencss, a few bathe loecaer,' mild cathartic medicine, should be mol as r ,lUi BHERMAN’S WORM LOZENgem P«»tJ i» «wr (W i I, tiW 000 earns to he ulalltUe; die atdy certain worm dti.> » 4 medimc tier discovered. Many diseases arises and oecaiMt) long and inlcttsesufieriag, and even deaiti •>,(;, out tbetr ever being »injected; gruwo rersoo. are vci i „,w affiictrd with them, and are doctored for various cufo Linu. without any benefit; when one dose ft f these Loxrn*V> ,»uuli ■petddy-cure theta. » u ' i .Sni Worws.—Pains in Ibe joints or limlu, oiler, *1” b^“r'*P ek of the lerir.duriu- ITl sensation at the stombrb, tssU ■y 6 **. ol the w r. slight chills or tin drowsinese, rerulo, torpor, dis.u.md ***** sueannus. hne fil*. ftrerishtiesi, thirsf, difficult .breathing, jL iu ' tv"** s—ite ’sSkSESrts^ shooting pam* in various narti ’ Ci “’. SHERMAN’S CAMPHOR LOZENGES. pUml, fainting, oppression orasrniuf sinuL-of the e' «!*: sous trareHrng or auevnling b/ge jurlics, will re »l, l y. Imisuiu- the buoyancy of smith- used d kS‘tl K,B ’ “ ,e 7. W I ' ll ~ ,ort Ul « fouVoflle system uni erally, knd remove all llto unpleasant symptom* trl.uic b r h pf*: h»». who have Ucn L high liv.r. «d khsndouedUieirdtssiWedhabits, will find these*Lose UE ,, ad mirablc composers uf the bines! * J AnCN»ti PLASTLTI. TI a rt4lr “ff t hkmng plaster hi the world, anda suTertiru « «>*« iuin, side, neS, U .’ rb *l a “ l lu ®* iumbopi, &c. he. One luiL'iou a *>°l “Jr I ?thedetnaod. They reqaireal.ulc waraf mg before appliesuoa. Warranted .up.r.Tto si U L.TL S for uuc quarter the usual price, making nut u2y Jlietheapesl jester tnfhc world. Uaffords relief in aftsS Imuis, and makes asumiituug currs. " 1 \ Jijjf" sod dyspeptu, it .l.ould be worn over Urn region of llis liter or stomach, and it Will afford great ami n ~C, ln , c ?“S h *» f® l * l *. asilima, of breathing, ojwtmfon of Ibe chest ur-stomaeh th»r will in,, medmlely sooth and crratly benefit Ibe jclieut. |(rmus of habiu, or (Lose obliged to stand much, will rcceiia decked .uppor, from one ,Hl|y .treujtUfJ Pli. .) rwto»»end thew,« pnfrronee to cr e r* ljck . or * d , h «* hetttr.and^flurdgreat lLd«L C T? ,htlf u T enU *. they are stimulent, toaie, and “»PWJ uf entirely diHertut incredi- ItWimportu.,, lit .OM olwap tsk for Sherman’s Poor Man’s Plaster Sul see dial ClSSyrt"-?: »», «S£l l wr , 'i." d "S 11 1 W. JACKSON .1 li, ru..i bio euot— “*• «%» rf th. ' —j jan U—illy. CHKt'N'V ,/ MBWCIWES.i I , Vv' s> * i> I'rophyraclic Srrop. a eer lAu remedy lor all Co N S L-ifTtri. and>crofu louiatifcctrout; Lough Symu, L'roiip ,Sv.uj. Ctm ccotrjted extract of S^napwilb;' deodcdlv superior to all other eitracla, Vating giten relit-l when all others have failed, being tbiouph n new process more concentrated- than ‘anv otl . r w,-t olfcrcd to the public. ASTHMATIC Kl.IXlIt having ellrcU-d pcrmaneiu-carea oUhal -tuhhoru dtaeiTC, when ol . mor? than': li veare t ae,Jinp hence it aUnds without a rival in that utucii tin ailed disease. • » Ur. Hose’s LINIMENT, Tor allcaerr t.f »cak aeja or paio, and a complete sulmtifute for 1,1 inters. Dr HosexTOMU MIXTURE; an intallilia cure for ehit:a and fevers, indeed is un»rp of a specific for,fevers of atj kind*'than la»k or Qui nine. ,l)r. IW. INI.O.VIPARAm.i: VKRMIHIGK, whcrchnown. in used in preference t«s :n;» other \ eiumugc prciiaratiiii). .. lJf K ‘“*’ s , TONU/ANTI-UISl'Kt-l'li:, all! di«jue, ol llie blomach and' lioael., Cl,,.lnra la.! rccUtiM, *c Too high an encomium cannot be paxsed on the merit* ol this medicine, in 'care td luspcpsia, antfall disease* that rcxtiU frum « eak oesx or •toutch or bad digeslion. FEMALE 1 11 1 S, a most valuable wmedjr for.tho*e general eomplainU to which fe males are tubjeet. TONIi; AI.TIjiATI.T-: 'Pints— No pill e*cr before offered the public so tuppily combines Uie qualities ol a valuaole medicir.jejs an antfdupept|c 7 LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct lDg r U)ose diseases, and thereby preventing con-, sumption. A young- Lady 25 years of age, having aditensed Ittßr torsoore time, her strength p>roi>- trated and Oppetite gone, was completely restored in m wetilw by the'me.ol the Anti-dispeptic mix ture and these pills aione. LiMi\ti FLASTER,lorweaknCs»ol the back,side, breast, &c, ~ ; J . Dr. Roce-a SP£i&inC EPILEPSY,the mtut eei- Utn for all enes of fita or convulaiont> 7 whether in infantaior adulu. So certain a speciGt: ml lor th.ia formidable diaeaap that the mc*l ol>» atinate ca*ea, and those too of long ataediug, have' yielded at once. Dr.Roae’a RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—Aftei naj.y ycat* of diligent reiekrth ih.» eompound wua discov ered, and it* never failing efficacy pitece* it* Cdicieucy ahovu all outer* for the cure of Rlicumatu-m. '■ Dr. Roae'a ASTRINGFJk'TCOMI’OUND, a eettain remedy for fpiutng blood, indeed for discharge* of whether from Lungs, l>owei? or oiher part* of the Dr. Rome'sSVßUPfor Cboleraand Bowel romplainti —Thitunxiure will effectually cure bowel complaints Dy*eniery,CholßraMorbu*,itnd Cliolera. At the nine the Aiiaiic Cholera waa raging in Philadelphia it wu* found lobe themoai *ucce»»ful in arrcaiingtl, curing nine letitha of all tho*e whj turd it ‘ Wbatmay be aaidof our of Ihete rerdcdiea.nuy- bv aaid of all; their value will only be appreciated b« thoae whotry them. Letter* from there who have been enroltrfthe vinou* maladiei that.affiic: the human body might be given, bat we are w.llinr to rc*t the matter on the mtrit* df the'compound*. \Vc haven . panacea for Scrofula, in it* variou* foruu, *0 c oi’idruurd and emcaeiouf |hai ita bealipg power ha* ai>to:ii»hcd ®* Q y,' A esaeof Cancer,occurring in the wife of the laieGovemor of-Delaware, waa completely cured in a few month a. Thu cancer bad been twite cat nuT*by prominentSargeona,and renewed itaelfwith focrcuaed malignity, yet notwithatanding the debility of Coimitur. lion and removal of the toft part*, the u*e of the Phk phylaetle completely removed every' ve»tige of iku dt*eaae. ' . Cue* inntunenble of the virus* com tlj£i hive billowed the of these remedies are i>‘ Gilt pouev won r bai it »*nrt deemed necessary to easoierau them. Wll * w«w»mend them to all. J. BCHOONMAKEE, ft Co., No St Wood Street, A*cm> for Pittatwrah . aaeßdly ' | HK ftUBT ABtOUSUIAO UVjCOV * 1 EHT-A Bleiamg 1 AWirmclc!! a —To cure p.ropuoii» and Disfigurements of the Pkia, Purple*. Freekle*, Sunburn, Salrßhrum, tcurev. Sdr,- Head*,fto., Ac. ” - Four year* ago. lut Augoat, the capital of Fi*ore waj aaiooubed in consequence of a discovery made lit an ItalianChemi»l. Many doubted —it termed almost an impossibility that anything made by the handicf man. coaid have socb »ia*ular powei* a» ib*. claimed by Antonia -Vetpwu for hit invention.' .Mans clamed bun and hi* inven'ion at a humbojf, [«nd. mi*.! many {*»»'« P«wn* without liyuig do the »x.mc uaw) at length, aner letting it in the hospital*. the Mroical sfo cietjr of Pan* (the be*t eliemiti* in the worWlde Hvered the following repoit to Signor Vetprini; ‘ < "We have now minutely t«d carefully examined the lingular invention of Vetprlni; We have niaiyieil it* component part*—we have used it in •everalicatet.and we actuate not to pronounce it (the Italmit t hemical SoapJ a* a great bleating, and a truly wondeitul reme l ,or i* n y t‘<l*neou* eruption or ditfigun nu-i.t of the ■km. It* inventor we consider the Use philsuibrotwH of *offermg mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD, DUPRKV f*rM4dem'> RKAI> THIS! From the inventor hinnrlf io itc present Proprietor. , t>aais.Aov.a|.lSl<» In con*idmiioa of thr turn of •ajfiUO, 1 Umw diruL reUto.Mr. T-Joties, residing in the-city of Kew.Yoik. !*. A., the whole prwevsof manufaetUMii#, iwcvber ststcronuof the iugictli«nu my It*l ■an Chrmical S»p. He u lomanofariure nWiulein IM United tfute* only, and to-have the iimtlrreot ha nnnj il“Jone» , lialian Chemical foan." [ WimeM: llemyj. Ilotdswouh. ' • ■ i- „ ANTONIA VlirniNl by W. JACKSON, at hisPatenti Medicine Uarehoare, t£» Liberty stfr.*, head of \loml, auhe of the ti( K 800 l j-u , The only place in Pittsbnri'h -where 4bc CI.SUINK All «ihcr* are Counierfrii • l MORGAN'S CKfgKBKATKUINDIAN jTIVt’K PILLS, for the cnre.of Liver ('muplitiit, and all diseases arising from the Liver. In nirk head ache, and at a purgative and Antioliilious P»H, sar> pitted by none. . . > . ! Srarruus or a Di*r*sro LivM?.~(.*hivt>H. inflamatloa ol the Liver, when not the conm{Urr>ct aim acute aUaek or Uo disease, begin* with symptoms of a iunctional di'ordprnfilie diges tive and biliary orgam.and d)«pcpru tMiiuctilly seems l<» lw the only alfection present 'I he loticn! complaint of irregular appetite and lifpaired'uowen of digestion, acidity, flatoleoce, slight cholic bains occuaional naurea and voniling, and a aliehl dull pam and weigbl are 'eh in the tight tide, licomlu. «'»■ * tltagging pain in the liS.l ahonlder. ftloat eomnionljr, however. o» dialled JS..?,.'!?*'. 1 *"" 1 ln 11,0 re 2'°a el the . Liver, S I .”P*" B 6xo pressure it .made ou this part— "waJ» »ery irregular, cosiiveness oeiim common in tome instances with diarrhoea, Ujs dttebarm •caow, dark colored^olTcnmc th ® most contant amt of Ghronie Liv..r Com- P.V'’ 1 “ 1 dry, harsh, constricted staiowl trie skin. • taortdr/ cough, with slight difficulty in breathing* ** 1 frequent attendant on tin* disease. Ini he chronic at in the acute form urtlus discasu. the pa, Uenlcan seldoo rest as casyon the left at .in the right aide. At Ibe diacaae .advances, slight rovers conic on towards etching, attended with a burning' neat in the palms of the bands and soles ol the feet:. the nights are restless, and when the inflammation terminates in tupporatioo. hectic and npid emtcia two consume the vital power*.- 1 ° Manofhctured and told wholesale and retailby JOHN D. MORGAN,.Dmggitt, Wood street. Pittsburgh. Title MAGIC IBAIITE SOAP—F« T}. n * c '«*« Stsiot.or MBrki-from “ d rtwfcrißß it fcM IkJRi £* de .* r * Writ, new; *nd'P«J Price SSeenu * a -AES 1 * b T.WM. JACKSON,f® Lil»«ny Mrt ofWood. si U D«ot stu) Sho« inn, sign ef
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