- V; - THK IMTim HUH Mlir GAZETTE. n | iJIARS. 1 . . . VOL. XIV: — NO., 241. W J r > r\V PRICE SEVEN DO BIMSS CARDS, i-* a LKXAAUKtMRIOOOX, -Coiummio# and A. l'*Twati)iHs Merthant. M Waieraod lU3 Frontm, riuHi y? chl L. A *J vVOOIi, JOSKS A Co«t Cemmivnen and A l \.r»*T<in>A Merchant*, have returned toiheirold •taod. ’vVm.t aud Front »lteel*. PituburKb. octal BWINCIIESTER, dealertnall kmd»oflirt inortr i anl liwrtje bojfara. Spaniah Leaf, and he t-l.jce-1 UaJtooi «:l,rwnt|C Touacco, wlio<«»aie and etail So.iU/rhirdlrireeJ.JMuliur*^ I’MC l '! ItXAl'X* 6KO&6C UDttA Bit AUK <fc UKITBR, Wbolewle *nd R*»») }*rucS!*u, eometof Liberty and St. Clan »ireel«, l’ a: - . . ••'"■7”.. BAtUIOWb i Tt'USKU, \Vhole«Je and Re* u.U s<*Je« .« kW<* «»d »0- *"**£?'.. tu Markei *i.;ltlr«. t fimfl Hurd- • ’ • * ; T> A. FAIIXKSTOCK « CO, Whole.,),* B. OA3IPSON A- Co., Groeero, CommiMionS AwiliJlP l«lcr. » TOMWwHUurrtK. V:lLrr«.tcel.ri.roU.r,h, ecrg nAHALEY & SMITH, Wboteaate'Grocer*, IS 13 I" ’•bartfi. v “«* IT'l* nVC.VLE’f CO„ \Yhote»nle.GnK iisaK-P? N<»'- «* Market VtreeU be w«» * ,u *. I’hilttdelphu. novB A'.vTblcAK ci,TY ,>i CO., ud I / t.rri'i.,* t» Oiui Ur^ln,•l’ittsuurrh, |V* ' • mekS 7T oIUAXIHi LOOMIS, Attorney at Uw, Of. ( j « ifer nn<t!t »ireel.A/« •\vin Oolrmait Joint C.Jettiunpv J«**- W. Mailman. /uu.EJIAS. ILAILMAN A CO, Mauu&aorer* O «.i Carnage■Ssp»iti**a»t‘* AxJea, A IJ. as»d *H>nn* tic.-- and ln Coach ‘l'ninmmM of every de** mi u.ucui.cio.y on St Clair M. WarelioUKt*l (v.C ! .. “ “-"*.l- Übn.!.-. lloirl _•>«* « , • J. Carolher*. r“!‘ * f;JS?SS?a Stttgfc Pat« Mjim.tti-'tov No. 01 Watw-and llS.Fwnt - Vi v« • I *\ 31aT BONSKB, Wfaolcale Gro /•yl * „. tt p.ijwurUins Merchant*, r *V„ n>wtufbcuiK^J»o 144 J-'K-m «i. »M:-«u*;eh.* •" ' ' ? : *. j. jtcxsioiir. joi > «f/rCXICItT. t*ucce**or» Ip 11- vv ») Wtmleiule Ofo<ifio,'OoaioilMloa ">**"• Dealer* In Produce and b """"«uT and J.->wrr • ■■'— TT* VRAUKit. lm;»ori«r and wholeiale and retail C . StS “oml swpte Variety <*»*<»ffi£ thct'n i«- .Morkei atnwi, near r ,r ► l».At.Vciul>wdßT <n l ioduce and Parody 1) iu »i!toc'r! No4fi UUerty «, next doorto**. uer t. Market -L '_ J iai > . V, • J. Harnwo SewelL ro- iily _ -T-airUVAttU IIUAZBIiTON. Whole*aleUrocer. E . u «cond door from Di* amoni Alley. riii-imrati - - ~li~ —— • jo us aaauaai. “U-y.'lT, & UKBBAUT, Wtoiru’.t Ura ,* I—A, a,al !W -1... Tiuibuighf P» fd 17 JA.MKS 1- B*S.tKTT. ■f-TriaVisn £ uasaKTT, |l«« Kn s l.*h, <*“: 6';S£S3'RS“S3 Pe« uJ and ' . ' ' rr .GRAwt McIISWUT, Attorney* “ l Law, . l .j" J?fiS °S fltt.■„ l»um. Chen Alter * ,r **‘' .. ■ ; »i'" * June* Wood.. rUuSSfo, BBS* '* «*>•• WlteterttOgcWh turn; i l «• _• _. - - - ‘ i*r niiir iCU., fI >-«»ju Manufacturer «twJdeal !•'. ,««•« iu w«rf te^jgy 1 Co, Commifflinn-andTor»mdh>f Wr.U IMubatrt N li.'ujtl™. I'.li M"“ u * tJUirt ' I'm- ur«h. • “ " ~TwI_M,ia(IAS.WATER**" PALX ft. Fiinlmr.sli I’r; ; —r G Merch«ni. •«« niwnS PiUnbttKhMnuu£*£ture*_ No w "«*“•*• —-—. -'T“ — 4 M. B. Brown. /i'KO V *- Co» lk«w*t«. MaiMertr G ilo'jSer.U Hop., r.u.i'™u .0.1 I o.vi Unm eric-, Fern and l*‘U «Wl». _ _l—_ &sss?sr«tf«j+ urtTU I'uuiiorgh. :-.irrr U -vVsH oa iCiiv-AV, iwsm , Jtl lacrciil Itow.ueuf the » -twnorun , WHITE A. RKD iXiD ffaJStamn;. r«« »«ii rrty and O'Hara »!>■.! ittfhafgh. ■• BICJCty. ftQBRBT bICKBI, TfiA.IAJI DKTICKY it Coi WboMaV-Oiww, M wjjer inJJOi rnuwno. l '“•Janfe,— - - - jssS3Slte*ir.TgsB s^»fi^W?g£3£ - __ _ —J TO£IS b. JIOaGAJS, Wholesale DrufgJit, *£ d Ibifiiunth. . • -~ I auks KKUtl,Ju.tCo. (»Mee«of»lD *»**; J ti. Da»i«] Ship CbaadlCTS, & atet * < - ' ck 3 “rJSßrW'iorukwm mo* W?-' , sciioomuaUL*- oo.*i«i™*i«jr . J . gr**,Norwood »*►■ ,P - - ‘ ibsEPii JoitDAM k aos». Comou *! J Forwarding Mere&anU, No W- Liberty u, ami'HrliK j »n.i«on*» Row. • "JHpiSjiSriH ii i!ie adjoining enutitiea ,; .OUN U. BA VIS, AUCT.ONEEE, ■»" » - and Wood itreettPjnsUorgt. _ ■7. rouse. BIUWELL, Agent. Wtolcaak. Gjto- I J tetacd Cotfltuiuloa Mbrcbant. 'Viter «nd door hbov- lbs Monongukc!* Bridge, Pnuburgb. Naif*, Glm«, kr. at manufacturer** jnieca., ]9 ‘ 110 -.-og * STOOKTOJ, !Wk«tlBt* and Taper manu/acrtnter*, No. 44 Mwrke nt, Ptiubtttub. ' *t L. READ’SJoo* S'.atr, 4*, oeax Maraetrt. i'rti JSla Me.Ud.M JJp«>k* and feMMMT w. UOBERTSON & CO., Banker* MdXxr- J .chant*Broker*, r°r..or #*>?«* and Third eutseu, Hotel Uoildir.r*,) l iTTrSweney aiU»c-u»tt*l rale*, ocill mix CltlKlt, WLolcailc Grocer, dealer in Pro- J 4 No - - >*s - ', ' Bichar^FJojo.. } Ju 't K?riA»yD,liaJe J.Fb‘ykjtCo.l Vfbokaak . «;•.*•••*. Nu. '9? »trrct. v ' * Wi-ii IV-,! XIiLL., Wholesale Grocer, Contoi*- ,s^er.»lVoduce .nd Lc" wivTUIPUJ*! Wholesale G«oeer, For vtarilm-' Ui.J iVunimMion Merchant, LValerin P...;t?rS , -MS^SSS»i«» *»■ 31 ’•g* mill '»;* Front ♦!*;_ . , I aWIS UVTCnWOK * Co., Wholesale* ! , *' TCfcl - Foi rard : n* and doniini«-*ion IVtiUurgb Manghctare., &*.»«« - V I atiberl JobnShtpttO ii RHIPTOX, Who! dale(»rcrcrt, lliWoo-J ————7— M UU-.r.-y^u ' am) MefLcl . ■ '* TV iriSKS, IICXTKH. *Co, 'Vkol«»l<v°£«'* i\l No Ijl rrty «- ’ va ~ ■ c.w. ncwwC*.-'- -kj\ tiil.RU t ttICKj&T*OS. 'X-rS^Libertr M m‘ Merchant* .>?*l° W*!?' HHtr'-rcli. »‘a ,an *l MrCOnu i ltWO,'«rtiQteMle V' I '■'f.TlMiS *ml o.f» rnunufeciuref*. »ud dealer* Itt, *n» For*, corr.rr Fifth »*<• • •• _ • A' X j. SKOAJW, \VboU*ale Grocer*, DekierjlllV; 'l. Hrrxi j'tc mtJ s*lf« «nd Forw*rdinr enaComnU** »io:i Mfu Siant*, No* 63 Liberty wd!»3 Wood «ireel«, piuoSMirgb* - • . - ' • i_ _ _ Nllot«alElftfe~SO2fa No 65 Mark«<- . ond door comer ef I’oortb, Dealer* l* >r->m and D'«Qeiiic-]ItU» cf.F.Xchan*e, Cerbficue* Of [0“ nurft &”*(*; ; ovtn* rr.t.w suaa ' . 11 - -?■£?!?..- M r Ill'll Y. WHjSOS fc. C©«> Wholwlt.ptf t Wood Waicrnrm _ j R 11. HAWKISH, Attorney *t Uw,On«J . BaievTe}i’«Uuilillng*, »ra»lr epp°*h* ’,{24?** Cooit Heu*c. j : mycwan. Uli' HAWKINS, Attorney at Law, Grant at .Tfctkeweli’sHuiWi"!:*- "*« rl Y ®PPo*“e IVi 110H08T-. - • I ipiogag^- ihoBESTSOS & REPPBttT, rrodace Deal-' Jjt aad Commiskifin merchants,‘No 100 SAAo&dsi, j PlusUtgfa. - : 1 / ' • \\»nn*nii T. LEKCII, Jr., > Import*'ami K, Dealer i» Fortieri and JJomesue Saddlery. Ilard wnrs and Camae* trimming.of Bit iwni>iOTVN# j« Wcyd atrcot, Pittsburgh. * •C* . ! . BUSINESS CARDS. . !*• BUCK, IT. I a. T ;- Bi IOBt.ISOS. Tj BKVCE& CO, Wholesale Grocers,-Donums A hob Merchants,.and dealers in Produce and Rituborgh Manafactares, Liberty opposite Smith l£ldsc. Pittsburgh. Pi. , • • I*__mys RICHABIi BARD, wholesale. and retail dealer in Lather, Morocco, shoemakers’ Tools atid 'Find : ihg*. Tanners and CurrinsTooU, and Turners Oil, No. IPI Wood st Pittsburgh. ’ sepl3 ROBEaT DALZKLL A Co./WholcAalr Gro cers, Commimon ahd Forwardine Merchnuss, dea ler* :u Produce and Piurbargh Manufactures, Liberty suret, Pittsburgh, Pa. feb‘J4 i BOBT-, BOBIKUB. BAX*L. B. BOBIBOS. R ROBISON-A C*), Wholesale Grocer*. Pro • dace and-CBmtni«tien'Mcrchsn(*, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures, No, lbO Liberty street, Pitts burgh. Po. ; . ■ , J .anlO pOBBRT SIOORK. Wholesale Grocer, Rectify, saving Distiller, dealer ut Produce, Pittsburgh Maoa* ficturcs, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic 'Vines ajrl Liquor*. No U LftcUy“ streevPftlsburgh. , ■tD*N. B. On hand' a eery large stock of superior Old Mononnheln Whiskey, which will be sokl low for cash. t ' • maygMy __ ;U’6. Reynolds. ! J. L. Store. REYNOLD? * SUES, Forwarding and Com mission Met cat its, for the Allegheny Riser Trade, dealer* in Groceries. Prodace, Pittsburgh Manafsetures aiid Chloride of Lime. ;.Tbe highest priecs, in «n»h, paid at all limes tor Chantry Rags . Comer of Penn and Irwin ns. jaicn li i'. BbackletL. '* *' • Tho*. R White. OIIACKLETT A WHITE, Wholesale Den- O lets in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No ®i* Wood Street, Pituburgh : __ feblTif StW. lIAUBACOH, Wool Merchahis. deal* • ers m Flour and Produce generally and Forward ing and CororaiMtrn .Merchant*, No ttl "ood street. PlUahurgh. _ PALMER. Attorney at Law. Ofliee O : n Breed's builJmg, No M Fourth street, belwrrn - Wood and Smubfitld. ' novOdkw l TKPHRN BABHRTT, Manufaeiurrrof Fan cy, Shaving and Toilet ttoaps, 'Vinter and Summer pressed Laid Oil, Ac. No l? Fifth »t, between Wood nod Martel ns, Pittsburgh. Pa. - oc3l SF. VON BOHN HORST A Co-, Wholesale • Grocer* forwarding uul Commission Merchants, IX'slcrs in P.tl«burgh Muuutaciares and Western Pro duce, bare removed to their uew warehou»e. told stand) No 33, comer ofFront st and Chancery Lane. uor< S ABIDED BI« ICIER, Forwarding' and Cominis •ion Merchant; Dealer in Sail, Produce and Pm* bnqfli manufactured articles, Canal Ba«iir. near 7th *t dgl • • O N.’tViCKEIISIIAM, Ovale?in Secds.'Fiuw tji er».FiailTree*,aiid Agriculturalluiplrmenw.No ts Wood street'Pittsburgh. 'ASSRY'A BEST-Wholesate <in>rer OoramiM.oo Mctebant*. and dealer* m I'mJure No Wood street.' Pittsburgh. TUOS. KENNEDY,Jr, Looking GU-. Manufactu rer, and Dealer in Clocks, Combs, and Variety tinod*,co"ruerof Woodapd Fourth streets yl£_ TP Forsyth. RJ Forsyth. rp, FORSYTH ACo, Commission Merchant*. • dealers in Sail. I.otnber. Groceries, Prodace find Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin. Liberty street Piuelnirgh. '< _ • * febli 1» A, HELLIEII, Looking Glass and Picture • Frame Manufacturer. and Importer of Looking lari Plates. dealer in Hoase-ftt(o‘»b4>* Hardware, ad Fancy Good*. tO{ Wood street, urat Fil'd). »>'-5 _.. . . - -- OHS V. WICK. 1* AY ID SCAXPLEM i t ,* ICK A n'CANDLCSS, (*ucce*s©r* in 1. a *V J u Wtek.7 Wholesale Groccie. Forwarding and l'ntmm**»u Merrbante. dealers in iron. N»il«, Potion Yams and Pittsburgh Manufacture* getfrmlj', vomer of Wood and 'Vai.-r *t*, I’uubunch. turlil* \\T~ \V. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jewet'cr, VV . comer of 4*h and Market street-. optii WIL MURPHY invite* the ladir* to call and • examime hi« stock of Fiench Worked Collars, onto as low m j_ meh!3 r; / OR£ER, WholesaleGrty-r. Forwarding and VV • Commission Merchant, and Dealer m Prodoce md Pittsburgh Manufactures, comer of Water and -mithEeld sa,:Pmslmrth. Pa. npld nTIIITMOBX A WOLFF, liawtlfH and VV ' Wholesale Dealer* Ln'Hafdvrw. t.utlery, Sad :[cry,Ac > eom«rl4ibcrtv and Si. Clair meet*, F*tu •uijh. ' tiLENN, Uooktdnder, liu rrtnuvedtotbe ' V comer of Wood and TLird au, above C. H. Kay, ere be i> prepared 10 do every deicripiioti of Ruling binding. '■W.’WALLACK,'MiII »ione“and milffam'iab < mg No. 2U Liberty nr't, near the marts WM. K’CETCBEOX. BOBT. Si CCTCSEOJf . V\T A R* BI’CCTCHEO3r, Wholesale Crocriv YV . and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufsetnrr* and \Ve«icru Produce generally, No. 124 l.i!*eny street, I'nulutgh, I'a mi! \I7 t a^MITCHKLTRKK.WnoiesaIe.Uro- VV . cent. Rectify.n* lX«iil!er*, and-Wine and Liquor •lerebanfk. No. ICO Libert} ouect, (opposite Mxth at.,} rmsburph mayia-dly tl o. n.- UOBUISOH, Attomry at Law. has «l • removed h;» oite* 10 the Exchange Building*. <t Clair meet, ne ri door to Aldeiman Johns. Will OAUUAUD) Ueairr m Faivy and stupir • Pry iioods. No 78 Jtfarkci atrert, nortJ-rtly •_ ' V kjilLliFit tL i'tran tde (unit V V Difincl.) Wboleaale G’loeera. are now located ai ~o. ltd Wood at, where ibex offer for *ale a large tuon* mentofGrocenci and Pnuburgh Manufacture*. at low i’rieta and on farorable tcnaa. - way!3 Ww. WLLSOS. Dr»lef id Warcha*, Jewelry, • Silrer Ware, Military Goods, Ac, No. 57 Mar ket rtreet' i ‘ "no»7 riCMt apuv. wholesale and retail dealer ia .rof'-ijii aii-J IVwne.r r. Dry f.V«d*. nur:bea»iror> «ieroi'.Market and t'oanb »t«. I F< lUW'kSt Jr., hi* n(c.purrh«*«d ibe ; VV ~Drag Store of Kdjtar'Jhern, corner of Pent and land »treet», wiil acep a cuoium supply nr the be«i fcedicioe*, perfumery* ic > t‘|)y»inipn’« pte»cnpnon« earefully compounded.— Ucdieiaea.ean he bad at all tioott of ihe night. JeblMly* V M AVallfneroi^ rALLISGPQRP A fV,., Convßii*ion and for . warding Merchants, Second, tii-ar Wood Mrret, tbargh. Pa. fchlfr WIX,M. DAULLNOTON, Attorney si Low Pittsburgh. Pa, 10 take the or* vnowiedgtumandproo of Deeds, L«a*r*, (Contract*. Depositions, or any otbe* writing (under ►*«! of not.) uj ■e used or recorded in .be Stste of Ohio. Office on . Hurdttrge(,aborctsm»t tcid.. . jell-tf WO. il'OUUTßAlitiil, Aiiors'7 ai Law • Firth street, near Fmubfield. Collecting, agen cies and other Lustnc** attended to whb punctuality tfcaaells & Semple, ' Wm. Crogha'i, L*<i~ BA Fahnestock A Co, John He-rnm, Kmj, tfliS, Lindsay A Co, . John Wn-ut, K*q. James McCuily, E»q. 4!sj. U'liliam l.sruurr rat-iy 1 ’> J .DRYAR, RECTIFYING DJSTILLER, iSD VUOLtlttl UCALta is PUREICS k DUJIEBTW WISES k LKUiORS, JVo. 114 Liberty it*, and s '& Diamond alley. PITTSBURGH, fa. jyt7-dly : t_-_ . WARRICK UARTLN At Co*, Bank*ri, VeaUn in Exthang*, Dank .'<«i and Cetn, Corner of Third and Wood street*, - novlft-dly PltiobWT«h. P*. 11 W William*. Wn. M Chinn. {Sueutufla Lem it Ir Willuuru.) WILLIAMS A SHINN, • ATTORNEYS ANI) COUNSEL LOBS AT LAW , QGKXHto Norh aide of Fourth at, febl7dAwtyF - K. J.;SIBHRY, _ • ATTORNEY: and Counsellor at Uw, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Cbfleriiont m Southern Ohio and m Indiana and in Kentucky, promptly and careful!/ uUehded to. ’ REPBR TO—Hon. Richard Biddle, Wo Efcll A Son, C urtivWtaJd'KniEfcuCburch&CaroUiers, ITniJlnys. •fitq, Jame« P, Stcait, WHloek fc Pavm. it-' _ Oliaer UlackliumT' Ucorie U. Junes O. BLACKBURN A CO , tXTIIOLESAI.K Grocers and Dealer* m Oil*. Host V V store*,and Pittsburgh Manufaciursdanic!e*,lmve on hand at' all time* a full uod general assortment of roods in their line, Water street, near Cherry Alk>, Pitmharth. ___ • IffifflilTKE OEflllS JISIATi works, FOB TUX I*l.l OF IKHLF.R IRON, BOILER READS, FLUE A FIRE BKDIUON. ' E. F. SHOENBERGER ■ YITTBSPROXI. PA. Having taken the Warehouse formerly uceujnrd -y »M. U Rhey A Co. ' Water Slrcrt, near Kron's Steam mi), .Will keep ori hnnJ a full supply of ull me* of Boiler Iron and Heads. Flue am* lire-Hcd Iron, made from liiitot/uilidta bleomr, which will be. sold al liter loweri market rates. Engine Bnilder* and oilier-, are invited 0 eull bud examine his "lock. Order* profop'O: * l " > filled to. - . ‘TOtIN M TOWNSKSD, Uiueglri and Apoihe* J cary. No V> Market at, three iloors above Thud sU, Pittsburgh. wit) have constantly on band a well •elect ed n**oitmeiitof ihc best and freshest Mrdieule*. winch he wdi sell on the mr*t .reasonable irnns. Physicians sending orders wili he promptl7 attended to, and sup plied with Bircle.ih.y may rely upon os geiium* : Prescription* will Le accuraielv ond neatly prepared from the best material*, at «n\ hour of rhe day or ihrUl \ , , Also for sale, a large -trek of fresh and good Perfu •mrrf. * I*” 1 . ; J. B. BWEITZEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, pfflei Od SI, oppo.fl. Ch.rl^llol.l, j i ls*ljw»nend'prenipll> , lo'Co'lle<*tion»,iii Wait l 'V* ioeion>K»yclie andGrcm Coumirs, P». f - Rim to . ; D.T.MoiWft ) ’ . v... :r»joi«D«siiAP» , ,’v CANT? PA CTUREK Or Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron M-Wire. in Britannia and Japanned PITTSHURIiII AND WIST BREWERIES. 1 Corner Barker* Alley Wnd Perth W,' «oJ f»t of * 111 «. Pittibnrgb. P«» j“a. UonUr.7hi.“ “ W.Bonbnghl. j. s. *w. bosohioiiti ; n t j 9UNDFACYURRRB UR STAB CD, tT7ARRANTfcD rcuahlf sot »nperior. V* any made VV m me Vnurd Suif*, ami which they will dlapcae of at law Prices and on good Tern*, oetn tvr -; ’ Be* a. r. ksuos. ■ Ntuoff. alu. rom.xi. 11. P.iS.HBLSOIf &CO., of iluorecrerf ft'otela and Spade** iloca, Hay and Mahore Ftorkt, An., Ac. \V«n>towiK?. Nft H W/yxtWfWl, rourlJ , ■ricABToHiCr 7 ' • A>. Tt,' fettrU itne, near VTc*4 . fT7“ A!l qoaliiiee of Orwrt and niaek Test uont tip in QQKri'T, tofeud «• rotrnd t.n .rrne-fnstn.Hl C-»ei pOood to *l«fiO A JAYnKA * ~ • • fcr PoktoTaaCo •FORWARDING & CUMMJSSION. i MI3CELL4NEOFS, A. M. Wallingford. " WALLIKOPORD A CO., rjTrsmnnH FLiuriTcar. .ware moo**. COMMISSION A. FOUU AKUINO* MERCHANTS. . N«» M TIIIKD STREET, Dltl.Eßl IX A J.AlUiKnnil*plentljd , tor Sie-imUrii*. fig 1^ WAREHOUSES Second *mrt. near 'V«.<l. and i SZS3 lioirl-. uud pnvoir Uvvel. Canal Uo»in Lihrriy street. have on hand urd for74Li*».ooii»ianily on hum) and inudco order •ale 100,000 lb* assorted S«rl, vu: i fTlie present *ioek ou Jiau.l cannot l>e exorlirJ l«y any Naylor Aoo‘* CaM.Shrir, Ulr»irr amt Oertuan It***!, i AanuftiiMor > >n the we*n-rn « 'minify-. Kcr*oi>« tri'lnn* Jone* Attaint 1 * Am Utmur Spring ami Fork 10 punha*r «nu\l do :i t>> givng me n'caU, a* I uni tlUOdoz Slxorcl*. Spade* and Fork* ; 1 dneriiimed my pr ■»•?** rliull j Karl cl di- »lwk Carriage *piine« ami Aile*; Anvil*. (moDfc'hole;) Vice*, (patent ami common.l Sledgef. glrtm .Mould*. Cro-»ljar»; Furnace Ringer*. (Junißia Irony . Matlock*. C|u> oiul Coal Pick*. Axe*. Scytlie*. Stride*. lx>j; Clmia*. Ac Ac.. ds"Salamandcr Fire Proof Sale*. lion. Nail* .Ola** and other Pitutiurßli Mann.arture* N>id ai ilie prlee*. icl.l* * pint Ouounm*; "C R : J RclHiido Sunk. ‘ v u.v )v '‘ J *' 1 CIIAIU.ES H. DASENHOWEU A CO. l-.pb, ,*!.«»* d TOBACCO nit etc, rip,',,!!,. nn.l u large a«oriuirnl of Common .CUMiHlSSlON'Slftit t II A NT S. Furniture u.ul Cha-c*.t:>o numuromjn inem.on. K». S) South Wharves, and No tl?«umh Wuki -u niurOif PHILADULPIUA: ,NKW HUUMVARK ViOIjK. BfcG to inform Uic trade and dealer* pen-rally of JOSEPH WOODWELL. Pittsburgh, that they hnv.*maJc*ucti u'raimeiuenis : Corner of Wood and id H«, I’ll tnburgh, with the Vtiginia munufarttiror* andthr (.rowers 01 , 11 A VI,Mi withdrawn from the old firm of Wnlbrr A the Wtyt, \V«t Indies. attd oilier |,laces u« w-!i insure 1 fl Woodwll, on the 4»t cn January, Isl?,. I tube a largo and constant supply of the following d.-H-rip- pleasure mi announcing in my frrmU in Hie city and nan* of Tobacco which will be sold upu.i a* uccinii- country, ilntr J liave’ojicne.l my new store at the above modelling term* as Kayotlier hou«e in tb.» city or r:«.- . tittinod’pludSl Hnvntj: |*wrli.t*cil my good* <brcu*h, where, and all good* ordered irtun Ibrm will be war- ; nn.l rnnde uirangtuaent* with inamtfneturJr* in this ranted equal to repreM maiion:— j country .nut i:i Kmopc m bt- cmtuatr.ly supplied. 1 am Havana; S:. Doinuno; Conn.. I ' tuify prepared to !urMt«lt Hardware of all Linds. on as Yura; Poruißico; Penn'a . J Sredl.ca! To ' to -»i trim* a-uj .it ly.v m any huti'C.KiiJi or Wc»l ! Culm; Igumi; und Florida.) haeeu. 1 llefi-hntu-and r.ilicr- rr«p<irtiu!ty -nvilr.l to cal I Al>SO—nraneh's celebrated Aromui.c Sus dar«ti- ! ;n>.l rimumo my tiock., n.-iiirc purchasing elsewhere. I dish, with a large assortment of other popular brand-, Th> ml r.w,i<- <-iunpri«c* a pun ot iti> slnck ! and qualities of pound* 6s ?•« IS* |R» und Tr-l.ump. Sicntnlu'iii mid Sudd en- itjintwnn Gun Trimmings I 5*6» and Hl* Plug; Indies’ Twi-l, Virginia Twist. pile* >. n \ ioi’t Mcrl. Cutlet> . K.lge Tools. Anvils, Vi* I Ar, Street amt plai-i. :n wbule and bait l.ui'i. w.od , fr*. l-rfl*. I.rtt. h--, > f.-«, r*e> the*. Dull llmgc’, | and tin. tiiirrihrr with ctery vur.ci) iv ..ri.cie i-clung ' Screw «. I’n.oii i ueturv l',anes.Saws M*hog*nr boards i ing in tire trade. j. tC-cll v i,.i v-m-cr- nn.l uil i-ii.-i nr'.irlo. connected with ilie Jijt.Klta.AH. u AKI.KJiM»\. i Hardware lumne.. mchU'f_ Late of I’iiulmryh, Pa. l.rue <•: Na«iiv,ilr.'lYnn. LUIUSEK t ANDEItSON De.<:<-r.-n Cnaou, Forwarding and CAicu)i«*u)it .M**reli«nn, \i> S Finns »trc«l, above Itroad .v»), t Micujitan. Rxtcb to— M Alien h '*o. j , Uagalcy A. Ssiijiti. J i‘iii>l-urciv Wnj. Umgltam ) Seay A. Sir*-j»Ucr-.1. i Martin A McAi.Mer Na*li\-Me Tens YeausauA <\rnu*t» tid ) W F UrU*» : K). Sponger A \\ b teta.ni. J i • O J.-imea Jubn*:oit A V ‘’ l *J,n llewrtt. Ileran A Co.. Ni » Or.ran* Maggtrfgor & Morei*. New 'i »rk Duvall Kriglticr 4 Co- lUilfitnir Stw.h. llagaley A On.. l'lulad. Ipliiu Darnel Dealtfm, !V»»ioa ‘jm ■» Imi w j, ,\|’<»re*>v J. 0. 'V. l.«r>twirb. 'V t* W.i»om r Snunc A. »*• riiirmnn J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., jiuumvj RKOKIVIMJ. KORWARIUNt.. Jw.tt 1..r C «.;. Jr .‘t *"*'* »> «*• • N>n And Conimlsatou Merchant., l-owt.r A n>l» i- i! ,Mle A Dtrt.naii PLAftVKMISK, La. I'limna- Fail.-) {•««« “ ASAfiL, , PARTICULAR' a'trillion paid to rmwixitmet.i* «• D.iv-nl l okei Harney A M Clclland, Sugar .Mill*. Kngt x«, or ott.ri ajitPirator Ope-ouau* Mu ;li W aliucr. Mo*e» llotluck ! and Attakana*. I >J ’ > ll |- u , v . ... BKFF.RTO—Mc» t* Sheffield & Lteltilow. Mi Th->- , lor to itrilr and *e-1 lad ohrv/* IWa^da na. Limerick, New Ur.rairs. «pi*»y w Li5t.NL/JR t OA/ZA.M, Meam. LanonA Brttrr.cn, Mi 7. M.sn-rVv.,Ua- .Win I: vp, ‘ l a iaville. UATEN'T l* HESS UUICK SIACiUSFk . »Mea*rv Hall 4 S ierr. Mr. Win. O'lx-nry, Rui-ett lie ii:t' .ns po'itmed t. put.rit. Mu)' Id Wightman. Armttro: g .WnnlHi.t, fst:*l>uigi.. i-IB.i u Itr ,<< k Marina'- and having .lure then M '•»*!». Reran. Tr <M 0« : C>itr.iif-.it. -fimo .m > ir*ti"l n» .ii--■ -xy. aie now prepared, to .eell Me**r«. Hync« A l'rajg:>>-iut. ,Me».r» Kdw.it.i* A r . clli . ami rmnrai-r m .iwiv. r itiM-lnnr* fn any part of Wbiuratl, Hun. Zei in l.«»auve, lion John Dolton; , i ,„ c ,- The roar in tie >. draigued to make Flanuemiite. La »»__ ; », c >, Cfu . ( ,. ~„,1 w!l make CIIAIO. BELLAS i Co.,' * I'niun o{ pr» • FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- "J ■; W', '-7r u- Umi;*nV tie *,4 otter •MISSiqN MERCHANTS. L...;m 4 .:e.«r U1 « nwiuil.ltto T IiIKR.W. ea.«h adflin. e* made nsi reee.pt r.. - rep.,.r ut.,! .* t v«n j-e taken i 0 Ij »igmj»eiil». Tlua&u.pi'.ng to.-ur niiUre.. w.. t,e pieer- ivod put toi:-tur- witligreaiin. ih*y.tlit>*n-nrt.'l- vipSiit udt*uc. .n C*mi. I>y upp.> "X ‘t \\ e -n- rv. .v hiir.tu • .mi.'Utne*. and Utg to our friend*. ,-ai: 111 n «ii:lirul .111 IWt'i • t ■ u:J.<l M n| i.on ATaytor. |*.tuburgh. . «•*'* i.d rc.'.-i '.o-’ *"' l -‘ h Mr«»r». WullmJ'brJJLTaylor. . w-w i.Jrr.vi'.a-ium U'nu,v -tu C r..|di <ycra. ilelfdc Co. Ur.d«rpon.Oii-o. !>»>»• : V :i r tr< \ '.-0.i.-m, i-rar iln W»m <*ud 01 KtC& U I’fiiFsitfllplna Mayb.trU may*/? -if .tiu .wlirffw .lial' h:»’i»r»y 10 «V«ry»hw>| .All produce cot|Vrlir<l to u* i« i«i tttd nurD ■ ••onu.-eW tf. ■!.'" •■'• ~‘ '''* ‘ * c Al tn the Arirclioot** of Wallingford A Tavloi. PiU*b«irßli. 1 pri*«.*-it u-j .;ru Ad'V Ai. J<*firn tff oar fyuf * 0,., .lot. 11, 1-1, 1a,Wp1.;,. II II I, t. » (V, . FKKSN IMS’OK* 'ATIU.\S UK HAKIUYAUi:. CINCINNATI. LU(a A ] &. KKN.H K D \, m»i.iv,ui huk Uhiciui. IMP* MITERS OF .NO WIIOI.VX.VbKUKAI.KRS [; VTIA.nVKI.i „i.,-hti-p;pvf,! .l.irl» e Uv pM« IS lIAKDAV IRK, CPTLEttIr, *c. 1 * <■>' i: “' *7 > '‘ •n.m*:»Jit.r,enn So. 1 3 Wood Str*<OV > iU, ‘ 11 ro,i,:r • l ’ ,r | P TTAHtUIOII. ivmi'vi.Mi.i, »v . ■ f.r rro.. ARK now in the n unw of recrivlnifAlilriia ald iim- .««N ** .i-a 1 i*r iai> e' ■*. <»«t *t “^• ll Lieu Out* U> thru eXtrti. iv ttocW fit WaiOwjirJ. C u ;>r ; . I *’“‘ ’“I l ' r,,f " v - " ''' ; r ' r f *' Sad irrj, *r. win-h liovhir l,«*rn purrtfl.rj n« t:.«- ' v 1 j ,p,k •‘"‘l. too- 1 adtaiiiasrou. u nnt iu England.;*»S fn«n '• * «»*•*»■<■— lu ‘ • -• ] 'A, Ai ' the Manufacturer. i, tli,« ivinirj. e-iable. ibrm !•* «i rarriallv ■*» cJ •'. *** * fer oodt o:> lrrm< *• rpttvvJ by iiOiir mu! lay. ( f *urn»-.l •'.v; < • ■in;'"*' > i'.**** 6, " ," h *“ J"j’ few i*qrcli*<ci'&r mfi'cJ to call. L nut* uu-u-mnf er,; ' &« «. iHr nrv OKU I CIK cot H it A % , COM ISSION >v lOKW.AKI iMi M I'.IC-li A N I‘, „ No £•> \Vooj> Stuiit. I’ln-bi ,, -s r-» CO.VI INrKMi trati-u t a m-r.n n ..1u.,., K I'UUUTH hTUISKT UAIIKhTv", UuitKCKt. c*{Hj«-nHy in the purclu.r ..mi nir ixj-f-vJ It|N Alt t u KKI IT »-t:, <if Aircneaa Manul.ieiu-r« and Product*. *nd 10 , ... n no Mr', -^rAw : >i‘>. in-. frntn W<x*j »•. rcceivipg and Tom anting l»ot» :* eooirgnrd m ,a * nod licit to A io. '(>4 Mors. Cire./A* A'Cnt iho be tvttl be a n«»t»nn:e:.i *»:l'a ■ y lV«r. O.jifVrnenat) CDtiilinUy aupphe l with the principal jrttelr* o( Fut i. 4 |- . it' »h on tl'r ctmnure very day; apujugwliirb PitUburgt Manufacture ct the tuecH wholeml* 1 'r.-itir — - ( pnc«*j Ottfett an 1 r.n-n r.'ppi’n’iy •niirited. (•' U F Conway . 1. I. I m).. ” B. F. ICON WAV A CO.. PORTSMI'CTItj )l.ni* «'>.! p.>. -.vardms . Merchant*, and I 'lodo’-'- !>•• i'»»»— u-» «. on. itie i Purchaae, Jlilc and I’tjt Iron, i.oa A.- tllFKll T'>, Atwood, Jon** A $u Htonn i’a.j-) A Co l-orenz. Slertmc At Co Henry fifaf Graff, Lindsey k<t» I) L»«rh A Cn •l.ynn Sbort-A Co «' » : l. A n.a > marin.tit <’r.„. . ■••. . - ' Joll.v F. PKt.il 1 . [Lair oi die tiuiof Malcolm t#ce*'ii A '<■ ] I Wtaole«ule Grocer. Conuilaton A Flour 1 nercham, TVKALRRu a : im.l« r.l iV.mtv t'r •to.-.-, Cop- >’ XJ per, Tiu. Tin 'lalp» l.wci*' fi>o ». 1.-V Hu»ia Mir el Iwn Iron b.ni N0.,-. " t.or l.r»d. D,r fcifi rt.non e-mic rtrrtti; !’<ti«burcli, ‘a. ... wihP.ii. f U.VKrJ.Ti of J'roau ■'•.4c ■“ > , ... (. | t . r ; | u ., auctioneers ■ AND (M’IBSION MEBCIIANTfs■ i«n«n.-. AI.EXA.NpEK LEVY * l)HOS. 1 CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER m-U ai-.fither ctiafci'hii.em, ali k-u.i* of * w..,,.: •V. ... .. » 1 i'.-- Mrrvban>)i*r ui iHf ir>we»i r«u-» «>! »•'' u>ul (I « „ u n(J. u'mi-. aiway* prrpxrrt! 10 make nJvnjfo<__Tiie '■r.i of j |j c ~c . ■ rcfrrrnre* Ri*en, if rvijuired, .. «. <) tn ' 1U ~r • either villfii* pTucnjuty utieiidci! ;n. >, 3m:iv Varu* a!>). ci.jn.-i John F Fmjvr. ju h \ a. r 11' in inn COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 .NO 30 WATKR . MI'HWTK OIKA I‘MUK OMKUI.B\ H lIIUCK P«tlvN*»- .\* *i-« BALTIMOHB, O »>"* »n« nnini.iM». «• n.u H-i U|. WINDOW R)a«», Oi*.» W*rr, Pr.H !‘ru H"* ' ,u--"-tr,r r» '• r •»«*•» <" V » ttii, nnaOmniry J*ro(Ja''>- ' ' *•!«' oi.-h m Ur* v» > > Ailvtnrr* mud* on <-on«ifr.tn.-Tit. Si»:.«f.irvry W " •<*■■'>> 'vmur.i .t * •(>;»* " >.» .nj «*.«> ■ cr?nre 10 ib»»e mi<lrr»*nic !•) mat '-I’l* l>* Ur <i> m* - **, 01 hi.t- |'ii" w» .... V\ .■ liavp n i.huilm iot >•> '-r ■ ;>• firm- JAM** THO»PM>S.' W THOMPSON A. CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MPRCiHANTS And Sj»uoffcctnrer«* o t Llnatod Oil, * An. 20 Columbia Street, ■ CINCINNATI, OHIO. (o*cAsa paid ron rtAisito^p) >V ' WM. WATTKHSOS, FORWARWSU ANI>IH >M IP.<ilA NT, lledbank, Pn. rt'UK adv*iri*er would re«p<*itiully inform h'» ft ritil* 1 and the public thai h« ha« lakrn rm* J Waribi>»i««’. formerly occupied by J K <*<mhl where i.rwili tnn Racta ftenera! Agency, Knr*«fditig »nd O.i:i:uu>«fon bu»ifie*>. Particular atiemmn Own »• n ;l ion*cn raeut«. Cbargca iea««w>»|e marl In Redhank. March 1. IH7 ' WALLINGFORD A CO., COMMISSION A I'URW AIMHNtJ MKlirst \ NTs, Second Street, near WooiT. DEALERS in* IMifburg). Munuiai nifr« ai.<l llravv Hardware—will keep un bund a »ioc-k of carriage •priiis* u;ui a*lc». ham**«.»<••) tbc- and R lc», Ore proof >afta, unvn-, Tii-c* uiuckMiniti* tx-'io-.'- aierigea. Ac..Ac mcl’ , .‘i maLcoi.m uf.i h. • i.i.i.m MALCOLM LEECH A SOS, LATH >l. LKKEh A ro , U Grorcu. n.m tiiißßion bml Fktnr Mi-fcliom*. denier* in y- k.in’< (toouiri Produce, Ctmpef, Tin, Tin I'laU’*-. I'i.ikt- TooN, Iron unit NoO. Z.n.-, Wh.ip Ua-I. 0).- HiuiX* Hu-*.a Mir. t li.nr. U-.nl, Vun.‘, Suit. A.v, i.ml rm-t.urirli .MaumWii.rr. ifiicr.iKj'. N<»» UI.UI. sml !M Lii.rrU ,ir r «-l. o.ir dour hV/V<* llie lirail uf W o*el rliert. I'iU-bUIBiI, Pa l.iUcml I'.lvancrr,. in cadi or ro.hl', mail.; on pi.ii ► ijr.inermM pro.tilrc. Ac . Ac. , ru< niO MSIICKII, OUOTUKUM .ii Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j IVirlhe nblr ol I’kupu e ijpncriili). I Hi 11. A I> K PIII A . j tidvunre» made on con»iqmn<-m« „/Jf | I’nlladA, Dcc'n.ii'f **. diiiti | ii. vr. MiTiuwr. w. r. fatcu. JIATIIKWH A. PATCH, I coajussm mehcimsts, Jio.ltWaler Street, ST. J.oLlS.Mri. Will'giv, particular .tt:< nr>on to the sellinj: ol Pro duc<-. mill lo order* for purehu • 11 CUM to— tieorge Morgan A Co , P.uh.uikli, Pm. • »ocl i John M Culhiugh. J M'Kc*-tian. C H Culhcrmon. JOHN fII'CULLOCGII A CO Communion and Furtcnrdim; AtrreJuitih, \ NOS. 03 & 95 SOUTH ST. ! |».i3?lv* lirfwi.lN'rP*’ WM Alt F. 11*111 mor« TIiOS. <7. CAUSOX, & Co’ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Xoa. 8 and 9 Light Hi , .BALTIMORE. |jyCa*h advance* will he made on eoußignmenl u tfc nl>o»e o.ldn-**- by _ _ • jantny CARSON* AMclCMfi II T. Sixth *r__ «KO. B. MILTENIIRIHiKH, STKA.M lIOAT AGENT. COSISIISSIOS li FURWABMSC MEBCMT, PRODUCE fc MKRCHaNDISK'BROKER, augtU oirice. No'ftO Water Street, IMikbargb Pa. J. NEWTON JONES .CTEAMIUJAT AIiBNT AND COM.MI^tON M E It C II A N T. MO NO N r; ,\ Hill. A JinUM*. Vnttburglt. Pa. B“ A, rAIINESTOck &, Co’s. WHITE | « LKAD WORKS.—riieum]criiigii<Hl bavo j cotnpleled their new work*; located on the bank <i! j Iho liter abore the Aqueduci, in Allegheny city, , oDpoaite the manufacture ol a aupo- ! Of wnilo lead, both rlry and ground in oil- ii»o, rcd.liwdanil lilhcraga. Having arailcd ibe’nudUe* of :all th« recent imprntemouu in iu iMn«ftclore, : .na.reelrt tte buildint. ... . m Mltwi*. »ctl«, •»* wltb c.pjcitr I" mile lew i. laic qiuoliUoiJlMs«iß tc able t, aunilj onto, la almo.t.ny cleat. LI " n '' . rer. Pm PATTERNS FOR SALE—Caleb ST2XS, Pam't Mftker. Allegheny Unjr Oil Mill, bat .he «wi I‘Fitwraa for Slote*on band either in wood or Iron. Mill Gewtß j and all other pauero* tuade I u> order. i- epi-ru PITTSMfJtGB TUESDAY MORNING, MAY IS. !847. JAMES W. WOOOWKLt, Jdo F. Sjnjn Sji’u* Wi>ti t'luftii auJ 11.T.r-'iii'ii rovc.r'i ■•i i'o2 MuliuKutij XorffOiaif*. 14 j>kir Divan*; IV'luf line mohi‘t;nnv , IV injfcotany V\ ( }J JOiw. UoctiiiirCUairi, =» Ift man.lf ;o,i I)rr«Mu« Uiitvntt*; UAZZAJII S I'ATK.VT BKDSTKAD. :s " fW I T H sfTANBI N <i . ( - n>] i.UrrtM.-’i !o tU>» inter! i.i,h u! ■ ruuliyngli Mrchamc!a<Din /jfe&ferw uutl AUoehr-iiy t’!t> • »rul Uieirnnmer iiSovi* iti«- %•«r: k r (••'•'<:•' ■«■>• Aovi» tntvnfioni, mid tliry RI V t.Hi/.vri, - i l .. ir.-rire.icc.imiply •! Jr-': -' ■ i ■■:'!■•■ i—/ • t-ong’M. and mat etnvrnunl lU-iNw.I :u >«' T'.f .>!i!i%vjn< leatm|on»al * Wr 11.- uii-pfiMrc J.r «••!' r.! r- .!• |‘.l:«!lUT£l| n- i v - •-•ail* 'Vil'i ti r»rr >.i4< • I V. «W J.ia-'. C-. r-d-ro t’-*-. --car -?<«. Ur,--,, k.> !*- fV.-»u«. , J'- v. Hr-d-.’l’jtd. Pancv -fr-m VV(i-.« VV!-~uj Umif. lad : i -» from ~-i drug*. *• Vr »y ro-f«. - ;.{S) ; A.’.DtlK^H •jUAVIMi f 11M ,M - Fill (.' aC K l-ilJrci-fU U.-M. r,'.br; l.w.i nr IW.I W.-. 1. M M* !|<n:l» ilrv I If ■»•>* ill IT 4* u* a r* i■•fo-.va ftuuram i hi' liu* |"i!ur»lMC >Laic'nf Conn!" ’ tM ■ «>t i Ju.l\ McKaI'K;\A.CO t.a-LH .V-jf-m •: lif.rkinnlsrri •.V, .Vlllf-rl i.r it. - IT- : .;.f hi* Mil Copartnership. f'E'ir.l u.lo C-ttJMMiirr ■ Vnifmti.un ao*l fnrw •ntmt !»wik •*. irtul-il lirt «,t Olll'JH. A. CO.,i .11 .1 lisvp iskPii inp OMr-him*-. .'Si* 6 I'.irnriPiViai Kntr i. i!) /w. n• i.nm-iiy occQii.rii t.y Mi \V U I’nyi - .1'! t.u*.p.Mfii.lPil U- nil' r-hlllg* will <•* wr,.r,:r . .NI(»fUU> lim i > ... I'i. U.ie-I.rt.a Tims li MHiltl'AV, •• KIN'III.KV I! MctiUrW, • • rit.l.urs'j MINF.RAIi IlKoioV lIF I,AKK *t'PE* Itllill A few kWiir*.«*!«.!..k.<.,«; lU"CUI«m ■hi iTW;*'..: - . ». s .... arM.iiii.ii. il<>- map ~f i.. n,.rr rruiii i■, mmi-.. - uml •.icruimt ol rrery pr hi i, n.nl-iili'l rtij . ..I »|i,. k '■ t'.i »-on » r-«n.' of ill- f-.. rt-.rul II • fi'C'apti'c-al "in >fVs. ii.jtrilicr n.tli a I inti .nmriiikl w> rda i \< in tin- m-'—rn! f i.f I. it. Snjittio'. »r<* eoniain <•: .n iT.iiwnrl. Kl.t »i!ft l-r 11A V> .*4 nr.MIcB Xu-. 1 -.irrmi.r. PUlUii. UlilMf. f »n:i Mnlll.liK. I)t.!-;j-i*l .i|.<! A.-.il-erary, N.AV. .1 i iMit-r w Uikkl nn l 6j 1. I't:t-»'V.il k-rp «-«*um»ihl> mi InnJ UriiK'. I'n mi, O-.i-.1.1V-iult* I-H i omitirnU' "' a ,r. T |iV-"i ‘iv.em.-n . Ac A * . \\W:i "■ I »*•” N.ii h. 1,1 ’' iuu-u U.w rr.r. n^i. Ti n, Urnvrry. Krnlt nml Pruvlnton Slor«. * U iim.i vm,i- a si) iir.rall. NO. 11l LMJKKTY STIIh'KT. jS i:\J\MI.N lilJ'A \ Wit'l'il I||.l|\ 1 IllUim h)» rt.inisi'ilrril l.il* u’vovr htin'-tir.. ni-Il r li • o!.l -Ur,>l, w!.m.- In- li 1.) ■ j,o( tro.nl aril. —i'lr.ir low lor * a-h HiH<K. SH.N ami DKCOKA riVK PAINTI'Bi I.I.AZli:!: ANN I’AI'KK n.iWpu ,lb un.i-M,. k.'- nl.i.vr lu.-mr- in i.U '*• vunnu* tii.iin-1i,.». nml w .ir i ..*■ :• u i-.-.c <.«(i»’at:t.uu in M 1.!;«r> S:n I, fcitJ I'.lilitl. »*. ri:»R» Ao pr*mt r.l in nrili-i H.1.1-t ri:n.\uinl Mtivm.r Apron- alwajn oi. liin.l I in:i - m H>,H|saii,l mirlM!-, Ji"lc :n n HAGS WANTED. KtlUlijl) I'tlif :» (TASiI w.ll 1* !• *i<-’ -VIJ-. .l-». t.j«i m m Wnii •{ i*ns! V. l'i>i -» >i-'J < Itlur.rt- l.inir UIA MH.lv- . l ..ii.-r IVn■> aniUrwrr. «i I'- ' u.gh l ■ LKItIiSMIPW A N'i'lr.l»- Vli . .. ,|,nui fl \ /■ Vnrfc. I ft ' • .»>» of ftc*- n in «eW rr«, r >r.r'* Comiiff'''' l «u tin- niy A* il *■ It, r Je*ito«rin‘ parcm* ihai l»e tj<uu:<J acquire u know of l.n«itm/».n rrinunernimri wooM only. Ic rcqiiitfil for itio Cm yrar lU:W<*iirc may hr tmJlo Rditoraf (intcUe,. . . • WIIITMORK It WOLPP, |‘^*^<~'l'l^i^' I'l^i^ j^' 1 * KKWKNUIUVINUH. JL'ST Rccei'•*'*<!. a rpicudwi a«K)rimrnt «>C Kng'js!) nn«l F/ervli. J-'t!;!<-«i'- nk'<. ColoKn! artit plain', of a great variety ol '»ut*;'-n*, •inraMr F**r I'ninune. or Hfrtpllook. TA IHI.LIKH ovchSO 101 wood et, near 6th iIKILIUKG, SJVL!tIt»S,.AC. TIIK »uhrrftl*cr» keep aniuiaortKieuiof Pickled Fs*h Df Mai*ndiii*ctti Slid Jialifar littpeciinn, Corsair in lot# a* avanUMTatilioir warehouse, No 40 North Wharves. PliUodeiphia. ■ - J.VQ M __ E _ A«LB"hAI*6oJC-ICB CRBAM—’I hi* popular p'aJ-6 of resort trill be p;»eit for the iraionih • e»e mt'f, MaySrd. v. uty3 . LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSBI'BQU FE3IUE ISSTITBTJ. THIS Institution, under the care of Rev. J. M (JoMloas axs I.adt. in which art the solid aqd or nautenlAl btanche* qf a funshtd.education ace taught it now open for the reception ot pupil* at No. 99 ( Irwin* Itow, Liberty Street, between 3d ainMih meets. The Secnnd Session will commence on Monday die bik of Fec'unry, und it is important that uny who may *ie»iru cricring should Jie present a* faro* practicable either before or at thar Thry have tecured .the service* of Profettor HHO HOOK n« tearher of Music on tbc Piano ond Goiusr, wl:o i» too well known to need recommendation Alto die service* of Mona.CASI.MIR LADRKYT, author ol -ClirpMomailue do la Iniriatu'e Francaim’* and other valuable »cliool book* in hi* native language. Moil*. I- l« n graduate of the University mid Sotm.il School of Puri*, am! stands high a« n teacher, Those who dr* *irr lonbimn on accurate und thorough knowledge of the rreneb Language would do,y>'ell to place iliem»clre» un>'cr ins instruction For icriei, *ee Circular or apply to the Principal. j*?:f .. a . _ YOUKU LADIBB 1 SELECT SCUOOL, alleuiikny city. r MIItS Institution ha* but recently been opened under 1 the tinimn of Mr N. W. Meiealf, attht Corucr of SaudmVy and Strawberry ala. The tuecei* which ha* thus far attended ihta School, iu it* establishment and progress, Its* folly equalled the expectation* of u« ln*tru«Mor an.l Proprietor, and war rant* the hope .that he will hc.ruviamcd in hi* cllorts to render it a durable Institution for Die cducntionof Young I.adir* in Allegheny and vfcinity. . Tno First Sermon of the neri Academic jenr, ay ill commence oa.Mooday', Feb cHi. ( ' There are vet a fe iv vac ancle* to be filled, hut a* the number of pupil* i» Inniied on early application ivde »ir.ible. For particular*, relative m term#, Ac-, roiirull ('>>< Uinr* or npnly.io ah" liiTtrocior j febfetf. Y' ALifABliE - Bobk«—l‘«Wtth«d by J A A: Walnut alreet, between fourth ami Fifth, Citiciunilli* I Guizot's Gibbon—The history ol 'Jie decline and faM of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon, Ijq ~\ new Edition, rented aud corrected through out,preceded by a preface, and accompaitfed by notes critical and historical, relating principally to the pn pngation of Christianity: by M. K. Gntxot,. Minuter nt Public inuruciion for tbc kingdom uf France. Tlte prelace, nolca nnd correction*. inns* It*ail (rout the French cxpreatly lor tin* edition. Willi a notice ol the l.ile and character of Gibbon, | nnd Watson * Reply to Gibbon. vols. imp.*' | 'Jvo. IO"d pages. Nauirr * Peninsula War—<Complete. 1 vni. trap. livo,ii<X)pagca. ! HallamV Middle Acn, Chamber'# Rebellion in j Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England, | Bussell's French and English War in America, and , K.tm»ay*a American Revolution. l.vol Hu. r.rt muter* of the • i!i> hrrrby ccf •ln 1.1 iinnul'uclure bed n<:-;,l:tv and epnsuler LCraryol American History—Containing aelec lions from the best author* on American history. Biography, Travels, Commerce Statiitica, Indians. ItcvotutiOnary Battle*, »Ve. Arc.dvC. Also, Apec-' dMci. Poetrt aru^Miscellsncoa* «rtidra. Jllustra ' ted with mo’re than 500 engravings. 1 Toßimpbvo 610 page*. Universal Pictorial .Library—(Containing valuable paper* on various .object*, comprising Natural tiistnry, Natural Science*. Agriculture, Hum! Rcon* **tny, Biography. Fino A tl*, the-Oriemta!*, Travel*, Geography. Botany; Miscellaneous. reading, ic. Jcr. 1 vnl imp Svo 640 pp. full.sheep. The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the I’rr vi'uiioo and Cute ol Ihse»K*,by regimen and simple-medicines. N;w edition, reined »nd enl.ir ! j*cd' with the addition ol a VegeUbtj Mstcri* Med-. ' ;o\, pointing out the virtue*, preparation* nm» doses | most valuable tnlivc medical plants, and ah > j outline of Anatom* and Phy*iol«»gc..' lllifstgated ; with one buttered Engraving*, *iZ.of which are i colored. Hj J G Norwood, M l>—T64 page* Hvo. j American Mower Garden (iompjn.oa—Adapted j to the Lotted State*; by Edward Sayers, Landscape 1 vnd Ornamental Gardener. 12 tno, third edition, re'.brd, enlarged and illustrated. . Palaier'*Urtgnii, Reeky Mountain*, Aic. Ac Family ’l'cstamc:.t. octavo, with ami without I Polyglot note*.and Psalm* in metre. Kite and Ptngree’* Drbal*. Burn'* Work* Lady .1 the Lake Lalla Roukh. More's Private Revo -1 tH*n. Juvenile Hooks < heap editic-s of v»rt» ui . works in pamphlet form. . tnebil : NEW BOOKS-Tiic tim-* U.ri«ie K»iUi. Itopr ai’ij Cti4>-;). » •Ihr i/avf i«r j din-rumt it> ilru*C« Hf Re* n.utl>A« idfi2l». Willi MQ .IIUudUCT-01l I.J KkV. W H .y. KE.% ij.Virpxcsii cunij»f.».»;f Uliluncii ikr.icba* of Kic Indian tr.':>rv a iVicfiptioa of Atur'|ie«n AnlifjuJ* i ft. wait an itijo ry mfu ilicr oogm.txnd ih<- oxtjm of itH-.ufV of ibc Umied Vtaiei: trim appeiipn fhowiag 4t» cunwiicn W*Ui Tittropean Hi*wry. Hiiwrf.pf tbe l»ra*i<t Hrtiah l*fm*uirr« ti:»u«r>' of Mtl'iu and IV <a. r.y Msipmi. \V Tt,. J .n». ;W !.• -tym P rr-j \:rw and valuable books-ji.e i.l t'.>T\M.ia(’on«l It.kKirv «>: F4l<laml. Uom Sh" oeee»- «ibn 01 llrnrv Vil to the dtath of-Gcorgc-U. B> Hea ry ilHllmn From ilir Bali I.ondun rdn-ch i«tc»» !■>«•«!». dcrcr .bed by dirtu-guichcd Untnriinr. • ! ***' ” \V.~\^.*tVAH.~\CK ‘"‘ l “ r * n i Pirr-snußun steam makulk works, . _ i- Vi'i; r r * ' ijr of MmMf Mnweli.'l’tcr.Centre Tali'er. mid '' * \ v ‘ -V..' , ,*!, iV'!'Hi\i •rt&r‘ J ! ~ = Buicun'l opr. Tomb S om;*. Monument*. Ac ; all wb eh. . ' *''*'•'•'! *V.‘' trtlut made of lb* cbocerl marble. and luaitufnuuicii ~• ' ’ V,«;.Ai ,' 1. ■ H „“*! ,, * ‘. r r* r pn.irtealtv bv iitartiiarry, vrtH be rold tew fur < u*h .’/.Hil.il m.a r u . ts , N m l‘er-on» wi<hi:i» to purchase -Mantels. - are "* *!i*f “tK sip? i.•* Mi», jv j it-.* " ."formed that it»» benwtorth uuncce»#ary tor them tc> .• « mini "*» &»«• 1 c an -r # «a.*b .hem with an article .» all ‘ J , »i. ii*i ti'tpTi' a» good. andlfreiflht, insurance, Ae, eonndcr v;,rzr;t u uX™‘^.'aNw f ;'» s i.„v „ ™s-** ""•»*•;«» Hy W ra Kilfilil-r.'fl U F,,! ' ■*««' r*\ - N«» an IV.toru; Kn«lnr.t j COPPKIt, SUKKT44OR. AND Tl9i 1.3 .i.Czirt.iii*!. rUn «•),>• WaKF. StItNUIACIOKY, _• . i L HKAU . 4iti tub< m*ikn>i p- No S Market ttreci,. IMMiurgh, Pcntia: I'IIK *it'vnt>fr» baring made ureal (mpratelbedU' •It lb.- ror.«irun..>u of their IHMJKINIi STOVES | tr>j>•rirui : y i’lvrte prrron* building Sleattilmatf thrall a.id r K'tirtiiic before pare haring, os ivi can iupplythem with Iteck slovtre, Forger, and every other kin«J of 'ojiper, T.<r and Sheet iron work tiecersary in fornlih m> u Steamboat. r’ . *\> also mate to order on ibe rhonert notice Sal Tabes ami Chamber; Copper work for Steam Engine* and crdrjr variety of work in oor line. feb9 _ SI l KB IFF AtJMIIRK BENNETT & BROTHER? UFKSNSWftRR MANUFACTURERS.. - Blraiingliaiv. <n«*r iHUabarshi! Pa* UorcAiruir, *Yy. 137, Wood tireet, I‘ittaburgh, !|. (h* v,. POETICAL WORKg-l'oU nnd .. A.n. r cm. G-lu-dge P<» .« amJ r«rtr> >*i Ku'JV*- ilo ,!■. . da of Aue’rnts do do ItjH.L uM'.J l.*it Poo- ' di» do 11,.» tt. Miimsa and Keut-f .do do” MVfLng l»ra\ . lira. i •- C« |:u», do ,t.i 4'raldr Hihrj nmt Pollock. do ilo i'auipiwll'» Porin al Work*. i.rbly l*nu«'l in »!»■!* t’nl'i l*.;i 'Miiion* Popl>tttl W«nk-i do I.itiutoji, Mootr, Katun. Ilum*. Ilesr. Hood, kc • The m*-. r. iv.l3 * I*fj;c a*«OMnif>it of book* 11 u ! it. ;>d!uaenW oi l.ic.-aiutc, jurt received and tor talc „ v Hl.' I.OTT & KStil.U.I \i nmarket 3.1 *l*. \*KW STOCK OV 1 NUHICAI. ISSTRO MKNTp AM) Alrllot. No -1. . W.-.l «ir<’ri, Wit* ten (i.aniond »o;l l V»ii;h *1 ‘ a i u>v ofvciimr, ami >br «nlv nr very low-price*. n't • •■a'guiil aooi-Kinu u< Al*»icui laftrgineDit. *clrci«.l 1 ‘iom ct*n*i«unir of— . Flench, Italian and Violin*; r V. ry »uj'ctiof Omiat*, m Ki.(r«imf» find t'lil.flii Violin Stnh<»; i I rciicit ArcutJ*or,»- 1 V.nliiirei.o*, wiih l* 1 and |« u .ill Screw*. One *ciy superior OuuMc Ua*. Viollnccl!o; t'U'-.oncii* Flute*. |:f-\ ami f-aremru*. i T*o:r.h«rH!*u, .mi rrbmnct*; [ .Ficm-U Hum*, CetncUft Owluci de* ’• ' Prun* Tam’.crirc*, llai./it Ai..Ae; I l.vpi'v, uniflc m it>* Mu* p tic»> ic»«. njtlrt ! jV’tiy WUUK—In I , icM--HlitorpfM«i. j™ CO] her l.'iftl Wars and t.ol mtai and llevotu 'tiPinr. Alina!*, from tba .jw-fn d oKtlic .'painth l (*(>n<{ucil, I'l.f), fi> tbp prrttnl IKnc.UU'j including , 3ij account nl tl<*: Kii'ting War United 1 1 U* ('mum fin|l Mifiurv Achievement*. By 11‘l.ihp Vmi g, M f». JAiVIU 1 JAMKS. .■cli:U I’uhliabcra. Cincinnati. ; EW JIVHIC LIOOK-rumphlfl Form. { li —Ttic Mclvdrun: a choice selection 1 Uoetts, QnartoUi, Bounds, Wattin.-aniJ Marche*; ; with a llulory «<l Alum-. Illustrated with ourser* : mii engrmngs. lhip«-njl uctaro. Brice £i cenl>. 1 and for.alc hy J A OJ* JAAIIiS, • ! WalnutiiUcet.bet.Fourth and Fifth. '! f'ittrimmti. March sy, ICI7. ; * , puxosr piANoifi ' AVAY. . »; t«iw lastly it HKM;\ KLKHKKi DnaJrjin ra*ieni Piano Font", bi i \V U isxtnrrli'»i No. HD Third Minei, Tlu» P.tnix' n.iiv in* mamnied til all bout*, and Ihr iu)>kcn l..r. vvil! I>r mere from iMo l‘i. A. M . nml iroin I 103. p 'I,« act* Jay. - I’/ttsii'n. DcioUer ad, MO • Wk. ih** under*isnnd, ivou!i) inform the ciliirili of l-.ntbiKCU anil vini'mlj ihnt w« liavo bppuiiHed Mr. 11. Klein r nulr Arciii lot ,H'c‘U“tn PcmtMlvamu, tor ibc «a|i* nt our Piano f'.>rt«a, from whom lory may lx Ob tained al nut ow n ( Vm%* Voflfl price* KUNiNSACLARK Nr>v York, &*p. 1. IMS-pcgW , . JITST nrrnvr d ai;il opened by tho aubocrilier, the ii.llow-incm-w PiMlo«r— t. KLKMINtI (>nr « ii (».\m ltu>i--.vckxl, il octave Piano Fort#. [ Freud* I’Hiu tn ) 0«r Ko«rMi>Ml,C| (K'ave I’iiim Foitr, with Mirv«N« (inline Tablrtr—_» »plrmlnl umtumrni. Mio. one ve»y fjtHhl »ccon*l hand Piano, madeliv Ui«i* Co. J’li.ladn HKNIO KI.KUKK tnrhiM at J W Wftodwc:!**, '•SThini m ! I JOOKH-Su.tnl.l-i ib/ Common or if. School !.it.ru* IJ nc»-Si:il.Tiv (?onVil*'*l rn*, T(i!•> ill'll riijliJ lunneri liuiigrt ti|>«ii <1: Juv 1.a.1* 1 n •oi'en'tli l’ictuie* of Kaiiv is-rn.n wi No i ijr; O.iiuiii'io* ami V.-*|>n' iu-. li/nuim- <•! Fiij lii-io i) j Co of K*rin*h <ln? Itnlboa,f'mir* nnrf Piz.tnn: Uua‘ , ioo’j hook of ♦Vnuitr; Prana o»l I’lino'ii'p; oanyr* of I Itnhrmi* I'wni lifoit.rr;; Cbtifii-i / uyil f.'innn***: Mrunt •f .•n. ’ Kiuli *1 h«f atnivr. w'tli f« lar»;o variety. o‘ mJiei i M>uk« Minail li l f.*i ti.t' »-un- r'oiyo»i' ,Fof*atel*y h j "ii** - v J__ JJ. RKA P.'rttlioircM BOOKS, MSli; i&C. • « c< M>. \|ttty janr My Ur*. Ji' VA. Auitwf ui Oir.M.au Mm in ..r Tt.-'-i av.'on th-nf lb* , Rev. Atexamiei Siu.in fati-r- .1 ~i I',- n.,t a:i<! PiM.vf - ore J.l not r X ENGLISH ‘.Six-.icy uud Krai* iiietv.Pl»DOii SIA.TIU?* rcrcired a laico •upptj ui Floral, filter ■•ilgrj, Kjni>i>»»-cil|:cd. L*cc, tiilt ami l*inm Nrile'Ftijler; Nme ami Cdtd Knselnpe*; \Vrmih._ f in al. Knot aiul&ldisiv Wafer*. Af.v&r.. and far tnlc-' l»y JOHN WON A STOCKTON,Siaiioiier* ap.’l ' Cnr Market and Third . ALfAI’.UJO THU «KAT OF..War IN MU'lllX). JVil i-n R.n copy rf(;, |„.rai Ar«u»'* imp, taken at n«-nea «lt* li l atmn' with addition' nttil correction* «vcli:ll)B7Tar>« of litC Hal'lraof fth mid <»th «.i'CWay, uml cniHurr nt Mouiciry, w,.Ui u cl it>|i f cnipijrtJ, Trtulu, Ac. 4c , mid pl.iuui \ era C»u* n<tcU-»»ilo«>T s*un Junti tie L’llo* Ac. Ac.A few copica JOHNSTON S STOCK*(IN tnyl.. corner of-rarkci and SM >f- ■ Plnnoi.. : tfILJjBUM A I.AHOKmuI jiplenTM BMoumrni nthogany anJ mewaod tcrnml ae -1:1.*.I | vton with metallic, frarara * n(J \»|ih all Uve later; imputvenentt, whlclrior darabiliiTi tune and touch are warranted to oe . to apy made in; the country. Foraalelowlbr cuihllr , meM? . ’ Nolltt doorahareS tll riiuK^iooK op "connicacß, BY ska 1 ANDT.XNth cirmtAtinK in eounectiop wiihAgn rultare,i.'Qii!; Art*, and Jrtannfaetnrea. ' To which are 'added a .imiory and -a Cwenowdeal Table; filaairatedliy.fc'Wapaivdnu , nen>u*c«sf*»M»t Jbr.nleby ‘ I JOIINTJTON ABJOCKTON apll’ ‘ B6okaaUar,»or¥|fTl«WidaaMl ' MANUFACTORIES. DU 6 U~E S N E ' SPRING. AXLE.TiTfcEL 6l IRON WORKS COLEMAN, lIAILMAN.JeCo., bavin* completed ibeir New work*," bra qbW prepared tomanafaa tdie every, dftfltriplion of.Cogcb and EUptic spring* , Iron axle*. American Blister, spring nit-l plough Steel, and all ai£e«*of noall square and round Iron, which they offer for »ale on liberal term*, at their Wmnhauu No. <3 Wood street; where they also keep on band ■ complete and handsome assortment of trim ramp*. Carriage hardware, mhlleable catung*, Naiti and Iron, , , ~ C. H. A Co, hare made arrangement* witli -o*y4 Crottt. manufacturer* ol Shovels, Ppaoei Fotkt, Ac., and will keep, constantly on hand ever article made bv them. Dealer* are respectfully **»l -cited to call.a* price* and teem* w ill !•« aiade^dieral _ biHoindon.' “ ) THE Paiineijtliip heretofore oximng firm of Mat-hull. Uradlev, A Co, »#* dissolved ou the Sib m«iam by mutual consent. Thtt biuiness'of the latefirm will be *eitled by Marshall. Wallace A Me r.eary JAMES MARSHALL ALEXANDER HRADLE'S wm. w Wallace . i HENRY McUKAHY. %RANKIiIN FOUNDRY. TllKliu*ine*sol the übove Foundry will be contio rd by tb; idbicrilxrr* under the hrm of Mb reball Wallaru A Co-, m all it* various btanebes. vi/: Hollow Ware Mill Gebring Stove* and Stove Plate* Light A Heavy Mach'ry Wagon lioxeu Mng,u<-« Gralr* A Sad Iron* Kncme Castingt Pluugh* Plough Casungs, Ac Ac. Made ofthe bell material*, and ai the lowest price*— Purehaoer* are invited to call mud examine our Stock al the Warehouse in Liberty timet No. hi, neat the bradof Wood street. JAMES MaRSUAI-L Wm w. Wallace HKNRV MeGKARY PUT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY Pirrsacitsu. Pa. JOHN WRIGHT *. CO., . i RE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Machin* /X «. r y of cverr deucription, such as—Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frxmea Speeder*, LVar ; n« Flames, -Railway Head*. Warper*,Twillet*,Spooi • «,Dre»»ing Frame*. Card Grinder*. lron Stiafung juried all sixe> 'of Can Iron. I’ullie*'nod Hangers, of the lam*t pattern*, elide aud baud Loihra, and tool* of all kijiu*. Calling* of every description furnished i>n<*horT no tice. Patient* made to order for Mill Gearing. Iron mili'ig, Ac. Fleam P-pc for heating Factories.. Cast Iron WmJow Sa*b, and fancy Casting* generally.— Order* Icfl at the Warehnuroof J.-PaltnerA 00., Lib erty • trert, will hgve prompt atteuuoh;: . Rkrxn to , • 1 Dlaek«tock. Bell A Co, J'K'Moftrbeßd AjCarG-E Warner. John Irwin A Son*; Pittsburgh. > (» CA J H Warnen Steubenville. # jauJS THOR- A* HILLIER. - LOOKING GLASS fancy Furm*biti< Warehouse. No IW Wood street, near Fifth. Pliistiurgh. Pa.; Wholesale and Retail: - French Engraving*; >rVJapdnuMl Waiter* and Tray*; £■ -|>mkin>«laM plate*, by the box or single light; • Tal’J.CiCotilry; • , picture olgks of ail size*; l\ * BriunmaTea'WanLln setts or single p,iece*; V-j I’ortrait'ajal PiJlute Franc*,* '®SL|Fire trim* and Fcndeis; Toilet Glasses, w itlyl. S. nnd 3 drawr, German Silver and RritaueiaTea A Table Spoons; - Hand Magnifying Mirror*; Candlestick*, Snaffci• and Trays, (•ill, Pfrr, and Mantel Glasses; Gentlemen’* Shaving Cases; Combs. liairDntahes, Ac. Hotels and Fie.imU.aii supplied on l-O-ri*! term*, and parking carefully attended lo U*u ai ilismainibr earjr _. . feb!7 “XTXVghf.ny vycfiTian blind pactorv. . JOHN' A. Bnown ■OHITaKKS thre ineihest to inform his friend* "ffiSSP and the pnUic at large that hi* Factory TT 1 , 's*now in full operation, on tue Eu«i «ide M«Mn of thrDisnmndHktteetienT.wbere a conS- snpply of Dlffw ot various colors ttSSSSttL • and<]ua(iiies,areeoa*;amly kepton hand, alto al No. 3 Wood *t. Pinsburgh.si J A |L PMlltps’oil cloih waierooin. Vrniuan Shipter* niade to order in the l-r»t style. ' Blsiitls repaired at the shortest notice. N- U- lli* Hlinds will be put up. wnhoul any add!- notiai exvpn-e m that they can be removed in a mo ment m case of fire ur for washing, andwtibmu the aid -of a crew dr'.* ocißll vAwtamly I ’ V a- FULtOHv Ucfl and Urus* j'ouiid- I , jfa. er. has rebuilt and commenced basinets at his old stand, where he will be pleased to se C bis old cuitomers and friends. . :Ch|trch, Steamboat, aud Bell* of every from 10 to IlMino pounds, oast from of the most approved model*, and ~» " Iwarranted ip hr of in© best material*. Mineral Water Pump., Couutrre. Railing. Ac. Act nfeUver with every variety of Bros* Cstliuis lirerjuir* rd. tornrd and Guuhrd in the neatrM mauner. , CV*A.‘ F is the -o'- piwpnetar of H tasty's A.itt- Atram.ii ,Mr?*t- *n iu*i'y celelirn’ed for the reduc :an ot'fi iction m mui-lmier} The Hoxrt and Compo * a»n ran l>e ha.l of hun at all times. janl-ly I wn. BIeCCLIsY A Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS SAVING recently made very important improve ment* in the manufacture of lht above article,, aud holatest improved eutlrht vheyl oven for flat leaina.-*'eairnovvpre|iaredtofiirni*hauan.e'.«of Win . daw (ila*#. ettuiil ;t no: super.or. to any Cylinder made jn the iii-ir-l Fiate*. and t-ut liti.'r inferior lo tin: Eogli-h Crown We are also very extensively engaged n themstiu. farntre of Common Window Gia-.* iui*’. Dr;i"g.«i»* r.n.'t and-Hold** of every dewnptton Benin* ye tier-illy are mVited to call nrulctinrme for ibrirvsrtve* aluar ts'nre htai»r. No IJV Wood street. Pi«»b..i;h. Pa oei-Ji • . «MTA W 1 Ll.cixiitauUy keep on'h«r.d apogil assort- AdkrnKiii 01 Wore,* of our own munoiacUit'e.' anti 9Wsp superior quality. Wholesale ami eonirtry MO;- chniiK wo re-pevttolly invited to call sod ex fttoinr if-r..ihrra»clve>.. a* w«i me determined to Bell e Urn per than ha*>.vcr before been offered.to tie pnb lE7” Order* #cut by wail, accompanied by the ca*h or ntv refer* n,-r nil! K- promptly H"en,led to fcbilfi. New SUovel, rijiadc ail'd Pork Manufac torys - GRIFFITHS & OtXON, HAVING commenced the’ manufacture of Spader. Shovels Hot n,iu! Manure Forkt>Ac, cm an«nieJa*" *.tp m ale. are prepared io fill all orders tar such aids’ ek» tit Rarutß pr<-e«. • ' Vf. For the couwuienvcof tht.r customer* and dealer* in ■aeb article*. .they hare appointed George Cochran, Gwumise >on Merchant, No W Wood vtreeu their Agent fill the *alr of their mnuu torture*. All order* address ed to him will receive prompt attention, on ihemil»icul vitiiingroutti mi* GRIFFITHS A JJIXONr^, J* tulMirgli. July r—dlv Ureal Western Unit Hinge Jlanufaetorj’,' CINCINNATI, O. \ GARDNER At o. Wduld /nioiiiv'lie trade thit • ilrV are "“w mr.i.utoetnrlii j ih«r Run Iliute everinaje >n toe United At lh.- i* our pdnii? pic Kuiirn-** we intend to *rts nut u» i-o nplcic an us* Siele a* ra t p i*«i!i!y t.h mi'le.' Tho«e cugstedtii the hardwoie ttude, wr limit, v(l)l find.it. to ih«jt interest to »re cut Hull* AH order* nromptly aiiuuled o nt\' A GARDNKR a On. rnrofFib fc imiin «l« Ji r O. G. UIIaLKSPIK «fc Col/ . . No 70 Wood Street. : : MANL FAirrUßEßAolGOtandMnbogady (-notiing (llai.es luipoitrr* and Dealer* in l.ooking Glass. Pln'r*, Acrordfon'. l'crcuMion Cap*, Clock*, Cvml,*, Jewelry and Fancy Good* erne rally. Ihr advertiser* *ue mekin? *om*v improvements in tltoh liU'iut**, with incieapcd faciliiic.s m the purchase nf Dotne*tic. end tin' importation rf tnuriy F.m-lgn Goods they will lie able to sell at A'ailmi prirrt. Ther respectful!) * .l*cil the aliviilloii ol purchaser* jsnUMir' COTTON* and WOOI.LEV«AtHtISBUtY rpllK «üb‘trilicrs urc now etiinrgiiirf then oSiabthli- J inrtii. and ete prepared io inaka alt k iarffof Gctlon mi,| Woollen Marlnm i> mi the roost rrs-imaiilr trim* Order* addressed to u« will meet with prompt nut niton W IGIIT.MA;)' 4 UAL/.IXU l.iu'oi k street, All- gbrny Oily fi ll.—H Wightm.an, who huso phiei;t fm a very impoclant improvet.iui.tvn the Card, am!.-who ha* liem riir.icril for the lu'l fillrr.i tear* 'n nt the UlvM ,-u»iVe and suet-enslii! C«*ttoii Fll<M<lll< * of il><- v\. *i. will give hi* per»o,rol ni-.rn'to.-i Ift'panup. tome »<ii ~I'aenon ol ilidse foitcefiir.l, all tnadlftnM tmnii- nl tin.* r»t il iiihinciit. ___ __ uny-'ill y . JOHN SIIEIUKF A Wm 1* Youny. C lhm»eir F I‘itinkeu. YOUNG, iI!nSRr4*PU'SKETT, I’UTNTOI.’A'SS M UI'FACTDUKRS ' \irAHti«OUtjr. No.*, Vi Water and 1M F*r« *tr«efc VV Fituhurgh. Tbr G]a»* inauutoctured hv u J ..l* narrontod etjaal'to any m the country. All nrdcr* will receive prompt uiiruimu am) filled on reasonable lerut*.' Me'fehant* and oilier* vtoilut? the tiiy art in vi«d toenllhefore inirchn»iigrel*eeritere.> ,w?l>U UrpPWCOTT IRON WQQKM* *TRON ami Vmk Sirov, l*', Ac. for *nte at «iur new ;l WornkhttoeiiNo 99 Wateritn eti near Wood,run* mnn to I'ront- AlVn, nn n->ortmem at the old stand, .McA!n*icr’« *iicet. i Having madn ereat addilinni to the Rolling Mill, »1 onion,can be filled prampHv-. 1 novjo GRAFF. UNDBAY *,Cb. BIHUHNGHiirWWAeTORI. CAKFOKLIi 1 tUniMCTCKU.CITi . , ► FINISHING NAIW, HOOK HF-AD •' i ltran-(uid Twelor* .1. ; IRON AND COPPER BHOR NAl£s,..., AHD ' ' " Points,i x>f cnrtf iaaiptMu Office No>9 ; ‘ r.UUborKh'. • npANUa G DIT'Ai^A- - n*•afftfr« runuM,' HOTELS, ,rr TO TUB TRATELLMG PtßLtC.* fOHK IIAMOR, ibnneHy connected, with the well know first or Fuller A Co., would respectfully call thcfattentloA of ike Travelling paidu-io hi* newly open ed e*ralib*bn;eui.tho c Mantiott House,’’ which has been luted up in a ttfleof neatness and comfort an«drpats ed by totter Hotel of the tamodesyription m the eityjot elsewhere. The Mansion House..so-favorably known n former days as Fulcr a Hotel, i* pleaaamly simatt-d on Pennsylvania avenue, within a few rod* of the Trea sury Drpsnmcnt. tnd at tt conventonl distance from the principal Banking house* and other places of busiues*. Persons having busine** with the I>epartmr:iU. will God Ibis local ion superior to any other in the city, wb.le in alt that pertain* to the eemfens and luxury nf the table.tegolaritr oCarleiidaitfc,and every th-ug e*ien t:al to liie well being cf vi-iter*. no.expea*e will'be snared <o render the Mansion House a truly eligible’ place of residence for fumi lies a« well tt* single gentle toen. The propnetor especially call the alien 7uui of Officers of the Army aad Navy, to-whom these localities have always been A favoriif place of iesort daring ibeir residence in Washington. With a view of deserving a fonini-jancc of their favor* many improvement* have been made,! and new source* of corasort added, to enable them to realize at the Mansion House all those convenience* which they might expect in an cstabli-fitutm aiming to combine they«joi»itca of n first rate public hotel with Uie.aivactious of a gen teel private tetidence. ’ - - i JOHN HANDS, Washington. N B Poncr* always in attendance, on the arrival of the cat*, to donvey bacgcjge frccof charge. 1 tnyJlf PEARL STREET HOUSE, Cincinnati, OHIO—The aubscribers having porebased the en tire interest of Col. G l* Williamson, late of thts well known cnabiUl-mrnt.beg leave to+tato to their friends and ilm public generally, that they have taken this commodious’ Hotel for a trnn.of year* and will exert their ben energies lo make it u deiirable home for Trar el>cr* and City Boatder-. . The Hotel i* spacious and admirably planned lor con venience,-light and air, having o uomber of patlor* adjoining chamber*, presenting unusual aitraeuou* to families. .. . The prevent proprietors hoping bad the dkpene'neeof years ititbis city anp elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general *aii»fseiion..bftiligdelerinineil to give undivided attemioo to the hinisr- alone. Theloraiioiiui the Pearl Street Hoy,e is uncut .„ionly eligible, having fron's off Pearl, Walnut and-Tbird sis, so that it i« equally desintile in view of tbe-couveoi eoce of borinrss menorreiiremetU for private bnardent. It is near by the Banks, ibe Post Office, the Masonic Hull, Odd Fellow* Hall, and fiat one square distant from Maio-*ircet and two suOareafrom the City Wltoiffibu* offering the greatest inducemVmt*, especially to country merchant* and genetolly lo oil persons viiltirg Cincttt nsti. JOHN NOBLE „ mcbB7 JOHN A DUBLK MOUHT VERSOir.BOVSS, No. 93 North ..SteonJ Stint, PkitadttpMa. _ THE subscriber* respectfully iaiona the citiseo* of Pitts burgh and Western PruntyiTauia, that they hate taken | the abate boose, where therar* pre posed to s«3mnwdal* I prisons tisilinp the City of Philadelphia in the best tt tie, and I ofl the smt reasonable terms. The house is within on* i square of Market street, and a thoroagfc rtno talioa and repairs, and Is well calculated to accommodate persons who may (atoms withacaQ. Oiie o* acaU.'ud we Cccl confident roa willbenlufied. SAMUEL A BRADY. Fcbnufj 53,1847-3 m OLIVER I! I* PARKER. GALT MOCSK. Corner Main and Slxst& sts, Cincinnati* esttMmhment ii now In the bent order for ibe • I reception of iheTraveHngPUMie. Hiring under* Eone' a thorough repair, daring the past winter, and AT'tig the (sort experienced men in the west, in the vanoa* departments. 1 flatter raj M’f that all drill be pleated who call. The locaiionitcentraLconusodious and pleasant. Fareßl pefday. :j . Cincinnati, March 13.1M7. Wj.K MARI!: N. U-—Although not exactly,a newßroom, it i» the •ante—a new Whitten the old handle. apCif ARIS TII ROCKM O RT O N beg* to acquaint hit friend* that lie it again let*re of the GALT HO U SB, Loouville. Ky.. where he hope* to meet all bi* old friend*, assuring ihenrand the public, that no .effort tliall be tparad to make all comfortable who favor ban with their patronage!. janlidly IJN SU ItA'N CE! Indemnity agalntt I<osa or Damage Itr • Fire. -. THE MUTUAL- PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional recant}- of a Btockpomial. The Pehtsnu Mutual Insurance Co~/of'Pk Ha. CHARTER PERPETUAL/;- ; -’i nißiCTonr. - George W.Toland, John M. Aiwoodj^ Thomas C. Uockbill; R. ;*£•) Wn. R- Thotnpaoa, George NMJakrr. ; *t^, George M. Stroud. Jotia J Vauderlemp, George W. Carpenter. WILL make insurance against Loss or Damage bjr Fire, in FiTTswtmcH anil vicinity, on Store* and other Buildings, nnd on Furni ture, (int His . Ware* and Merchandise .on the most favorjblc terms. The Mutual principle. combined with a Stock Capital, and the other provisions ol the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual inducements, both' of profit aoJ safely, to those desirous effecting insurance, towhich the Company ask the attention and ccaminatioo of those interested. >r~-l Those effecting insurance with this Company bate, besides the usual pr--.’— against lots; by; thn ordiaay method --uo, the (iddilfonai bdranlagcof a direct pc . .in the pivfitt of ilief.'ompeny,ttrilAtn,-f t lify. UEORUK \V 'JXJI. \ND,-J*«wdeBL-" B.M. Hischmak, Secretary. ‘ Th«Mbseriber,.wbot»thodoly aulhorizedAgent or,the above named Company, is propared to make insurance, at the Office of tbo 'Agency, in the. aLChaiies Hotc*. Third st., third rtuor from Wood street, and wiil give all further infrrmatinn desired myi—Ji). ' J. CAMJ’BF.I.L. JOHN PINSEV, Jll., DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance Company off Pblladc’la. « FIR& RISKS opon buildings anff merchandizes or cverydcacripUnn, and' MARINE RISKS : upon fauHsoreargoes ofSrcsselc, taken upon the I most favorable terms. > | O* Office in the Warehoate ol ,\\\ B. Holmes ! &. Bro , No. 37 Water* near Market atfeet, Fitu- i burgb. ' ! ‘ 1 N. It. The *ucce*sof thi* Company »ince ihccstah llchmeuto' the Agency lu thi* eiljr.'wiUtthe vrom/lum and Übtralug with which.everyjclaim upotv'thetaifar lot* ha* been adjusted, fully warrant thi ageutln in* viting ihp, confidence and. pytrouage of bta'lnerld* and the eommuhity at large to the' Delaware M. tf. Irvsp* ranee Company, while it ha*iho.nddiik>R&l adrantagta « ap .inititnUna among tue moat lloariebtog in Philiidia—at having'an'ample-paid in eapiial, which bjUreoperaiiooortUchartertsconßUntlTlncreatinff aa yielding to rscb person insured hia one ahare oL thf» profits of tfao'companj without involving him to 1 any responsibility whatever, atfd Ihcrclora as (KBhcsing tue Mutoal principle 'divested of overj obnoit'ou*' feature, iui i In its most attracti\cform. nor 4 NATIONAL FIRE V AND MARINE INSURANCE CO.MI'^NY, ! * New "York. rpm 4 well known aud rc<pccwlilc ounpany is pre- I purrd, through their ITITSDURGII AGENCY, to moke iainrutsce of every kind connected with rilbY of irau.panaiiOn and ml and uavigatinn; to toiuie against los* or demote by fire, Dwellinj Ilouic*,'WarrhOuics, Itu-Uhugs in general. Goods, Were*, aud Merchandise, dud cvci s description of petronal property on the most .favorable terra*. •-"» —App)ie*liot»* tor tinuranye attended to without delay at ttnFdffire. No 33 Woo# street: I Si'KIKUEK lIARU'aUGU AsH- AT an Election held at the office ta N. Y ,May 12th,- the;foll<iwing named gcinleracu were chosen Directors onuisCompany, for the«n*ningyt-ur. via; Joieph tV.Mvaacv-. • Sb'ph' , i.lloll, Johtt Rtvunrr, ] . 'John McCltum, WlUiatuG. Ward, 1 VYdliani W.Campbell, John Nrwiiouw, Jutidi Miller, , IfiHtara U. Sloeunf, i- Marcus Sprintr,' Jutm F. ..Mackis, ' T Jo«rjih l.ake, .. . • John J Tlirrick. • Andlr.ta ►ul..,'(|urunn».ctiiiporilif' liomd. JOSEPH W. F>n-, xva* unntiiroou*lv l’re sidem for the enniinif jeari AvufrjA?dKS Font A Journal copy : r. yerr-emry. 1 ITRIi ASO Jl WtlNi; TNSUItANCE ri'tHE Insaranee Company of North America, X ihrougli its duly the subscri ber, oflers to make permanent atul limited Uuur* ance dn property. -iu tjiis city rind .on abipmcuU by the aud Kiven/r . DIUCCTOUb-. . John C\ Smith Pres’t.,. Smtucl Brooks, " Aloa. Henry. I,‘iiarlcs Taylor, : Sami. W. Jones.. Sami. F.f-milb, Edward Smith, : Ambrose White, John A. Brown, ; Jacob M. Thomas, • Joltn White, John II.NcU, . Titos. I*. Cojie, Richard Wood, Win. Weichr ArthurG. (Joffin.Sce. Thjs is the oldest Company in the United States', having been chartered tn 171*1. it* charier is perpctuaU'and from it«* high Standing, loot; ample mean*,, and avoiding all rsks of ait extra hazardous ctiahcteG il< may be considered as otfcrihg ample security to the public. • -MOSE-S ATUOOb, At Grmnting Room of Atwood, Jtinps dt- t.'o., and Front street*. I‘itUhurgh. ajiiG-tf INDEMNITY-: Ag inst Loss hy Fire—*The F ILWKI-lN hire Inau r.m'ce* (himpany 'of I'kihdclpltii, 'Wf It.l/ruake'lnsoranre, ponnanfint and limited, f 7 oo.cTcry description bf propdrtV.in F I'FTS UIiRGII and Uro SURROUNDING COUNTRY, 'on favorable l'hia company.lias a perpetual charter. . , . , CAP1TAL*;.............. SdUO.OOO paid in. CONTINGENT FUNI’,. Oflicp,corner ol Third and Markatfilsg l'itub’ffh. 4,, 28— tf . . WARIUCK MARTIAN, AgcnU ’ r INSURANCE.v Fits A«nr»nee,. Ooiurmnir - . 0? I’IIILADKUPIIIA. * * ‘Ciurrat Iltsmrtt. ■. CAm*i 95CQJ»a i»in) ■Office in Philadelphia, iS T o. 7S Ho/rjuJ Strut ; ' WM. DAVIDSON, Pre,X Fatssmci FastsT.Seo’y.'' -»'iiii-' • films old aud ComMdv Cuiuinaei to i ii4*fartf Haildinn, filcrthanaite,Vurmit«e and prop-' criy not or an cjctraTtauudou* Charutwr, araia»l lot* or damage by fire. ~ i— ij Application* for ttwaraneca lb' Ilitihorgh and IU, aeffih)wbdaL , viU-bs»oeauvod.i«iHl risks taken cither perpetually or (hr iiaitsd period*, on favorable term) by - f V . r - . i‘. .. GEO. COCURAN. ArSll. noylS _ No ’Jg Wood SI. - •' i j, JOHnVdUNLXP,., K TkTO IT JKarkst iireet, i» new receiviD!: kU>prinx +1 stock of How *-FsrtUihWf lla^ipriJfrtannTi^ ,j* AfiericMj../ Ahxtßntoiai*' ’da--;' ' do dof -4J VcMe»'«hsW*bTmßedBniceßlktts».'..' ,-. * do OvalPoW ,Ae**eT?«lA*»4'Y*ilcr»; , iSOQUa asairtedCopprirF'SOttUieiTfaiktf Copied 1 ’ I tWOib* JoniatolVire: i fiObxsTia Flaim r •roaltpoNfcAP.paSin.t' N. YORK- ADVERTISEMENTS JIT THE LOU’EST PQSSIIILK PIUCKS^* STITIOSSBI AND PAPER BUNK BUOKS RICH & LOUTREL. 1 61 WIbUAM 3TKEET, NEW YORK. Have now cm hand,of their own tnnufktare, aeon ' . pktc -aMortmeat of Ledger*. Journal*- Day Book*, lo soice Book*. Ca*h t Orilrr tnd Bill aie, onviotii liwt and style* of binding, f;qa,which set* of'Account.Book*'d» he selected ai tery low price*; alto made to onltr,” rolrj and bo trad to any pattern; at short notice. . Foreign and 'Domestic Stationery, ,■ s «di“s Wax. pew. Black tod Red lak, WnUw Fluid, Lead Pencil*, Stales, Inkrtand*, Sand Bwtt, : PotiUjo, racket-book*, Gold and. Silver Pencil Cas**, Pen- • **«**» HolJer*, Gum' Ticket*. Haying . } ib **“?/ SUv ‘ J !> t‘ D i T 'P , ‘> TwmelUtJ*, Twine, In dia Ink, PwFbment, India Rubber Eri*er», BeW», Bbe*r». - iMarkiiwlnk,Files,Hack*.Diarieslorldtf. Adraicc Booksi . lidernt-TabUs, ITub Budk*, Tart Hi,-Exchange . ’ all other arlihkttoU by stabonen. ;" • . \ Cheap . Account_ Books, stack eoiUtahlly on haiid, toinble for retail trade' and country nenkanls at, very cheap rale*. A Large Assortment of Writing Papers. _ Foobcap, plain aod ruled XcUer Paper, plain tad ruled " * Note j*«r, ,Wrapping piper, Boons l Lew, Cloth, ' llwitry, Eneetope aodßlotung Paper Colored Paper*, Thin French Paper*, Packet Port, ex Ira auad Bmk Port, 7baus i and. Copying Paper, Muaie Paper, Gold, Emboawd, and every other dctcriptioei at very low prices. .. VensrDiamond Point. / Rtriik Bagaley’*, Brown’*, and all other cele brated maker*, in qualities to nit pore haters, at the Terr ! lojrerttM&afetnKr’* prices. Letter Copying Presses. Tw«nly-*i< dilfcreat prfce* and lron Cbpyfaar •'**».*** Hver. asfl.Sctrw. the mat expeditious, ecaooou-. e *!; t * a * 1 * df taking a copy ofahy letur or MB ~wtthoul writing i| over tgain Improved Manifold Lcttcr.Wriiers. . * “/•kieh'fheletlerandeopy I* written al lb* nsie lima. T i*‘“'STL w offered, and at the lowest prke*.. rnbUcoOm^milks,lnsurance Coupanies, Merchant*and. Others, RirditW- with tcliofAeeout Books, ruled aad oHh« ldrtquShy^?,!^ * wUw ’ - 41 * 0 **‘hrtatiouery - i -Notarial Presses, Fortheiueofßanks and Cotf#ratioo s to affix (he seal of uch Bank or Corporation to their document*/ Thi* operv iooi» performed by any one, even at fimtrial , . • Finl Premiums • : Awarded :tou by the American lortiluie. at the Lie Fair. Jelober. 1845 , .• . * oetooer, iih>— . For the best Ruled Blank Book*—A Silver Medal' i ror the biert Manifold Letter Writers—A. Diploma For beautiful finished Copying Diidoaia Tlteu Cati and St€jor ‘Teuntlru Cj* The Tirade and Country Merchants Supplied. . i i. RICH <f LOOTREL, ImporUrs qf French and Eogtuh Blalioocrr, 1. uJaann&cturersof Account Book*, - - Manifold Writers, Eicelikar, Bank ' • and Cariaise lak% Ac, j-e, 61 William, : , ~ „ % ow door below Cedar street, Iff T. . JaiusVßicu, ) • ~ . 7? Wlit M L&ctiil \ ' - XiIGST PROOF lltOM —r-"— —— - EgOFflii;, WINDOW BBBTTEBS, it. - r l?.Mp*ulisciil>erla>egto call the altcnlion ofulltho*o- ; ,-i ' ™# n G.their GALVANIZED TIN J LLATbS, nod - to- he many adviinufes which tlieV'- " M*»easover allmrWic and othersubauncca hitherto' '- (»ed ; for.Ui!spur^os^poi.s«siirigaaUieydo,ihe«r«igtlr* fjsaa lightness of tron;wilhanffiullabiliiy to fust, bavior V,- - now been tested eeveia! teat a, both in this country ana ' inJSurope. They - art also 'less to expanaion ; ‘ i -' nnd contraction rronirsudden change* of the atmosphere , ’ ~ramou Ttn'Dlate. Iron, Ziuc. Ac, or any other tngjal now nseff and conseqoenily lona a - nht S?-*i?l**r f Ss# < 'Fhtct roof, requiring tar lei* frequent -' • rrpaw r JuuJMThe.fimco*t is but ntnflemore. ' * The *ub*cril>er* would alio call tbe auenuon of all dcaleri ahtFworkeri iu metal*,.to the many otherpur- ' ' po*e* to which Iron Urns protected; can be applied—-’" - livgeaenirterms It it applicable to ftllartielcaof iron which a is desirable to protect from the'action nr iho ! atmosphere,. And they wunld especially chll the at*' - irrruotiof lhoselnlerestediaTFU.FXißAPlllCLfNE!3, to then Galvanized Wire, which is now almost entire* I£ ty aseti in Europe, and which answers every purpose a* a conductor of electricity, coning only, nboutooe ' half as much as copper, uhd poxaerslne equal dnntbili ty with that metal. ; - Having lately erected work* in tin* city for ibdpnr- - pose of galvanizing hails, spikea holu; wire, Ac„ they - will be able to- furnuuiay article which xn*y bo debt red. A supply of Panes (manufactured in Enrope.l contiantlyon hand, from 16ioM wire snare, , - ‘ .GEft li. MOREWOOD A Col No*. 11 and 18Beaver *t, - SKW TORK.; , **wmßichl.ror this arUcle has been seeured •’ for the I’niled Stair* atwcllasUreat Britain, andoiher' . fcaropeau countries, and all legal measures will bo th ken topreveutany infrutgement by iraportauotoroth- erwite. • • ' 0c27-lv Gmilcmta* PnntUhlnc'£*talinibmSH7 ' - fftHARLEfI B HATCH,FT WiS« J«R. V ioUciU attentioa to ht* swortmetit of Good* ib the Gen tlonra ■ FuFnulnag Line, imported sad maaitfetußd ex n nremly for the Bjmng and Summer seasai*, Purileukr-aS. ‘ Iratioo uesTledtothc followroearticle*. SI'OCKR Bilk, Satin twd Botahesiat,a& styles and qiial ' CJUff mdTSiAXD SGABJtF~Latest styles a foil assort* SUSPiiiVZIERS—SiIk and CoUan,VrrV eiaitie- ~ White fT, *T ~i- ■ •*<. -• OILED. SLLK.S— Ftaia wbjlf, of the terv beit . u iim. black ri««d do, Japanned MasliWc "* !***..... i£si e s _ ~ and iwiifol spluifii-U, li£ j£ chew * P on i>t*in «nd- laey Lmrn Ctssirie, fall twrtaeuLl7 i r n.irJtTSTIFFXF.US-V»r:wi tiadt . ■"•'““Vr. jSSrSmmm" “ l T’ s®* iB ,4 “ *&&***■'■ STOCkk. au entirediff«r*atSprinr Own tlx ■ • «£ flirn °* tJ » wh»ch rtutlcr, ihemrawhmJrteodiCir,-, l*Ble aud-euy to the neck Una formerly. f.ww-i -'-1 ~ fT—'- | 4 ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY* ‘ PRAKCIS * • of'verydejfrmtjQji of Blank Boots, Metnuiiut. . Jum, Upy and J'a*«Uoot»,Croion lak, Manifold liner " T * ,cr> 9‘“»onil l*o‘«u Oold Pen*; Ac., Ae.r inkin'. ‘ , parternof Fhig.isb and French Stationery and Paper,- . | A largo BwerUDeni corutantlyJoa baud of Uie most : 1 improved MvJer—lnk.rur.da. Wax, .Wafers, Stale*! " J ewcilt, Steel Pena, twine*, motto *e»a. ; Torr tableu!’ - v S I L^ I J , cai 2? *’ P® l*bcl<, pen rack*, card rack*, ink powder, black, blue and carmine eold tw kil4? eUe ‘ olUe^< l ailt N copyingpret- « LfUei«.Cart ß| -Nqw<'*« H - in great Letter and Cap Papers, ruled and pUin. at torcr i nnceaj uote paper*; litnjc paper, perlbruieii board.bntlol boards, bonnet board, colored pahera.' ’ winppmepapersjic. . ' DoeVot.- andtjUicr books for County „ 9°? Bank*,. ltifurine»i > .Companfes,' Mer-;- 2525 ■fftgjw*- c W>“ if »0 -tort, MtfiniiM li K « tt rhf2 nonce. At arraaied to,be superior 'ut r quality and very low lit price. * - . - :- J > Country Merchants, dealers and other* will phed atthe very loudest prices. cobstauu? alar;* snick of Blank Books, Papered- StßUoueijn and request the furor of a cull from tho*o who myitre article*in aurlpne. ’ . ■ • .■ „ , •* FRANCIS A LOUTOKL Statioucr*. 77 Maiden L*»« . .raW3m - graYnrb" ; “TPlliNTs ON PRiPiG STYLES ~ 1817. - l-E E-VB R E WST Elt , 9W~S * <*• Spring of B„S‘ Fftnehoad Americsa MaauUrtun; which, la ADDITION-' toditir nod stock,N&dcn their a**orta*olpa* of the • htsaUfidood stUaetive ut Ihtrilr; *ad b'avinelu.i 7” for CASH AND SHOttf ' Purchwer* will info® therai«lre« of tire »iale of (he nur- . npU V° r “ if th*^. . L. AB.haTej*caliaradn»ia« i fireseeutiae ordtr*for pnnU, which are mMetfullr wUeitcd. W * , -LK£ A C.Jarßire.l - .. ... i'.vaps, uiuaxoobtts,- ' IiALL.IiANTpiNBAND ibr'tL* H-, Sprtng Trod*. DIETZ, BROTHER t CO r?. \V*llam .irMt, Nrw York, in Ihe WwhhigrarT Bfock’ IS mahuSuUirttr sod h»ve simp on hand a Sb, , ment of vtiews in their Has, of the-Mlowhi wluch they will veil si "hohiale snJ retail, m * fi>rcs»hi v ' >7" r • (uprated Ctinaic*] Oil sod Camphcue Lamn.-"'" !, - Solsr Lsispc, GJt and Bruatcd, m crest TOriclr : l" ■fss.*Si&w,. sa-.* : I rtf. Sew Warrtiuuu for I'riHiTiKV: — nPRfNO STYLES, 1547. ./.«£! JUvS>Vl'*tyr y o«» Gw alory Warehon?-, J.Vfn 5* New A orb, I the whole of which u«lr*t>U<r luVuc «i, LiiL’’ oT iJM.uMfewOcJe,) offer fvr .ale by JiTid rKINTEfr-C JUCOtis - juuinjalf ihe drnrablr e*w a lire* nroocH ■.f 0 * 0 r whld. awimtcj fci a? leu thu. muuiartarir»’ r r£«U p fi , i N^T B **. lil * * ni,,r Nrlixr w the nrirmal- ihi, 0 r U*i Drcwitery{iron which.le rrtir«! ia |£s huW ? / -the firm of L«au4 JoJ* o , and *>|iriu the T wtni«e'tf Z' olil fmodi. The bimnm » ecn Juried uodrflbf (j-u. of February 33, HM7-angp LKEL JIMI-u.-V . i* °* t«i i*,"'/ f®, j? r « K h r^xroT,^-rr^- Ht TKE ciTy ok ki;w yokk. 'ft• *;^ah.n^toc;k*.e«,no.-wJSo« ; IUVNow |.»rsa> a | af - 0 „ n j «*«„» atMxtiaent olDm fa and Mcdir'iner,- five I’alntx anti Oils of every description; vhieh'lh' * are prepared and detonuiccd t«> *ell low. 7 ate iWorstrd Co cqll and examine tbrJr article*. Orders oiocntM with ftithlulnew and despatch. 8.A.1-abtv«tock , i Vermllugd constantly on hand. : ' ••••■■ . ,B. A. t'aliiTitock, ..' •}•. . : ; A« IL Hall, New Voriti ;<; a. fag !•'. SO. Bog* S E i IYBUS W.FIELD dlenV MMDf ; \ 1 Mcnufaciarea' price*. .•_ .if 41 m-’-t of PATER, coraprr ~’ — ****' * VTtnft '*^'‘atM)rt. ooCce. v v , •** ~ Jpotl* ouile ie.order>u : rtor '• PAl’Ettij eautnallylarge h*Si^?riVcW **pt conjmiidy t.j ,4 ”- - - iyOy < - AiVew Yi ixiif. ®*??jw ba *s *A»®WcT«w«n* Sfrtrft York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers