The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 15, 1847, Image 3

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    ) mtibb a M. OMobMe*,
JX> khtt do -d® Bogan ' ' •
' 75 hlfrt«uYH,OP,«t MX Teat;
.&0 6fc*!bbx»G'P* YII do
0 ceioontiJ . ->
~i bx* Tobacco. S« k 16a;
•ore and for rale by CARSON * MeKNICHT
tilth Mrtft
< kO»’KKIEs—I67 baja •*«» Coffee;
i ?lpe*aYH.«PAlop.Te*s;
liu tt>l» N O K«la**e»:
0! hhda prime If O Safari*
44 bx»s«l6<aed lb Itinp tobacco;
60k**Nol«lwm do
itt bapi Pepper, , „
7.1 bi*l*a»*orted No* L Bogan
(t ucjcm Rice; with a general a*-
•tumtr.-nt riorcrie*. for *alr lowby ... . _
' yo gr weicrat
■o- Pca.ntn
*5 x.'hb!* Fianeed;
?' do Laid,
1 (irkin il»’i
l ibi Tallow,
. - >ck« dry Peaebe*,
1 do dn Apple*,
«;• do Outer IVai;
3 do Wi aheil Hickory Nut*. »°*
ani ng '(.nb Mrocnrf UxiCiftodcjfer tale Uy
.uyU I. _ I DICKKVA Co,-water fc front»u
i'isi£ FUiCSII PldAtf-YII Tea inbirchr.ts;
-ir ‘r* “ sr .«••
)r, .L m v...aa«ek,*nd Rambow, -a »«-
s a fl* country cored Bacon,
: .*n» bu»d Appier;
»01 c? 0 d Peacher; for »ate by
H v No 119 wood ai
AJOi.A*-*--** R ,CK *“
'8 Ab,
No* ISfctt) wood *l
BvcO’Tk r. YKP-liMi'U :i.*lUcon Uog Bound;
vcu ■ . v W.UX®» Laid}
; k-«» tin do;
vo i.UI» irettt do; lor •■*<?
,„v« *nit> Mreti
\xr "OLASS-30bi* 7*0;•
>Y , -_M) do 6xlo,
1 30 d.> Oil'.',
d> lOxlttf ..
! 40 iloiuxlt* wiiU luxio, lixis,
,J„il..dlS,lS,;n.u,« * BEST ■
' nivio' : XeMmzlma
niyio ... J_r
I tl I’ctCock Ff)
'« - “jßKy’
liui »w«l “'I’ 1 |'J3TIV-**ON & C«, w*ier k front tu
o,ylO ' * Ap« 6; torn*Refinery _
fT' OB AC CO- »0 t>i» Ru»»el fc R«^»m»oi»,sldn«pi
-I in «lo Jen Mau* •
io iiu L>u.*jr> •* pi®r.
for ■■■«'? m"
Fisu— uSi.b » ;»r*o N° 3 Mackerel,
,to do l Herrins; _
" d “ 4,1 ffllW
o,!i I 1 So IW libony u.
‘-Lakeol the Wood*" »» the name ot, a fine new j
* vft do d£ coaming Wane: : toil built at Naples. Illinois River. She is 132 feel I
, ■ JAwtorSb', I long, -I ft beitii, and dnwi only II .cch. 1,g1>..-
1 b 1-ffcES k &LLINS She 1» commatuledi by L'apl Jacob Tice.
inylgdCt . . figj» tr ”'*. b .?li.”y£ e i- Bivcm **b weather*—The steamer Julia re>
BAW. HaiiiS port! the Misaoarijriver to be lalling. with four feel
4 i«u dp nboutders: water in the channel above lhe.n»ooth or the Usage,
lui.i.!*rauvaMrd ° ‘ and s Teet below. 'The Misaitaippt is also reported
' _ n.J hj 1 c WAttllw | to fc* failing with 30 inches water on the lower rap-
CiiQAli«— vihii. reuai. e Prmeipee, JustoSanx; 1 ids, and from sto (G leet in the channel below.—
, *v «) low priced Begali*; j Hence to Cairo there la 9 leet water on the fca-».
' If "*• H”" t y" , K {niN The lllinoia river if falling, with 6 feet water in the
Mll.Lbß fc I channe | below Pefna. The weather ... elrodjr
NoMnibenyat . Jeiterdt , iW ,a i t Commence.! raining last evening.
D AOUKRKIAX STOCK A freah aupply « . _r Sl Lo nia inat.
gunner and nWiiua ■oriilla* Ue«t plaieamndca- Tributary arrived at St Loots on ibe rtb.and
se*. rte-d and tor ai-!•% • ... . otu ijjerable‘ difficulty mr* descending
TVLOOMS~I'i u>n< Bkw**- for vale lowto l the cfannel bavingmatemlly changed.
15 doi/coiiir-iuriii C A McAN p[ii r ! The river it falling a» far down aa the Osage; below
... - ■SriKKfSZSrU’. 1 that point there ia a alight rise.
C ‘dK aid «ill.ri bind and for sale’by ‘ - The ateamer H.ghlander baa been >otd to Captain
"1 Glfcim, for an thouaand dollar*. She will coniioue
r7?sxr^:- gusli-; to tun in the St Uni, and New Orlean. trade, under
i anJ > »jr.ou» pr.*r., i»« 1 charge or her preaent woncr.
1,7 * P v*tcic A McCaNPM«3 . DOMESTIC MARKKA
/"IOTTUBi VAIISS-,45,W* tbs assorted No« Co»- CIWCISSATi, Mar 10.—Floor-- Ibe < ale-toma t
o*<w Vara ««<!,*«, carpel chain and balling, i oew , tagged a good deal ol activity at an advance
mujur-i.-.ul-rt lowest ptiees. «0 to 30c bbl over pncea previously current.
«\ 4 ,5 . FRIK>P, ltHEV>_Co_ ■ 5;,J STOO $4,9065,10. mostly
-r>OWl>t£tt—- , ° (l kit* Beatty*. Rifle Powder, : *,,ld. The market closed with 6-mnesa to day at
r l.'O Ju do • Blasting do Csfi& 10 for good lots Provisions—Market very
far«flici> nivrJ FRIEND, KHKV& Co_ | • Np,, advice* are calculated to depieaa
rr-Ma'C]; pureTonm'a.ior salebv ! the spirit of the market, tat oar atocka are rery
gL,OO3IS-o*i tone pure p puOt:Nß pf ß . n ß ht. which will help in austain pncea, *o that there
,u w.uer n near rednoln’altey ’ not t, e #n y positive change in current rate*.—
-: •• : ~ s,ie, SB bbls Meat and Prime Po'k at s*l *' n d 5 1 -;
/ ■ UEK.N ‘T.l> r>-1 *«« *«»» fflo bT «d 1200 kegs. 68 bble 75 hir do .No 1 c.t, rendered
Kj green prima >nvt pi ACKL pi*r . LardatB4e. lUltakey at lOSlQic. Uad—odttpiga
So W woo* *t ! f rom atoreat Sjc. Dried h rutt-S-big. Ap
"T5 ED OIL CHlNTZ—very small Bgnre brilliant cel- j Pj” ,r ®“ xM .25. ca'—looo bbli
iUrt, ju.t its'4 and for >k WHITE ; Rijn Dried C^-^OOjbi.
roji* - ' l 74m_ 30t> gScT«-'ffg» BA®- Cotloo—G4 bale* Mias
n«- 4 CANpi.SS7rUji.P4g* ; SdTwm at IteSn?. *■£—“J I ,'" H ”“» 9
'Arw _ __MILLEtt A Kic«i.reu._ ; e .g, e ' calh . c nod fair NO at Pifc Iron— istooa
w:» <~Bsgsrt ; ffitesErt 52."S3£<S/Si. s sn
>'*s 2i!-I Kanawha from landing at 204 c. The Kanwha ••com-
GOLDEN STROP-S hlf btit* Loosiana refined i binllioQ - fa M advanced the price Ic bu—making
Golden Syrup, foreale by RICKETSON ‘ the present rate* 214 c from landing, and 234 c fbu
• No 170 liberty »t ; from store.—[Gazette.
“i- 1 " , T - T. cxiodis M«v7—KreiflhU are lower agaiatosliT
P lIKKSE~4i bxs, ; v icc , fl J ur and gT l, a , ,Sado h.gher. Sale.
O Knc ;l or»aleb> irSS t*front au , nl UOO bbl. Flour at Hece.pU^r
- Bl>l ° ..„r i wheat light and demand very aeiire. Sale. J.OOO
lBs t " og7c in fC k«. and 90 to 90c exelosive of
U 1. HU T -Hl>ON iCO on at dcmlni , for Coro. S-d« at 3.*4aA3
- -- . -* exaosive of aeks; and at 35h40c sack- included.
FISII— *it bt»l* No l Btiumore Shad; I Oaia3sc,exclnaive of arks. Sale* GOO bu d Apples.
limits of prices- Of Ltsd, ssles 4/ 00 pigs psrt to
F 1811-31 i.ils No 3 Mseterel, shippots. it 3;f. Of Bacon, 2. cska ohoolilers. in
69 do Not dty soiled, |*6loU ltslc; 13 csks do, prime lot st J; 10 csks
15 do Uartilins Bliad: [or ■» , * l :?,- rsoN L,mt it Ji .0 do sides, in lots, st Jc; 10 csks, >0 t«o
mylO MILLER t BtuIiCTSON , S„ d q c ,V„, .oooiden,him. ood sides.
rtOFisEB-IIH t.f tii-eO fLo.-niior, snd far • 1; L lnl _-) )c o ae™<l for sttietl, prime-
C rslc by i VVhiskoJ at 18c. k,ei,i,lslo day: Hour BSkc, and
»T'“ .- - ' on. shipment at 33.1 jort *»Ci MS - h “ '' l
T OCISVILEE sro'd ioa royml.. «,Bc; to-U .!Sci lb fnljbl.3Uei homo S J ™.
Li b>- , ? r?„ i sfih',l 1 lobi-co JC Phhdi Hook Jbf head, ttouther clou
. mylO - , No»BBta ». Jr,._[R^mbliein.
Oil,oneoniisomem; iCO ~ . BBO w.NSt ILLE at 0s• « am' 3
No« wood at p - ; ■ *
•BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a m and 3 r m
•WELLSVILLE, WelUville.9 a m.
•D. LEECH ft C'o’a. PACKET. Philadelphia ™d
_ ■BPBalUmore.Or. M.
rsACOS-WMvO tlia Hams «dr« ■“«* Shtwldcra ; 'RHODE ISLAND. Snafish. 2r. *.
B part m cm,;*.., for rale in* by ‘NORTHERN LIGHT. St Urn., 10 a m.
. ■ JSwiL..,. -CAMBRIA, St Louis. 9 A.M.
myS • . eor •tmihßjel^iUrom»w i *coMET. Zaneiville.3 r. Mt
*tr n MDRPHY ha'iit*! rec’dbt oxpreas Uti" 'MESSENGER. Cincinnati, 10 a. m.
W. “r”r.«Jo“* new Vtylecheap Fancy Bon- . Rlo GiIANOE. Looirville,3 rm.
ie t ' . .*5ll- LKA-VINO BDHDAT.
m/2 " •' No ST water »t
SOLID BOX VISKB, of v»re.u*i«e«
•« '”•!«”»'"> ,nm "" ' n "",o»"c6SmAN >
•'■y*. '
TUST a.wiwdby «!'"<• *> 'ISAAC NEWTON. Cincinnati, 10 A M.
J <ll, .ad mack.,, »•»'£ SuiIPMY ; -BEAVER PACKETS .19 A. M. and SP. M
»n*» •_ , --! -BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at BA. M and J
<-,SKI)aU i, bid- V,n<i»f. .good artJcle.fof .. py ■ ■
V -In lon- r„r r..h o. M |,.TENBERi:iER I. -D. LEECB in Cn’n. PACKET, Philadelphia and
NoSQ wateninret , Baltimore 9’F. M. cv?
•*Tbe*e «f« re*ulw P»ekeU ;
' f n\'FY WANTED—Wanted ta txnrow.on teen
(VlrL t! *e*PT»l »uin*, froms» to****. Apply w
royl l Mi ARRIS. AfrnU No3QSU> •».
«. n r . gof wobd«nd OTicim
O tale low l*y No «fl wood «l
r pOB4.CCO —3 krg»C twin Tobiceo, ■ F»d aniele
■*n.TU C J *“ J fc ' L>C “ B 'tI^KSBERUEB
•niQB ty *ft TEP-i'oMiUfy Mixed R«f* WWl ‘*
■nt7if Ftm ureel, below Market
N fvS.ST, 0 -» EKcmcrn r i'S"
A JJ, V Y ! ear water» arid cherry »Uey
T N ROUK.S—SearoDt r " et l' newaud l .° W pr ‘ cei *
»ob„,or«e- ■“ly.aiaTt WHITE.
/-»r \tMFR RTI'FFrf —A very ierjce MwWDeniofMW-
E A 111.-TON
-f«*i rolor*,j
iINOItAM—One «y»e—
U COFFEE—I° btft L**n»jr»
tor Mie by tJgu>AW
•■0 do* ju»i rcc’d ond for eele
' orUM. McGREW fc Co
So C com nctcial ro» tibony «i
i b!» jo»t received mtulfarieteJjy
8. r. > w.i »» • No 33 Front tt .
.rMkwbjr No 41 «•««•«„
JLi rcc’d and I
in) 3 A...
•umiy on.
,M.ekriel .n<l While Fi.hl e°»-
unU *ndfor*ale by
* "SFwK*”' -1'
_ wtter k frontal*
QIL.S-1 bb
by myS
C burrnaU'Wlrilr; G>r, aale by '
cor wood k wtier *U
HR—* bbl. .aperioi Crmb Cider, for *lle
. cor imitkßcld mnd frent n»
B' >5
j low by
mil* 1
S 3 do bemfctia, m prime
>i»ciiv mviii pa martin
artier W fo
'alnuif. and Filbert*,iiut ice'd
cor trairr and «mt
rrc’d and for «ale
‘ ___ cor first k wood .1.
At PEACHES—3OO bo dried Peaebea; \
< . No 33 front at
rtWRSi for 1* t-2 cent* per ynxdi
' waietkfrom m;
nyS 1.
DU flic b
ad. tB1 * ■
•A ! J'< ;P/ric* pirwecßaH G**ctt», t
..‘ r Saturday Morning, May 15- S
W«tbcr iitiiI J tieif l qoUe winn sod dry. There
w u about 4 feetwaler root al dutk, ahoWiflgjt to
be netriy;ob a stud. "Steamer* plenty, and owing
10 the eevcilj ol freight, piicea bare not varied—
they ire atill at 7 feet wyer rate*: 1
To Cincinnati—Dry Good* l-*c, heavy Good* I2sc
Louisville *• 1 50c, “ ,6c
StLoni* •' | dQc, 85«SI|c
The Flour fever hi* increased,tod'price* «rel2J
higher. The balk of the good Floor on tbe wharf
changed hand* at $3,25 f» vaiioa*
wlw were made by 2nd |haod* at $5,2665,315. and
e»cn more ha* been paid Tor round lot* in atore.—
Toe *ale* on private term* alone, Thursday ami
Frid*y»are4ooobbl*. It ia oae\e*a|to apeeify the
30lota oi which we have a memorandum. Extreme
price* at, tbe close, $5; ©35,33 l* bill. The aale*
reported reach .2000 bbli.
Since writing the abo l e, a aale 200 bbl* to arrive
to-day at 54£5; a aale from atore of a prime lot.
quantity not reported, at 4,315. The wagon lot*
, told, generally, at 4fis.j
A tale 25 ton* c b H/r L’ig Iron, 1 (Caroline Fur
' nace at s£». 4 moa, with a dollar improvement;
; nothing in Mercer Pigfthia few day*; a brisk inquiry
lor Feather*, but buyefa’are not diapoacd to go over
| 26c Tor good-ulc* 3000 lb* al that; further sale* ne»
' Cbceae at 7c lor bx*;or Bacon, 3(XO lb# poor Shoul
dera al ssc, GCOO good and prime In lota at 6e6sc;
I a* many Side* at 7 lv|Be. aa io quality, and of Hama,
! 7000 lb* al 7 and 8c; jaOO bx# Glass at 2.374a2,G2.5;
i 100 bu clean Flaxaeetl al $1 for 5G Iba; nothing in
; Cotton—buyer* donjt even nibble; Colton Varn*
' are moderate aale; a cuk ol Louiaiana Steam Helmed
! white Sugar at 12 I*4c Tor use. 8 hbd* N O al 756
' B|e; Molasses vdry lO hhd# Tobacco at
| | 3 4#5 l-2e,aa in quality; more amoked Herring
at a dollar a bx; tomn Bonbnglit’a extra Siarch ol
3 l*2e to tbe trade; d W.a Spring Steel at 5 1 2c a
tiule inquiry for rcjujbei—small aale*. 1,23; EgS*
‘I at 6©6 I»2c. ; |
Fresh Print Bolter waa aelling in:lhe city maracl
1 laat evening at 18 3-ftkoc 4* lb.
| The market generally i* without cib-mge.
It waa generallyuiiie'ratood yesterday that $2
i Übl wohld be aaked onlFlour to Phil, and Ball., by
' the Line*. Within day* and a halt about yOOO
’ bbl* have been landed here.
The N Y Baprea* of Wedne*day morning «ay»—
The Sarah Sand* aaila to day; thcie is. conse
quently, a good deal doing io the bill market The
: sale* ol Sterling have been la*ge. and the rale well
sustained; the principal operation* haveheen it UXIJ
I SIO7 P ct, although aomo of the first drawer* have
; obtained 107$. ThiJ advance or bill*, will effectually
; atop tbe importation of Specie, although lU7 V* cl.
I , 4 more than 2 P cilia our favor; yet the interest is
11 j not aufficirul to pay, the coat of coromusion. inter.-;
! eat freight, and Othfcr incidental expenses. "
PKRO—Per Colombia—l7l bbU hame,3B hhde i
do, 23 bale* akin*. Btegham—l6o bhda baCoo, Lip- •
pe&eott&Son—46 d bide., W Bryaot-16 *ek*rag«,
Church k Carotbera—2 peg* md»e. Sp«Pg «Co
LOUISVILLE—Per Fairmouol—l b*. I keg
meal, 20 bbly lime, 1 bt tobacco, 25 hh ia do, A Cor
don—o do bamt, 53 bbl* do, Clarke da Thaw—lol
Dhda do, Biogham—l3do bacon, I bx, l bbl d apple*,
38 bx* bacon, II Grafl—s hhda do. 16 bbl* oil, r Sel
ler*—6biabacon.2 ctkado,T G Olio ne—4 bxa
ordte, Whitmore d l Wolfl—6 do. Logan dt Kennedy
_« rcks leathera, (Church dt Carotbera.
STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—l 2 obU
flour, Taaaey dt Beat—l9l do, Smith k. Sinclair—l 4
do Kobiaon k Co—4 acka raga, U Morgan dt Co
-49 bbta floor, J M’Cully—s bxa egaa, L Stern—l 4
Ijjjj paper, G ixette—s7 bbla flour, ( (riab Ralirf), M
' Allen—l 44 do, 16 acka pot loea, 4G do oala. nwne-,
BEAVER—Per Michigan—l crate rage. I ack
yarn 1 dobicor, 1 keg lard, W dc R M Cutcheon
—G bbla floor. S Wighttaxn—lo tony pig irun.J A
Cangbey—lSbbl*cider. Miller k Ricketaoa.
PerL?ke Erie-G* bbla flour, A M Wallingford
tad owner , • „„. ;
CINCINNATI—Per Meaaenger—4 pcgafWhit |
more db Wolfl—34 hhda pork. Clarke 6t Thaw—l
bx. A M’Ctmmon—l bbl hominy.J Kerr.jfdcto I
j | bbl and 4 keg*ink,Johnson dr Stockton-: ! bx,J |
Crosssn k Son. j
I WHCEING—Per Prairie Bird—46 hhdasugar,7l
bxa do, G M Harton—l34 bbla f100r,41 dowtuakey,
j Clarke k Tbaw. . ' 1
1 HANGING ROCK—Per Misnct-334 tooa p.g
iron Church dt Carolher*—ll7ao, A M CJnrg.
BROWNSVILLE—Per Cvnaul—l bx. :J Arm
. atrong—l do, F Laflerty—4 do, Forayth it Co- I
1 do McDonald dt Beeaon—22aheet* iron. Uurbridge,
WtUondtCo—l6 bbta do, M’Clorkan 6l Co—HU, S Kyle—2lo bbla floor, 50 bu oats, 321 U
'* bxa glaaa, ownera aboard.
Per SwaUra—4 peg*, H G Viekrey—66 bbla flour.
' owner*. j
•citiT 4 rexT wat*r ir the ch«riiki.
Deafer. Hoop*, Beater. , ti
SwaUta, Clarke. Brownaville.
Michigan, Ada® l . Beaver.
Conaul. Bowman. Brownavillc.
Uke Erie. Hemphill. Beater.
Rambler, Haogbtoa, MeKeeapor..
Harlem, Kntler. Men City.
Magnet, Carnthera, Hanging Rock.
Wellaville. Catlett. W ellmlle.
I«i*3 Newton. M-Hon.Cmeinnai'-
New Knyl.ind. EbU-rt. \VhpeU»c
Colombu, O’Neal. St Looia.
Beaver, Hoop*; Beaver.
-Michigan, Adatna, Beaver.
Lake Erin, Hemptalllj Beaver.
Swatara, Clarke, Brownevillc.
Costal, Bowman. Brownaville.
Rambler llaugh.ton, Mon. CilJ.
Harlem, Butler. Mon. City.
Wilmington, Sleveni. Steubenville.
Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling.
•< Magnet. Carolben. Hanging Botfu
Zaaerville Pteket Gall>gher. Zanetrille.
Mingo CbieF,Moore. ZaneaviUe.
Clipper Cin.
: Hedaon, Ebbert, Sunfiab.
Mary Aon, Duncan, Looiaville.
k. The susach-ftsd ftK low wi«r
.Meilor. Muter. wtllleavnaa ■lAre
CHSBSZSEsK&iIiia evening, at 4 o'clock For
[ freighter ps-rage apply on hoard^
THE iiaoscb and fine rtramer
fIESIZPI columiiu,
mailer, will;leave a* above,
Monday, Mav l?tb, ■« lOa'elo.k,
A. M. For Height or passage apply on board, my IS
a i ' The elegant light draught packet
Ccnnoiiy master, will leave a* above
Saturday evening at 4 o'clock. For
paaraee apply on (ward.
' • my 15
‘ rbn.Vrt.oui>.
. . w . Ttc aplcnpid fa«t runnuu.g aieamer
NORTHERN l.ltih'P.
MSEPtefl® Bairo master, will leave for the above
|fi|iflj9Bß*nd » 11 intermediate pomou Saturday
the ISib n-tai Id o’clock, A M. For fre-ghtorpa**BSe
haring superior accotmnodat.oni, apply on hoard.
The new nnd splendid sientn'-r
f Forayli, master. will leave a* ai>ovi'
Saturday morning,May 15at !> o'c'ock
For firghl or passage apply t»i bnjml.
. 'ilie new ami splendid steamer
LMNttfrrtEp Woodward master,will Irnve a* ulmve
regularly ihtougbout the acaa.m For
frcigliioi posiege apply on board.
The fine and staunch.i'ghl draught
/■OaptOKW aieamer TRIUMPH,
(iaffrvy, master, will.leave aa above
throughout the *en*on For
rteiglunr passage apply on t-oard
The elegant and fa*^ Packet
Calhoun, mane, will leave a* above
■Bnß&fiQregularlv throughout the season rnr
freight or passage apply on board. _ tnyf.’
. j ~iH _JTiij|_THr maoeb and e'egtiiii nrunier
lui. Devennry. muster. will leave
rvP>?S*P»ltw alx>vo throughout Ihe season. ror
freight or j»a#*ase apply on bos'd
piitsßußhh aTsosT LOUIs Packet.
. t |, r new- and splendid steamer
vSz&Sxi aSfeo for ui** trade. and will leave regu j
larlv during the season. lleidaj*
wi.i tic aJvrtl:«ed hereafer. my?n
The new. light diauaht and fast run
. Ph nine steamer EUREKA.
ygaroßK Cror.d, U'»*l'r- will run aa a regular
between Pittsburgh mid l-ou »•
vide during the sen'oit. She Ua.cJ on Thutsday eve
ning. May (sth. at 4 o’cloek.
'For freight or paaahgn *PP‘V 0,1 board in>t»
f— fl) k' if AN V iLf.F.
-m, - llie light dr-tnebt ami fust running
" Me * nJ^o ® l AllNtiO CHIEF.
vtCe. For trciglft or pa»»aee apply on l>oaid or to
_nj>4 lIKI »Jin.TKNBKRtiKK Att
Recular Pltlibargli and Zaneivllle
A 430*% Tbiruew and light draught steamer
f , v COMET.
IPiVii & James F. Roydiroastcr. will run a« a
regular-packet’ between IMi»liurgh
and Zanesville. Having had her cabins 6tted up and
furmrlied m superior style, the Comet offer* the nnesi
aec<>mmodations to pasMrngers She will leave on
Tuesday, May 4lft. at So'cloek, P hi
rj, t ft r »«.tp»«r. At ,
K . The very iigln draught and r.taunrh
, A steamer SWALLOW.
IgEfctTffrflß AVileon. raa*ter. will run a. above du-
the »« a*oji; rnab'ng tegular tr p«.
The S. ilrsws only H mehes wsler. Fur ftuiahi or
passage a( ply on Loatd. *p.lti
’ Regular Plttibargb and ZantiOll*
THE light draught steamer
UUMB 1 Hurd. Master, will make weekly tnp*
the above pbtt dutuiß the sea* on. -
For treight or pa**age apply o.i l«u rd
or to ap7 D WILKINS. Aeen
PUtsbngh and Bunflsh Packet.
t*!xe new and fine steamer
/ ,L ~- Kblien. master: has resumed Iter reg
ubr inp« and will leave Pittsburgh
■BMEDb «♦ above evrrv Thursday and Mon
day at 3 o’eiork. P M. For freight or passage apply
on board. orfi -
M c KFF>pirRT, F.l. /.AltFrrit AND MONO.GA.
, r -_r w The new steamer
nes<Uy and Frida A if .‘and Munen, a
hela City every Tuesday , n«ir..!-iy nnd Mturdiy ii
o'clock. A M Forfre.e'i »i rs--,-- ... «m no .1
Allegtirny lltvcr Ti«tle.
. Tte fi'ir al.O f»M Si<-»ni!.-oai
' serf Franklin. For frr*ght or p»*»a;e apply on i<o*rd.
regular • H’C I--V on
lb- SiJlli il ni IUo i-otk.
* *«.. . !
' Ttie «p|pn<lid <ind fa«i running *imr
<> XV fcberi. will commoner j
Tue««lay.Thursday *■«* ■}' tMoVj.K-k. *• W• I
and leaving Warding every M.«jd«>. U, add |
Friday, bi D'o’elook. A M. , .
Tl»e NewKitglaud ba* rmrn l-ou«hi eiprcv-v the
iraclc. and willlemve rcguinrly »«a«*ove boMreigtiior
°Tm«' ‘ PP ' T “ °'“j<>lLN FI.»CK. A^n.
' Th. new'. clr C :..,t jn.i f..l I’Ll. Vrl
C. C Cn'.lcil maser, wa< l>u I «•
»rr«»!> for thm unde, and will make
I " daily trip* Aurngihe *ea»on ; leavi]'f ,
"Jgl"W 1 8.°.V~5.n.a».1 1 .. .h- Piml'-JF
n., i«-.
JuMV o M. Steven*. master. leaves I’m*-
buirl' every Monday. Wednesday
and Finlay nt IJoVlock. •* M . leave)
• u ii Tuesday. Thursday an.) Saturday
S;S'K i-« ,™
The Steamer
Smith -roaster, will commence
runninc a* a rwgolar packet about the
■ mat, leav.rtK I‘iMubur*lr every
OsCulAr' urowiwivillb
will nm M a regular I'acket Imiweert
above place*. leaving Put»bur<t)
and Saturday, at 10 o clock,
A Vi.; and Brownsville every Monday, W cdne»day
- J2±-
- - - to Traveller),
••express EAST PACKET Ling ' _
Eguafflwtap fur
tXilaokupiiia akd hhtihork.
v; ,
I do I«uiai«na,Oapt rhon*p*«n. Waday, Mar H.
do Kent«rky,C.p».T«l.y.Wrd.r'«!a>. NW'.
I do Ohto.Capt Tbutida Ma. U
do Indiana, Oapt Urrkey. H:d«y l \.
do Loui.mna.Cam roompson. Saturday. M») I
do Kentucky. T.u’.v, Sunday, M«> !'•
do ditto. C.a:r. Mohday, May 17.
-I- 1,,/f.ana IUrtFV, fuMlUy.Ml> l®-‘
,_ Q .uni. t'apt rho»njf»*i»it. Wednesday, May IJ
i' Kentucky. Car*’. Tmtiv.Thursday, May *'
I’, Ohio, Crn'a- r. idav. May 141.
t -.o Iml am. Uerkey. Satuiday, May «•
.. Ivtuioana. Cant Thompson, Sunday, May -L
~ . e -eit, iravrlnnr and cou.lbrvahle acrom-
M “»r hH n‘'.ElX ; M'k«>”cc.. l ß
: VBW PIASO MVgIC- . . ~
M\ Are the l.irtks that liound u* broken
i *■ Where arc now the Hope* 1 Cherished;
Tn ilia 11-»rp nt the At.
j He Jorili all ih n;« welt
\ Dream* of 'he pv»‘
I The Ro*e of Alabama.
Mary of Argyle The Mother
I We meet as Sitnrtgei.
! j^xisssr^m^
! t-"- STsiV'S'‘■"""wr.r"
.Midnight ‘l®
C, press *■
Morning Sur do
LmUfi ' j;
Fairy 5
II p pn em*ar 00
Washington ' V , al ! lr *
j Tt- -1 won&i
i 'AUornevi I’ounutlor and Geucral AgcitfA.
WL< rnAlili, inform- h<» fne».j» and 'hepu *•
.He ih.! h. coi""'""'* "".I »i 3
i Aremfor i uvnn and Mllinc real e*iatr. in lhi»cn>. *i d
; vrfll devoir ponton of h» time *ttenlion M»
!nt claim* and demand*. and tn ati»nilmg «o A**_ * ,i n .
■inraa *enrral s Hr will al*o rnjaßn in the
“m ol to.n-,=™ir««.. tie .nil bh <•« <c
1 .11 ihe I1."II !■-: n- <1 .I'irr o clock lit I'ir '•'••unit- «"«
at uib -i Uouta at In* office. No c;0 Chemoei • rvrt-r-l, «T«*l
| Boor from room. NEW YORK. , .
REFERENCES—Hon F A Tnllinud*o.l Moo John 1»
g-oii, Hon John McKrwn. Hon Ofdrn Hoirman. Al
derman K«*>eii Ucn*on, Aid. Wm V Brady. OaTid
Grahair. F>q. 'Vm J Hoomc. Kj<j mriHW
TAILORS—Jd*' received a full &««onme»t or ihoae
Troy nude ahirtt, both white and •triped, from very
Cnr to medio® qoaliite*-
tt ßaton* w»d Collar*. fide and medium noalmc.
_« iplendid narorimrni. boih black and fan-
I CJ nliek indfiney ».* »£»••
»ia« i, i r foriaie at the niantifacia*
! ,t“™,^wV„.,ielke„,e,'. i: eja ; u., D N ft a.^
| n \ajV ]? . * U Agent for Ea*trim MciutfuMicii
c. S. ttaii Line!* tpU, Sftmu i.
-THK Vftle tvdid’new steam • tip'WASJi INO
fijfiwN T0N,1750 um* burthen,' Fredenek Hewitt,
3&bs£ commander, will mart from New Yorkon the
Let Juoc.oezLcarryiJic lira United States mail- * -7
*he will loach st Cowes end Southampton to Itija
traswnters end freight,*"* deljvertla marl* for fcng*
lend. Fiance end Belgium, end will uhen proeteuto
Bretnerhtven ■ __.t -
Returning will leave Bremerbaren on tor .Stnloi
June, end Southampton on the Ist ®f July- where t lO
witl embark ■ pa«eo*crs end freight' from tngle/irt,
France, end Belgium. Arrangement* base been nUe
to forwardcoeds from Havre op to the lest moment* wr
which, If desired, bills of lading will Ira singed by thr
■ remit Havre. _ •,
Southampton connects by Railroads with ell pens of
England, end by steamboat* with ell the Continent
From liftmen •eeea* aey be had to all Germany. Aus
tria, Russia.ltaly, Switierland, ae.
The Weihiugion is built In the strongest manner, wit i
a view of Icing converted into a »hip*of-war, and sub
ject dt any time to inspection by officers appointedby
the President. both'during and after eonitruclion. She
has tweengiuesol JMKi home power each, and. accom
modations tor I4U first clast, and 41 second ela»s pas
senger*. _
Passage from New York la Southampton or Uroßtan,
First class *lBO
Second clans
Passage from Bremen or Southampton to New «ork,
First ties* Blsd
•Second class, 60
She will carry about 300 tons freight, which win be
charged according to the nature of lira goods offering.
AH letters rau»t past ’hrough the Post Office. Parcels,
for which bills of_l»4.trtg will be signed, taken
at $3 each. _
For passage or freight apply at the office ortbe Ocean
Sicain Navigation Company. 41 William street. New
York, or to the Agent* at Southampton,
The Wnthinston is Intended to leave New » ork on
second trip oa the first of August neat.
The second steamer of the line is in due course of
construction, and will Ira in readmes* in the eusuing
full ruytoHn
j »!* vial producing wonder*.—Read the
from the Rev S. WaVrfirW, Parlor of Liberty M. M K-
I'ituhorgb. March 6.
Air R. K Seller*: It ts from a *en*cof duly, a# well
»* wuh groat ple**ure. that I bear tcftiimony u> U>e yr
inc ot yourjacily celebrated Vermifuge I procured a
uneU bvttU, anti cave it loth fee ot my children* who had
been ill for «evcral week* The el<}e*l was *evrn
mar* old. the next four, and iltc >oa««e*J eighteen
month*. Tin (trot pa»»ed firty'-tii worm*. the accotid
fouy ftCTcn, and the third a ccmtiderablc number not
diftttnciijr recollected. Since then they doing
well, and av now in good Itcabh _
Voun re»pectf'illy. S. " alKHttO.
Fiotii Uie Rev. .S K Hahcock, of ihc MeUioJwlEpifco Church. ' .11
Mr. ft K S-i!cr>-: It n with Brent •plei«»urr I would
inform you of the good HTeci* produced on mv wn of
four )em»of a«e, by your juniy cHehraied Vermiluße.
After hi* liasinff convulsions. I B*v« him three down,
wh'ti he passed *u utmost.incred'iftliie number, from
which tune hi* genera: health hu» Lcc|> unproved.
" K SElUfcocfc.
From the Rev Chari-* IVA** v t the Methodist Fpi*-
copal Church:
l’,lt'liur«U. D*ceni'>er 14. IMJ.
Mr. R. IL Seller* 1 given} :i.r dnuglner (heiwern
ihTvr nnd for year* oM) three do-e» of your Virmifujce.
according topic*- nption. wvh the h»pr>'-.»l •ui cp»»
The nuraherof worm* eipr'tcrf I .tq not know pieci»e*
ly. bai >1 «u targe. She « now in tr)*ir»»ioil of Rood
health'. I think the medicine inty bo conSddli in with
*reat unrr»cive«lnc*». CCooa*
A«tbi* Vertn.fuge hat nc»rr been known 10 rail in
any mrtanec, when worm* actually exmed, parent*
•lioald eive it in preference 10 ull ollifer*
Prepared and -old by R. K. SELLERS. be» w « cn •*
end «ih, on Wood tueei. ,
For eale'by Dr. Ca*«ei,Fifth Ward. ®V * _
You, wbo«e teeth'» fool and yellow— j
> You. wbo>« ekin ia dark and ullow— I
\ ou, whoae ha>r »• barih and wirey.
Rally.dirty red or fiery— |
You, who*e vde offenrivc breath
I’nplesiaut i» e« poind death— |
You could have- bo), man or gul-:
Train ■* white a* »now or pearl. j
Breeih a »p cy iweeU and cortiele
Pure and white anil imooth end beautiful, I
And baTtoft. idkv. derk e» elae, r
Hy readme whet i» eaul below.
REAL»KRS.any of you can h«v c ite atofo by (mind
ib'« i* nothin* boi truth.) u*m* a 3# l.otileof Joneaa C«>-
tal Hair Re*ioniive—a '}* l*i of Jo.nee • Amber Tooth
Pe><e—and «s coke af the geuume Jone»’e lulten
Chemical Soap. The artiel-i eo*t but little, and yoo
are a»«ured that the following rue their real qaeliltee:
The tooth parte «ive» tliebreeibi .weet odor. wh»M>
teeth and preserve* the leelh. Ac The hair ituff ail
know to be the moil exqui».te thin* ever made tor dree
•mg. beautifying, ahdeauwtg the growth o'bait, and
ih. reap. Ip.lJbPK.nuii'. Jotre.'* 9o«p. oiml) will
.11 .nipninv freak!... »c ...J m .ke d.rk Y,lto«
•hire, elm uni fur. All 1b... lUnp. .re retJ (onlYI
cl W JACKSON’S Hoot and Shoe More and Patent
AicUicme Warehoure Liberty M. iuy7^
[From the Spirit of the Time*)
A gentleman of Scrnfulou* habit* from indiicretioß !
.11 hi* younger day*, became affected with Uleeration* j
of uicTtiroa' «ml &'o‘f, and a d.Mgreeable and trou- I
blcaome erupt on fll lhcMm. Indeed, hi* whole •>*- [
len bore the mark* of brine .auraied with di*ea>« -
One band and wii-l were »u much affected that he bad
to*, the nr-ot :k- laud.r*m part being covered with
deep. pa<nful and offensive l c-r*. end were as hol
•.iwand poroiM a*-bou'woinb l< wa» at thu *«a*e
..r i, . ro*i*luir.i.wiiri. dcih «ppe|ir.V ineVllible. from
a ic « 'inline <! In- i oilm*-seed the u«e of
lA'iM.hp ALTI'IiNAi'IVF ii!|it having taken *tX
—ln!* ALTKRNA l IVKVi'-rn/. thrmti'l. the circala-
Hon. and punfiei the BtnoJ and cradiea'c* jii»r»»e*
rure»'*Tt Ua* pcrromictTm iln«a»e«"VT*& W,'lTaneef,
Scrofula.Oonrr. Liver Complaint. Dyrpepua.nndoiber
Chronic diaeasci. i* truly e»Kmi»hing.
For tale m Piuabargb a. the Pekin Tea Store, TO 4th
~l e, , nfar woft d ar.j alto at the Drugstore of H r
S-hmrt. .1 A!>-I.rn> jnyll&wF^
>V}|. ,\. WARD, DESTIST,
II AS Removed to tho fcouae on Pena
■Msa Birrrt, Mr re above Hand .nerd,
Srßtm : 1 ;" m.
A* he is de»iTOii«oi l-emt employed by none bat
tbr>«e who will make immediate payment without the
,nerr«*ity on hi* part of collecting, be woild invite nar
't eu'ar attention to lire following teno* : All bill*-left
unpaid at the expnvion of th ny day. will<t charged
at tfc- following rnie*-
For Kjlreetint Tenb. S“l
I or poling immSd to tflpcr cavity
All other opeiutnn* in Hie »ame proportion.
Ali care* .11 wfncu mgagctneniv are not eouunued,
hill.* will be considered doe aecutding lo tbc above re*-
U 'V°B—There «re tho*r Indebted to him whoac ac
roimia ,r not pan! will «*•
hand* of a proper ottrrr far eolliieinn. *Flvd3«nwUr_
No Cure! No P*y! .Plica t Plica i
DR. J»ck*on'« Kint-roeation 1* ihc only medicine tntt
vvil. cure ih 1* *r> veiyiomitß'n and truubie*ome
d.searc it not only immediately allay* pain und infla
ninnnn. 4lnn* all Heeding. •abdnoa that mtoleiatdc itch
i.ui, iTeriuallv cures, in a very short tur.e. per-on*
whore live* have been rendered miM'rable for) ear*
It* application produce* no pirn, hot ’^ hl ‘ r ~' u i rc '- < a il
He and p>a*nnt •cneation If per-rnr* .ifllirlrn w.ji
1 call and hear of the great number of ea*e* 'hat have
1 been cured, they will be a»tnlil*ltr<t. AS' niiemait Ol
I Ihi* city. Who had been under the knife »( the ruißrltn
I for iwoor thice t'tnei Without beius cured bn* b) u •
;,,.2 botilesof the Knihrocation been cradirad) cured
1, *rll. beyond J>rei.-d. Ot ::_{Ph.l 'xl»
fr?“ For tale* m PiUfburgtt at the I Khl N TKA
H’IORE.W Fourth *ll**l. nenrwood. and *lm> hi me
. Drue Store of It V Srhwnri Fcd-ral >1 AI J i ‘‘*ji^ c y J 1 ’
LKAVE Beaver daily at ‘J o'clock, r w . after the
arrival oitne «teaml>oai BKA VKR Crow Pittsburgh,,
and arrive at Warren iieH'mimiing ut »e»*nn for the
Binges which reach Cleveland before night
Passengers'» ill be receipted nirough, securing berth*
on the Packet* and seat* tn the Sluice, on application
on board steamboat Denver. (leavib? Pittsburgh at »
o'clock, a ■ ,lorto the agrni* :
U H HARTON A Co, Pittsburgh
Ct.AUh’K ACo. Beaver
jRSBK BALDWIN, koutig*ia«n
M U TAYLOR, Warren _
Third door 10 the Bank of Pittsburgh. (
STHF-undetsigned, having recommenced bo
aineM, ha« established himself at the above
aland, where be will kepi constant.y on
hnml and for rale, at teu*onab>e prices alt
desertions of Furniture of the lir*t qunlity--*ucb a*
Boreru*. Bodsteud*. Chair*. Ottoman*, Betas, Ac Ac
AM Ira furniture i» warranted of Uin finest qualcy.
and will be aold aa low u» any ot the same kind >n the
C * A few rood hand*, and none other* need apply. W *D
"" * ro K3**soK« »rc»i!V_
A«k me not, what l am, Thinking,
O. watch you well by iPsy'bgh':
Slaying the iJeer; ‘
Oh! Molly Uawn: 1
Widow Aiachree: 1
The low barked Car. j
1 he two Buds 1
Indian Hummer, j
Rory O’Moore,; 1
My Mother Dear;
Ange l " Wbi*per, |
The Fairv Boy: !
The Bowl’d Hoger Boy:
Ju«i received aud for rale by JOHN «»IMW* l ' o **
.j nl wt-od street
1 DYNE'S KxVkCTOKANT-'V, .....Jr
.1 thi« admirable remedy for I iiliu«»nacy.affection
, Tb- principle there announc.d of the morbid
of ot|grnj( tion»— it. tcnd-iic) to originate
of ihe Branch.a. and con»e<|uenl .venation of tuc nalu
rat humo<*—.*. beyond 'dispute. the truth it*elf The
only practicable mode of removing each obstruction !*
bv means of expectoration, a result which w« *”*
vinccd can always he obuined »»jf ■ •|M‘>«iow«ihil»i
l,mi of the remedy of Dr. Jayne.-U h.ii. 3p<nt of the
For rate in P»Ubur*h at ihe Pckm T «‘ 4 fl lore ' ?{f p
«ire-t. near wood, amt aim «t Ih«S»fUJ
HchwHf'/, Federal M Alle«limv r.n\
Propoaaia for Plttaburffh Coal.
nBOPOSAI.S anil be received br ,h ? fj 1 ’.
I unul ih* fir.t Jay oi June, for ine deliver) of IS,
(X.U.u.hrhol Firt'biTxh Coahof the beat
die fubritai.'cn oftlu*, to be on « «*§*«
fif.i day of Odntler n-*:,at the 81. Loula Gai- *> orh*,
: p .vmein *o l.c made upon delivery- l . .
I Sr'S'm aSkSzif.,
j ; mY KWw CbnirtnanaMbe i.a-LTuh'iCominUb^
M 8108-Afew dorrM-a.-vcilmonlof
and UruioFa Mineral Kef on. aceompamedby The reef
af tho entire eotiouyj number and location of every
(tcnniti name an-l capital nock of oil tli* ininuif com-
U&uic*. crautiof Ihe geological a»d t» rai »ur- i
aev*; luftther wilh all the iiananeal ;nionnopoi»rt»a
ive to tlio mineral trgiooof Lui*. Superior, are coniain-
No*J rnmmrrrinl tow liberty*!
DRl’uk Tub Cu *7 '
TOW. MOIILEB, Drupgi.t and Apothecary, N,''.
J comer of Wood am! Oil. au. Pittehimjh. will keep
Ol. band I»r..g«. Paul., 'Oil*, Hye-nuff*
!“!■> eicmii'a pierf ripl’on' carefully twnronnd
fd fiu'ii Hie be-1 nmirnaU. at any hour 01 «l «r
nielu At»o. an a»M>nioeni of Pcmjnep, fine Tooth.
Hmr. and 0-otb Dm-hea, &C. Ac , whleh he will .ell
lowlorea.h. J J. .__ IILILi
/iLEIUUUIP WASTBB-Foi * lad from N
ly Vork iftyrara of ager a .uuiiiohirt tome teapecl*
| B l,le Commercial Fftabli.hment In the ciiy Mill'
"he detue of hi. parent, that he ahoold acquire a know
ui« Of bo.inec*. a email remuneration would only hi
Sqmred for the fli.i year. Reference may ho had u
ft nvvrs for J D Aimant’* Bxwn*i*eSujuo Stt*J
*f,otahote,Mb»ml*. ® elul
In PORTER and »iMt*beiam of Onlgr,. Eggff* l
loe&Talflt£ Pntest J*he*M, Ac, Ac. j Al**.*«Rtf«r
WM Tiustes, Fppp?rwfv..*e, in *»*«) and
f. C.'Mamtfaemrsr and Imponcroi Pen. I «i« «“
Table Cutlery; Razo re.Bctamrf. File*,Saw*. Too!*,*c,
11 *S3 'tVOOD°STREET, Pittsburgh. Second door Ik
low Diamond Alley, ,
And has late.y revived a lam? a«*orunem «r
Pea & Pocket Kmlvaa, Halves * Farke.
- Alio Rodger*’ and Wboatonbolm*
Ellwuvß A
R*»orFtrons,Ac. Damasctu sad YVtrclw>«
Allen*.CoU’e and Blunt’* Revolver*, Powder ipimi
Fhot Belt*.. Game Bag*, Walker** A Cox’* M»r» * er
eusnon Cap*, Bowie. Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Tools. such, a* Callipcia. D.vtdew, Flyers. Nipper*
Hand Viees. Sjuares, Rnlei, Braees, Bmi, *»!«■«
Shaves, Stocks and Diet /Wire and Iron Oo»ge». Mil “’
amaiica* Instrument*, Ac. in very' great rarely •• u
057- Jobbing and repairing neatly and P uu f t “i{ Jjr
doi)e. t* --
SaeciiMM «• Holdablp. A Browne,
Manufacturers aud importeu *~r
II No Wood afreet. FiUhburgb.
The increasing demand for American Paper has ir «
them u> enlarge and improre their Factory’, amt l"®M i -
ciliuri for manofacutring arc now equal to an) inw«
eastern cilies. Haring adopledtbe «*«ern
price*, they take pleasure in inviting their friends and
dealers to examine their stoca, which is t*° w . “*•
than at any former period; and may bejound a* follows.
Transparent Window Shades. „
Creneb. American. Satin, Glazed and Common in
pcrHang-ngsi , :
Gold, Velr. t and Imitation Border*; . v
Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board I rml*.
Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and ug a,
Writing. Printing.and Wrapping Paper.
Bonnet Hoards,Ac- t
Rag. and Tanners’ Scraps taken in exchange at mar
ket prices. _ mchtTdaraAwfimT
MINER'S l.urrary Emporium.
T..e Water cure in Chronic Disease: an exposition
of the causes, profret*. and temtnsiioiU of various
Chronic diseases ofthr digestive organ*.Lungs, twrvea
Limbs and Bkm; and of their treatment by water, and
other Hygienic means Uy James Maitby Oull ~ M D.
The N-cici Band of Brothers: or the Amenean Out
laws. Bv J 11 Gieen. ,
Gambling Unmasked; or, the personal experience oi
and hit General* A biography of Major
General Zachar. Taylor: and •ketches of the lives ol
Generals Worth. Wo-l and Twiggs; with a full ac
count of the venous actions of their divisions in Mexi
conn to the present lime: together with a bistorv of the
Uootbnrdmeni of Vf-a Cmz, and a sketch of the Life
of Major General W infield >colt. Embellished wuh
iwmiait* and engravings
The Mcuor; or the Cum r of the Ocsah. a sea stor)
C\ clojvrd.a of English Literature. No #,
Chambers’* Infonnation. Nolo, which eocnrlelc the
Gombev A Son. No 7. , ‘ ” lil_.
Illustrated Memoir of Father MaUhcw, the great
champion of Temperance.
The Dutchman’s Fireside. By the author©! the Back
woodsman.' . „ . ..
The King’s Highway By U P RJaroe». K*«|.
The Huguenot; by the same.
Castle of I’hrenstcm; by the same.
Funny Campbell, the hemale Pirate ..
For sale at tJ ,MAMINfcK»
smithfleld *t 3«| door from 2d *J_
Hardware Stora Reaioredr
WHITMORE A WOLFF having removed from the
comer of Liberty and St Cla.nWceU. to No 50
Wood Sired, throe doors above Ft Cbhrlcs Hotel, would
retpertfuily a*k ihe attention of buyemtoiM«*Weli
per ships Saranok, Moitongahela and Russia, diredt
from the manufacturers of England and German*.
Al«>. supplies cf American Hardware, from the prin
cipal raanhjacturer* of the Eastern wales
Their stohk being entirely new, and purchased upon
the best |ehn» they feel great confidence in being able
successfully to meet competition from any quarter,
I whether east or west ......
I ‘ The Hardware business will be continued at the old
i —"J- l _ _ - *rt.
PRICEStREDUCED— Thomas Palmer, No <7 Mar*
kei street, between 3d and 4 h street*, respectfully
i announce* Co the public that his preset stock of " all
P.perand Border*of h«* oxen manufacture is very ex
tensive. and daily addition* are. being made toil, a*
1 thevare firu*hcd-of oew andsplendidpatirrii.a Also,
a well tt**oneu dock of Frmek Paper and Eord,n
Having recently reduced the price* of the above
amelea. (Xnd oiher*. m hiabne, not enumerated.] he is
prepared to «■« for cash. cnxsrK* than any esublish
menlot the kind. East or. West of tfie mountams
Bp«jM3ra _ _
SB a. 133 Wood street* Pittsburgh,
EYENiDeors above 3ih. and 1 door above II
Childs A Oo’a Fbc>e W’arrltouse. Nowopeniog aad
for sale by RICHAnD T. LEECH Jr. Importer «tid
dealer in Foreign anil Domestic Seddlcry Hardware A
Carriage Tiimmiugs. of all drreripuon*. a ver» cheap
and well Wcc'ed stock of Good* la his line, all fresh,
of the newest styles, purchased fur cash, from the best
sources, and will be disposed of wholesale and retail,
at a small advance on the cosl Purchaser* are respect
fully invited Jo call and satisfy themselves
ALSO—Saddlers’ iools, warranted. Deer and burled
Ha:r; Whips, Gla*,: Paper. Ac . alway*pn hand, and
as cheap a* elsewhere. *P* g -
XTG II Jfatket street, is now receiving hi* spring
i\ auxkpf Hous—Farit.shinf HarJware.-rUnynnia.
constsimgin part »s follow*: I
bbXf JtpHitncd Wore, English and American: i
4 t.t« Br-i-im-H do d" 'f*i
t! oi*ks E-gti«h Tntit* I Fauccran*. , .
I Uu.t’-a! I’of: l e»«e l ,n> * and \\ utter*,
{ do 'EiiameMe-1 Ware; _. T|
1 do' (Pressed " ,
“IrTOtb*V**or-.ed t'cpper; 30piaic*Tinned Copper.
1300 Ih* Jumata Wire: SObasTro Plate;
ap 3 \ JOHN DUNLAP, 17 Matket »l-
P Mrivivr’i JaSSF* E I.XCUI
MELVaNY a mnnufactuie aaTke- p COn
•isii: y on li*ni Gu’. Mr.uldc-1 a.-t-l P a-u J ■ iW
Glassware, in all It* v B -.enr*, ol there Waiehouse ror
ner of Alarkvi and Water sireeis, I ttisborgli.
Our Work* eoiinutat in fall ana we are
conttan Iv adding to our noek. wtneh eual les as to fill
-ordere-witbprompipes*. I’urcba'cr* are respectful.?
solieited io call and exam ne prices and term*,
myltxlly »
WW. WILSOSi Wu’ch Maher A Jqwellera
. corner 4th «utd Market *h. A large »hd well
•elected alack ot watr}ic»,i Jewelry. tMvet wire and
M !"atv (in'-!* \I«-V» «" f -n n T'
KMII tifict*, UuU Patent ».<v-r, ib ; J ••Acle.t «at«-!,e*,
n* 'r-.v c« edit. Oliver <‘o -.van low a»SIM
tienetneCmprr. Johtu*oaanJ other approved
maleol watche* may he had at;a tmail ndvatute and
warranted. , \
lT7*Fide watch work done tn the very beat manner.
i \
•crvber respectfully •nfnrmtliH friend* tad the public, I
that he i« now receiving lit* -print mivmmeut o« eooda.
•elected by h.iowl;, ot ■•■peitor tiuabty, and. leduent ,
pr ice Perron* ai-oul fur >i»hina ibeir Ucowi would do
wvll weal!, an hr ir determined, to .ei! at
toi i|u i k teiprnn. • • r- ; . v _
»u[-plied a» u»oai, wnh all il,<- \ nrtoat
kimUof Lookin'"(>ia«*r»i and ptckios rnirfaUv :*!•
leml-dlo. dUcouiT. for ca*li.
T A lIILLIUR. Looking t»la*» Monuf*{!»urrr
>r j till Wood »lfrri.w»r sth_
SONETUIHO in SEASOH— We learn tha
Ur Jurnr’* medicine, for the cofc 01 the SOBfc
THRO \T liu l>cf n doing wonder* during the late t»:t
i.U*a«ni weather coder foot. It i* better to attend to
sl.tbt cold* in now, and to ptocuie the remedy applied
from skilful phy*irinti», titan from unknown and irre
sponsible qaacks. Ur. Ja>ne ha« oiabtuheda-repuia
tiofl ton* since tor .ktU, and bis remedies
fercoagUs.andeold* lnw Wen proved efEcaeioas Lt
' l 'l."r^rr,°uu«?^^ , i'7uf‘‘| , •EK'■ST^:A■ S roa E
7-j Fourth street, near Wood; ami at the U'«»J Siore
p stohwanz, Federal street. Al‘e*hen» Cny.
BOOKS, PAPER 4c- Juitrec’d, a large lot of
Books, consisting ®i all the
different k.nd* <*f l«*ok» used tn= Public i?ebool*; cU**i
eal books of all kind*; *1 g«a: vuno'y of cap wrung
rain r and quarto post t died ami plain, wrapping paper
of a'l sizes: wall psp-.-r.linnitet Iwards, blank book*. 4c.
Merchant* aim c.iherswuhiitg *o purchase. will fir'd
a couplet* assortment dr every aitiele generally kept
hi book store*., which we will sell low for earn, or on
exchange for rags. ! . _ ,
ir-j* fh p puli.cation! of the American Sunday
«chool Union. TraciStecieij-., always
•» "* nd “? d ass* tEscusn
myi3 __l aji'y."'"'.
pEXTLEhEK'S wholesale for*,
|tir» »is’t* ) Ju*t received, and now opening a full a*- |
sortmem of tko*t very fire ami medium qualities Troy I
manuiaetured Shuts; Bofoms and Co.lars, Sana adjust.
i..« Stock*; Konibsxiiie.ijodo Plain; Sntm Bow stocks,
plain; Ulnck CrUvais, Fnicy do do; Gum Su»-
pender*. A-Ac. A*r- j _ . , ,
Jumereivcd from tW'rainufncturer and for aalettt
manoraciuter’. price. / , . EDW ARD IUDU
inv j i Manufnrtutcr s Agt
Edward Toild
ii'OUl.D respectfully announce to the merchants nf
VV PHlsbuigli.ihat he lias opened u room lor tlie sale
of i>rterti manufactured goods, »ueli a» Slock* ofevery
description- Shut*, Bosom* and Collars; Gum Bu*pen
der*: North’s Hook* and Eye*. 4c ; for sain it raimt
facturera' prices. Also, a large assortment of Black
: “ d F "”? Cravm,, for ..1.
Nokfl wood street, upstair*. I
'mcMP ’ ‘ Mmnojsctnrfjr*’ Agent _ i
' Address f’srd.
EDWARD TODD. Agent foi Eastern manufacturer
for the salr.of North’* Hook* and Eves; Gum Sus
pender* of the Rn*»eH Manufacturing Co . U ; !*iock*
of every de-enpimn, S*hiM.v Bn*crn* and t nllars.of the
Troy manufactory Ae.; all.of which arc lor »sie at
nmmi'uctur-i'* p* rr*. wholesale.
‘ No'JO wood street, up stairs.
Order* t-eeivr.l for American Hardware. rochtß
Tx r ANTKB‘»UUr*-Hates in .l.irrvwaithuu.e '
W Ac, for severa'd good book keener*, salesmen
warehouse mm, and Imy* of different age*
Also, wanted for i-vcral re*pce:u!.!e private farm he*,
hotel*, 4c. ?tveral good cook*, house girl*, charoucr
rianl* andourrea . . , . A
All kinds of Agencies attended to._ Plea««a.l at
i I HARRIS’S Ateney
No no firth *t_
M’ODEttS C 111 V AL» v" o r t br. A<l v e n tun-* of
Csjirttrt l>rrago and Teague <> Reian*. by •• [*
Bmckciindge. lecopd edition *ince ike author * death,
with a biographical notice, a critical diatjuiaiiion on the
wuik, anu eiplaiiiiaiy <.ote*, wtih illiwirauou* from
original dcaigu* by Darley. bound tit eloih mid
,np« cor of Market ac 3d »t»
A CARD. . .
HA VINO received HceiUe a» a "f ine
l-'irM Wnrdof ihe city ofFUiaburgh lo re!. *me»
and •firilna* Hquom, “fo'f rn**dlci«»l uid sacratnemal
purpose*. ami 10 l’p u»rd iii the art*:' I hereby uoiify
all prr«on» applying for the; nbove, Ibat >hey wrili be re
quired 10 lent? tuine, residence, and im-ciry ihe P n, ‘
poir Articles of tupcrinf ■puthty can m: hnd o]i imr
prices, ji the Drugstore of Ihe subset iber. No »< .'Xj
«deri. mjC R SELLER*
IJKCONU iIA!ft)]PIASOS-A» excellent »e
-eoml hand I’ianu Fprte. made by Dabor*. A Bacon.
New York, with six octaves, :ron jilate ; and;in goooor-
, A *ix o< late fecond hmid I'iano. made by Cienwntt
, AOo.lrdmlon. For sale low for ca*h by .
[ myll _JUMN lIMM.LOB
VV . (00 resins Cap Wriimg Faper;
60 do Letter do 1 do;
3W do B. C Slraw Wrapping del
MO do Medintndo Jo - do,
. Hto do, DC. do do . doi
100 do Tea Rkg do_/<K t ,,„ I
Oa hand and for gale by BKVKOLD9* 811 hr.
raebl eorJVnn and Irwin
ICE CREAM Fff Et'ZEßS—Ju*l iec*d, a lage assort*
l raentiof Johnson’# excellent Paicmlce
xera, suitable Tor flote’a. Slentnboati and pntate umi- JOHN DUNLAP
roy* I ; - NolTmarketn
AUOHai*'WIXTURK— Vao*hna ’ ' e
Luhoaibripiie Mixture for iboeureot Crop J,
’ Gravel,Ac—obxa Jtui received and for wieny
Wholeuia and Retail A genu foiAiic»benyft«m7
» p‘lo- % Commercial Row, Liberty •
• IN .
Fourth*!. pearly opposite lh« Bankof Fiusborglu
CURRENT. MONEY received oa Depoeite—Sight
Check* for .sale, and collection* Imade on nearly all
ihe principal point* in the United State*.
The Uighesi premlumpnid for Foreign and Amfre,D
Gold. - . . .
Advance* madeonconwgnineßuof Produce, shipped
Fail, on liberal term*. 1 - —s^
avm. n .
Fourth etrwt, nexidoor u> “jfn^nk
Banker and Broker, and Dealer la Exchange, Bank
Note* and Coin of allde»cnpnon*, Ac.
swi.»*R.t- , ~ JVU 1 id,.
sS v i^sssasf- 1 - h
ȣ SfetStu-e?: id.
■SWSEK . si3; "Ho,i£
fvnTKo? ■ - Ido WMilopoo, Ido
™C,. f rile of Bieh.ure procured.
• • ■
H. hoLBKI A BON* _ ,
Bunker, .id Denl«™ ''l Kxcfcrurgn, '
an 4 Sank- Boiea,
J0.'56, .meut HTRer-T, riTTinonoß.
Selline Rule.. Kncbeof|e. Boym, R»"‘;
New York i pr. Cincinnati,
Philadelphia, 'i do llooimllfc, • o
itA £ N^i;. P ß os ß jT.
En. Ido Relief Note*, h*
Kentucky, ldo PemuyltamaCy. Ho
■VUthUa Ido New York do, [do
So Wheeling, |do New Orlean*. [do
Tf.iinc«»ee, 3do Maryland, H°
Copartnership* , . ,
JOSEPH H. HALL. lUtc of the firm of }\ m. A.
HillfcCo,) and WM. Ci CURRY,»late of Erie, P«* l
have emered into Copartnership, on«J«r « he "®™*, h 0 i
• iILL * CIIREY, for die purpose of carrymgon U»e
Tank inrand Bxchanjo business m all iu *' .
No 05 Wood ttreel. three'door* below. ] Pbarth, we« i
side—where they wl mil the cuttoroofUidrfneadaaod
jostrii h, hill. wm. e. cua»t. J?
• hilucwrby, nt>it _ oa '
bankers a exchange brokers, dealers
No 63 Wood street, thud door belo* t&oilb, west side.
PAR Funds and Currency received on Deposit* nnd
collections made the principal Clues in the
fen V Baltimore, PbUsdelphia, New
York. Botion and Cincinnati constantly for sale- ,
* Ohm, Indiana. Kenlucicy, Virginia and Pennsylvania
Bank Notes.taught and sold on favorable «nn*
Exchange on England, Ireland, Cetmauy and France
pioewedAcAc, ; 55 hia
»• 64 Wood Strut. •** rfoar «4*e« Four*, SM *w«j
„ c hisi Plmbarih, Piu f*^ wF
OHIO, Indiana- Kentucky, and Penn*, ftmdi; «■«
AlillM»4ni!bT . • N UOUUK3 a. SO la
id Broker. SS Mai kei »t
C~ iolicctioni - on Cincinnati. LouifVille,
i And ai t seccaaible poixtt inlUe Railed Slam roid<
promptly, and upen-ihe “ y
y * N HOLMEASON,Kx«I»n«Bro<m
rnchtS ; NodS Market*?
Collection* on Cincinuati. LoutteilUJ* 8t | '
All other aceeiiible poiotem Uje »ute»-
made ofleccoamodating term*. lIILL fcCt RRY .
tp* Wood »l neri door to t<itoon |
piohu>|> on No- Yoik. Hh.l.dolpta. onO ailn
Ei morneonft&ntlrfor *»let»y IHLLfcCUBBY
Wood it. oext door ur rjgle a«loon
/currency of ibe.Obio Indiana, ud Kcuineky
C Hn'k. -n,od .. «„ '
-P 6 Wood next door loEwfle Saloon
/ \ U lO* Indiana* KwlMltf Bank
U N 0... Poro«..od .1 In- '""S[ HE3 4 go N ,
City Property for ■ala. Colombo*. O.
THE subscriber offeii for sale •ever*! low u
H® a desirable pan of the ei;y, oo which are twt
corafo.uble brick dwellinghouses. and hi. Xe
tensive Tannins BatablUhment, all in gw* re
P *»?aTinr determined, in consequence of infirm age, u
discontinue the tarwitig busmers. a fine opening no*
pre.euii tiaetf w *ny one wishing io earryin(*n.
P Columbus is probably the be.i point ia the State fo
procuring a uniform supply uf bid**. - -
uue 01 both of lb* dwelling hou»e wi.i be; sold **P* w
rate frtrathe re.t rf the property u de.ired- The nn* j,
.Ifreigned will p>e any mriher information relative io -
‘ “Vpurt .ttiTin"*oUNwVrow.v oiiio,
. '___.JSSfeSHifi-.i- a .pjendid Brick
CSfT dwfU'ng Hou«e litoate on-Uie North
ULoi the I'ubhc Square m Youngstown, Mahoning
countr Ohio. It i» Urge.commodiota, finished in e.-
celleut style, and in ihc be.t location in \oun*»tow
either fori dwelling or public house; attached to it is
yard, with water, suMnig, and all other convenient
«t hud. ,
•n..« town ’• improving very rapidly, is snooted n
mediatelv «n the Cnual.anC when the various hurnact
Holl.nS Si ill. iic.. now being limit are eompleieti. w
tK! ihc'nuHt flourishing plate nt Hus *eei r i 01 Hhio
li wiU t»e sold low for cash, or on lime. «»
for properly in PuUbwrgh. For partieulnrs
L <1 J U WICK, corner of V\ ood ond « nn-r *i».-r.m
burgh, wfro will give all igfc>wn»nor>
IN ngtsuance of an order of lit Orphan's Colin at
Allegheny County. 1 willeapoae lo ««!e. 0/public
vcndur or outcry, *t ‘l* 6 H<'B*e in ibe bay of
PiU'burth. 'in Mow!*? the IT.h day of May nrii,it
iWhoiirof lUoc'ock.A M a certain Uu and two half
' l t>i» of Rio»nd. I-.m; part of 'be Coal 11.1 l
m Lowrr Si Clair Township, and «on*c>«J by J- H.
Fare add Wife to James Milholland and D ft Milhol
land, and now the property of C. F-Milboltand, ai minor
ch id of Jame* Milholland,dceM., bogoded-aud dricn
l,e,l ai follow* vt: on the North jby a tofty fjot street
«„ j i.»u of Pew on the Kail by lot* of h. Jones.
n.n-1 J> K. Milholland, on the Sooth by thePimburgh
and (Sjbl Dill Tcrapike Road, and on the *><« by lot*
of Sarah M- Philip* *+\t being tweniy-two feet
•n Irani and mending bacs to tboTuruptkeJHoad afar*-
; b! order of the Court, CALKB FOSTKR
! - a pO(.id&.wF Guardian 01 C F. Millmllnnd
1 nieh uni ParmforaaleT
-rTJrU'ATKD 15 mile* from Pittsburgh. 3 miles from
3 Drfit Cre*k Lock, on the north tide 01 the Allrghery
*Sr r £>er~cnniumtug alwut f7U acre* well unproved-a good
'• luHiSe and bnra- wnhnable, grantnr, smoke house,
aprinc house, Ac 4c jA considerable pomoa of the
•laud ta cleared and under good fctißea
i,;-h mate of cultivation It ts well adapted for trait
««».«f which thei'e i« great variety and abundance,
, healthy condition; the land is of black; walnut sol'.
This tanu ha* betn the residence of Henry Parry,
Eta tor *7 years, and will be *old on reasonable terms,
or e scbuiigcd for property m or adiom'Df ibe c.ty
Crnru ro 01 Thb* Parry at No HU wood 11 PjM
burrn, r.r J C f\>rry tithe lowa Foundry, marlheOa
Work*. mv«d*a«
K »rn!'*i» offer f6r»alo u hou<e and toC m vVeat Mw-
MtrerreoUnU. The houfe if well colculftled
fi.ra-«iore and immedia.rlT on ihe Erie El
tension Canal. In « 3n'uUhta* Tillage near by, an
<eceral fun.acc* ami incite midnio' a nea tannin* di
floan»liin«Tillsjfe ofOi
Also,a bopreand !rj In the u- ;
ongcvi’le. Metcer couii;y, The house is wellcaleu.
for o tavern or.tore. ’ . .
- The shore propenyjw;ll he jold cheap and on
romraadatmg term*. • ISAIAH DlLkhl ACo
apl! } \ water ami lionHU
OHIO LANDS POK PALE -43 acre* of fim
Land* for *ai*s lym« on B.« Raecoonnvtr, tu Co
tmnhia towasbip Melr* eo, Onto: 1 30 cleared and on
drf cultivation. There are on the prem’*e». 4 dwelling
house., S largebarn*. with Rood fencing and never-fuiW
inr water. The wboli together will be »old for thirty
fire hundred dollar* or divded to stM purehaver*. Tt*
lie ruarantced; payment* may he made to autt, ana
po**rnion given iu»med.ately. j£ r
eiiqiiire of* HaAII'TON, SSIIIH t O*
Srty ,lr r*L—
Valuable Ueal Eatate for Sale.
rrt UK under. goed being aUml to remove hi. Tanner*
1 to the country, olfer* for sale SIX UUIUIJIgU
'LUTS on Second meet, between Ferry atreet and Re
doubt Alley. .Ejchlol be twenty feel from on id
street and eight) feci ia depth. Tlte low wtil lm aold.
„n K W or the whole together. lor term# appU to the,
subscriber on the pi*iai*e» JOHN CALDWELL
mptlOlf '
FOR SALR-Two good building lot*, «ma«d on
CmiffrtMf.eacb'doUySQft. , _ .
uFx' k«S
«**«.»•»»- 'SStenSKT
mjO * Rril K*uio Officr^JW^lhfield*^
PERSONS deiirouvofpUrcbasing LouinUtAaCerae
l-rr are referred for ntformauoa to l,no Superintend
ul on the ground*. or lo E. Tbom, DruggiM, corner 0
Penn nad lUnd -mep rjurtaiili. ■ ■ ■
Bvoiderot the Board, J, CIIISLI.I r*
declt-dAwlf SurrrinirndanU^
REAL ESTATE m Allegheny City—The»ab?enbcr*
offer for rale • lot of ground m Allegheny .Cut, SO
feel l.y tt*. froming on Canal street ind extending back
10 Liberty tireel mnight be •obdiTideil ntio&ur good
l.a'ldme loi*. I .
„„?,ZT- r ’■‘T'^'VsKnuiS.-vTS 04 *-
1 apW water mid iront it>
ji’or R*nt» ■
A WKLL Fini«he<l **ctmd ■*nry Hoom.wiih
a good entrance 6n Market •irrrt; at present oc
eopiedaaa DaguCrrrnn e*taWuhment» '
Alm a l/Jnit Boom. tld**tory, entrance af Philo Hall,
aud two well finished office* over Philo Hall-
Al.o, thr Ba«em<*nt Room under ibeCiteitt'Office— |
a good nand for a Barber. K A f!, fc
Offue. Market *i,bet. 3d aiid4lh_
HAVING ietiiovc.l to the convenience
to ~rofe»*mnal busiM**, ! rentlhe Matron
lloiue. wid »• wonted ate U i uff *
"SSfeT ?' ltt,lte, B^FT
1 r ALUAB!>f‘Fit tipKllrV FOR BAI.K-l* acre.
V of v*uahl- Un<f,}o«tt»bore BTmtngW ntuated
*iwrentbe turnpike and the Monon|?aheltt ri*er, *nU
ible forcxruntiy residence*. For<# *Cl?®BßT.
No SO uniibfielU »t
Lot* foh salk-‘»• tau •»
SranbticlJ .1. J.Ticilv »np“"“ ‘•P™' J 55 , b i£l£i
4o (I r.oal o>- HI !«• »■=
l«r itwrllil I liOiiKl Of WllflulKl-
Thcv offered »l public «’e ou Thur»d»y,/7ih
°S , M .“ y ne * t - M '’° VklCk ’ iiENRX WOOD 3
npSHJIu •
- lUVEtt fcOTB. . •
FOR SALE—Some valuable Lot» of Ground, eitßated
, asLr-
F' ' OUSALB-Af*roiflett*o*BJlotonlflf*n«lree
loiai by Jtw AUo,*lo»onilw *U» meeLrond,
M bvttl. between Klin.and Henry. , Inquire atrbe ba
kery. Libeny «i optwrto SBMtbfield«u tnylOdtw
off BALE-«Atw©»torrbrick.kou»e end lot tnei>
ißrilnfeK Übtny. ikkow «e*wb>»4raomt.
Tu<> lor i« fri t>y m fc«i> «l4oa lerft«ubtoorv.iHpro
perty. Price lownndie«B* ;
imlJ . . '■ - : SOemuhteid d
FIVE LOTS on. la clean lirteC nor All»-
■hf'ny city, SO by *1 ft.' • Price WS Yaeh. , One
twelfth in bud, balance in aera'a rdtilainnl hay*
ura ijll * CUTtISEHT
J*THhi't»ftiglhe day Oi« ’Sprbi:
do ike ***- -£-
onabte eMabnsfcnems in New \ork am} p M*£*}*s
UteandeniKorduke (f«mx pe»»te ', a #, tt i!|, c
to announce to their nureerno* itteruls aun "* * V
• gener.Hr,thatweareprepared to «PP >' ■ ** ?*J
lavor o* with a call fere
Kifon. comprijin* Beaver*. Neutrias. and eXlia nr.e
Moleskin Htt »«,ki.hf. » tol ',£SKßS , iil[lo
maiOtf car wcrid and^b^t*
■r raiuioTAL. ■
At B.MCOVK, Hat and Cap Nancfaetnret #%
a.Tcwored to No 78 Wood street three door. aifcve.
Poorthsfteet. ill* Mock consists^erery ▼«'««! «'
Hus utd Cans, mule in the tuett style • *!*° •*? n *®,'
Leghorn and l*e«lal Siraw Hats, wMkMle'»
at the lowest priee. .. . ,J* •; ltK r‘ ,i
.'piS ,75 Wood «t,:!m<i d<g at-orc FonnH
CONTINUE** tomanaCacture .and
constantly on hand, every van y of H»i»
and Caps of the latest style, and price: vetylow at N ■
7S Wood street, Kntt side. £**.
Fa^,on 7'iß46.
* DF.KBE4 COSTAK'S Style Uemleram’s lift ►
will be introduced at KREVIL* on Tbursda
a Aacait 77th. Oentlemen wishing a cheap. ra» -
ionableHat of Pittsburghmanufacture ahead,
fashionable Hal* imported nJ by eoroe «1
the trade, please call at m KLBm& Co .
angTdtf 1». head of Wood/t i
4 B S!!fuA*M , DO&SK 7
WOULD inform hisfriendsand pairous •
that be Has now otf band a large stock or toe
Borina Fashion of llai* and Caps, w hich will l»e Uliro
duced on Saturday next. Those in want of a superior
article will call at
- Bociig No 76 Wood street, East side
gall Faahlon for lints*
THKsubscnberba. jnstrecetveU by Express
new Fall fashion for Hall. Those, in reel of,
an extra fine Hat will please call and exuretnr
this splendid article. . '-8 MOOUk..—-
jgpjr No. 93 wocn
8.. H. PALMER offer* forsalecnaafavor-
terms u any- bouse in Philadelphia, a
mr complete assortment of Straw, Florence, Rot-
SB« load, ami a great variety of fancy bratd and
« i, JKS3S!i! uicKSr“2s Leghorn lI.OH Art
,ci«lFtorelAtc. Ac
,'BBHCiI MUsSBUTBA'.- fust f*«et
J* Superior a rude o Pencil Molertin }Uw.-F«U
Carpet tud Dry Good* Wareliouae.
RESPECTFULLY inform* hi* filend* and the public
«ener*lly, lhat he it. now reeeimi a Urge and
tplcndid otionmeni ot New Srrtt S
Cloth*, &e , direct from the Importer* and Manuftan
tert, composed inpait of
Superfine llrnMel*.Carpets.*
Extra or Tapestry BroMel* Carpeting;
Super Imperial 3 ply and Extra d«;
Superfine Ingrain, Pine end Common Carp* i.rr.
54),3-4and 4-4 Plain Vemiinn Cnrpet.trf
" S S 3-4 OJid *-t Damask do do; __
5 6 04 aad 4 4T*p*»lrydo do;
Brown Driilinta; 4 4.5 4 and C-4 Wheeling*; 6 4 ? *
3 4 Table l»inni*; Linen Ua*U »««i Otaper;
tlockabuck Towellmjn Caipet Binpe*; %ew 9ifl*
bie Co«e«; Otf Clothe from ttmehr* lo H feet
cut to anytue;
ToartßU wrrn
Rich Embroidered and Printed Table end Piano covers
Figurrd Floor ClotU«;
Chenielle. Brussels. Tufled,and t\ ilton'
Tufted,Cbewdlt, and Sheepskin Door Ma»*4
Manilla and-tlrasa ' , do - “ ,,; -
Brass Stair Bods FJ»t«pd Ova.;
Damask and Striped Stair Linen;
Carpet Bindings; ~
44, J 4 an j 6-4 Plain and figured ludiau .Mailing;
Colored Spanish Matting, tic. t he.
'•erson* fitting up Steamlx’ais,Hotel*,or-4*rivaie Ilou
•a requested to call, a* be feel* confident they will
•'•Uieir advantage to do «o befoie pure,busing
. would alao invite attention in lu« extensive »u>rk ;
a NEW SI'RINU DRY OOOpS, {embracing everj.i
thine in that IlfteJ now opening at the above stand.
_msrUMiwJmF JprNo nOlQrkeOjjrcj ;
stab clothi no store:,
AANCKEff feUAVRfti wholr»*le and retail (lealrrf t
m Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would respect
fall* take On* method of soliciting the attention of their
c«iomers and ibe publie generally,to the following:
i of their stock in trade, and arsure them also, that;
rfhey will sell as ebeap if not cheaper than.any other
in the city: Our facilities of purchasing
land manufacturing goods, are such a» to enable us at
tall timet to keep a lull assortment of ready made cloth
tag, at let* prices than they can oeobiaincd elsewhere
1 Tbe-present stock on hand constats in part of the fol-t
lowing description of good*:
ISO hlaek cloih dress coats, from 810 to 830.
18) do do French do .10“ 3#
tO bidwn and invisible green do 18 “ *5
tOQsacS costa, splendidly made* of good material.
ItHJO pair panic, of all fijics tjoaHiies and price*. •
S4UO vest* do do - do do
100 dozen Lmcn plain and stitched bosom shirts; stock*;
-arft: cravats; bosoms; collar*; suspenders; sock*-
wers. and under shins ot every varn ly, all oi
h bar- been recently parchared cud tdsptrd to the
• ,ra*cn Merchant" and otln-rs who arc in
••jih re. cannot do better thmi loy/iveusa call.
' • - • iifti _
SitACKLETT ft WHITE, No W!> Wood meet, abort
•Diamond Alley: are now prepared to offer to inert
ehooU a lanre and desirable itoek of
; All of tbi» Karon's purchase—of late and deniable
style* and qualities, .
Country Merchants rinW ra»*tn< tbronahonr
ei»y, will find *t clearly i* ■' - -mie* to a*re n*a
P3l!,ai we ate detcrraii. ’ -wh •mall profit*,
qu will niaio'it greatly r • •• v-rr»i t<> mVf a U.l!
Our etoek ta now full n.»d c* ’plrte, lOiupnc.Pa a
sen?yal as*onme»jof »uvUgon»- ** are u*u*itv krpt
i>y dry roods bottler. , , ■
. A'good sopply of heatry and light browu Sheeting*
alwayaonhaail. incby?
BARROWS a TUHNER, No 40 Market Street.
:«re now receiving their stock of New Spring
Goods, and iovne the uiteution of pvrebaserv to-their
assonment of Dre?t Good*, which i* particularly de«r
rahle. cons.«t:ng in part of
Rich Embroidered Ijiv n*— patteru*:
Rich Organdy Lawns—fa*hionab!e browns; with
sthnr colon, very handsome.
Printed Lawns, of different patterns;
Rich Cali fdrnia Plaids—Myles very butdsome;
Superior French Gingham*—entirely new and beniv
tifol patterns: one lot very handsome at 18| ds.
Superior Manehesur Ginghams, [wmmrntedj ttt SO
No 40 matket strect.3 doors above 3d
ry fu!l assortment small. waieoand vaiteiy goods,
«urh ■«. I.radtiattd Silk Buttons,for Ladies. ,
Fancy . .do do do
i • Fancy silk jimp* and fiioges. , i
1 Hookv&Eyes pins,thread*, butteuc »cd top*.
1 Collars tad eoUareus
. Gfove* in areal variety.
Hosiery or all kinds
Cotiutt and Silk vests. *rc An , all of which
win be »o!d low. ' SiIACKI.ETT & WHITE
! o)IS - ‘ SOwoetf « •
S' ROVLPB& BRACES-for cure of pam in the
Breast, made after patterns approved bj tho New
York Baodage loiut'iie. s
BaspenJer*, Suspender Fnd*-and _\\ebbing? Pe|f
adjusting carat*; plain and fancy saun stock*; Sue
skirts tn great variety; slum ad shirt cotats; oicrt
•ilk*; drab moreen; sea gras*, Ate fee. on hand and far
■rile by rayC F II EATON ,
LOVES 4b nOSIEUY-A fresh and wc-Hal-
VIT sorted stock of white and colored cotton . Hosiery,
fix men women and children, .constantly oft band
Also— great varielt; Rlk.and Linen
dp; spou Bilk for children.
itETUlilek and colored Parts Kid Gloves, of beat
uoality. - F H KATONi
.nn« • . . ~ ~ Nott3 marketst-
W Murphy incites the attention of the Ladies td k f
Verr full as-onmeat of while good* for dresses, coft-js
line of Swiss and Scotch Malls, Nnnsook and Jackuj
'netmurtm*. barred Jackohet, super Ratin' barred and
atriiied, soft finiib do, Ac *c. • - '
• A* theso goods lire pjicliascd Immediately tar
{manufacturer** agents or importers, they can be sold
at the lowest priec* "P*!.
SIIACKLEiT A .VVmib,- No W Woj.l sweet,
t*Ui»-.uißh. are new receiviigjarre ••.•ftuor.* Ol
Isle and dr*.table style* of fresh Spring l ty of
recent importations and manufacture, and nir piepixt*
ed to offer great inducement* to cash nr prunpi p*y j
dealers. * _,, , ' .
Our stock is now very full, and romprsrr u.t.n vriy
tcatre andt-hetp-good*. . . . _™»* -
C/ phy invite* the aueuuon of house keepers to an
Jsortment of 1M and FM colored. Fn'iiUtrpan** A
new and btnulifdl article, of different colo's- Alw an
assortment of white couineipoaes. from lowest to fins
“ u aT£ Also; Liuen Wama.k Table iW » fail
aonmeitl or newest pauerns.-AUo; rowe.s and Tovi J
tng Diaper—at the uor.hean cotnerVf 4th aud_ market
strecu -•» • ——< —
Drv Goods House, oorth east corner of 4th and
Marketstreenl Receivedyerterday,anu*ortdi«uiof
linen- Table Diapers, from M to b 4, ioeludiug * u "‘ e
vSyaapcrtorDama*k. Also.Uleachcdaudtmble eh
rdUtt»n table cloths, very tow for vitality. A l *®.J'J*
Mcaaand Alpaca Lucres, a foil assortment; fiom rom_
nton to, vety superior, including some of '■'■ry^hjh
•alton Comnu»»io»,blade Fixtures, including Roller ,
aud llltnii Trimming*,ns cried EaTON< ' s
b..., £r '“TfrKAT,/-."
1»y m>6
H u| KGS-Fancy and plain head co!or«J dress t- nu
-1 * 4,1 h^n.niitta'titackdo; luan hls, polka and chain
{imps b™ek aid%re« bUek
and rolorcd saiiti nblion do; )»♦«/•« .
;ioiIKRY AND YARRI»&rt»B, silk arid
H merino Horo and halt Ho*«, iu great: vanety for
women, rmsae. and ck.-lrrtv. Knlrttn* k dtp* and
Worsteds,assorted fo'ote; tr.widingandtdyroilonand
rnanufactotei*' Worsteds, and I tarn Br'ks.
JrUBT Received and tar isle at the inahufacturer's
| list prices, a Urge invoice of patent' Gturt-Bailie
antfßhtrred Buspendrr*. of the Ru-*elM4a on factoring
Co J tH For sale by the Agent. Nos» 'otod alreet, .up
Sirs, wholesale. ' -
netiVA Manufocturer**;Agent
; F l . H. EATON, ' r ‘
DEALER lit Trimmings and Variety Good*, Tonoi**,
Tbell, iToryand Horn combi,Woollen Yam* and
Worsteds, Bationf, Needles, Fin#, Tape*, Braid*. Ac-
No <SJ Market St between Diamond and 4th streets
Pittsburgh/ ilygd- 1 ? .
o'cn.TAlK HUSLISS, ol a sic.i, » f
styles, including Buff French Ckiuts, fo> w'pdow
Curtains, to be found at dry S^^j^nSynptiY
N K cor 4ib and Marktt sr*
IN or.bc.H'iial fW-WSJ
wtlieb V. Iteh Cttnaiy, citf. PmkxF , «^> 1
iyiG'D -V*iß»C»k«»K» R
r Murph, 1.. I.lrly ite’d m .■mumtK li®.*"
md. (oT An.. .na,C.p,of ntw iljl,. «od li,»
TIRBES F.IsASRMii-** bale fine twilled Green
G —a.cttn, *.w,lhTE
‘■MJ, • Cfrttin ud rultral kito«* •«>
or imi>uoa»f U*,»S!!!rr u*f
i. ibe’tack «*»«»<, <N*u*««». " .r
*£i£; b.b. •" ■“'"i.Kii
■with rootifaLic® of tht bowrl* or eo»tff<W»i -
*ad J* t erruSa tTßfiy- Tl * a mr.
rirrptitt,tod Uaa catir*ly vr*e«aM« run" l)» , j*l»
&l?oC^bo r ,rok* T o«o7B.--^- I dr«M>» *« Ukf »Wlp*f i
/reify hanalrt* in the o*o*t >2tli.-*te con, |
This i» to etttifj U»»t 1 knot* Dr. IcjoU-by** Pile BptHd
tobe a certain cur* and »fr rtwily. Haring w*n "
tatcrrral cates, soimigst ray bmiljxw»oe»Km»,iaKT«rilc«»
'*’"‘"uEsav otiltlKb?
k””* i™ itk-lViih■— » siiu tk,
rUrSrtwi., »W.i«*. ”»«*»•*-
Mr. Be*i»=Drar Sin—l b»»* lb*' |d«ai»re 10 •*J>
\our medicine, Dr. lugoldi)’. PiU ' S .P^ ,<le > l, “
£t in iU care oT«y mW, Sod 1
that 1 hire beta surprised at .1, s. it w» »■£
rouble to cure her. Hovreser, 1 <*a haw testily lothemsd
as being bbllibte, and Jo tdnwaU othm
flicted in the like manner, lo procure the article, wU»7 ®*l
depend on a certain cure ' •
Tour* mth roprrt.
West Chester, N.Y., May 15, IW&.
Dr.' lnsoWiby—Dear Sir—That yon may benefit «*h*rr
who m*ybe suffmng, *» well a» to eifirw my gnU”* **
the benefit 1 hart derived from the uw of your TahaWe op* .
cific, 1 comply with jour request, and now do pee »J» “j
poJj in laroJ of it, Urog Uen cured of « oi
iha rile* after harm* used other remedies without success
f Yours wiih respect -
■ BoU .W.ttl. r.bil by WU J»™SOi,« kkT£
eat Medicine Warehouse, and Coot
Lib.", .W.l, h™d »f Wood, PiiUbur|h
'H'ko.. -• 1 . :
To Ibon
Vy oflllctcl ,Tlth Dl.r..r. at the Lang*.
—Tlii* ’«in certify to those ufleinl wuh ‘he fimpre
monitory symptoms oi Coniuropiioti. iLat t have been
laboring for several years*with a bronchi, soreness Of
the throat and hoanencM. 1 used «na«V mcd*«'n«‘ k«
found no'relief in any preparation of medicate. unu
REMEDY. I have been using Uus valuable medicine
for secern! years, end nlwoyo fiud i* to relieve when
ever I make use of it My occupation ns an A«cuon
eer, which keepa'me'almo»icos*autiyru*!*eed, causes
my disease, at times, to become vary alanmng, when I
at once procure this medicine I iJnTviore take plea
sure in making this pubbe *t.u;-ir,cui,'tha: oilier* affect
ed wiili; disease of ihe lungs it nrf rx|>ec‘orar.i organ*
may know the vlriueV ofthi* ‘r.ilheuiirg rermab',’’
and may be cuit-dA, I have rrcott'iucnded Dr. Duncan’a
Expectorant Remedy to many oi my friends, some of
wbom owe their lives to
Soioor«uOh.o,OcLn, IHS ,JAM|:S HEtt IT
The proprietor of the Aim*** medicine would,.also
refer to the undereigireirpcreonv who reside in Perry
county, on whom any person may calj upon and be
convinced that there me v-rmes found 10 the above
medicine that cannot be excelled j
David Culherisen. FomerreN Dr »,.r»tmu\ilp: I'nin*
ciatJol.ltcr, Jackson ip; Mr. Unntqr; do; Folbert,
“ri'i'D'r.NcSS? SWkOTKBTomEF, l.i sjc
head of Wood ilterX ; apIOJAwT
Cousnmpttve's CoDfcolatlou.t
Doessickre** -weigh upon yr.urheart’
Or pains otllict your br«.*M ’
Try Dr. Duncan's Htaling An,
And it will give you test.'
h clears away the misty cloud
Disease spreads o'er tho «oul.
And Whisper* through the r'way
‘.•Your hrnltli may yet be wlioJe “ -
'sir yonder rose of lovely hue
( *Tis wiihering with decay;
• It scarcely ,sip« the morning dew,
"Before it fade* awny.
The Wprut of Death »»' m ‘l** s
' And strengthctied o-, <1 prew—
And when it bloomed, (*i l.sveiy gem I
li nipped through mid thfi'g!:-.
. Tlint'Vonr. of Deotli might be defied.
If Dr. Duncnn’* an'werc tried;
And many lovely dsm-wls saved ,
The fate of an untimely gfaVc
Sycamore street, Cincinnati Oh.o: wjs’re hi* valuable
I °Sold n in Piitsliitfgh, by WM. JACKSON, corner ot
Wood and liberty st»- epfidAwT
THE r.QDY—It i* an <il tact thni a very
iarre cla»« of diseases can only b* cured by such rem
edies as wtH enter into Hit Ibond. and ctrcuiato.wrih
ii tluounh every p ortion of the body, loronl) by this
.a, i *..« uiv t ,„.,, inuformli succeauul
. .-ciotuia, Kings',
Kvil Cancer and Cancerous Tumour*, White barb
lings. Enlnrgcnmiu of the Honrs: Cb.i.n c Ithenroansm
sud Gout. Eruptive discuses oi the ham. indo
lent Uleets.Omtrous awellmga ol thr IhioM.Ac., are
cured with a certainty thnt hu* a*tcnirhcu every r«e
bolder. It 1* beside* one of the most pleasant article*
ihct can be taken him the system operaimf. u» a tonic
and removing Dyspeptic nt.d Nersmis Jiffeci:oiis.
importing a glow of animnucn mid hea th, W
by anything tn the wholeJlpicr u Meoicn Fur *»!e ai
ttfe I’l'HN TEA KIOIIE7 No hmirih street, near
i Wood. •• ; -^ lt ' Kj * wI ~
ROSK OUSTSIEST, for Tenor. R;c»;wi.irnv
Frmhles on the Face and other Cuiancmu t.ti j.uoti*
Tellers, Ringworms, and herpetic t roptivi-v foeraily,
are amor* the roost tedious arid disncieea'ile
to which'the human frame i* Imr-ie • Miuulid as it
were.on the verge.ut vitality it i* i-lmnsi im».«»‘i.! c i ,o
rencbllicm by inward remedies. lk-.;ce t.ic insftcncy
«elvr*in ih«* nnrorrloitab'.r »j*.»'nuf stricnd.i.l, aucb
m* s li 1r ., 0 ' ' :n, rei> pedmic tho
1 .wnmorns v-lfl'- il.Vy a- >u rei ui n* vu>-
Untly. or more k>, whrn a K'-i.ctou* ru n* u-tou’rd to.
And the generality o! tan-rtiai rppl.tatioi.* have no
other effect than to heal Hie oircn.r m m e e, soon
to show itself in the same or ano her purl- 'W.en all
these means have failed, and .n many se«*e «•«., a.
perseverance lor a short vmc lit U;e u*r of the Ru*o
Ointment has proyed effi-ctuul. 1 In-re is no trouble m
~i»B i., wm« «
mp jy cos and wood sis, and Ist apd wood st
>3 Causes,‘Fiavcntion and t urcol Lonsnmpt oit
Asthma, imd Diseases of the Heart. On tho Law a
of Longevity, and mode ol preserving male and fe
male health;symmetry and bcuuTTft-xposirgcaurf <•
and curoof those diseases Umt piuluce Consump
tjoa, or tborten liie,Qs AUcction* of
Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys, Liter, Scrolula, l ika.
(jravel, and Female Complaints. Ha rules,
practical and purc T torSta guide to pcifect heaHJi
and lone 1 life. -28 Engravings. 1--4 page-A oO tla.
FbaUieo HA els- By SAMUEL biU.LDOiN
FITCH, A. M.,M. D-, al"Ui IiROAD'W.'tY, NEW
Any person rctniUidg fifty cVnio, free, is til rcccisu
one copy, by mail, to any pa/i. 'l'lw ttadotupplird.
Ft-bTU, IU»7-df>m - •
ffo Cure, No Pnyt - !
Or.Vfiekan' PHif E’nUumt'Ctv
fVIIIEKE-are few diseavea more common or IKTO
i blcanmn (han Uio-Ftles, ami yet. riutwithtMCd
inir crcitl ertort* hare l«en mad«r t-i cure by the use
of pill*, cloctu.irios, limn.cuir, <Sic., ail were lultle.
andot little U.oeht. Now the KjiibnxnUoii tstho
only medicine used. A person wlm ha* been sutler,
ing with the Files of the worst kimi cinq from Sa
leai .;New Jersey, almott on puipr>*c to cipress hi*
gratitude lur.the spccoy cuic that this Jut-1
effected in Ins ca e.—fliiL. Sat. I'osL
TTForaale in Fiticburgh at the FF.KENTf.A
STORE. 72 Fourth «1., and aUo.nt the Drug St»>ri:
H F Schwartz, Federal at. City.
feb!BT_ ;
From Rev Ci.afle* Morton, .MiniM.r orjiheßapn.i
Thureh. Wooster, lute of A*it»HV»in.f>. »
11. Hern* fitX'o, I'roiT.c’orv 01-L. Deans
Chcmicsl Flaster, Oentlfinfu.—For *?vcial jenr* I
•lave fri»m time it Med tho virci-joi K Leftn sCUrniiesl
Pl..»terl.) u<i!.g!i irs ioy family n* - lamed? for Khee
mat *m; w-eakne** and twin ne*« rf the tscU. pnm ia
ihe hrea*!, iriflafustion of tbe ahrea: nn 1 ..ju<* 1-,
the lnea-»r. &e;nnd 1 latrepiramie in »uy sr.t
io the puhlie, that in-every «-nw I have iou-r>* it ft efol.
and I do believe that *a.d Flavor pu:*yes vinur* of
more than ordinary-ebareeier. and that .t will j,«. nr ral
ly he lbund a sufficient remedy tar ru>**e <i>><:»*oa lor
wbioh Ui*—rTfomm.M.iie*!. •hu i* J'i»' > '-unjlM rr* >?■"
Woo.ter.O,, Dee.nM-TI _ f «• ... .
Said i*y B A Fahnestoe* A Co. eorusr F»f*t« >*
„rr.i., n, > l ‘ l ' t,y -
VVnruo: Worm*'. Woints!
I#oll', Araru l?. Ibl?.
, lUl r, j Kidd fit CYi, Genii;—Thi* l» to eertifv that
11 SOf rniue wasaffl-cted with w okm‘ : I proeornd
Aarious kind* of Verrmfoge. and edwmawred-them, •
uot with no effect. I then purrl.a««-d u via! oJ Dr Me-
Lar.e’* eeUbtated Vcrmifape. *n-t n-ier givini* n lew
dose*, tbe child-discharged aboe, a rjuart o. largn
tVoimi! The health ot th». ch.'jl in:»*n.>ed Immeu.-
•lelv I would recommend Dr. Mi-Larr’- Ncimlt-ge to
the public, a* one of the most rafo awl -
dv (or wora*, no-.v mnee. ■ ■) H
i«ctd wlwlvrale and retail by J KIDD ft 00, corner
wood A fourth ilpvf ~-
l.mlir* Indies, Fin'ajfoii.shf.d, , '
Wh* u you know tb u you are ptc-Buseu
A natural, life-like, r-nowy while, .
Thai vou will still use common fuatk,^
And look a deathly .yellow fright, j
The theme of Uughier nnd ot , ;
If y-iU would, use H box 0! Jl’M-. S' l-tn> • il'Wf !
wouij gore yocr skill an niabawir yrj. natura. w j. e, ;
and at th« same lime clear and unvote it. , «W r>-
JACKSONS, r» Libert) -u Frn.e. tu cent* r«, •
■“ Liver **!*••♦ .
Messrs. J kiDi>*co.-ov«iv:
% boxes of Dr. Mcl.ane’s :I!s .-ct]. e vou
has used two boxes of the f* c ’ nM j u
h*« by twO years attendsnee. I »oNES
think, wilt effect a core. , J ’{vjjim*.fown*W
Tlie« v.1u.i.1" IVI. fcr»fc W i
?Mf«s»To'cirsca:"" a
ssspjST>” I" >*•»>'"'• *«■* W i ? Y -“ ■“"■
_ W?
‘ laVNF.'Slfil* TuN'iC.-AiUr m..f Hu fefelr .i.
J JiS.V. fuuu«u.!fe-lt lutu- -Ir.t »rr“.fc”
", ,L_ b«»l arlidr, wiliH'at Al<T «-»c#jkv>", a IJ». lorihe
! ° ..a lht Lrnuji- l»ir. ’ \\fkno«
wkidi h*t*breoh*ldloT yexrv, tad « »*>«nk «« canond*
.rrairr fcrsr.lhsn to rtcwxusund lo Ml ctir rniu* mho i kr
f„i«g ih»l# Lair, to make » Irai of,llii« Ti*v* [tcmedutdy
Hr,rU» T>.
_» «mvcr«*l »*i #ll case* inhere the
»nr’tm*nnct good arttHfah »nrt wrr< W _
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