) mtibb a M. OMobMe*, JX> khtt do -d® Bogan ' ' • ' 75 hlfrt«uYH,OP,«t MX Teat; .&0 6fc*!bbx»G'P* YII do 0 ceioontiJ . -> ~i bx* Tobacco. S« k 16a; •ore and for rale by CARSON * MeKNICHT tilth Mrtft < kO»’KKIEs—I67 baja •*«» Coffee; i ?lpe*aYH.«PAlop.Te*s; liu tt>l» N O K«la**e»: 0! hhda prime If O Safari* 44 bx»s«l6, RHET ACo ' yo gr weicrat ■o- Pca.ntn *5 x.'hb!* Fianeed; ?' do Laid, 1 (irkin il»’i l ibi Tallow, . - >ck« dry Peaebe*, 1 do dn Apple*, «;• do Outer IVai; 3 do Wi aheil Hickory Nut*. »°* ani ng '(.nb Mrocnrf UxiCiftodcjfer tale Uy .uyU I. _ I DICKKVA Co,-water fc front»u i'isi£ FUiCSII PldAtf-YII Tea inbirchr.ts; -ir ‘r* “ sr .«•• )r, .L m v...aa«ek,*nd Rambow, -a »«- xssz&S'SgiSt’ s a fl* country cored Bacon, : .*n» bu»d Appier; »01 c? 0 d Peacher; for »ate by WILLIAMS A DILWORTII H v No 119 wood ai AJOi.A*-*--** R ,CK *“ '8 Ab, ■ UAOAI/eY k SMITH No* ISfctt) wood *l BvcO’Tk r. YKP-liMi'U :i.*lUcon Uog Bound; vcu ■ . v W.UX®» Laid} ; k-«» tin do; vo i.UI» irettt do; lor •■* Mreti \xr "OLASS-30bi* 7*0;• >Y , -_M) do 6xlo, 1 30 d.> Oil'.', d> lOxlttf .. ! 40 iloiuxlt* wiiU luxio, lixis, ,J„il..dlS,lS,;n.u,« * BEST ■ ' nivio' : XeMmzlma niyio ... J_r (Aim, I tl I’ctCock Ff) '« - “jßKy’ liui »w«l “'I’ 1 |'J3TIV-**ON & C«, w*ier k front tu o,ylO ' * Ap« 6; torn*Refinery _ fT' OB AC CO- »0 t>i» Ru»»el fc R«^»m»oi»,sldn«pi -I in «lo Jen Mau* • io iiu L>u.*jr> •* pi®r. for ■■■«'? m" Fisu— uSi.b » ;»r*o N° 3 Mackerel, ,to do l Herrins; _ " d “ 4,1 ffllW o,!i I 1 So IW libony u. ‘-Lakeol the Wood*" »» the name ot, a fine new j * vft do d£ coaming Wane: : toil built at Naples. Illinois River. She is 132 feel I , ■ JAwtorSb', I long, -I ft beitii, and dnwi only II .cch. 1,g1>..- 1 b 1-ffcES k &LLINS She 1» commatuledi by L'apl Jacob Tice. inylgdCt . . figj» tr ”'*. b .?li.”y£ e i- Bivcm **b weather*—The steamer Julia re> BAW. HaiiiS port! the Misaoarijriver to be lalling. with four feel 4 i«u dp nboutders: water in the channel above lhe.n»ooth or the Usage, lui.i.!*rauvaMrd ° ‘ and s Teet below. 'The Misaitaippt is also reported ' _ n.J hj 1 c WAttllw | to fc* failing with 30 inches water on the lower rap- CiiQAli«— vihii. reuai. e Prmeipee, JustoSanx; 1 ids, and from sto (G leet in the channel below.— , *v «) low priced Begali*; j Hence to Cairo there la 9 leet water on the fca-». ' If "*• H”" t y" , K {niN The lllinoia river if falling, with 6 feet water in the Mll.Lbß fc I channe | below Pefna. The weather ... elrodjr NoMnibenyat . Jeiterdt , iW ,a i t Commence.! raining last evening. D AOUKRKIAX STOCK A freah aupply « . _r Sl Lo nia inat. gunner and nWiiua ■oriilla* Ue«t plaieamndca- Tributary arrived at St Loots on ibe rtb.and se*. rte-d and tor ai-!•% • ... . otu ijjerable‘ difficulty mr* descending TVLOOMS~I'i u>n< Bkw**- for vale lowto l the cfannel bavingmatemlly changed. 15 doi/coiiir-iuriii C A McAN p[ii r ! The river it falling a» far down aa the Osage; below ... - ■SriKKfSZSrU’. 1 that point there ia a alight rise. C ‘dK aid «ill.ri bind and for sale’by ‘ - The ateamer H.ghlander baa been >otd to Captain "1 Glfcim, for an thouaand dollar*. She will coniioue r7?sxr^:- gusli-; to tun in the St Uni, and New Orlean. trade, under i anJ > »jr.ou» pr.*r., i»« 1 charge or her preaent woncr. 1,7 * P v*tcic A McCaNPM«3 . DOMESTIC MARKKA /"IOTTUBi VAIISS-,45,W* tbs assorted No« Co»- CIWCISSATi, Mar 10.—Floor-- Ibe < ale-toma t o*P, ltHEV>_Co_ ■ 5;,J STOO bbls.at $4,9065,10. Rece.pl. mostly -r>OWl>t£tt—- , ° (l kit* Beatty*. Rifle Powder, : *,,ld. The market closed with 6-mnesa to day at r l.'O Ju do • Blasting do Csfi& 10 for good lots Provisions—Market very far«flici> nivrJ FRIEND, KHKV& Co_ | • Np,, advice* are calculated to depieaa rr-Ma'C]; pureTonm'a.ior salebv ! the spirit of the market, tat oar atocka are rery gL,OO3IS-o*i tone pure p puOt:Nß pf ß oF.tt . n ß ht. which will help in austain pncea, *o that there ,u w.uer n near rednoln’altey ’ not t, e #n y positive change in current rate*.— -: •• : ~ s,ie, SB bbls Meat and Prime Po'k at s*l *' n d 5 1 -; / ■ UEK.N ‘T.l> r>-1 *«« *«»» fflo bT «d 1200 kegs. 68 bble 75 hir do .No 1 c.t, rendered Kj green prima >nvt pi ACKL pi*r . LardatB4e. lUltakey at lOSlQic. Uad—odttpiga So W woo* *t ! f rom atoreat Sjc. Dried h rutt-S-big. Ap "T5 ED OIL CHlNTZ—very small Bgnre brilliant cel- j Pj” ,r ®“ xM .25. ca'—looo bbli iUrt, ju.t its'4 and for >k WHITE ; Rijn Dried C^-^OOjbi. roji* - ' l 74m_ 30t> gScT«-'ffg» BA®- Cotloo—G4 bale* Mias n«- 4 CANpi.SS7rUji.P4g* ; SdTwm at IteSn?. *■£—“J I ,'" H ”“» 9 'Arw _ __MILLEtt A Kic«i.reu._ ; e .g, e ' calh . c nod fair NO at Pifc Iron— istooa w: -ot.am-» <~Bsgsrt ; ffitesErt 52."S3£'*s 2i!-I Kanawha from landing at 204 c. The Kanwha ••com- GOLDEN STROP-S hlf btit* Loosiana refined i binllioQ - fa M advanced the price Ic bu—making Golden Syrup, foreale by RICKETSON ‘ the present rate* 214 c from landing, and 234 c fbu • No 170 liberty »t ; from store.—[Gazette. “i- 1 " , T - T. cxiodis M«v7—KreiflhU are lower agaiatosliT P lIKKSE~4i bxs, ; v icc , fl J ur and gT l, a , ,Sado h.gher. Sale. O Knc ;l or»aleb> irSS t*front au , nl UOO bbl. Flour at Hece.pU^r - Bl>l ° ..„r i wheat light and demand very aeiire. Sale. J.OOO lBs t " og7c in fC k«. and 90 to 90c exelosive of U 1. HU T -Hl>ON iCO on at dcmlni , for Coro. S-d« at 3.*4aA3 - -- . -* exaosive of aeks; and at 35h40c sack- included. FISII— *it bt»l* No l Btiumore Shad; I Oaia3sc,exclnaive of arks. Sale* GOO bu d Apples. limits of prices- Of Ltsd, ssles 4/ 00 pigs psrt to F 1811-31 i.ils No 3 Mseterel, shippots. it 3;f. Of Bacon, 2. cska ohoolilers. in 69 do Not dty soiled, |*6loU ltslc; 13 csks do, prime lot st J; 10 csks 15 do Uartilins Bliad: [or ■» , * l :?,- rsoN L,mt it Ji .0 do sides, in lots, st Jc; 10 csks, >0 t«o mylO MILLER t BtuIiCTSON , S„ d q c ,V„, .oooiden,him. ood sides. rtOFisEB-IIH t.f tii-eO fLo.-niior, snd far • 1; L lnl _-) )c o ae™- , ? r?„ i sfih',l 1 lobi-co JC Phhdi Hook Jbf head, ttouther clou . mylO - , No»BBta ». Jr,._[R^mbliein. LARD sbpenorUrd ROATH LKAVIHO THIS DAV. Oil,oneoniisomem; iCO ~ . BBO w.NSt ILLE at 0s• « am' 3 No« wood at p - ; ■ * •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a m and 3 r m •MONONGAHELA CITY PACKETS, J r m •WELLSVILLE, WelUville.9 a m. •D. LEECH ft C'o’a. PACKET. Philadelphia ™d _ ■BPBalUmore.Or. M. rsACOS-WMvO tlia Hams «dr« ■“«* Shtwldcra ; 'RHODE ISLAND. Snafish. 2r. *. B part m cm,;*.., for rale in* by ‘NORTHERN LIGHT. St Urn., 10 a m. . ■ JSwiL..,. -CAMBRIA, St Louis. 9 A.M. myS • . eor •tmihßjel^iUrom»w i *coMET. Zaneiville.3 r. Mt *tr n MDRPHY ha'iit*! rec’dbt oxpreas Uti" 'MESSENGER. Cincinnati, 10 a. m. W. “r”r.«Jo“* new Vtylecheap Fancy Bon- . Rlo GiIANOE. Looirville,3 rm. ie t ' . .*5ll- LKA-VINO BDHDAT. m/2 " •' No ST water »t SOLID BOX VISKB, of v»re.u*i«e« •« '”•!«”»'"> ,nm "" ' n "",o»"c6SmAN > •'■y*. ' TUST a.wiwdby «!'"<• *> 'ISAAC NEWTON. Cincinnati, 10 A M. J •». «. n r . gof wobd«nd OTicim O tale low l*y No «fl wood «l r pOB4.CCO —3 krg»C twin Tobiceo, ■ F»d aniele ■*n.TU C J *“ J fc ' L>C “ B 'tI^KSBERUEB •niQB ty *ft TEP-i'oMiUfy Mixed R«f* WWl ‘* ■nt7if Ftm ureel, below Market N fvS.ST, 0 -» EKcmcrn r i'S" A JJ, V Y ! ear water» arid cherry »Uey T N ROUK.S—SearoDt r " et l' newaud l .° W pr ‘ cei * »ob„,or«e- ■“ly.aiaTt WHITE. /-»r \tMFR RTI'FFrf —A very ierjce MwWDeniofMW- E A 111.-TON -f«*i rolor*,j my? iINOItAM—One «y»e— U COFFEE—I° btft L**n»jr» tor Mie by tJgu>AW Laoiayr C«.ffre,ju*t •■0 do* ju»i rcc’d ond for eele ' orUM. McGREW fc Co So C com nctcial ro» tibony «i i b!» jo»t received mtulfarieteJjy Tii VOS JjONNMOBKT * Co. 8. r. > w.i »» • No 33 Front tt . jgttOOMB .rMkwbjr No 41 «•««•«„ f OUIKVU JLi rcc’d and I in) 3 A... Snv&f •umiy on. ,M.ekriel .nr, aale by ' Wldmi MeCANDLESS cor wood k wtier *U HR—* bbl. .aperioi Crmb Cider, for *lle PCMARTIN . cor imitkßcld mnd frent n» jjEAIiS- B' >5 Cll j low by mil* 1 QBANGw « A LEMONS—' S 3 do bemfctia, m prime >i»ciiv mviii pa martin artier W fo and'frr 'alnuif. and Filbert*,iiut ice'd tVICKfc MeC&NbLKSS cor trairr and «mt rrc’d and for «ale 4 LI A FAIIMISJOIk k Cj ‘ ___ cor first k wood .1. At PEACHES—3OO bo dried Peaebea; \ < . No 33 front at rtWRSi for 1* t-2 cent* per ynxdi ' waietkfrom m; Dress n&rti nyS 1. oh BJJW DU flic b wry* BALOOS-ICE CREAM—Thia popolar ad. tB1 * ■ COMMERCIAL RECORD. •A ! J'< ;P/ric* pirwecßaH G**ctt», t ..‘ r Saturday Morning, May 15- S W«tbcr iitiiI J tieif l qoUe winn sod dry. There w u about 4 feetwaler root al dutk, ahoWiflgjt to be netriy;ob a stud. "Steamer* plenty, and owing 10 the eevcilj ol freight, piicea bare not varied— they ire atill at 7 feet wyer rate*: 1 To Cincinnati—Dry Good* l-*c, heavy Good* I2sc Louisville *• 1 50c, “ ,6c StLoni* •' | dQc, 85«SI|c The Flour fever hi* increased,tod'price* «rel2J higher. The balk of the good Floor on tbe wharf changed hand* at $3,25 f» bbl.bot vaiioa* wlw were made by 2nd |haod* at $5,2665,315. and e»cn more ha* been paid Tor round lot* in atore.— Toe *ale* on private term* alone, Thursday ami Frid*y»are4ooobbl*. It ia oae\e*a|to apeeify the 30lota oi which we have a memorandum. Extreme price* at, tbe close, $5; ©35,33 l* bill. The aale* reported reach .2000 bbli. Since writing the abo l e, a aale 200 bbl* to arrive to-day at 54£5; a aale from atore of a prime lot. quantity not reported, at 4,315. The wagon lot* , told, generally, at 4fis.j A tale 25 ton* c b H/r L’ig Iron, 1 (Caroline Fur ' nace at s£». 4 moa, with a dollar improvement; ; nothing in Mercer Pigfthia few day*; a brisk inquiry lor Feather*, but buyefa’are not diapoacd to go over | 26c Tor good-ulc* 3000 lb* al that; further sale* ne» ' Cbceae at 7c lor bx*;or Bacon, 3(XO lb# poor Shoul dera al ssc, GCOO good and prime In lota at 6e6sc; I a* many Side* at 7 lv|Be. aa io quality, and of Hama, ! 7000 lb* al 7 and 8c; jaOO bx# Glass at 2.374a2,G2.5; i 100 bu clean Flaxaeetl al $1 for 5G Iba; nothing in ; Cotton—buyer* donjt even nibble; Colton Varn* ' are moderate aale; a cuk ol Louiaiana Steam Helmed ! white Sugar at 12 I*4c Tor use. 8 hbd* N O al 756 ' B|e; Molasses vdry lO hhd# Tobacco at | | 3 4#5 l-2e,aa in quality; more amoked Herring at a dollar a bx; tomn Bonbnglit’a extra Siarch ol 3 l*2e to tbe trade; d W.a Spring Steel at 5 1 2c a tiule inquiry for rcjujbei—small aale*. 1,23; EgS* ‘I at 6©6 I»2c. ; | Fresh Print Bolter waa aelling in:lhe city maracl 1 laat evening at 18 3-ftkoc 4* lb. | The market generally i* without cib-mge. It waa generallyuiiie'ratood yesterday that $2 i Übl wohld be aaked onlFlour to Phil, and Ball., by ' the Line*. Within day* and a halt about yOOO ’ bbl* have been landed here. The N Y Baprea* of Wedne*day morning «ay»— The Sarah Sand* aaila to day; thcie is. conse quently, a good deal doing io the bill market The : sale* ol Sterling have been la*ge. and the rale well sustained; the principal operation* haveheen it UXIJ I SIO7 P ct, although aomo of the first drawer* have ; obtained 107$. ThiJ advance or bill*, will effectually ; atop tbe importation of Specie, although lU7 V* cl. I , 4 more than 2 P cilia our favor; yet the interest is 11 j not aufficirul to pay, the coat of coromusion. inter.-; ! eat freight, and Othfcr incidental expenses. " ! RIVEK NEWS. F H EATON IMPORT! 0T aiVBR. PKRO—Per Colombia—l7l bbU hame,3B hhde i do, 23 bale* akin*. Btegham—l6o bhda baCoo, Lip- • pe&eott&Son—46 d bide., W Bryaot-16 *ek*rag«, Church k Carotbera—2 peg* md»e. Sp«Pg «Co LOUISVILLE—Per Fairmouol—l b*. I keg meal, 20 bbly lime, 1 bt tobacco, 25 hh ia do, A Cor don—o do bamt, 53 bbl* do, Clarke da Thaw—lol Dhda do, Biogham—l3do bacon, I bx, l bbl d apple*, 38 bx* bacon, II Grafl—s hhda do. 16 bbl* oil, r Sel ler*—6biabacon.2 ctkado,T G Olio ne—4 bxa ordte, Whitmore d l Wolfl—6 do. Logan dt Kennedy _« rcks leathera, (Church dt Carotbera. STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—l 2 obU flour, Taaaey dt Beat—l9l do, Smith k. Sinclair—l 4 do Kobiaon k Co—4 acka raga, U Morgan dt Co -49 bbta floor, J M’Cully—s bxa egaa, L Stern—l 4 Ijjjj paper, G ixette—s7 bbla flour, ( (riab Ralirf), M ' Allen—l 44 do, 16 acka pot loea, 4G do oala. nwne-, BEAVER—Per Michigan—l crate rage. I ack yarn 1 dobicor, 1 keg lard, W dc R M Cutcheon —G bbla floor. S Wighttaxn—lo tony pig irun.J A Cangbey—lSbbl*cider. Miller k Ricketaoa. PerL?ke Erie-G* bbla flour, A M Wallingford tad owner , • „„. ; CINCINNATI—Per Meaaenger—4 pcgafWhit | more db Wolfl—34 hhda pork. Clarke 6t Thaw—l bx. A M’Ctmmon—l bbl hominy.J Kerr.jfdcto I j | bbl and 4 keg*ink,Johnson dr Stockton-: ! bx,J | Crosssn k Son. j I WHCEING—Per Prairie Bird—46 hhdasugar,7l bxa do, G M Harton—l34 bbla f100r,41 dowtuakey, j Clarke k Tbaw. . ' 1 1 HANGING ROCK—Per Misnct-334 tooa p.g iron Church dt Carolher*—ll7ao, A M CJnrg. BROWNSVILLE—Per Cvnaul—l bx. :J Arm . atrong—l do, F Laflerty—4 do, Forayth it Co- I 1 do McDonald dt Beeaon—22aheet* iron. Uurbridge, WtUondtCo—l6 bbta do, M’Clorkan 6l Co—HU bxa.glass, S Kyle—2lo bbla floor, 50 bu oats, 321 U '* bxa glaaa, ownera aboard. Per SwaUra—4 peg*, H G Viekrey—66 bbla flour. ' owner*. j PORI’ OF PITTSBURGH. •citiT 4 rexT wat*r ir the ch«riiki. W GREER ARRIVED. Deafer. Hoop*, Beater. , ti SwaUta, Clarke. Brownaville. Michigan, Ada® l . Beaver. Conaul. Bowman. Brownavillc. Uke Erie. Hemphill. Beater. Rambler, Haogbtoa, MeKeeapor.. Harlem, Kntler. Men City. Magnet, Carnthera, Hanging Rock. F..rmouDt.Poo.StU>u>a. Wellaville. Catlett. W ellmlle. I«i*3 Newton. M-Hon.Cmeinnai'- New Knyl.ind. EbU-rt. \VhpeU»c Colombu, O’Neal. St Looia. DEPARTED. Beaver, Hoop*; Beaver. -Michigan, Adatna, Beaver. Lake Erin, Hemptalllj Beaver. Swatara, Clarke, Brownevillc. Costal, Bowman. Brownaville. Rambler llaugh.ton, Mon. CilJ. Harlem, Butler. Mon. City. Wilmington, Sleveni. Steubenville. Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling. •< Magnet. Carolben. Hanging Botfu Zaaerville Pteket Gall>gher. Zanetrille. Mingo CbieF,Moore. ZaneaviUe. Clipper Cin. : Hedaon, Ebbert, Sunfiab. Mary Aon, Duncan, Looiaville. STEAMBOATS FOE CINCINNATI AND LOUI*VIJ,Lt; ... k. The susach-ftsd ftK low wi«r P LJ PHAIRIE .Meilor. Muter. wtllleavnaa ■lAre CHSBSZSEsK&iIiia evening, at 4 o'clock For [ freighter ps-rage apply on hoard^ FOR ST LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. THE iiaoscb and fine rtramer fIESIZPI columiiu, mailer, will;leave a* above, Monday, Mav l?tb, ■« lOa'elo.k, A. M. For Height or passage apply on board, my IS ~ FOR LOUISVILLE, a i ' The elegant light draught packet MWMkk 810 GRAISUK, Ccnnoiiy master, will leave a* above Saturday evening at 4 o'clock. For paaraee apply on (ward. ' • my 15 ‘ rbn.Vrt.oui>. . . w . Ttc aplcnpid fa«t runnuu.g aieamer NORTHERN l.ltih'P. MSEPtefl® Bairo master, will leave for the above |fi|iflj9Bß*nd » 11 intermediate pomou Saturday the ISib n-tai Id o’clock, A M. For fre-ghtorpa**BSe haring superior accotmnodat.oni, apply on hoard. tnyla FOn ST LOUIS— REGU I.A R PAI'KITT. The new nnd splendid sientn'-r MMh CAMDHIA. f Forayli, master. will leave a* ai>ovi' Saturday morning,May 15at !> o'c'ock For firghl or passage apply t»i bnjml. REGULAR CINCINNATI A ST I.OFI- I ACKKT . 'ilie new ami splendid steamer TRENTON. LMNttfrrtEp Woodward master,will Irnve a* ulmve regularly ihtougbout the acaa.m For frcigliioi posiege apply on board. .FOR CINCINNATI A LOUISVILLE. The fine and staunch.i'ghl draught /■OaptOKW aieamer TRIUMPH, (iaffrvy, master, will.leave aa above throughout the *en*on For rteiglunr passage apply on t-oard .. FORCINCiNNATI.. The elegant and fa*^ Packet Calhoun, mane, will leave a* above ■Bnß&fiQregularlv throughout the season rnr freight or passage apply on board. _ tnyf.’ FOR ST LOUIS— DIRECT. . j ~iH _JTiij|_THr maoeb and e'egtiiii nrunier P NORTH CAR.oi.INA, lui. Devennry. muster. will leave rvP>?S*P»ltw alx>vo throughout Ihe season. ror freight or j»a#*ase apply on bos'd piitsßußhh aTsosT LOUIs Packet. . t |, r new- and splendid steamer GONDOLIER, i ! vSz&Sxi aSfeo for ui** trade. and will leave regu j larlv during the season. lleidaj* wi.i tic aJvrtl:«ed hereafer. my?n JtFoL't.AK.I.OUIsVILI.K PACKET The new. light diauaht and fast run . Ph nine steamer EUREKA. ygaroßK Cror.d, U'»*l'r- will run aa a regular between Pittsburgh mid l-ou »• vide during the sen'oit. She Ua.cJ on Thutsday eve ning. May (sth. at 4 o’cloek. 'For freight or paaahgn *PP‘V 0,1 board in>t» f— fl) k' if AN V iLf.F. -m, - llie light dr-tnebt ami fust running " Me * nJ^o ® l AllNtiO CHIEF. vtCe. For trciglft or pa»»aee apply on l>oaid or to _nj>4 lIKI »Jin.TKNBKRtiKK Att Recular Pltlibargli and Zaneivllle Packet. A 430*% Tbiruew and light draught steamer f , v COMET. IPiVii & James F. Roydiroastcr. will run a« a regular-packet’ between IMi»liurgh and Zanesville. Having had her cabins 6tted up and furmrlied m superior style, the Comet offer* the nnesi aec<>mmodations to pasMrngers She will leave on Tuesday, May 4lft. at So'cloek, P hi rj, t ft r »«.tp»«r. At , -A REGULAR CINCINNATI I*ACKF:r K . The very iigln draught and r.taunrh , A steamer SWALLOW. IgEfctTffrflß AVileon. raa*ter. will run a. above du- the »« a*oji; rnab'ng tegular tr p«. The S. ilrsws only H mehes wsler. Fur ftuiahi or passage a( ply on Loatd. *p.lti ’ Regular Plttibargb and ZantiOll* Packet. THE light draught steamer XEWARR. UUMB 1 Hurd. Master, will make weekly tnp* the above pbtt dutuiß the sea* on. - For treight or pa**age apply o.i l«u rd or to ap7 D WILKINS. Aeen PUtsbngh and Bunflsh Packet. t*!xe new and fine steamer jMMgth HUDSON, / ,L ~- Kblien. master: has resumed Iter reg ubr inp« and will leave Pittsburgh ■BMEDb «♦ above evrrv Thursday and Mon day at 3 o’eiork. P M. For freight or passage apply on board. orfi - M c KFF>pirRT, F.l. /.AltFrrit AND MONO.GA. 11l I.A CITV PACKET , r -_r w The new steamer JCgZJk DESPATCH, i nes XV fcberi. will commoner j Tue««lay.Thursday *■«* ■}' tMoVj.K-k. *• W• I and leaving Warding every M.«jd«>. U eUnc.li., add | Friday, bi D'o’elook. A M. , . Tl»e NewKitglaud ba* rmrn l-ou«hi eiprcv-v the iraclc. and willlemve rcguinrly »«a«*ove boMreigtiior °Tm«' ‘ PP ' T “ °'“j<>lLN FI.»CK. A^n. IVKLLSVILLK LUILV I’ACKLT..' ' Th. new'. clr C :..,t jn.i f..l I’Ll. Vrl WKLI.SVII.tK C. C Cn'.lcil maser, wa< l>u I «• »rr«»!> for thm unde, and will make I " daily trip* Aurngihe *ea»on ; leavi]'f , "Jgl"W 1 8.°.V~5.n.a».1 1 .. .h- Piml'-JF n., i«-. JuMV o M. Steven*. master. leaves I’m*- buirl' every Monday. Wednesday and Finlay nt IJoVlock. •* M . leave) • u ii Tuesday. Thursday an.) Saturday S;S'K i-« ,™ The Steamer «OlBih lIIDKKUVXA* Smith -roaster, will commence runninc a* a rwgolar packet about the ■ lS.lt mat, leav.rtK I‘iMubur*lr every OsCulAr' urowiwivillb THE will nm M a regular I'acket Imiweert above place*. leaving Put»bur. NW'. I do Ohto.Capt Tbutida Ma. U do Indiana, Oapt Urrkey. H:d«y l \. do Loui.mna.Cam roompson. Saturday. M») I do Kentucky. Ce.pt T.u’.v, Sunday, M«> !'• do ditto. C.a:r. Mohday, May 17. -I- 1,,/f.ana IUrtFV, fuMlUy.Ml> l®-‘ ,_ Q .uni. t'apt rho»njf»*i»it. Wednesday, May IJ i' Kentucky. Car*’. Tmtiv.Thursday, May *' I’, Ohio, Crn'a- r. idav. May 141. t -.o Iml am. Uerkey. Satuiday, May «• .. Ivtuioana. Cant Thompson, Sunday, May -L ~ . e -eit, iravrlnnr and cou.lbrvahle acrom- T~r M “»r hH n‘'.ElX ; M'k«>”cc.. l ß..in : VBW PIASO MVgIC- . . ~ M\ Are the l.irtks that liound u* broken i *■ Where arc now the Hope* 1 Cherished; Tn ilia 11-»rp nt the At. j He Jorili all ih n;« welt \ Dream* of 'he pv»‘ I The Ro*e of Alabama. Mary of Argyle The Mother I We meet as Sitnrtgei. ! j^xisssr^m^ ! t-"- STsiV'S'‘■"""wr.r" .Midnight ‘l® C, press *■ Atuniic Morning Sur do LmUfi ' j; Fairy 5 II p pn em*ar 00 Washington ' V , al ! lr * j Tt- -1 won&i i 'AUornevi I’ounutlor and Geucral AgcitfA. WL< rnAlili, inform- h<» fne».j» and 'hepu *• .He ih.! h. coi""'""'* "".I »i 3 i Aremfor i uvnn and Mllinc real e*iatr. in lhi»cn>. *i d ; vrfll devoir ponton of h» time *ttenlion M» !nt claim* and demand*. and tn ati»nilmg «o A**_ * ,i n . ■inraa *enrral s Hr will al*o rnjaßn in the “m ol to.n-,=™ir««.. tie .nil bh <•« eii Ucn*on, Aid. Wm V Brady. OaTid Grahair. F>q. 'Vm J Hoomc. Kj U>e yr inc ot yourjacily celebrated Vermifuge I procured a uneU bvttU, anti cave it loth fee ot my children* who had been ill for «evcral week* The el<}e*l was *evrn mar* old. the next four, and iltc >oa««e*J eighteen month*. Tin (trot pa»»ed firty'-tii worm*. the accotid fouy ftCTcn, and the third a ccmtiderablc number not diftttnciijr recollected. Since then they doing well, and av now in good Itcabh _ Voun re»pectf'illy. S. " alKHttO. Fiotii Uie Rev. .S K Hahcock, of ihc MeUioJwlEpifco p.tl Church. ' .11 Mr. ft K S-i!cr>-: It n with Brent •plei«»urr I would inform you of the good HTeci* produced on mv wn of four )em»of a«e, by your juniy cHehraied Vermiluße. After hi* liasinff convulsions. I B*v« him three down, wh'ti he passed *u utmost.incred'iftliie number, from which tune hi* genera: health hu» Lcc|> unproved. " K SElUfcocfc. From the Rev Chari-* IVA** v t the Methodist Fpi*- copal Church: l’,lt'liur«U. D*ceni'>er 14. IMJ. Mr. R. IL Seller* 1 given} :i.r dnuglner (heiwern ihTvr nnd for year* oM) three do-e» of your Virmifujce. according topic*- nption. wvh the h»pr>'-.»l •ui cp»» The nuraherof worm* eipr'tcrf I .tq not know pieci»e* ly. bai >1 «u targe. She « now in tr)*ir»»ioil of Rood health'. I think the medicine inty bo conSddli in with *reat unrr»cive«lnc*». CCooa* A«tbi* Vertn.fuge hat nc»rr been known 10 rail in any mrtanec, when worm* actually exmed, parent* •lioald eive it in preference 10 ull ollifer* Prepared and -old by R. K. SELLERS. be» w « cn •* end «ih, on Wood tueei. , For eale'by Dr. Ca*«ei,Fifth Ward. ®V * _ You, wbo«e teeth'» fool and yellow— j > You. wbo>« ekin ia dark and ullow— I \ ou, whoae ha>r »• barih and wirey. Rally.dirty red or fiery— | You, who*e vde offenrivc breath I’nplesiaut i» e« poind death— | You could have- bo), man or gul-: Train ■* white a* »now or pearl. j Breeih a »p cy iweeU and cortiele Pure and white anil imooth end beautiful, I And baTtoft. idkv. derk e» elae, r Hy readme whet i» eaul below. REAL»KRS.any of you can h«v c ite atofo by (mind ib'« i* nothin* boi truth.) u*m* a 3# l.otileof Joneaa C«>- tal Hair Re*ioniive—a '}* l*i of Jo.nee • Amber Tooth Pe> teeth and preserve* the leelh. Ac The hair ituff ail know to be the moil exqui».te thin* ever made tor dree •mg. beautifying, ahdeauwtg the growth o'bait, and ih. reap. Ip.lJbPK.nuii'. Jotre.'* 9o«p. oiml) will .11 .nipninv freak!... »c ...J m .ke d.rk Y,lto« •hire, elm uni fur. All 1b... lUnp. .re retJ (onlYI cl W JACKSON’S Hoot and Shoe More and Patent AicUicme Warehoure Liberty M. iuy7^ [From the Spirit of the Time*) A FACT \VOHTH KNOWING A gentleman of Scrnfulou* habit* from indiicretioß ! .11 hi* younger day*, became affected with Uleeration* j of uicTtiroa' «ml &'o‘f, and a d.Mgreeable and trou- I blcaome erupt on fll lhcMm. Indeed, hi* whole •>*- [ len bore the mark* of brine .auraied with di*ea>« - One band and wii-l were »u much affected that he bad to*, the nr-ot :k- laud.r*m part being covered with deep. pa-I.rn> r.tv jnyll&wF^ >V}|. ,\. WARD, DESTIST, II AS Removed to tho fcouae on Pena ■Msa Birrrt, Mr re above Hand .nerd, Srßtm : 1 ;" m. A* he is de»iTOii«oi l-emt employed by none bat tbr>«e who will make immediate payment without the ,nerr«*ity on hi* part of collecting, be woild invite nar 't eu'ar attention to lire following teno* : All bill*-left unpaid at the expnvion of th ny day. will veiyiomitß'n and truubie*ome d.searc it not only immediately allay* pain und infla ninnnn. 4lnn* all Heeding. •abdnoa that mtoleiatdc itch i.ui, iTeriuallv cures, in a very short tur.e. per-on* whore live* have been rendered miM'rable for) ear* It* application produce* no pirn, hot ’^ hl ‘ r ~' u i rc '- < a il He and p>a*nnt •cneation If per-rnr* .ifllirlrn w.ji 1 call and hear of the great number of ea*e* 'hat have 1 been cured, they will be a»tnlil*ltrrei.-d. Ot ::_{Ph.l 'xl» fr?“ For tale* m PiUfburgtt at the I Khl N TKA H’IORE.W Fourth *ll**l. nenrwood. and *lm> hi me . Drue Store of It V Srhwnri Fcd-ral >1 AI J i ‘‘*ji^ c y J 1 ’ BEAVER, WARREN A cLK UNKOFUaNAL PACKET* AND KTAOfcM. 181'). CANAI. PACKETS TKLKLRaPH A SWALLOW LKAVE Beaver daily at ‘J o'clock, r w . after the arrival oitne «teaml>oai BKA VKR Crow Pittsburgh,, and arrive at Warren iieH'mimiing ut »e»*nn for the Binges which reach Cleveland before night Passengers'» ill be receipted nirough, securing berth* on the Packet* and seat* tn the Sluice, on application on board steamboat Denver. (leavib? Pittsburgh at » o'clock, a ■ ,lorto the agrni* : U H HARTON A Co, Pittsburgh Ct.AUh’K ACo. Beaver jRSBK BALDWIN, koutig*ia«n M U TAYLOR, Warren _ CABIN KT WAREHOUSE, Third Hireet.next door 10 the Bank of Pittsburgh. ( STHF-undetsigned, having recommenced bo aineM, ha« established himself at the above aland, where be will kepi constant.y on hnml and for rale, at teu*onab>e prices alt desertions of Furniture of the lir*t qunlity--*ucb a* Boreru*. Bodsteud*. Chair*. Ottoman*, Betas, Ac Ac AM Ira furniture i» warranted of Uin finest qualcy. and will be aold aa low u» any ot the same kind >n the C * A few rood hand*, and none other* need apply. W *D "" * ro K3**soK« »rc»i!V_ COSGS DV SA»IC El. LOV’KB—' A«k me not, what l am, Thinking, O. watch you well by iPsy'bgh': Slaying the iJeer; ‘ Oh! Molly Uawn: 1 Widow Aiachree: 1 The low barked Car. j 1 he two Buds 1 Indian Hummer, j Rory O’Moore,; 1 My Mother Dear; Ange l " Wbi*per, | The Fairv Boy: ! The Bowl’d Hoger Boy: Ju«i received aud for rale by JOHN «»IMW* l ' o ** .j nl wt-od street 1 DYNE'S KxVkCTOKANT-'V, .....Jr .1 thi« admirable remedy for I iiliu«»nacy.affection , Tb- principle there announc.d of the morbid of ot|grnj( tion»— it. tcnd-iic) to originate of ihe Branch.a. and con»e<|uenl .venation of tuc nalu rat humo<*—.*. beyond 'dispute. the truth it*elf The only practicable mode of removing each obstruction !* bv means of expectoration, a result which w« *”* vinccd can always he obuined »»jf ■ •|M‘>«iow«ihil»i l,mi of the remedy of Dr. Jayne.-U h.ii. 3p orh*, : p .vmein *o l.c made upon delivery- l . . I Sr'S'm aSkSzif., j ; mY KWw CbnirtnanaMbe i.a-LTuh'iCominUb^ U f ISEnAI/IUCa \OiToP I.AKK »VPE- M 8108-Afew dorrM-a.-vcilmonlof and UruioFa Mineral Kef on. aceompamedby The reef af tho entire eotiouyj number and location of every (tcnniti name an-l capital nock of oil tli* ininuif com- U&uic*. crautiof Ihe geological a»d t» popo.pn rai »ur- i aev*; luftther wilh all the iiananeal ;nionnopoi»rt»a ive to tlio mineral trgiooof Lui*. Superior, are coniain- No*J rnmmrrrinl tow liberty*! DRl’uk Tub Cu *7 ' TOW. MOIILEB, Drupgi.t and Apothecary, N,''. J comer of Wood am! Oil. au. Pittehimjh. will keep Ol. band I»r..g«. Paul., 'Oil*, Hye-nuff* !“!■> eicmii'a pierf ripl’on' carefully twnronnd fd fiu'ii Hie be-1 nmirnaU. at any hour 01 «l «r nielu At»o. an a»M>nioeni of Pcmjnep, fine Tooth. Hmr. and 0-otb Dm-hea, &C. Ac , whleh he will .ell lowlorea.h. J J. .__ IILILi /iLEIUUUIP WASTBB-Foi * lad from N ly Vork iftyrara of ager a .uuiiiohirt tome teapecl* | B l,le Commercial Fftabli.hment In the ciiy Mill' "he detue of hi. parent, that he ahoold acquire a know ui« Of bo.inec*. a email remuneration would only hi Sqmred for the fli.i year. Reference may ho had u SrftarotOucue- ITICDUUX A GUn Nn It CANAL STREET* NEW.ORLEANS, ft nvvrs for J D Aimant’* Bxwn*i*eSujuo Stt*J *f,otahote,Mb»ml*. ® elul MISCELLANEOUS. . , .. JOIIS CIBTWRIUHTj, , In PORTER and »iMt*beiam of Onlgr,. Eggff* l ShufcJleMiunlTawerawod loe&Talflt£ Pntest J*he*M, Ac, Ac. j Al**.*«Rtf«r WM Tiustes, Fppp?rwfv..*e, in *»*«) and f. C.'Mamtfaemrsr and Imponcroi Pen. I «i« «“ Table Cutlery; Razo re.Bctamrf. File*,Saw*. Too!*,*c, 11 *S3 'tVOOD°STREET, Pittsburgh. Second door Ik low Diamond Alley, , And has late.y revived a lam? a«*orunem «r Pea & Pocket Kmlvaa, Halves * Farke. - Alio Rodger*’ and Wboatonbolm* PUB COTLKRT! D , , Ellwuvßodri-rOV.de A R*»orFtrons,Ac. Damasctu sad YVtrclw>« GUNS, RIFLES, AND W*n>W| Allen*.CoU’e and Blunt’* Revolver*, Powder ipimi Fhot Belt*.. Game Bag*, Walker** A Cox’* M»r» * er eusnon Cap*, Bowie. Dirk and Hunting Knives. Tools. such, a* Callipcia. D.vtdew, Flyers. Nipper* Hand Viees. Sjuares, Rnlei, Braees, Bmi, *»!«■« Shaves, Stocks and Diet /Wire and Iron Oo»ge». Mil “’ amaiica* Instrument*, Ac. in very' great rarely •• u 057- Jobbing and repairing neatly and P uu f t “i{ Jjr doi)e. t* -- HILL dt BROWBB. SaeciiMM «• Holdablp. A Browne, Manufacturers aud importeu *~r II No Wood afreet. FiUhburgb. The increasing demand for American Paper has ir « them u> enlarge and improre their Factory’, amt l"®M i - ciliuri for manofacutring arc now equal to an) inw« eastern cilies. Haring adopledtbe «*«ern price*, they take pleasure in inviting their friends and dealers to examine their stoca, which is t*° w . “*• than at any former period; and may bejound a* follows. Transparent Window Shades. „ Creneb. American. Satin, Glazed and Common in pcrHang-ngsi , : Gold, Velr. t and Imitation Border*; . v Landscapes, Statutes and Fire-board I rml*. Curtain Paper, yard wide plain green, and ug a, Writing. Printing.and Wrapping Paper. Bonnet Hoards,Ac- t Rag. and Tanners’ Scraps taken in exchange at mar ket prices. _ mchtTdaraAwfimT RKSII ARRIVAL OFWOHKB—At M A MINER'S l.urrary Emporium. T..e Water cure in Chronic Disease: an exposition of the causes, profret*. and temtnsiioiU of various Chronic diseases ofthr digestive organ*.Lungs, twrvea Limbs and Bkm; and of their treatment by water, and other Hygienic means Uy James Maitby Oull ~ M D. The N-cici Band of Brothers: or the Amenean Out laws. Bv J 11 Gieen. , Gambling Unmasked; or, the personal experience oi and hit General* A biography of Major General Zachar. Taylor: and •ketches of the lives ol Generals Worth. Wo-l and Twiggs; with a full ac count of the venous actions of their divisions in Mexi conn to the present lime: together with a bistorv of the Uootbnrdmeni of Vf-a Cmz, and a sketch of the Life of Major General W infield >colt. Embellished wuh iwmiait* and engravings The Mcuor; or the Cum r of the Ocsah. a sea stor) C\ clojvrd.a of English Literature. No #, Chambers’* Infonnation. Nolo, which eocnrlelc the Gombev A Son. No 7. , ‘ ” lil_. Illustrated Memoir of Father MaUhcw, the great champion of Temperance. The Dutchman’s Fireside. By the author©! the Back woodsman.' . „ . .. The King’s Highway By U P RJaroe». K*«|. The Huguenot; by the same. Castle of I’hrenstcm; by the same. Funny Campbell, the hemale Pirate .. For sale at tJ ,MAMINfcK» smithfleld *t 3«| door from 2d *J_ Hardware Stora Reaioredr WHITMORE A WOLFF having removed from the comer of Liberty and St Cla.nWceU. to No 50 Wood Sired, throe doors above Ft Cbhrlcs Hotel, would retpertfuily a*k ihe attention of buyemtoiM«*Weli of HARDWARE. CUTLERY and BADDLERY, ree'Tl per ships Saranok, Moitongahela and Russia, diredt from the manufacturers of England and German*. Al«>. supplies cf American Hardware, from the prin cipal raanhjacturer* of the Eastern wales Their stohk being entirely new, and purchased upon the best |ehn» they feel great confidence in being able successfully to meet competition from any quarter, I whether east or west ...... I ‘ The Hardware business will be continued at the old i —"J- l _ _ - *rt. WAkl. PAPKnAaD BORDERS. PRICEStREDUCED— Thomas Palmer, No <7 Mar* kei street, between 3d and 4 h street*, respectfully i announce* Co the public that his preset stock of " all P.perand Border*of h«* oxen manufacture is very ex tensive. and daily addition* are. being made toil, a* 1 thevare firu*hcd-of oew andsplendidpatirrii.a Also, a well tt**oneu dock of Frmek Paper and Eord,n Having recently reduced the price* of the above amelea. (Xnd oiher*. m hiabne, not enumerated.] he is prepared to «■« for cash. cnxsrK* than any esublish menlot the kind. East or. West of tfie mountams Bp«jM3ra _ _ BADULGAY HARD WARE AKD CAn. / RI AGE FCRBITDRB. SB a. 133 Wood street* Pittsburgh, EYENiDeors above 3ih. and 1 door above II Childs A Oo’a Fbc>e W’arrltouse. Nowopeniog aad for sale by RICHAnD T. LEECH Jr. Importer «tid dealer in Foreign anil Domestic Seddlcry Hardware A Carriage Tiimmiugs. of all drreripuon*. a ver» cheap and well Wcc'ed stock of Good* la his line, all fresh, of the newest styles, purchased fur cash, from the best sources, and will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at a small advance on the cosl Purchaser* are respect fully invited Jo call and satisfy themselves ALSO—Saddlers’ iools, warranted. Deer and burled Ha:r; Whips, Gla*,: Paper. Ac . alway*pn hand, and as cheap a* elsewhere. *P* g - JOHN DUNisAP, XTG II Jfatket street, is now receiving hi* spring i\ auxkpf Hous—Farit.shinf HarJware.-rUnynnia. constsimgin part »s follow*: I bbXf JtpHitncd Wore, English and American: i 4 t.t« Br-i-im-H do d" 'f*i t! oi*ks E-gti«h Tntit* I Fauccran*. , . I Uu.t’-a! I’of: l e»«e l ,n> * and \\ utter*, { do 'EiiameMe-1 Ware; _. T| 1 do' (Pressed " , “IrTOtb*V**or-.ed t'cpper; 30piaic*Tinned Copper. 1300 Ih* Jumata Wire: SObasTro Plate; ap 3 \ JOHN DUNLAP, 17 Matket »l- P Mrivivr’i JaSSF* E I.XCUI FUHI CLAM KBTABLIBUMRST. MELVaNY a I.KDI.ir. mnnufactuie aaTke- p COn •isii: y on li*ni Gu’. Mr.uldc-1 a.-t-l P a-u J ■ iW Glassware, in all It* v B -.enr*, ol there Waiehouse ror ner of Alarkvi and Water sireeis, I ttisborgli. Our Work* eoiinutat in fall c-pnat.cu ana we are conttan Iv adding to our noek. wtneh eual les as to fill -ordere-witbprompipes*. I’urcba'cr* are respectful.? solieited io call and exam ne prices and term*, myltxlly » WW. WILSOSi Wu’ch Maher A Jqwellera . corner 4th «utd Market *h. A large »hd well •elected alack ot watr}ic»,i Jewelry. tMvet wire and M !"atv (in'-!* \I«-V» «" f -n n T' KMII tifict*, UuU Patent ».i»hina ibeir Ucowi would do wvll weal!, an hr ir determined, to .ei! at toi i|u i k teiprnn. • • r- ; . v _ »u[-plied a» u»oai, wnh all il,<- \ nrtoat kimUof Lookin'"(>ia«*r»i and ptckios rnirfaUv :*!• leml-dlo. dUcouiT. for ca*li. T A lIILLIUR. Looking t»la*» Monuf*{!»urrr >r j till Wood »lfrri.w»r sth_ SONETUIHO in SEASOH— We learn tha Ur Jurnr’* medicine, for the cofc 01 the SOBfc THRO \T liu l>cf n doing wonder* during the late t»:t i.U*a«ni weather coder foot. It i* better to attend to sl.tbt cold* in now, and to ptocuie the remedy applied from skilful phy*irinti», titan from unknown and irre sponsible qaacks. Ur. Ja>ne ha« oiabtuheda-repuia tiofl ton* since tor .ktU, and bis remedies fercoagUs.andeold* lnw Wen proved efEcaeioas Lt ' l 'l."r^rr,°uu«?^^ , i'7uf‘‘| , •EK'■ST^:A■ S roa E 7-j Fourth street, near Wood; ami at the U'«»J Siore p stohwanz, Federal street. Al‘e*hen» Cny. Hechl-WAw BOOKS, PAPER 4c- Juitrec’d, a large lot of Books, consisting ®i all the different k.nd* <*f l«*ok» used tn= Public i?ebool*; cU**i eal books of all kind*; *1 g«a: vuno'y of cap wrung rain r and quarto post t died ami plain, wrapping paper of a'l sizes: wall psp-.-r.linnitet Iwards, blank book*. 4c. Merchant* aim c.iherswuhiitg *o purchase. will fir'd a couplet* assortment dr every aitiele generally kept hi book store*., which we will sell low for earn, or on exchange for rags. ! . _ , ir-j* fh p puli.cation! of the American Sunday «chool Union. TraciStecieij-., always •» "* nd “? d ass* tEscusn myi3 __l aji'y."'"'. pEXTLEhEK'S wholesale for*, It NISIIINO VVAREROOM—No SO Wood street.! |tir» »is’t* ) Ju*t received, and now opening a full a*- | sortmem of tko*t very fire ami medium qualities Troy I manuiaetured Shuts; Bofoms and Co.lars, Sana adjust. i..« Stock*; Konibsxiiie.ijodo Plain; Sntm Bow stocks, plain; Ulnck ltal.au CrUvais, Fnicy do do; Gum Su»- pender*. A-Ac. A*r- j _ . , , Jumereivcd from tW'rainufncturer and for aalettt manoraciuter’. price. / , . EDW ARD IUDU inv j i Manufnrtutcr s Agt Edward Toild ii'OUl.D respectfully announce to the merchants nf VV PHlsbuigli.ihat he lias opened u room lor tlie sale of i>rterti manufactured goods, »ueli a» Slock* ofevery description- Shut*, Bosom* and Collars; Gum Bu*pen der*: North’s Hook* and Eye*. 4c ; for sain it raimt facturera' prices. Also, a large assortment of Black : “ d F "”? Cravm,, for ..1. Nokfl wood street, upstair*. I 'mcMP ’ ‘ Mmnojsctnrfjr*’ Agent _ i ' Address f’srd. EDWARD TODD. Agent foi Eastern manufacturer for the salr.of North’* Hook* and Eves; Gum Sus pender* of the Rn*»eH Manufacturing Co . U ; !*iock* of every de-enpimn, S*hiM.v Bn*crn* and t nllars.of the Troy manufactory Ae.; all.of which arc lor »sie at nmmi'uctur-i'* p* rr*. wholesale. ‘ No'JO wood street, up stairs. Order* t-eeivr.l for American Hardware. rochtß Tx r ANTKB‘»UUr*-Hates in .l.irrvwaithuu.e ' W Ac, for severa'd good book keener*, salesmen warehouse mm, Itt.nW.rs and Imy* of different age* Also, wanted for i-vcral re*pce:u!.!e private farm he*, hotel*, 4c. ?tveral good cook*, house girl*, charoucr rianl* andourrea . . , . A All kinds of Agencies attended to._ Plea««a.l at i I HARRIS’S Ateney No no firth *t_ M’ODEttS C 111 V AL» v" o r t br. Arrago and Teague <> Reian*. by •• [* Bmckciindge. lecopd edition *ince ike author * death, with a biographical notice, a critical diatjuiaiiion on the wuik, anu eiplaiiiiaiy <.ote*, wtih illiwirauou* from original dcaigu* by Darley. bound tit eloih mid S * 1 JOHNSTON k STOCKTON ,np« cor of Market ac 3d »t» A CARD. . . HA VINO received HceiUe a» a Drugg.it "f ine l-'irM Wnrdof ihe city ofFUiaburgh lo re!. *me» and •firilna* Hquom, “fo'f rn**dlci«»l uid sacratnemal purpose*. ami 10 l’p u»rd iii the art*:' I hereby uoiify all prr«on» applying for the; nbove, Ibat >hey wrili be re quired 10 lent? tuine, residence, and im-ciry ihe P n, ‘ poir Articles of tupcrinf ■puthty can m: hnd o]i imr prices, ji the Drugstore of Ihe subset iber. No »< .'Xj «deri. mjC R SELLER* IJKCONU iIA!ft)]PIASOS-A» excellent »e -eoml hand I’ianu Fprte. made by Dabor*. A Bacon. New York, with six octaves, :ron jilate ; and;in goooor- , A *ix o< late fecond hmid I'iano. made by Cienwntt , AOo.lrdmlon. For sale low for ca*h by . [ myll _JUMN lIMM.LOB XVniTfSd'ANU WnATPIKO PAPRH VV . (00 resins Cap Wriimg Faper; 60 do Letter do 1 do; 3W do B. C Slraw Wrapping del MO do Medintndo Jo - do, . Hto do, DC. do do . doi 100 do Tea Rkg do_/ “jfn^nk Banker and Broker, and Dealer la Exchange, Bank Note* and Coin of allde»cnpnon*, Ac. swi.»*R.t- , ~ JVU 1 id,. sS v i^sssasf- 1 - h »£ SfetStu-e?: id. ■SWSEK . si3; "Ho,i£ fvnTKo? ■ - Ido WMilopoo, Ido ™C,. f rile of Bieh.ure procured. • • ■ H. hoLBKI A BON* _ , Bunker, .id Denl«™ ''l Kxcfcrurgn, ' an 4 Sank- Boiea, J0.'56, .meut HTRer-T, riTTinonoß. Selline Rule.. Kncbeof|e. Boym, R»"‘; New York i pr. Cincinnati, Philadelphia, 'i do llooimllfc, • o itA £ N^i;. P ß os ß jT. En. Ido Relief Note*, h* Kentucky, ldo PemuyltamaCy. Ho ■VUthUa Ido New York do, [do So Wheeling, |do New Orlean*. [do Tf.iinc«»ee, 3do Maryland, H° •'■nStf Copartnership* , . , JOSEPH H. HALL. lUtc of the firm of }\ m. A. HillfcCo,) and WM. Ci CURRY,»late of Erie, P«* l have emered into Copartnership, on«J«r « he "®™*, h 0 i • iILL * CIIREY, for die purpose of carrymgon U»e Tank inrand Bxchanjo business m all iu *' . No 05 Wood ttreel. three'door* below. ] Pbarth, we« i side—where they wl mil the cuttoroofUidrfneadaaod jostrii h, hill. wm. e. cua»t. J? • hilucwrby, nt>it _ oa ' bankers a exchange brokers, dealers IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME A SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DKrOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. - No 63 Wood street, thud door belo* t&oilb, west side. PAR Funds and Currency received on Deposit* nnd collections made the principal Clues in the fen V Baltimore, PbUsdelphia, New York. Botion and Cincinnati constantly for sale- , * Ohm, Indiana. Kenlucicy, Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notes.taught and sold on favorable «nn* Exchange on England, Ireland, Cetmauy and France pioewedAcAc, ; 55 hia WILLIAM A, HILL & CO., BAKtHIi EXCHAHOB BBOKKBA A3O DULTU IN » ' FORF.ION ANU DOMESTIC CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS RANK AND SPECIE. »• 64 Wood Strut. •** rfoar «4*e« Four*, SM *w«j „ c hisi Plmbarih, Piu f*^ wF - BKDVVKU RATKH. OHIO, Indiana- Kentucky, and Penn*, ftmdi; «■« a.o.r.^CiijCWmpnretaMdflJtd-erfr..., AlillM»4ni!bT . • N UOUUK3 a. SO la id Broker. SS Mai kei »t C~ iolicctioni - on Cincinnati. LouifVille, i And ai t seccaaible poixtt inlUe Railed Slam roid< promptly, and upen-ihe “ y y * N HOLMEASON,Kx«I»n«Bro|> on No- Yoik. Hh.l.dolpta. onO ailn Ei morneonft&ntlrfor *»let»y IHLLfcCUBBY Wood it. oext door ur rjgle a«loon /currency of ibe.Obio Indiana, ud Kcuineky C Hn'k. -n,od .. «„ ' -P 6 Wood next door loEwfle Saloon / \ U lO* Indiana* KwlMltf Bank U N 0... Poro«..od .1 In- '""S[ HE3 4 go N , nchlS HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &C. City Property for ■ala. Colombo*. O. THE subscriber offeii for sale •ever*! low u H® a desirable pan of the ei;y, oo which are twt corafo.uble brick dwellinghouses. and hi. Xe tensive Tannins BatablUhment, all in gw* re P *»?aTinr determined, in consequence of infirm age, u discontinue the tarwitig busmers. a fine opening no* pre.euii tiaetf w *ny one wishing io earryin(*n. P Columbus is probably the be.i point ia the State fo procuring a uniform supply uf bid**. - - uue 01 both of lb* dwelling hou»e wi.i be; sold **P* w rate frtrathe re.t rf the property u de.ired- The nn* j, .Ifreigned will p>e any mriher information relative io - ‘ “Vpurt .ttiTin"*oUNwVrow.v oiiio, . '___.JSSfeSHifi-.i- a .pjendid Brick CSfT dwfU'ng Hou«e litoate on-Uie North ULoi the I'ubhc Square m Youngstown, Mahoning countr Ohio. It i» Urge.commodiota, finished in e.- celleut style, and in ihc be.t location in \oun*»tow either fori dwelling or public house; attached to it is yard, with water, suMnig, and all other convenient «t hud. , •n..« town ’• improving very rapidly, is snooted n mediatelv «n the Cnual.anC when the various hurnact Holl.nS Si ill. iic.. now being limit are eompleieti. w tK! ihc'nuHt flourishing plate nt Hus *eei r i 01 Hhio li wiU t»e sold low for cash, or on lime. «» for properly in PuUbwrgh. For partieulnrs ru.ju.re L <1 J U WICK, corner of V\ ood ond « nn-r *i».-r.m burgh, wfro will give all igfc>wn»nor> OUPUAX’B CODU.T SALk. IN ngtsuance of an order of lit Orphan's Colin at Allegheny County. 1 willeapoae lo ««!e. 0/public vcndur or outcry, *t ‘l* 6 H<'B*e in ibe bay of PiU'burth. 'in Mow!*? the IT.h day of May nrii,it iWhoiirof lUoc'ock.A M a certain Uu and two half ' l t>i» of Rio»nd. I-.m; part of 'be Coal 11.1 l m Lowrr Si Clair Township, and «on*c>«J by J- H. Fare add Wife to James Milholland and D ft Milhol land, and now the property of C. F-Milboltand, ai minor ch id of Jame* Milholland,dceM., bogoded-aud dricn l,e,l ai follow* vt: on the North jby a tofty fjot street «„ j i.»u of Pew on the Kail by lot* of h. Jones. n.n-1 J> K. Milholland, on the Sooth by thePimburgh and (Sjbl Dill Tcrapike Road, and on the *><« by lot* of Sarah M- Philip* *+\t being tweniy-two feet •n Irani and mending bacs to tboTuruptkeJHoad afar*- ; b! order of the Court, CALKB FOSTKR ! - a pO(.id&.wF Guardian 01 C F. Millmllnnd 1 nieh uni ParmforaaleT -rTJrU'ATKD 15 mile* from Pittsburgh. 3 miles from 3 Drfit Cre*k Lock, on the north tide 01 the Allrghery *Sr r £>er~cnniumtug alwut f7U acre* well unproved-a good '• luHiSe and bnra- wnhnable, grantnr, smoke house, aprinc house, Ac 4c jA considerable pomoa of the •laud ta cleared and under good fctißea i,;-h mate of cultivation It ts well adapted for trait ««».«f which thei'e i« great variety and abundance, , healthy condition; the land is of black; walnut sol'. This tanu ha* betn the residence of Henry Parry, Eta tor *7 years, and will be *old on reasonable terms, or e scbuiigcd for property m or adiom'Df ibe c.ty Crnru ro 01 Thb* Parry at No HU wood 11 PjM burrn, r.r J C f\>rry tithe lowa Foundry, marlheOa Work*. mv«d*a« OBAI. KTTATE IN THE iuth K »rn!'*i» offer f6r»alo u hou ji’or R*nt» ■ A WKLL Fini«hef‘Fit tipKllrV FOR BAI.K-l* acre. V of v*uahl- Un- HI ndtp.li. !«• »■= l«r itwrllil I liOiiKl Of WllflulKl- Thcv offered »l public «’e ou Thur»d»y,/7ih °S , M .“ y ne * t - M '’° VklCk ’ iiENRX WOOD 3 npSHJIu • - lUVEtt fcOTB. . • FOR SALE—Some valuable Lot» of Ground, eitßated , asLr- F' ' OUSALB-Af*roiflett*o*BJlotonlflf*n«lree loiai by Jtw AUo,*lo»onilw *U» meeLrond, M bvttl. between Klin.and Henry. , Inquire atrbe ba kery. Libeny «i optwrto SBMtbfield«u tnylOdtw off BALE-«Atw©»torrbrick.kou»e end lot tnei> ißrilnfeK Übtny. ikkow «e*wb>»4raomt. Tu<> lor i« fri t>y m fc«i> «l4oa lerft«ubtoorv.iHpro perty. Price lownndie«B* ; imlJ . . '■ - : SOemuhteid d FIVE LOTS on. la clean lirteC nor All»- ■hf'ny city, SO by *1 ft.' • Price WS Yaeh. , One twelfth in bud, balance in aera'a rdtilainnl hay* ura ijll * CUTtISEHT -HATS. M| J*THhi't»ftiglhe day Oi« ’Sprbi: do ike ***- -£- onabte eMabnsfcnems in New \ork am} p M*£*}*s UteandeniKorduke (f«mx pe»»te ', a #, tt i!|, c to announce to their nureerno* itteruls aun "* * V • gener.Hr,thatweareprepared to «PP >' ■ ** ?*J lavor o* with a call fere Kifon. comprijin* Beaver*. Neutrias. and eXlia nr.e Moleskin Htt »«,ki.hf. » tol ',£SKßS , iil[lo maiOtf car wcrid and^b^t* ■r raiuioTAL. ■ At B.MCOVK, Hat and Cap Nancfaetnret #% a.Tcwored to No 78 Wood street three door. aifcve. Poorthsfteet. ill* Mock consists^erery ▼«'««! «' Hus utd Cans, mule in the tuett style • *!*° •*? n *®,' Leghorn and l*e«lal Siraw Hats, wMkMle'» at the lowest priee. .. . ,J* •; ltK r‘ ,i .'piS ,75 Wood «t,:!mrk ; a NEW SI'RINU DRY OOOpS, {embracing everj.i thine in that IlfteJ now opening at the above stand. _msrUMiwJmF JprNo nOlQrkeOjjrcj ; stab clothi no store:, NO. TO WOOD STREET, I’ITTSUUROH.PA. AANCKEff feUAVRfti wholr»*le and retail (lealrrf t m Eastern Ready-made Clothing, would respect fall* take On* method of soliciting the attention of their c«iomers and ibe publie generally,to the following: i of their stock in trade, and arsure them also, that; rfhey will sell as ebeap if not cheaper than.any other in the city: Our facilities of purchasing land manufacturing goods, are such a» to enable us at tall timet to keep a lull assortment of ready made cloth tag, at let* prices than they can oeobiaincd elsewhere 1 Tbe-present stock on hand constats in part of the fol-t lowing description of good*: ISO hlaek cloih dress coats, from 810 to 830. 18) do do French do .10“ 3# tO bidwn and invisible green do 18 “ *5 tOQsacS costa, splendidly made* of good material. ItHJO pair panic, of all fijics tjoaHiies and price*. • S4UO vest* do do - do do 100 dozen Lmcn plain and stitched bosom shirts; stock*; -arft: cravats; bosoms; collar*; suspenders; sock*- wers. and under shins ot every varn ly, all oi h bar- been recently parchared cud tdsptrd to the • ,ra*cn Merchant" and otln-rs who arc in ••jih re. cannot do better thmi loy/iveusa call. ' • - • iifti _ DRY GOODS. SitACKLETT ft WHITE, No W!> Wood meet, abort •Diamond Alley: are now prepared to offer to inert ehooU a lanre and desirable itoek of ftCESII SPRING DRY GOODS, | ; All of tbi» Karon's purchase—of late and deniable style* and qualities, . Country Merchants rinW ra»*tn< tbronahonr ei»y, will find *t clearly i* ■' - -mie* to a*re n*a P3l!,ai we ate detcrraii. ’ -wh •mall profit*, qu will niaio'it greatly r • •• v-rr»i t<> mVf a U.l! kYllfjU*. Our etoek ta now full n.»d c* ’plrte, lOiupnc.Pa a sen?yal as*onme»jof »uvUgon»- ** are u*u*itv krpt i>y dry roods bottler. , , ■ . A'good sopply of heatry and light browu Sheeting* alwayaonhaail. incby? BARROWS a TUHNER, No 40 Market Street. :«re now receiving their stock of New Spring Goods, and iovne the uiteution of pvrebaserv to-their assonment of Dre?t Good*, which i* particularly de«r rahle. cons.«t:ng in part of Rich Embroidered Ijiv n*— patteru*: Rich Organdy Lawns—fa*hionab!e browns; with sthnr colon, very handsome. Printed Lawns, of different patterns; Rich Cali fdrnia Plaids—Myles very butdsome; Superior French Gingham*—entirely new and beniv tifol patterns: one lot very handsome at 18| ds. Superior Manehesur Ginghams, [wmmrntedj ttt SO No 40 matket strect.3 doors above 3d VARIETY AND FANCY GOOIIS—W c h*vo* ve ry fu!l assortment small. waieoand vaiteiy goods, «urh ■«. I.radtiattd Silk Buttons,for Ladies. , Fancy . .do do do i • Fancy silk jimp* and fiioges. , i 1 Hookv&Eyes pins,thread*, butteuc »cd top*. 1 Collars tad eoUareus . Gfove* in areal variety. Hosiery or all kinds Cotiutt and Silk vests. *rc An , all of which win be »o!d low. ' SiIACKI.ETT & WHITE ! o)IS - ‘ SOwoetf « • S' ROVLPB& BRACES-for cure of pam in the Breast, made after patterns approved bj tho New York Baodage loiut'iie. s BaspenJer*, Suspender Fnd*-and _\\ebbing? Pe|f adjusting carat*; plain and fancy saun stock*; Sue skirts tn great variety; slum ad shirt cotats; oicrt •ilk*; drab moreen; sea gras*, Ate fee. on hand and far ■rile by rayC F II EATON , LOVES 4b nOSIEUY-A fresh and wc-Hal- VIT sorted stock of white and colored cotton . Hosiery, fix men women and children, .constantly oft band Also—LisleTbread.in great varielt; Rlk.and Linen dp; spou Bilk for children. itETUlilek and colored Parts Kid Gloves, of beat uoality. - F H KATONi .nn« • . . ~ ~ Nott3 marketst- ITTHITK GOODS FOR DRBSSB9-W )l W Murphy incites the attention of the Ladies td k f Verr full as-onmeat of while good* for dresses, coft-js line of Swiss and Scotch Malls, Nnnsook and Jackuj 'netmurtm*. barred Jackohet, super Ratin' barred and atriiied, soft finiib do, Ac *c. • - ' • A* theso goods lire pjicliascd Immediately f.om tar {manufacturer** agents or importers, they can be sold at the lowest priec* "P*!. SPRING DRY 1 GOODS. " SIIACKLEiT A .VVmib,- No W Woj.l sweet, t*Ui»-.uißh. are new receiviigjarre ••.•ftuor.* Ol Isle and dr*.table style* of fresh Spring l ty of recent importations and manufacture, and nir piepixt* ed to offer great inducement* to cash nr prunpi p*y j dealers. * _,, , ' . Our stock is now very full, and romprsrr u.t.n vriy tcatre andt-hetp-good*. . . . _™»* - TToLORED COUNTKRPANES-W K Mur- C/ phy invite* the aueuuon of house keepers to an Jsortment of 1M and FM colored. Fn'iiUtrpan** A new and btnulifdl article, of different colo's- Alw an assortment of white couineipoaes. from lowest to fins “ u aT£ Also; Liuen Wama.k Table iW » fail aonmeitl or newest pauerns.-AUo; rowe.s and Tovi J tng Diaper—at the uor.hean cotnerVf 4th aud_ market strecu -•» • ——< — ORK HEW GOODS—At W R Morphy's Drv Goods House, oorth east corner of 4th and Marketstreenl Receivedyerterday,anu*ortdi«uiof linen- Table Diapers, from M to b 4, ioeludiug * u "‘ e vSyaapcrtorDama*k. Also.Uleachcdaudtmble eh rdUtt»n table cloths, very tow for vitality. A l *®.J'J* Mcaaand Alpaca Lucres, a foil assortment; fiom rom_ nton to, vety superior, including some of '■'■ry^hjh 'pggggsuttjss^gs) •alton Comnu»»io»,blade Fixtures, including Roller , aud llltnii Trimming*,ns cried EaTON< ' s WAItmU BUTTOSI dk. FittlNGKS b..., £r '“TfrKAT,/-." 1»y m>6 'PRINOKSi GIMP* AND' RATtlf TRIM- H u| KGS-Fancy and plain head co!or«J dress t- nu -1 * 4,1 h^n.niitta'titackdo; luan hls, polka and chain {imps b™ek aid%re« bUek and rolorcd saiiti nblion do; )»♦«/•« . ;ioiIKRY AND YARRI»&rt»B, silk arid H merino Horo and halt Ho*«, iu great: vanety for women, rmsae. and ck.-lrrtv. Knlrttn* k dtp* and Worsteds,assorted fo'ote; tr.widingandtdyroilonand rnanufactotei*' Worsteds, and I tarn Br'ks. JrUBT Received and tar isle at the inahufacturer's | list prices, a Urge invoice of patent' Gturt-Bailie antfßhtrred Buspendrr*. of the Ru-*elM4a on factoring Co J tH For sale by the Agent. Nos» 'otod alreet, .up Sirs, wholesale. ' - netiVA Manufocturer**;Agent ; F l . H. EATON, ' r ‘ DEALER lit Trimmings and Variety Good*, Tonoi**, Tbell, iToryand Horn combi,Woollen Yam* and Worsteds, Bationf, Needles, Fin#, Tape*, Braid*. Ac- No w'pdow Curtains, to be found at dry S^^j^nSynptiY N K cor 4ib and Marktt sr* XTIWITILIIPBIBG PIUaTB-ncjK, IN or.bc.H'iial fW-WSJ wtlieb V. Iteh Cttnaiy, citf. PmkxF , «^> 1 iyiG'D -V*iß»C»k«»K» R r Murph, 1.. I.lrly ite’d m .■mumtK li®.*" md. (oT An.. .na,C.p,of ntw iljl,. «od li,a.ir» TIRBES F.IsASRMii-** bale fine twilled Green G —a.cttn, *.w,lhTE MEDICAL r]». ‘■MJ, • Cfrttin ud rultral kito«* •«> or imi>uoa»f U*,»S!!!rr u*f i. ibe’tack «*»«»<, » *« Ukf »Wlp*f i /reify hanalrt* in the o*o*t >2tli.-*te con, | This i» to etttifj U»»t 1 knot* Dr. IcjoU-by** Pile BptHd tobe a certain cur* and »fr rtwily. Haring w*n " tatcrrral cates, soimigst ray bmiljxw»oe»Km»,iaKT«rilc«» '*’"‘"uEsav otiltlKb? k””* i™ itk-lViih■— » siiu tk, rUrSrtwi., »W.i«*. ”»«*»•*- WUIES- CKKTIkU.ATt.S k M>j ,^ Mr. Be*i»=Drar Sin—l b»»* lb*' |d«ai»re 10 •*J> \our medicine, Dr. lugoldi)’. PiU ' S .P^ , l, “ £t in iU care oT«y mW, Sod 1 that 1 hire beta surprised at .1, s. it w» »■£ rouble to cure her. Hovreser, 1 <*a haw testily lothemsd as being bbllibte, and Jo tdnwaU othm flicted in the like manner, lo procure the article, wU»7 ®*l depend on a certain cure ' • Tour* mth roprrt. West Chester, N.Y., May 15, IW&. Dr.' lnsoWiby—Dear Sir—That yon may benefit «*h*rr who m*ybe suffmng, *» well a» to eifirw my gnU”* ** the benefit 1 hart derived from the uw of your TahaWe op* . cific, 1 comply with jour request, and now do pee »J» “j poJj in laroJ of it, Urog Uen cured of « oi iha rile* after harm* used other remedies without success f Yours wiih respect - ■ BoU .W.ttl. r.bil by WU J»™SOi,« kkT£ eat Medicine Warehouse, and Coot Lib.", .W.l, h™d »f Wood, PiiUbur|h 'H'ko.. -• 1 . : To Ibon Vy oflllctcl ,Tlth Dl.r..r. at the Lang*. —Tlii* ’«in certify to those ufleinl wuh ‘he fimpre monitory symptoms oi Coniuropiioti. iLat t have been laboring for several years*with a bronchi, soreness Of the throat and hoanencM. 1 used «na«V mcd*«'n«‘ k« found no'relief in any preparation of medicate. unu made use of DR. DUNCAN’S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been using Uus valuable medicine for secern! years, end nlwoyo fiud i* to relieve when ever I make use of it My occupation ns an A«cuon eer, which keepa'me'almo»icos*autiyru*!*eed, causes my disease, at times, to become vary alanmng, when I at once procure this medicine I iJnTviore take plea sure in making this pubbe *t.u;-ir,cui,'tha: oilier* affect ed wiili; disease of ihe lungs it nrf rx|>ec‘orar.i organ* may know the vlriueV ofthi* ‘r.ilheuiirg rermab',’’ and may be cuit-dA, I have rrcott'iucnded Dr. Duncan’a Expectorant Remedy to many oi my friends, some of wbom owe their lives to vhismcdic.nc Soioor«uOh.o,OcLn, IHS ,JAM|:S HEtt IT The proprietor of the Aim*** medicine would,.also refer to the undereigireirpcreonv who reside in Perry county, on whom any person may calj upon and be convinced that there me v-rmes found 10 the above medicine that cannot be excelled j David Culherisen. FomerreN Dr »,.r»tmu\ilp: I'nin* ciatJol.ltcr, Jackson ip; Mr. Unntqr; do; t.co. Folbert, “ri'i'D'r.NcSS? SWkOTKBTomEF, l.i sjc ■SitftSgSfcSfi. JACKSON. SSLIbgWT head of Wood ilterX ; apIOJAwT Cousnmpttve's CoDfcolatlou.t Doessickre** -weigh upon yr.urheart’ Or pains otllict your br«.*M ’ Try Dr. Duncan's Htaling An, And it will give you test.' h clears away the misty cloud Disease spreads o'er tho «oul. And Whisper* through the r'way ‘.•Your hrnltli may yet be wlioJe “ - 'sir yonder rose of lovely hue ( *Tis wiihering with decay; • It scarcely ,sip« the morning dew, "Before it fade* awny. The Wprut of Death »»' m ‘l** s ' And strengthctied o-, <1 prew— And when it bloomed, (*i l.sveiy gem I li nipped through mid thfi'g!:-. . Tlint'Vonr. of Deotli might be defied. If Dr. Duncnn’* an'werc tried; And many lovely dsm-wls saved , The fate of an untimely gfaVc QU-DR. DUNCANS W ESTKHNOEFICIi, No ISO Sycamore street, Cincinnati Oh.o: wjs’re hi* valuable I °Sold n in Piitsliitfgh, by WM. JACKSON, corner ot Wood and liberty st»- epfidAwT UltlPY THE ULOOD AND CbEAXSK THE r.QDY—It i* an pedmic tho 1 .wnmorns v-lfl'- il.Vy a- >u rei ui n* vu>- Untly. or more k>, whrn a K'-i.ctou* ru n* u-tou’rd to. And the generality o! tan-rtiai rppl.tatioi.* have no other effect than to heal Hie oircn.r m m e p.ni e, soon to show itself in the same or ano her purl- 'W.en all these means have failed, and .n many se«*e «•«., a. perseverance lor a short vmc lit U;e u*r of the Ru*o Ointment has proyed effi-ctuul. 1 In-re is no trouble m ~i»B i., wm« « mp jy cos f.th and wood sis, and Ist apd wood st INVALUABLE-FAMILY COMPANION ' SIX LECTURES on the l-SESot '1 HbLU NOS >3 Causes,‘Fiavcntion and t urcol Lonsnmpt oit Asthma, imd Diseases of the Heart. On tho Law a of Longevity, and mode ol preserving male and fe male health;symmetry and bcuuTTft-xposirgcaurf <• and curoof those diseases Umt piuluce Consump tjoa, or tborten liie,Qs AUcction* of Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys, Liter, Scrolula, l ika. (jravel, and Female Complaints. Ha rules, practical and purc T torSta guide to pcifect heaHJi and lone 1 life. -28 Engravings. 1--4 page-A oO tla. FbaUieo HA els- By SAMUEL biU.LDOiN FITCH, A. M.,M. D-, al"Ui IiROAD'W.'tY, NEW Any person rctniUidg fifty cVnio, free, is til rcccisu one copy, by mail, to any pa/i. 'l'lw ttadotupplird. Ft-bTU, IU»7-df>m - • ffo Cure, No Pnyt - ! Or.Vfiekan' PHif E’nUumt'Ctv fVIIIEKE-are few diseavea more common or IKTO i blcanmn (han Uio-Ftles, ami yet. riutwithtMCd inir crcitl ertort* hare l«en mad«r t-i cure by the use of pill*, cloctu.irios, limn.cuir, *c to cipress hi* gratitude lur.the spccoy cuic that this Jut-1 effected in Ins ca e.—fliiL. Sat. I'osL TTForaale in Fiticburgh at the FF.KENTf.A STORE. 72 Fourth «1., and aUo.nt the Drug St»>ri: H F Schwartz, Federal at. City. feb!BT_ ; DEAN'S/ Cll EM ICAI • I'LASTL'.K. From Rev Ci.afle* Morton, .MiniM.r orjiheßapn.i Thureh. Wooster, lute of A*it»HV»in.f>. » 11. Hern* fitX'o, I'roiT.c’orv 01-L. Deans Chcmicsl Flaster, Oentlfinfu.—For *?vcial jenr* I •lave fri»m time it Med tho virci-joi K Leftn sCUrniiesl Pl..»terl.) u* it ft efol. and I do believe that *a.d Flavor pu:*yes vinur* of more than ordinary-ebareeier. and that .t will j,«. nr ral ly he lbund a sufficient remedy tar ru>**e ><:»*oa lor wbioh Ui*—rTfomm.M.iie*!. •hu i* J'i»' > '-unjlM rr* >?■" Woo.ter.O,, Dee.nM-TI _ f «• ... . Said i*y B A Fahnestoe* A Co. eorusr F»f*t« >* „rr.i., n, > l ‘ l ' t,y - VVnruo: Worm*'. Woints! I#oll'VlU.it, Araru l?. Ibl?. , lUl r, j Kidd fit CYi, Genii;—Thi* l» to eertifv that 11 SOf rniue wasaffl-cted with w okm‘ : I proeornd Aarious kind* of Verrmfoge. and edwmawred-them, • uot with no effect. I then purrl.a««-d u via! oJ Dr Me- Lar.e’* eeUbtated Vcrmifape. *n-t n-ier givini* n lew dose*, tbe child-discharged aboe, a rjuart o. largn tVoimi! The health ot th». ch.'jl in:»*n.>ed Immeu.- •lelv I would recommend Dr. Mi-Larr’- Ncimlt-ge to the public, a* one of the most rafo awl - dv (or wora*, no-.v mnee. ■ ■) H i«ctd wlwlvrale and retail by J KIDD ft 00, corner wood A fourth ilpvf ~- l.mlir* Indies, Fin'ajfoii.shf.d, , ' Wh* u you know tb u you are ptc-Buseu A natural, life-like, r-nowy while, . Thai vou will still use common fuatk,^ And look a deathly .yellow fright, j The theme of Uughier nnd ot ta.tf , ; If y-iU would, use H box 0! Jl’M-. S' l-tn> • il'Wf ! wouij gore yocr skill an niabawir yrj. natura. w j. e, ; and at th« same lime clear and unvote it. , «W r>- JACKSONS, r» Libert) -u Frn.e. tu cent* r«, • ■“ Liver **!*••♦ . Messrs. J kiDi>*co.-ov«iv: % boxes of Dr. Mcl.ane’s :I!s .-ct]. e vou has used two boxes of the f* c ’ nM j u h*« by twO years attendsnee. I »oNES think, wilt effect a core. , J ’{vjjim*.fown*W Tlie« v.1u.i.1" IVI. fcr»fc W i » ?Mf«s»To'cirsca:"" a ssspjST rfe.ru>” I" >*•»>'"'• *«■* W i ? Y -“ ■“"■ _ W? ‘ laVNF.'Slfil* TuN'iC.-AiUr m..f Hu fefelr .i. J JiS.V. fuuu«u.!fe-lt lutu- -Ir.t »rr“.fc” ", ,L_ b«»l arlidr, wiliH'at Al", a IJ». lorihe ! ° ..a lht Lrnuji- l»ir. ’ \\fkno« wkidi h*t*breoh*ldloT yexrv, tad « »*>«nk «« canond* .rrairr fcrsr.lhsn to rtcwxusund lo Ml ctir rniu* mho i kr f„i«g ih»l# Lair, to make » Irai of,llii« Ti*v* [tcmedutdy Hr,rU» T>. o^^MX^TnxnniirFiEArTiii. _» «mvcr«*l »*i #ll case* inhere the FMINEPTOCK &tJo .. »nr’tm*nnct good arttHfah »nrt wrr< W _ yrSfcIatPHOK- Mi it» jaw 'VSIdd * Oo“* U taji ■ __