Si Pices of all kiwU, fTOQOd far tßttoiarattlb* /OR«K RADISH* f rated tad put u »«■**¥** A im nfdni«itf. roii»t»nHf on kmd ul tfc* M«*uro jdHp.te factory,*? Fifth *Ue*t.- Ce2il ■ j| . . RHODES k, ALCORN rilcK VLOlIlt, fre»fa ground And «o"««k'L“ iIEFJ'EK HaUCkUw l#oxe« [juiit boute«4 W«l 1..*l ‘ i ' ' No*? Fifth«treel hfTdU.XU <iINOER-»l*W* £“*“T 1 ' 1 * h ROIIND' PKPPK#',»« bl>li, kr*t and U>x« t fieri I r . T * ,o,m.u r . L e ,,<j{l _ Nojff ran* me*» AUSPICE, Cinnamon *oU tlavrt 'i Jr b-4.,l*«p**n4i|maU|mrt»ie*,««ww»oyooWwl nd <uc <aV aiih' anJ ypwc FaeloiV,*?*-* 1 !* 1 filJ? tarblf UtiObE3*AIXX)BN |"oa*TKo”AND HttClUftO COFFEE (freri «**7 “•sj.r “'!;«»'« Voap < tox,. J rrr’J »uJ fox ».te l.y ' * Wldl ' ; pi.AXatt'i)-ii,u ! ppW [ J K^‘»>L 'jT FIl3 ■ _J- ) ■***«* /cMts*i-AUiu.f-' U.V '''“jffc'jg&Sur* 1 mJhJi ’ I .1 N. it »«»1 ■»«! niCU AHU LOA V AH— JV '!'• ucirr ‘ H.c ; sVw Vl.oVl'V'uear, Cof lale W ' - i DALZKLL; . No*4w«teiit . • r.i 'ft? ™ - 4 . iV. ••). *-*A • ■? vsaxikN y^-V,.• f ,r-v>K . Jr imur-.- ; /AII?TtTUS« . •’ ! * r 'p-U A -5 > JfOfr / BMkH •. _ . •. j «or_l«»ndirood*ii_ I r<' ssisr* i mek?S J, ear waieffi •nit_cbfrryjllgy MvTT, Fii'.V- i Lon) now Undmg/rotn»!e«tocr N.rtv.l.,.na t, mcx|!v t r „ „ k « _M .ijJMJnni *“J; P*pp ß k:.» .-«• 'issr;j; E n"Sfm."’“ IxlXl A ' ' IfiondSu wood n W ,,,T S uEt."T-j H.~«» *• c0.,- fc u* jj in »ture »nd for »»le by ■" M YBRB. HI'NTpR * Co ,w L_. - iwyisaiL nnPPEG>i(i bng« b»nd*o«r R-©. landing Iron CS>-« “ J ‘‘"j**’ if FIX ,VD nwl.W - ' IWLib.njTJL- meba* . - • Xpp«-®*-«' kM r WuA«ii“ Tjpi«. OOTTKII-VbW.i>rrh,fr,»^ i J | ipeh - * rot tmiibbchl and front *u ■poa*-MO town KtP f»> “I'fy. MAJOTN ..• cor ftnithftebl and froo> lll /-iLAV-liioo.Co.oi.i. C!»I in c«fk. nnJ tmx«, V w>rKOßlimSoK k KEI-PERT • m t b« riTfKLLKD COBBT-tOOW bn.-in nntk. .n.lnbln „ l » rr —r«... p.U,\'ITRIOI.-«..rtn.l. P J V.PJj Wo tO wood xtrert X INASIKSr-IO g.o>. K,m *" J , .i"' 11,1 • ' Moca wood ■! PCTT V-MOK,. roily ii nj li"< ! • C'A’Mtflilfii---* 0 •**" * t * <l *® r ****'• S mnl J D.\L3SKt.I-«w*tr»«. CALT-dat.o.. NofsTwao.. YiYilstf* rpAR-IJ Ul. S. t;Jr.r i. * « ■. . |.ib*nv »nJ wood »n V »ebTU fo by l.iUc»lY an«* wocklM* iVV CBLS.OM Monoiif»i»e!a ■M AII.S-HI ICfi ..x-iltJ " S *5J iV*'" „rtJ» Übfnr »nd wood »U nIIOVBU-l ton C*»»* u”i'j nLo»N*”‘ l "r" - *^- 11 -. * l.ihnnr nnd wood •'.■ O. BOGAB-4UQ hW» pniae, ret '& pet late J • °'" l %'ukbLdgk, WII.SONi Co Water itreet - T n MaLASSBS—*» bbl« per law arrival*, Linn oIL-lOLbls No l Conkliog’s CmcinnaUji sm r.K »nfcte, •">’* *»> g^.'&.RS meWO- ' No 1? tAheilj «wi , TISIKEU V"-" b KBiI r SD,m’,K.V *Co HtMQ , I rioTTOH Number. t < lnnc and tkoU Kcei'OoUon Yarn , , Rahmr Citbrt Chain. Cudlcwick iwl Twiot) fcl Bah.flg, Carpet «»**»., FBIENDj RHKYfcC* “£&j 1 • W.B7»«.r.i_ •• ? \ bale DeerSkma; FRIEND, RtlEYfcCo No 67 water* For *»le ty aehTO !' -NoCTwuriL fUOMU-UWOO «Um -j M« s “.a3§S* H^v s - M,;b “'''S^uus;. , &’o^“ 1 ' TfcRV APPLfca ASP VOUCHES— IJ 3A> bu«. Pry AppkS \,. ~ . .. • ** fio >!>> dj ■ I’etcbr *- rre'd »na for «*lt by ! ROPT DALZCLL ACo I * • I Liberty nrc«t PLOUB-® bw. ►'Sjft'iJS&L * Co Ubonr moot. nil. » P"®* afliele ’ S. retired.nd ; W |LSO»kCo 1 'W »-er erect 1“ wilxon * Co VTtlrr »tieet Onmn *ro imos*- g!-£"£2£SKsi* .»> -pbAH • wrt* ' ! ‘ • ~—A- 1 AHD-mVu. No Co •*-* l» Liberty •»re« ilia IVB.POOT OIIr-4(s I>U* j«M and foi N* Rr MVBW.ntiifreßiCp uwtSJl 7 _i_ 199- Liberty nrwt_ ' ' -ZIL I ™ y - P if‘- •»»TTi»o-i“»'* i< s;* K :ifesrF^tc. ■*Srt» . I I C- —mvn VIN&QARfn Lbi» m *lore (or «tle \ lOBR ,|UNTBRfcCo ATAU.S-OT iff ““J&aCo firw. l-J :~T iD tJ>A j > Ittj Liberty Mrwt earl 30 r l oipfiiilEss-;;| i i«n'^ J r r " t, " r< i!“wiV,. 1 rpn HRi:<-,iiis'rn xSD dkalers ■j Ku.N~».r««j«-i;5» l) Rock powdsa-comus Ly imauu wKhaw « CDTTOB 1 AHJ«»—Of CUjr **** tftadud&fhel' f DICKEY A Cp ■ich'A - i wtirr and front tW 7\ tar.ow kwwl*»juu ll «i <* ~u w 11A#BAUCII \ Wwoo4*»ecl tnrkM • • , 1 33 wood Mfrct X) AlLB—tXi k«ft*auottr4. Ituittc'don eoatigvmeat N A w4f«wJabr •,'• 8A \y iIASU3AVOII mcb* n^ooiutttl , VIWB KID GLOVBB—<O down a**J «x»ra £im KuJOk»»e*— SPRISO KHAWLI-Ntwoiirßtl th* N. Yolk I Cj^s»K2s!Ksi^r«S. • jncfett • * -i IVtC KD ©ll*—lawree'd modfcr**l* miller* RicxenoN ■ r i , ' V .rauunrm.l'.' PITTanCBOH BOARD OF TRADK, ( coionrreE fob April. . yri mrwf w» b'tum anu XD*miu«OrMci.) Saturday Morning April 3. $ .. Yesterday mi very pleasant, sad qaitia tbe busiest l ay we have bad for some time. Advantage ’was takes of it to pash oat door transactions lively. There was scant 9 (eet water in the channel last evening at desk, and swelling slowly. Tbe wharf is nowadays one of the most enliven* Jng scenes to be viewed anywhere. Vast quantities of goods ere arriving and being shipped. Tbe marker for Floor had a freak impetus yealer lay. Mews of advance tn the east with orders to mj freely, brought buyers forward freely. F.very >hl to be bad was taken op. Prices ranged Irom to depending on the knowledge the seller bad ot tbe waiket. and the quality of his Flour. (including to arrive) of oesrtOOObbl* It is arriving more.lreeiy by .wagon. Sale 1100,400 and3oobu'Oats at 37 and.3Bc, mostly S7c. A Urge portion, of the Oats arriving, were bought previously for the nse ot tbe army. Mo common arriving—it would fetch 18tt1&4.. Sales ISObfalt Rectified at IJMfttite. Saleratus is Yery scarce. We do not know of a csk on sale in tbe city. Those who have a little will sell only to ■customers.' Orders sent op from below cannot be filled at present. 7c u tbe general price in kegs. Sale 5 caks Potash at sc. Provuioo market active. Sale <OOO lb# neatly trimmed country cure hoground Bacon, at 7c; 7000 lbaame; 1000 Iba Sbouldera A\c on receipt; 1200. and 1700 Iba Sbouldera 6 and CJej 8000 lira in aereral lota at 74c; 500 pea HamajndCCOO W - K V*t 7J«Bc. When pkd caka extra. Market i. ijaj* of Lard, would fetch 8c if here. Butler t plenty, and in demand ct former price*. We no further axle* Pork—wanted, how- : r\, ' * ;. VwU N • Weooticea number of Bo it loads of timothy Hay ip both riven, most ol it baled. Prime Joove and bated $lO *» net too. Lwienotin goodxjtder .53. Sale lew thousand Hooj» Poles, tight blii at 510, ood slack at $7,50 PM. Further sales Pine Lumber from Kiver at $76.7,50 and sl4frls $* M ft. The arrivals are comparatively small, jet. fi. bales Ist sort Hops at 15c. Coffee is 10 active demaqd—sales IK) bags Kin to • the trade at fair to'prime quality. 10 Sibds Sugar, prime, at 8c iu money. Market for Molasses quiet.' -i \ Sales ol Pig Iron as follows—S3 t. ns *Slsbi_>jir Dice at 533,cash,but tbe figure is no crilerioh\rrqa parties to the aalo, and further proved by asotbej sale ol 140 too* same Furnace and quality, vub*«< quenUy at $31,50,5 and C mew; 300 tons 'Buliut* Run* snd'Sandj' at $3O, 5 ana <j nor; 150 tons * Van ■ Boren’ at £30,6 mu*; (this aale «u previously re ported, and before it was made.) Iron market very firm, and considerable tales. 5 tre* Rice at 6£e i'* - lb; several thousand bu ol Potatoes received, from tbe Allegheny are selling from Boats at 50e for Reds, and 75c tor Ntahao* nocks. Sale 7 hhil Drum Figs at lO.Je to the trade, which* is lowcu than they cau no.w be bought for by 1&!£c. NEW ORLEANS—March ii, 2 P. M. 1 Cotton—The market opened this morning quiet, but at s later hour the Inquiry became quite aaima ted—aalea 1500 bales—prospect of further business. Sogar—Demand decidedly better, and prices firmer —vales 400 bbds. Molasaek—Nothing doing—may be quoted at 284—at retail 29. Flour—Market very quiet—Sales 900 bbls ordinary Illinois brands, on the steamboat landing; at $5,73; 150 Fine at ft .30, . and 150 common at 4.40. Wheat—so(l ba sold at 1,32. Corn—SalesOlo IQ.OOpacksat 80090—maiketopc niag quite arrive, but subsequently less animated— holders generally contending for 90c .Oats—sso sks gbio sold on (be Levee at 75r. Pork—loo bbls Mess sold kl $14,65. Bacon—lB caks plain Hama sold at 84c. Business in Sides aod Shoulders con fined to retail sales at previous rates. Lard—Sales 121 bbls Fair on the lievee a* Cjc. Butler—lOOlicgs Western at He. Whiskey—Retail sales at SO^itfc very dull. Freights—Nothing trsntpired. Ki chtnge on New York rather better—sales CO days bills st P CL rated at no change in sterling. Weather lair; and parties bunlr engaged in shlpjaog—[Evei'Mer. BOATS LBAVINO THIS DAY. •BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at 8 a a sod 3 IBEAVER PACKETS at. 9 a. a. and 3 r a •MESSENGER, Cincinnati. 10 a u GERMANTOWN, Ne# Orleans, 3 p. u .DOMINION, j “ Jr. «- •NEW ENGLAND. Wheeling. Id.*, a. •AM ERICA,*-Naahv»llcJ 4 r. a. SUNBEAM, Louiivilfe,4 r. a. ■These are regular Packets. IU POUTS BY RIVER. LA FAYETTE-Per scraps, Spang dt C 0—2132 pea bulk pork, 1C seks feathers, Atwood, Jones & Co—lo 6 bhds bacon,d4s bags do, 240 bbls lanl, 7) Leech dr C 0—144 bhds bacon, II acks feathers, Wm Bingham—ss bhds baton.H Graff—3 hkda whetstones, J McFaden Co—2 bis, H Coulter—69 way cabin, 27 way deck' passengers. STEUBENVILLE—Per Wilmington—ibxs, W B Holmes It C 0—153 bbls floor.'J McFaden 6t Co 15500 fire brick; Lyon, Sborb St Co—l2o seka; barter, G W Smith—6 bbls butler, Bagaleydt Smith —6doacorchincs, VV M'Cullydt Co—2 bis, S St W Harbaugb—so bbls flour, 7do batter, 15 do apples. II seks potatoes, owners aboard—loo bu oats, J W Dawson—B7 do, J Campbell—23 seks meal, Boyd St Nelson. WHEELING—Per Hibernia—lo 3 bdlt paper. Hill St Browne—4l bare iron, Anknm St Co—lo_l fomlnre, A Ingram—lo 2 bbU flotar,7 hbds bacon. •>*4a cloveraeed,' M’Clurkan St Co 6 bdla paper, CaxeUo—l4 bbla flour, E Htiellon—4 bat apple*. Sett Sc Co—IS bdla paper, Pott—B act a apple*. i Miller 4 Kieketaon—l bbl'etder,G |jA Beny-JS I b« potatoes, 50 do oate, 10 bbla apple*, GI dopota- I toesaadapple*; large lot furniture,owner* aboard. ClNClNNATl—PerWeaaeoger—loB bbd* bacon II Griff—l do, P M'Gonnlek—2 6bla lard, 10 bxa •oap, SO do aureb, E Haxeltoo— 6 bile* hemp, Bingham—HO keg* lard, 4 hbda do, 9 trea «.’o, ib bbla Urd oil. SI baa leaf tobseeo, 15 acka leather*, D Leech it Co—s acka peaches, BenneU St Bma— -1 eoil rope, Sboenbergera— l bbl hominy, J Kerr, jr 4Co-Spcga.J Backofea—ido tobacco. Bar bridge. Wilson St Co—S peg*. G Morgan St Co. BROWNSVILLE—Per SwaUrt—99 acka corn. 99 do rut*. M'Clurkan St Co—s pega »d*e. J W Buller& Bro—S do,J Kline—S3 bdla iron, E Evans ■q,ti bxa glaaa. D McDonald-450 bbl* flonr,' Robert •on it Reppert—64 do apple*, owner. - Per Consul—l bx, H C Moody—3 do, Atwood. Jonea St Co—jl do, Clburch dt (brother*—3,do. H Grafl—2 do, Clarke St Thaw—l 4 do, Butler St Bro _sdo, J V Bidwell— 136 acka oats, M’Clorka-i St- Co—lC6| bxa glaaa, ) MeDonald—lot moving, 6 bbla floor, 3 do egg*, < wnera. •BEARDbTOWN.I I Hirer—Per Union—46o,ooo lbs bulk pork, 300 bbii lard, Lippencott St Son. NEW OKLEANS-fPer Pioneer—lo mot*. Antrim St Co—9o bnds sugar, S bbla do, 50 bbla mackerel. 178 do Myera, Honter St Co -74 do. 89 bhda aaga r, Bnrbridge, Wilson & Lo—U do tobacco, 2 bxa do, 88 bbla pork,l bx, H Graff— -7 hbda tobacco, G Weyroanr-25 do, 1 bx do, D' Leedt'fe Co—3 hbda [and 1 bbl bacon , Robertson ,St Reppert—37 kegt and 2 bbii lard, Dickey St Co I —43 acka d fruit, Bagalej St Smith. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 4e*4 and for ul» by /WILSON 4 Co ' . .Water ttwi 9 rxtT *ca*t"wltxr m the cHAiraxt.. akki v ku. Michigan, Hemphill, Bearer. Lake Erie, Ball, Reaper, t'onsul, Bowman, ylrownsrille. Harlem. Baird, M<W City. Louia Mel-anc. Bennett. Urownarille. Arena. Flec**m. Wheeling. New England. Kbliprt, Wheeling. Khode Island, Dawson. Suofith. Union, Grenier, Beardstown. Moore. New Orleans. Isaac Newton, Mison>Cincinnati. Financier, hiouatx, Wabaab Hirer and for said by HUNTER 4 Co 189 Liberty street DEPARTED. Michigan, [Hemphill, Bearer, take Erie; Ball, Bearer. Consul, Bdwman, Brownarille. Harlem, Baird, Man City. Clipper No 2.Crooks. Ciii. Swatara, Clarke, Brnwntrille. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. Despatch, Nelson, Mondngahela eity Wilmington, Stereo*, Steobenrille. Cambria, Forsylh, St l-oaia. Aliquippa, M'Coroihk, Illinois Hirer. S taaf Sugar, 0 do; 4 do; od for sale by 4tnCt||*ON4Co i« *dite*«r than* hurrying m rictus* by tbouaand* to] the tomb, wilboal having progress stall retarded by tbe medicines in common use;' but • brighter day i* eeming; o*r,b*s already conus when ibi* dreadful disease can l*e eucce»*rully. combatted. Or. ttogen’ preparation of Liverwon and Jar, not only gire* telidf m ail ea«e«of Cold, seated Cot«b f he , immediate! yjfjut from tbe testimony of gen lichen-of the' highest standing, >• making tone vety i reoUrkslilecure* of Consumption. •It^prorcmentinthe DICICKY 4 Ce rater and front J*on hand fort*\ VtHCKEY 4 .Co eater and from m treatment of disease i* onwstd, and nothing can orrest it* Spirit W thi* progtes-ife age; in sridence of which wa inrile ib* attention afj onr cnitens to the certificate of Dr. CoX, late Profc**ir In the CinelnnaU Eclectic <V.Ue»e. which wapnblishm another colaan. !»VVi inrite the attention of onr reader* to the ex- JSdinaJy emeaof Perofula performed by r-Aimm |Vrrt-M* Pennwa. which'they will find record .ssaisss^g i ibamedione. Tbe first one namedta **r who may be seen daily, between ike bMri of® A. M and 4 P. 11. at the office of Rowaad 4 %Y alwm. NoJIO Market si. Phtlada. ■ nrFsmsD Modesty*often forbid* the S en ‘!«[ •ex from seeking relief, when suffering flow P e *“ I £f complaints The Vegetable Electuary, prepared by Dr. Upham, will be umhd hn Invaluable Remedy fur the speedy eerrs it effireuW the oio*t severe eases of Piles Tboasands have teitlfied a* to its very eminent j RT'Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by WYATT KETCH Akl, IXI EuHonsireri.NewVork; Wjs.Tttoair, Market street, ami P. R. Sswtkx, btnithfiield suceL Pinsbnrgh.Pa. Price •! pit box mch3l|sr ' W II GARRARD ~ Ike flannel) and eluant steamer .fl>aa VIIOI, " U- t bovv v Tuesday, April 6tb, at 10 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on toir4 ' ■ ' . *P* .FOR NEW ORLEANS. . 1 The siaencb and f*«* steamer . t. . . DOMINION, p Lew Tyler, master, will leate as above • dsturdar morning at 10 o'clock. . A jy f or freijbl apply on board r " FUR JifcW OfU.EANS-Ulßf'Xrr. * ' - The new and eleirani learner kw UKRHARTOWV, .f* _/w Uietceo, cutler, will leave u #bove pp s«tard»7 morning, April 3d. ex 10 o'clock, A. M. for freight apply on Lord. * FOR NEW ORLEANS—DIRP-OT. Th« eleaant andtUDßch .learner /fW* fc . BOOHAMEKR. LfeVAajf Well., meter,it loadinga. aboveand leave on Saturday. April 3d, at For freight app*y on l* ol rd. »P» FOR NASHVILLE-DIRECT. - ___ • Tbe daunch and fine deamer Ok AMERICA, Cmlboan, mailer, will leave aa above SsUfilay evening, April 3d, at 4 o'c'oek r u. For freiebi or patMgeipply an board,or » »n» J Vf BUTLER A BftO,Front »t> FOR LOUISYILLK . K The new and 6nr ueamer , • SUNBEAM, LfijiVffSSl Cochran, mailer, will leave «• above BBg£gSE3Sß>n Satuiday evening, April 3d, at 4 o'clock, r. X. For freight or peerage apply on board. op* __ _ ..._ . . - Regular PlUibnrj[hand ZanwlU* i • <S9<% The new and light draught ateamer j - . - COMET, l Jamea F. Boyd, nailer, will .run a» a regular packet between Pituburgb no Zanei" !lie Having had her eabln* fitted up and utuithed ineoperior kiyle,the Comet offer* the fined ceommodationito pa*«enge.r« - a _ Fo. .pur <* ysa° W 9. A „ WKLLSVUXE DAILY PACKET.. ; The new, elegant and fait Packet . WELLSnLLE. LHbMOP c: a Catlert, mt*ier, waa baill ex preanly for thia trade, and will make daily trip* doling the #ea*oHj leaving Pitubnreb-every morning at and \\ella»il«e every evening at 3 o’clock The XV. i* furmaned with “Faber'* Pjlent magnetic Water Goage.” For freight or passage apply on board. in-a Keel Boat i« constantly at the Puttbnrgh Wharf 'to receive freight, and the agent ■lway* on the spot. A McBANL. Agent. __ REGULAR'PITTSBURGH.AND BROWNSVILLE K TUB. new and laaironninjc uraraer , IUULEHi will iu» Ui a regular Packet bnween ib<- above' place, l**«in* Pilfbur.ti - ted*y. rbur»d*y and.fratorday. al lOoVtock, ud Urown*viUc e*jsnr Monday, Wednesday »y. at s o'clock. 1 ‘ - igbt or pa»»a*e apply on board. dec® ' Pittsburgh and SnnAah Packet. r •='»,> The new anti fine Meaner 1,-,-',. lIUDSOS, | Ebbert, matter, ha* resumed her reg ular trip* and will leave Fituburgh a» above every Thurrday and Man-, day at 3 o'clock, I*. M- For freight or paatage apply on __ „ ‘ Allegheny River Trade. The fine and fail Steamboat mow, J~ |l.a —Cspl. Jame* Atkinton, will eontin uc u> run aa a Regular Packet du- Hfaill **» w "”' ring the »ea*on between Pitubnrgh and Franklin. For freight or passage apply on beard. ociKif. ■ REGULAR PACKCT FOK NASIIVILLk... i. The new »icnmrt .♦ WTOMIM, -. Capl. John* F. Hay*.' will commence regular trip* n> the above port on Monday, thi SHh innaut, at 10 o'clock, . u POr fn-iehtor naaMje apply onboard or to ™ci,-£ J w? mni.r.a t imo. a f . ’ifKIiUI.AK I.OUIS*VI!.LK PACKET Tlw new, I'gbl diaurhl and tan rm . i T , EUREKA, WSnVfP® Oroiifi. ina«ter. will run a* a reguli fllSßfißsSßpackei Ix’twf'eu Pituborgb and l«*>ai ville, during ibewamn. = Fur frejiß.bl or Jtansagr appl> on Uraid EI.ZAUKTII AND MONOSfJA , lIMjA city packct. i--L_ The nrvr steamer . ff***6| DESPATCH, WKCf&wfi ~NVl«on ma«ter. will run Pi> «>Fvrf;l< rvrfv Monday. " * >1 ties,lay add Friday, a* »i u'ctoek. AM , and Mom-ny »- bela City gvery'Tuevlav. Thursday and Saturday H S o’clock. A M.. For freight or |>a*««i'e spply on bßeid : (Uvnlar PltUbargb' and ZaaeatllM. .Packet. Till? light draught steamer IIUWAHK, Uns&grgy Hard, Master, will taak> weekly trip* ibe above port doling ihe*ea-on. For frrigtn or i««*a<c apply in> Wt rd ofto . a P 7 UW|I.KINS.Ar.n ft)R LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE. „ i'l,e ~ew and pa««e»gei Mrambost , ft AMkniCAN, Copt. W'llkiß Will leave Tor the —Seeoie3MM» above and all ...tetiuedriir ports, reg- larly For freight or passage apply on board. FIITSUURGII AND WIIKKUNH PACKET. _____ The splendid and fast running tuor k MEW ENGLAND, - |^-f[ C» \V Ebert, will commence^ Rating Putsborgh every Tuesday,Thilruday and Saturday, at lUo’clock, A. M.j and leaving Wherlmg every Monday, \Vrdne*day_and Friday, at 0 o’clock, A M. The New England ha* been bought expreaslv for tha trade, and wilUeave regularly a»above. Forlreightor naaiare apply on board, or to feblO _ . J P WILKINS, Agent PITTSIIUIUiII ANDiLOriSVIIXK PACKET. The tew and splendid steamer p I .J ! OOSDOLIKB, Lyons, pw»iej, was baili expressly Jji sg j rtfc— for Uim trade. and will leave regu Jarly daring the season. . Her days will be advertised feblOu FOR NASHVILLE-REGULAR PACKET. * —Two The new and eleeant Packet A . WTOMIKO, 7hiV,'i' j llays, maner.'bniU expressly for the Pittibutgh and Nashri!!" trade, will "rufarl)' n* abose aiid for intermediate poru r °’<"‘V" “ W bro. febld ). V Wccond ttreel REGULAR FRIDAY PACKET for LOUISVILLE. The iew and staunch Packet . T HT. VRRHOS, UkwftMH* rarkinson,.master, will leave for the at lOo'clock. Friday mor ning, herregularday. For freight or passage, having fine aeyemmodaiioos, apply on board. mart __ |_j . REGULAR' '‘packet FOR WELIrSVILLE and STEUBENVILLE The hew and light draoght rum WILMIHOTfiS, B o. M. mrvena. master. leaves Pitu* burgh every Monday, Wednetday ■ an.l Friday at So’elock, P- M., leave* rii»«hen*ille evcrT Totkdny. Thursday *nJ4i*lurday .«“rfSE".A. M? P.. W .^lyo. l>o>rd. i - Qign or Clnelnnwtl 4 LohlatlMo Fmeliot TTie [new and ekgaat U. ts. Mail UfeWg COLUMBIA, ■■■■■■■G O’NEAUMaate., willrana* n r*. pilar P....n S tr P.ckrt briw„i, P,iub.„k .nJ lb, above ports during thejeaaon-of IW- REGULAR 'TTTSBURGHjAND WHEELINtf ” The Steamer _ /namk HIBEBJUA, [UuMml -Samnel Smith, master, will commence running as a regolar packet aboutlhe 15th Inst, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday. Wednesday at.d Friday, 10 o’clock, A- M., leaving Wheeling everyTnesday,Thursday and Saur* day, al So’eloek, A. VL For freight or pa**a*e aftply on board. .. a —— NOTICE. . t . • FRFJGHTKR6 and other* wuhmg to have Fire- Brick. Produce, 4e> biought to ibis place from Steubenville JSBHiSffiaand intermediate landing*, ean make by calling on toe, as 1 To Traveller#. _ „EIPUEIK KA*T JACKET LIMB" sagsu. ®sbb PHILADELPHIA ASU BALTIMORE. J Elrf«i»'rWf f*r Ptuu*gtn 1 TUB Canal 'and Railroad )wmg now in excellent aider, the P«rket» of t»tta Line will leare wub paa- Apt.lit 1 V Troli >'» Friday, April tad. j„ Ohio. Capt. Crale,Saturday. April 3rd ' ,lo Indmiia.Capt. Urrkey. !*un Ja.. April Alfa. j„ Oapl. Tbnrnpwt. Monday, April s«h jo Kentucky,-rap! Trol.y,Tue«J o v. ApnlM dn Ohio, C»pt Onue. Weilneiday, April 7lh. ,U, fndmria.V-pt- IWkey.Thurtday. Aprtt^b. .-,o l.oui*uni Cap|. ThoinrwHi, l-iid»y, April thb. do Kewueky, rapt April »«h. do Ohio; Capt. Cra.R. Sunday, April Utb. .h, Indiana, Capt. Berket. Monday, April Ithb. For P .M. S . -pply *1 ■>* <>«"j CO of J®, , Canal lUain. piTTSßnßflti (Jrt Won**, tat April. 1847. A N mlinuriied meeting ol Ibr Sirwrklmldrr* and Tru* A lerWtbe IMnhnrghGe. Work, with .be Con, rnStef of Council appointed the -»ib of January la* of Mrrar* Shipwn, IVnny, Albree, Prank), ' m ••o'clock. F. M. in ibe Mayor’" Office, . r , jKO w jACKiMiN, Pre.'t- Wilmui M’CandluM.S'e’r | "P*^ ;. KI V WORK ON BIIERP—The American N“”h”I,I..M.S■ ™PI*W««T«f < ,| le ir i.reeiUttnuiiafferoenl, *nd Ui»ea«r«, Ly >< A Mor rrll—illustrated with drawing. of the differvm breed., *r V ,th an uppendix, upward* of twenty fc.r'frM. woAl grower, and .beep /..from of different-late., deia,l,n* their re.peeiive node, of to,n.j™«nt. For “jj,Jf Nn^N , STOCKTON tlpokwllert. c-r market and 3d .t* Futt 'SALK-A wpply of'“ ,e following article*, )u.t received frota'lbo manufactory at Jameatown, P**sod©Mn Giuriied J*n*icnl Scythe 8n , K-1 , • 2UO do do Ca"t Steel Hoe*, finnhed anJ ban died In the vc,y I,c) manner and warranied m )>e trowel te,upe,ed; 100 do«n good llsy Rakei; 50wm.ll*); U> *roi« do Matehd.j . T),e above will be *© and in any quantity to amt all cl.i-»c» of purchaaere, who will eall at fjjy Flat Roat, jutt Ulow the St. Clair ..tiecr Allegheny Ofidge. and down Cecil'* Alley. • apld3t I NATHAN DROWN, Jr PASCAL IRON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. Welded Wrongbl Ireu Bloet* Oil IT A RLE for Lc'eorooiivr,. Marine, and other f lean pyPiiglne Boiler*, from 3 toSincbea diameter-, Alas Pioe. for Ui«. Rteam, and oihrr purposes, extra *tmng Tube for Hydraulic Preuea, Hollow Piaton* for Fumpa of Steltmf Engine*. ke: Manufacture a "/aSKER A MORRIS, . Warebooae 8- K- comer Third and Walual ttreat 4 ; b * 77 ‘ fclltf tto Romo Empixa By Kdwtnl .Gibbon, Esq. A mw Editioo, rented and corrected ihrongh cdi;pikeed*dby-* pfefaer/ ftad oearmpnoiodby aotei critical tad historical, relaxing principally lo lire propagation of Christianity: by M. K. Guiaol, Miamer of Public (oatraction for lbs kingdom of France. Tbe preface, notes andcorrectiooi, ttaaa laled from the French ezptemlyfor Uua edition: With a notice of the Lale and character of Gibbon, and Wataon’a Reply to Gibbon. In 2 vola. imp. Sro. 1073 pages. } Naaiir'i rcninsula War—Complete. 1 *ol. imp To.oOOpases. c ... ‘ Hallam'a Middle Ages, Chamber's Rebellion tn Scotland, Robertson’s Virginia and .N’ew England, Reaaeil’a French and English War in America, and Ramsay’s American Revolution. 1 vol 410. Übraryol American History—Containing selec lions from the best authotu on American History, Biography, Travels, Commerce, Statistics, Indians, Revolutionary Battles, dec.' Ac. dee. At*i, Anec dotes, Poetry and Miscellaneous articles. Illutln led with more than 500 engravings. 1 vol, imp.Svo 640 pages. . Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable papers on vaiiona subjects, comprising Natural rlistonr, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Rural Econ omy, Biography. Fine Arts, tne Orientals, -Travels, Geography, Botany, Miscellaneous Reading. Ac. Str. - 1 voi imp Bvo 640 pp, felt sheep; The Femily Medical Library—A Treatise on the ’revention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen aud simple medicines. New edition,.revtsed and enlar ged with the addition ol a Vegetable Materia Med* cs, poiotiug out the virtues, preparations and doses of our most valuable native medical plants, and an ratline of Anatomy and Pbytiolagy. Illustrated With one’ hundred Engravings, su of which are Colored. By J G Norwood, M D—B64 pages Bvo. | American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted to the United Stales; by Edward Sayers, Landscape And Ornamental Gardener. J 2 mo, third' edition, revised, enlarged and illustrated, j Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mountains, Ac. Ac. I Family Testa meet, octavo, with and without Polyglot notes,and Psalms in metre. I Rice and Pingree’e Debate. Burn’s Work* Lady of the Lake. Lalla Rookh. More’a Private Devo tion. Juvenile Bonks. Cheap editions of various works iu pamphlet form. tnchSD A6EHCT FOB PATENTS. * Washington, D. C. ZEN AS C. ROBBINS. Mechanical Engineer and Agent for procuring Patents, will-prepsre the ne cessary Drawings and Papers for Applicant* for Pat ents, and transact all other bonnes* in the line of bis profession at the Patent Office, lie can be congulled on all questions relating lo the relent Laws aud deci sions tn the United Sisies-or Europe Pe sons at a distance deeirons of havinjppxaminaiions.rosde at the Pytent Offiee, prior u> making application for a paieni, may forward [post paid, enclosing a fee of five dollars, a clear statement of their csm, when immediate aiirn tion will be given in it. and all the information that could beobtainrd by a visit of the applicant in person] prompt’? communicated. Alt letters on business mui bt po»t paid, and contain a suitable fee. where a written opinion is required. Office on F. street, opposite the Patrut Office, lie has the honor of referring, by permission, to Hon. Edmond Burke, Comm askmcr of Patents; Hon. II L Ellsworth. late do do do; H Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Crunch, Washington. Dt; Hon. RChoate, Massachusetts, U 9 Staate; Hon. W Allen. Ohio do; lion* J B Bowlin, M C, Missouri; lion- Willis Hall, New York; Hon. Robert Bioiib, M C, Illinois, lion. S tfreese, l’ 8 Senate; » lion JJlßelfe,M C, Missouri; t Capt. II M Ibrevc, Missouri; Ermitoa Brook*, Esq., Pittsburgh. >pl * T~ O CO&L HlSKai ASD OTIIKH*- The undersigned solicit Information of those acquainted with the beat Bode of working eoal mine* by *haA.-- Thera are leveial a* worked in tbit eoontty at a depth of 300 to 1,000 feet, and in England at 1000 feet below the surface Of the sereral atrata in thii property, the principal one it at abool one-tenth of the latter diatance (ISO feet) Th/re is a abaft in successful operation near this city, obtaining a purer article than our pit coal, and alleaa eipcnre than pita generally. {including bpulii'g.) when in addition our principal strata iatwo'o three , lime* the tbiekncaa of that in pita; and with another great advantage, that it could be used on .the ground : where obtained, a* the location even without the extra' ordinary advantage, ia well knowa to He one of the beat ■n the Country for every description of manufacturing. It i* also believed that this coal from it* peculiar na ture amd purity, way be adapted to the manufactuieof Iran-from ,tbe Ore, if ao, it will offer great mducementa for extensive oprratiocsoo thi* aidr of the river. We have had applications from persona accustomed to working coal by ahaAa, who have strongly urged iia adoption l*T u«,as being in every point of view advisa ble and biehly advantageous We are desirous of obtaining luiUv r information nn the sul<jcct. and ahnubl 'n prove, satisfactory. we will sell or tease the privilege uf vtnkine a »hnti and working ibe (foal. O tIRMSHV CHM.Ii ISAAC UKKIUJ mosk-s r Eaton • JtiAwliF Uirnnngbair. April I. IMT A CAItD—ttAHCI! *3rd. 11 r R MUKKIIY apprise* U.i eu.tom.t. awl the VV • public generally- that he h*« no* open ■ !•**« part of bi» recent pu.rfia.ra of *rnj»le and fancy Dry Uaodi, .elected in New York Philadelphia With much care, and invite* r.peeiallTthe ailenlton of the Ladie. U> hi. choice alock ot IHtKSH'CiCMJIJrt, meJuf ilm( new at) le» of— Plaid Toulard Silk.; Chamclmn do (plain and plaid;) Itlack D’Aniur« do, > Plaid Ulark S.lki, Chamelcoo Plaid Muhiii«-», < Black \Vat*trd Silk»; • C..endr. I.meu Plaid<; \ t.xrna and California Plaid., Spring Mnalin I>e Lamea Barege* and Balxarinc; l.*wn»,Utn«ham»; Gingham*, Lawo», *e., Ac , Ac. * <1 rateful for the liberal patroaagr heretofore extended •to him and annoa. atlll more to enlarge it, hi. aim will lw to offer hi. good* at the very towe*t price* at which they can be aold Boom*, North Kart comer of 4th aud Market ilrecta. . in~Oood* al wholceale tip-htair*—entrance fraiti 4th, where dealer* will find a latge andebcap atock. iitow rath pneea. mehU JAUSB W. WOODWKLL, PITTdBUhoa rCBBITCBX Will 1003 H, . No 83 THIRD STBKKT. S, A LAROEand.plendid haaoruneoi of Purniiurc, lwß|B3fiiKi soluble for Steamboat., - lloirlv and private Dwel liiia., ronaumly on band and made to order. Theprewai .lock on hand cannot be rxcrUcd by any manufactory in the weatern country. Period* within* to parchaM would do well by giving me a call, a. I am determined my pf«ee» *hall pleura. Part ot me nock cooaiat. A 50 Sofa* wi|h Plu.h and Hair-cloth cover*; •i Jos Mahogany Nurse Chair*; 14 pair Diraui; Id dot fine, mahogany Chair*; j 14 mahogany Work Brand*: 1 3 dox mahogany Rocking Chair*; 15 marble lop Dre*amg Bureau*; 6 pairOusmana; c 6marble lop Work Standi; ie cherry Work Stand*; , , Mahogany. Maple. Chetry and Poplar Bedmsd* of all description*; and a large aaxmmetit of Common, Furniture and Cba-ra, too uumerou* u> menngfi. j marPtf ; i STAR ChOTRISO ITQBK) NO. 10 WOOD STBP.CT, PnTSBUBGH.P WE would beg to announce to our euMomer. end ibe public generally, that we have re-opened our evabliihmeut with a full and tplendid a»«on rue in ot > Spring and Summer Ready-mud* Clothing, which nil re.pect io atylc and woikman*hip .urpa»*tdj by any hooae tnthiacity. .. Gentlemen who are in want of any article moor linei will find U to their advantage io-**ve ut * f* 11 ' parchaaing eUewbere; a* our .tock, a. well ** th® low, price* of our good*, will enable ua to plea** al wuo will favor u. With a call . It i. unnleerraty for u> to enumerate the amcic. compriring our .tock, a* we are wwkly..applied—it wm .office for ua to My that atall ume. our **Mrtmetii sSi- wl,h "" y ;SL'KK p «rMi?KR lr * fl • Sign “Golden Star.” . N D —Gentlemen who leave orderu at our afore, .far any Garment thatthev wi.h lohave tb*de in N- *o**» can be faraiiked iu two week* after the receipt of theif direction.. mehOT A * " SPRING, AXLE.SnXKI. wo^KS COLEMAN, MAILMAN, A Co., having completed their Naw work., ar* now prer*rtd w taro every dccnption pf Coach end KipUc rpring. Iron axle*, American Bltater, apnog and plough Steeb and all*ixe.|of amall aquare and round Iron, whica . they offer for aale on liberal term*, at their WanAtatw N» 43 Wood «reet: whe*e they al»o keep on hand a complete and handaome .aMonment of Coach tnm-. minga, Carriage hardware, malleable caitmg*, Natl* M C.VIa Co., have made arrangemenu with Mearn Oay A OroU*, mannfaeturtre of Shovel*, Spade* Fork., Ac., and will keep constantly on hand ever, arueio made by them. Dealer, are re*pecifully cited to price, and letm. will be madejtueya)-- ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BUNDFACTORIi.: JOBS A. BROWS thi. method to inform hi* friend* and the public at large that hi* Factory 'ijuow in full operation, on the hlaat *idc otthe Diamond, Allegheny, where a coh. atant Mpply of BiinJ*. of varioua color! , andqualitiet,are^oß*tantlykrpton hand, a )*o at No. 5 Wood at, J. A ■HBP 11. Philiip.'oil cloth wareroom. Venitian Shutter, made to order in the beat »tyk. Blind, repaired at the *horte*t notice. • N. B. Hi* Blind, will be put up, without any add > tional excpn»e in that they cun b« removed in rmo* aunt incur of fire or for walking, ami without the aid of a crew dr e ocikdlyAwln.ntv; HALDAN ON THE ROMANS EXPOSITION of the Kpi.tle to Jbe Boman*, With remark, on tbe'Commerttarie.ofDr. h**f» n 'l!hi- Mo*e»Hiii*tt, anil I'fpfrvojTholif(fi b? Rub en Hatdan, K« 4 . From the fifth U.||burgh edtiion, I v*l. bvo, 7Mpegf.. rneeWW. The Wieklifttee.or England tn the Fifteenth eenturv, by Mr*. Colonel Macllay, author ol ihe “fiamtly at He* Declen«on and Revival of Religion in the Soul; lijnhe Rev Octaviu. Wm.low. • June Teyloi't Contribution* ot tI;.»ol* l-'vno *• “ Memoir, and t'orre-imndener; t,y 1 Taylor: “ “ Ki«-y m Rhyme k Poetical Remain*; •* •• Mother and Daughter, •• •• Orifiiel Form*; Tale*ol tbeStoUi»h PrvtaulO • ean, D.D. For .ale by lll.l.iorr A hNI«l.l!MI . No 50 Market aireet. B _ AUBOWS A TtUIBBR. No 4d Market airerb are now receiving their .lock of New Spring (Jood*. and mviie the attention of purchaser* to their aiOTimentof Dreu Good., which i. particularly oeri. table. coDsUnnjt in pan of . „ ... Rich Krohroidered Lqwp*— very’cboice paitern., ; Rich Organdy l-ayn.—fa*Uk>n|ri»le lirown* L W‘'l| other color* very hanaeomc. Prioted Lawn*,of different pattern*; Rich California very handwme: Bopenor Freneh Gidghanu-enlirely nrw and beau lifalpattetß.foDa lot veir handtome ar lej ci*. Superior Manche.ier Gingham*, [warranted] at OT C *iash3s No_*s market nyeel,3 doo« above 3d JUST Received and'for rale at the ruanufaemrerV |i«t price*, a large invoice of patent Gum EJq»nc and Shirred Su»pender., of the Ru»«ell Manufacturing s?„ c, .^sr ,il ‘' up oacfaTfl Manufacturer’. Agent /-ktJTBTASOifO CLAlatB-Tlie Aod-»r* or U ihe Aeeoont.of theOverMeraof tho Poor forthe rear ending l*i April. 1817, de»ire all claim* again** the oireraeeri to be prewoted for adjaiuaeni and paywenk before thelfithlnimiiu a* they wl*h to make a fin»l*ei*. tlemeotof a» aeeoom* prior to the tranafer or ihetmoir* and paper* antler the naw Law, the KJuaydtan* of the **Th# Auditor* wtah the DuplicaU* bf the different Collector, .eitled not later iban Ihe 10th iniunt. WU. ALOKO of Wm., } '■ WMrA lIILL, J Auditor, anldll JOSEPH M*CULLOCII) ■vviVfTfTM Tfißpi- I BOOBtht No ll toltfi for aale TQbf /Jpl* ATWOOD, JONmA Co ! : SS fax* While Ssgtr. I - 3D b>i Brown 4© I do; vf' fowl* Ponied --■&*: j - 1 40 do 50*4.5.7«nd-8!4»f dor r 30 do ‘■Lownot’** CroUurd *nd PnJ- Partied Sugar; forsalrbf POISOEXTKRk Co -incbSS . ___ - TVB.y"pKACIIKS— «PbbU for kalrTby • I) “ FVON BON.NHOBsTA.Co Tn»chg> • • NoK Froni tt E p ®°“ “ t sV»fiS!‘*saa«* co No 33 Fioui »t rnAHKKB’S OlL— lobU«for**li> by -1 g F VON UONNIiORST k Co ■ - No 05 From « low*, for *•!<: by IIORST ft Co No 35 From H i mckO haBEN APPLEB-l«t.i*prlt IJ » F VON BONNti | ueb23 _ Extra pahily vuova (•round Family Ftour. for *ale •»>* _ t 5 F VON UONNUORST A Co No Frontal & barrel* Fr«*l j SCYTIIK SSKATUS-'JO down for oiet.y 8 F VON HONNUORST Ho .No M Front »t.' Sunimtii'lfr-'U bill* Dried tVaotiet, Suck* - Jo; I 4iark»l>tird Apple*; s r I bbt Leaf Lard; tor »aie by WMNDEXTKRA'Co SWEET POTATOES— Ju*I «ec«-ive<i a fin* lot of Ycl ow and Red Sweet Potatoes, .or «alc at WICKKRSMAM rpo LET-A large andconvenienfCcllar. amiable I fo. .UTink Saji ."J k COLLINS mdhttdlt ' Firit_*ireet below Market rreeved and tor *«tlel<V , r WICK t McCANDLKSS eor watrr and wood *t« CifftvKßgKgn-U libU in More and for ule 1' I WICK & McCANDLKSS 1 cor iriiti aMI wood m DUY APpLKS-SUO rack* for «alt «»>' . WICK A McCANDt.h^ 5 * rndfU <> 1 »nd wood «i«_ STRKL-Cait, Shear, iTUlutcr and XV6. SieH, i •lore a ltd for tale by I* S \\ AThRM AN mch-a | 31_waier aiid irj fiont »tt UCKKTS—SO dot lie aver* iiuckelt in t»re an for >ale b>\ L J* WATERMAN oc |.V> 31 water and W frpsit tl» CIOTTOM YARNS— «,oa>H)iaa3nedNi>*; j AObale* lUitinf; : SOOJlji Candle Wick; In ,t 0, 1 T L tS WATERMAN W water and Ci from «t» SOAP-80 b*» Variegated; „ w “* "* ‘ls *vatrbma?( water and 84 front ata f\HYAPPLES and"PtiAClO&'fiif **\e ■ I J ROBT BA UZ M.l« A Co l.ib«rt)' Urort (XrAHTBD— A in**! *nibo*at,y W Frame maker. Kmjuireof l A IUI.t.IKH fuiokmx C»la*» MmuUiciucvr, No 101 wood * lrrr ?.. UJ HITK W AX-U» lb. lb.. ™<JI ■ jj<iV‘o b >; So Cj wood M OOAP-mn Hyto'-Shivinf mcU-ja _ _ : NoCHwoo.Lt p.PK b.'.C,.v P K ■• wt«S , N£.i“ ALCOHOL— 10 Ul* Ju*i received and for »ale j ,h ’ “* D '« “ ■"ITkaIINK.-'TOCK ACo rur 1M and wood »w Tobacco— i»,s», e«. is*. »»«* »£• , * one * WINDOW OLASB-2WJ b« Eilft ■st;: is 1 i.i«. io.i*. »«■•■»■'»*> ; K0,..“w I'UINI.KXTWI 1 mdwi __ .i;i' VJTLi. WSS "■"■"Mi T<v VlakFuim.m f “’ * . 31wood«rrel_ - TJ WCKxI iUW RICK— 40 ii»trr* in **nrr and f«r »ni« t.v } MYKK*. HL'NTr.Hft Co ; meUTO ' It# Librriy T OAK KrUAII-i ti 1.14* N<..- lot-al< ij ~v tkiknu. khky a i\» mebJO A'.. 57 wave «l / *OI<I)KN BYRIII* —i> ball (<*f »“•**'*V jit FIUKNU, 1011.4 A < a inrl.DU N ,,5? w,lrf “ PEACH ICS—*.£*> bo*. IVmrUr. lor .ate by FRIK.NI), Kill A \ To - ‘ N«. .V? vvimr " IMGM —2Jodniini H»‘h !'-«» m m.. »!. .Ir.nn*, >»• rui ’ M<nraritl and fcu -nle luW ' •')' „„„ J !»01I«XIN.MaK1.K .V < o No VI wood »l :i INKKKU 'OU.-W bM» oa i-ou*icnme.u. jo j nv«*J mil) ' A lU ; SitFIKI.I> mrU*7 | . i / ibOV®nt(ssKl>-lOlJ.Ufof*alelwr l.y (, -« »umihk!.i> ‘ IW »u< <! I '1*01)11— 45 W.I. Fin** Flour for ■> |4 MrOU.LSi UU^UHF-l*^ J 94 Liberty «treet \T AIl«S-~'JUO k«*e< -n -tote «>:•«> j\ .\lr<;il.l.!*i IirSHFIKI.iI A 11*4 l.iLt*riv S~ PTH. TUItHENTIKR - W W.U in ll'ir u r.l^ ju*i leceivcd »ml I«>r «oi«'low by ' ' J **!l!oo\MAk»-K k ( o No 2t wood »u-cfi CIILOKIDK LIME—G cask* t>e«i HL-«-cl«.nJ Salts, m store and k>r«oi-l>y ' J SCHOONMAkhR A. mr)i37 . No wood t rf'ANNRK’B OIL-15'bVI- P.rntvil Oil for »a;rl.) j * J SCIIOON MAhKK \ mek47 MeSUtaiqrrrt BACON— lUm».» and >bon , .der* Jo*l received from Smokehouse,for .ale by JOHN GIUHR mchy? 5W4 Liberty Mreet ORAMGBB AND LEMONS -151 hi* O range .j SU'bX.Leinon*, jurt aimed m Due end* i :*.< »ale low by P C M.VUTIN . „, r tiv7 cor Muilhfielt] and ftont«»; _ SItEEP PKtTB->«)'ie*i ij.alny Not; • unn do do No 7. * For rale hv J C HI DWELL. Ateni rnchOT ' Wa’er *trret JI’ST Receiied, a large invoice of North’* Ibiok* and Ere* For ».ie at manufacturer*’ b»t nnce*. - r EDWARD TODD No SO wood »ireei. up «imr*.over Geo Cochran ractilM Manufacturer'* Agent /"tOTTOR— 107 Unlev I'enueiH-e Colton, received' L- i a rachvd N ” 37 water -t BACOX— <5,500 lb» (bog room)) recM «nd foi #a!e by h FfUF.ND, BIIKV AOo • N* S 7 vr*trr »t SELF- ADJUBT1NG STOCKS—A large .a««onineut both black and fancy. just received lr«n the manu facturer, and for sale by the manufacturer's Afent, No iS wood street, up *tatr», wholesale W ’ 1 . EDWARD TODD, . mehifl Manufacturer'* A xml Teunc*»cc I'eacliei Dry PKACIIEB-«oobu>. ia store and Cor sale by ; IS.VIAU DICKEY A Co nebiT uml.frgni t'* POWDER— i.Wo kex* Hainrd I'owiler Co'* man ufacture, Of the vanoo* brand* of R;fle, lllasting and Canister—in inaxaxinc and for *»<« ?Apply to J C BIDWEIiI.. Agent menW l W.ter «» rl WISDOW GLASS— I UO" tmxe* extra uuality Country Brand*, fiomSif* tn UrflJ, instore ant for sain by J C UIDWEI.f., Axent mthH W.Kfjmti THK Executive Committee will here state, for the information of all, that Taafle A O'Connor h*ve consented to provide fraiunou* stora**, tn their »pa cious warehouse, comer oC.Penn and Wotne strertr, where all donation* olTeredibr the relief of the poor oI Irviland. will be received. . rr.chi?tf _ WM- lhmnnnii Snllt Blind*. HAVK Receded Yroni Philadelphia * Urge awotl meot.o/ t*j»ln nr Cbam.-wr Blind* «f vuponor make id Gm»h and for *ale tow. , WM NOBLE. Lplinl»ierer mP his Oppotiie (Unkof Piu.l-uigb « HEW RHURAVIHok JUSTKfreivrd,* »plem)i'l sMonment oft.ngtun »»>« Frenrh Engraving*. colored and plain. of a great randy pf auhfecjs tunable for Fiuinuig. Portfolio*, or fcrrap Uoo|c T A JHMJKJC inch'JO _ IQt/wood d, nrarSib KBBIjBHS— P «loi*n Keeli' for rain !>r 8 F VON BONNHOHBT meli« No 35 From n TO CAIiPENTE ml • frc*h lot of Union Factory I'/ane*. at No S'* Wood > W ct [mcK‘Jl] /JOHN WA.I.KBR OIIOVKLg AND BPAoifiS—Wallmgford A <'o.,og-nt«for A l-orodal, haVe on a««ort m«ni of t.atqoiitM aamirior coal.f ana , Drvon*hirr ami llillicr HltovrU, and No* 1 and * K|*ai *•». rncb-iG OHIO, Indliqa* and Realueky Bank Note* nurclia»rd at low ratri I*) ‘ N lIOijMR* * SON Slo&i V|.trkrl*t SIIOVKLN, ttpADBS ANI> FORKS - • 'JO dozen Canal Sborel*. • lit do • (Val do Nm 2 and 3j lit do Hrv«iii»liirr Sho*el»; Cl jo Spadr«: 1 1 do drain Hhnecli; \ l 4 do four prrfbfird‘irapped Manure F«:rk»; in «tr»ip and lot ialr by I. S WaTIKMAN uirblM 31 water and M front y* FLAXSEED WANTKM-1 buabrl* Hran Fia'xieeiT wanted, for wlnrli n pr.rc vrilV be pant in-raab. ISAIAH IHOKKY A Co Bjehii water'andjmni «ui BALZ ARlNKfc—Now open. a Rreai raneiy or VYoraJed ainK.)Voi)llrn Bal*ar>ne«.fri.m l!*J to 75 ern'o per yard, ai* Ibe dry tood* bou»e of «„ C h£ . w k BrimPHV on i’lnctnttnji. Uhm«viHp. Si la»uia L/ and aUarre«»il.lepoi-l« in Ihe l'lined State* made promblly, and open lb« lowed term*. by N lIOI.MKS A SON, Exchange Broker* • tnehSS No S 3 Market ■ !;, on New York; ji* Pktlailc'pHia; , uml Baltimore; confiamb for rale in turn* to *uit puriba«er*. by N HOLMES A SON, Exchange, Jlrokm atrhßSif No 53 Market «t_ CjUNDRiKS-rO dor Hay and Mnnurc Fork*; . O 10 Joxeit Seythc*; 'N 10 do Harden Rake*; 10 do Pick* ftnd Matlock*; * 10 do lloca; 5 do Root llantra; 00 do Twilled Bag*; S do l-amortl’* I’ai *obd box Viced. . 4 do WetjArelP* Uri|(hi and com do; mth« isr .»»««<;»«. BOTTLE bale* n»*oried *.zea, ju« BRAUN A BErrKH mcW5 - cor Liberty and St Clair »ta Y~ liL^OUKll^U;! t .ora'»7im.!..;,o» h.nJ and for itle by BRAUN A REITEK m«WS 7 cor Liberty »ndBlCl»tr«i TJHB*ab*eiil«r*bef»ealUhearieMi©c»o£aUlhooo . intareated intoofing, to their tiALVANIXED TIN I tt«d ibf thii av they do. the «ireiigth i Iron without tt» liability 10 UK. himng 1 now been le-ted reyiral >eai*. both m thia'eotntcnr u»d l is Europe Tber one el to le«> tubjeet to explmttion I and contraction man anddeo changes of the atmosphere I tbnaeoßuwn.Tto Plate, Iron, Zinc, Ae, or any other I metal now axed for'roofiflg. and eonteoaently wnn a i nueb better andughirr roof, requiring tar le»» riMnent repair, whiltt the firm com it bat rUiOe pore. J The tob»criber* would alto call ibe aiteutioriof all dealer* and worker! in metAti, to the many oihcjpof* pcoetlo which Iron thut protected, can bo applied.;— In general term* it it applicable Wallarticlea ofliron Which it i» desirable to protect from the action of the atmoanhere. And they wouAl etnecially call the at tention of thoteintpretted inTEl.l&llArlllCLlhKli to then Haleanized Wire, which it now almost erjtire* ly nted in Europe, and which uniwer* rrery [purpote at a cooduclor of electricity, eoiung only about one half at much ai copper, and pome»»ing equal durabili ty with that metal. Haring lately etyeted daring lately riveted work* in Uits cuy for the pufr note of galeamxing naila, ipike*. bolt*. wire.,Ac., they will l/e able to furnUtnny article which may be red. A »opply of FMet [manufactured in Europe,} coniianlly on band,from 10 to ,*l2 wireguagc; 7 UKO. B. WOREWOhJiDACo __ Noi. 14 mnd 16 Dearer *l, SKW tOBK. The Patent Right for tbi* aiUcle'ba* been-secured for the United State* a»weUa*«reat;BriUin.«ndoJher European eoontnea, and all legal mea«urra will he ta ken to dr rent any infringement by importauo»or oth erwri'e. k CIIBAP ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY. FRANCIS A LOUJREL,77lfcidetsLane,inanufactn of ever)’ description of Blink Book*) Meinciin* dura, Copy and Pn*» Book*,Croton lug, Manifold Letter Writer, Diamond Point Gold Pen*, Ac., Ae.; and na»i porter* of English and French Stationery and riper. A litre i**ortment constantly on band of the mod improved «tyJc»-lnk-HUi.d*. Waxj Wafer*, Slate*, Pencil*,.Steel Pen*, twine*, motto aenf*, ivory tablet*, | ivory folder*, card*, gptn label*, pen rack*, card rack*, ink powder. bUrk, blue and candine ink, ruler*, gold and *ilver peueil eaieb, <jnilK pdrifollo*, copying pre*- •c*,Ac..A e. I* ENVELOPES for lletieu Card*,Note*, Ac., in great variety. I; Lett- - • iliin, «t Manufac uettrr and Cap Paper*. p). . —•——* rarer'* puce*; .note papers; tissue piiper, perforated, board, L>r.aLoi board 4, bonnet lioerd, colored paper*, W Dee P and'otherlbook*for County Clerk*, Court*, Banks, Insurance Companie*, Mer chants, and other*.’constantly 1 on band, or fumtabedto pattern at short notice. Warranted'to be superior in quality and very low in price. • i Countiy Merchants!. dealer* and others will he aapi plied at the very loweat price*. We shall constantly have or hand a Urge of IBank Book*, Paper and Stationery; and tequedt the favor of a call from those who require article* itiour line. FRANCIS A LOUTRKI. Manufacturing Stationers, 77 Maiden I»ai»e fsld3ra i New York' “ SILKS, SHAWLS, DREHS.GOODB. Ac. Alfred £ co, No. iaa Pearl street, No* York, would respectfully rail the titration of buy rn totlieir EXTENSIVESTOUCOFfiPRiJS'OGOODS, consisting of rich figured itrqx and plaid Orci. Silk* of ea tirelr uew design* *ud ouWt desirable styles; black and blue blara figurtd. watered mild Stripe Silks; together with a full ■ assorUnrut of black and blue black plaid do. A trr J eaten site and desirable assortment of Silk, Thibet, Barege, Ilcr nam and Gauze Shawls and Srarfs, .Their assortment of Dress Hoods has been selected with the greatest cart,consis ting of French Printed Bareges, satin plaid and stripe do. Co baltines, Brill ixotrs, Frtoe{i Printed Muslins and iiingham* in grtal raricty and of most desirable patterns, English and -Scotch Lawns mud Oiitcham* a very large stock. Boo net.and Cap Ilibbnasof scry choice selections, Glares, Fancy Hdkls. Linen Cambric and Linen Cambric Hdkft, Swiss ana Muslin Edgings, Thread Lisle Edging*, black and whileGrured Laces ofcitry description; Ucelner with* full stock of eeery description of goods in their tine. STHtI IF GOODS —A **ry large assortment of Foreign and Dome'stie Straw Bounds, tti. Also, a scry etlensne stock n| Fancy Bounds and Flowers of their own manufac ture, well adapted to the Southern and Western Jobbing Trade. Also, Umbrella!, parasols, Parallel*, Sun Shades, 4-e 7 s ! {Jy-Merchauls tisitiugflhu market are respectfully invited to call and etamine our slock; sj every possible iodnmnenl will be ottered to make it lor their interest to trade with ti>. New York, March i, 1847-*dm _ Gentlemens FttruUhinc ,K»t»blUl»men* jtIiAKLKSB HATCH, 97 William iirret, New York V’ eoticiti attention to lin aMortmrat of (loodi in the (lea tlcmru'i fr'uruiabtug Lint, imported and miniiCaetured ct. preuljr lor Ui< iSpriuj and Summer I’artieuUr at teDtion ii called to the following article*. STOCK'S—SiIk, Satin and Bomlslinr,Ul itylea and<]tta!. ill*. OPERjt TlES—thin uxl Fbdct, tigUl »nJ J»rk cukin. IF.ISIf TlES—F*txj Linen aiM Jkcul, «.«« nrtiel' C»r •iirnmrr «nr, _ __ | CRAFATSASD SCARFS— Liteit d)k» » f«N assort* Sf/.SPEVDEJLS-Sitk and ration, ytrj efculk. Whitt um! Kanry Linen d.. t »a»h, m entire ww article SHIRTS, lIOSOUS;AXD COLIAKS- lu terry tin rl* ,>f»tyle and iiuility. . (jsnRR 'iiiiHTs Asn DHAmins- s.ik, l,i»k Tlinnl, Merino, Wnolltn, kt. ■ <»7.0»8U-W, While, an.l colored K.J, nf «h« lw«l mauularturr, Silk, t'olh.n, Linen, Li«le Tliml, 4" c . • lIOSIHKV- Silk, Colton, Linen,, A c OII.KI) SILICS -Halil while, Ilf the »ery Uit quality; Mark clued Jo. JaMunrJ l/RKSSIXO (.’OII'.VS -Printed, Mnttncliiie de liUxnk'EJiClllKh'S rbinind twilled Spitalfield, 1n ,1.i .Whew, |’wi S rr,4*r; plain and fancy l.ibru Cambric, PAKASOI.S-K full au.,rtinrnt. CttA VAT SriFFSKRS- Virion* kn.d* J(e would Hale ihall.t it now, in In. SF.I.FAD JCSTIXfi STOCKS, an entire different Spring b-om the vile formed) ||W,I, wlm h rrudrrt them niiw-li mofr romlor 14|,|, and «a»y to .hr DffV than loron rl) \(cbd3 Uhl [T,INT«_UNLY. S P RING STYLES IS 17. I. E E V II It E IV S T E It . Mo. *4 Cedar Klrrrt, Men York. ' leite to inlbrm Pcaler. m Ory <i«—l-. Ihal ll.ijhair > are now ll,r W.MtlillDl 'L E.VCLI'SIVKLY Cw t „l,r r , SOO CASKS, fioujn itiug all the New Spring *t) ten. of Ui.uh, French and Ainirieia Mat.uia.iurr; whnL, «u kIM’IIHi.N tolturir umiil wt.ek, rendtrt their Mw.rlnirn: il.« brautiful and itlrarme in Ihr eilj; and I. .tor; in*i .t»* n p'*r (kued for FASH AND -lIOUT l ItKHIT, ..e od.r.d by the piece <*e Jurkage on tl.r *atnc Itrlti., at in.l >« low loann (artnrer* prircr Citaheuei of prieet (nierrcled daily.' are pLr.d m iti» hand* ufbiijrrt. f4l rebater> will lohirtn lh*m»el>e» nl the tub ol the tn»r k«t, utd be well rrjnid Lr an rruitiiiali-.n, . un if they .1- ink pnrchi'W. L. A B.ha*c peculiar airaiitarc, f..r nrr.ititu; order. hr ii-iiit., which ate retperlfullv edieiled. 1 J ' LKK A BItKWSTKH, .mchß 1 e.lar Hirtei LAMPS, OIRASBOLK.s, Hau. hntern»’and for n.» anrms Trade. DIETZ, BROTHER * CO., lid \Vilhxm >trrrt, New York, is the Rkjrk, irr maniifcluring and h»v* alway* on hand a r<H»|<ln« a-«-.rt m'ut of Brtirlr-j in tlirir Hue, of lh* following dr* cii.iiou., which lli* j * til srlt at wholrsile tod retail, it Pricr*. lor cnili: Improved Chemira) Oil and Caxnpheue Lamp.. HoUr Limp, and Drunted, in great variety (JirauJule*, v*riuti» p»ttrro», gilt, sifieml or brunied. SuipeuJmv Solar*, Doric Campliene Lamp*, Brocket-Solar*, Side do i !j.,|,r Cliandtlirn, Bndul do Patent Jjrd Hand Lamp', .Stand do BriUnia Hand I-amp*. Camphenc Chiadelwf*, Superior CUrun tl Oil, Pure Sprrm Oi|, do CaK)pt>«hr. Solar and Lard Oil, d(i Burwiog Fluid, Refined Whale Oil, IchU-Aa __ PAPER WAREHOUSE, - NO. 0 BURLING SLIpInEW YORK. (tynus* W FIELD offer* for rale at ihe lowest • Manufacturer*’ price*, a vfery extensive aj«»ort ut -il of PAPER, comnriring every possible variety, adapted 10 the waiit« of consumer* m ail sections of the eoicitry. Paper of all kind* made to order at <hon B< l ■* stock of PRINTING PAPER i* unusually large a nrirtof whirh i* of very euncrnr quality. >’ PAPER MAKER'S MATERIALS of every description, imported kept constantly ou ban , vis: Fel'mx». "’ire Cloth. Fourdrittier " ire«, Blen.-hlng Powder, Blue^UltraiWarine, Twine, 4e ,4c. C«iiva«s. lU!c Rope.Urass Rope. Bagging, 4c., nun-hased, for which the htgheM price in Cash will be pajd_ » Jy*(V Ne» York, »^4 HARDWARE. HALSTEDS & DASH, No. 34 Broad Street, Kew York, OFFER for *a!e, J railor’*’’ celebrated cattsteel,*, 3, and 4 prong Hay and Manure fork*; ‘•Blood's and other maker.* Groik and Gras* Scythe*, Scythe Snath*; Simmon'* and Collin’* Axes, Shovel* and Spade*; Kngh*b and American Mill and crosscut Saws. Anvil*. Vice*. Trace and li>g Chans.Sad Iron*, Hook*, and lliii|e», Rope and jCdrd*. 'cut and'wrough Nail*, togetner with a lull asrormirnl of Shelf good*, of For* eicit and Domestic mandfacturc, to which they respect fully iuvi’e ilieanentiunlof Wustern Mcrchartif Ne.w York. Feb. H», ltjl7. » f 33d&»6wF PEARL ST_kIEET HOUSE. SR Peart Street, Sew York. REDUCTION IN rRICE—The *ub*cribcr respect fully call* the attention of the travellingcoaunum ty, anil especially businessmen. to the fact that this house it now open and i» offered for their patronage at the low price of ONE DOLLAR PER DAL It* location for bu*inc*. n not *urpa«*ed in N. «ork, and every comfort, with good living, clean beiU, airy soota*. . can h-’re bo bad a* tyell a* at,tho tuo*l ex travagant One call will turcly *ali* fy any one of these foci* and msute an extensive patronage for the house SAML. C..BISHOP, Proprietor New York. April I. led 7 dim FRINUKS, TRIMMINGS. dfc'e. . ISA BOOTH, 100 " illiam itrcrl, New York, Importer |V, and Manuurturrr of Fringes, Gimp*, Button., C«rd» and Taweh, Zephyr Wontrd, Cantu*. Ac. All kiiii* of Binding* and Fancy Trimming*; a Ur£< usorviaeut nf While Cotimi Frinre*- ij-c £-2 Hr piiiln attrition \o hi* auortineiit, which wilt be kept fuH'durinethr .ratoo, a. he will be receiving the newest and niml tabinnablr allies, offered by the package «e otherwise. Term* mud prirr.»hall be inch a* to gi»e mail*facliou. 15/-AU kind* uf Trimming* ipudr lu urjer ffUD in "NEAPOLITAN. BONNETS- . PATTISSUN. NOE & (U PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS, 2.1 pflaney Strirt, Srtv York. 6b23-3m Patent steam pressed brick— Tlie undersigned will have a machine of the latest and wn*t improved conduction for ipamifapturing the«k- llfck, m operatioiPthis Spring, making '-*0 to bOJUHI per di;y. . in a building they po<*e«* all the beauty and smooth ne>*»f surface :utd edge*, nf the costly pressed front brick, while they can tx obtained at the price of the roinmnn anicle. A* to tjirit other i|ualine«, we refer to a circular of an raetrin manufacturer, which can be examined by any one mtur-tutg it; it commit!* the cei< tificates of a .number nf pet«on«, whp have used the dry rlay Steam Prr«»ed Brick to the amount of several mil ium*: among these are Builders, Brick Mhsoo*, Archi tects. Commodore and Agent of. the Navy i nrd at Wa.hiiig'otf'Cny, and Lieift. Up»hur, U. S. Navy, all ckrufymg to these Brirk befing equal if not superior in every respect to tempered ni hand-made'brick, with the -addit'CiisTadvantage ol a bandtoinc,smooth •urfacc, njoaie and true edge*. ‘I he ciri ular al-o eon taius the result* of 4d eipcnmeut*, testing the quality i.f the two make* of brick, a* to strength, durability and power of re»i*img dampuess, water, lire qnd fro.t, and adhesion to mortar, all reselling in favor of Ibt Meant Pressed Brick The«e. e'jpertmcnia were made uajler the ■irperiulendence of the diitinruished Civil Kogt ncer, 11. 11. Latrobe, K*q. and R. 0. Long, Ettj. Ar chitect, si Baltimore, in October tail, and al*o by the Chief Engineer and Otficrr* 1 of the Norfolk Navy Yard by order of the Bureau at Waabmgion City. STEAM PLANED FLOORING BOARDS, DECK PLANK, WHITE LEAD, Ac—We are also mattalac- Hiring and prepared ta contract for any quantity of these aitielef, and have in operation one of Phillip*’ patent gee f-et Circular Siw*, for sawing limber of a very description, and another for slitting board*. Ae. We also tniettd manufactnring FIRE BRICK and expect, from 'the great power of onr press, to make a superior article. Application through the Post Office. Dispatch Post, or otherwise, will receive prompt atten tion. ISAAC GREGG A Co Birmingham, April 9, 1647. Patent lot the Brick Machine and Circuit Yaw, can be obtained force rum district*. espied as • Danejrean eatabliltahent. • - „ • Also,almnfßoan.BJ awry,entree mWII* HaU, aid two well finiahedottees ever Philo Hall. __ - Also. the Bocttßrtfer M OM 1 0*e*— a food stand (or a (Father.... E D U A/ZAM • ‘marlO ’>-3d**d< th . A WAREHOUSE with front on the &'Jgfl. nil, (os Washington street) well adapted a Salt Depot and Floor and Prodaee Forwarding booae. At to, a Dwelling, with or without Store, la re«n «, near the Canal. *• Alto, a Bnek Yard, \a the *b ward, a ahori J««j»nea from ihr new Court tlou*e and in the aeigboorhood of aa impruriAg pan’of the city. l*os»ewmion fitrea on the Ittof April, laqtnreof , ' DAMD ORKKR - rxTdlo Pena «ri»ui nrarshe Canal mPOR BEST. A NKW and clecUit 9 atoried Rrick dwelling houie, with *laU'i«o(.aß« Boiihitl in the nut modern «iyle—io which i l— !~i3 tn'h hou«e, Jike boose, hath room, ic- -The house i* snuaird near the residence of the subeditor, franbngßponthc Allegheny nver. and affords a most eligible and retired location for a farad? residence. Jl ii onrofthe ben ’dwelling bouses in either city. ALEXANDER LAtIiHLIN fltif ' F'fth _" a iJ • mTo l.ei. j TUK two atory brick »lou*e,,in Wylie above Washington atrert lately occupied bv 8. w . Black. Esq Apply to WILLIAMS A DIt.'NORTH fcU-tf Solti Wood strert MPor Bent* SIX Acre* of Ground -with Dwelling llouvf, •table,garden. frail tree*. «hrubbery, *«*.. in the Seventh Ward of the i'ny, near the residence of John D- Mahon, ' Also. a tstory frame 1 welling bouse, NoaT Smith Geld street, above Sixth, aljoinina the property of Martin. Lytle Apply to r JOHN 1> DAVi? lebetf cor wood and ath sis roasxrt wExmiroE: A LOT 3* by IlSfeelt ©tribe M®srsvllle Road, Tlh Ward. There i»on ihi-lot at»-*u>ry brick dwel ling bouse, with well, andjcUtern m the yard. Fruil Trees, with other convenient fixtures, nuking a very comfortable place, which Jnlt l*e sold foe rash or ex changed for a small Farm, Jiear the cily. For particu lars euquife of | . WSI. B. SCAIFE »ovl9dtf Front,between Wood and Maikct its . ' FOR SALE. I7OUR by Penn, Liberty and Hay X 4 atreeta.raeb tol having ** feel front, and extending back ItO fret Twoof thetaare coiner lou, and ibe pojiiion of, ibe wbolepioperi j i» one of die mo»i advam {7.ecu* in Uie city. For further infoimation apply to il. SW4BTZWF.LnKR, Fourth at. 'oovdtf betweep Wood kind SmilbfielU RIVKtt iOT^., 7' IJOR SALK—Some valuable Lou ©fGrouiidj rituated ( on the bank of the Allegheny River, couucuouaio. the c i’V. The»e Jou are mon\advaniigeourly riiuatcd 'Sot Iron Work* and oihcr large manofacturine ewal. hibihrnl*. (novT-dAwif] . HARMAR DLNNY. a I A TIIREK Story HricMHou»e 00 Second at, between Grantiamt Ro«,»M«, with two parlora, dining room and kitcWn on the firm floor. ALo, an upper parlor and mho bed room*, good cellar* and 'coal vault For tecmaapply toD. JOSKS.HuIIs Head, or the •üb*« , rib<T. ]' frbSStf '1 Jj COALTABT - IBSAIsB. ; r offers Tor sale a splendid Brick litnaie on the North Host corner tore in Youugnown, Mahoning ge, coinmodjous.'finislieil in cx* : best locution m-Vonng'town, public house; attached to it i» a ling, imi al] other convenience* , F< mTIIK advent* dvrelbne l(ou«e i of the l*ubtio Sq i county, Ohio.. ItiU l*: eellent style, anil in th cither for. dwellingo -yard, with water,j*'ul at band. . \ ng very rapidly, i» sitanled im .and when the yartous Furnace*. . being built arc completed, will place in ibi* *eciionof Ohio, i ca*h. or on time, or exchanged i ;li. For- particu'kra inquire of r of-Wood and Water at«, PiUa -11 iuioVmauou. This town is tmprov i mediaiely on the Cana RoUinjc Mill. &e-,'nov be the mosi'flotmshinj It will Ins told lot? to for property in Fiilfbui LfcJD WICK, comer burgh, who will give a ALLKQHE] (Y cemetery. PERSONS desirtoSt f purchasing Lote in thi> Cetne t-rr are referred foAmformatjon toihe Superintend mi, on the ground*, or to E. Thorn, Druggist, eorner o Penn and llund streets, Pittsburgh.- Dyorderof the'Bohid, J. CHISLETT, drcil-«lfcwtf • / Soperlntenaant. THK *ub*enper« offer for sale oo accommoda- HUS term*. * tract of lend situated in Reserve •““Township, immediately Hi ihe rear of Allegheny city, adjoining the land* of Charier Rowan, Andrew Bane,am) oihen, containing about 14acre*: Sacre*are under cultivation, oa which there i« a->tnai| orchard of crafted fruit and a number of grane vine*, rberc ii ffn till* property a beautiful situation fora privatefrefi denee commanding n fine view of die two cities and vicinity There uru also «everal good location* for Sinno Quarne&,offcriog nn inducement»o*e engaged in that buinc**,or (p person* willing «o engage m the cultivation of the grape. It will be ►old in loti i to suit purchaser*. ' J JOKIrAM'A MIN ftZMiwSinT .- x _ No IS l.ibeny street BU; COUNTRY UKSIDBNCR. lAVINW removed to ibe city, lor rbnvriuenrr (irolWnonul l.o»rnc»«, I wil. rein l)i«- llouve, and u» iinrocJ ntecnctaiurr,, ritual* oullidtilufl* of tfar Mo«onr»lirli, on? mile bl>oyo Pitwburglt janH Sl.awil JAMES S I.KAFT : Pianos* ,A|(t;Uand splendid uiwitinetil hogany and ro*ewood grand ac isiKw. with inctallK (mui-i aud lovemenK, winch for durability, rrmilrd in lie njujf to any made hie low U>r cash l.y (fftie-i ivi'ih all ibe iiu lour and inoeli *r r \r; ‘in ilie ruutnry l-'or • F BI.UMF. I I'J wood it. ltd door alxjvc btit iAT FUUNITI’RR. f<»r sale low— CA'NAIi B( lIIAVK iii «toi«*n. . Hunk Frutner; Coiu;. J'iHow*; Mam3««e«i lted ■*; rrimreing* of all kind*; « in luy line, which 1 'hall s< slmg term*. WM NOHI.K ic the Bank of Pittsburgh, 3d >t Mievi.*; ap.l And o'hrr I t-.v and on arooniinoi mi.'Ui’ Siorr, oppoi Sl***. M hly Bote* and Krri ■i.i.iei i.ljiiiiiig in CVnu'try l • i ap. V jiion ai the •eed. Mon i\ ard:-'i‘.‘M«nclie*ier. \ s N WUIKKRSUAM ’ \ N,i 1 is, roi wood and Bill *t* viNiNii ni green*.. Ac , • “"r«n l<t: funitO- MAP OF THlv SEAT OF-WAR—A correct Map of ibe Statof Wir in Mexico, being a copj of ■ irn Arms'* Map, takqn at KeMtca ds U Palma, with s j,l tujn» ami correction*. embellished wiih Diagram* of the battle* of the bib anddibof Mar.and ibe capture of Monterey. with a .memorandum of force* engaged, result*. Ac , ncd Plan 01 Vcro Crur. and Castle of. Juan i)e Ullea. Ju-t received uiid'ior tub bjr v JUHNSTON X STOCKTON cor MaikrtlUld Tli'td *l* ALL j*er»ons knowing thein»elve« indebted to the Uie Gnu of J£oiJjA«ji 4" Brotent, are respectfully notified to coll and settle their accounts without delay w.tli the undersigned successors, who nre duly-authori ml to settle up Ute businesslof the late firm | IIILLfcBHOWNE : [ ■ No b 7 wood nrfe! RECEIVED tbi.» morning at Barrow* A Turner's —A fine selection of California'Piaid*, new and beauti ful iiflr»; French t»ltf|th*ms.Tery rich patterns, ni *5 -cents; Manchester Liingbatn*. wanonied, at the low price of 20 cem*}_ English Prints; Brown plaids and •tripe*, new and band tome, at No Id-Market street, wi-blO Between Sd and lib streets . MACKEREL, IIERKISG, SALMU.I, dtC. TDK subscribers keep an srsortaifiilof Pickled Fi»b of Massachusetts and Halifax Inspeciion, for sale in tots as wanted at their [warehouse, No 40 North Wharves, Philadelphia. I j racldWiWra bus. been made for the re newai oCOtlificair No ltd, dated January H, 1545; for ibmy-six shares <?f the capital 'tfock oi the company (or erecting-a Uric'se over the Ktver Motion gahela. opposite Pittsburgh*! which raid OrtiGcalc hui t>ern destroyed by Ere or Ml ’< meli-tu j (iEuRUK COCHRAN DUNLOP'S DIGEST— The genetal layrs'oi Pennsylvania, iroin the rear ITtUto April 25nd l»4«; chronologically arranged: with note* and refer ence* to all the decision* of the SuprrmeCourtof Penn lylvaiiia Riving coiulructinnb to said lawr, and a very copious intirx. Compiled by-Jas. Dunlop, ol the Pitts burgh Har For tale by = J 1. READ n] C {]3o Fourth, near Market it I O PUISG ~j»HAWLB-W H MwpbT has JJj open an assoruocntof new and rich aiyle Cashn. anil other bpring Siiawla. k -French ueedlo work Collart,'Jaconet and Swiss II setting* and Edgiii*s. •• 8«v»* and Scotch Mulls, Jaconet*, Ptausooks, and, Bishop Lawn*. [ - New style (tarred Muslins a ml Jaconets,&e n &c.. all f at reduced price* '. J^mcbni To Morchant Tii-liora* , JUs<T Received frtrtn the raanneaeturers, a iargn in I voice of Black and Fancy t?aim and Botnbatine , Adjusting Slocks—fell ipialnies ami prices. , I Black und Fancy Cravat*. Uosocni and Collars, ot j -the Troy m-niufaciutr; t»um Suspenders, 4c., Ac. | For sale hr the Agent, No id'Wood, street up stairs, i wholesale. KDWaRDTODD j mchOO _ * Manufacturers 1 Ageul | W’BOOKK- Miryarci fticTvaiTsy'thVami.irr ! of 4, An»y Herbert.” I • | “Gertrude.’ 1 Ac.; edited 1»V Rev. W, SewtU, B. D. A system of Intellectual Philosophy; by Rev. Ana Mahan. .... ,1— Letters ou Astronomy; by D. Olmsted, LL. D. i D’l»r«eli , * Araeaitic* nl l.ilrriiiuie. | Live* of Eminent Mechanic*; l>y Howe. j Philosophy of Magic; by Salvcrte. I Honrers rbyatetau 1 * Vade-Mecum- The lives.and times of tbe most distinguished Ihr.s* tian Fathers, to.the ck>«« of the 3d' century; by Hcv. \V. 11. Coffin. Cookery; by Mir* Arlon. 1 * - by MWs Bceche;. Cook** Own Bock. ' 1 French IVuustic Cookery'- • For sole mrbSO Forffth. near Market ft ALLkT/h KNY CITYI’Tu> I’i:KTY FOR BAI.K-1 Lot on Federal street, by It* feet deep; to a « feel alley. , : . Al«o, i I.oi'adjoining the al-ove. ar the same site, now le'aaedtoJohn McGrew tor twelve yeatsal the raieot 91 per fool and the tales. The above valuable propet* | tv will be sold upon favorable! term*. Apply to , . * . ft CUTUHKRT. General Agent ! rnehW No ;0 market street _ lV KW Ai lISIC lU>OK-rumphiel l‘orm. The Meluanont-arlioircseleclionofSongs, DueUa, QuarteUa. Hoorn's. Walite*, and Marches; with a History of Musie. Ilfmlrjlmi with numer* ous engraving*. Imperial oelsvo. Price t!i» cetit<J Published ami for aale by J A &.ILP JAMKS, Walnut alreel. I>et. Fourth and Fifth. Ciuclnnali, March a, 1847. " - ~BOILKH* FOH HALIC. Itj- . e| tld JAMES WARDBOP, 1 ami TI<ORIBT t Mancheiler, offer* As for sale an exiemiTO and telnet assortment of Omar&ental Plant*.Shrubbery, Evergreens, FnmTrre»j GrapeYtn*f.Jto.,&c. ' Amonpt (hem are some new. vtluable.and choice Pear; Peach aad Cherry trees, **le«ed'from specum* •Kown'at the Horticultural Exhibition* in the East: la»l Fall, and the eollefl'icn of Ever-bloominf. Bourbon. Noisette and Vuimc Ro»e*,. has been enlarged with many superb sortsof recent introduction. • The collection l*open to visitor* and the running regularly during the day. All or or left*at the *t*nd. No iff Diamond mat »*ed store of S N Wicketaham, wood itrr PVCU IHtIQ U 4 ■ r -i r tended (e panotaailjr. ~ t ' _ .. N Ji —UoQofi* cowpofcedot choice and rare Exotic Flower*, for Weddings and.Partiee, at >bon nonce. ' owh«d<wkw<tF . \ -z; C-L..... - -- '* iPtit*!, April 2d, 10} A. M. - Wehin confirmatory account* of iho killed and wounded. *’ “ “ “ '• Gen. Taylor a at Monterey, and 4 communica tion had been made between him and Colonel. Curtia, at Camargjo. ! ••• Geornl.'Tajflor permitted the Mexican* lobary beit-dead at Saljil o. after the battl*. '''■ No official despatches Have been received at Washinglonj-but'lril the publish 1* confirmed. ' |._j j ' W* oitk ali'tuk »twi received at-J?hHa dclphia.thi* morning’, in pen Extra. q 'second despatch. FROM; VERA CRUZ. LATER IMPORTANT!! LANDING OF Olill FORGES—AUTHENTIC .NEWS—LATER ; KHOiM THE BRAZOS— ANNA RETREATING. Wo have a second Telegraphic despatch dated Philadelphia, April 2d, 11 A. M. The forees under General Scot! landed a few miles below Vera Crux, in the serf boats and un der a heavy fire of shells and round shot. The iroopa received but little damage in landing. Captain Alburies, Second Lieutenant of Infan try, was killed, with l?!tnen. The city of Vera Crut was completely invest ed and the water pipes cut oft . y The American troops hod'earrtod all the re doubt* at thq point of the Bayonet. 1 . . - The Americana byd poasrasion of all the point* without the walls of; the city. ; The Regiments led the way in the march', and behaved most gallantly. At soon a* the troops formed |nto line, after landing, they marched against thc\enemj, and towards the city 6f Vera Unix. It was in thia march that] the Pcnnsylvaniuiß distinguished themselves for coolness and bravery. General \Vorth had engagements with liic ene my’* cavalry, and defeated them. Several Mex ican magazines bad been captured jam\ amunilion seized, which was intended for the CastirL Gen. TWiggs isuffered Igreally tor tho want of Cavalry to cutoff the retreat of thq enemy. Spe cie waa carried off in Uifc retreat. Yera Cruz will toon fall. Gen. Scull** plans, which havebeen arranged with ao tnoeh carCf_have proved to bo excellent md so far aa carried out, every thing successful. later--from the bArzos., reported at iho Brazos that .-ol Cuxtii, with the i force of hi* command, had defeated Gen. Urrcajaiul compelled him to te* treat. : 'l 1 Capt_LowJ bod been relieved from tho com, raaod of Fori Brown, opposite Miia»noras,'antl w •bout to return home on account if hU til health The North Carolina, Virginia and JfaaMctiu* aclU foluulecr* had-all arrived;. at the Brazo*. * The lateatnewi from; Monterey, wo* that '.Sin- Anna was On foil rcrljat IbrSan jl.nis Puto»i. Midshipman Rodgerti.captured f *mo while reconnoileiring. tear Vcja Cruz, hns Wen rescued. He was lw mg Vera Cruz f>r . Pcrolo wider guard when it t> as i.nterccpjed by our forc es and he was rescued - . , ' THIRD DESPATCH. /• DESERTIONS IN ’HE MEXICAN ATIMY. PuiUDttpm k, April 2,12 J n’flocfc. Fi»e thousand Me icans under command of General Santa Anna had remain der arc in a desperate condition. Kalita Anna haJ announced three dreertions in despatch to the Mmiican Ccmgres*. and also an liinrnl lb it hia Any ir.m in a jetar*ing comli- This information was srnl to Philadelphia by i gentleman directly} liom Sin Loin Potlwi at- Washington. Santa Anna arid tbo Mexicans con- . fessed b lews of ttrer three thousand men cl Huenn , Hr/o. • J FOURTH DESPATCH. . Wi.«utsoTO*, Aprils, 11 A. M. Lieutenant CrilteaJen has arrived at Within"— too with despatches from General Taylor. The will probably bo received here to-night. LATER FROM THE ARMY. FIFTH DESPATCH. " BATTLE BETWEEN URREA Lt.CRIT TENDED and an Etcartcf 250 .3fen; OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. : Philadelphia, April 2, 6 o’clock P. M. .Official despatches hate been received at Wash ington by tivnighta mail, fiom . General Taylor, through Lieutenant CrittenJen.. Lieutenant C. left Agua Nuevo, whence he todk.tbo despatches on the 7ih*mst., with *n escortjof 250 men.\ • , TBf escort was under command of Msj<ir Gli ding*. They discovered one hundred and thirty wagons near Ceralvo, which were under the command of Urrea and fifteen; suudred men.— 'The escort gave battle to TJrrea' and repulsed him after a severe struggle." ; Fifteen men aud foity. waggons were destroyed by flit. The teamsters were not willing to pro cedo without colleger escort Licut. Cullenden tj’as detailed six days at "when Celdnel (jurtis fortjed his .way.from Oarroargo with a latgo body-of troops. • J Gen. tied on bearing oil Santa Amu’s de feat and of Col. Uurtib* approach. - , ' \ou must wail tho' receipt jof the despatches by mail tosee tho full particulars. / 7 'Gen. TJeylor givee a full ILtjof tho killed anti' wounded in the great 'battle of jDeunaVista. It was one of the most perfect defeats in all his. tot*. ! i Tho valley of tho Rio Grande is wholly clear ed of the enemy aud Gca. Tajllor’s communica tion with Catnargo and the Brizoa are'how open. The rout andJxxpulslon .Mexicans t 1 complete.. |i * [•: Philadelphia market. .11 . Phil’s. Aprils, 10 P M. Flour is advancing. S*les Wei tern' brands ai $6,26 per bbl. T.lluldcrs are a king more—somt $q,50a*6.66J. [A sale of 950 bbls Ohio F >ur was made yes lenity in Piladelphiaat $8,25 cithuut inspection The sal" was reported to the owner here by Tel cgraph.J ] Prime Yellow Corn is 93c and sales. - ' . icceived no!farther Commercial newt by Telegraph last night. ' ORPHAN'S! COURT'S AUS.! " BY virtue of an orileriof ihc Orphan** Court of A lie gbeny county. I wilt:an ibi- :ui of April A. U. tSI7, attfie hour of 2 o'clock, p. M., on the pnrml i*e», expose id sale by public. vendor* or outcry*' a 'M two certain* nt murker! and nuinher cd iit tbe plan of the Ite.rervij Trbrt opposite I'iU-iitrreh, a* Lois Nos 2Ul> and 21(1, iu such pari l - nr.d in f uch pro* 1 portions a* wilt suit puttbarri*. or I nil! -rli ilic tvt:olc of each Iptjin a body. talN'n 210 comainsfi acres stud •2 i fc-lU perches, upon whtt-.h i* erected ri2sloryw*a therbo&rded log hou*r. with back-building rand other improvements tail No 2W contains 7 acre* and Dd 4 10 perched, is under good fetied and i-erieetly level, and is particularly adapted for the purpose of a market garden The above properly ii. situated on dir Beaver rosa about 2 miles below the Cny of Allegheny, on.tlic T.a»] side of Wood’* Kuu, and profcnt* a ram chance' n?i p*r*ous wishing to procure a location m ar the two ch ips. The terms o£ sale,ur. One third nl.Utti purchase money in rn-ta,.lon the deliver j of the deed.] one-third in two year*, and onr-tUirU nr Hi ne year-,with inlrtc.u to beseemed by hand and nmrijpittp. \V D-TASWKY. Administrator deJ-onis non, Ac. of John Wood#, dac'd roaitfd&wtsK ~ ,5 ' Holies to.Conftscton. ■ i Ornci or tdi Mownohu. .t Nsviswim to, 1 ! - l'iit-buf^b.MurchXl£|T. . \ ‘ PROPORAI-S will be received at this office up m'3 olrloek r. x ,on Monday the 6dt day ol April next forufreonstrucuoieof an'addi|ronal cut moiw 1-ock, a Dam Not, to be Gfiy-rix by two hundred t-nd City fen in lie cl amber. I. .I, _ , '•:> l»ropo«uls will state the pfscr} for Cash payments. aD so, forpTymmism C.-tbfic»le*jef the Comjuinyt paya ble eight yeai* slier dale with miriest. . “ piantand speeiSeaibniofUiu wort wilt hr exhiluled •at the othee- ten dar* previous lo the telling, and irifor motion resr&cliug tlm same, will be given by £ylvanu< Lothrop. ..1 * ' - PROrOdALSwill also be received at the same lim< and place, for loaning the Company Twenty Tboasan* dollars. onOn the bonds and certificates aforesaid. meh6td ; ~ • JK: MOORtIKAD, l*res*t Fall Fashion! for Hats. 4 TUB tobrenbcr ba«ju*l received by Kljirri hiiocw Fall fashion rot llai*. Thi>*oJ:» nee an extra Cue Hal will p!> aw ea?»'»«»«• ««® ihi# rptrndid .article. 8 MOOKfc Mp 3 * < No.Ji3 wortl 7 m ,Bprln^J , *ihl«n A VitUAn do KI,WOULD inform that be ha* now on h» Snrihc Farbion of Hal* am) q: duetd on Saturday next Tin Milcto willed! *l ! > «ch 9 No 73 te Omoibuf«ei tntcrt t>jr iu»il ■fleet, or alibi ret; will lie at ifor 1847. £TT' HIOLAB. - mfe fndi and <nd a' Ursa *<ork of will bain o*o in want of a tup« Wood «treat, East *i<
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers