The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 03, 1861, Image 2

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': i - t 9 '....- TitE3DAY . 1101tHING :SEPT. 3 ,. 1861..
i:'-'.::: -.-:•-:- .1- . .. i Vane Ilfoirstrisittnir Conventions.
1 ;Tits Ilepubliain OonntyConvenUons meet
Flso-day—tho" Judi:Mai Convention, for the
~;-.; : ,:: •OMiliSiloll of Judges and Members of the
It. :-`. .. ''.'• - tia lid t it-flit Hall and the Polities!
,: , ... , , g • 100, y ,
,- OOnvention,,for the - nomination of County
r' . .Officers; at the Court 1
.:. Bo - far':is we have been able to seeand
' converse with the delegates, tilers is a very
general dislre and Willingness 'to lona a
. -Woo ticket,: giving to the logai'densircrals
their ter share of the offioas. "'There can be .
ne doubted the general previlence of this
' Illollasiloa,'WO we trait Ii will be so.exer- -
Oilied as to lord a lialtef satißfactory to all
tz - :" '.. .. 1 ,''' ' ace loyalmau l er the '
f,.1-11,, '',, Itie' eilsiisies of two Conventions. will
_ ;•,. renderthi task a little more diffioult than it
Would *diarist's have been, as the work to
.i, , ,...' . bWdoiiii - wiiiricqiiire this op-operation of the .
, t:-!'""', l ';'..-,firo:' We Biggest, therefore, that the two
1 ,, , , lOorivaiitions shill; as Soon It organised, and.
':' , l., I , ;,., before anythinile done towards nominating
candidate', appoint committees to determine
whether : the . loyal donsoorats shall .have a
';:;.7 share of ,the plfuei, and also to consult as 1
~, ...
to the propsr, distribution of the offices.
....„ . lf it Is fletermkted, as we presume it will be,
. that this loyal democrats shall have a shire
of Ake ticket, it will then be for them corn.
:,.. , liken to recommend to their respective
conventions what offi3ollshall be aisignato
:..I detonate: : ; • . . -
; ..1 ; The adoption'of this course will prevent
.tionfaskiwand 'many other disagreeable vs
.!. ;1 mitt.. :.If the lonventions determine to as , alga particular places to democrat' they
will thew have an opportunity of making
• the wood/31410ne in the most complimentary
1 tomepossible.'
... As'to the selection of candidates, we have
nothing to say. We have not interfered, la
' the slightest manner, in trying to give an atigoandidate, and we have no
" . disposition to do so now. There has been,
'''' so fat as we have heard, no opposition to the
I re•nomination of Hon. H. W. Wrouraws and
Hon. W. B. SicOumis for Judges , and Hon.
I Town P. Passim forBenatri. Hon. THOMAS
WILLUX4-11100, it is generally thooght, will
be nuanksorteli renominated for Assembly.
.. , Porlits other places there b a free fight, in
- -.which we cut take no part. ' J. .--,
We mast , however , urge upon . the Con-
duty of selecting the strongest
ticket possible; and we most especially
urge alma tie 'Jildiolal Convention Ike
- nocestdty of selecting a good Assembly
tioket. Th 3 people demand this` f them.
;The most of lam delegates to that Cowen- •
,Ilon go in nopledged, and they are there
fere perfectly free to select the best material
t before them. , •
S?~" <
~.'~:~ .1..:. - :
" 44;4•14q '44.1%":V.
46 .
• "
olio, officers formerly
; the United States ureic*, is • gratifying
eireumstanoe Mid if they get their desert.,
It will be still More gratifying. We hope
r? .; there are to ba no more Telenet' upon pa- -
; Toles of honor. ; The a.luntry le sick of that
But, while rejoicing over this victory, we
mot express some surprise to hear of the
H . :Sadden return of Gen. Butler from his ex
c peditlon. Did he come , home to crow over
.achievement!, It eau hardly be pos.
aid rig people will have their enspi
dens.llifithould hive remained with his
axd been ready for any emergency,
- _
;•• :;"•••
I,J •.•:
f, • •
+.. •
1; 4 ,
:•::.; ; '
..• •
. 1q..,,2
• • •
_ , ,
;t?.4 . J . 4t - ..: . ::01-0:••
_ _ - yvip it . a 1.41
Ablitiaifoil Oita, rifik aria, rime &RAWL
literelabsi and Eirenlng6dKlons daffy.
Omar afros
ceruatiabau ka ttio La
. teslows UP to the.
annuls Is satsnc., Cf 190.
;pep meet trots carrkars.
imam Atitiol-111 Pt an® to idni l o. or Om
per .sot from cardora.
Maly oolho• OPetteloolo; los
OAm/sal Stg lab of ISPaladi v $1 'per &swam, Is.
d.itADVUTIaIAO AT ualwrivna RATIN. '
1 :,
Th• Naval Victor*.
The oountry wee rejoiced to bear of the
:great naval victory on the North Carolina
•Cosst. It is an evidence of progress cod
l itt the right direction. Let this blow , be.
I ptllowed up by others in the same quarter.
, If It Is not, it will be of but little avail.
Tits.oeptare of so many offs forev-117
..euntoar's Fsocirxerzon.—The pivots
itiatioa`of den. Ftemont, published yeller
: Aisj, m
e very .general satisfaction to our
- people. <Therewas a brighter smile upoik
their faces and;grester. elasticity in thir
Maps, after reeding it. Men said, "Thalia
• right I" and thanked Ged and took courage.
Thi public mind was ripe - foe just such
step. It was bold, but necessary, and. Gen.,
Fremont will be, eustained by tbe unbroken
voice of thilVest.
The N. Y. nilonse endorsee it heartily.
The Herald baits a little, but dude no fault
with It. The Louisville Josreal, it will be
Neen,'condemne it. The measure. will, an
donbtedly, seetoLlorsh In the border States;
• bat the dread neceitaitles et war lcannot be
nierted. • Plicate insures hate failed' with
the Mlisonri Rebels; - confiscation isthe- one
ineper theaullosalet Arres•td...A Geer.
Oen in &arch el • Shoe-reerpeof ther•
Yesterday -afternoon Officer Irving, of
the Twentleil precinct, arrested Richard
B. Freeman, recently from Georgia, who
- Ins on his wayto New Hampshire' on , a
matter of business. He had been observed
making logairies about a machine for the
• cuttingoiao• pegs. Knowing that the pee
ple'of the South were in want of leather
, and without 'proper &irrigating material,
so that they must resort to moccasins as
soon SS -thil-propent arop of bregani shah
have been consumed, the officer regarded
it his duty - to arrest Mr. Freeman.
Ph: Kennedy immediately gave notice
of the atria to Hui Secretary of •State,
deserting - the character of the Prisrmer,-
sad received immediate instructions from
Mr Reward to forward Freeman to' Fort
Layette. Be was accordingly conveyed
thither this morning by Inspector'Leon- r
arcV-- [N. T. Post. .
Tas outcry in certain guttering ainst
Jortion of t abinet, seems to!: till to
` altogether uncalled tor, and only calcuisted
to accomplbilt mischief. Whatever objec : `
' Lions may Ile against any member of the
**Must, ulnas they affect - directly ,his`
thin or competency , in this able, this is no
time: to bruit them abroad;or seek . ' it-die.
7:ruptloti of the Admildstintioo, which,nbore,
all Wogs else, must be homogeneous and
' united. = When the Government has over:;
melbelnsturectidn which aims at the an
nildlation its ' luthorlty, it will be time
enough to-gratify : our personal jirtodLiel
stud spites by seeking: Abet depisitliin Of,
• those Cabinet-Ministers whom we; may ta-
Said as offensive.-r:LNOTurk Mercury-
, .
s‘Gapszarr -Cxtoepiws. o P Afentpkb
4lnstakship-ip,sumsoing op the batUsciteprqup t ,
ibe rebel glory with. Arkinist,
sad l'thillallasitCAtctaYre."
- • .-,
_ .
• • • ..
• • • •
Latest teem Washlagoon.
VIALIIISasoIts, August 31,1E61.
AsHoom 'Advil - Ruts&
`Prof. Luvrn made another Mansion yeast
day anismoon,,from'ilall's Oita Roads. He
aaw fientyursoldieriakwpitlf on the fortifica
tions which thert:ibels airs - building ',along the
ridge known as Munroe's Hilll Six hone&
seemed to be drieing..e hastiy piece of &AU
lery to its position. ~A .-.htufairourriii,.fiii,
our cavalry watched the balletiesteth iktuitse..
- to - ainceird. Boon icier Lew, touched round
&fieklielose tithe Cross Roads two rifled
cinema Shots 'ln' quick succihon, struck
within three ;oda of him, and one of Ibsen
al the point wheinthe tiralit had bea-a
-s moment . before. No one , was hif, but had
the ,ho t been shell,' ieronaht;l , l4.looet and .
guard might have been pat out; of. the ; pthithe:
One Lei In Sodain;
J. L. Ruldle, lite 'Pot - talents' t' at New - ON
leans, has paid all drat th.and settled his an
conau with the Depsttansatta fo, He
beep removed ¢j Danis. .
. -
radintaa, atinaw:id;
The Paw-Office Depute:art • Teeelved
elation that the steamer Beatuel Ote woollier/
by Seceuraliniiite p , u Padaeab, oe the 22,tisea s
with the "mails and freight.' The pariumgiue
and Crew were 'obliged to go-',1,0 Calm to a
yawl..., The Beetetars Of the Tommy has orii
dared that no merchandise he,. abOppeg
,to paa
dneAb. '
Prom Weetepaybttedre-Abussith Clause.
borm-Tatal ffientitsAgallaa mensiniag our
On Salnidex afternoon last. Gov; Pieria:int
received a telegraphic' dispatch from Catonal
Hughes, the commander-of-the pin;atletuk*
berme (Gee. limmicrant havinci dal: or two ego
removed his headquarters to Camp Boehm,
mime bthrteen tallik foiemid,) and - R. bf; Nor.
ton who`la then liolditiciouttiedditer
autince, and Madan 4/MLitt...rubel. Wens cot,
letting in , the vicinity in considerable
There being bit two . ccnatiaties 'Of imbibe at
`Cliirkabart, and the presence an considerable
number at rebels toeing escertailned;_beyond a
doubt, great fears
.wemo entertaluid 'for the
large amount (if stortiCat the net.'p The Ger.
ernor ente not able to luraleh tap assistance,
.and .far AMMO . season or other. Col. Hughes
could cot communicate, telegrapitinally with
Gee. Kelly. The"'Blinn 'donUausdnll eight,
and the 'Gustaf:* -continued tOltrectititi die.
patchei every -berbour.. -Abott three o'clock
yes:erday morning Mr. .Norton telegraphed
that our pickets; tutd been 'driven lo b • y . the
rebate. At four o'clock loather diePitelt las
received • announcing Ilinerrind agXlarkabfult
of the 30th Ohioingtment, which ; crossed the
river at Bellair on 'Elitdrday. "The; poet win
now coniidered'elfri , anif a kris wu
stet, sent out is pursuit olthe rebels.
It is reliably ,ascartained that a forte. of at
least three hundred' fitful. lure Collected' in
the eicinitt of lifoittilrgion, Ifferiott
about sixteen 'mile*.trum. ,Vliuttetibt,: end
others 'are stuttered : . along, between Use two
plane& .'As our bream move fortiabi the rebeli
insole more and !Mitre dellitift,eadjthe Union
ben are all tut& not withoul,o ante: - • 1, • • •
Oar , pickets were also driven in at Manning
ton yesterday morning about two and
a dispatch from there yesterdav confirms the
report of the:existence of a large rebel force
at Worthington.
LATZir-Lilli evening 110041. Ilit'lNOCk the
Goveinor received a cuspiteh that the rebels
from Worthingtoit were marching loon Fair
moat long , bridge* for the purpose of destroy
ing that 'and perhaps lhe towp,-that
they iniziwithhi three mile. of Fabliontiand
that there was not a rufficient number of eat.
diers there to dend the town. The news
spread througho utthacity, catisinethe most
tow exciter townie excitlity and thisitiode of people
collectelLabout the Custom Semi& Gas.Pier
point Ode stated thersintenteof the dispatches
received; and announced that the BOWS Guard
of the city and as many of the fatily disbanded
TOltatisen. of the First Virginia Regiment : me
'would go would be cut out to reinforce Fair.
moot. In a few moments drums were beating
and companies being formed npon ell aides. A'
HOMO Guard, nadir. nommand of Capt. X. L.
Dorsey, was soon formed_t* take the place of
the Pierpoint and Castile Minnie:: Companies
II and X of thi rust Regime's were
brmiog- on the sidewalk,: while the • &Seers
were calling for the bap to "fall is., which
they did, all who were prepay with tut We* .
- rim chit was aidonishhig. • ' - ..,+• •
Jas. E. Wharton; /LT, CMS foriard and att•
nomad that a tedegraphin ilispateh had „lust
been resolved tubbing the SINT** of the
First Virginia Beginient. The 'Members were
not all present, amt. any citizen who:wished to,
attach himself to say of the companies - would.
pleas* step' forward. This lactiased Car tut *
meat, and adduce *Wooed td gall "Ai fast
as the baobab, mete formedthei marched late
the Custom ; glum Ind boeived Oafs arms..
At twelve effiSeli list inianing,Orimpeakia
B; B, H and the Castile and Playpens Ilibrds,
ball About 400 mini Icft :ffic &Poe' for Fib"
Wh mo at,t. seemnpaniq by CoL glabhard and Gan.
'Thy boYe went In ihs tlighest' eplrlte; lbw
depot - echoing with their jolly gong, and yells.
In the'nusks, along with the ' , wild cage. of the
Hint, we notlesd'epms of our best enfants.
-We hiarti that - a dhpatoh wad recadvad about
wiao.eolook lan arming, hoot Cat. Crounuas,
who had coma up from Grafton and Illaaatag
ton with 'about 600 mu, st'atin ' g that the tabits .
Were still at Worthtalgters; sad' thatbjtataadid
to attack them at day-brook thia
Wheeliag Isterisrmsr of _
Ethan ate idds . iptrit ba isewereagedi •
W. itedomited tb!i_itivtgth o 4 doe dotabera
=Oat; we are in denier al . Waderiatiog. the,
itreogtb of th e efforts' pole taildnito 411/de lba
Borth. The lesdlod, oonioiatore ban bad
mad experience in their woik; and they, I . lpl
impelled to activity by ery . that
laiticee wicked =ea. •
- That r well collided turaspbsoy exists it
the North; ti evieset. It will be deriotted, Uwe
doe! with Is in thef t enedo,not, '
of the original oonsPhioy, suffer It to lob!
strength by delay. ' " ' '
...That this tionernment has it Last, begait to'
mere la reforms to thistuatter, eitoonreglag;
it would hare bliseifer.betterkied It fang dna
arrested the earned treason, sod suppossied
the traitorous sheets, width, bytiat ald of isbd
Pads. hero keerrseattsold. brotidaist !through.
out the land..
The Gotorwriontt Would not allow Oared
Boiled, of thaJoiontaf and 'Bad=
himin:Wood, of Moe Wows, to recruit Is New
York soldiers for the rebel arades, to:Cloud
them to - Itiohinond.ll' ati beton_ do, so Oa
to allow them to"Imo their treltorobs'sheiti:
hey ere adios the rebellion oars by *MM.'
tog *dr papers than, they,would wet* they
' A distlneited is 1s beMade betireat l b .
dom of Mmlplyst mot Of 01 $ 1 .: 1 03 - . 17 ferturei the
govenanient., TO. foot that there May bit no
form of .arrest prepared for thOse who. n e s this
pose as am hutraitent of tresicit ti ho realm
why thsy_sholdd Pant/tot to DIM 02 their
work. When the
. fif thi•nitlop „le at maks,
'the - soirees:aim' ibodld - Windy Asks the
weapons oat of • the handle' thom wild:Mould
destroy that lifs. -.• i
Ths neglect, of tha sociopath M do se, has
"beak the 'oora.lon"Of the ' otobi' thiti hero di.
stroysdareisoubli sheits. ,, The potpie of the
North will not permit .trairos in Wiz- midst.
Thy Pio0•• They iir• tie*
log mossy and theft soul to' support t h e
supremacy of law. Tbsy will not; hies' their
sac as resdired toilets by, noprlneildsd pal.
Molina sod.traltore st home. lf, WOO tp-
Miry, of * a 'false IP/Pe, ; Spares
galltyist the eosin; of the intiotedt. the-govi
estunant.',falls- so tenpins* Levity*, tnamonsble
sheet,imd every trallorop movrimehtho a/d Me
tbs Isola* will Itte - the soil intO'thsir
own handl. This Is -snarly- Opreeatali
bat:it I. betterhkaillbet:hhe nation Stith.
lit tai govatitomaLsot with
ociorhalmbs nisirrity, will real , thuds adios
and voting, proot to growth oristalriyfrit.
, ,
A curantediscoverf was Weeps other
dit at the Alitional. Obaeintrifrat Wahl'
- ingtok - from Which Mink bfaury74XB6l 4
On wttemptiog to. use tame' of= the. lestrti
akpb:for obaereation t . : vi. found-that
#gl..4difrOwit in (resent-theca
.) 9e4. 0 , 0 4 1 24* . .gbattuct the
ighirtgbondiudire eiidessi that theta.,
strumenti have bet been 'Cote for :7401
A striking 'eontitieitary thertuarma in
which 'the tieedrikg 'Bulierintendent"
charged hic.ditieso Werknetan now .
cutting Away the mate . but Sudpweschable
witeetwagainstidni.-,tAbani Etei & s un
. •
Biaiiii 440 r catAar
Drnow.--Tbsit was a law at Attalla WNW
tripsolittils ter ittnd aloof In flY,siodis
t /LAU itepabllai.* alkeitit
Gntee iliatin discord wu V t q. sad
it • Itaialiapie. Mr"
bviagisk ilablicalityatAtad'aiisrp 31114 6.
couhrellut Oftec.ciall3ll , ..tilf•w , o*.
iritglitli *so 'y0:0 olitere+Lintipit.
11.1^ , r - ± • .5 cAia z
'Mull Satins
fermi is malt girionotosso or caviar:
sogrurostooos *or sew moonorto roma boom.
Lamina% Meow sot ItatiOr ti sir.:
Misk.o4ls.4oo_lioodoMml_ose farOtmtis Nth
tisionortuloo, his of snow, to tic Bortmont it
WillotdoStoulDlVorblthor Ithlogooo to he 111•1 oat.
RlKotho roortti tic loottutiog t m,w , as tr..
ftit&k, or tbOotiltighatillotor 1/I.klas, Ilttdootit:
IMO roPorto Clotopi/Lallaitet Omit bowery of
.st, smilers • oil ropoitto . 1 000 . 1 Mbef.tgon COL
10111144114 CiiirtoirotEsr aiming ce his oodotoota.
po, .• • AMU. Lama%
tiblasT , chilotidftooloadliitaogionme
031.- A raw JdOttg isEOIII.IIT . 4
- raimotpins maks Wits
ituoN IllIn^!Oator-CloPL TRW.. RO B L
Tltollocipaay art es oeforei moons to.put:l 7
atillalledsaad 111W4P llas nukes' ebanrilmolola
Amory la leolarr of mimes no. .l et. good
top lan baosialloo bra tow - daza lowa.
• sall , al ROIL Gaptalse.
' lM Oientian*ef 'the unamisised Lattair.i' ea
copied In tee Zutscili.l)lnkrtillOpeas, Qol: 'W.
8. Venn, Dm in Weibtosten, efli inerr token that
antrum es- ma le die Cospriai to *AIL , Tinnily
M a i s
Will IS. , Reireeiansuele vs Nonni
the Ms gm enrolls& Apply to Chi etaideigned
13 = 111 14P . . Yoin t, eapt.!.:
Nth ; un
Wergete en eaeuxew to *no, •' - '
To Map thowits of tbe an AlloglooLwo; gol.,
Mu; Hare iitgloaa. OEN oi w
. 11414
. M.D. WO W. ow:.
Bank Statementa.
1411144•Mial Of-4116 Iron city Basika
; . Pirtimol,ll44
• 00 •4 )
Loma sad 410,660 02
DO4l 0y OM 66
Notmaxml pucka deem, .259,261. 41
'l=l;4= 066,467.46
Da4 toolbar 40 VO 04
Do6to • 102629 Iff
TM above atapmaat4 =rect. amain' to tluo
best 06 ay hamille6p 404 belle.
• • JOHN 111/40/7132,044b4.
4600m41 oat* babel is% eta daa ; •
Seam:leas of Zixolosaos 7- Fr. - I of Pitt*
' , )
10 44 2 x
Loos sad 1161. 111
Boil Mats.: 60,000 00
4162,662 60 " ,
I nSTPlnr Notts mao looCe.. 116,a0.00
Peanryivuto Loath Wax...-. Bow oo
-Meek, and Notelet! othor,Banks-.... '400,6010
Pulf other cruet &t o - - ;
' .
,820w — Wied •
avtai Stock 902,2X1 00
CtircuLakin 7211. 00
... MOM 113
Dos to other 14,424411.
ConDoentyniul sod SU 16044'
..' . , • $110119,610 to
'Atio; above otttottontts convt;* to the boot of at
ttstmlodas and botbe.. • ..11.3LIIIIIIIIATASottlor
&Erma Wats mo, this lady ofEopt. Stet.
.- • CL9. lIIMM.,Notts/ Patio.
1114•744144•166 of elm Illaremaatr aaallw
4411totiarers 9 Hulk of PittabUrgli.
iketriens, Slept v. UM
C1466tal CO •
0166111441461 170.460 00
725 0/ 11 . 09 -
1/66 . 44has Ssakk— J 16.930 IS
Losils and 4 69
ULM If '
Notts sod Chinked' otherianka....,.. 4 3 1 td
Doilry other Boalci... MAW 11
Triarzt IWO°
Oaossonwealth fiumghisia Lona. 40000 0 00 0
ttattenstatemat he menet sod Wu to the best
_ ' l4"4 lll.l li ertrcrs, Asistait osittur!
elrora . and me, Itlclw of Sept,
D. 1361. W. fl. Wl3rtion. MG%
Itatiment olliselkantes.Baakpt Pitts
PirruniSi. 1 .4 4 . 3,134.•
''''''''''''''''''' SUM 00
atm I 1
11 II
;* tlevidE , 15,190 81
Balskid Natio Discoaxttad-,..41147M 01
Doe by Obit u 1,09 9.
.Note sad Maks of othlF KM IN
'• -
1,046,7611 .
the above statement hi ecithit , to iks but of my
Ipbowidseasii beilid. Oft D. WWWW. Cloothr.
Miura befori se Weld depot Ilept .166 L
• ' 11.11.111M5. Votary POW. '
Iltatetmest et the Batik et Mittabursh.
Itm*Pe Noxotara..- - .—sthiuts
teraid @roast ilsAul SO
Stake acal flithelatalaa. U 1,4111
' Deal othr WWI If
Bach Both & Otetta WAS PS
'B ir c h 6126106 a
. -----
01440.11111 'ft
' Lusinaans. r Y "
acata ago • .......—sunocrte
Prato aed *WO _
Meta Maim& ladllahhere aye. 4,196 113'
Dee loWit 17
Chufatim CO
• , •'
The soon masteran b corratt to ha bare my
lownhathe sat bald — 30U1 lieltPlaidutae r.
throre so hp ithettfted ttifsAtapt. 114 ISM; ham
mum NatarsPablia.
atomise= or um Allogitoos Moo*,
o.s rarai cat7.i mad ,4umm t i f
r----_—^ .
Cbtalettes &OM 03
/Nieto ether_
NAM 14
. Izethrideet Depoattors-- 104X0 U
• Tbe yboti mat b correct to &obis% alt coar
kumiegge end WPC.. - Ong; o.olar.
Torar4 mem Oster* se, Ude day.
IT. EL - WHITNYT,Tkbir Teblik
/Li* AM=
/opium ocritrumis
• von Tnia NsrA-u,
would do mon an tad pith* Patens and Mal
bills of
Ws‘f& RAVEN.
. " Na Ai..,Third . ; Ono,
who prigs:ad toping small at Imp, afaxtYlig to
, , , ih• thlt"ft.
fA.zacrsr aor.casta.
; seiund •
0 1 * 4 5 . 1 4 21 i:4 1 c"k 1 W1C
• JusT . PP . 4; , n4D' .
- .IT, W. :
• • 1 coo 'xi,aus
IlitoPosi--4 - WALL ./StitMatila
bish• Ulf tab'
.011:4111111111111111414 ?warn MAI litligN
catilln far 041,80/ ; .
'Wall ad dam was oaa tad! fir -a
!UMW: abet' Makiiskersaidlu...; • c
Iran of this kloos 0:111
ft, Mow -
.1 Rem at}thim tote Ono cm*" ell* o ft it
imam au Orgy addama
: , 11basadialoate bik Midi at ofviVdeashlo
Maud nay 10114 balarmailad adi# irataiars,
lima *Motu sad laittudil iddwal and
41A MU* tom& la the
ton autos aul Oft irate ourft in at het
Ilona to barna Imadtalk dadadr •
limo UM owl ttiOristriasumiWi. -
Barrio ad alibt`11.000111000.„,_,...
int am *bob *a ta adunaraa?:.,,
dad tad •
asaaaffiri MIMI •s lit OA iliattldajdiftw
sq, arrn a tugdntSka to tatdal i zamaiwa of
r ap minis; aid% 16 plaid
sag dotard fait 11 it
111111Ce 1a a_ re delay al
Mar die
'loath fit - JURCZIDOII4
; ABM v.l OrmoodatriLlLX:4
11014 1 ditSVOLVZ118,n
Alt ~ ,* 4 ;Rayra.waffiu;A , ,
*Oat* tQ
do Altbezthigmati.
-8/T B B 40R,
-1 / 1 1 ,1 4iiejoili(TIWO Lith hiarably,locato I . bp
load Itie 4:147 'wet, ad c4frobty nate fir OIL all
Inlllll333ouid dm*. 3r:B 'x i(."' ...
" 2 */ I, a rfo-1117 iClar.b Street
OiL - W9REB.- ^ ..
wierma acminsasoft c
larnuits IND 'mamas IA
art7R33O.4I:IiDON Cqt...
glaing Chistiatiodj purgentis,.Pc.
...areas Gems sol ample coostaally band.
prdiirs recielnd far the gamut 4
,onisp, eMTTe
• 00.14' Valois:4 first greet,. '
Marron Bonn,. Renames, naps. gd, ASO, •
IVOT/Orl - SHIPPERS.- - - i n i pbtinta
AA and ether. elm market to end or any
desniption to • .Statia of Vt gin* =tacky. or
hihnoarlL, are tally roinnted to whit tea oil. ;
cos of Matt On preventing goods it'onl Itottiorinto
Itmi tants or .anomie., by couloradog i ntrictly ,to
She restriction. berstosore riiptited ii ientinca to
gtW.ild to Wheeling. and ats rol e *e,
remain In done, sc far t'thetoa r my
@Rumanian, goods and rtilints: blade of
any desasiption cfna to ttio interior ot,Clit al4, the
Ohio lino smith t Wheeling, to Virgillie.iii riquirs
. Good , ot ail de going to Sentrlchi hihooott
repent p• - ta.. sPaolages gong to soldiers
ta either of, gbo so Steno. •nd ginsited4o tip ewe
of tb• commuai onion. .111 not nordn!eartalta
As lan nufnind the Mreasury Department to ne•
port flashipper, owner, description, deturj t ion sad
Mut cd nterchandtse shippet boat tbte to ib•
Oboes . Stank all. applications for Ipanalts to
ship must be made In uritbotAleiagnamelot dapper,
Woolf. artioation. desartption sad nine for be 103, 11 rode..
mn •
of Shi,ulll be requhed to vomit 4
onbilgni.. 000 known at tote atm
• . . :. W. W. BA VOIESLOR, :
• mita@ Surveyor of 000tp:011.
PIGA9k I 4 B `. •
Jattrocehrd Ej Riprega
'Titti BOX'S 011.021 NUM*,
- 1011 nailing's°.
Luca 40111T0111., BON,
fouilfraME• in pi • burg
. Da. BINUINCI will tit to Plttitiargb,
Da. 210N1N06 VIII beta Pitiabtrith,
DL 10 1 / 1 11012 WIJI beta Ploriboreb,
DL IN3IINOL mill brio EMtebereb,
' DL tooturasoraNl b•l2 Pltterntr‘b,
Da.SOBENCIL will be to PIMMOreo.
MONDAY end TOISDA ,Y Soptember 24 son edi
KONDATead TURSDAT, September 2.1 odd 31,
AMWAY sad SU OMAN, !twitcher LI sod 31,
imam? old TIIINDAY. Septeaber 2J snit 8.1,
MONDAY sad TOMAS, September 28 sod
MONDAY end TOWADAY, September 24 end 81,
TOSSAILIAN MINOS with Sea. 11181 , 111011cTIR.
TO IllailLN2 MINOS with
TO Woruis LlOlGlrirttb toe ILlSPlavld STNS.
- • At 014. ISYSIWA.I6O Nowt it.
AIDS. RUA/RA 140 WoOdSt.
At DL KIM WS, 140 Wolf at:
At Da. M 53619,110 Wood eti
At DI, RZYSWES,I4O Wood ot,
_ DS. ILSYSIWaItO Wood it: •
mats ooss MID Puma wind( u you&
too pmeautnuara. our MAIM NO 0841.21111
108 OASIS "THAT MI axmasso 0.20/1
DOLLARS. ioSimem
VIM BSA BATHING, Atlagtio City,
L. 31. J., (tiro' mad a hilt boon dtle ttoin
detnlthd Ism", trapatood than my ether Mice In
the Unhid twat
lir bathlng, ailllag and Addis ihellltire are no.
ear ma lima and Beerdlog foul. ableto trot 44.4',0w
kma eked Swan Ileamon perasa.
apt awl of anima _
aod N d
ort. .
/In Heade le Mae adlee leng*'atordinma odl
i eta*
algait arm% Odds the aspeighere.ol the gime le re.
ud Ida wer
• TM 'MY lII* dra
Canted Mae dad, two; and front
Phthellintda. anda telegraph Made ltd,' 5t4:44
knob ot thalami
t_2tutue thetaunden Atlanta Late
net Unit Wand, Philadelphia. at 134 a. W mad t a.
tt. -tam *theta al *MI &mt. seo 4:1E? n Du
lanoil laity maim_ Vara OA.
Jtaltualtni (Vatted Imam) HOllll, end other
beam acre awn. jelthitt
I. CA2IOE3 Et eml/IndLlqiusl. Mod 1. MI Olaies
jo M ms, °lll" = a 110 1.
' Ecdrolopc.rA
on ,„do ward. 241 rib .
111•11stoda w 1
Tboodoroolog bcon- Ain l
do do
Dias Talon doe,
..torson.. do do
oroohla Poem, do Borth mew to.
Ailin lot wood, Plitobrogh
alukort Igoe; g
doboon, 54 do All. otwor.
Cady lobo; rade goon, . do Piusourgb
Elortwon Amok • Worn, bower Choir Tp.
111410 Egboodss. alba boom • do do •
Soctort L .tavorn, : word, ottalm s b
!whist, ' • do • ' d do
OrldosJObro do . Ado 4110 • do
Illebolhe Jobs. do " `llrot.inr.
dOnorArlobo, do ' Ist do hodotrin
Ufa Elebrloo. daUnd boor, 1103 63, A Urobsny.
itoiorTbosso, lot do' 3 11 uoroln-
Patios Ds o other Pod., da do
Trogroor Jobs woe; - 31radogb ni.
Tho Board (4 30oitmon wOl owl on 1302 DAT,
Ifordwabar inb,1861,,b0 sot *orbs stows Woo
- • . ICIALEI. Ono no..
Clortiolsoo.4lnoun Ebb. UAL. mad a
Oruro cr via kloritiMaza ciAaamiator Co • Pa. I.
• ' • • Ittuonnoe, Aeon Itelo len. I
, CONTRACTOR:I.—EnsiIed Prop.
trUI be method at ilds aim ounitUrtat it.
I It • Tht pros, tar Um comoramioo at
' MILLS ea Nom Anat. from TIMM, atteekto Mimeo.
plots lime The bur volt be bey tali tamed
street letbellkeoegebela from likeed moot
to Med Ma aid Now otllbe taken op and
Ito aid brick so tee apraatioieta, Mod • •
' Tla Matures will state the cat: pee thiatand tar
AMA ; tanitMed aid. laid la goodum. MOUT, sad
masa Mimeos wil to Made tar Shea:l:r Alto
Me *be forma fire for the 'swathes mane
Woo. th e price per yard tor mow mesa
tap endduo,* voodia mesa Mean OW
lejet men at the ollim cd Comte Ocommieetv.
• No allowarem to to am. to r 1111tei la the .sop s
melon the Mimi toles prop
comedic& ar tor Ike is
of ea,e ma emterbl.
Tbe roatractoro two naafi to tm•OM attar owo
Natty'. lateptste.lis o 00.• oittulet say liddttlonal
oOleit al the Ceuta Coemehabovri._
achadtel BONY tiorstar. Oootrotter.
tut OLIVA adAIIIVII SO" insiettlacto red by
o.'a I. It: SAWS; is earns Wald ite , lut ate
most isyrkeebte stony tad red so Os laths,
Its aped / - dinnateses, yet
ore fOUlt ta li Ii It. stuteynin,
isiteaca beta, snit tin .41u1sy In - itateMit gnaw
past e tar sus without injazlng skta, ter la lb awe via Wawa Tunny of zeds. It
as be usti i °l =llnde of guar. -
aeheams V made Ina pleasure to intr, Sable bad
serai:Oa .assent/ freategantimea end easwa la
conmmity, sad she bad nosy isid , Uy
sealsiiiS ten slid Marty Oast
Qaaw~asatrra Aspartsusti of tea ?wank Me ,
; lama
• m e instran
Oh il s* W ta d l i v e e
Sap" assail
blui sad vary utturindyis ear anglisenta Use
ad tatitalos 01411341/8 thee tt . ass found Minim
bly abated Se thaws of ttes wallas, sad douideaty
no WM =PS,/ asp wblcb placated for
al la fgl33of Ilbb — Vbralut,
a l la /WW I ?. &Ayer W 3317, ?it. Their b
thigtorgigl geschumw fre barbs, Maid cndsc.
:Up wren lOg fa,43.10.1,48, hothlitto AO to 13
Voit ‘ lllo taw' 11 , 4 tubby_ pertbalus
I 111130114 WILLI3I.3'
-Mll-0W„ 3,1111 O. ZiTt/1330b i WIN.;
DILOSOLUTION,Tho fi rm of Poor
-IWO,. Om ollowtsid by
mama ammo. -Smear to coiled all debts Memel
Attma ialgalNlnta--
Em e.
September td, Ital . '
Down tlit l tir. •
rar.:te~' : ~
:1140WiE 401-VIIS just receii,
WeA7 fr?Whi.S.ti
RWK raittble far
ulhif tt g.
. se4 ,l s fil e itt 4-4011,
a :IfifißD illih2s
_rte €a• , f% 'JANIS DAL6III4 50:4. ,
MAO 4 I. We* rarau
j 4 444 4iPtin.* • - - 7
dfip so mastor
is:Ostia:NO:SO* 1
astir:voakiist Soo enta '
Ri4.0 1 1 Ttilin',44..rifitf.i.
araill and mates k .fineteebbpazoHMa4
lie Ili iiiondilid4D CrallAP. , _.Jeff _
111 OH •• • -
Jen 4 i , 4 4 91 - 1 ,-'
NePtetrilftwisadis parT : •
*AD MtnWiwi**.
ipqr ORN 8
waoLssaui T kIUUNG 8r0P.2,
• :171 , ffisiurket street.
issw (111:1)11 AT WIWI' 1511013 Ent 011IFL
•• .1140 p, Skirtivind Corsets,
Inibroideried Setts,
VS* Style Callan,
Lilian Collars and. Setts,
Guipure lace Cellars,
him& flowers and Boses,
Bonnets and Bats,
Runhes and Joined Blonds,
Ihnisbasine and ,English Crape,
Velvet itibbons
Aad ag kinds at Milling* Goa&
ikiiiery and ()hives, '
Aleiander's Kid Gloves,
In Pialin,Atmbroklailad an 4 Younnatalre
Zelihyr Worsted,
Shetland Wool,
Widen Yarns, Tidy Cotton,
Notions and Fancy Goods.
•o. leer rousse 'massy,
ALY amrranum.
Gray Dzaaa Ocala at mat,
Fumy Silk. M cost,
Barages and Tissusi at cos
Berage itebee at . halc prioe.i
atm:Lett Lawn* at 1f343 watts 87
A large lot of Domeatto Goode jut
opened ai,
sal° W. & D. HIIGIIII'.
. .
D1.171f31a Pall4l 4 rri,
Brus Bourdon aid Buifutaren.
OAS A*D STEAM lariinßO
Pula' p;1 Brass Work
rt Emir nicaurnos.
oxzj WELT. iiti;naps,
of Souk or hall* vial 1= 0 : aPPWIred
Obambers sao %dm 'of lands, If trorrestad to
giro sottdoottow. !: I ' •
otusaspostisio= r jp Sepias
beet. bYtiltni tient, twee:rile pie oat. 111
ate,a4llll, giestaiati sernstibis tits
tit a 44 bends of tie Clitipial abaci
*oder *phi aimed. upon pr od' dui
Gasialtio ritt lbstic4ars sat Itoodkokirs
WA 'tort Walla wawa B
Ompser. (Motu 11101. Sudo
seal dune w apply Imo id awake °Ma
. .ssist . "No. Mb strait. D. WWI"
*off-AtiOremm be tb Pmabasfig Oossistim
,•330,20Z11 & 00.. •
.. t l s AND -
i llinut Street. - •
VVrand. fo,
t Writ:
mum im
**Eel ; AND LlQtfOrts,
Wain; ibr .4:96 tal?aiada'aa mats at goods.;
mutamitialb • ithaaasi waft on ow e..
• amino .Itfiq • . • •
ar A tn i vue
nal bade aimilliii%UWlU 41 , the".
atuarirt awe iptes4p9s.
IlluTa4l4l . lolto $BOl unnias,
iv , t 7, - WWI amain,
IN Waal sena.
oatlOAlto—'4,so• bbIL-Phdadelphia, New
4 3 POilagligstaKel Ps. o ltropod tem
71 tddo. ao do.
30 do • Malodor& Creedal - do
di do &woo Itivoraisd , • .do
-'do rtnnues: ' • ' • '
fansk by • nod,. r•
oat* ' • No, sod LIS Wool ossoos.
4: :11. itl
isal loteihrl lad tat are: irr -
I •• w. - z• mouir IL CKILLINI.L.
1414.-25. sacks tioeivedats . 1
1 1.1 11 4 11 3 1 T: 11 *- 92,144ns
1 uhr
_ ,~,_
led Flannel,
•It Flannels, ,
hirtin . FlanneLs,
ElingVame aia Mmli e,
• fall anartaient of
Oland besatital artklw
and and* In =at ■' way is to
Bowl, st••d, 10. It m•ka. •
WM, and la complala with.
work. MY la th• alai that
Ma wooled by tomato who do
h• et ths azposts• dr azty thing
Slue stand ;Do* described
• down •nd nmovid In • kw
Grenadiiie Veils, color?,
Biagio Ruing; all widths,. • ' •
Stella Ehawl at wet,
Embroidered Este, '
;linen Este,
Likets - "
Jasonetifind Swiss Idginge anthgtlatigi
Gents' Shive,Collers.• end Nis,
• , lindf Alezi*Ull ' f
Undershirts and Draprert.
An arste:nes ti wrest itl:nin• dcZtte.
bre pwebstas 74. :
A. VAX LAT.& ~,;- .
• - • '''`
us x=; TA*.
1121W6P1P1161 ANDMAINIZT:I42I;....: •
weparns ANDRaaestius,
Ingwapinzakon iu,cfmakra. 1-
7iltht W 614.11.).De5t Nat "(4.11,11;the
Corner'id ream ,na,i3t:oliar
aletwthilth . 01 1 02 Pubite Itheltithh. So la - 'hew
goat otePHING GOODS.„•11 ttialwist ,
asks of Ihutdostable Motorist i i 0 to 0111STLX
MEWS WlkS.athltbg amenthattlots• Imhof'
th wigwag to eittott to ems to !hhit MO'
the roe • stale at . 131 - 11/ 'topes *Mt es V et t
102 10th.
04 .1PckgSKOto 0 0 1 . 1 .4 4-0.000
mate. - I hateltlth
IrtalkiZ , l6 .IpST T.4y:INIFEJVItE
• A R - D
• 1 -2,,
u ustialt trams all ktsEa.d.ytor flap cur
clew """ / "1 01 Pinswidwaftwuld
igoimmui Milli . oalj stildept
111607111110-that IMTIS OD /maid of ikeirtalzi DlbJ d.
prepandpd sou by • ' '
'star stionratarlra
ATB 'AND D - A.Pb 't •
. fiTRA W GOODS;z: 1 -
UMW? seance erase::
usinewarki 4661ix0, 1 Bats%
auB ~ - 131 Woottd4rpiltebtergh;
10' 000 .P;AB -11 , r tirs I f =
whl git pi Animas. claigNuip
047 yid orm moss Otis Pow Sews.'•llbarth itt
cs" nb , 061 16 UM qo_ 6ll frga 11 0 10 4 k
saittLivtlT • . •
g 4.7 -
_aosiiirscasa. suazze-
Irmo staus.•
all the' =bolos Whottookitaxtri.loilt
law *ace IA 800 It :at the illfts
MANN runty oarcbasott to llow Torlcom .ortdotr
-VA tio toasts riotaatbst hos lAtmor'pritoe
DAUL UO A bble, Eragrploilluctear;
t • 1. :Ay
• 7 n , ItkrMialligkvi
lice l4. etl ' saikii:r". l3 VO l ATlA
m2I • T I, , Jai met wreak
BKILIntt . ."I I / 4 .115T-Aliblia, , Mat;
Inal Stay mice% ilialsea• rag aitiAmoi
Via -• i" - 11antiti,710=111 It 0(4. •
Sot ,4 ViLints4ll4llll6 *MIL C.
..11 -L .j
JU., so bau. o ptiATl 4411 . 1 P•4 1 5.D iit
1104 _ •
_. '
Tea kV 411 *KIWI kr 1...:? aimoDra.l-OD
' PIM . . - : in Lamp 03.0„,
§P/OX 0 BILLI4OB-440404tedfoRk
' Modem is iniii4pply lot MAC tr iw sibem_
Ip tabgl willisila Aug 11 Ike thilea
Xi Itots, l l , :-' AnY 11 2111....WP W.
, -.1.16 -, - - .'• *rime sawn -ware strems.,
leto=-In ligrbekr - bittels • "
kriiiaaso 4 - 141:1101h11 7 01- ,
, • .
IIIarANTED--Bondit nd fctortgagee lot.
ii *Li IbillOrdriatilk lb/ Ciro" ran
Slott/pp for *POO:
Ore - do 11400.
Our do for $2,0(0.
apply at ramtit Prrrt 'SOD Pt. Oak st rear.
Jac 9ats at Co En.
10 003 baab. Connallaville Cam.
=23 tza-vonn 1 cw.
0.11 modem lievoremeitie, located on e
Tu i nn n
el, to
TIM Fa,/ eyes; sew beipd. maim. Terms
Igo. • • Le:44S. arum
cifor—gfusited •ou Wrinek ombreelog
belireeu 10 atel It acres. . : 11:Wwkso bulbs property
idx wend hf irarldwitrogrils; throw. Or Which arc as
eatieleol depfli tojurflft pftellfg,.. 4 oaotlected el
lb* wells Is • powerful implae,lu goodziustrlew order.
Ibis property fa tetetuuted IWOorrofek
tars sadpewlapt ow/ of fluesspil, aro Is Ole
reulcri. We off r • gnat bluplw °nifty terms or
pap et, cumuli 4olukzge tot rail - re*, Is or: ad:
slug tM d t J.. Pa r Pirbm". VS , •
, WWI; CD, •
Nee ISM Iburtb street
cinema 111.11%.111111.1a—dam_
20 1 .111r.1n roS orig. MO drirthe throipsta
maw le 04 oily* W 411.114 soreewtor esab.
Niro . e UTZ 0=
..e4l . .• nlth. iibourfil
LOA: WANT—The. 100.11 B? ltiOUti4
A: toner federal and Water streati; Etty'of AT,
legion); one Nom' mektl, and haw.
&Olt c9PAR• ROre•0 1 P,lkbtruts old /..L.
ckreathito R. H. DAM,
WO ZNOINES; ' in: 4orking
- enbi. win bp: soli 02 ilocommtetettaig
07 set 1,7 Mabee Msmeeirorlib *Smear 48.
Slut above may beta.4l6 ephheettea 'et it& WM ,
NIS COTTON Amu. Allegheny,ormt malts deb*
ared cm the Om otJaly. , , ,
MUM:O Pent pawn 61k8..
144 Izew mut:Max mist sd ado.:
co .2.• 00M.A8a 10deiicti:
ISO &a new Sy Is LININ , 01.1,1118 at 1.00 sach:
DBAB, BROM% BLUE and GREEN "24141131.11111.14
Groat bargain In HOER eAllealdr
awns, HOMILY and rre, , rli,?*ldi•
BONA= 81Bpplik,11131:=8, BOININIOS:HATS
CREILLI, COLD &ad BIIIIP - 13/11141i211 ,
ill cedars nestit an' e rarioiff wbou
soon slam of Wat 9akii sad yir,lifpifeels..
BOSTON TUSK•• 4olos usortsue*Apt own. •
els'? nun Imam comma, T. 7.3, BWIPEND..
- _
molar p.wrzyr ailLuziaiD actin amino,
10 bilk/Aunt&
lII‘DENIIIIII2I3 and alumna, an slum.
•Isrp threat PANOT'AIITICiIIS gad
stings on lila.
and COUNIST DAALfIa opplied
tweet pcesibl. Woes.
an 29 No. 17 and 19 Fifth street
Nay, (Jews!
78 Market stree t , .
FIJI tad irecelved Wei ei;id 'carefully alert.
agora °Cicada amufg which may tie faired : :
Chenille . ?Tots,
Cord and El& Nati,
Read Dresses,
Lizion Collar*,
Lace Sleeves, eta., etc;
LID ALL-7811.111M 80018,'
*SD ALL THE 2121 , 0 ,BOOLII., . • - •- 4
AND 'ALL Stllll' SAW
tau ba bad ai
eau bi bad-at•i"..t bid
as be had at "
- "WA' mho,
minim mts,
1111:140V10 HA LL i'IIIPTB44IIII2,
itABONIO aw 4 MTH' STIEss,
Q - weer,lNd tiP➢!ib'a itOlitsany
~1 .;f ..,.sr
L . t • ~uo~R~nsit.
tbisposaby Minder 7.'11. Miller. Ter the rim.
Peat Xi cents. Far Mg., by
b 2 ruts street.
tan NisW
raaaorit p uiaD - NM
20R 33.rara.a.INO.
, subacriber s to 'redise. hie dock of el.
ewe: Was tut U.K .wieele erealorg.tansi4 aut. month, etty
New Ind &cant, band tlenth“ rig = lOl ,
cub. The.. Fume bays neatly al been • eirpul
ally . tne eaUcuter. goo roottE4 patpaai, by the
beinaukere •Ip' the country, suttoen too. en u
double sad ..enteninttel basement*.
Verelmeerinte reepeoriony tutted to call end en.
Ship dom. Foriene
ITO/ailt s. IidIILLOR.
j.l/ 3- mg - 8 ,Wood street.
p . lll 641JfkG. 11 rElge LE LVLLEGIL
.114V7e1 'Nino .04 ). Vinlen'A TIIISDAY , Sept.
34.'tbsibnOdmge tily4 Non thnroughty refined end
sa.n.ipperstun, Intecupti, 9anlnot., ad, added, mak.
In( thethdtintloh.eetna•id nonft In the land. to teat yol'unt, onkir ID • tbirbealu College nouns,
bus In soy Cepa. tan..4.ancli as TILLOSAPSING.
LANS Una ItuWIL cm IN nIII.I7.II2sTAL 111/810,
D.R&IIIINGI• • • '
Wpauttng Oopai rnalitil on unreels to Isms.—
or Catalogue eons tan
-1,141.141 Bed. Prteldent.
. .
.; eitidifolrolefL&A/BDAStitit4(Jl..,
TliE= - T6l.Rit '8E8ION! , or THIS
jj febool cosotoeueo oa tho•WIRST SION DO
TZoPdik. •
Piriatia7 Del:mama - a per sandon of glio-snaktlia..lB 00
110100 .do . do • do • do 00
unto ' • do - co ' ' do ...IS t 0
the Onderehined bsrtay placed thelr children co-
• d lttldlm trnotlon of Hr. - end Sire. - A VSRY during
.the tart pritr.troold moat cherslall, recommend than
sokaal to the patronage of the patnto. The Teecherr
.are' ixnpetenc' and isittifat. end the , progress of
the pvisiG bee bota.tdshis vatlaractia7:
Ittlitarn M. north. K. Wrack.
I/ Van co Lora ' J. Dun. ,
J , T Loy. • Leath Livonia.
Dr. A. G. Walters. Ocpt. Miasma Dean.
Thome Lately. ' Matron Cato ch.
David Iltselmone. &matt Lunleey.
_.44.1r0r tikcalare, to, early tolbe Priacfpal.
SO second street, [IMMO Sestet and Wood. or at
the School Doom., corner of Third and idarket
agorae. . acratnitf • • St. N. airay.
R. et .hifiS. i&Ts.DuU2rett
- -
8.1804 E 1t.8.11,13N0 Latta,
11/114 m 9,110 ou hiChh DAY. gaptetuter eth ;
an 4 Latta taught without extra thugs. by
Dlr. 21rtagocz, astivsbt nett aud 'gradtms of ths
.24Q,.14€4 Third at.; r- itteiburgh.
N. B.—Tha Nlnalogbamo*Land sad II! tomvill•
east pima by et door. sofft.wir •
Brid.111:11. AlYtittg
tipeoi the Ifni If ick flegitsicter. it her rod.
5 9. 24 1 / 4 11 O 001 ; MM.
Oonfixteat Instructors bite bop I.....nired for ibieb
TI/Lim . PIP 111331131 OP P-Til lONITHS.
In ibe lesdello Deiat t otact--.520 CO
do do .Itopuolor4 16 00
du do ' Pilmazy '
,"do —.... 10 00
_ .
„ All Ornsommul branckee eine.
Magog' may be bat et the prinApel Book and
Undo Florae. =let bee rfte4dt nos,. ' • eulaannre
//~''~~ H~uAicA:Y 'IIVD'L"IUT~.
IE7 and 1621 SPIXIOII MIST, P/1114111112/1/L.
tortitate,' conducted tar Pee, inn peat, to
this rim by Marlin Ca enicaler reenter niece !Webb
D'lbiavirsr opts the mats pristolote' as the one te
brie Tett, itelebleb•O there et the year 1111 t, mid re.
ito so bleeds,. beptentleirvrttb:lts usual am
ple arnibea Pieta provident for ths'ediumtlao of Tools
ummeei elder_ Me Oirectlon• of Mediate latestrtlly.
MP:dam bad aq regaltite leterneatioe, can to she
raked orrepetbatton to tb• Principal;
W ÜbAVlGittilTr. -- The
TV Daft term of this' lostitudott irni commence
Be,tember.24. ,Ther• will to Shied It- tits Imsparr
tor? Wrlel and Buell& Dsliortisieus, hod ow des
101 l Ooitels tots Oisorse. A Normal Depsitsoinit will
Also hp ownisseinosit forrttiossar both hots who pm.
pose to tomb. , 0/LiJAGJI mow,
r sallhAw : • • -' • • ;, Principe& .
WW e- aoloocwarsurir, 'arta rar,___N
n, 59 . MOM 3d day of 171117MJ1.
Ba. :Tama' lops pa seaskrn of law madtba.
. , J. M../1111111.
G` mops
10TV AIM W • 1180 - 11VING A
for SYSIDO eatii,_wbtott Ain been otheiGil
nentboni'arav fur% elks fail niGhtlici tbst ti
riuvlac, Aiii.wvaat •
1049.16 0 ..././/. •
Viii irllff sisiirits*Air ► r imiitori a th s ineis
ass. beta" opromirin 7 , aapplaktpipicutlls
&Wait sa fairry WI Err* oar Entrcas sad do poll%
ittiM sir mg" tot thitosialgt r-::
' f!";. ,- .:, - ;.: , r , ~'i*.' • ..: .., -,.,
Samuel , ; =: i rayv k, sop,
. 2. , t ,,,, a48 ,.
pAi.lpiter is*u
..- - - - . "
! , `4nqtripwaltoN
- i4;;;:igi;A:iiiiiiit. ; -
INovni tinaba dvriediiwho on nnrnn
10 awn . ipsuablinitntails mad aktep ye, thins
• ' No Estes trnablesomn Iton inina.
Jltat. the': goodnin T 1 AT CUM with I b
)11,:1941j 4 31 37 4 411'estialiet , '
, -,i; ~, t- , 43 99nottntneltai•Ofilow :,-.
MIRO - 117104111164 11111,
'corner. 43. w;;;ixt *tree
ME= ms L gishr AID Agave
• putattrtA.F.:„
, ssocis.oxime?v urbrruttrAut. ISABLZ
. - -
-' ' ' itracrervir Ergivauncrride.c.
Opriewar Dubin"
Jr rrtrimra lidassFma,
2. . Hwy:, .„ 1,, Amami LUC.
J; P:terekorte; ~,'''' Oturfallma lambert,
= . OI iltift 'r Pr i Xar
ramlarelir- . —I: , atnus..rramiair, Ometair.
~ 0 01.4FSU
i 3
"!armictimrs Taw.: oolurzonose,
3PALDI3 y 3 '233 , wq 9037.1107.1033,
son ' imams &
4. .ilOll 321.1.111381 : :
'Am PittalEVING - •
- doimm,,7spliittinoir. 4 ",
4 1 0 Flturthint lisot .straigthithis
Iwo*. •
• • , 4astoiallved by . ./093P,S norniet..
joal.neallisd .11131141.11.111(13 .0„. •
wpm de ***BPSiinioad.
RRoDi yzBAVSAMA- 4 ny sod
"Aistve that' taw
Meg's*. aid Polielieffilftroittlo Ma W 0,••
gidatedAle, OCIOP Regis that wag
bib! ohs.' lbws we,Whew. 11111116iitaill Wei pf•
galled) aroma :to vsto aitaktm lila Is
abler% Orwoltroe htleetalroott other ibectwaloa
wag fteta.the mantra et , llt Itemployseiht meta&
yelled to work la • cloud adore get" Sub
raw aboeld hear be willuat ebb - lIoYaID tt eat N.
atest./no{msibAu elleylagtrritatkei and lallwasoa,
Ma: •towatoatim parted the eats.
lteparelW.eolat by:Lai D.BAZDS.Drosetta
1 ? 3 ' 0 0 0 11 Sri Talc,
" Nblehicr bY 00.. Pilaw
. :
=WM= Werldly. • wrltoiler:wltl
. •
*tau .4114 - 1 Six rgeo zip
Viistir; tiers's,
z!lott en t iry .
LP: 5T11114C,11.,
'IIII . 4ICON, •
F 4lllB.
‘ ?•1• , r, , , , i 16 :•, 31 1 . 161114 00,
1111 ;ALL PAIMAltrr;4 1 121idi TAP=
sua.ti r. Kaki/La. stweedm
WAMAIUDRIfiItc .6419.42
tail reaviesidaseasstnes.