Olt • .r. • , ; - •• ft.. ..•, • . - • h 1 • • •• . • 4."- .• Hf ••• • . • , :rx , • cz; ~... ~ I ~i ;:: ,j- . i.. i , ?:•:1 L.: - 73 Ir-: . -;40 .32 V.1.151.1317140.23 I ': i - t 9 '....- TitE3DAY . 1101tHING :SEPT. 3 ,. 1861.. i i:'-'.::: -.-:•-:- .1- . .. i Vane Ilfoirstrisittnir Conventions. 1 ;Tits Ilepubliain OonntyConvenUons meet Flso-day—tho" Judi:Mai Convention, for the ~;-.; : ,:: •OMiliSiloll of Judges and Members of the It. :-`. .. ''.'• - tia lid t it-flit Hall and the Polities! ,: , ... , , g • 100, y , ,- OOnvention,,for the - nomination of County r' . .Officers; at the Court 1 .:. Bo - far':is we have been able to seeand ' converse with the delegates, tilers is a very general dislre and Willingness 'to lona a . -Woo ticket,: giving to the logai'densircrals their ter share of the offioas. "'There can be . ne doubted the general previlence of this ' Illollasiloa,'WO we trait Ii will be so.exer- - Oilied as to lord a lialtef satißfactory to all tz - :" '.. .. 1 ,''' ' ace loyalmau l er the ' f,.1-11,, '',, Itie' eilsiisies of two Conventions. will .'', _ ;•,. renderthi task a little more diffioult than it Would *diarist's have been, as the work to .i, , ,...' . bWdoiiii - wiiiricqiiire this op-operation of the . , t:-!'""', l ';'..-,firo:' We Biggest, therefore, that the two 1 ,, , , lOorivaiitions shill; as Soon It organised, and. ':' , l., I , ;,., before anythinile done towards nominating candidate', appoint committees to determine whether : the . loyal donsoorats shall .have a ';:;.7 share of ,the plfuei, and also to consult as 1 ~, ... to the propsr, distribution of the offices. ....„ . lf it Is fletermkted, as we presume it will be, . that this loyal democrats shall have a shire of Ake ticket, it will then be for them corn. :,.. , liken to recommend to their respective conventions what offi3ollshall be aisignato :..I detonate: : ; • . . - ; ..1 ; The adoption'of this course will prevent .tionfaskiwand 'many other disagreeable vs .!. ;1 mitt.. :.If the lonventions determine to as , alga particular places to democrat' they will thew have an opportunity of making • the wood/31410ne in the most complimentary ..- 1 tomepossible.' ... As'to the selection of candidates, we have nothing to say. We have not interfered, la ' the slightest manner, in trying to give an advantage.to atigoandidate, and we have no " . disposition to do so now. There has been, '''' so fat as we have heard, no opposition to the I re•nomination of Hon. H. W. Wrouraws and Hon. W. B. SicOumis for Judges , and Hon. I Town P. Passim forBenatri. Hon. THOMAS WILLUX4-11100, it is generally thooght, will be nuanksorteli renominated for Assembly. .. , Porlits other places there b a free fight, in - -.which we cut take no part. ' J. .--, We mast , however , urge upon . the Con- Tentessthe duty of selecting the strongest ticket possible; and we most especially urge alma tie 'Jildiolal Convention Ike - nocestdty of selecting a good Assembly tioket. Th 3 people demand this` f them. ;The most of lam delegates to that Cowen- • ,Ilon go in nopledged, and they are there fere perfectly free to select the best material t before them. , • S?~" < ~II ~.'~:~ .1..:. - : ~. 1 "I " 44;4•14q '44.1%":V. IMMESH I .. 46 . • " 1"; olio, officers formerly ; the United States ureic*, is • gratifying eireumstanoe Mid if they get their desert., It will be still More gratifying. We hope r? .; there are to ba no more Telenet' upon pa- - ; Toles of honor. ; The a.luntry le sick of that But, while rejoicing over this victory, we mot express some surprise to hear of the H . :Sadden return of Gen. Butler from his ex c peditlon. Did he come , home to crow over his .achievement!, It eau hardly be pos. aid rig people will have their enspi dens.llifithould hive remained with his axd been ready for any emergency, - _ ;•• :;"••• :••:• • -; I,J •.•: f, • • ••• +.. • 1; 4 , wm :•::.; ; ' ..• • :.; tr:l4A;;:,tr, . 1q..,,2 • • • EEO . ' _ , , ;t?.4 . J . 4t - ..: . ::01-0:•• EIDDLEInt z ' -.•111011:0R"' _ _ - yvip it . a 1.41 Ablitiaifoil Oita, rifik aria, rime &RAWL literelabsi and Eirenlng6dKlons daffy. Omar afros ceruatiabau ka ttio La . teslows UP to the. Ilan annuls Is satsnc., Cf 190. ;pep meet trots carrkars. imam Atitiol-111 Pt an® to idni l o. or Om per .sot from cardora. Maly oolho• OPetteloolo; los OAm/sal Stg lab of ISPaladi v $1 'per &swam, Is. I,lllolbl. . d.itADVUTIaIAO AT ualwrivna RATIN. ' 1 :, Th• Naval Victor*. The oountry wee rejoiced to bear of the :great naval victory on the North Carolina •Cosst. It is an evidence of progress cod l itt the right direction. Let this blow , be. I ptllowed up by others in the same quarter. , If It Is not, it will be of but little avail. Tits.oeptare of so many offs forev-117 ..euntoar's Fsocirxerzon.—The pivots itiatioa`of den. Ftemont, published yeller : Aisj, m e very .general satisfaction to our - people.