The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 26, 1861, Image 3

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    V#tsburg(l Oatttt.
ppFerz 4 i,• A rAritt co, Tn, 0117.
mgrrooosoolcAL Oboorostions for lb* amens, by
e. B. akkw, Optlabia, 59 Fifth Bt.-6tonooted day.
stni m
9 teal., k, A. N
Is .
. nt site
12 .' . :E. ..... . .......... 96 66
6 . r. 2...........
,1 00
Cimino Cs of alt. denominations meet every
morning t eine-oreloelr, at the Lecture Rooin of
tis first Presbyterian Church to tbis city, to pray
for the eMintry 'and our hraire friends 'who are less
lirg erbri day to defend tin this day of dark
ness and Peril. All are cordially limited to eons°
for ir e:tent-the Lord keep the city, the watchman
trakerb b. t to
Army 3tOws.
We are, pleaded 'to announce to to oar raiders
t • t we have effected engagements such * ai l erill
arable deka' keep them thoroughly posted in regard
to, all t 4 movements of oar trobps, U Also in
tattoo to their personal welfare. We bate a special
correspondent attached to the staff Of Brigadier
General Nutley, and alto •Iprirate in, the make of
.the Duquesne Greya;—both patterned of high modal
parish= erld fine literaryiwyfiameata, who will ear
respond,wrth nodally by telegraph and b 7 mail.
. y - .
~, - Militar ilattere. - ‘•
- The departure of our troops - ma Wednesd ay left
the city iii a Mate of comparative - Valet, although
,„ .
it still exhibits an . u nusual agree of excitement.
Theetreets are throated dariag the day: and the
. - businem ofreernitieg .natill carried on with grist .. ,
atlitriM_,. rou'itark - till ealdbight, mar tini bands,
. • . .
followed by
the tramp — tramp-tramp - of scores
of cornett re, indicate that the militoty ardor bas
~ • : not abated' a particle. Ifit aniond requisition were
..., ' made, th
with a lacrity. i
Brig. Ge ,
.-.. S. Negley having left the city with
r t that Nutt' rigade Peons. 'Volunteers Col. Hiram
Holtz has cen left here in the tecniung service.
' - His head. quarters ere at the Giant House.
• The Federal Guarde r of Allegheny: have now
eighty mci enrolled. The following are the
efficere : Captain, J. C. Hall; let Lieut. 1. V.
. out; 24 A.A. Scutt ;3d A.,N..Xetinedy. - This
company afande first upon the books or Oen. Neg.
ley for the neat ragman)°, And they expect to
- . stand No. Ito the next regiment.' Aemility: of the
friends of the composy, aye ,been - Billdtiv oi
knowieg when they intend to uniform themselves
we are reqUested to state publicly that Mr. Geri:
Idiabley, - Federal street, Allegheny, and Mr.L. B.
• Sibley, Foarth street, this ein, have been author.
teed to receive funds for the purpose of uniforming
sod equipping the company. Let the donations be
worthy at the ,men and of the cause.
The Pena, Arun Life Octuiz, Capt .1. Lloyd
Williams hive their master roll nearly full. Con
eilerabio dientlitiodou eases among the members,
owing to - de. fact,that proper provisions are not
mode for the wants of strangers, and for the &pd.
nos of dose who bate volunteered. ' CapL William
is an.,expetieriee.d soldier, having due good males
in the British army tind he has disability to form 1
a eptendid company. ; The Relief Committee Mould I
attend rd act i n those who mey - ba in need.
The First an, Allegheny, Boma Gard he ,I
organized byl the eleetiou of the following officers:
Civii,*d. 8. Bryan, President; C. C. Narbangh, Bee. ,'
retary; 8. Riddle, Treasurer. Military --Captain,
F. flambright; let Lieutenant, Alexander Hanna.
The compady already reach some 50 uten, aid
have rented W ashington Hal, Rebecca meet, as
an armory. They have liq excellent liallre breech
loading nate' with bayonets, - and with each an if. ticket corps: of o ffi cers,- will donhtlem render
a good aco nt of themselves. They meet for
drill Innen armory on Friday eve n ing. 1
The - Allegheny hanger, Capt. 11. /1: Fleming,
hare a fall inster roll, and completed their organ
anion hyde election or the following officers:
- Capt , 11: S. l aming ; let. Lint, B. A.. Ling, 2d.
Limn ,John ills; 3.1. -- Lient. Wm. Bateau. The
dint lientense is at present high unstable of Al
legheny, and a member of the Wuhington 'aut. I
try; the second lien:mum ,isr e.x-bigh constable,
tr..] the third 4 a member':of the }resent police
torce of Mayer Drain,: ltile _couipany is well offi.
cored. They will , open . .an' Armory on Federal
wee' tied drill every .night. .`
A Home Gard bas . been organized in Peebles
township, .eritti. the foliating 'officers: _Jahn B.
Corgrave, Captair;,J; G. Merthi r Firat Lieutenant:
R. B. Palmer,lJr., &mind, and R. L. Allen, Bre
vet Second. The company numbers over 1121 mem- -
bers. 1 1 . .
Col. R..H, Kerr, lately retorted_ from Harris
. burg, ir.rorras a. that Abe Goveneor hi, accepted
the gamine, of the Benton Guards, it rummy
which he iv agonizing., who are to hold themselves
in readiness until called'on. --, 1
Captain Soh B. Kropp', of Brownsville, pleads
tin cowpony felly organized and - randy for orders.
The Pena Light Geards bas now a tell comple
ment of mem' - The Officeni of the cotes coo.
- elite eir Georg - W .Leo ta rd, Captiiiiir Min. U. lid.
yeti, Firer.Li Mensal; Bold. S. (101,,, Baud
, Lieutenen4 ' and Frank C. O'Brien, Brevet Bused
Lieutenant, 'they me, very anxious , to got off to
Atio soot.OV yid: bat they are oppoied to leaks
- untit they ore Oily equipped.
.The Fifth Wird Nome Guard have elected the
following office r - CivilPrelident,',Ten kt Taylor;
'Secretary, Win Fleming; .Treatirer. Jai W Tay
lor. Altiitary Capt J C' ?legion, tat Lieut. John
i i, --
P Giant Si Lity Aothoney Meyer; litt Limn I
, R B
- Parkienes; 4t h dot, Robert Wilton- Orderly ger.
gent, Jt: Roo . - , ' - .
The company', will likely number over 200 'mem
bers, and tined who signed the conatitutioa took
able oath of fidelity to the Constitution of the Gaited 1
die tea Red of the State of Pennsylvania; i
The .4 - rioted Ole Garda. , is the name adopted
by the Peon Ri es, the charge being made in com
petent to . Rot i.R. Friend, Esq.. that gentleman ,
hamog wide e,',.thiunificent bequest of. five hoe.
dred dolfars .to aids equipping the comatty for
immediate aryl ii„'also , giinng them de use of
largo and epac ea warehouse for .thair armory.'
Egbert B. Ward was tritanimonely chose* Captain.'
i lt
.A 0 CleCtiOA w held and Joseph F. Deithiston was
elected Find LI ntenant, W.'lliack, Second faet,
Tll3 Union li ards. McKeesport,' have 10 men
reran& ,The have - elected the foliollile . ll , cffi
cars r Captain . I. hfcK.: Snodgrass t. ; Find 4.leu.
tenant, Win .. achy Bettend Lieutenaet,i LC.
Walkindew. ' bilicompepy will be ready for the
next requieltio . McKeesport and,- vicinity have
dome won, form hing 2011 men out of a population
The fi t s Tee ship Nome Guard have 125 names
enrolled. Three were - divided into two cementite;
to drill - : at
cliff real point& in. the towable, and
Wm. 11. Smith a Wen. M. Brain were- chosen
captains, I
Too Lewrence ilia Unfon Gaudy, Captain' John
D. Berme, repo 113 Pen Be read) to much..
l'ho Irma Cit Guards, ,Captaite , Wm. M. Goma.'
ley, has en men enlisted .--' The reeruithag
offs iv et No. 2 0 Liberty shoot, month of line.
Captain Leap* d Bahl Imereceival a colualisida
as Sergeant mkidr in the second remmeht, and A.
P. Callow; Dap,. oval:pies the same - poaltiou in
. Akio( Bowler/ 'battalion.. Joe: M. Yeaketat has
been appointed etdjutant to Geis. Negley.
Miss Amanda . Bout and Mae Margaret :Fell,
lej:yesteriley perchased 82 Bible:is - with Psalms,
"mien they pieced at the distal:Ml of the Mayor,
who distnented them among the voluemem.i
The volonteeri from Groonte - ws: paraded oar I
streets on Wedeeiday - eveulcg. We are Wormed
by ono , or the rees that previous to Jeering
Browerville, ortt o steamboat Gallatin, Bon-John
L. Dawson delivered a moot touchier mad feeling
address to the triops. A large aubeeeiptlon wag
nixed in that plaSe for the relief of the families
of voitenteers: - - , ,
On Wednesday the employee, is Nalealt print.
ing retabllshmenti prewoMd'heeph M. Einenthfi
(Gen. NeeerdA jotank) late foram taiMre H.
handsome tweed, end two other. of :theft_
number; who ion on Wediteeday, Charles Streeasy
and George W. Rtddick, with e !harpers revolver
Captain. Nichle and beatisauf 'Allen; Se:the,
Conesellerille Gut s, were in town hat light end
reported their company reedy-for marching orders
Tho companY neer about eeventy members. fdr...Allen Is the pre, eat . editor , of the Pabiof at
Another mirope cow being enrolled atilut
eir, pa. Wo fear alto that micapaulee an being
: emptied:at Prospect, 'Porteravitte, Nventeborg,
ifirra"r; Centreville, Barberry sad Bazonhurg.
Sutler woozy sulf i de her Whole duty.— , •
company- has '-been organised at Meade:Me;
g od is now. rely to occuive marching orders.
nary Johcaton; eiq., bi, beteireboson Captain.
A voluotecr. nosipaity fa bidag homed at Mercer,
g ed • Ontcril are !miss organ otd throughout
The Peabeyftemai l s MOMS 6541, Otilidifid ja
the Fourth Ward dellegitesy, Tatalarsesaingi
end elected the A:gimlet etattearo . Copt, W. W.
Ball t lat. Magian ; 2d. ListG.,-bVil.
Beath. , '
ALLSIIIID 'reenlist Aamtarco.;—Prom %voids.
map, W bo.pamed through Mtn% Ohloloo Wed
neid.r, we leant that • reeptiloaa 196klag:fudf.
,kt g at, who bed been larking about ;hal place-for'
some time hack, hOf bees , arresteo chargedrub
being a apy. lie epult not give/auy aatlafatursig
ateeant of h ros.iyand Itwae,/erith the- greetest
difficulty that tbeerosrd wet e!y
pt from acht's
him. Lie stated atifirat tbaths belonged to Mae !
had, but aubseqatotty tbat'h• was a member of a
..tuoteer . eompazgl - roes Wooster, Ohio, both of
which statentauts w re,areertlinad to be file:
A rr uarunso ion
o'clock Wedeeseeraoratei 'a young EnSil_asated
j a ws Foliehevor bletemport, eniferisg Nem
imn i s ' paid, jomperi from Abe Monona/kb
prldta I2te the river. ntfewalit satee:.d l.,
mei , god wee Snail rescued b 'kid nut eat for
she p a 1104; Strait' , Co say_ the your , Aru we
impute "ke the lout ,y the fait. H. was coomillant
to jai o.i t h venial Itnitrucilioe to tbet keeper) *4. ,
al arrive - o take him in ohne, , 4
• .. .. _ . .
.., - •
teores4 ll7ll O .E Aioh otterid lietehltuon,
five or els yertie4l , 4 , AiriMart: the eadrealimait at
the wrath of MAO ~r
tour grimy, Pretrial gt forge, on Tgela
etpht, fireakteg lihr Wilt
. 12 d na mes otherlietioneAut. riot, seoteulgy
- - ji„,..,tosimputted 1.318r-'
114881°.*—^"litid Pol8f5818o"--t,
IriA TAM/ Irni -,jr#lo)loPro., mm74'14414
;aim ma VllNigyz,
H 20.8, for Xr7,,Pf-.1...4 r . 1 1" "
— Ntetietw'asieadoes..."
• The-Pifianci astateltdee of 'Public Safety tot
Aliodfle.ny Canty, have blade the following ap
pointment* for collectors the. Boroughs and
Townikip of the county, and roped as
Wan named to call 0. Miller, EN
at the Western Insurance Comyany'e office, No.
92 Water street, for their books immediately.
stenonntil or 8.11.1311113 T ctecer. •
Wed Pi
ElDAnibe Dr Jona Shard., a 9. Wainer.
ttrburee— reerd Chop a Dryden.
• llonnenialnelled-JobnDirld
Beek H o ber r, t
U Mnraball.
Wanderstere—B • lampeon.DMl indmord. Jr.
andeklq--J. W S Whit.. Dr•WWBlnct
Bisealkbarn, Ist Prortnet—J P. Prato, Shan U.K...
Soft —Ool Jr Warbstry, D nerd.
. Blrednernen Zuse—Demid Me .. Job. P Dopr.
Doseenung-WO3 MID; Irwin rialareek. • .
Ideernenerrilln—T.Walairlant. (harp %%Irwin.
Shupe:dug 0 Law* Bnbettn
IPEnespors—Sbonees Peens. Jun. W Dor).
Pooth Puestuargb—Jobn Emir. • D Chnenteerr.
War Wissbitb—Dr J Infirenr. Jno Ingraham.
,Tarentere-0 W Worrhoti. P Prawn.
gTheyetrarecertne—John Baldry, Dr Bfincoi.
fl7ll/111411111 CI MINIM Comm.
Pitt-Toby DB lop , W • ilarron, Wm Grey, Manus Ito
Cloth= A Nees', lbw Don
Plum-Chas Tomer, • Kuhn.
Teasso t10N.17, DaYsil Clolttne.
Ildingodeon, Tiff. Millar.
111111hi-slyins O Faber, H D Cbebrania
AotansinsvAlidin Riddle, Aria
Mcon-Win Any, Win Neared
irranklts.-Wdi Maly, Aso Neely.
Bar-Tima Verner, John Redman.
Eat WL I lso•
1141andisep,Sas Wallace, 11051 Cluulay.
But Deer-• Pillow, Battram Nanny.
Weal Aierv-Aehri WOW, Ohs Bryson. .
ilyper PPeitennan,
Lower B Et Olair-Win Bow, Jae Boylan& .
North fayetts-D Hodinen, Goo Naos
Bootbtwatill-Thas IlaydesAhmid Gilmore.
B Dicker., Inn Whiiivir.
illuliw-V4 O Laid; Dr AO Quaid. . • '
Fawn -11 P/Itidenos,lllllller.
Boilmen, Thom Paley. .a.
EictdandaMm Beate, Col L Bathes
Peebles...TlM District-Null Saki; Dr A II Grose.
do • • Pamnd do -W ['Drown, JW Hailer
a do
Challasit,Jes Kelly. Patton .Cippit?Mnystr , • L
Jobn Ittorrims
Termilies-lobri :bin" Col W L Miller.
Jefferson-John O'Neal, Joe Wilson.
iscrle!-21 Ils 1 12ir tr t ib n iar 4 .
tibicv-Mama Tailor, Win Davidson
Re sans-Bas A D O.bpbll , Wm Nein
Bnowden-Win W ikon , j r,i. 11W Latimer
Pimp-Col Jam A 01Mon , A 8 kleClord. •
iodlana-Osiyi Thai Wart W m Ilenderom
hiriokleya-11P Simi. &obi &mason.
Ores:ant-1' 8 Nutilltoa. -vs R e ue l .
liamptos-llsjor L,Eilley, HOU !topaz-Md.
Union-WiziOartudnin; vb. Boyd.
atlacted by a Ilta!iii.•:Mslitsr and Child In.
On Tuesday afternoon, se some butchers were
driving a lot of cattle through the Stub ward, one
of the number became enraged, and anteing c
from the rest, spread 'terror In the neighborhood by
making an indiscrimliate attack upon everybody.
/he wile Of Jacob Stildle, Jr., residloroa Colwell
street, waxbaullog her babe along the pavedient
in d childts.carriage, when she saw the infuriated
bent approaching her. She ran immediately into
a narrow pantie way between two houses, drag
ging the little wagon after her, and hoping to
escape tee fury of the altimal. Toe neer followed
her, pressing its way into the, and with ice
fore feet the wagon was soon demolished, ...I be.
fore the mother could secure the child it was
severely injured After cettlag possessiiin of het
babe, she kept the steer at bay by seising nue or
its horns and keeping lie heed to one aide until the
twitchers came to hes 'relief. The terrible fright
and exaction bate so &Erected her that she hes Witco
been congaed to bed, and.her child (which iuquite
young) is haunt expected to. recover.
Add!Hotta' Catnaps for Parausyliattier,
A Harrisburg Correspondent el the Pailade/phia
BulirliA, says .
"In view, of the attacks that ore threateoed at
any tocimerit upon Pennsylvania, the Government
has decided to so apportion the troops throoghoot
the Sutter: that it may be- defended at a moment's
notice. For thir purpose three additional camps,
fact, th e y nu p leus t h in m
already e
b e e s e t n a t fo is rhmedd sod
first and principal at these camas wilt be at Hay.
.xishorgethe second at York, a thiritat "Chambers
berg, and the last at Lancalter. Bot a Way since,
the Governor issued an order that no unite troops
'would be reenived , until accommodation, can be
provided for them, bet now the order will, be re
scinded, aril a large somber of men will Sion be
disposed of without 'imposing too heavy a burden .
uporrany 0130 scones of the co natty,"
Should - the order to receive no more troops biro.
soinded, It will be joyous news to bondreda—we
tidght ony thinisands—of our patriotio men who are
ready, for marching, and eager to SOTTO their coon.:
try. I Let theArork of recruiting and dzllling he
vigorbrialy prosecuted, and • chimes for active ter
vice wilt doubtless yet present Walt
PV or the Troops.
The following, sap the Harriaburg Pa!riot, gives
the rate of pty_allowed in the many of the Wilted
Status to which the militia se entitled when called
Into service,: . Pet month.
C010ne1......... 8.218 00
Lierenant Colonel 194 00
Major ~......... ... . ..... 175 00
. Captain
........, 118 .50
Finn Lieutenant 105 60
Second Lieutenant.........- 103 . 00
Stara Second Lieutenant.... 103 50
Thai, or unholy Sergeant '—. 29 00
Other Bergetete 27 00
•.. 22 00
Privates-- .J...—__—_—__ 20 00 i
Musician, - i.............. 21 00 j
063eare are required to provide their one triii•r l
forme and equipment*, het the men are clothed
and armed by the Government.
Heed Body Found.-
Coroner Bostwick, yeiterday; bald an inquest on
tit!) remain. of toned floating in the Woman
labels river, at Brown's coal winks, six miles above
'this city. The jury found upon the dcceascd •
note, Written in February' lut, at Hollidaysburg,
' and signed, W. if. Bagley. The writer recom
mends the bearer, Thomas es a good work •
man, and one who understands t:ow to sink an oil
shoit. liesiceitis inferred .that the name of the
man was Monies Lewis. He bed on dark pants,
blue wove roundabout, black - Cottoo velvet vest,,
and black seclue. He was apparently about
thirty' -fire years of age. There were no marks of
violence upon the body, and the jet, found a ver
dict a ''death by drowning.”
Prom ILeaa.gwarteee. • -
Thing* are quiet at the Heed.quartere of CoL
Halts,' owing to the feet that no additional Cronin
can be accepted hare until-frothernrderi. Two wow
eompatilat reported them:elves yesterday
The Darlington and New Galilee 'lieu. herbs a
fell roll, tender their services. The eMesra are:
Captain, W. B. Welsh; Lieutenants, B. MJlar , let;
M. Hartshorn, 2d; T. J. Meaner, 3 t.
The Blipvierprock Clouds, Prineeton, report-them
islets organised and read, to march One to be
tatillartned and armed. The officers are: Captain,
- 011ne; •Lientenants, W. J. Randolph, let; Jacob
Sheffer; 21 r . Sergeants, T. J. Alford, 0. 0. Check. .
• •
'.Boer/emu roe one Cazarrrze or Bararr.—We
socommod the following, wallet we clip from a Bal
timore papr4 to the consideration of our Committee
of - Publie Safety, Nome of whdm are rather aurae to
seising provialons destined for the Booth, without
being aallifiad of the legality of the proceeding: -;
prosßereral buudred bunks of nit pork, withl other
rbdone, sera mind in a warehouse at Locust
Polneyestarday 'by 'Sergeant Auld and a poise of
&stern District Policeineo. A guard bu .been
placed over them by order of Marshal Kane. They
were supposed to bare•bean• branded at supplier. to
the Federal army In teastilugtoo."
Suggestion to Wit Yellows.
sw;—l beg to suggest, through your
column', the propriety utthe different. Lodges at
Odd Fellows la oar county remitting the does ot
each of their members as volunteer to defeuse .ot
the Government. I me this has of toady been dole
in Philadelphis, god Pataburgh,l hope, will patri
otically follow the example of oar Brethren - of that
- city. Yours, • • lOCATUAV.
REDUCED Pasogs.--The tear footing has
the prim ofalitiost story astiola not inoladad in the
/Ist of anayanyplies. • Mean. J. W. Barker k Co.,
the extensive sad enterprising dry . good' dealers,
idaskat einem, tsar ' , girth, Iwamoto. to the pobllo
that that large and varied stock of spring and sum.
mu goods hare bean marked .to 23 pm neat. tau
thaa former OEM They-also tocsins all oneorrent
along, snob Si lilluonst, Virginia end Kelm by
paper, at itsfitss value; in eseheoge for goods. We
rucommend Inipoodon of the stook of khas.
Barka do Co. believing that - they EEO offering bar.
F ibs. / .
.. rotten Datiwaten.—Ths bhdy of a man wee
lowed drowned in thei,AllegbenyAell?, nesr Logan
Poet, saran miles below IfittaaMg, on Monday
Jut:: Wald on's dark tweed coat, blue cesium'
feet :1,4 fancy bum bottoms, ribbed cotton.pants
of re dark' Color, check shin, gingham neck tie,
broigia atom, and woolen mocks. Coroner Qalg
ley held an inquest open the body, and returned a
mullet accordingly.
. , .
Boor Poo, . —Tbe body of.hir. Elobardltteds,
tate of Prospect, Bork, county, who wart drowned
some titiOsito la the Alleaboor river, tear Prank.
Ha, was reeoveredlo Friday ;lash The - WO WIN
found near the coargla of the river, by tom. la IP
berate, about eleven all.. , bOll3ll where be was
drowned, and it vas folly ideratided. The reasaioe
1/Wil eatkied tad taken home,'ead were !Marred on
Meals. Hawaii —Art article in the VispateA,
of yeattidayanorning, alluding to the Laarrobeertfle
Delon board,, does rota "Jaime to both the
end members of the Company. The Com
pany bete elected as ofneri, lobo D. Herron.
Caputo ; lobo W. Kerne, lot Lieut.;
.J. mem A.
DoolomAd Lieot ; John W. breConseby, 0. g
Thb oeqffrevidrllhogis usual.; D.
4 1LACitirOOMI MAGanio, - for April, 1861, con
' .11-Bpontliteens Mar k
itr—A mulcts him:—:Llle in Con nal Africa—
.Xko World . of Weloiir--flioromen Bioelairi Ao
Ainotriopopbb pin XV—Gemeral Fairlok Gordon,
the llooliaolcot—Tbe PosliO la 1857. For sale
by flaitt k Mbar, tidal, for Piniturgb: . .. •
..51Ine /UN WEIITI 4WD Danc-4fewies. Zwon,
Mam, FUth , suent, Who aro always
with the time', ban• - on - band • lot of beautiful
resales, nick denote., nom blning Ibo. natinnal
'oolnes. T rit; Willa end bids : "theta will doubt.
be it liege demand for slices ankles.
- Aux:odd...4:k intik 'Aragon: balotillsq:101111::
Da m was tinted spike,* os federal at, ydatu.
day.: "The lead* atlas ad to at ran cif from tba
• 'tulip, its bed pr fbs wren dear thatplieji
IPP,PIag abeo4,plar gda,
oat no on' - 1
. . .
The Progress ert" lailliealit irlireirets Troop&
Tie thirteen eoinptaiti.injtieb left this city on
Wednesday iirived at Mart - label on
Thursday morning, in excellent spirita. We learn
Irate a gentleman who arrived from the Rest, last
evening,. that it _one the determination of lint
troop. to proceed at once to York, and then posh
their way overland theonieb Maryland to Weah
nstep city. It wea entimpated that our gallant
boys woldd meet with ionic oppoeition y but as
they are fully armed, and well provided with ball
cartridge., they will doutstlem be able to keep ell
rebel bands in check. • The bra., field piece, a
pounder, belonging` to the Duquesne rimy., is
the hands of the hionlingabela Artillery, will
prove an effective weapon in Cite of need.
The Volun.
The Harrisburg Oh
corre to
spondentteer* of the Philadel
phia Buffalo, under date of the 231 inst., asy.
"H is now certain that the Ohio volunteers are
encamped at Lanewater, as I surmieed in my let
ter of yeaterday. The State of Oein 1011 be re
quired to uniform and arm these men, unless it
ahould appear alter the Pennsylvania troops are
supplied that there la an excess. That State has
made arrangements for hoarding theee troorw while
at Lancaster, Pennsylvania not assuming any debts
on their account until the volunteer, are regularly
mustered into hor service."
MILITAIT MEZ7IIIO.—In puratiance oPprevioue
notice, the members of the Iron City Guirde met
at their armory, No. 270 Liberty street, Thursday
evening, April Mb, for the purpose of orgaeizing.
On motion, Pde. H. B. Biebarde wee called to tha
chair, and Mr./. F. Kirkpatrick elected Secretary.
The following officers were chosen by acclamation
Captain, Wm. Bt. Gormly; let Lieutenant, Jame.
T. Shannon; 2.1 Lieutenant, George Pierce; Order
ly Sergeant, Wee. S. Petit, and by ballot, 2d Bre
vet Lieutattant, J. F. Kirkpatrick.
The company revolved to adopt the grey uni
form. The services of this company will be ten
d Med Gorr Curtin without delay, and, if accepted,
will hold themaolves in readiness to eater active
terries whenever called upon.
Swaim tu.—Ater. of Washington,
Pe., the newly appointed Marshal for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, was indooMl Into oMce
on Wedoesday,.tbe oath having been adusioistercd
by Sedge McCandless, to open Court. Marshal
Campbell retires with the beet wishes of all with
whom his dole, brought bite inoontam.
Bovril LTON, one of the editors of the Boiler
American, has bee to the seat pr war, as a private
in the mike or the Bader Blues.
IPor the Dally entsinuth Climistrot
Messrs. Editors, The recent outrage upon the
Manaehusette volunteers at Baltimore, and the at
temp; to prevent ailment', of ible.gevernment from
marching through that city to the Capital of the
nation to defend it against rebel. and traitors, ere
truly strange incidents in our history. Hut these
incidents will teem still more strange when we
take a brief retrospective view of the legislation
by which the seat of Government was pieced at
that point.
The Coneutution of the United State. provides
that "Congress shall exercise eselasive legislation
" over' inch district, not exceeding ten miles square,
" as may by the cannon of particular States acid
aceep sane by Congress, bcenme the seat of
w Government."
Tau first session of Congress ender cur Reseal
Constitution commenced &IN., York, In March,
1789, and at that fiery session a eeetest began about
the permanent location of the seat of Government.
New York was sextette to have It permanently es
tehUshed thus. Ptillecildphis was wager to bate It
placed to that city, when independence wee de.
Mined. Maryland and Virginia desired to have It
fixed on the Potomac. The corthero member. and
the Pennsylvanians haying combined, a resolution
was paned fixing on the Sesattehraea, with tbd Dope
that thellonth would b. oncost; but they were not.
Even Mr. Munson, moderato as he always was, de
clared that It that day's proceidlogbad bean Pore
, seen, " Vilsrinics would nem hues wartjted the Comei
oo early did the South commoner the
game of hectoring aed - bullying the free Slates.
Finally, a bill passed the House authorizin the
Preeldene to appoint Commitsionere to ex th e
on the Sastoettanna and to erect the buildings, and
appropriating one hundred thousand dollars for that
purpose. The bill came back, however, from the
Situate, altered so sie to eubstltute tee Mlles square
near Phllidalphia, Including lilermantosee. ,The
House agreed to this alteration, but added a provis
ion, which had to go to theSenale, and there It was
laid over till the next cession.
Finally, however, the 8 with in thin mitt. r, as in
all aubsequeot questions prior to the election of
Lincoln, triumphed, and the Capital at the cation
was located in slave Stale*. 0015 of the strong in
ducements to thai loeatton was the promisee c/
Maryland and Virginia to erect all the poetic
'buildings without coat to the nation.
Tepee promisee, however, were not performed;
and now, after the nation hie spent over four cari
llons of dollars on the twines Wine borldiegv,
Mar)land presumes in say, nor enflame .hail pot go
to those building* ! ! !
In Common lite, among p`itio, honest people, it A
buys an s ncro of land in toe centre of Ws farm, if
nothieg is said "hoot a road to it, the law lie-ti A
the natter., way to his acre.
Had Maryland even set op the pretence that skin
bed seceded from the Union, and thus claimed to
be a sovereign State, there would, perhaps, be •
eery slight shade of plausibitity in her claim of
right to pretreat our troops or Mite= . gulag
ittraagb bee tettliory to the land ebb had muscled
to orte.,GovernMent. Sot, as millers now Cited,
der she has ceded the territory to as • 1/lolieetell
to 'peed atillione, of money upon at, and still
claims to be • member of our Union, sod enkly•
the advantages of Mar Goveromenr mod elpoudi
taro, her present pretence le most aboard and pie
While epou this auheet, 1 will give in exleact
from a letter of the Seceiter! of the Treatery, Oli
ver Wolcott
CAll the lead moiled Our city," says be, ' , being,
in the opinion of the people. too saleable to be col
tinted, remains unfenced. These are but few en.
closures,.even for redoes, and those aro In had
order. You may look over en extect of ironed
nearly as largo as the city of New York in most
any direction, wi th out teeing a fence or any object
except briekokiles or temper ry hots for labororc't
Again, he says : "All the lands.] hare described
are valued at fourteen to trecotyfire ten,. the
eoperfletal loot. There appear. in be a coxfident
expectation, that this place will anon exceed any
cityin the world."
Thus we. the preset:lee of the government and
it. followers /Am eagerly desired by Marylander.
and Ifirginlaer; and now after that gnvenment ha.
spent millbaca in improviog end beautifying the
place, they ere to he excluded from alt access to
it by tiiese blarylaudars.
This Baltimore, which he. now celebrate - a., the
anclvermryor the era: battle in our etroggl e for ride.
panderee., by the murder wf - aome or the descend.
ants oftheAinmes of that battle, is the some Haiti- .
mote whose mob, filly year. tgo, put down the
freedom of the press le that place, by murdering
Col. Lingua, &gallant sold lee °libel Resolution, snit
by ahamsfully and crunily injuring Cciacral Henry
Lee, one of Inc Meat gallant and active partisan.
of tberßerolmion, the commando, of the army
which suppressed the Whitey Icaurreatian, and
the man selected by Coagresia to deliver the funeral
eulogy upon Gan° Washington. This city of
Baltimore teem, resolute to her deteimmati:in to
- preserve her character ea tee mob OM of this
country/. Whether that character will prove to be
• prollhable one will be seen hareaher. C.
Bat FOOD.—A ttention it dulled 6
DlLl:mei ttable amberMetill; prapetetion,tlear carom,. nl
In another COluia It la all valltbey ram Obbtribip.aild
owl Sot be oontott466 whit nay cf f or
medlar. of the day. II IA • aertsla re.m.7l fo t r ill the
46,41 ...Pie1f10rt• nod npedaly thussat a chruo.o pawn
—of 'loot meadlog-eat wwke , mum dm, •tel. 'sun. .6uffen.
en, try .
• Megan. OcutMt I Dtmo ot'of Nan Tort, ere the sold
allot. for 11, mai Mal puoprtnote no the world-rem:tread
Na,...the . 1111WITILII WSW Ai. R. wiles "lint story
tto!barnmeld teteen, her medicine taunt to Oaada of. 1.014
earl 'eonunuivit,„ al It d.we , oo perotorto or Opiate of ally
kind,lloll2 be rolled upon wilt tae „Swat atuadentr, tad
•111 be fent/ an lovelueLlt epecltle to nil men 61' lateen!.
complilate —CAM Mats Journal, alonOn.a.
Wee ailtarthainart.t. Formate 41 OM fl. 141PY6lft.
agent. 140 Wood el. PlUthereb. Pt. dtlYeitertmlf
per•Dootea C. D/121.1. Water Core and Howse
pestle l'hyelelani also *gent for Rainbow's celebrated
Tntts for 'Ruptures. Corner of Peon and Wayne
• itirlmsce Stavin, Up ITattr Meanie°,
from 10111112, by O. W. eIeIfACKLICITtIt, is, et Ms Mee
faunal, Omer fyytu and rtfth ' • selisayisior
Air Daiseirsar.—Dr. C. Bill, No, 246 Pam
sing l e attends to all breaches of the Dental proteu:
IPairdu should not fail to read the adver-.
me...ft or Plot. Worst. lb I.6de e'e twiner.
OIL WELL TO O /41.—T0 Manufacturers or
Voila' Toolii MC. for Oil Walla, and to
otharedunanners or an qualitr of liar
• we ehw maklog as oar stock of •l Empyr sal Irons/
irlaiparllatlar mkrince to the slim multi! In tools for
'botitlyoll well; sod we shill beresfum bo ormmal
Ehmaol for that impose. to ablett It
.biabolliltomb shed are orommeed of the mold superior
vor Wm...bout • .or .otk ,
Waylle *Moat. HOLLOW. isCOMII 00.
WILL as Lion/ammo
- which wtil•thod imP Y•titwohell *Moot befog
wilocted t 100 th• liefitut cold will aawdlialalati lea pliat.lll.
t, Bow caa put thir Leather Otore - of M. DI LANG
SU Liberty 'lt, <grafter bestor Wood.
LOATHER,SELTING, t r the boat Eastern
make, wolvtootod, 01l oluo,wbith will ran wlthlmf
sinarDtoir,on4 WM* WWI bowing to Ow polio'', It
tooth., of *. DM CANOS;233' Mary it; oppoolto
bud of rood. opt= lw
MGTING. tum .4 .np•rlor stitch% oa bend sod
fOr i: I i bAtiOR.,
1p221y , Wist
UtIBICIUATIttiti till.,.—Just received, 55
bblo duke Lobric din 010 tr.•m eb. colebostol
Hub all, Motto, Ohio. .
role LITTLE 11113 301, 1151 &coal et
♦ X/114.1.0r. ALIZT fIEIIVID,
POTATOW tar Iloohnotinety.
RoPo6t4 DILITOBTd, • ,
110 Lllvrly at.
bap 11. ac 12 6406 Coito
06•1401100 frock 'tor Lloilecytar ad* by
. 111411 , 41 4.nTevirv. .: 01
_ _ .
1110041,68 ANL VS/111.11i,5-.4--,
.4 -- , zo.oh.chms 14 14411 V then;
um hones tbrAt . 4w," ala k 151 4 ,11 ebb
-691/b-, ••-'•••-•• 18/11il1 TVItRY bro.
lag4llPf'oll/lic--16(1b13IL la itaaatir
1/4LIN Arautaaa luuturesa ea,
Arriiral AWL
New Yeti, April The ettakinehip Asia sr.
riredi.with t,tverpool dates to the 14t6 inst. Me
Wisp $3,000 in gold.
The bank rites of di suet hit been reduced to
C. per rest. The hello in the bank here been 10.
crewed L 120,000.
fa'the Hours of C 041101144 Mr. Foster gave
nonce that be would ante th at thin Hones does
not deem to cormss act opinion upon the aubJect
of the now American Confederation, end the eth
ernet/tit will not rec lithe the Confederation
without security tor the. enppreesion of the blue
The Attaaricin Mielthr et Hrmo bad been in
sulted, by , the ironys diCing the Hester Mother,
andititeetensd to nee hill revolver. He afterwards
demthidedeftheseverndient better protection for
the future, 'With passport. Übe demand wee corn.
plied with. _ i
The Pope's health earths uneaelneve.
taaribaldes health•is [reproving.
A letter from Garthaldi, declaring his dery
flan to the Kim of Italy, aed proposing a vast
national armament was ;relief. lo the Chamber nf
Deputies at Turin on Sairordair s - There were no
algae of approval or disepprobatlee *hefted from
the Chamber.
Lard - Elgin bad arrived lie Eel,land. Lord Clyde
bail moiled Pariah it was supposed co an official
Very warlike rum o rs • I
Paris. .Amoc^ ‘ii s
I i
aria. .Among others it was stated that 60,000
troop. had been maiden y ordered to Marseilles,
and that France wed aborlt todeelare her intention
of prelonging, itideGniteitt, the occupation of Syria.
Paenravictm, Abril 25.—As there Is no
commonleation between IYashinglon and Annapo
lis, the Baltimore -papers ;contain much unreliable
information regarding etLdra at the capital. The
Salim:ore papers of yatterday evening elated that
the Federal troops had reahed the Annapolis jams.
don, and the roads beingl prepared they were en
roere for the capital. Latter new. from Annapolle
brought by the paseonget who left fart evening,
dissipates that report. Th Now York Seventh se•
gluten{ end the Eighth Malurachusertekrere erinafop
ad eight miles above Annipolls. The reit of the
troops that bed arrived at Annapolis were still there.
The reportortarrivel of tredPs at Weshington roust
be incorrect.
Gov.- Hicks her iseueth e proclamation for the
;Rate LagLolature to meet !to-morrow at Frederick
City. This 0. , 01115%fil demised advloable in noose
quenca of the federal troope being at Annapolis.
The Sun has theloliowiag dispatches
Relay Hoare, Weuhinglois Jundion, April 24._
Captain Conner Impel grilled trom the vicinity
of Annapolis Junction andireports thatt-,ma troop.
ore now 'in that quarter. It is thought that they
have ruarched by the theater and MOM direct
route near upper Marlbordegh, fur Washington.
there si a probability of the opening ref, the mowed
to and from Wuhingtom, by order of pen. Scott.
It wee understood.; that the Railroad 'company
would run a train at IL o'clock - this morality, to
return from Washington at -e 5 P dd. •
The Sim my, thatieveryeihere to Virginia the
War spirit is arouied, and vOluraseringtod arming
are going on rapidly.
Capt. dionell, of the otedroa: LOWILICII.rapura
that over'? 0011 ear :mead at
Norfolk, on' Won is secret.
The olfici "d-Ohio Railroad,
lays the are 'receiving die.
patches per their lins 01 relr'Frapti at tee Annapolis
Sanction,, which announce ithat a large body of
8 troops, including the howl, etilisted TOlOO.
leers, were on their way in 'Wash . :igloo, and were
pMieina along at °Mica,' t top, unmolested
by the volnoteer troop* of the neighboring Minic
oy. The 6rat divleion, acts riling to the eye of
the operator and IS., entnpUtatton or otbm, was
about 2,600 toneg, and par deny composed el the
New York Roonth Regimen -
It is additincally repotted hat another detach
ment wan about to more, en
: luting of three thou
aed men, who hod recent! 'tanned Annapolis.
The Ent division mtde def. eppcarence, moved
along in good order, and weep prepared with every
ponible, means of defence- t was supposed that
They would reach the &spite. aeon early hour
evening. .
fir.ry CULAnI, April The /hip • Niagion s
from Beaten. repntu seeing on the Idh of March,
in Intiindh . . 70, limonite Id, a British whip Ohne
dolled, with ht, bulwarks gone, the sea breakieg
over her. On the same dtf saw . thehrig Baltimore,
with the lois n 1 her fora yard, rill the Hole In the
Woli• ' and raw s brig and soh inner with the ion of
their fore soils.
the DiT. , GuardP, of Lo ,
morning. end were eeihnei l
Lira commies of citizens sof,
go to Virgitila.
Ntw Ynai , apul 2S —The en , responJeut of the
Clmenereit.l Waco lett Charleston on
Saturday, reys: G. Benarelfeard had not then
carted, bar: rumor sato -thkt;,.soo Hoops would,
that eighteoeutnenee the' nr,ott on tbo,
Alga. B. Viennese loft Welasia oa Monday for
Ittcbribod.., The cosrreiZotloat.oaor a .afoutosot
17inIt off Fott 'McHenry, which', ho made &HID b.
the liars rot Lr--
Lootarrai, market eicite:
A le-tiling , merchant a.. that he cannot get
provietne* from Cincinnati, col; telegram. through
naplaminc the reseed'.
The Naahville pupal, Of itoes4fay c ' , Maio a
apeach of Joitin Reli t adirocatrelg • strong military
league of all Alia /Gotham StateP•againet a common
ir ending fon:
I concur.,
LaIIIIIVILLE r dotal 1 11..—Gareeot blegofho 11,11
woe hie proelealatmo - Lt-nmartom, calling the Leg
iokture toitthar oo the 6th of Nee.
Denar y April 2b.—The Str to of Mackinaw is
DOR opened. The propeller Prod State arrAved this
morning trot Chicago. Shots th Eat beat through.
The Sommer hos celled an Mrs elusion of the
Leoloieturo to meet' on Mei lie 7th. Fire regi
ments Ontre j bran offered to tb Goeerernont, and
cow Oriel are'organisinff.
Boma, April 2.s.—The oath Of allegiance to the
Unwed States was administered to the pacers and
orew of the steam frigate Niagara, when all but
Isar subscribed to it. Their clues will be stitch.
en from the roll.
The 'learner. Marnaehnee4l.
are Wog eogrerled tato wary
Ilituartauzia, April 23,....T1rti Adjaturt Gener
al's report that 104 commie" bad" been sworn up
to rune o'clock, last eventing. Twenty -foot corn,
have slued arrived, nod Oa amber now In
mortice is 114 eompluirs; T4E4191,669 am,
CLoveLezto; April 2.5.-4oe bead WO of Mr.
Samuel A. Toe, s cotootlasicalmerobaol of lEp
city, woe lotted to the elm to.dey.
ST 0 = ' cTOR
OP tap at Maitre° DISTIL Thilll, 11
/tit TILE C 021117 or LLZCIIIIRY:
• 1 40.1E1N MIT Ir.
Clittes, ff O. 10, COrlier Die and A/Itay wad
.\ ' 'Diamond. I
/APO dors lift with /mph Run, U Diamond ghat, will
be truant dy attend, d to. I .
XLI, etteothici of the trade ft tameetfully tenni to the
following ambits, a th os Istr,• in rettard to lomeetiona
lttom Pordc We Digest
lithluth 12 , Patio W.4.—lfaav ninon Chill export. or lade
for t woman* from lb. Port of Phltalltlyble, toy distilkd
syltitoono thattore, liable to Inaperttore as eloressti, Wore
It. lame Mail 'here ban lamented old method moaning
to law ' nab porion stall torten end psy ton dollen for
er .. e d e barrel, sod twenty dolly. Weary doebto tenet
or other oak, a vessel mintalatogreeb how
mesportel or Warta terimonmsdalbe Inspector 1110111.
oath, tor Sheeny sad amity of Oh relda„ for tho nee of
the Poor braid thy end earthly.: I . ' --,
listinm IE, pil6 Wi.All !Vows sold' by letptelion at
tht Port of Pada& Iphis. shall be lasphotee end paged by
the hapeeters Of 'comma distilled aplrltoi appointed as
dortiaat. I
,' .
Peetlan 23, psgi Stdo—Any period Mho the!! hareafttr
set et impactor or , deputy limpator,4 domes* dlftllled
eptrtte, ID the city or meaty of. Ph dolphle, not being
trimly anthortent For that perocettahall, for earl I=s
I,antes, forma and psy lb. sum of imnty dolls», one half
1 the ea el thatloonnoneralth sod theeiber hell far the
asof me/ paean two, for th e amp lead shall, Illiewirs
to demon gnat/ eta salami:ester, dad'epon tOtiolttion
interim:salt for aim/ sorb offertor s oufh, an Imprisonment '
;lb ths moot/pap? a period of thirty days. \
Penton I. OffO tie —livery p.m, mirtothall coacten
feet, anew or InuOntentty. lowa% dr mete, tba baud
moth. or ent. flambe or other Mal* or onehtespector.
or • moth or ta ber in hattttlon Iber ia Opou'lnop sr:t
ele abject to litthcetion, or. opon WU /mak or o th er mewl
contenting such 'rule, or than hada snit, altar; deft,"
0011.001 of area may fond elate OWL, ail? toado,il6o4 for
.... tomb 07,0,,, to dfloood 'guilty tf. • nondemanor.
end b. Petifibebte by • nee col exerstabg that hondnd
001 l•re, or by flOpfillObtafot not amending Mx months:\ at
the dberfflotiOf filocul3rt hl?lreletiade.tunot the olLetta•
Section tall, pep Mr—tver/ 'tho Jth al l 'co " 1 "`
1.11, Wed Of if,afitafOllP ha/gat max any ettiols ilabli
to limpet:llin, or open - soy am p - or venal e . outalulng loch \
ankle, the band tooth or other mark or Roy Impactor or
4101 fraufialeotly'Oltef, &U., or Ifa on, rack Mult,or.
' shell Irsed talent)) impress the bread mart or other mark
of tar Inthwtor, upon soy inch ankle or Taal, shall he
a.m. , ' Minty of: a eats temesenr, end falai hos panithedde
by • doe not itheinkflog three Inindred dation, ..
A farther tampion:An, relattre to the faapeellon or matmo
~ a mine theta., day of lea, 116 A: ~, , -
. net Mt domestio distilled via, kw ludo at the port of
LPhllathlphla, whether for exportation tit otherwise, shall
be Invented
_and, gauged by the dab appointed fArpOCton
of doxisitla Mantled via% or then ago:Mak ha the inme.
nee now provided by law, and if any Other Pence shell 10.
I fp 01 snob Noon* he at they than. far Orr, ash offmun,
' be natl. to all Cie AMR and petositla lei forth to the lath
soetlon of the Act l,( Ma lath or Aprd.Uts. • i. . ,
Allara- anthortildg the Coremor to oper e tta, in Inspector
of Domed: Dlallindldgoors for th. eclat; Of Allecitenyt
rtetion 1. 11. It extend by the Sedate sod tiottattof nap
remoteness of the Commonwealth If onquvr• la
Mineral Assembly - hat,, end it is Lathy therM. b lie, a,'
thothy of the mama, Thai the illontreitt a. hereby author.
'fed to of potat an frapeolor of DonmetteDittlited 1/wears
for the manly of 'Allegheny, whack ,intlaa end emapeuen
flea than 04 16a:eta at rhos or the letl ooo . of .01 . 1 . 130
entilltd Comte lei 'the rity sod minty or Philadelphia.
The neffarthenti'lmpostor; below of ilipited tor homy
booda, 444.1001104 eider mars pataillte :for the (alibied
fa runt of Ws: Millar, Inked' thhelte9. ll o/11 ha
flatly to se roils the noon ceolloos and all other levee sp.
pc Inman% to the thett'otton of doressUo ltduore.. •
epdhtt . : : - - JOUN dleittilt..
1 04 HALE=-The *ore . ctimPleie and
War kii tar lief/emirs. uoi}ivil. 'staged
rgir I:ll,llcrai.VolATlL""'. 12
pt i l ' or t 1 7,thflt W me yot i . r ;
Mama itrigine, no 4AOI, 0000 :o4th on gun,
090 'allow tro 404'grIlou Tank& or: fliteehren. aro 1000
rilloa , Tenirr &int one I:01 gaga, 'tank, all pradoof thaw,
tina rlll d hp, 12 if ricotta, campy of nine boat.
itaaah. The prvpist, aubrserm, in he l. allKm, oral, Are
rain.. ant h.. tule'rti,f,ht Of *boot 215 re Then It
• ••I0 of tAttlntionithrie. of an ..... loth koro of at, '
Liar feet, unfailing the pranirra ' 000 Oa found In
lb. rklal.l of 1L... VIM*. 'Moles dairon•Of an/LIOOMII
to the twen.s. of !,/lblining Ooal nnatratow n a to.
PnIn•OI nf &Ina • In treat &A robin.. rot , forth, barmar
lICDIII I / 4 1N/1? If the tubrertbnr, .1 rNo. Bt3 Ent!) (talk
. .
vuit. Ti gLliffircsE4S-:," ;
111 La 11,. ltRaT4 and pitsnat DO E. 9 • Ll
Rs fa mat./ s 4 autpica to tommittra, awl oth.ra.
*OS 1 SAT 014 11,11 food
, . .
ontineed to prevail la'
cantle, urirad this
I?tory voinDlOtired to
god Booth 'Caro:ita
Y , INONICTNIIIe - NNW ILLIN 3 ALIttIi49 e . 7'•
; Cameo horn urn (11AZIF 4141th,' April • 2d.-1L
, neva Inal lb. Narr•Tork et** market today Iterassyd the
; coaddence of the coatannike Ii eameiry. EMI peothee of
, da /miss Hennas motsossus. ' Mont eat drat at the open.
i II& oo
bat rm as tke Adams hi my atm haul!, tbc
, rlitt cdc•kl w.a, Iklib• mike Or OPUS Mtn at MAO
&ALIA sod Winos 'fora As We. What apnea duo.
tat doled at a decline,l ;elle. beetiab-salat Inglnd
.11..d t
kola cihr for No 1 dpaltd,nod SsB42lHe tot No i Rettig
,ent , j, to do stotoge- Cara was (folioed userros *NM
an sag dons lo Nu; tbo 'Wend icll 9830, anderied tr.
node ebb alas atllkool end Weer- Illzad 4'820.1240
athen . so3(dMo tor Mac, to atoro-eatecct to
dadaba I - t the mania doted dap and noroballt lover.
• ' \' • -- - ~...„._.
In• n oshlcut aothfoi 'of Im Oita* on trarnotrad. maw
Pork-voa afoot at $2l, Dm boyerste - d oa.' Lard Is Dann
Novi ' &WU MAltitti-WSLIII, Arnie ..duite-,
Tho ear wen boa hnortotted lb. escoottaot ad grieve
hive Oren *ray %Ott V lb, lair to fully fay reltlag at 4.307 -
Wady neelyia 62117 hi:Appian MOW the ow, f von&
lag west lan poet. .-:
abe tiport• of lbt.wrok Irma tate a Man '‘ , .:___,- '-- •
licoanna-Tholarelo t bora bora on ii, [Dogma. •P• 114.
boll sills • 11.01144 demand wake Ile ear Orme Prlca hoe*
&snow los., ossl, lalarke clash, et tdelle. ammo=
ond ; rcrintatina ledjro, and gala* at Inaltia ' MN Lida
racoon's's:l 914Nat,' - - . '-' s,
%%eon's reatpt.lNSo Lbla onaltat ---, Int,tha cum.
i i
spoon own Lat 7,ea. TotaLeardloto olocetna , ;lila
it.ptenr err, OK ttntena dialog , 471 1 .14t0 She 0 • 106 4 11 *, A ,
tat • tOv.ppi l i ...k pi3!!lf.,. lit t,hla.4l,P,tceSetet
_- ''' • ,::::
~--,- .
Ilia Cul flan Aso ''fisUS 'kis:iris, ADM 23.-
there sof &interval:los Woad WWI who; •• ‘ .
AlDOszott. V. P. '
Inman Baur.
8. R. llcErsoy,
Ayr. Ilium •
fl o.Eirmssa.
Et Pathrux,
W *Oily Ito. law ottani PIM Om rill Mar tot
I lisortatipalatyfor Ides littibirst ftrartal
Patinas; Tannanav, Aprfl 25 ISt.
Uwe*. S maul, elm Spinosa! dewing asps: Intik
qua aschad and onittind wbila quotation/ with
one or two eiwytkits said* tunlattiod datoind
fur testi( sends continuos light, end** tronsielksi
a 00l rs vfl t onipilly ratrletid to Ma lon•Ciatii want, of the
flour I. us/Whir oll.r revisal awl an odium Sin le o
' stabilatted on thr brit Saadi. Oslo soaks tints and
wa11•,4116 tbasineptke of Oita, slow ton timiar.
gotta 04.ablitawi .frolidimst ati Mawr, an/ an adolgooa
am hit t ww• 'I/potations bowl Raked atulobtalawl. tlio•
earls oontlini I. not with a tifr lost saint, sob!li nits
mush, snebangs& • -
lIonM nutters iontlani to a still of and ionfaston,ind
the closet dlialtsinstloa I. wide at cosonel. Viraduls,
Mbeonti aid &sticky papal* resod Stant tatlndr,
and WSW Sigma resift will apply to all. floshan
Money Wadi thi hadmition auoinewnt. slow long Us pin
eal dfolocah of elan will mellow, Is lasoarddi
to conJectata, tot that thous L,r lb* b allot will WC%
ells pules, Is asrosonly doefrid by all.
(Non -.The quotstloo• aima the following &flew, It
most be usdaratocsk ate the wholeatio piton, saint whets
otherwise tostlred; sad Chet to sll aim lo Milos of
small orders to Um ally and country Ind*, an ottshooe of
Mrs. to Owe p omit he charged oar these hoots.
APPLlP—coolloos In gad dmobnd, Wall* peat hive
' oassamol. We not. smell safes at prtreS motes float f 2
to $1,60. so 11 atm Ity.
ABLllCS—golst and Mtn. hales tesrls 65i; &do /mit he
ZU; Pot.
rests from 40454.
ALllPlltsbargh mammal:mid cont/smo to fair &mood,
with wady dap:mots to all parts of Um montri., The ea
ablished rates at wont Sr.,
Bennelobla half bbla.,
...... ........
Ors= . $4 O O
BABE-theZOO prk;sorraint7ea u
il; Brent A Barker, for
prloted bags la ea fallow*: flour sans, 121 , 6 Ma, PR037,50
000 ' 25 04 $ 0 0064 60 lb. work 00 o . l s l ololl4mli
= ll ll , o‘ole4 10 do rt. 46 00261 84 do $2601i3k 20 do
as moo. Halo ad bad bap—llt m• 6611 iocq
C 1744,76 1.2 $1.64 10 $1.24. Onto bap-0 ttob,
=able, 110 Iv% 2 do, drilling, $144 2 do, Onaburei, $l4
018; 8 do do, $.18a2,1.
118•614-1, Wier demand aad au .Omni has bee, n.
tablithird. We not* amoral bogs mho to We Oominatant
for Mammy Ai6t Lash.
D4AIM--ta la modentl• riquest at an advance our hat
anal'. quotation... We not• • fair .amber of min et
M &Kohler', 10a to, 111.., 10301010 tor Plain
and 115(4)124 for Sugar Cured co.
aurrset a 10os—Bo:4r tom. de.
anal whlla rates ne drat and fully maintained. Prima
R•di .111 bald it 1110118%e„ and comma at 1141186. 161.
quirt settl, mall min as 06946.
8800.118--in moteran request talth • aupply smolt, to
mon IL We eon mem of Cmamon at $1,15612, toe $l,OO
e 51.76 fur lhaocy. •
BIJOIEBTA AND TII/18—Thr, Macon Pd.* ( 0 .dh...,M
aorta) at Fallaton aud N.w Brighton are fur Barketa LIAO
08 1 ,86. and Tuba, $1,7600,76 IR doe. Yrountora, Poch d e
dell In the retail tray at .11,76Ct1,00.
• . •
statonaitcp., Goo, lo a tit. II flo 14*, cut, lt c 0 11,
Recap Rope, ad, L 2 et b Recap Rope, cut, 1. c 21 lb
ILn2tl Rope, con, 11 c It lb Tined Rope, vat, L 2 e 9 to
Nate* littl,Lie, 12 ell 0 Psalm:fret-AA= /NIP lh
En /001418.-2Ltal/1a4L60, I
• itt 2 P, ILB2 612 ttoa.
~ Hemp cat, ate VI tr.
PLOOOII L12113-i. Naafi* 87 dell do* HetsP, TO*
*MON YARN curb* b stably at the tolloctialt
quotetteato Caleb are conutel to date:"
Mae, to lelnelttelvo 200 No. IL 11 ......... . ...........7e• le
Noe. 11 IDNo. o V Di
lea ID No. ...... o 3GID
No. le.. --Zell ero.lo
Na co bilk, II Ito
Dna 0.13•
o lidos °ldol
He. 0 o doe No. !M.—. e ;dos
Na M....`___.... I o doe
°root ceeloomasol. Red;
Do do white. Dl Malkin
to 86 me, no Irazoll7 —Ado
Do do 86 la CD, Zio Battin g,No
Connie& .Yero.--- Seto " Do
Ceadleerlek....—.... 200 "
Ile I
U1.L.141)L.. clobtide
_ polo' •.
cons. :=Goole lad dip caculkt.
10q No I Bala ocop. 4,4jr; No dodo, ic 0.113.1113 do. To;
Cbeeu Int 0111 r• do, 4543; No Toilet (Dowyoeo IMO, 1 0 , 1
N, 2 do dojo; frlono to Vtuozazio atApi iv; Bortote, woo,
0 CHX115.460 following are iba whalers]. prima:
eater cuter., &II l; honer, 7c gnat 8c Baotou, To:
I. 1234 t; pilot W.I. SAiIL bbl
0)101 AlHAI•—lo Haiku mutt, W. caaaal,L.l Was
rite. at ACURA* busk.
uliltCali--doll gad Anattore. W. nate ITTC111'00•1 malt.
of W lt at 0y1LA)10c 11 lb.
atDRIED haCit—in itioJarai•Jemau4 with ooraslooll idea
11 , 011,5011 lb,
178181) ifilinf.-Prictiril Ice In hat :Noon at plat
no from lo ‘i haeh, as go golello, •p;lti
gale' .1 dull fb to 8130.
FlBll-.ltt fah , dem. - irlth apply la End.t ample
to mastic W. quota No 11 Ls,. Uaeband at $ll,lOO
No 1 do M $ 1 2.00: Whit* Cott sl,lor, molt pas. .4
Ltallearlue $lOO 'II half OK 741 M . ,. Hurl. 80 p bit
liZED—remagna quiet any Ault. W. quota ama.l sales of
Alladliara at 83,,,,N0 pews: Bborte 64:1/0010, aual Bt.. Oa.
Oat Maas is ore., at 1 10 IL too.
171/3011,-410 batter demend eaS au adv.. of 1821124
hal ham hem
*OOOl.O- light, hot the aappo afirquste, tha tei.•
qua. the folloolug •are thecimaot nun kola 11101.
titgamOoe, thaw oSettas; Eat.. 5A ,00 644,26; Tatra
SpriSb•ANILA,bOL Haag C0A)4,25..the lurlo• lawn A 4
tia ho.t.
• •
OttAlN—Oataare In bettor regent an,l inked, bars .4,
rancni vga. To •r• pa* • Amy soaani of nits frost!
sweet 2 eth4a-amo,tly st tys lam tivaltai Con
oe• very dull, tb• denua4 Wog gal.* ••• 8 1
13. WMs itat e nal from sem at Mita:. Ilya
steady st sago, from etom. to Autry sal Wheat than.
atoll la Us, Area* of a.S. we GUM quay.
. - .
BOCIRRIILI—tagat aukt Out steady at polar taaaloa
Om 6 14 a W lb. V gaartth, Molar' to tale koa to.
wanat ' to a Ity *ad 'to coaatry. Rtoo la mob,
watt. itomaaJ at t o OM l a m t... tkdot &co at 145g
t0 Ito.
/ 6 •lllB.o3—ata v.ry d 1. Ptlta• aro 11611 .t 450300
1,01 ... d MOW; Platoa is, s 4 Chkkaa 10.
a caws:. CLAZ,4 Mal at 112900
OAS PlPS—tha fano ars Me qtatatkau O. .roUght
lean tabbE:
1.0 Ou Pip.--
-- a
9 P.r /mt.
w 1 96 Sys lecb 0 Plpo-09 0 " 60 0
1 2 ,34 " ".- 90
- 4
1 !4 " " -•••24 " •
Bahian to the carnal:orgydkconna,
DOM-Wren( Sonora Wars reported at 17016.
110 MINT-unchangad with • regular dammed 6l $0 9 bid
-tor Pawl.
moderma damand,e toed deal of wbt,b taloa
eaportad. 0
9 too gra we fair sweat ol Waa trom wake at
go 1010.6
1ii065-Sale of dry that at 14014)4; arver, inked 04
top D.
LISATUda-Rough country laathW la dull at 2dE627.
Dromed Leather la rooted as &naves:
6 , X1401 1 / 2 60.
ektrtlog Loather It D Manta . &MU
Icub RON IVAILSI-idd swath/ tato, or 6 9 rout Clacuut
/UT 0.10.
4, attl,W'brcs tol
34, 613.95, aad
414 by %10.
I 1
Ma 999 d.and 49$ by9s and
:94, 296 awl 93 . $byy$ and Wawa nom.
316 tort,- Dolt quality .-
5 .4 0 by licto I 1ncb......29$ 041.13.1.
11 / 1 610T.. 2 L., dr, gln rnd
Dandy The, I9s and . 1 . ,6 . 17 ♦ Pence Malls, tag.-...1,Z
)4 ;146 and f$ lid • id
floneatioe,l mad 19$ lore ' 6d
bI 44164%411
by 14 9d
by and 3$ tarh...-.3 :Out 81.11aa to 4.$
DadolTrwa,ll, and t3,1hY 2 4 1 lath
by 96346 sod 94 Inch.* a 4 to 6 —4,00
X. 1400 13$ by 9s, 646 plowed dnikat 9$ huh
2 / I "l.B =r al '
Itheta i'll lb -- 1 . 44 °
t,Ilt&IO wad 9 I=o, flooo
soup atm Emu& n, r , Plow Wlttp 14
Wall Soon
...... " a ant 0 0
, Meal Plow akba--....-69$
LlSlDorduiehtlagod, gab* f Lookillie at $1,26 bid;
There la no Maryland lime le mate[ '
. LARD.-qulat hot Dim with 1110101 city kat at 10
LOMBICR-.llto Laulhat teams im bona uatanally bait-
Mad: The *Meals fru& Mama . hive been comparatlesly
Maltad, and fro ashen' any thwinttante baes 00 Id Ines
made. Lloldaragrtawally aye balding Welt la anticipation
climatic 610,00, while Maui am Wading thak moat to do
Clinclauatt and Leakyllk madrila
1(143 R RR - buadvailied but the dernatul boot Mtge.
Meade sabot bbbb pylon Mee at $1960.
f 0114-4901 Lord la dell VIM a Ladled th matal Id Ida
Derail-Bal• et 6 bbl. Whit gall. kat Olt k ray doll
Ulu to ltki, aa 9 quality,
0 3 10N6-.11111 wllti o ceulooL e l a i44494 9 titular
POIA IIMLS - In good soPPli but the &mood la about
fq0.11.0 R. 'O9O OUn• liberal tales at 114P 411 0f /441.19 a
09670 dar Nrananuont a
• VOW.Danotu all aopearanna VDI bolt actin . d•. .
tumid balm long, Ilkattugetal catalog, la lads 0r.7.9
I belling at $1,84, and lidle at $11,16. 9 neg. Daddy fine !
9 LOCO feet, $l.
RTE FLOUR-paha but ateady, Tho current rate. now
.113419311,76 9 oat.
Be LT-ohm d,olltud; sit vote 'mita of Noat 9416, and
ISEIDI I -4.ll,thant !Wig no' drimaol Cabstand. In lb.
aim meant..., mole gaol/Ulnas. • • •
lITILIIDINg-doll end has declined„ Ws Tut. at *pie
LoW-bm declined. Eat.' (trough at ?Valk,. and
Matatry.nandtted at 4411Xti r r •
- WINDOW OULU-pilaf aza dad era Mpaai tan .
gantaylona for Ma con° Elam city mega mad '990.
4910 1 aukll,o9 rod 10 9 13; $11 ,6a 69111,11,04 go
t,76; 14916 and 10E10, 93 9 tole! 40444--16
q - 14 oat
WE •
I V'••••••••••-•—ta. a
"00,22 •:L.. 4
WEIMI.LRAD—tIna and In
k.g lox lir• In oil, and du s o
obrount. 11.1 Lead Mae, net
h araTlL K Tratte;:gra t o :
11 "" Tk OSVO, Ptl. '
. 101 0 . dniii4 it- Roo — ij
• 1 1 ei t sutdect ta tb• luny
,and Warp • -
oal are waft Ann. Raw
• i
u fit
• at
Via Rat OW
altboalts ao 'donator Poorer eatordaeo lotto arta moor
des& .110 Oars lam no. haproormaat .t No...fork. Rau
atutbats t u grotto to no other cacao than a Nedra to sri.
atsop eturraty tor Mozart rendes ortkla of wheat bat
bolter. Asada' Morass* bars ortskets gm deo to the am.
~.t .ppois o usk so io 'rhos, won ea reluctant to roll la the
other poses Imo eager to pow-hue, About MOOD bombes.
charged hand. at GOtSpis sor old and ososr rocolpti of No I:
=a for No 14olttarott-nt for No N outdid
and gto for aasapto lota. dallve.od at mina. Floor eat era;
.od advanced, tascolnatly. to a rorrosiscodinszioot wish
trboas, bat very lints, If oat; was sold. Ws q 'comma
to UN country ours at 44.2344,60, sad My WINS.—
Como grabs fro mute, oat we oats galas of eats and 171
at an *draws of lellst Odle anklet reseal. abbot a. last
Imports nalltroad.
7 bble dried pesetas, Preal Veagorder; ID do do, 2do q).
Plea L U Graff; 4 tee lard, Brown & alskpattick; Id by po
litoca, Phillips A tidier 22. t. rep, S Y & 0 P Wert* 57
empty bble,W P.Woolddr;lldca babe, Jobe flotd Fool I
do bucket., W H Smith & co; IV bdls paper, hallos, Abr.
rid & •co.
PEMICIOZU AND CLTWI , P. b. It —April IS acid
IS bee am., L Haudetoo; SO bble flour. 2 Lthdlay; 3 13012
brew end copper, halt 3, Parke a ai a Wig toks.
Willa:y, Rare & c
o s 4 Wee, Burke k Darner, Sb da 5 tie
4 Lob.
b y,
Rows a mama: 22 bdle Porto, air Wood.
well; Rd bble Sour, Oolp & Ploperd; !Toot Waned.:
12 bx. engem Law , dbomsker & ow ICII *bort., nos Pet
rov; 7 bbl. weber, 7do applea, V Vaato , 1 bid batter, L
o;Grafb 17 bble dry apples R Babhoo t Co,, 2 Wm*, I Arkin
W Leo &w;2 bbl. boner, McCune:nub, Smith &
coc 3 bbl. ego, 2 do barter, I bx lama, H Iliddla.
The weather was dellyhttelly pleasest yreirrday, . es
skaresd mild sad apparianly settld. The river am .au
to recede slowly bat steadily, with tell 11 bet by the pier
mark led ereslog........lltudhem at the embed km aimed
impended, the offering. Wog very limited, 'and the tat
alpM eteeediagly wee not a Logla and.
valor 'lmparters add. Lots the regular
Mutiny from Memphis eati Marmots from Olaelenatl a fi re
th• ban haute dm kap.
The Idadan * Ospe. Duran, la Um writ reanlarpackat far
Cilnaleinad Laularlll.. alba will Dianna Warded GM.
Ina without MIL
The /Damning, Capt. Drkkell, to may toadies
for Br Loofa ana the Upper illsimipni an datarday.
The Diamond, Capt. Me4arfart, 6 Ink.i.ipt la Da. imida
Arrivals at the
ur TO 8 O'OLOC
BT. CHARLES—Comer or
niuT emu
W DBmll6, Erie ea
W Shaffer. Wheeling
l c " MLlnn . tl i ution
W W Taompsom, Penns
.1 Minable, de -
CI Shea', no
Osvr.. 1.14 . ,C0m1ie, Steeenheisi
.7 II Kohn, PLO,
IA Oulwell Hatate
W Aba, Phile
W U Abel, do
8 iiartaugly dr
110USLI—Ccrewr Dag
D. KARifil,
Copt J A ?Jeanfe Bro.A.
Gpt W W Who Dropkrllle
WW &NM. & isdy. Franklin]
J Et &Dew, Wboo:log
Alsace, Clackmal
A P LPL Brookrdie
ISpt J flattop
Cbia, PJ
T J Cola lin,olom New Trek .
II&NSION /10113 Z-2
Gum= ACCErI:
_ _ _
do. 341- Liberty strut.
It, 1 . 3771110 CZ .
CBtring. Cincinnati:
5 ° "tr., Phil.
.3 W Char los, 1113111 d syakr4+
4 Wood, New York
.1 91 Pother, Ohfo
efl Cltassnos,?testrot Unity
18 Cont Coos, Dentr.od, Vs
3 Anderson, do
.1 s.lcoone , , • l3l4lrevilk,
r d OsaterodL Simonize
I 8 71.111, Colugstue
1.10 I.lexlell,
J tdollitlon, JAnste., a
D L Rttigsre, Pa
D P Hooey, Dlsyswillo„ Ky
J Ph..; Patna •
J Wilson, Aaron, 0
G Woodruff, PlAls
4 Chew/. Oanntlisvills
* Erne., Ohio
GI 8 Hughes, Valtrarsiro, Ind
4, °mulch, Ilarsisturg
1 Tows", Oonnellerilis 1
W L Collin..
:Ire .8 61c.C0 r Us, Chicss ,,
ly street, be!orr &Tenth.
"* J .1.p . 0 7 , 11:11 , 1:: r ea5,. it Ma d :alai,
C 0 POLVII, Phlla .
it 43 Barber. A is airs
J 0 13-ntelll, West e ,
J R Varlet.
J 0 W 7.41 Pares% co
4 IV n..u., narn... P.
i W W...r. Pleasant Cal
I VI Wailers. froUookkbmg tj
if kb effer. Wboelloir
V 0,...., Bantlegten
II N Wsllser,Hantsoodsvilla
0 3 0, ..00 Wsl . nod Hancock at
:11x, FROSalarna.
7 II Ilandsnon, Be;s,,ketits
I a tilententa A Ludy, do
R Garrison, ' do
W 8 Nur, lid
800 Mx:llr, franklin
r B Jobe., Dammam Ps
JadoWarase,DrAY.los 0 114
W Itt Bohan .. Phits j •
PO Coarar.lladeneop
.1 //Mott. Warren
118 &Mara A lady, Carlon
I' II att; Indian ' •
I J Won& chant,
11 IC Untiring a Iktolly,lllsr.
rty street, foot or Fifth,
I, elaleiltieel.
.7 moan', Mercer
A T V R b il l i r t . : . 1 .., 'c i 1r 4 t,: " :1 . 1' d: 11 .1 , d., 0
eamust Golatkopa,
Job. V OMpbalr, Ukkory
31 3 E A ll :ro f'' L frar d' ln's !Radon
I rb . l4W B l : ld.j e j na oa L: o l ; .. , ''': A l . th oil:: 4l : l7
7 D Peopled, Verdes, 0
a Gabbers, ttenonsbars
Jobe Clutter*, Prospect
emlttiflold ma Third streets. •
A P ros
/11sa Prod, do
10 Tboraton,Gol litown .:
8 8 tlinley„ Allegn:ny cs
DD Walla., ltrosrosrld. '
G W JOWL falrroonot,N
N Gcedin.l3norroarilla .
a N.G./karst.
T T Dry.. &therooll
0 F 1 Doloato o
O J Dab As. Be lerala
P Dortabcrty,
D A Doff, ClearDol4
P 0 Malty, PA
I.ll.oltatt. Myrrh.
A thopam,llll.l2
Drurollold, Uoknst‘rull
W HEr••••lllalrnitio
D 0 PohreD, PhDs
W IdaVaan. Jr, req.
0 Dula. Data,
A 0 Do., do
D Faboestork, Wayorsb.or
• B 0 Wa, Praat.tort
D Oral A I.oly, cruzAgo
W Wer.stlL Boorrooa, V.
11r. Bison, Oil%
Jdo ra
O Osrportter 01210
J 11 V.ingrr gb or., D.lncaturlll•
ArTthirr. 01eyeLsod
EAGLE 110TE1,-I,iber
/0221 Cr.; I
J Trope, Potterllle
Z B bathed;
A J Plttet Balkh'. Frey
W Os wool.
B Weiser. °Ahead
13 Breese l. .r, lesnk tla
OW Bari. Ellwood, Kamm
00 W Xlcholterger, IN Pms
illyere, trent go
0 itcLaogolto.o.vega heath.
13 Ball, Marrieho,
.1 B Yhooer, Coateoredhe
PERRY 13028 L-1 ter Dec
.daces • cumin
It 10 Jon.., Jarteatcoen
L Irate, Oolleraialco Y
W 0 lthm,Cheut area% N
W Cogarell. Werree,
11 B Bader, Chao,
Ml., 11 Paha., do
G Meg enhaop; do •
.7 Lam, Venleel co
CI Batt. Broderleia
D LogeJ. do
R d„
oft Weimer, .10
0 Arthur., do I •
.1 Arundel!, Cloclemed
J r Hoover, Preaklla
..son non
T E Ewing, Weehlogeoe
Samuel Leaded, icayncetoree
Jobe Itameley,
8 11 Steward, Balm, P. '
W B Kerlin. Rteabenvllie
hm.• Wee
.1 R Ilandady, PectMon
Ude,* J Blade,
o Robert Yoetair, -
J Ropti•lholth's Perry
A .1 ldhler. Itielemy
Ales erkhlleld,Mlliereborg 0
8 klcEleoy. Wen Mlddletlet
Ciao A Linn, Moe. city
APP MM., El a d,ath tp
2.. X. nm,
Geo A *nitre., Beep=
W D Lonelier. do
J Thamerseao, Beller
Yfo .1 0 Boot, Clgotc. A
1 1 1
J B e d o.
Omens cel
11 dead
II A Brlodley, Crelentoera
Wele Y Qel, CeelManda
0 Etailb• Freeport. Pa j
P. =ULU.
No 137.
J Welb , Oren co 91 Follies\ Peoria
J IX II Rouen, do
0J A Unmet; 8 Mini flreitb'e Tsar
.1 Saab, Dtowteville IL Elmo, Ookriirkovro
BED LtUN noraL—NO. 1., Pt. Mir snook
W Patobelier, Lonna la W W Epee; Neu Cootie
P D Ooroax d do J E Boat/. nll 1002E1
X Borne& Oorole, 4Y r J Wh ite, PIO* Id
.J aor, do PO skwoo, Evolordati
Laceii, Brookline Entreat. Tonkel,
,F Xicilityßoarer W Melrose, Elk ao I
T e Anon. A Boner Zeleekople
X P Ennead, Woodville All Parker, Inchoate,
J 0 Onoptelt, Beater . •1 A Craw ors,
JO Ooldron,Crestiloo .r R Ulmer, Erie, Po
J tionth, poling O W I Minor, Entler
Z E ikeitZ,Lionotooe J Lteron. •
----- - -----
Regular weekly Packet,
,For Wheeling, Marietta; Parkersburg, Pomer
roy, Point Pleasont, aallipolie , Gyandotte,
Oatletabiugh, Ironton and Portsmouth.
THE new and elegartisteamer
PALM UST, C0u0L4.2 buratto Muesli.
will hare Pittsburgh gYzer IVSIDNESDA,
at 10 o'clock, for Potoortoutb at Sall Inborsordlat• Isoidittpo
Petorodus, will Ism, Purism. oth for Pittsburgh user,
FiLIDAY•st uclock tu: tor tresghs cr gawp aPPI7 eV
baud, or to coll. • NIAOH. BARNES I SAL. AWL '
stemma, Llttla ORAITAII, Oapt.liambezl
me, w 0
(or the above and all batermoitste ports, every TUESDAT
mt Ir. ie. • bit oripmease epply ma board, or to .
mei /LACK, RAMIE A 00..
Cincinnati and
Irethur,—Tbr this oteamer LINDEN,
N.kot. T. EL llartoo..lll limo for the *bow Lao Iowa:.
Am ports oo eAIfJRDA7 , 41th •km al 4 o'clock
Pot ttslght or passage Apply orn hoard or to
nplg kIACIL BARNES • ca:Asia.
Ste LOlllB. Upper , etc. '
pper, its
tilUlt: WOW. KKOKUN,
Nue Irma, BSINT LOUIB . !taco fluter. gra INT" as
-*tor frotabt or pump apply on board CS to
YI.Ay6. imaxas a 00'; A4tehu-
A: output AND ET. PA1.71.;,-The imam.
ARGONAUT, captain D. z ) DrkkeD. will tura tor won
J 221 Internedkto port., mi lIIIIPAY. the D3Rb inttaid.
Pot Inked or puoase ar.ply to Card.or to .
ag7 . . 1e1,108., BARN ca iti co, Aim ;
VOA ST. LOUIS —The Brash er
DIA3sOND, Captain lillutut, wtu
tan tar above sad :iatermediatipiki. BITIVIDAY nth
leant, aid o'clock p m. -
for Infra or pansy applk boltd or la
• 1 , 140 CUMIN a CO. Amts.
BLlTaii,—.3 crocks fresh Packed;
A) 2 buek.t.a foils Pack.; -'
;- ,4111 rIlinbUt..paloun , 1...
• bbl prime Rolf—lts: roadlrod•Pl,k.lTru.o
POUTOI6B-2 tar loads Hodsaull Whtte NsattlintOCkf w e . w ;
bl .
SOP raANlverii2oass a, &wed at.
011.-50 bbla. lgo. 1 Burning 0O;
. bbbanyenor LlUfmtthrt. pr b7
• mplO warn. cOLLibts.
ja. isston formals by
isPIG •
24A lin DICER? a co. LI fill 15b boxes ; prime
, alasamotb Obre.e, , ad ri•AS bar sale by
aSS Irgati VAN Gi11tD,614314 arm , ed st.
DEL /S UTE 3-100 flacks now landing from
9°F h 77,1" b 7lB 11411 Drossy too.
/Lao 86:11 Pit/11.61.0ar r " 3 ' 4 ' 4,4 ' lth, 1 1° 1313
JAMES 1113FIII it(
BHIED PEACHES-34 t a cks Dried
tlmr.abtjse trea, fur pie by
. - 'mutt tamtv
Ft El E ESE 1 -- UCISESS 11 =- 50 Imes pritud
iew.peens,Jal,kt anle by
• 1,11.' - 1 fitifitY 111.0OLLIM
1)1.110INEY' TOPS.-2Z13.0e40--Chio.
V): To" irariols ,
'•", • •
I ;RSlintrAMOLLrEnt:
t1312. 1)1}
bbl& '-r;e4r- Little; teed' for
.N. 21 . .1111114114 1140 MINA ,
LI ME-406 bbla fivahjulifeed, for sale by
aI.AI alul !sru• co4unk
•- • 1
S!!! -- 14,41afiteL
k, Ili E-t.. T I NIG -Vir 0.1113.219,
i r timaisusigna. - - --, -
fiNuuc, ti'Ol3llDY al..'"
rizataat. saa VOL?-! -*MIL MEOW IV
lvta eL1M3.14.9., asieee 36 Ecebeele„ t a le s ,
!Abe. linemen Awl Nolen fei areas; us PLC ---, 4
lanail laus. n ar....ioasaaqui ea bloadrlialV-:
1 ktieiti=ceds ~
1 War /40:14i 'int iimoifrto.B3-.wistrat... -
PI lasbarialt, posaima. • ,
ggrapaela I ardais 1 al Civi at cal to
any Ilma . gik: . , cylthiAlrly?
1110",talLitii .ag °vox tukcpr
Donq fail la ma aril &Ira. IVizadalea Booth. -:
risemplee Childgen re, es It bail neaps: ees seileh. - -
I grattlifracilatatra tb O I,..CCW Othe'thinitYlkaliD4B.oll .
i,eektodui all saaama6eoa—.lll ally eallotial lc -
tiara ta 'moist. tbe bowe*l ' , epee& IsPee 14 151
.. 11 . ~
enters riot to Tolliversa, ape relief, imet eeeldi tO NO - ._ iVedactly sae It ail 4;4. - ''" ' ' ', ' ''
Th4l,o6 b l .PlTTerallu 6a* FzeleAlCeiteCei c;
taaitp4..t...aaaaaaaararianula Pkiddlilll2 rani
a./,:atal au Nies amid .loltly ais•aklupt" *mill kaf , ''
411.1.t0na Opals 3 3,3 . , , 4 . /
At 1:0G1111 ii ilia CASS Iltdilrill l itg . 47/ 4 0, "11412 ' '
All caMos et bpee44l7 eaDisibasteetrlldemrgellew it k '
ataavtroia.taethat o from lia.fatba cam. -, ~_ ,
„,, ~
31f Ukeleketetteeentemeteend. by4eUsteratelmellM"
le pate Itit vokrtils pi; -, ' ; .1 '.. ',..-1 '"' ~..
Iltribeeler bailee ai* sold 011 7 Ite!11. g l tt , ° N I A "-,
Eutaw La pea alatadwal.trama mit' .- - -
/_ • MCI muss CLENtIi-le fr , .77r(7.-
IFilileirNeeepattleeankenteriumeleffeeselea.44l,lkw 1 ; •
a Near ram to an
011.2.1aer0,' H . then th al
th a w
4n *oatfr Ptialial ik. ' :•, -
, -
HAIR Dirl"Euun DrEl7-43Mit
ea.rositii,ozint twit atm -
ailinaleod•bdist s As WerZil' • •
I All others are mere ijnitittia*ol.644td
no lry= Ida : ice:ft:o: ripe* --;• • '
intAY, .1411 N cut awn taxa.l)yea
Quiattfbhdd astarsl Browetlliiitolthattlthalrigi•
fr 6 to thibalrat . •
Mum( MMUS/MD tt/PL47E411 iitttat::
sa in
to w-A.l4*We'. daft 1 11 3kaad
Okitt hue. tic/at, mad& to ttre gide paces orlds
A. usrotrztotraill bisisuitte.• aloe vet , •
eistesklbtee bum nibs", **l Isirazurnvoot ;
tram. latuoksoUtafrirrer kolkttinif _ •
Ow. of Dad Dyrannzlatear. Aut IWe
i pis...) it ita
rc iattl3 4l rtrritil 6 oanaT,akrßooai.pedera.... --
AO, She pontos bsi Memo* and iddresispaik istook ,
pLl:ups!fog maenads. anima Dott, of ti
I ~1ATAQ.11..14,14311-.1W1011..-,-.
il4';SLh ti gaipatllgitt, am, -
1014 to a etune-sto tarafa; ap
al tisad ; Weed 11:4 4 thwasly- andadinsal whin
tt things an propuly midwitood sad sada
_te Bald amt. Now Talt, -
inrciov somas* 11161.111. f
Principal iota
(An MOW.
r Third sod Word otrarta
111 frarooot, Palkettbarg, Vs.
gin It 11 Jan:up*Adttontia
rf Dike,
r White. Weltatuir do
L • Jul:up. Anima
J•Dhliddco,P4 •
j l . =II teak
Jlialsted, rUldnitatt
d Uogittlany, do
SF Dom, Yocredown
J II IltcAllitt. d. lad', Pblla
a t 9 PUthLind, Now Lisboa ,
BD Wan t& lipettmr, tia
10 0 Stow., t,•n . 1
awls. Way gni iverlp Orr ot
a Barnum, a r
J Coen, Clatiostca
J Hoffatto, Droakvine
J t r e i f i b i Zrf, &at II.: tr
1 Wilq.col, 17, , per lit Clair
A J Dania, Warren .
0 W Xldls. Cre4tll.
/ Wallace, Cralmilho
J Pollertoo, Pleepert
80111E0M 11111LIREL
prOuNDNali AND MACznalsTS,
ECIN GI- 2 , OST WoRR e.
Pittabnrgb.l l PANzta.
04kort,Ilte.1111 'Market surookr
lkor e tfo r e;all nub of SWAZI Va*Lt
,1 7: Wined Work, 11t.,z0 Banco loth abort /lOW
Joklbj,g ...11<ipsielejt Aottop thortantico. mtUkrOtt
J. LlTri n z
iszixtcr mAxx.ei
No. 54 Si. Clair Streak
to - ,
i 'H. B. C. P. hIALRELI3;
APP I N 3:13-ICo
Ham , E,t o0 oed from N 0.27 Wood oiroot to I:403 ilaithflo
Street, Pittaburih.
Asip-p.o h nods for Roo
trot irerding ant" Comadsi oo?de:rob:int
1 , AND wuouvutie Alumnus
pbeeeo, Hatter; Seedecirefeh...',',
And Padua. : :
' II Mod Sfreat,! PO*Buyali ; '
Jam•isb, 1:411101411,
.m=112 , 1%
( I, Zr. is /bier, .8444 d dedt.) •
Cora& of Water Street and Oherifalley,
scritirlk PRIEM:MOIL
JpECN 00CEM4117 at PRO.. •••''
le oa 2t;tlUits .Ixim s li tumtaaremtos
tales, Vault DoOr ,
Wildtlir Shatter; WindOW Guards; ite.;
!Fa': 91 •3&x,48b•ed ea Tibdifirst o - • -
(Eletrint, Wad rad _ liTrainotri
Elms Laid a Tadao of 11.1.FINArDikiltaCra21/1aill"
I attablit for 41 parpooes. Particulike woad= pilyt. rota ::"*
s'4eautittnros Leta tabbtoicdoza stabortwitim `meg
- •
JON/CB..Bolrn & 00..
ix'. :UN Spring, Plow sal a. a. abut
sad that EgP.O.T.SIIIB
ness Eases ma,
sclO Oa
PI, otascucs re-
awns IS L, • ' „ -
Poreigi iOnd Darnall§ Billo of .Kiehaigo,
eisrnyarms or DRSIGHT., -
' 'BA= BORs'allO ISPRdIR; ."
IHLlkenebtloth aesde 011.111 tie ptheidpil stiles !keeps* ••
me the Cattsd Staths. • •Pwsleis ' •
Nip:0,1)131AB & PARAY) • • z ,
~ *:.P. 33 Ck z O 2
mob. AMA "Mitt between Cdasl sad Water Works
WI:1r) tirrinnraaff. PA. '
!OMAN Seiil4l%
•a supuivr.4. • - '
Tonic, •
A Pit T I - S.P
•. ' •
P Gm, : 1-
4,WD razvArk USE.
t is
UDOLIIIO WOLFE'S PORE) 604=1410 • . --
Damned boa Waal by Woe% aloYmbod poi abillbt"; ,
bee ciaillty, villa bs bellithato au dui Nttla •` h..esloetbttt{t: ,llagl
batuia put lap tersosdkfaittert
lii Di. cortfteolo cat lb• bAtlsir Illattazdid VCR •
out of oho but Ira ty, ' -
1. 9 0.4 c. L0t111,4 by blioool4al.rdle!< SIM 1 '
4 WINE, , • •
tair , reNtAid bottled by *ganef( far yritattaaiaioileisol
cook tboi boot wino nor vaned to *a arias , is bot , •
Tbit stair L womattod ylottootly onto, ,
AND IRLSEL WHD3IEY. All lb sod bottled by lobamq,cesoaalyl",.
and of tbo boot gorily.]
TO VIM !Mtn, ,
I w!l eats lay toyutotloa ass moo. aly ittualbry- is •
°litany 'ant reddest* la limo altos Nolo York < •1'
that bail lialedgoaa4 Mary to *MI ay mot, lay
sad si3y oortleasoo, IA aiatbot aad , cab bo robed cpao by .
thydetsmig, vtgo au Wu and Ltonoti balr mottos,'
oho= en Moo prollentaao ao oboe asslaloo,
tar Sniff bl a7l oupootabl• Dragl'otoolool A rawinear, •
)portorartb•estileawassizat!‘„ T rfee,
lo;23&0114 Doom otroot,Now rod'.
Pr: et DU. Oa% •
me.i&tmto - - HO Wt
G •
1444cia, oeJi,putirlant dof rizati;pg.i,::;;;;,-,
- Fella bra fi.i.• - 1 I
Tel , ....;
'. ; - • • Ongllo4/11 -
4,ldt I. ' , granted to b ., . or46d 050.
Pi 140klaw
^ aipiDiNais lto#l4lci !nor
trlf,t ;
f‘.7 IMO hbdiN tegig.lkuis hear:Laltlogyfotli prltolC
, •
am do miter% Lti'
000 do fedi s lgogsek- -
woo top pow, rrom alr to k;
.1000 bazwlllottoir#,tla. aner.
100010/0 SW* „ao
iatBSbzo 0n
001 Tee;'
Mould. Dim; !tlytetttilaain:
P•PP.r AkrteVolWoalcoulow4#ll24l4, lad Vphil*pt
tfoi:ll.motkistlillmontOlaysegioacipsue l , ..•
Altai Ora atc*ParelodirmiarlafrlTt';‘;::—`,S=:,,4a•-•
;Oat 4liien4;kinhdika dsd wa.r euvalituntbkrK 4-,
SEM?.T44B-7.199 bas" F 1011 _ 1013 g; toe- Y?
tri-!71 --*
- 2' ~
stbradim sat roaith
::1,:7:.:.'-'..r. - 4‘ . -',4' ,. .',';',':=:-.:.::',.:' .- .-..' . :••;:.....'4 , ! . ..:
, - ; E : - i i •,: . : :. - : .,:..!..;. : :,.. : ,.-,: . -V;g : . :.'-;.-;:l'f.,'iitt.:=:.4l'l4o-'•'::.,:...: