V#tsburg(l Oatttt. ppFerz 4 i,• A rAritt co, Tn, 0117. PRIDArRIORNRIG, APRIL '26, 1861 CITY AFFAIRS mgrrooosoolcAL Oboorostions for lb* amens, by e. B. akkw, Optlabia, 59 Fifth Bt.-6tonooted day. : stni m 9 teal., k, A. N Is . . nt site 12 .' . :E. ..... . .......... 96 66 6 . r. 2........... Barona ,1 00 ter MITE intArza. NUR THE COUNTRY. Cimino Cs of alt. denominations meet every morning t eine-oreloelr, at the Lecture Rooin of tis first Presbyterian Church to tbis city, to pray for the eMintry 'and our hraire friends 'who are less lirg erbri day to defend tin this day of dark ness and Peril. All are cordially limited to eons° for ir e:tent-the Lord keep the city, the watchman trakerb b. t to Army 3tOws. We are, pleaded 'to announce to to oar raiders t • t we have effected engagements such * ai l erill arable deka' keep them thoroughly posted in regard to, all t 4 movements of oar trobps, U Also in is tattoo to their personal welfare. We bate a special correspondent attached to the staff Of Brigadier General Nutley, and alto •Iprirate in, the make of .the Duquesne Greya;—both patterned of high modal parish= erld fine literaryiwyfiameata, who will ear / respond,wrth nodally by telegraph and b 7 mail. , . y - . ~, - Militar ilattere. - ‘• - The departure of our troops - ma Wednesd ay left . the city iii a Mate of comparative - Valet, although ,„ . it still exhibits an . u nusual agree of excitement. . Theetreets are throated dariag the day: and the . - businem ofreernitieg .natill carried on with grist .. , atlitriM_,. rou'itark - till ealdbight, mar tini bands, . • . . followed by the tramp — tramp-tramp - of scores of cornett re, indicate that the militoty ardor bas ~ • : not abated' a particle. Ifit aniond requisition were ..., ' made, th . with a lacrity. i Brig. Ge , .-.. S. Negley having left the city with r t that Nutt' rigade Peons. 'Volunteers Col. Hiram Holtz has cen left here in the tecniung service. ' - His head. quarters ere at the Giant House. • The Federal Guarde r of Allegheny: have now eighty mci enrolled. The following are the efficere : Captain, J. C. Hall; let Lieut. 1. V. fl . out; 24 A.A. Scutt ;3d A.,N..Xetinedy. - This company afande first upon the books or Oen. Neg. ley for the neat ragman)°, And they expect to - . stand No. Ito the next regiment.' Aemility: of the friends of the composy, aye ,been - Billdtiv oi knowieg when they intend to uniform themselves we are reqUested to state publicly that Mr. Geri: Idiabley, - Federal street, Allegheny, and Mr.L. B. • Sibley, Foarth street, this ein, have been author. teed to receive funds for the purpose of uniforming sod equipping the company. Let the donations be worthy at the ,men and of the cause. The Pena, Arun Life Octuiz, Capt .1. Lloyd Williams hive their master roll nearly full. Con eilerabio dientlitiodou eases among the members, owing to - de. fact,that proper provisions are not mode for the wants of strangers, and for the &pd. nos of dose who bate volunteered. ' CapL William is an.,expetieriee.d soldier, having due good males in the British army tind he has disability to form 1 a eptendid company. ; The Relief Committee Mould I attend rd act i n those who mey - ba in need. The First an, Allegheny, Boma Gard he ,I organized byl the eleetiou of the following officers: Civii,*d. 8. Bryan, President; C. C. Narbangh, Bee. ,' retary; 8. Riddle, Treasurer. Military --Captain, F. flambright; let Lieutenant, Alexander Hanna. The compady already reach some 50 uten, aid have rented W ashington Hal, Rebecca meet, as an armory. They have liq excellent liallre breech loading nate' with bayonets, - and with each an if. ticket corps: of o ffi cers,- will donhtlem render a good aco nt of themselves. They meet for drill Innen armory on Friday eve n ing. 1 The - Allegheny hanger, Capt. 11. /1: Fleming, hare a fall inster roll, and completed their organ anion hyde election or the following officers: - Capt , 11: S. l aming ; let. Lint, B. A.. Ling, 2d. Limn ,John ills; 3.1. -- Lient. Wm. Bateau. The dint lientense is at present high unstable of Al legheny, and a member of the Wuhington 'aut. I try; the second lien:mum ,isr e.x-bigh constable, tr..] the third 4 a member':of the }resent police torce of Mayer Drain,: ltile _couipany is well offi. cored. They will , open . .an' Armory on Federal wee' tied drill every .night. .` A Home Gard bas . been organized in Peebles township, .eritti. the foliating 'officers: _Jahn B. Corgrave, Captair;,J; G. Merthi r Firat Lieutenant: R. B. Palmer,lJr., &mind, and R. L. Allen, Bre vet Second. The company numbers over 1121 mem- - bers. 1 1 . . Col. R..H, Kerr, lately retorted_ from Harris . burg, ir.rorras a. that Abe Goveneor hi, accepted the gamine, of the Benton Guards, it rummy which he iv agonizing., who are to hold themselves in readiness until called'on. --, 1 Captain Soh B. Kropp', of Brownsville, pleads tin cowpony felly organized and - randy for orders. ' The Pena Light Geards bas now a tell comple ment of mem' - The Officeni of the cotes coo. - elite eir Georg - W .Leo ta rd, Captiiiiir Min. U. lid. 1,,.... yeti, Firer.Li Mensal; Bold. S. (101,,, Baud , Lieutenen4 ' and Frank C. O'Brien, Brevet Bused Lieutenant, 'they me, very anxious , to got off to Atio soot.OV yid: bat they are oppoied to leaks - untit they ore Oily equipped. .The Fifth Wird Nome Guard have elected the following office r - CivilPrelident,',Ten kt Taylor; 'Secretary, Win Fleming; .Treatirer. Jai W Tay lor. Altiitary Capt J C' ?legion, tat Lieut. John i i, -- P Giant Si Lity Aothoney Meyer; litt Limn I , R B - Parkienes; 4t h dot, Robert Wilton- Orderly ger. gent, Jt: Roo . - , ' - . The company', will likely number over 200 'mem bers, and tined who signed the conatitutioa took able oath of fidelity to the Constitution of the Gaited 1 die tea Red of the State of Pennsylvania; i The .4 - rioted Ole Garda. , is the name adopted by the Peon Ri es, the charge being made in com petent to . Rot i.R. Friend, Esq.. that gentleman , hamog wide e,',.thiunificent bequest of. five hoe. dred dolfars .to aids equipping the comatty for immediate aryl ii„'also , giinng them de use of largo and epac ea warehouse for .thair armory.' Egbert B. Ward was tritanimonely chose* Captain.' i lt .A 0 CleCtiOA w held and Joseph F. Deithiston was elected Find LI ntenant, W.'lliack, Second faet, Tll3 Union li ards. McKeesport,' have 10 men reran& ,The have - elected the foliollile . ll , cffi cars r Captain . I. hfcK.: Snodgrass t. ; Find 4.leu. tenant, Win .. achy Bettend Lieutenaet,i LC. Walkindew. ' bilicompepy will be ready for the next requieltio . McKeesport and,- vicinity have dome won, form hing 2011 men out of a population of The fi t s Tee ship Nome Guard have 125 names enrolled. Three were - divided into two cementite; to drill - : at cliff real point& in. the towable, and Wm. 11. Smith a Wen. M. Brain were- chosen . captains, I Too Lewrence ilia Unfon Gaudy, Captain' John D. Berme, repo 113 Pen Be read) to much.. l'ho Irma Cit Guards, ,Captaite , Wm. M. Goma.' ley, has Lorty.se en men enlisted .--' The reeruithag offs iv et No. 2 0 Liberty shoot, month of line. Captain Leap* d Bahl Imereceival a colualisida as Sergeant mkidr in the second remmeht, and A. P. Callow; Dap,. oval:pies the same - poaltiou in . Akio( Bowler/ 'battalion.. Joe: M. Yeaketat has been appointed etdjutant to Geis. Negley. Miss Amanda . Bout and Mae Margaret :Fell, lej:yesteriley perchased 82 Bible:is - with Psalms, "mien they pieced at the distal:Ml of the Mayor, who distnented them among the voluemem.i The volonteeri from Groonte - ws: paraded oar I streets on Wedeeiday - eveulcg. We are Wormed by ono , or the rees that previous to Jeering Browerville, ortt o steamboat Gallatin, Bon-John L. Dawson delivered a moot touchier mad feeling address to the triops. A large aubeeeiptlon wag nixed in that plaSe for the relief of the families of voitenteers: - - , , On Wednesday the employee, is Nalealt print. ing retabllshmenti prewoMd'heeph M. Einenthfi (Gen. NeeerdA jotank) late foram taiMre H. handsome tweed, end two other. of :theft_ number; who ion on Wediteeday, Charles Streeasy and George W. Rtddick, with e !harpers revolver Captain. Nichle and beatisauf 'Allen; Se:the, Conesellerille Gut s, were in town hat light end reported their company reedy-for marching orders Tho companY neer about eeventy members. fdr...Allen Is the pre, eat . editor , of the Pabiof at Another mirope cow being enrolled atilut eir, pa. Wo fear alto that micapaulee an being : emptied:at Prospect, 'Porteravitte, Nventeborg, ifirra"r; Centreville, Barberry sad Bazonhurg. Sutler woozy sulf i de her Whole duty.— , • company- has '-been organised at Meade:Me; g od is now. rely to occuive marching orders. nary Johcaton; eiq., bi, beteireboson Captain. A voluotecr. nosipaity fa bidag homed at Mercer, g ed • Ontcril are !miss organ otd throughout The Peabeyftemai l s MOMS 6541, Otilidifid ja the Fourth Ward dellegitesy,..ca Tatalarsesaingi end elected the A:gimlet etattearo . Copt, W. W. Ball t lat. Magian ; 2d. ListG.,-bVil. Beath. , ' / ALLSIIIID 'reenlist Aamtarco.;—Prom %voids. map, W bo.pamed through Mtn% Ohloloo Wed neid.r, we leant that • reeptiloaa 196klag:fudf. ,kt g at, who bed been larking about ;hal place-for' some time hack, hOf bees , arresteo chargedrub being a apy. lie epult not give/auy aatlafatursig ateeant of h ros.iyand Itwae,/erith the- greetest difficulty that tbeerosrd wet e!y pt from acht's him. Lie stated atifirat tbaths belonged to Mae ! had, but aubseqatotty tbat'h• was a member of a ..tuoteer . eompazgl - roes Wooster, Ohio, both of which statentauts w re,areertlinad to be file: A rr uarunso ion o'clock Wedeeseeraoratei 'a young EnSil_asated j a ws Foliehevor bletemport, eniferisg Nem imn i s ' paid, jomperi from Abe Monona/kb prldta I2te the river. ntfewalit satee:.d l., At mei , god wee Snail rescued b 'kid nut eat for she p a 1104; Strait' , Co say_ the your , Aru we impute "ke the lout ,y the fait. H. was coomillant to jai o.i t h venial Itnitrucilioe to tbet keeper) *4. , al arrive - o take him in ohne, , 4 • .. .. _ . . .., - • teores4 ll7ll O .E Aioh otterid lietehltuon, five or els yertie4l , 4 , AiriMart: the eadrealimait at the wrath of MAO ~r tour grimy, Pretrial gt Co.re forge, on Tgela etpht, fireakteg lihr Wilt . . 12 d na mes otherlietioneAut. riot, seoteulgy - - ji„,..,tosimputted 1.318r-' 114881°.*—^"litid Pol8f5818o"--t, IriA TAM/ Irni -,jr#lo)loPro., mm74'14414 alljttrit:Btot ;aim ma VllNigyz, H 20.8, for Xr7,,Pf-.1...4 r . 1 1" " — Ntetietw'asieadoes..." • The-Pifianci astateltdee of 'Public Safety tot Aliodfle.ny Canty, have blade the following ap pointment* for collectors the. Boroughs and Townikip of the county, and roped as Wan named to call 0. Miller, EN at the Western Insurance Comyany'e office, No. 92 Water street, for their books immediately. stenonntil or 8.11.1311113 T ctecer. • Wed Pi ElDAnibe Dr Jona Shard., a 9. Wainer. ttrburee— reerd Chop a Dryden. • llonnenialnelled-JobnDirld Beek H o ber r, t U Mnraball. Wanderstere—B • lampeon.DMl indmord. Jr. andeklq--J. W S Whit.. Dr•WWBlnct Bisealkbarn, Ist Prortnet—J P. Prato, Shan U.K... Soft —Ool Jr Warbstry, D nerd. . Blrednernen Zuse—Demid Me .. Job. P Dopr. Doseenung-WO3 MID; Irwin rialareek. • . Ideernenerrilln—T.Walairlant. (harp %%Irwin. Shupe:dug 0 Law* Bnbettn IPEnespors—Sbonees Peens. Jun. W Dor). Pooth Puestuargb—Jobn Emir. • D Chnenteerr. War Wissbitb—Dr J Infirenr. Jno Ingraham. ,Tarentere-0 W Worrhoti. P Prawn. gTheyetrarecertne—John Baldry, Dr Bfincoi. fl7ll/111411111 CI MINIM Comm. Pitt-Toby DB lop , W • ilarron, Wm Grey, Manus Ito Claskery. Cloth= A Nees', lbw Don Plum-Chas Tomer, • Kuhn. Teasso t10N.17, DaYsil Clolttne. Ildingodeon, Tiff. Millar. 111111hi-slyins O Faber, H D Cbebrania AotansinsvAlidin Riddle, Aria ,Walker. Mcon-Win Any, Win Neared irranklts.-Wdi Maly, Aso Neely. Bar-Tima Verner, John Redman. Eat WL I lso• 1141andisep,Sas Wallace, 11051 Cluulay. But Deer-• Pillow, Battram Nanny. Weal Aierv-Aehri WOW, Ohs Bryson. . Lower ilyper PPeitennan, Lower B Et Olair-Win Bow, Jae Boylan& . North fayetts-D Hodinen, Goo Naos Bootbtwatill-Thas IlaydesAhmid Gilmore. B Dicker., Inn Whiiivir. illuliw-V4 O Laid; Dr AO Quaid. . • ' Fawn -11 P/Itidenos,lllllller. Boilmen, Thom Paley. .a. EictdandaMm Beate, Col L Bathes Peebles...TlM District-Null Saki; Dr A II Grose. do • • Pamnd do -W ['Drown, JW Hailer a do Challasit,Jes Kelly. Patton .Cippit?Mnystr , • L Jobn Ittorrims Termilies-lobri :bin" Col W L Miller. Jefferson-John O'Neal, Joe Wilson. iscrle!-21 Ils 1 12ir tr t ib n iar 4 . tibicv-Mama Tailor, Win Davidson Re sans-Bas A D O.bpbll , Wm Nein Bnowden-Win W ikon , j r,i. 11W Latimer Pimp-Col Jam A 01Mon , A 8 kleClord. • iodlana-Osiyi Thai Wart W m Ilenderom hiriokleya-11P Simi. &obi &mason. Ores:ant-1' 8 Nutilltoa. -vs R e ue l . liamptos-llsjor L,Eilley, HOU !topaz-Md. Union-WiziOartudnin; vb. Boyd. atlacted by a Ilta!iii.•:Mslitsr and Child In. Jarred On Tuesday afternoon, se some butchers were driving a lot of cattle through the Stub ward, one of the number became enraged, and anteing c from the rest, spread 'terror In the neighborhood by making an indiscrimliate attack upon everybody. /he wile Of Jacob Stildle, Jr., residloroa Colwell street, waxbaullog her babe along the pavedient in d childts.carriage, when she saw the infuriated bent approaching her. She ran immediately into a narrow pantie way between two houses, drag ging the little wagon after her, and hoping to escape tee fury of the altimal. Toe neer followed her, pressing its way into the pus.ve, and with ice fore feet the wagon was soon demolished, ...I be. fore the mother could secure the child it was severely injured After cettlag possessiiin of het babe, she kept the steer at bay by seising nue or its horns and keeping lie heed to one aide until the twitchers came to hes 'relief. The terrible fright and exaction bate so &Erected her that she hes Witco been congaed to bed, and.her child (which iuquite young) is haunt expected to. recover. Add!Hotta' Catnaps for Parausyliattier, A Harrisburg Correspondent el the Pailade/phia BulirliA, says . "In view, of the attacks that ore threateoed at any tocimerit upon Pennsylvania, the Government has decided to so apportion the troops throoghoot the Sutter: that it may be- defended at a moment's notice. For thir purpose three additional camps, beside fact, th e y nu p leus t h in m already e b e e s e t n a t fo is rhmedd sod hien first and principal at these camas wilt be at Hay. .xishorgethe second at York, a thiritat "Chambers berg, and the last at Lancalter. Bot a Way since, the Governor issued an order that no unite troops 'would be reenived , until accommodation, can be provided for them, bet now the order will, be re scinded, aril a large somber of men will Sion be disposed of without 'imposing too heavy a burden . uporrany 0130 scones of the co natty," Should - the order to receive no more troops biro. soinded, It will be joyous news to bondreda—we tidght ony thinisands—of our patriotio men who are ready, for marching, and eager to SOTTO their coon.: try. I Let theArork of recruiting and dzllling he vigorbrialy prosecuted, and • chimes for active ter vice wilt doubtless yet present Walt PV or the Troops. The following, sap the Harriaburg Pa!riot, gives the rate of pty_allowed in the many of the Wilted Status to which the militia se entitled when called Into service,: . Pet month. C010ne1......... 8.218 00 Lierenant Colonel 194 00 Major ~......... ... . ..... 175 00 . Captain ........, 118 .50 Finn Lieutenant 105 60 Second Lieutenant.........- 103 . 00 Stara Second Lieutenant.... 103 50 Thai, or unholy Sergeant '—. 29 00 Other Bergetete 27 00 •.. 22 00 Privates-- .J...—__—_—__ 20 00 i Musician, - i.............. 21 00 j 063eare are required to provide their one triii•r l forme and equipment*, het the men are clothed and armed by the Government. Heed Body Found.- Coroner Bostwick, yeiterday; bald an inquest on tit!) remain. of toned floating in the Woman labels river, at Brown's coal winks, six miles above 'this city. The jury found upon the dcceascd • note, Written in February' lut, at Hollidaysburg, ' and signed, W. if. Bagley. The writer recom mends the bearer, Thomas es a good work • man, and one who understands t:ow to sink an oil shoit. liesiceitis inferred .that the name of the man was Monies Lewis. He bed on dark pants, blue wove roundabout, black - Cottoo velvet vest,, and black seclue. He was apparently about thirty' -fire years of age. There were no marks of violence upon the body, and the jet, found a ver dict a ''death by drowning.” . Prom ILeaa.gwarteee. • - Thing* are quiet at the Heed.quartere of CoL Halts,' owing to the feet that no additional Cronin can be accepted hare until-frothernrderi. Two wow eompatilat reported them:elves yesterday The Darlington and New Galilee 'lieu. herbs a fell roll, tender their services. The eMesra are: Captain, W. B. Welsh; Lieutenants, B. MJlar , let; M. Hartshorn, 2d; T. J. Meaner, 3 t. The Blipvierprock Clouds, Prineeton, report-them islets organised and read, to march One to be tatillartned and armed. The officers are: Captain, - 011ne; •Lientenants, W. J. Randolph, let; Jacob Sheffer; 21 r . Sergeants, T. J. Alford, 0. 0. Check. . • • '.Boer/emu roe one Cazarrrze or Bararr.—We socommod the following, wallet we clip from a Bal timore papr4 to the consideration of our Committee of - Publie Safety, Nome of whdm are rather aurae to seising provialons destined for the Booth, without being aallifiad of the legality of the proceeding: -; prosßereral buudred bunks of nit pork, withl other rbdone, sera mind in a warehouse at Locust Polneyestarday 'by 'Sergeant Auld and a poise of &stern District Policeineo. A guard bu .been placed over them by order of Marshal Kane. They were supposed to bare•bean• branded at supplier. to the Federal army In teastilugtoo." Suggestion to Wit Yellows. sw;—l beg to suggest, through your column', the propriety utthe different. Lodges at Odd Fellows la oar county remitting the does ot each of their members as volunteer to defeuse .ot the Government. I me this has of toady been dole in Philadelphis, god Pataburgh,l hope, will patri otically follow the example of oar Brethren - of that - city. Yours, • • lOCATUAV. REDUCED Pasogs.--The tear footing has rednr.ad the prim ofalitiost story astiola not inoladad in the /Ist of anayanyplies. • Mean. J. W. Barker k Co., the extensive sad enterprising dry . good' dealers, idaskat einem, tsar ' , girth, Iwamoto. to the pobllo that that large and varied stock of spring and sum. mu goods hare bean marked .to 23 pm neat. tau thaa former OEM They-also tocsins all oneorrent along, snob Si lilluonst, Virginia end Kelm by paper, at itsfitss value; in eseheoge for goods. We rucommend Inipoodon of the stook of khas. Barka do Co. believing that - they EEO offering bar. F ibs. / . .. rotten Datiwaten.—Ths bhdy of a man wee lowed drowned in thei,AllegbenyAell?, nesr Logan Poet, saran miles below IfittaaMg, on Monday Jut:: Wald on's dark tweed coat, blue cesium' feet :1,4 fancy bum bottoms, ribbed cotton.pants of re dark' Color, check shin, gingham neck tie, broigia atom, and woolen mocks. Coroner Qalg ley held an inquest open the body, and returned a mullet accordingly. . , . Boor Poo, . —Tbe body of.hir. Elobardltteds, tate of Prospect, Bork, county, who wart drowned some titiOsito la the Alleaboor river, tear Prank. Ha, was reeoveredlo Friday ;lash The - WO WIN found near the coargla of the river, by tom. la IP berate, about eleven all.. , bOll3ll where be was drowned, and it vas folly ideratided. The reasaioe 1/Wil eatkied tad taken home,'ead were !Marred on Saturday. Meals. Hawaii —Art article in the VispateA, of yeattidayanorning, alluding to the Laarrobeertfle Delon board,, does rota "Jaime to both the end members of the Company. The Com pany bete elected as ofneri, lobo D. Herron. Caputo ; lobo W. Kerne, lot Lieut.; .J. mem A. DoolomAd Lieot ; John W. breConseby, 0. g Thb oeqffrevidrllhogis usual.; D. 4 1LACitirOOMI MAGanio, - for April, 1861, con ' .11-Bpontliteens Mar k itr—A mulcts him:—:Llle in Con nal Africa— .Xko World . of Weloiir--flioromen Bioelairi Ao Ainotriopopbb pin XV—Gemeral Fairlok Gordon, the llooliaolcot—Tbe PosliO la 1857. For sale by flaitt k Mbar, tidal, for Piniturgb: . .. • ..51Ine /UN WEIITI 4WD Danc-4fewies. Zwon, Mam, FUth , suent, Who aro always Bp with the time', ban• - on - band • lot of beautiful resales, nick denote., nom blning Ibo. natinnal 'oolnes. T rit; Willa end bids : "theta will doubt. be it liege demand for slices ankles. - Aux:odd...4:k intik 'Aragon: balotillsq:101111:: Da m was tinted spike,* os federal at, ydatu. day.: "The lead* atlas ad to at ran cif from tba • 'tulip, its bed pr fbs wren dear thatplieji IPP,PIag abeo4,plar gda, oat no on' - 1 !!MM . . . The Progress ert" lailliealit irlireirets Troop& Tie thirteen eoinptaiti.injtieb left this city on Wednesday iirived at Mart - label on Thursday morning, in excellent spirita. We learn Irate a gentleman who arrived from the Rest, last evening,. that it _one the determination of lint troop. to proceed at once to York, and then posh their way overland theonieb Maryland to Weah nstep city. It wea entimpated that our gallant boys woldd meet with ionic oppoeition y but as they are fully armed, and well provided with ball cartridge., they will doutstlem be able to keep ell rebel bands in check. • The bra., field piece, a pounder, belonging` to the Duquesne rimy., is the hands of the hionlingabela Artillery, will prove an effective weapon in Cite of need. The Volun. The Harrisburg Oh corre to spondentteer* of the Philadel phia Buffalo, under date of the 231 inst., asy. "H is now certain that the Ohio volunteers are encamped at Lanewater, as I surmieed in my let ter of yeaterday. The State of Oein 1011 be re quired to uniform and arm these men, unless it ahould appear alter the Pennsylvania troops are supplied that there la an excess. That State has made arrangements for hoarding theee troorw while at Lancaster, Pennsylvania not assuming any debts on their account until the volunteer, are regularly mustered into hor service." MILITAIT MEZ7IIIO.—In puratiance oPprevioue notice, the members of the Iron City Guirde met at their armory, No. 270 Liberty street, Thursday evening, April Mb, for the purpose of orgaeizing. On motion, Pde. H. B. Biebarde wee called to tha chair, and Mr./. F. Kirkpatrick elected Secretary. The following officers were chosen by acclamation Captain, Wm. Bt. Gormly; let Lieutenant, Jame. T. Shannon; 2.1 Lieutenant, George Pierce; Order ly Sergeant, Wee. S. Petit, and by ballot, 2d Bre vet Lieutattant, J. F. Kirkpatrick. The company revolved to adopt the grey uni form. The services of this company will be ten d Med Gorr Curtin without delay, and, if accepted, will hold themaolves in readiness to eater active terries whenever called upon. Swaim tu.—Ater. of Washington, Pe., the newly appointed Marshal for the Western District of Pennsylvania, was indooMl Into oMce on Wedoesday,.tbe oath having been adusioistercd by Sedge McCandless, to open Court. Marshal Campbell retires with the beet wishes of all with whom his dole, brought bite inoontam. Bovril LTON, one of the editors of the Boiler American, has bee to the seat pr war, as a private in the mike or the Bader Blues. IPor the Dally entsinuth Climistrot Messrs. Editors, The recent outrage upon the Manaehusette volunteers at Baltimore, and the at temp; to prevent ailment', of ible.gevernment from marching through that city to the Capital of the nation to defend it against rebel. and traitors, ere truly strange incidents in our history. Hut these incidents will teem still more strange when we take a brief retrospective view of the legislation by which the seat of Government was pieced at that point. The Coneutution of the United State. provides that "Congress shall exercise eselasive legislation " over' inch district, not exceeding ten miles square, " as may by the cannon of particular States acid aceep sane by Congress, bcenme the seat of w Government." Tau first session of Congress ender cur Reseal Constitution commenced &IN., York, In March, 1789, and at that fiery session a eeetest began about the permanent location of the seat of Government. New York was sextette to have It permanently es tehUshed thus. Ptillecildphis was wager to bate It placed to that city, when independence wee de. Mined. Maryland and Virginia desired to have It fixed on the Potomac. The corthero member. and the Pennsylvanians haying combined, a resolution was paned fixing on the Sesattehraea, with tbd Dope that thellonth would b. oncost; but they were not. Even Mr. Munson, moderato as he always was, de clared that It that day's proceidlogbad bean Pore , seen, " Vilsrinics would nem hues wartjted the Comei oo early did the South commoner the game of hectoring aed - bullying the free Slates. Finally, a bill passed the House authorizin the Preeldene to appoint Commitsionere to ex th e slte on the Sastoettanna and to erect the buildings, and appropriating one hundred thousand dollars for that purpose. The bill came back, however, from the Situate, altered so sie to eubstltute tee Mlles square near Phllidalphia, Including lilermantosee. ,The House agreed to this alteration, but added a provis ion, which had to go to theSenale, and there It was laid over till the next cession. Finally, however, the 8 with in thin mitt. r, as in all aubsequeot questions prior to the election of Lincoln, triumphed, and the Capital at the cation was located in slave Stale*. 0015 of the strong in ducements to thai loeatton was the promisee c/ Maryland and Virginia to erect all the poetic 'buildings without coat to the nation. Tepee promisee, however, were not performed; and now, after the nation hie spent over four cari llons of dollars on the twines Wine borldiegv, Mar)land presumes in say, nor enflame .hail pot go to those building* ! ! ! In Common lite, among p`itio, honest people, it A buys an s ncro of land in toe centre of Ws farm, if nothieg is said "hoot a road to it, the law lie-ti A the natter., way to his acre. Had Maryland even set op the pretence that skin bed seceded from the Union, and thus claimed to be a sovereign State, there would, perhaps, be • eery slight shade of plausibitity in her claim of right to pretreat our troops or Mite= . gulag ittraagb bee tettliory to the land ebb had muscled to orte.,GovernMent. Sot, as millers now Cited, der she has ceded the territory to as • 1/lolieetell to 'peed atillione, of money upon at, and still claims to be • member of our Union, sod enkly• the advantages of Mar Goveromenr mod elpoudi taro, her present pretence le most aboard and pie postmen.. While epou this auheet, 1 will give in exleact from a letter of the Seceiter! of the Treatery, Oli ver Wolcott CAll the lead moiled Our city," says be, ' , being, in the opinion of the people. too saleable to be col tinted, remains unfenced. These are but few en. closures,.even for redoes, and those aro In had order. You may look over en extect of ironed nearly as largo as the city of New York in most any direction, wi th out teeing a fence or any object except briekokiles or temper ry hots for labororc't Again, he says : "All the lands.] hare described are valued at fourteen to trecotyfire ten,. the eoperfletal loot. There appear. in be a coxfident expectation, that this place will anon exceed any cityin the world." Thus we. the preset:lee of the government and it. followers /Am eagerly desired by Marylander. and Ifirginlaer; and now after that gnvenment ha. spent millbaca in improviog end beautifying the place, they ere to he excluded from alt access to it by tiiese blarylaudars. This Baltimore, which he. now celebrate - a., the anclvermryor the era: battle in our etroggl e for ride. panderee., by the murder wf - aome or the descend. ants oftheAinmes of that battle, is the some Haiti- . mote whose mob, filly year. tgo, put down the freedom of the press le that place, by murdering Col. Lingua, &gallant sold lee °libel Resolution, snit by ahamsfully and crunily injuring Cciacral Henry Lee, one of Inc Meat gallant and active partisan. of tberßerolmion, the commando, of the army which suppressed the Whitey Icaurreatian, and the man selected by Coagresia to deliver the funeral eulogy upon Gan° Washington. This city of Baltimore teem, resolute to her deteimmati:in to - preserve her character ea tee mob OM of this country/. Whether that character will prove to be • prollhable one will be seen hareaher. C. • Bat FOOD.—A ttention it dulled 6 DlLl:mei ttable amberMetill; prapetetion,tlear carom,. nl In another COluia It la all valltbey ram Obbtribip.aild owl Sot be oontott466 whit nay cf f or patent medlar. of the day. II IA • aertsla re.m.7l fo t r ill the 46,41 ...Pie1f10rt• nod npedaly thussat a chruo.o pawn —of 'loot meadlog-eat wwke , mum dm, •tel. 'sun. .6uffen. en, try . • Megan. OcutMt I Dtmo ot'of Nan Tort, ere the sold allot. for 11, mai Mal puoprtnote no the world-rem:tread Na,...the . 1111WITILII WSW Ai. R. wiles "lint story tto!barnmeld teteen, her medicine taunt to Oaada of. 1.014 earl 'eonunuivit,„ al It d.we , oo perotorto or Opiate of ally kind,lloll2 be rolled upon wilt tae „Swat atuadentr, tad •111 be fent/ an lovelueLlt epecltle to nil men 61' lateen!. complilate —CAM Mats Journal, alonOn.a. Wee ailtarthainart.t. Formate 41 OM fl. 141PY6lft. agent. 140 Wood el. PlUthereb. Pt. dtlYeitertmlf per•Dootea C. D/121.1. Water Core and Howse pestle l'hyelelani also *gent for Rainbow's celebrated Tntts for 'Ruptures. Corner of Peon and Wayne Streets: • • itirlmsce Stavin, Up ITattr Meanie°, from 10111112, by O. W. eIeIfACKLICITtIt, is, et Ms Mee faunal, Omer fyytu and rtfth ' • selisayisior • Air Daiseirsar.—Dr. C. Bill, No, 246 Pam sing l e attends to all breaches of the Dental proteu: lion:, IPairdu should not fail to read the adver-. me...ft or Plot. Worst. lb I.6de e'e twiner. OIL WELL TO O /41.—T0 Manufacturers or Voila' Toolii MC. for Oil Walla, and to otharedunanners or an qualitr of liar Iron. • we ehw maklog as oar stock of •l Empyr sal Irons/ irlaiparllatlar mkrince to the slim multi! In tools for 'botitlyoll well; sod we shill beresfum bo ormmal Ehmaol for that impose. to ablett It .biabolliltomb shed are orommeed of the mold superior vor Wm...bout • .or .otk , Waylle *Moat. HOLLOW. isCOMII 00. lab•lta 10,000 PSIIISIJOI • WILL as Lion/ammo FOR AftIaRTIMT. AT PAR. rE3llll=ll GBELTING AND OEM GASKETS - which wtil•thod imP Y•titwohell *Moot befog wilocted t 100 th• liefitut cold will aawdlialalati lea pliat.lll. t, Bow caa put thir Leather Otore - of M. DI LANG SU Liberty 'lt,