The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, April 24, 1861, Image 4

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    WM ) NPffkU _II°,RNREIo,;4?igL-2'i*
Mani* am gnaws ...4,..p.„„the AV hlrl.
Thige illetWire Watts be traitors and con
ifikratsi*" ind wl i d tfoWavow themselvai
preas wwnge° tO the Union began tbelibOrrid
, mactilnatiaris64 diming the wheels of indus
try, damns' g : tenivot thoulandisput of ofem-
PWITR° S ° t ,
.1114°°:tti0 0 °Bisto1- TWO' boiled
thereto , . twenocue: insurviiiicini at the North,
Ijililat:winitt; With thaw givernment anait,' in
Aliali;pcisattialon, the W_talt of ;Man=
3 b o nOtmtl7 to , be not only, i 1
- buinis7. - But cu r myriads Of avoririg
r man:- have showed themselves proof,
againit such Influences They submitted to
reddeddrif In Wages, to - deplwatintsiof the lux.
writs of life, to banishilv to every thing, bat
40,4101nZigthstWhiall ell good menhold deuit
thaa Igia- - theitlxinor.- To become eitherCOD.:
obsokmvithe tools of such leo; they nobly
related.-dalles strogglipagreseed the Writs
Of these men roes in proportion to lhe magni- 1
trade of the aisle, ti% it bunt 'forth ' apastalw
(tidy, anivensilly.,enthuidastiadit like :the
shoot which rang from the walla of Dalai. "Na
And this goelhes - been • reached._be it Tel.
'uterabentki after the mist fall sad thorough
discussion of the whole added at isstie Wren
the loyal and disloyal patioNoftiselnturienin
Po*. 'Doting the WV Whiten 'TWA id.
atanravere *holly or - pawl. thcoiyiTmit, of
employmeat, they bad` ty to wrote.
bend the tat= of the put ' Wks dispute,
saa theyhans not kiW to thlioppor
tusiiiP. -2 nay - have rea d - Outpacing of
*btu. lisped ost the Admittisration by the
foal= PftS gle lkif Well NI thif . argumcatts
and a triesmated' ob %Vs other side. If
Valid. novedetennined to uphold the govern
ment, ilii~r td;blitat Liale ,l4 . , n, but
' th erein - 1d -. 'n&rmaU=, of doss thought, of
earnest con. They see on one side free
'dam Waal' siliw, OW effect of general en
lightident- and love-of order ;on the (Sher,
*dabs; =RIM :sway, and ulilmats ruin.
On;easeldiatheywoognize the theory on which
Own Ana foardod, and has been
issilaitialimit- .itol.'fbe other. the •Policy which
barandeliszlco end the , f3outh American
statgt*Oftbil awe to-day. In proportion as
smart intelligent on such an issue es in now
Wore- tes, try thq Wadable.' They fight
or wort la the good cause, netfrom a sudden
ehullitiOW of exeiteinent, but i ' from a love of
blerty.of mazy deep as the ilnyt principles
implanted in the human soul by its greet Au-
... . .
- The tdrigee directed by - Jefilarson Sethi et
Northern`.eommercewill naturally powe on
'the dolteetlthie'telthin their r e a ch ; and that
. .,
arainetrionably, is - the trepam ; which • thrice
monthly passes :hi= San Francisco - to New
_ York . --The Companies to wheal' dila Wealth
10 tritrnisted li are no ' inte ntion of:letting tile
golden fleece fall into , piratical hands pithowt, a
straggle. 'MI -are, aonoalinfilTi Making.till .
ream _afi , deleatlie maitiniee, fl iiii as' to render
the chances of isameteauffieientlyi desperate to
discourage ' the *Waft: The Pacific Mail
Steamship . Company, • beadea supplying their
vessels abundantly with 'Small arms,' hicladicg
reetaters; nthatets and cutlasses, . arid ' =col-
Sop, each steamer will . carry at least two heavy
carranado 'or tielreponnil cannon. , Inatrac•
Soca have elm been dispatched some time since
• te / thoroughlynheath the bogs of each ship with
boa; so se to . enable -them: without Injury to
themselyce; to run doma and sink eay, pirate or
privateer;Which might attempt thei r capture.
As they are all fast vessels, they :would prey,
in this wait Most formidable inlet' encounter on
the usually , calm Pacific, where sailing vessels
contd not do vat menage to escape. Their
engines area presided isrith hot water. Pipe
an boss, which_ with a large number of well
allied California: and -Oregon Pamengen al
ways•on board, would enable them to repel any
hoeldlnetFart9.- - ,' _
The t who are well..known . as
tree; in end eblerl men, hate Emilie
40 Eltdell,
of tetsjimspicious -, woe, and all their . , olliCers
~ •': eta:well known to be itannell'aind true - to their
earned, the smaican flag. - Their emws
and beaten .are composed or mei?, ninny, or
• wheel, here .lought-:-In the Wawa war, and
are consequently well vexed, i ii the ape of arras;
tilukutris!itlttro Sr etan2rs6
rtG-PARTNICRSIIff': Ttiti - iindarsigna
makfahol N.J./0101E60M ataalmak baba..
w. ant aki of- amma3r. las.;our Wawa itl.l ..Irmo-.
deth4 outhr thi! ume oty!• of MUM, fa - VTR
y&V ei V
sarn—s. i.sinasoF
ipss; prztiri
; or
Neil" TACKS, MAD% etc.
--- - - -
- Cvareitouse. 1153 'Water street.
- .
JOl.. • the DtWofetditt. , of AtittlTon:9llll, pin
- Ltitia)6tln 41soffioct; Site's: at., of .ibe Own.
mindotettO to wootittdi Illgtionst Low Wants Limo to thl
AllotheohtLatoopleltoand .Itvort; Is the itclldty
' of Intabanato
&JO 62 - itt, Nireiv se, Isla: -sippartagla ma
Own* 4Nt.Or,Cg sllWrn _anpolotott 7. tats Ooort
Ito ow/whim:lo of as Act ant 111.1.113 Ante oftolo.
11.1%. and Loot woof Unit to tho Illashash Miaow
lot Okloiffeff - to tho 1 1 4 0 44 rillabluilL
atcwtheny ono% atptorodffso .16th Osyl of Agog, lain,
b&mlomotatod •Mgdz turtle O mot .datatothawf oho
and locataf the unto of km sa4 IFlad , - 8100 2
Co WA ftsfiL sad Zara apOwl :to, to mode 'afoot IWO
and Omer duo us* totth the wforworp6werlotiow
ozpbutaalono zo, a pork% ,nlitkntandbas thatch sod that
. tharloweemtmadttA wawa, anthontitOtaLby that or
arattlwoolgnottorsi nod thatt4 fat autrz,lo this Coon,
pOotighd - by aikflofi 6itbonntpon pew wg that the
Prottatootm - of Os Illotrlarrr molts and fil• SSW
=Vs or pima I* 01i all 1". tosoadnao out
atatntaatiaa, awl ;that Itaigl4 6013ai thalatpl Joao
not, AM alma mon don In
the Clqt littgaughTbation=q4=oof
of No dm Matt Intl bier any attkOtloaar !Haman
tw totattoltottato. 07 nylon= or prase wholoar . cow
Wee tbonoattoo au* tot bx tba adoption of tho .. • Ita
Oraintheroww& Allah • D.Aurraolio,
ILFAEFIOOD=Hcivr! to**, - How . Itir,l9le
leircui.-t Pnbibluos. o * th•Nitammes -i ng
slot sad ammei owe lepi asoe
neat.Priod Debility, Nonvomm.,lnir aeon eary lembeions
sad I.edeqr, .nisattlag hog' Idt-41.14* 11,7 Sown
J-OgammAlL P. LOW soise twayla ;dila a*l,
ralillanairraki, Twolgtottigo Nampa, by El.
it 4Z mum thocymr. - roams
r ' a&
EWA L &b.-4M underelgri-
A: sa holing l oot ippilistol-804 Agioi - Weston
Pouooryfosots, $14.; fitipalUpf IffANDLTIA • NAM
dim* ft voioaismillb ofnot bib at iitoodod Botha of
their mod* et W 7 .4n 4.0.4 obl,Ooss of [biro loon.,
.Ikeololioos NO. tblsty iszlotl" ao slit*
i =dollor, to a looposoUr bowsfsbod.
IrTCllllo tf
11Cisif led& 2 TT's&
413 , 2_ ; Wood Y. cornet Diam=a ll4
.-ABIIBIMIIO6P , cI 3 / 1 4.1/CE. .1 .
lO*EklaZOlCSoll.;:viatibs liir'aiiss
• 'CY tlmirianast 6adnrw eitir all thiii pools stock tae
,' . nee ailli
_r_llol2l. Au as 'Wag to
L isal
" 1 " 6 " b11 ,,_ WilrituAlPiStaißoalld ban sine 09-
' C1`....r . tlt rpm , wirsitars. yorcbm•
' the arod.gad the Ida of,ths Dam i L .
at tee mad eV 14. 411.11110P1L1 1141.111111117
, . 1211111MSAMIVVIIOA Vol kola. ' •
'.. , ,Zwateastakiwasokairs“Landsill - - Ilsitettzas -
~ .girgoingsittot iist.rpo4l47,gyen•
4 staassont. Nam • • '
• sOfM.lbblif lima las • - • ;
• arrias—u)bta• ono. APPlegi RD ..
aka 11,61 : 0 7 -s• GoZia.
& CU. sfectiow selling
, Blenched Mathis Sow, cheap
2110114e1;.: I
sis ours very asap. •I - apt
IEILLNO "-PAPERS—Polphrome, FernC
MS /Mail 6guestiats, tor aforitni m =p,
',lir 2 " - t i
117 11002
1111E1811.-400 boxes prime W. R.;.
Ito - Ike soli by 11.11•1111M11,1) • 001
Thsizbea.sier Waal
C _
a4BBiItRIII4-10 bbla.lprime Berries,
bi acra Lt.. by OARLILD CO,
mai 1/tra mama. saa Wad.
I B mks inns Sorts Pear
Tg• 1 00. bbls. Un:
BALLUELB÷-10 now .had4.stg from git'r
1. Ijr:lkileashbromieby 4 I
- - TRATAPirtmewr emit,
;14: : : TI ,g, " '• •
;WC - - . ,1110111 r. 001:LINEL
...riaalliarbe.taiirguajtonti • CO,
, sp iEdF yam, stnee, oppedt. Ifttb,
A • F H-150 Trackage' .Whito b
sosberes4 Nr.mootalbs=i
CI I ICS•4,llblr..l.lnbia -
s_* lied for sigety
SU /moose
11 W N W
MAW ID Air, tafailabii ,
, WAtC4I/13.1101 1 1.1N1 Überty at. '
low ZABLASU-40:: fsater.
S. • 4YZATfigkir. I ItLOW .0.
I !UALin.litatrifa,oo..
n -- • • Ado'
to. l bw 14-0
mss:: ~ :?'}~~V~t:
L -
-Stung4s4sPlur .
WHEELER r -1, , -* l - - LSON'S
- - L
M. 27 FIFTH STREIT, 1-11T8111111011.
VAIRB OF 18601
Nkrif!ciamt. - ER 'at wiLsotv
AWarded the Pint Premium at the
' ' • _
United States Fair; . ~ Ohio State Fair;
Illinois State Fair;
Wisconsin State'Fair; ---- - lowa:State Fair;
, lientuoiy State.r.airi
tinneOceStatoair; Jenttrytatatpl,Fair;
Veimoist Stake pain
Chiclgo Mechanics' Institute;
Louisville Mee - Wailes' Institute;
Cincinnati Mechanics' Institute;
Allegheny County Fair, Pittsburgh,
asi onaTcassty fain, too torustotoi to %total.
• •
IZITk offer to the public WIIEELF:B. &
AT s !moon ,
*Mb Indreuesltoadenee to Its mortis eie thee teetered rant
nellablePendly rands% Idachloo now In or It 010•4 eqzal,
ly ine the , htekeet and thiaest (thrice, 'metre the iott.
stbeh Iseposedide totusravel,wlth the resretbsi inbreatege
of baths( sae en both Waren rorclog no ridge or rhedo oo
the gibe side-is Um* In constructloo. wore speedy do
neinerherdahneenori deniable than atey other amble..
Om fall Icilraellyna to, enable the sinrchaser to rem
Orditom mama; stitch, hem. Gil, guilt, gather, bind and
dorkiell ,nel sun MaCtIIB4 I R I 4 YUMA it IN three
, Ceresdain, confataing hartrmottla/a (ram Indies of tbo
eta Candies, Feet and Writ, giving pr/ora, de lob
ebbed gnitlee au applleet(on to Orme or by isuar.
*mixes Machine . , Yierdies,P.llt, te te net, Ootto serdelloon
eheatly co hand,
UOI.LAtt • le 1/1106 ISA os ra a
No. 65 Fourth Street.
ceAtirsasp 1N IBllb.
&soon Weinman and latarda77 ereologa.linta thy
first to November !het, fron t le 0 o'clock; and trots
winks! Sid to ktsy rant IS toll dda•ke , .
Depealfe emitted of all-insfurnlA DOIOM
and • dividend of Wats ',tau ed tem • yesv,to
June 1,101 Monne., Intones loie tom 4acland
=ally, In Jana and Nortbor, also. tits Sant see organ.
At tbe rate,of Ida cent vow,. .
t r.,*ploy - Ito
petor as siidpe,e:d rows iron, 4tit Nat
Lye of Jane sod liscornher,S.V3 4l P2 Ink - a a 5,11 .
oat Om:bliss depositor co rel rano ,o prermut 44
pm book. As etta rste, mousy st:l doable Is Imo than It
revs, nitY...lng to Ma Mme' oofs evetier Axons ens tea tat'
• Yves.
Bra. costatclog (Thstimi. Lsom, Rules sad Re s
tations :amiable vet* on oppliestionvii elm
fretoo2--41110120.1 ALEIPPI.
Wllilam I..tolca mos
besdaugn Irabbeatock
ELoporell 110. 0 .•
Jalapa Herdusary
agg,n D. Haley.
p• -
Aletimiter Bradt. I,
Joao S. Batten,
,George Zack,
lota B. Oirilleld,
Aims° ArOarrier.
Walbusi Derieriei
/dm iloiesee
Maisie B. ileum.
ROM, U. limiter,
~Sictierd Map,
~ - l erreta;ry and frecturreri.e.
Dr. Geo. U. Keyser
,Wholesale Druggist,
No. 140 Wood Street, rittsburgb, Pa
4 0
Illarsh'S Radical Cure Trues
Bitter Patent Trues.
Fiteh's Supporter Trues.
Self Adjusting Truss.
Dr. IBansiing's Lars or Body brace, for the
can 0r. . - Proi.osus Utast Pltq Atkioagaal .ad spud
Dr. S. S. Vitoh's Silver-Plated Supporter.
Pile 'Props, for the support and cure of Piles.
Pestle titockings, for weak and varicose veins.
Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joinis.
Ankle Supporters, for weak ankle joints.
Srispensory Bandages. •
Selt„Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind c
BYringes. • -
..tht.lEintasa has also a Truss ended' will radi
cally cure Hernia or-Rupture.
Office at hie !hug Stare,' Yo. 140 Wood at.,
eigu of the Hidden Mortar.
IMIKSTAER prmmibm in masa MIAOW° MUM MA
sod h" lustroemati far MUMS; sod &moot *wry
dimemnoquiringAullmisaleal mipporA i
0111.513,A, amthal papa w& at • Ito Impreor i.nd, NM
be arta Silo I - *Apra. amps, wipremi• •a• &Amos runA
° P ,7 , Bl°= '! "4 ' of Ton Vint. EIVUIL
• 50.140 Food atnmA Plembarstr, Pa.
• •
VigrANOTIICII CCU DT Ds.. ticnrwe.--I
natfai on Dr. Bchench some ttrae Ygo fill oils or tali rialts to
Pittahary,b;:t th• an. A - Ki3pi!4*"..i4o wood .1.
. . . .
n. irks aritotaing, iallenta wltti haajavaat. Dna of nil ,
tiny' sad tha rrochtal tuba. wen Woad to be hadtf
esatat. • Ottiolleats r•hrs f rocietott • E expectorahat bland
end naztter in large quanttiles. i 10.4 ntatit antaata owl •
great, cough., and was prntly dettltitaftd. Dr...firbeutt
prmaitod t• hia.PiartozzaHrata,.. *Swims Tonle
and ofiltnniaza Puts." and after taliftit limo on* anagb
I bait sr farrecomentbat 1 - 0 not tint any non' hkol
of mitier,•na iO.ron. oos smutty lan •••.• .1 fife to Cr-
Dunham* Minn Dolly total:ably. Ohio.
whore I ant A
known. Yon any gathibh 'hag II ;again&
Pltf•lntrgh, Anita 27,1800. Idlainalf.Ocat
Moe tb•abore I.llllre/tag, Slt )riich b•seattray
foonnwel,stid walnut Ten, haring regalawl 14.1 amat
rmastracia. Pl.
. , .
; • • • 'l r WILLI A LII . W. Az.zzaxpint,rarlanzou I
,IMUnetmet. clty r do harthy. matlfy that I ham
beep:. mirror from remora occab aoo pain In the bros..
fir itleart elcbt rams. Darla; the *Wit of - tide tfuto 7
dainty:ad det..*6 ot writ.' I tiktl
ovnt 111914V1D I maid heard; bat nothing took bold of my
dbmiss..l board. of Droitarlktonclibp ormoloom Bret". '
bet knortocao one poronall• that (Chat cared: t CM ao
cortbdotice Jo It. Ia apr11,1639, I tort a omen colt. go-
cormrstdad rida a violent with, dlALculty of treplratim,
and night avian, which so prortratul cm that 1 moo con.
flartto my roomto too monad, • • ••
Pmml of my Dirndl. rho caned to iti.nrhatollott rant
r.• {boy kW. what It bad 'doom Sy rostrata!
Modltlon atoduraged ma randderibl,ond I mod* up ray
Mind m ..11VP no more stoney for &own of medicine, bat
*mold Ws tie Mato" the or dlo, is I had boon m loot
ointrrat. $ cemplatelyAloonrsyri. [brew, ann .
up .roost *droll...monis In thatrittabareb Dispatch , '
I fel lodurarY to pre Dr.fcbrrolVa modish** bit trial, and
scrm:St !orgy b oo yegrr uPorterds 1 ant Iligood loath, by
laktotr hooligan ton dation . loath o "Lt. robences WO."
dorm:: 1 - .sabialtelchiply Nei that it' hart msdo•poramr
Miro o•f• mo. I ere wall min, and l mcrtuutatul Pot
boalil, sod tiger of .coutliailon.en tire, to Dr. Mosel%
osodiei Da 1 cloy twter ittalth to dog. Yob. 410,1163. demi
I biro dote for twenty years past. ,If persona hoer the
Woo of Dr. Ilchenck . o inegioasOlo ivoielitot obey would
not braitate to call on him 111[114;11dt, to Ohio risco I fool
like folotring every canon to coil on bitty aeon I hare the
, inmos
Snow t C 411111111.• to bin medicines. :bo r or.ab
to Charm:on. hero ototail an call on y me at my pl am
al hdlineas, at rem PI l'abees r ldenbrnbt, to thisclty,ceot
my rostrem" Ann start, gliegbtey city.
gehoolt'a Motichtgo are sold by •
Da. osoicaz u. HUBEI, '
!of& 140 Wood st.! •
COMMISSION—I bbl. rir:me Fresh Bo
I bbl Tbiothy &if; I 0 gI Treat lard;
• i2O Cs Ibinq 13roomr;
00 dos Ydinm t •do
• 100 I.olYresb-Groand aye
Ilitradi Or esti at 114 leiKoed
*fa- ' 11114191( TAN GORDZIL
eelcted Dry Flint;'
PO pirtoop Dry /slot litpoust (red far yap by
* • 0P1112101,111141161.008 *co,
.11 20oLlowly
.DKODUVE.-300 bus. Potatoes;
10 ossasolsLsra 0 b4s dolt Stator;
„ybdoll thlbbi
• Pemba,.
bbli Oren Apple: •
lariat. by • .pl 3 L O 01UPV,283 Many et.
CllOlOll ...POTATO _-SNEDLINGS.-40 0
bts Itortoreallibt; AD bee Mace Albert; 100 bus
kettee— tor eel. by
L. 0.0 Air?, 233 Liberty et:
FFsoIBl3-0 lwee No. Mackerel; •
'tarsus= w.iiirscsmk •
GO bb4 Mao Pub —h3 kw sae •
- .BILOWN I 11.13113PAT3ICKB.
10 31.33103 Mort, at.
Q.E.F.DS4-13 bblo. Flax seed:"• •
~••• 40 bblo Clover fee4—for eat. -
• • • 44.61112 th et
BY -PEAOUS6-47. bags; , -
11,40/ 1 -97 bar; DAT /10)01-1S Dry Mut;
IDATUZU-41sackr. • - ••.
Isaflsadlogfrom irs'r Os Losils. Prole by
aid . . • HIM AD.
F141"fi..! V&SEB-7 sins and patterns
, •ebsapand tresatital vita*. for ga. by
. . - , .171$11ky H. onuisit
1/NISI6HLi 016-30 bble. Western--Con
nine & 1 , ! . 5. bradb for We by .
1, • L 1001711!
. , 75 Wgit.r owl 91 hoot 1,c.•
oak cooperage;
!romper yttr 1111veriGATtor ego by
_ 1
• phi • LAAIIIIIW SHIM% sib
bze.. /*mina LOTI - 8 4 4 4
CP sopp•l6r Orate . '
r ' • azzeiza Siuntans. _
. 110 Wood st r oppodt.l l 4.o2wles gala:
pIRW ,1445,1 r LARD , in ttble , &trine and
vang. nu. Met fat family lira, tot silt by '
Tim 11V0T2 N - 1. 4 " 1 7 ;
ARI AND tiIISISX .1 1 $1.1V-T8
A. 7 was lembnyia I bas amp AMY, Dow tsbdlai byba
brilortaiipqb",f. ebb. by
11.0 TjayAtt DICMIT a -
larONZll 6 drawers Jkab -Honey, jcig
ni)101412 prime ater,lat ably •• •
/melt H. D.
low M. Pet.o.l.
A. M. INAlor.h, 11.1
l.. , bert &obb,
lamas /Mid*
Joee e. BlelVad , len,
Peter it. Madera,
John EL lddlur, .
Welter P. ManhalL
John On:
item 1..
John 8. thoenteraer,
Alexander Fre.
Walters IL bebmerta,
THARZCS J. e”trom
J AMON a ,Towleisii._
1.16. LR fowrib strest. Dear LORIny.
lil,)r.4l<tsy,*th, FutLic•
Tea radon of Vailirj - Fdid . raTirLel misery arising Dom •
n•etsat of swan edroiValnti I, Inet.Yrolsble, Ind It Is them
fire 01 the utfaast . larpattinas thst ft:rist sttrotlon teltbe and cast telling bodily sdlnients stinnld ba bad: for
diseases of Os body IniailsitTytdr.l tbs ogq. DR. MO/.
'era Tao catititlitsiitttentitit'hii.rf
• brre barebeetteb toeghly send. Was TIIII/APEIgD'
OV DISEASF sa nimoat Il Itedleendffed farm*. The
ealatari effects if befile letedldnee bee.. in feet, been so
nein:malty of pirteneed,thit they time' teltormebilly eetab;
MIAs ow' , and pee feet Mode of treatment,
lishetia. the moat eaey,.
iTer °trend to the publics
gave now been bailors the prablid for a period
of 30 mes and daring that time have main
tained a nion casascrla in almost ITCHY
PART or TER GLOBS for the extraordinary cur
ative properties which they possess.
IH "mmiesr
of certified Ingtomm, they have even Mad= sormoula
from the my maga' or iv cernaillauvl, niter all ti 4
deceptive, textremsof the day beiihmarlehly.imore. Fr,
Er!vglielerAhM theii eftleary timifieblg tind
hroveil, that it has amnia warmly Mu than mtneefeee
trAbore who were a-Apiainted with Chi Mundell, &Roe
- eophicel pixel** epee whlob they an mempotertedo lod
ufmn nhich they conersonently sot. II wan to Weir Otsd:
font and sendbis action In purifying lbw sprlup od clue:
nil. of We, and enduing them with' renewed tome and
vigor, that ate, were Indebted for theft name.
Are composed of VZGETSIILII rin311.20121111
stoirtvatv, as can tie ssovirtained by snug:AL urea' Vials
ptsmlnant ;politica a•► Odom of an active sod ward:dog.
Vomit perrocily Tagil sod isgraviablii dots gent spirlatit; of
• Swab. vbivribbilubrdilbig She insinuibla P•"►pintloo; of
* si pleasant diuretic, invigorating the kidnap and bladdaft
end of • dalishtivid tools ardl.o. escialog sppstfta by thy
demands of active digeation, and choosing the mind with
that ganglia soon of tonovated health '.blob la indoor the
moat Silicilona faallosa door Danis.
drobstimted from their aetoulalting power of ortathig
bow lrfem4 atreigth, as It were Iroce the very aahikof the
seo•t dlispLiated ooeatttotloar--aro sumo etromtly bob
sod more tromoliately ibmgoratles thee the NW ocite
tabling theaamticholoe vegetable extracts as the latter, la
• dtgertmt toedltitloq. Altboagh really tom cathartic than
the UT. Pam, they tHrortheleill heath to cleans, the el
-0.04,1 omJ ttotch swear, generally allghtly °pandit:4
altitto three or fear boarkeed motooleg • decided muse
of relief to the 13m4 and litomech, Bad alhileatleS the
Mod, sees to. lam time thao this.
In AM./lons of the Head. Riot neadaoh• Or
Nervous Eleadscloe, Obese Pill. well be found
If:knee/1M the mein itanitas7 a ay.
Have been happily. need for the cure it Palma
oP uURISM end propottiot ste quantity cr Hie
upon the Montosh ledger. rointsim tor the promotion of
nomad health—lt stlinnletes &sailors In bane the inteird•
nal tsar In e from MI obstructions. lit ben them!. • ditA ,
rietry ofbtlo, the hod) to ronstantlyantive On the 60.,
band, annverehutulanro of bile masa frequent canal In
to. stomach, sad often promotes very esvera snacks of die
oue,•bleb eonissloase end In &Mb
Dr. Mofrat's Life Medfolneslll
Fhool , l be Wen to the [my 'TAG La of 611 tone complaiohi
and If pemsered to eutctly avordleg W thrall.* ell
Pottenrita mete A COWL
As Wrommir for this mo•t dietremins and obstinate malady,
and emphatic recomutrodstion.. It Is well.known to Must
drmls in Woolly that the Mawr proprietor ol them eats.;
Ws Mediaece lees himself efactscl with ads complaint Cr
upward. of HOW or yearn and that he triad to emu em;ry
remedy prewribess Within the wholecompam of the Sfuterie
Medea. He however at length tHed'am Medicine which
Is co. mtimed to the public, and he tram cored 10 a very
short time, after his recovery had been pronounced ca tools ,
Improbable, but absolutely Imposalbls, 07 en 7 human
Life Pills and Phaenix Bitters !!!
Clad OTSlPinti, by thlroughly clessulog tbe drat and sac
cod 4*o:saw, and emalog . Bow of pore, health] bite,
Instead of tea sesta .so a.,14 hitt& Rent Loci Lout OF
•PtIITTI. 111. nits. HUD kaaa. AIintLIMISCA,
ta, ANIIIrt. L11101:rol, gni dinutcuois. vrelob ate the
pottal aymptrma of Dyropeptla, ril awah,•• • beton/
bonaitencsof Itaeorro.
roT Burnt Lit Lwow Coon UM. orttb their many oroll.
known woodoote Biiiouvrpot &et. RoarletrAo, Pain root
Opprsuies ea m.a., Otddisers, Mauls, Btax.ten4
Zosi ipperfte. ore seltrowlecterl to to flatly import. to
anything over botorootergr3 to the public.
Pomo. wbeso cooultutlooo Om /moms Itopttrad
hajolikkao noo ol them tOall k Ina • On
fact one, tboy ',ma fall to orndlosto horn that/Wmll
the .ff.trts of klateuty. 'ltaly *caner than Itto watt
mortal vrepsratlono of sa.paish.
The mitt horrible caws a ScrtAga, in *bleb the Yen.
Bane. end Limb. of tb• Ticlso had been preied open •
lb. lesetlebie &sem, ere Reared by eedentable antaesi
.4 the enVeints thenteenna, 14 beie bun nnntaelele emit ,
by thee. pure/7 Vegetable blailleleet, atm all ethane end
been Cann mote lbw melees.
Acute or Inflammatory Rhenmattsgil
ten u Ott cisnosillo
Thew dinner', relyfeb are among the mod painful, sad,
toccata treatment, the coon funereally to erStrh Wren g
houreuity fa liable, are Men, rpredOp and yerretayma
cued. by • groper =read tee Ltra EWA and Prenlin
- Bat It le onanesemy to indolent. Oho many asealg
tettkh then partly vegetable toettutosn haws been
frib bit let as legates Wby ere they so 011aalasirl=
hewn effseet
bonne. they KM IT Telt BLOOD, and thanmoonlit
rens or aloe se to dm system.
Benno they act pogerrally awn the mentions of On
betty. and mown ell impadtlee at oars. •
'itecsase they do not redone the system, bat lorlmerate It
—,llr PN•lling iw netralat from plants tr beetser
daring their manna&
Sty but a Slagle Dose of Um
335 Broadway, Naar York,
WI Our We by ell Domlate arid Redick* Neu& Piricie
P11i126 mute per box: Bitten, SI 00 per bottle., i
SUNDRIES --100 bores assorted brands Sc
and Itla lamp Sobsear.
El CAW.* Pine Apple, Swag °gangs and Widow Magna
lb lamb l'Oas on
60 tip °alma 812 Twist Tobscio;
500 tap ma:clad slue 11•111; •
250 boast - do W/adoir Olean
100 bus WWl* Dawn
3;0 boa Dried Apples.
IC Verne rolsos 3.0.1
'25 den Tabu 50 dos !locket; 25 d,..s Wabbbosl44
100 toast) 0 Soda;
10 514 Wlnter•lllefsebad Whale 09c
10 do Not Lard Oil;
10 do Cain •
60 00 11 0 Tar, (lugs bareelsa
103 dos immortal brosta•—in stare far calm , by ;
11 1011!11 *BULK 031810153,1
191 gad 193 Wtartr d.
SUNDRIES - 150 bug ' s
prime Rio Co; oil
350 Bap Orled Vescbta, NBhoc
as do do Pivot
100 eon. Attains arm warted. from % boob to 1% tolb;
122 5.1..1tary oakum: 75 boom. Paw cep,
50 boxes
Oo No 1 loop;
NI do Mrs Coodlec 25 bf boxes Star Ostidle
for W. by WA2Ta W 1180241
458 No MB Moly 01.
ROUERIER-800 bags prime to ehciio
Rio Copse;
1600 Obis cbok• N 0 Nohow.
• '
SOO WWI prim. to choke N 0 Sara:
200 bbl. 05Idro Syrup; 2 0 tads Rt3rad lagtrr,
50 oblal.rge P.O 14settrel:
BO do No 2 tlittorel: 25 br LIU No 311=501.4
25 MON Nob tap Idoolaryt;
122 titerosta ~.owed teen
75 bolas swotted brim& Tob•orm
for We by SWIM= • DILWORTH.
spB Whams% Omens. 130 Bea 182 Rocood 01
Towels, Napkin!, orash, Diaper,
Sheeting Muslin, D illow
Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linen,
Furniture Cahoot., at
StfiIDRIES-,14 sacks Feathers; ,
lincite D ry Pomace, wepeeled;
do peeled. '
Ido Dry Rant do
Ido Dry Appkw, 'do • • ~
1 Dry Oldi te) betee Ravi 1 bolo Cotton;
Id, bides Cotton on conelgewseuty
on eltatote Glenwood to ere lre to isle by 1:
4.. -
G IiOUEBIES-75 hhda. fair to prime N.O
/ar. I!
. .
600 Mos 10 Idolsoner, 60 31166,1612 Ifoloure;
2:90 do snorted tovutt limpg
133 bt ohms 2 11, Lomb, sad Black 233; I I
61309100 do do . do
60 3610 Crombod Beigarr. 901+61U (A) oo2as Bog*
20 do Yellow Smarr. u •
2° (111)*ff - es fui tl7l7l l 4lrgrlit i :l t arnaii
' 103 an d 103 titort2
VET BITS FISH-100 hable; White 'Fish;
Ty LANN INIRRINR--111 hi bbli Lao II lathe;
.•31101111111.—0 1 1 beb nel libtbbto No
98 bblo oo4lik Ribble No. 1.
AO Mu 4*.0y0 la dm for Ws by ~
'spit :7 - 2. R. MININILD I M.. ►lnt l.
. .
PCMATOKI-400 bu ;prime Bad;
EIHNII-41.sacks swill IN bite; 1.,.
11031INT-4 DM, Whig PEW; .
chafer, -I
0/115-ISUOlies. • _
RO _ I
apt° SO
von nr i n TO LOAN--0° good /1411/
- ' tro ., stow to MAN niolrig
;„" b 4 :1•11. 4 : 1 7eia0 rwr ant.7 0 :147:5tr 05i5. 114416" ..0:0_,0_.n 1 77, 7; b.
" 414 fs" aamirettlaru a
daPitodil . IC si r s a • • Nii• "NI N.
aim whoa SI
Duquesne - Fotindry ,
Libert*Lt.., °tea. Cuter Depot Pa Ali.
Msnuforinre 9ACLU I. Ii .I'!.t6l!.lsod roLLisa
MiLt ! PURNAO6 C;i1.13:1 tlf
VIO rtONTd.'n RA./
OIL PIPE EOILESI (JA ..„••__. --
9AIIII, , WADON ROXRi, BAD Al4l, 1030 Ittord„.I2ECATES
AND; OaA,TE VIONTS. BOX.,Et, alusy.
On han az Afar nylo loM
0r1er , .1.41 linv‘ W, W SOONG •• toI Wócl even
and filimiAl.ts.l , l.7: - 1:rorlor6 prt:topt attention. sibTB
ETNA ST OVEr 708.88
.33 R. A. D Li JEC Y
Mmartfaciansever, miety cl
1:3 QAT IC P• RONTe3. N
&co. ar.o.
Solo Proprietor of the celebrated
Office and Sales ROnm.,
N 0.4 Wood Street.
EVIOVDS. , 51110171111.
000 H, P.A.U.LOR. and *BATING
• _
Warehouse, Federal Street, near New SUB
pension bridge, &I.LtOUCNY CITY.
We eat the attended of dealers to drir large worth:mot
of Cooking and Beating Stone, for Wodd sod Oval. which
Ire are YIIIog et the lowest price*. Those vleitlog our city
waited It to their idvantege to givecell and egamine
our acct been* purchageg e' 6 " , ?...
Ord iron Home Frupt., Iron ling, goal., Hollow Were,
Plain and Finoy'• Grate Frontd, Fenders, etc.,
•. • owttos. Oka Clads mule to order.
Jyleelyd D. Di dIATISN C RON.
Warehouse.: No. 62 St. Clair street.
ixL WU and (1)lit IMO OTOVIii, Pori 1r wad
tirot,ro, Weocide.; gr..) and IA g
%)111 eartitige,Mill ()twin,. 0. Wide an.) Min..; Pipe,
Iroor, I).di .Iriine. Vlioatio ' ilow.,,Ong2r Mettler , . Pol.
Ism Elangerr, Cer Wterge, Urropfloge, Una CoetiOTA Kew o
ago. Afro,, go.) Meat,. Geetioloi mod* to order.
Patentee) Portable Ulll., Wits Solaro ori throe, Power.
Ait o
`1 •
YA • 1t
0 7 •
BIB&EILL & I , C .
NO. 235 Lit BE trinel rams tc
ANUFAUTURERS of all klnds of Cook-
MIL tog, Po.lor Nod • /leafing linrriiil. , Cooklog Usages,
Ptoe andComonio &ion:mind Orsto Prcb4, tandem &e.g.
Tb. celebrated Chinil Cooking Storm,
"Victory" and "Tritipph,"
sad Wood Cooklogltow.
'—'Black Oak" and "Foreit Bowe."
The "Capitel",tind "Eagle" thioking_Raugee,
with. either Hydrou or ("pen Bo!il•ret
which are toorvoniendrely tu non lu this city and vicinity
then nny Whir Rang.
The very: meet Miriarrieled eratee
the& eon be etad4 aorrbete. Pe?tehe holldiDg rihe rkiau
will pi* beet - thht lu mhot •
the, the nett awl beehtlGJ Peal. Aar*.
• - Olympian,'
Noy Istrat ImOrono.. to the Way of Parlor Staves
red.! with Am aral. Tios Pro'r &oast. ab.MNI
Loundry Shan, Procklot 'am*, Az:rout. VP
BARS MILL.% Walllie !row, 11014.Bith, ovt:n
Down, tilwvel. soh. Pokers, P of Aar-Aosta, PLUS RINGS,
Roar/ Plpa l Vsolt MP".
Ltar best orranorsuol for the Wearrllotris that U woo to no
Jamb Oral. a, altaban trod., Tea Kitties. eftetc.
The public are respro.lolty lositsl to nod riming
ear extecoleu stack.
rudhdlarrem , I BISSELL Z 00.
iletuzfort abbatistmcnts.
MELLON 9,l3oMaact
Riegle 11(ipme, Rik Cali Per Day.
City Hall Sqlrarcr corner of Frankfort st.
ppp-titts City Hall.]
Heal*. se tbey "key I. ordered, In tbl• *roulette Refectory.
There fa • _Bvt.reie ti hop and Detb Ll.ceue labelled to the
Rotel .
N. B —Ulear•ri oil [tonne. , ' end Itt•okmeis . ,
who rev ere era Intl
rritlyd , ; It YRVINCI', Proprittar
n. cralavtie , s3
POE ONLY CS ENOS NE. ' frlPktetttling a free
sod orcaso* lotttoo, • litalttot .ad cloth:Ala pollttlatt.
end lur ensiled boon. end tee•eer OEI9 will te Goloti *um
not loan, entree.
Bvvzstro ot CounterrOltes!
Ir. S. Cloosaeo oriolorwto.l Vaal, maw W. oloor,
dn. coa ettott rloopo...tlut et,t.ookco,ut r,tb Peelr,
en. nt. Teeth .nit Own, to no heel .t.. 11 rodpncLabio drlif
.ad nom tit Cho Uotoot
grbataile Data% N.w JI awl D y etre.. New Tort
JaVlinvi : J. LI: e...)YreYON Ay eat.
VEMS, mad throe deeroos of et•uanti4 itte, KNOW'
GO )DI, should A • (bet the articles dim purchase ma owl
of with the fell ustneof the Arai,
se • ernmentses of the •andamsand durability ot the Goods
This tendon la rendered emuttally 'stormy, e• tau
pawUtfwd Inferke mad defective linens us purimmet
meson alter meson and mated with thou/as or RIC II•RD
SON, be IrhiA OWING, who, regardless of the [Wary thus
inflicted Mikerei lb. American consumer end the macaw,
t o m, of co geonine Occde, will not readily abandon •
at profitable, while purchaWre can be impend on
with Goods of • worthime character.
V NlNGt ß t s py , ENO
TUPI D2(.10E01711 TOMO ill'llll/LANT,
SPECIALLY designed for the uee of •the
makst :Profyryiae awl the retell,, beep; liner
04A the ravelled .011 . .1e . "Aroma:le,
awl," "&bneppe,. rte... I. now entl...retvl by .11 of -- tbe
protolooot ptd9Ntltot cbentlato attrCtontioNseurs, ma pot!.
Ott,' ell of Uma basin* nsfoltditat qoaltuee (town azid
Y(eretic) wblett belong foal. old slid purl, 019. Pat up
I. goat potato and 604 by ell drttl9t l M V.... , 010
•Dy. OEO 11. Kgligol4.llo Wood el.. A 9 99/.
(g.tabllnhi‘rtn 17aA. N. 8.11119N1R A CO.,
; Fate Yroyflotore, •
pally • Ito. 19 Amu! are., N. Y.
We would cell dm &dotal,. Of • Mao who e ra
decently% their Wood. veldt Isergraroo,•
Tree., ahminq ad, to ow ...,antiot fttiontion, tomorldoll •
all Ms prinripal bad, 'teeth* ate follo - on Norway
Stotler, AMIN/ern kotclu Mato, detolenk, Allier sod *et
VA Lomb Plowaittoloon, Reg Ot d tr. Common Don. Up
'font Bus. Libretto Arbotolleo, kW sod °bloom
rittlorr low.: WOO strong pities of the dlberi.l Athorrites
101 l Cp.l bt Date co hand, whhca roe th.lnble for nodh
noes and brandy. A 150,10,030 appna;Poarti minnow?, Troop
of good drq end Many of extra dm. t..os rani Ineba
jog to the celebrated Dello do Citatory Cherry.
itrergrroaatiora two to live trot high, lo.oxesty. packod
.0 'hipped an directed at per dca-n. Dom. thomoods
of Drorgrroos, motion from Bre to fort, for planting to
-dm hartiettirdoi oeightahood, *Peery low nabs.
IL•terenotit , Hm. Judge Whiny, J.,he Porker, B. I.
Fahoestack, We. Mimeo, Or: Donn'' J. Jones.
lotion to oar Wrote throngh Welk!. Pottortloa All..
'bony wanly', Pe promptly attraird to.
rittotddifit Olds& Yana Nonely, slotted oo Wilkins
IMMO& etiOnflasintur walk Dun thoDortLiborty Pam..
roe ItailtroylNltch, tar to Mu 010ortr.
tubl2.l•Onner • Wed. g JO& kIIIRDOCK.
to retuning thanks to tb• public for their patronage,.
hitherto so t r iallyestended, I would call their attention
to li p.very stock AAIUN!, for ltd. fall. '
My stock 'a pale, Pear, fantasised and d warfarin/di end
Chan; far exceeds anything I hair evor Mande
All of the
most approve! varieties, wrought by patrons having a toll
antrwladge!cif aim Imbues, and arm WO taken to hay.
.cagy kind Plitt tonsure.
Or Apple Trams atom we hats 150.000-88,003 of whkh
are thrsayear olds. from 8 to 5 feet. To nab as want,
ViltiliPailll2B, kcal 2 to , 8 ken by the 100 or logo, bar.
pins would - be even. Tatra large Staple, for shade, pis
ire, 821.: Rain Was Awaken and Malin Larch. par
100, Maki , TresPlanters, plaast gin na a all. Claw
Lague. seat froion application.
Addnwe,pitteburgh and °Aland - Mamie* Pittahurgh,
Pa. , ,tab7,,lsteT . . .101 IN 111310000. da.
111710}111ILD a OVal.
0 11.01 e, martially on hind and for Oen h,
It.!1 /1 J. li.akirtri:
fa to the einellty, we refer to LW:mud artletater.
Prrrumß,Nol: 21, 18CO.
Mann U O. & J. IL Snwrins Gouts—The Lubricating.
Oil ire ere getting . from „von meted to be the NMI for one
purpose we bare ever used. TOIL 11. &Co.
nonaf • • By WK. Karr. Pres%
coet.,l;n:rr coaL,.apeps. a cosy.
T_TAVING. purchased- the enure interest of
my lets partake ity the firm or 13•11•1.1.1%6 &
:Co lcm min "mans" to tarnish to our formecustomers
end the Omni, et. Patinersh:ead vicinity "'oaten'. In
'apatite qaelltp or COAL, NUP COAL, 816 &OK end COKE.
la lens on &Mal atuttliatt. Orders sentinroogn the Posa•
cake, left aCtb•Tolt them of tbd liononitsbala &bit% or
at the wotim, mill be Mantle" to with promptness. • •
• Chet Works end Oa* Wasted la &oath Pltithergh. one
L squere aims the Plow ngehelathYti.
jell'Ama . . „ "AMC& It. BAILEY.
.EIIIIOVIISIONS-50,00 01 b Bad= Shoulders;
1. 15.1XALD PLAIN nude,. I .
15,0rAlb Extra EIIOAK ODERD 514118,..
1000001 SIDEA, .
for silo Dva, emoksboori by'
Va 5,5 ' ! KNOX& TEENER, 809 Marty AE„
71(8881"0.1tii.400- DWI;
. .." 4 - . _ .
_ill,/ tins - mod I"
P _•_,..
arte 14vpr =pia ilklll3 its nua—for ode by .
•• • , •• - 111NOX-11 BARRIO, SOD LlOnti st.
fit ALT— •I
ibt b . /
J. 213LL0CE11.2 J. B. LOCKS,
2 0 224. 24 tea,44 Ellyn.. Now Tort
ble. No. Iglus teatime...
faro ,tl,lo7nus.
Vermin Es.terminators!
Ds stray Instantly
Mow preparations (m)lke all camas) tre
"Frt. from PoLotrpo."
daegerceOl to the human fly."
T/DI Vltat3 slaJ more eatabliami la N. York City
Died by City Post Office
Used by--the Cll7 Prisons and Station Houses
Used by—City Elisions, nip', &a
Usa —t b e City Haapitals, At Howes, &a
Med by —kbe City Hotels —"Astor,
bred 6y—tbe Boatdlog Homes, &a. &a
Used by.,---moro than 60,000 Private Families.
AV - ter What Proide, Prat and Deakrs ray
„ •
IIIiCISRY Re COIST 11.—MI the 11.11110( I have
been mews' with Roaeltee and Blies. 1 wee methyl,
ashamed of the hone, tar the laeltee wen aearywhere. 1
Pnrettamd a bow of our Exterminator mid tried IL and In
one week there •am mot a Meech or Moues in the !maw
Jail B. Uvulas. No. el inn iitmet.
lIDUSEBEEPI6BIIi-tioobio with vermin. twoil be
no In 14ng.r. If thin net "C 0.?.. •" itztorminatom—Wii
haven..2U to oar watlatioWa snit it • boo cote Is. n
.0•14 harp It. W. had 111.4 poirorc but. tbe• Mood no
t. to.; but °imam's trim], tam:lathe Math oat of mu.
th".'d a
VelW r
ft. It
I. I.
wrist demand . over th• otlintrl,Mailtnil 10) Gazette.
MOUE GUAM and plovtalora aradratrora4 anonallf
In Want uonat. Or nroto; than Iron 4 aa• for row of thla
hat and lee t lab.) Herald.
HENRY It COSTAR—Your Isteralnator t. ra•
calved, ow& sad p ononeeed a dschtad memo We mad
mLox of I. and tba way the &ate and Ulna around our p.e.
tre rain d Nee" that ntobt wu a emotion to einem.
flout thee o t trot or Mow, hoe Wu bur .1 fa Illtaban or
altar.—Marretor (Moo) Om.
I 11AVE ISSEN !JELLING —Tow IslanaHat.
r Oup last rams .d hare frond It a /urn Met overy
ban cot luume It na fel ta •tutle lowtssee."
Oaosos Rost D ogitht. Carditagtoo, O.
WIC ABS 5iC41450 —Tour 'el...ration. raDfd
Mummer shin have bm •4•24 M.* now-b.... •= 1
Vermin dimlP." , ". 7 .
US. & hem? as. D uitiAL N.. WWI... Yd.
To Dtaroy —Bits. Rosettes . , &.e
To Destroy—Mine, Moles, &o
To Destroy—Bed BuO
To Dutroy—Moths, Flew, Lola, &c.
To Dartroy--310.1u1Coem
To outroy—laeecta cal Plants and Fowls
To Destroy —looeolo oo Animals, &o. &O
To Drsfroy—Ereryi form MO opeclea of Vor
Ceatat'a" Bat, oicb, tko.Extaradzatog
.Costar's" Bed-bnig Extorminator.
Costar's" Electdo Provider for Insects
la. VI:. LED SIM &MAI. Sonia■ Aim ►uur
31 no Whin* ie. ►LafAt!Ofl.
!mos. Boats. 50111... ae.
::eld ErerytrAtre—by,
Alt Wna LLLLLL Varawili4tuwashlar
All BAWL DAINIGI:11741-0 gnaw. -Ivo aur rrrrr
&a- to ill'Conattr V Elate, .of Ti...
Wholesale agents to Vele 'York City
Selarelio Brotbeto & t o.i
Shlar & lltteboo.
B. & rottortork. 801 l & Col Bush. Uslo & Botooso.
A. R. •,U. P.& It Ou. , 1 I Wsd. Ulm, • Uo. t-:.
Wittier & Bat. Incliloos dr. Itobtloo. ' '
Room= A Co. ' D. B. Ramos • Co.
Hal. Ruelot • 00, T. U. Wells & Co.
t boonoe. Dolor., Ltsolle. Mardi & Gortoor.
P. D Orm. Bali Dim& & V..
PorfasC Parker lc Down. i r.. PO al Co.
Dudley • Stafford Bout& 800. . .
Philadelphia, Pa
T. W Diott illoboxt Ightemakir & Co.
11. lattastoek a vo. Co.
Bostcin, Mara.
Moo 0.,E100d &O. •ettoo & Potter.
M S. Br.rr & Uo. .Joo,loco. Ir.
All tho principal °hies snd Towne in the
United States.
B. L. Fahnestock & Co
Principal Wholesale and Retai
Lad b 7 DIOOCIIIII 3 0110001.1 lad Rsurumi geursll r, to
qrr aad Commi. .
14700 - nal Mama cin ordar r dank
'Or Whose order* ollnet , —(or MM. Tonal. 10:1
sr. de!dnd, ammo for Canal sr i t* Dailaw,)—to
=HST IL coenait
Patins tou"So•sil ItratAs4i., (via' UP 1.04
" IkE111)a ""
- Scrofulaor IrineaDtl
.4 - a ronstitutio' nat disease: corrupt:kw of , the
blood, by which. 'this fluid becomes , vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation; it
pei-vadasi the whole body, and may burst enn—
ui disease on any.part of it. 110 ormatia free
from its attacks, nor is there' one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial dis:mse, low living; dis
ordered Or unhealthy food. impure' air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and;
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution descending "from parents to children
unto the ' tlar' d andlonrth generation ; " indeed.
it seems to be the rod of Who Barr "/
Will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
lts effects commeace by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in.
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubereles ; in -the glands, swellings; and 'on
die surface, eruptions or sores.' This foul !Mr
niption, which genders in the blood, depiLzases,
tile energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with,
stand the attacks of other diseases; CanSe•
qUently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,-
are still rendered fatal by this taint in' the
system. Most of the consumption which de-'
clmates the human family has its origin directly,
in this scrofulous contamination., and. !many
destructive diseases of-the liver: kidney's; brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs,. arise from or,
ate aggravated by the some cause.'
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;
their persons are invaded by this larkingin
flation, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in,
vigorate it by healthy food .and oserciee.
Such a medicine we supply in
k • AYER'S
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the mediml
skill of our times can. devise for this Leery-
Where prevailing and fatal tualady. It is cora--
hined fro:n the most active remedials that have
lyre discovered for the expurgation of thi fool
.ti-order from the blr‘od, and the rescue of the
rti,lrm from ils destructive consequences.
11.nce it should be employed for the cure cif
not only Scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which nrise from it, such as EncriiVr.
Rust. or ERYSIPELAS, Pmetns, Posrexr.s,
Broreu ES, TRAINS and Boi LS,TI:3IO 113, TETTER
11.111 in MATIONS, ST E1:11.1TIC and lilartliUltlAS. Dl5.
EASE, DROPSY, DE851:251.5. DEIIILITT, and,
indeed, ALL COILYLKINT3 Antolini Mon VIVA.
rim ea IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief
in Mrpurity-of Ms blood" is founded in 'truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.. The
particular purpose and virtue of this SaisaPs
rilla is-to purify and regenerate this iritaguld;
Without which sound health is impessildir in'
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
areso composed that disease within the range of
the r action.can rarely withstand or erode them.
Their penetrating properties search and cleanse,
and inrigorate nary portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
Its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties the invalid who is bowel' down with
pain or .p4sical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restered by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
y. of only de they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below named Is
Pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and direc
tions for their use in the following complai nts:
Costireness, Heartburn, Headache arising from
doordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain
in and Morbid Inaction of the BotedsrFlatuleney,
Loss.;!of Appetite, Jaundice, and.othbr ,kindred
complaints, arising from a low state of the body
or obstruction of its functions. •
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump
lion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
. So wide is the field pf its usefulness and so nu
merous erous are the cases of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
, hely known, who have been restored from alarm
ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
ether medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerotui affectionsof the
pulmonary organs that arc incident to our cliroate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have toned and been dlsmrded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred bene
fits on the afflicted they can never forget, and
produced cures too numerous and too remarkable
to be forgotten.
DR. J. C. AYER Si CO.,
A. A. YAILNISTOOK L CO., PlOsbargo, Agent; wad sold
by all Draggist, and Dealers everywhere. MiktYdl►Y
The Bald and Gray.
Many, since the Great Discovery of Prof.
•WOOD, have attempted not only to Imitate his Itatorative,
bet profess to have (Marina amething that would pro
tom malts identical; but they have all come and got.,
'being carried n 0..; by the worunalul realalts of FM. Wood's
preparation, and brim been forced to Isere the oeta tole.
;math. away. Bad the rationing: .
BAIR. Moine, April Ititti,lllsh.
Par. . 0 J. WO‘lelteo , . Gets.—The Later I Irma 701 I.
ariterning your vainahlellalr iketteatla, rkh
. you have published in this Mealy and elmwher has
• given The to chimera. inquiries touchiag th e facts 11 the
• case. The inquiries are. get, Is it • fact of my habltatkat
aed name, ee mated in the comoonnicetiorr. second, le it •
tract all Mania attained; third, doe. my Ma still Cora.
Vas to be to good °amend of oatoral matt • To *titian
and do emcee Invariably. yes. 71y betel. tree e r e betthan
lo any step of my Um tor forty years peat, mpre aft, rifty
and bettor colored; them.* to true of my whirler; and
the only mum why It is not piously true, la Mot the mob.
Mom bombed off by frequent ahintiom of Mho face, when
II ewe were wed by *Mao tee lace in Chas anew ttort
with the • Makers, the mom malt will follow as the hair:
t have beet to the n.oelpt of a Irma tan.her 01 letter. trout
oil parts of lit logland; Asking molt' ml belt
tame to be good; at there tea mach-frond in the rattilley;
tore and ale of Vadulle compounds no well u this, it Oa
no doubt, been la.sely f use dloate and been used not only
Without say good effect, but e Way.: Ikea not
used any of your Restorative of any emount foram.
mouthe, and yet cry hair t ugood as ever, ani hundred.
have esamined It with turprite, ne I am now 61 years old*
and note grey hotel, my Mod or on my bun and to Prow
MIA tom, I scud you • lock of my hair taken of the pat
'Feet. I naiad your favor armee quart bottles Isot am
tom, for which 1 mu very gott•fok I gal it to tat; feleede
and Mushy Matadi/tom to try may, wore &taloa
uutli atter trial ant saes purchased and tend it with al.
venal ameba I ell acs u • favor, thallob hend toe ►
'lnt by which I ran discover fraud in the Beektave, old
by may, 1 tsar, without authority from you. A Fungal.
wlll mars ancome, and I Milne whore lad , Rata do
not tollow,the failure b caused by the impure article, which
mina lb. Marna of, the good. I dorm it my duty, as
herstorote, to keep you imprlood of the contiould elect on
my hair. ee I soma all woo *boohoo( me of my Unshaken
opinion of lis valueble moults. -I remain, dear air
Ad: yours,
Aasidea Rcze. • EY, Nov. to, faba.
PsCr. 0. J. WOOD: Dear would certainly to dolag
100 fittest tolostim not to maks known to the irorltt,tbs
wonderful ae wells the uoespeard temp 1 bale expert.
aoced from oaten cos brother yoortlair Restorative. niter
sot awry laud et Rastoratirm oatant, Ind without rue,
oar. and Coding my head nearly dertituta of. hale. I was
hardly ' Induced to try • bolds of year Restontlic
Now, candor sod Jostle. compel me to MMOOOOL‘ to who
ever may read this. that I now woes a new and Manilla'
growth of hale, which I romance &her end bondwoman
than the ori lad Was. I will Matelots tate rucasion to,
recommend this Invaluable remedy to a who rosy feel the
warily Olt derrpectl'y 'ours, Ittv 8. act= Una.
P. B. This tortimoulal of my approbation for year lain*
ble medicine (s you are aware of) is anwiliclud; but, lf
pro think It worthy a place among lb. rem, Inert it son
wlsh—tt not, deattoy. mod say nothing. , .
Youn,an, Erne. A.D. -
The Itsatoratlre la pot op la bottle. of three alias, Cat'
Loge, Medium and entail; tha anal bolds half a pint and.
Wails for one dollar per bottle; the medium hold. at least
twenty plr cent b ott lepc than %ha small,retalla
for two dollars per o; the large holds a gnat; 40 per
cent. Mora In proportion, and mutila for $S a bottle.
0 Z. WOOD t W.. Propn.wry, 411 °road way. New York,'
and 114 Market abase, at LOOM, No; and sold by all good
DritUditti and Plumy GoodaDmlers. - -
• bold In Pittsburgn by B. L. Patmestock & C.a. U. Is;.
ton. Dr. Georg. U. Se t see. IL Z. genera d Co.; B. A. oak
. sprizek a Co ,Joszyll Ylemlog, Bunn. Johmton, Chas. lid,
Saw. soZklydtthlw •
Liberty street:
WA Ws best knurls
FAMILY MDR; • - • •
ROM boo prime 0171. -,
. .TOR PAR MONET or Ita rqutralsot-i
RIMORIORLD CO. selilog .1).7 . 9‘0 3 3 3 per reuk
eliesper lUD an, tome undo that-tales cur nue, at Rs
DRY PEMILIES-4 eacks; . .
DRY APPLII3-10 sacks; . P1:00;r5-17 bets;
PEA NIIIII.-100iacl•—la store tor wleD7
SMOKING TOBACCO-50 . 10ib. bile
.Ilowtrd" Emoting Tau
kr asle WATT*I2II/30N. .
ape 2t3 Liberty it.
.011.-20bbis. Linseed Oil; • . •
le bbl, n W Whale 011, Gx ohle by
ai.6 WATT it WILSON.WOUberW et.
OTATOES-400 bus, lied Potatoel:.
LW boo Nedraarerrkg 406 bee averted tiodkr, •• •
Jest reed la stare ter Web, .• L •••
apl SWANK VAN 13011018,114 &easel at.
OATB--1000 bus. Onta in store far tale .13
8011124 ILOTD 41101),.
QUGAIt CURED, RAMS-410 tietce l J.P.
sJ smote a COP brand foe 6 for vola byr • • •
. • • .I.a_ Lwow= a
.p 1 .:76 76 Watarson/1121705S ot;
ILIORE FOIL OIL WISfALti on hand.for ego
11, OW. 8.301M8,
LT AOS'LEATIIE3- - -01 "a superior .= gaatity,
1410.1111.% CLUZET, o,Tisioanioasolikad st th•
- • WWI 211 Et OW •
14 BeliB4llB--1 11 new; Oil Banta
4, *ember, aitaiT4CßUan
• _ .
" -
Cant°orialssusixra , =Ann= .
eiN an d altar altar •MosniTriffiniallaulfi
Apia (be 15th./661 ; Tril
slit trove t.ns,lNpotbt 03!.rineftto .
• •Pce.sywith,c2,o4.ll.o,4 chimp/dm. .
Legyea 1 , Lesvos • Arrive's,.
PIT et 0.11311 I CUSSm.b.jy TL/1.6N0 . 'MOAN°
irrr EIDS.S. • • I(k4S Sr. 1:10 S. a.
Itro r ; 13e.0 rIS -- — 10.15 r. =I s.x.
Passengeri, it to , 'go tolandeslr,Triedlbehlesto.
r print. Weol.ll•Watetbsd, Wag LS part/COW:SO Ink tOr
Mists deletailtt
N. B. ThiLtistrAS Cbtimyo3 by Mir mato telikialek as
vla Feet War.. ,
Rag.rch. ! , : kimibelp tout • awaresse Mort
ifeadarraa ' ' ' •
'No cliatra of no Wane:. hisolnirgb.sad antilsniti.
ion.. Amin* in Antos an • irre•vi drilvos at
VITTBtV if CAL'affs'n OINC . II, }WarnIAA VaI:MU
1 0.3 •to 41a9 a i:3 4...,) p ril • .
'lug P.M • /U 4. P 11 , '6:16 •Di -' - ,t ' , .
~ •Itkto 1,13!..0ii sport*, to ciodoz.ti, 401.1.4., cOiolubas
ind all panda Booth; than ony"otber room, ,pplandlit
.bieepropeara utite.litia to All Mktri .,i ,- • ' 1 •,
2iitaitroN cut 1 1,/,...4,.g.Liag., ' • •
Leaves . - krrive• At' A 111.61 at, &Irian, at Aids al
prrnovoolocagvtii iv ELt.trii MCKIDIre, Wur.SVO
1.00 • m ifn. a. to - 8.06 is in ;
_4:13 • m tit 4 • an
izo) pm; 1.05 pin ;,..5.05 pin :inlit pto 4.-A7 pra
• COI am j7.,U1 nri .. &an la n;! 9SS • sr', 1e,3.9 am
0 " P c0T4 14 .; 16 P li . 301 2 • 6 11. i: 14.10. connect witi Train,
of 6U L it, li. for 2annnylile, larinialtr, le. 1.,
• 40OP', m. Train mops at ail anal." lefee.init.cctieli.
. '"'l Doge t i l i oni (an bo protined. at lb* Liberty Wait
D Pot. Initaborgb -.',. •
' • 1 ;, ;.' 7015 921EIVAPX,. Tint* Apnt
1 . 4 tbt hfurtuatloo appli to. • '
1" hr
't• ' ~'- • 'WILLIAM fl - ta r iviiinksi.t
et the pmpaoy's Of& a fit Mien Elotiorytinin at.
1 . 7, IL ?LIT/Mkt:lmam] lignt Agent,
• - • '-- - - Cif/ din& Ohio._
1661 '•.
PIT TS Dtruait. rifr. 'milli vire & GilicAGO
To all 20=0 blithe south', Weft & Ik7Orth;•west.
aumiteß BR4NGSMET6 T.
9 , 151 E TO CINCINNATI - ari quick, and to
rodianktpolii, ; .o nia and Chicago q tktef than by
tug other rotas. • •
VAST Exquitia 61us--140..rituburgh—. LC a. 111
drrivea at Crertilm. IWO I.
Ration ciao controttour glib Mkt...kir* tad Clara
land, Boinnams anti Glorinsatt Supt. _
Arriving at Inalanapolts..—.... al P. U
Et ..... SO3O A ni
• • - r.
'Chicano BO in u
ti. B —ll, tido io Ofkocisurati I. thirtune aa Ig Btantout•
.mo. Troths too both Kat. meet at (Mambo% arkdperma•
guo all go latot:lnOnnatirogetbar.
• Arrivekrat edo B. ■
ti•king clove cordactiona manor,
,Arririnst•lbtliarapolia. fed • N
• •.; Ida P
- .
s, SIX) A. 311
N. B.—Sie time to Clicbinuti lathe =aorta b PLOCb6C•
TrAlda on bulb roada meat at Columbus, and yaw.
pm !ago tato Cluttnnall together. -
Uteri-lilt Cars on tills: train from Plttabarilt tp Clueln
LAU, t• Indlanapolls and io Cbtuago.
Tralna throne:VAG Chimp tritboat &sup of Om*.
D. 11.11,111.2itilitil.drerea rittabarab......—; 7110 ail
3 j Attires at r, ■
• LIC4I2IOARLI 1724188.
Latta atacitco 110'-a.. N. .ad 1520 r. Arriving at
8:101. Zats a, if: Catioectiait whit trains 1.
Dave* and" Clattaniti. Miters at Cleatlla.e.lo P. R.
ind e:.:0
Cotatettiag wttb elites tat. Oolsmbak Chrlaoatl,
1 + ,4 1 110,2 0D1. 1 . 415 •Z.. 1 0 ,0 d arlitlog at Pidtbursb TAO
a. 1t,»20. ti atap 840.A1t matt, g aka, comm.
Waal Etilei,att !aset,taigaltalloa4 tar th , E. ultra
titles, 'la Alltaloaa sad rbitaaelphls. • • , •
Accamatadatlat Itataa,trate , Iladeral" atreat;4lllterany
Jar Now Brlittatila, RAO a. Illy and late
Arrive at, 4a " 5
Leave 12.80 ,
Arrive at Alice:l.'l4,Blo' 2:10
Alicalontund , ltconmy Attornenodailon Mar -
lama •Lanyi ItIO noon, and &10 r. s.
Artier, .. counter, counter, 'lOO r 2:14 -
Lamm Poo ; [43 a. s. 4.22
Ar: ‘vea nt Albgben7. .6:28 -„ b.:O
ALLIANCE 112 A alilAT TEAI2I - --I.c”es Alilancs 040
a- at. and Accts.:ln Alleitouriat ILCO a it lA•res . Alle.
gheny at /.1.4 sad striab• an Alliance at 7 AO t
.unping • ail atall.n. for tat/engem end rnarkettn& -
Tickets NI 00 rnla for Mom Maim M rednetd raw..
Thronaintraluil comsat' ea Itallent- , -
At Alliance, oltl3 tralreron t.ler - Clerelicult A ilisporgb
At Or OW, to arol tram illlterelong, Altron,Carabora
at Elanalleld, Otto. Arc ZL Verona; Malty. Pandeekg, sn
At Creatll4e fur Aware, fprlngllela,Cclambus, Cinclana
41,Erat4 Dayton, Intlanapoley AL I..mb, LoalmIlle; etc
At) ormti for Eiglar;2l444, Pandasky, Dayton, Olortseatt
At Ltmia glaTii7.247the, 0112.0, ete,,etC.
At It. 3 ::petur"Pas, Lafayette, Ind, Pc Lo me, and tats
mediate set la Mein& tgliern ana nupac
It PI a for 'upon& 1 , •
At IrranaMb. .41 pttata cm Um Scar Aum.4 add_ eab m
1016 tnifoli frx all polnto In 1111ncirs lose,•
Wlaccsida aughllzumacta.
Per fattier Wanted= and 'firrocall Tickets apply to '
- : -J. BPAWAHTs ISOM Agent, •
; passengar elation, Pltreburgla
• GrOILIM PAHHIN,Peke Agent;
Passage, Ermine, .al&bliZq
Throne!' Tkl 4 c:ots for orlo - otill, the Tictro Mona tlo
Cowpony r goo of Ow road,tr. port. or shirtralted
!Iwo.. G. O. 1111 . 112W41.1
ay General. Puorearer Agent. Piltrborgb.:
t lel —AV =avian slasallttatabial leara..aaela
T " rENNST !MANIA= agip%
Cali aAussumoeb.. , Ellf
, 11217111 T DAILY TltAltire - • -
Co se after 11(INDNY, Apill 16th, tee XIIHOUG33
tta IL TOWS teem the Pswileager Madan eydy mmHg
(=rept &Lao) at ittpplag cull at pabrnalsata.
U. coo eat leg at Itarrtabora With tram duvet at . Malta
dtme, awl milting la Pella:bleats At tat P. NA .
I.TUB 1M.011.3H EIPHISIS TILIII4 lea,,;. day at 4.00,
p. a.,•tottana ealy at tottaatpal tastentaltralltet duvet tea.
meta./ Hu:Joann kw Sattleaser,aad &Midas Is Ptills.
?Weida Italthacte at WV a. R. . -
' Till If ST.LIZE ken. tat 'Ratko dal (asteetatualsy)
et Das a. Ni... atepplea ally at Areenabarg, Lambe, Jebel
town. Willtoare.,o4llttrest attoonic t., end aerlatog la MI.
r -
adalphla et. it.
The JolaWtta Aocsmatodattaa State lame daily (ca
apt Elam*) at t: 0 e. it ,aleppLaa it all ate:km^ *Awl cat
alog as fak NI Caneounfh., (
'lb. Mt 'might Mafia: s ill}Paataaatt Cai attached.
kateadagy (estapt &meaty at MO a. x .1109 a at all au
- usarinisi.oi es En 466 Clanezasoih. ..'
'lrst . i i ctra Valli for Wall's Rattan ham
deny (t Bates') at ate a. la '
Second l e ee.asuatathaTteln Sat W all'a Etatten leaves eane
Owns y et 11.10 ..
Tbfr True lame day
(new y)stikrolmw .."
ranith Testator Wall% Btalioileererina7
(nteept Iltaba) at ran + •
Marais' • • Trains saris la Pitniboriti Y flakIll:112.
teer,ll2o xi Teo Lim '12.60 .
Johanna Aranotooditiosnl63o &in; Fait Wile. itstion:
Arcola 6;40s•: lama iraire &Olin Alleinne+
, 4.t: Stara WalPs to laxasaiWctloa,
1:1. of nurse Watt Etsithaij
Thanitca' ea Wiens =awl , lastreine
Weimar= with Jobnitown - inccenionelation aid 'limit
Trains OM' sad Wert andirlth -
wubtintha Comellsal•Tralas, Italia , '2
on the Maximal& (Baader
e 4' cepted) ma
"% SYalm m Ta o m i. Z IK I A.e rgllltr onslAr
4%te, ard.fttabir& - tgaoCallr.
The cricrellas Wile it dna* tnaly to their lbtuflt
wing.deei ar,Went. to Duel lry Lbw retinsylvials. Bain
rawilliillKMllloBo4lkßlS WWI ginglaand
*doe 11113 iane.i, mt. •• The Aced in Wheal with stone ad
le en tiepin:in:aht. Wenn mono sidety, Wed lad
agates to all via Or, lam We JUNO with tbelyystrec..;
Tsi No. —4 it so.
lov tiaFase.,r,—. aka
Beggeketheatted bill SWIM 011 thaTetuia. Walked
lad to Philadelphia, Beitaeore awl Etc %-••
• Peatetkear purebtalas Carte caeccill be cared la „
enact accoid fog 545 dietacs Mauled la addltioa to ths as! . -
Lad zstr I * atapt *o Ztatiota•CLles are CcuarcaT,sa tat
agent. - •
NOM ealatif los, the . Canny vat bold atazt;ll,
Cele. aerotteible •kw pampa beam ottlFoad focal
11. It .llti Manama Lae ilia beia. eilaas2o seatay
to tad Dawes ta awl I:tota the Pepot, sebama .
eat to tamed 25 cents toeitich mutts/pi&
Tor Taketeepplt to - MAIM agent.' -
at the lag. PetamaarStatioa, cc Leber* tad areal ice
f t,
lua ads
60 tr.o.oi-; - !; '" .
,; ~ . .
I#. Itetited tl 1 . • .
600 1"' ' pins f1aa611166 !dolma.
100 , •.:..marred brusd6 3'5% --- • '----- ---
%W: t at 2°1 1 ,:i'4: id.4, - . ;
. 160 diesla Yomg . gyecni tad Birch Stec • '
60'eatty.bazoi •do -, do-- - 4 , 1 , dot
251 .4 'Orman &air, -
25 “. Olean a
leg- , . , '
561 0 - Starr 1 . do •
..: 1 '
. 60016141.1xtri0a6 Lan holly Flour,
In Mart 1164 63z 4616b7. 1.01:611 ATWICL. TiZl f. CO.
TIIIRODUCE.IOO bbls: prime Apples; •
• couu.ity. nom; hod, arocuid: - -
7 6 u ek a ll
pideg : •40 a•tketloon 116, Peir.boi ;
,1069641169641114•111t101iztni 1a6a116 Illoor;: •• - . • •
bbis Nvolt 4,611.19otoo; 1 Dromios7 Hog; i - • •
. piimo tiod; W9o6.llconio 9 woks do do io; •
60 act KM= fury timmur. 110 doo Comic% 90.0 .. 0x
76, d o
Ittarr.l9. 160 hf Obis NO broluet:
865 mike Oats; • 9 0 0009 Potokon4l,3 96719 r •
800 has tallanupol eutaloca. to =lnc
41 kir . NUNS yiN (imams,. .
wm. • 110 So:audit.
F 1,4114-120 bbla. NO. 3 Lurie ?pickerel;
-74 ht•Ltdo NO a .up
2 0 02.11010 MOP itch; 1401014,2 Le Tron •' •
211 0 1 0 0 / 002 101; 0010 Moslem lledrlnio
reed 072 Pla by'
0 9 6 1 ' . 2112NRY - 17.0OLLTNII;
ThAr NILLA, Rag- and Straw WRAPPING.
.1..t1.421.E12, Brown, 810 a and -Melte, Noma Dards,
Tem piper,- to, tor sae lent le dm Paper aid leg Woe*,
boon Of - 1211A111010224 SON,
leP6 • . *No.IISTWood stork ,
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