WM ) NPffkU _II°,RNREIo,;4?igL-2'i* Mani* am gnaws ...4,..p.„„the AV hlrl. Thige illetWire Watts be traitors and con ifikratsi*" ind wl i d tfoWavow themselvai preas wwnge° tO the Union began tbelibOrrid , mactilnatiaris64 diming the wheels of indus try, damns' g : tenivot thoulandisput of ofem- PWITR° S ° t , .1114°°:tti0 0 °Bisto1- TWO' boiled thereto , . twenocue: insurviiiicini at the North, Ijililat:winitt; With thaw givernment anait,' in Aliali;pcisattialon, the W_talt of ;Man= 3 b o nOtmtl7 to , be not only, i 1 WI - buinis7. - But cu r myriads Of avoririg t" r man:- have showed themselves izi.be proof, againit such Influences They submitted to reddeddrif In Wages, to - deplwatintsiof the lux. writs of life, to banishilv to every thing, bat 40,4101nZigthstWhiall ell good menhold deuit thaa Igia- - theitlxinor.- To become eitherCOD.: obsokmvithe tools of such leo; they nobly related.-dalles strogglipagreseed the Writs Of these men roes in proportion to lhe magni- 1 trade of the aisle, ti% it bunt 'forth ' apastalw (tidy, anivensilly.,enthuidastiadit like :the shoot which rang from the walla of Dalai. "Na And this goelhes - been • reached._be it Tel. 'uterabentki after the mist fall sad thorough discussion of the whole added at isstie Wren the loyal and disloyal patioNoftiselnturienin Po*. 'Doting the WV Whiten 'TWA id. atanravere *holly or - pawl. thcoiyiTmit, of employmeat, they bad` ty to wrote. bend the tat= of the put ' Wks dispute, op saa theyhans not kiW to thlioppor tusiiiP. -2 nay - have rea d - Outpacing of *btu. lisped ost the Admittisration by the foal= PftS gle lkif Well NI thif . argumcatts and a triesmated' ob %Vs other side. If Valid. novedetennined to uphold the govern ment, ilii~r td;blitat Liale ,l4 . , n, but ' th erein - 1d -. 'n&rmaU=, of doss thought, of earnest con. They see on one side free 'dam Waal' siliw, OW effect of general en lightident- and love-of order ;on the (Sher, *dabs; =RIM :sway, and ulilmats ruin. On;easeldiatheywoognize the theory on which Own Ana foardod, and has been issilaitialimit- .itol.'fbe other. the •Policy which barandeliszlco end the , f3outh American statgt*Oftbil awe to-day. In proportion as smart intelligent on such an issue es in now Wore- tes, try thq Wadable.' They fight or wort la the good cause, netfrom a sudden ehullitiOW of exeiteinent, but i ' from a love of blerty.of mazy deep as the ilnyt principles implanted in the human soul by its greet Au- ... . . - The tdrigee directed by - Jefilarson Sethi et Northern`.eommercewill naturally powe on 'the dolteetlthie'telthin their r e a ch ; and that . ., arainetrionably, is - the trepam ; which • thrice monthly passes :hi= San Francisco - to New _ _ York . --The Companies to wheal' dila Wealth 10 tritrnisted li are no ' inte ntion of:letting tile . golden fleece fall into , piratical hands pithowt, a straggle. 'MI -are, aonoalinfilTi Making.till . ream _afi , deleatlie maitiniee, fl iiii as' to render the chances of isameteauffieientlyi desperate to discourage ' the *Waft: The Pacific Mail Steamship . Company, • beadea supplying their vessels abundantly with 'Small arms,' hicladicg reetaters; nthatets and cutlasses, . arid ' =col- Sop, each steamer will . carry at least two heavy carranado 'or tielreponnil cannon. , Inatrac• Soca have elm been dispatched some time since • te / thoroughlynheath the bogs of each ship with boa; so se to . enable -them: without Injury to themselyce; to run doma and sink eay, pirate or privateer;Which might attempt thei r capture. As they are all fast vessels, they :would prey, in this wait Most formidable inlet' encounter on the usually , calm Pacific, where sailing vessels contd not do vat menage to escape. Their engines area presided isrith hot water. Pipe an boss, which_ with a large number of well allied California: and -Oregon Pamengen al ways•on board, would enable them to repel any hoeldlnetFart9.- - ,' _ The t who are well..known . as tree; in end eblerl men, hate Emilie 40 Eltdell, beim of tetsjimspicious -, woe, and all their . , olliCers ~ •': eta:well known to be itannell'aind true - to their earned, atid.to the smaican flag. - Their emws and beaten .are composed or mei?, ninny, or • wheel, here .lought-:-In the Wawa war, and are consequently well vexed, i ii the ape of arras; „ tilukutris!itlttro Sr etan2rs6 rtG-PARTNICRSIIff': Ttiti - iindarsigna makfahol N.J./0101E60M ataalmak baba.. kat MAIMPACIITR.I3O,M6IL/3, TACIES.MBADS. as oia w. ant aki of- amma3r. las.;our Wawa itl.l ..Irmo-. deth4 outhr thi! ume oty!• of MUM, fa - VTR 8.11f.11/1,50X. r•bnlitthitaL y&V ei V sarn—s. i.sinasoF ipss; prztiri ; or Neil" TACKS, MAD% etc. --- - - - - Cvareitouse. 1153 'Water street. - . A LUGHSNIAMUNTI4.I3 , 9;---I JOl.. • the DtWofetditt. , of AtittlTon:9llll, pin - Ltitia)6tln 41soffioct; Site's: at., of .ibe Own. mindotettO to wootittdi Illgtionst Low Wants Limo to thl AllotheohtLatoopleltoand .Itvort; Is the itclldty ' of Intabanato &JO 62 - itt, Nireiv se, Isla: -sippartagla ma Own* 4Nt.Or,Cg sllWrn _anpolotott 7. tats Ooort Ito ow/whim:lo of as Act ant 111.1.113 Ante oftolo. 11.1%. and Loot woof Unit to tho Illashash Miaow lot Okloiffeff - to tho 1 1 4 0 44 rillabluilL atcwtheny ono% atptorodffso .16th Osyl of Agog, lain, b&mlomotatod •Mgdz turtle O mot .datatothawf oho kullts and locataf the unto of km sa4 IFlad , - 8100 2 Co WA ftsfiL sad Zara apOwl :to, to mode 'afoot IWO and Omer duo us* totth the wforworp6werlotiow ozpbutaalono zo, a pork% ,nlitkntandbas thatch sod that . tharloweemtmadttA wawa, anthontitOtaLby that or arattlwoolgnottorsi nod thatt4 fat autrz,lo this Coon, pOotighd - by aikflofi 6itbonntpon pew wg that the Prottatootm - of Os Illotrlarrr molts and fil• SSW =Vs or pima I* 01i all 1". tosoadnao out atatntaatiaa, awl ;that Itaigl4 6013ai thalatpl Joao not, AM alma mon don In the Clqt littgaughTbation=q4=oof of No dm Matt Intl bier any attkOtloaar !Haman tw totattoltottato. 07 nylon= or prase wholoar . cow Wee tbonoattoo au* tot bx tba adoption of tho .. • Ita Oraintheroww& Allah • D.Aurraolio, ILFAEFIOOD=Hcivr! to**, - How . Itir,l9le leircui.-t Pnbibluos. o * th•Nitammes -i ng slot sad ammei owe lepi asoe neat.Priod Debility, Nonvomm.,lnir aeon eary lembeions sad I.edeqr, .nisattlag hog' Idt-41.14* 11,7 Sown J-OgammAlL P. LOW soise twayla ;dila a*l, ralillanairraki, Twolgtottigo Nampa, by El. it 4Z mum thocymr. - roams r ' a& EWA L &b.-4M underelgri- A: sa holing l oot ippilistol-804 Agioi - Weston Pouooryfosots, $14.; fitipalUpf IffANDLTIA • NAM dim* ft voioaismillb ofnot bib at iitoodod Botha of their mod* et W 7 .4n 4.0.4 obl,Ooss of [biro loon., .Ikeololioos NO. tblsty iszlotl" ao slit* i =dollor, to a looposoUr bowsfsbod. Ihs V. IrTCllllo tf 11Cisif led& 2 TT's& 413 , 2_ ; Wood Y. cornet Diam=a ll4 .-ABIIBIMIIO6P , cI 3 / 1 4.1/CE. .1 . lO*EklaZOlCSoll.;:viatibs liir'aiiss • 'CY tlmirianast 6adnrw eitir all thiii pools stock tae ,' . nee ailli _r_llol2l. Au as 'Wag to L isal " 1 " 6 " b11 ,,_ WilrituAlPiStaißoalld ban sine 09- ' C1`....r . tlt rpm , wirsitars. yorcbm• ' the arod.gad the Ida of,ths Dam i L . at tee mad eV 14. 411.11110P1L1 1141.111111117 , . 1211111MSAMIVVIIOA Vol kola. ' • '.. , ,Zwateastakiwasokairs“Landsill - - Ilsitettzas - 1 ~ .girgoingsittot iist.rpo4l47,gyen• 4 staassont. Nam • • ' • sOfM.lbblif lima las • - • ; • arrias—u)bta• ono. APPlegi RD .. aka 11,61 : 0 7 -s• GoZia. "opie & CU. sfectiow selling , Blenched Mathis Sow, cheap 2110114e1;.: I Itisli sis ours very asap. •I - apt IEILLNO "-PAPERS—Polphrome, FernC MS /Mail 6guestiats, tor aforitni m =p, ',lir 2 " - t i 117 11002 1111E1811.-400 boxes prime W. R.;. Ito - Ike soli by 11.11•1111M11,1) • 001 Thsizbea.sier Waal C _ a4BBiItRIII4-10 bbla.lprime Berries, bi acra Lt.. by OARLILD CO, mai 1/tra mama. saa Wad. I B mks inns Sorts Pear Tg• 1 00. bbls. Un: •Juljnu)bioo. fl. BALLUELB÷-10 now .had4.stg from git'r 1. Ijr:lkileashbromieby 4 I - - TRATAPirtmewr emit, ;14: : : TI ,g, " '• • .prime ;WC - - . ,1110111 r. 001:LINEL TOP.,BUCCOY l'Olt - OALII LOW-I ...riaalliarbe.taiirguajtonti • CO, , sp iEdF yam, stnee, oppedt. Ifttb, A • F H-150 Trackage' .Whito b sosberes4 Nr.mootalbs=i a. CI I ICS•4,llblr..l.lnbia - s_* lied for sigety ate naNATIM GOSDIIII, SU /moose 11 W N W MAW ID Air, tafailabii , , WAtC4I/13.1101 1 1.1N1 Überty at. ' low ZABLASU-40:: fsater. "Vdelt.l.l7-Zt;t::,!--4,4l.,Llillarrio‘ S. • 4YZATfigkir. I ItLOW .0. I !UALin.litatrifa,oo.. _ n -- • • Ado' to. l bw 14-0 mss:: ~ :?'}~~V~t: L - -Stung4s4sPlur . WHEELER r -1, , -* l - - LSON'S .SEWING M - - L M. 27 FIFTH STREIT, 1-11T8111111011. VAIRB OF 18601 Nkrif!ciamt. - ER 'at wiLsotv AWarded the Pint Premium at the ' ' • _ United States Fair; . ~ Ohio State Fair; Illinois State Fair; Wisconsin State'Fair; ---- - lowa:State Fair; , lientuoiy State.r.airi tinneOceStatoair; Jenttrytatatpl,Fair; Veimoist Stake pain Chiclgo Mechanics' Institute; Louisville Mee - Wailes' Institute; Cincinnati Mechanics' Institute; Allegheny County Fair, Pittsburgh, asi onaTcassty fain, too torustotoi to %total. • • IZITk offer to the public WIIEELF:B. & :vs !WILSON'S IMPISOVrrs- 11ACIII:10, AT s !moon , *Mb Indreuesltoadenee to Its mortis eie thee teetered rant nellablePendly rands% Idachloo now In or It 010•4 eqzal, ly ine the , htekeet and thiaest (thrice, 'metre the iott. stbeh Iseposedide totusravel,wlth the resretbsi inbreatege of baths( sae en both Waren rorclog no ridge or rhedo oo the gibe side-is Um* In constructloo. wore speedy do neinerherdahneenori deniable than atey other amble.. Om fall Icilraellyna to, enable the sinrchaser to rem Orditom mama; stitch, hem. Gil, guilt, gather, bind and dorkiell ,nel sun MaCtIIB4 I R I 4 YUMA it IN three PariV: , Ceresdain, confataing hartrmottla/a (ram Indies of tbo eta Candies, Feet and Writ, giving pr/ora, de lob ebbed gnitlee au applleet(on to Orme or by isuar. *mixes Machine . , Yierdies,P.llt, te te net, Ootto serdelloon eheatly co hand, Insfalrdeey UOI.LAtt • le 1/1106 ISA os ra a No. 65 Fourth Street. ceAtirsasp 1N IBllb. OPEN DAILY-FR.OM 9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, &soon Weinman and latarda77 ereologa.linta thy first to November !het, fron t le 0 o'clock; and trots winks! Sid to ktsy rant IS toll dda•ke , . Depealfe emitted of all-insfurnlA DOIOM and • dividend of Wats ',tau ed tem • yesv,to June 1,101 Monne., Intones loie tom 4acland geotni.ag =ally, In Jana and Nortbor, also. tits Sant see organ. At tbe rate,of Ida cent vow,. . t r.,*ploy - Ito petor as siidpe,e:d rows iron, 4tit Nat Lye of Jane sod liscornher,S.V3 4l P2 Ink - a a 5,11 . oat Om:bliss depositor co rel rano ,o prermut 44 pm book. As etta rste, mousy st:l doable Is Imo than It revs, nitY...lng to Ma Mme' oofs evetier Axons ens tea tat' • Yves. Bra. costatclog (Thstimi. Lsom, Rules sad Re s tations :amiable vet* on oppliestionvii elm fretoo2--41110120.1 ALEIPPI. Wllilam I..tolca mos besdaugn Irabbeatock ELoporell 110. 0 .• Jalapa Herdusary agg,n D. Haley. p• - Aletimiter Bradt. I, Joao S. Batten, ,George Zack, lota B. Oirilleld, Aims° ArOarrier. littatim Walbusi Derieriei /dm iloiesee Maisie B. ileum. ROM, U. limiter, ~Sictierd Map, ~ - l erreta;ry and frecturreri.e. IllardarT Dr. Geo. U. Keyser ,Wholesale Druggist, ' fdEDICINH DEIALBR, No. 140 Wood Street, rittsburgb, Pa 4 0 TRUSSES FOit TUE CORE O. IIERAA Illarsh'S Radical Cure Trues Bitter Patent Trues. Fiteh's Supporter Trues. Self Adjusting Truss. Dr. IBansiing's Lars or Body brace, for the can 0r. . - Proi.osus Utast Pltq Atkioagaal .ad spud Wssinuem. Dr. S. S. Vitoh's Silver-Plated Supporter. Pile 'Props, for the support and cure of Piles. Pestle titockings, for weak and varicose veins. Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joinis. Ankle Supporters, for weak ankle joints. Srispensory Bandages. • Selt„Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind c BYringes. • - ..tht.lEintasa has also a Truss ended' will radi cally cure Hernia or-Rupture. Office at hie !hug Stare,' Yo. 140 Wood at., eigu of the Hidden Mortar. IMIKSTAER prmmibm in masa MIAOW° MUM MA sod h" lustroemati far MUMS; sod &moot *wry dimemnoquiringAullmisaleal mipporA i GALVANIO BATTISY of A LAA?/M1 M AMMATIO • MA 0111.513,A, amthal papa w& at • Ito Impreor i.nd, NM be arta Silo I - *Apra. amps, wipremi• •a• &Amos runA ° P ,7 , Bl°= '! "4 ' of Ton Vint. EIVUIL • 50.140 Food atnmA Plembarstr, Pa. • • VigrANOTIICII CCU DT Ds.. ticnrwe.--I natfai on Dr. Bchench some ttrae Ygo fill oils or tali rialts to Pittahary,b;:t th• an. A - Ki3pi!4*"..i4o wood .1. . . . . n. irks aritotaing, iallenta wltti haajavaat. Dna of nil , tiny' sad tha rrochtal tuba. wen Woad to be hadtf du esatat. • Ottiolleats r•hrs f rocietott • E expectorahat bland end naztter in large quanttiles. i 10.4 ntatit antaata owl • great, cough., and was prntly dettltitaftd. Dr...firbeutt prmaitod t• hia.PiartozzaHrata,.. *Swims Tonle and ofiltnniaza Puts." and after taliftit limo on* anagb I bait sr farrecomentbat 1 - 0 not tint any non' hkol of mitier,•na iO.ron. oos smutty lan •••.• .1 fife to Cr- Dunham* Minn Dolly total:ably. Ohio. whore I ant A known. Yon any gathibh 'hag II ;again& Pltf•lntrgh, Anita 27,1800. Idlainalf.Ocat Moe tb•abore I.llllre/tag, Slt )riich b•seattray foonnwel,stid walnut Ten, haring regalawl 14.1 amat rmastracia. Pl. . , . ; • • • 'l r WILLI A LII . W. Az.zzaxpint,rarlanzou I ,IMUnetmet. clty r do harthy. matlfy that I ham beep:. mirror from remora occab aoo pain In the bros.. fir itleart elcbt rams. Darla; the *Wit of - tide tfuto 7 dainty:ad det..*6 ot writ.' I tiktl ovnt 111914V1D I maid heard; bat nothing took bold of my dbmiss..l board. of Droitarlktonclibp ormoloom Bret". ' bet knortocao one poronall• that (Chat cared: t CM ao cortbdotice Jo It. Ia apr11,1639, I tort a omen colt. go- cormrstdad rida a violent with, dlALculty of treplratim, and night avian, which so prortratul cm that 1 moo con. flartto my roomto too monad, • • •• Pmml of my Dirndl. rho caned to iti.nrhatollott rant r.• tkpraise.ss {boy kW. what It bad 'doom Sy rostrata! Modltlon atoduraged ma randderibl,ond I mod* up ray Mind m ..11VP no more stoney for &own of medicine, bat *mold Ws tie Mato" the or dlo, is I had boon m loot ointrrat. $ cemplatelyAloonrsyri. [brew, ann . up .roost *droll...monis In thatrittabareb Dispatch , ' I fel lodurarY to pre Dr.fcbrrolVa modish** bit trial, and scrm:St !orgy b oo yegrr uPorterds 1 ant Iligood loath, by laktotr hooligan ton dation . loath o "Lt. robences WO." dorm:: 1 - .sabialtelchiply Nei that it' hart msdo•poramr Miro o•f• mo. I ere wall min, and l mcrtuutatul Pot boalil, sod tiger of .coutliailon.en tire, to Dr. Mosel% osodiei Da 1 cloy twter ittalth to dog. Yob. 410,1163. demi I biro dote for twenty years past. ,If persona hoer the Woo of Dr. Ilchenck . o inegioasOlo ivoielitot obey would not braitate to call on him 111[114;11dt, to Ohio risco I fool like folotring every canon to coil on bitty aeon I hare the , inmos Snow t C 411111111.• to bin medicines. :bo r or.ab to Charm:on. hero ototail an call on y me at my pl am al hdlineas, at rem PI l'abees r ldenbrnbt, to thisclty,ceot my rostrem" Ann start, gliegbtey city. gehoolt'a Motichtgo are sold by • Da. osoicaz u. HUBEI, ' !of& 140 Wood st.! • COMMISSION—I bbl. rir:me Fresh Bo I bbl Tbiothy &if; I 0 gI Treat lard; • i2O Cs Ibinq 13roomr; • 00 dos Ydinm t •do • 100 I.olYresb-Groand aye flow; Ilitradi Or esti at 114 leiKoed *fa- ' 11114191( TAN GORDZIL eelcted Dry Flint;' PO pirtoop Dry /slot litpoust (red far yap by * • 0P1112101,111141161.008 *co, .11 20oLlowly .DKODUVE.-300 bus. Potatoes; 10 ossasolsLsra 0 b4s dolt Stator; „ybdoll thlbbi • Pemba,. bbli Oren Apple: • lariat. by • .pl 3 L O 01UPV,283 Many et. CllOlOll ...POTATO _-SNEDLINGS.-40 0 bts Itortoreallibt; AD bee Mace Albert; 100 bus kettee— tor eel. by .12 L. 0.0 Air?, 233 Liberty et: FFsoIBl3-0 lwee No. Mackerel; • 'tarsus= w.iiirscsmk • GO bb4 Mao Pub —h3 kw sae • - .BILOWN I 11.13113PAT3ICKB. 10 31.33103 Mort, at. Q.E.F.DS4-13 bblo. Flax seed:"• • ~••• 40 bblo Clover fee4—for eat. - LAMBS= SLUM& • • • 44.61112 th et BY -PEAOUS6-47. bags; , - 11,40/ 1 -97 bar; DAT /10)01-1S Dry Mut; IDATUZU-41sackr. • - ••. Isaflsadlogfrom irs'r Os Losils. Prole by aid . . • HIM AD. F141"fi..! V&SEB-7 sins and patterns , •ebsapand tresatital vita*. for ga. by . . - , .171$11ky H. onuisit 1/NISI6HLi 016-30 bble. Western--Con nine & 1 , ! . 5. bradb for We by . 1, • L 1001711! . , 75 Wgit.r owl 91 hoot 1,c.• oak cooperage; • .4p. !romper yttr 1111veriGATtor ego by _ 1 it. • phi • LAAIIIIIW SHIM% sib bze.. /*mina LOTI - 8 4 4 4 CP sopp•l6r Orate . ' r ' • azzeiza Siuntans. _ . 110 Wood st r oppodt.l l 4.o2wles gala: • pIRW ,1445,1 r LARD , in ttble , &trine and vang. nu. Met fat family lira, tot silt by ' Tim 11V0T2 N - 1. 4 " 1 7 ; ARI AND tiIISISX .1 1 $1.1V-T8 A. 7 was lembnyia I bas amp AMY, Dow tsbdlai byba brilortaiipqb",f. ebb. by 11.0 TjayAtt DICMIT a - larONZll 6 drawers Jkab -Honey, jcig ni)101412 prime ater,lat ably •• • 11:1MUILD4 MEE= /melt H. D. low M. Pet.o.l. A. M. INAlor.h, 11.1 l.. , bert &obb, lamas /Mid* Alasacelarlitdic Joee e. BlelVad , len, Peter it. Madera, John EL lddlur, . =atm Welter P. ManhalL John On: item 1.. John 8. thoenteraer, Alexander Fre. Walters IL bebmerta, Lou Chriselsa.V4.. THARZCS J. e”trom OR RUPTURE AND HU PPO : J AMON a ,Towleisii._ 1.16. LR fowrib strest. Dear LORIny. lil,)r.4l