MARTIN NAMES 8 INSPECTORS Commissioner of Health Ex tending Organization in Rural Schools of State of schools in vari ous parts of Penn f sylvania were an- Col. Edward Mar -11 JHBIWSWVr Commissioner of with the selection Anderson, of Phil adelphia, to bo chief of thw genito urinary clinic at Phipps Institute, Philadelphia. The medical inspectors named were Dr. Raymond F. Wivell for Heid elberg and Rosslyn Farms boroughs, Leet, Findley and Moon townships, Allegheny county; Dr. W. L. Hender son for Mifflin and Scott townships. Allegheny county; Dr. Cameron Schultz, Danville; Dr. L. C. Brown, Lawrenceville borough and Lawrence township, Tioga county; Dr. R. B. Varden for Peters township. Frank lin county; Dr. W. R. McClellan, Gar rett borough; Dr. John Hardenberg for Huston, North and Taylor town ships, Centre county. Registrars named included: D. S. Norton, Newton Hamilton and Wayne township; Ambrose J. Carey, Winton borough; Mrs. Doris R. Reed for Bradford, Lewis Run and Bradford, Foster, Corydon and Lafayette town ships, McKean county. According to State Game Commis sion reports it is believed that close to 100 does were killed by hunters of the State during the deer season, 50 arrests having Been already made by game wardens on charges of illegal shooting of does and fawns. In most of these cases heavy fines were imposed. Carcasses were con fiscated in some instances. County officials of Pennsylvania will be called upon by the State Department of Agriculture to vigor ously enforce the dog license code of 1917 during the coming year. All registration will expire this week and many thousands of dogs must be registered. In some sections of the State complaints have been made of dogs running at large and destroy ing sheep and of districts where 'he license law is not enforced very strictly. The State will call upon counties for reports as to the manner in which the law was carried out. including the shooting of unlicensed dogs in rural districts. Numerous applications for certifi cates for the operation of jitneys in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will be disposed of by the Public Service Commission during the coming week and some will be rejected because the applicants will not have satisfied the Commission as to responsibility in case of accidents or because of failure to take out citizenship papers after long residence in this country. The latter feature has been brought out at a number of hearings. The Commission will also insist upon posting of the scale of charges. Automobile license tags arc being sent out by the State Highway De partment's automobile division at the rate of over 5,000 a day and ap plications are coming in almost at the rate of 10,000. The force will work day and night this week and with additioal help it is expected that the first of the year will find shipments well advanced. The rush for automobile licenses is causing heavy receipts, virtually all of which is in the form of certified checks. Thousands of dollars are taken in every day. The department has re newed its warning that persons who display only IS2O tags in advance of January 1 are liable to arrest as the 1919 tags must be used until the end of the year. The Attorney General's Depart ment has started proceedings to close tip the various receiverships of finan cial, insurance and other concerns which have been hanging fire for years and has called up receiver ships and auditors to file reports. Some of the receiverships are un derstood to have run over five years and the State will likely scale down fees in certain cases. In event that action is not taken, it is possible that rules to show cause why reports should not be filed will bo asked. A drive Is being made in Phila delphia for recruits for the old First Regiment. Meetings are being held at the armory and veterans of the organization are urging enlistments. Governor Spronl has been asktxl to call the new Philadelphia-Cam den bridge the Victory bridge. The next Legislature will make an ap propriation to start construction. Officers of the State Department of Public Instruction have gone to Philadelphia to attend the opening of the annual sessions of the State Educational Association. The organ ization will meet here next year. ,1. William Morgan, of the State Fire Marshal's office, is on a tour of inspection throughout the State. Governor Spronl is expected to name the Westmoreland county or phans court judge within a few days. The Governor will be here to-night. United States Senator Itiilandcr C. Knox appeared ns attorney for the Henry C. Frick estate to-day in a complaint before the Public Serv ice Commission against the classifi cations of Pittsburgh steam heating companies which involved Frick buildings in that city. The matter is one of wide importance as it would affect most of the office buildings and stores in Pittsburgh, it was Mr. Knox's first appearance here in years. State Health Department officials were to-day engaged in gathering all information possible regarding oases of wood alcohol poisoning following Christmas sprees anil said that all facts would be certified to Federal authorities. The powers of the State government in such mat ters, beyond the usual police pow ers, are being looked up For the present the State is co-operating with the United States officials. MONDAY EVENING, Bryan Weaving Web to Make 1920 Issue "Labor Against Capital" Washington. Dec. 29.—William Jen nings Bryan, the radical, the preacher in politics, a popular figure in Demo cratic ranks, is to the front seeking to make the chief issue in 1920 the war between labor and capital. Inspired by a desire for vindication revenge against the Wilson Adminls | tration, the "Commoner" is working i for a situation which will give him ' control of the party and make it pos sible to stampede the convention for | himself or pick the nominee. As the politicians and leaders in public thought scan the horizon for Presidential candidates and appeal ing planks for the 1920 platforms, ft is becoming more evident that the is sues which will divide the two parties will be industrial aspects which the country faces, the fight for supremacy between capital and labor as evi denced in the steel and coal strike and the demands of railroad employes for increased wages. Better Times Coming With Prohibition The Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, last evening predicted better times for the new year with prohibition reign ing in America. The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor of the Covenant Pres byterian Church spoke on the Lea gue of Nations, deploring the play ing of politics and pleading a gospel of unselfishness for nations and in dividuals. The Rev. W. E. Dough erty, pastor of the First United Brethren Chusfh, spoke for "New Year's Resolutions, made in good faith and kept." Speaking at the Central Y. M. C. A., the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, pas tor of Grace Methodist Church, de clared that the new year was not the time for post mortems and alibis, but the time to pick out the weak spots of the past year and strengthen them. He compared life to golf, saying that if people would only stay in the fairway, in the straight path, they would be bound to succeed. The Rev. Irvin E. Deer, State su pervisor of the Pennsylvania rural survey for the Interchurch World Movement, spoliv last evening at the Paxton Presbyterian Church. He declared that not enough young peo ple were giving themselves to the church, and that no encouragement was given in the home for young men to go into the ministry. As an example of the way the church deals with her servants. Dr. Deer said that in one state every county alms house has at least one aged preach er in it. Governor's Troop to Seek New Recruits | Plnns for a recruiting campaign for the Governor's Troop will be made to morrow evening at an organization meeting to be held in the Hope En ginehouse. North Second street. The complete organization will in clude 72 men. One-third of this num ber. enlisting before January 15 may enter service for only one year if they had been in the service previous ly. while all others enroll for a period of three years. Many applications have been received from former serv ice rtjon. of. American Girl Weds Son of Polish Prince Paris, Dec. 29.—Miss Frances I-awrence, daughter of Mrs. Francis C. Lawrence, of New York, was married yesterday to Andre Poniat owski, a son of Prince Andre Poniatowski. Middletown Officers of P. 0. S. of A. Elected by Camp No. 371 At the regular meeting of Wash ington Camp No. 371, P. O. S. of A., the following officers were elected: President, Robert W. Klpp; vice-pres ident, Charles Boughter; master of forms, A. L. Wagner; recording sec retary, H. E. Moore; financial secre tary and treasurer, Joseph Boughter; conductors. D M. Beisecker; inspector, H. S. Beachler; guard, George Plott; trustee, H. E. Moore. The'annual election of the officials of the Church of God Sunday School resulted as follows: Superintendent, J. B. Martin; assistant, James Myers; secretary, H. E. Derrick; assistants, C. E. Longenecker, and William Gal lagher; treasurer, E. O. Glsh; pianist, Mary Foltz, assistants, Sara Linde muth, Helen Weidner, Viola Coble; orchestra, Paul Flury; Robert Flury; Hayes Pish. Harry and Charles Weid ner and William Miller; librarians. M. P. Leonard, William Weidner, Charles Ackerman, Irwin Miller and Ralph Myers: primary school, superinten dent, W. F. Keever; assistant. Miss Pearl Condran; pianist, Mrs. W. F. Keever; assistants, Fannie Hsson, Mrs. Loyd Grave, and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. The nominating commit tee were D. F. Fishel, Miss Ella Vance and Miss Sadie Markley. The choir of the Methodist Church will render the following cantata, en titled "The Story of Christmas," by R. M. Stults, on Tuesday evening: The program—lntroduction, instrumental: opening chorus. "Christmas Chimes;" recitation, bass, "Behold the Days Shall Come." chorus, "And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful;" hymn, "Of the Father Love Begotten;" cho rus, "Song of the Angels;" recitation, tenor, "Fear Not;" chorus, "Glory to God;" hymn, "While Shepherds Watched; solo, soprano and chorus, "Let Us Now Go;" chorus, "O Wond rous Love;" chorus of women, "The Star in the East;" full chorus, "And the Star Shone Bright:" quartet, "Lul laby;" hymn, "As With Gladness;" closing chorus, "Crown Him." The official board of the Methodist Church and the Ladies' Aid Society, will hold their regular monthly meet ings on Wednesday evening. Watch night services will be held in the First United Brethren and St. Peter's Lutheran Churches on Wed nesday night, beginning at 10 o'clock. The official board of the First Unit ed Brethren Church will meet on Thursday evening. The Ushers' Association of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church, will meet in the parish house on Tuesday evening. The catechetical class will meet In Friday evening. Milton Bardenslager, of Dundee, Mich., is spending t sro weeks as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bardenslager, at Buck Lock. This Is Mr. Bardenslager's first visit In 12 years. The holiday dance held in Krauss Brothers' Hall on Friday evening for Miss Dorothy George, was attended by more than one hundred guaata New York Robbed of $25,000,000 by Criminals in 10,000 Separate Thefts New York, Dec. 29. —Criminals in 10,000 separate thefts, robbed the people of New York of cash and goods amounting approximately to $25,000,000 during 1919, according to the New York Tribune to-day. The estimate was given to the Trl- , bune by officials of thirty-two bur- 1 glary insurance firms in the city. , ' The insurance men say the year i just ending has been the most dla ! astrous in their history. The num- ; ber of robberies increased by more I than thirty per cent, over last year I and the value of the goods stolen . I was almost doubled, j The principal losses, as itemized Iby the Tribune, are: Silk industry, ' i $2,000,000; furriers, $1,500,000; j trucking firms, $1,500,000 and jew- I elers $1,000,000. The total of Lib | erty bonds and other securities ap- I propriated by youthful bank mcs- : i sengers will exceed the $1,000,000 ; | mark the paper says. {Norway Is Suffering From German Competition j Cliristiania, Dec. 29.—Norway is I beginning to suffer from German ! competition, say leading Norwegian i businessmen. Prices for machinery i and steel construction are said to be :60 per cent, cheaper in Germany I than in Norway. The finished pro duct imported from Germany costs only about as much as the raw or unfinished product would cost in Norway. Reports from Germany say that ! industry there is growing rapidly. , The low rate of German exchange, it l is pointed out, makes Germany's I competition in foreign markets much keener. Norwegian electrical power plants now under construction are buying their turbines in Germany because they are so much cheaper there, that they cannot afford to buy thetn at home. It is claimed that at present Ger many is able to beat any competition here on the products for which she herself can furnish raw materials. Lack of shipping facilities is said to be the only thing that prevents Ger many from dumping her products on Scandinavian countries at prices so low as to kill all competition. Leading Norwegian businessmen have been made rather pessimistic by this condition. Y. M. C. A. Plans Big New Year Entertainment New Year's Day Is going to be one of the biggest days of the year at the Central Y. M. C. A., for something has been planned for practically the entire day. The program will" include volleyball and basketball games and physical drills under the direction of C. W. Miller, with teams from the various classes participating. In the afternoon the social commit tee of the "Y" has planned an enter tainment for the children from the various homes about the city. They will he brought to Fahnestock Hall and shown a program of the funniest "movie" that C. Floyd Hopkins was able to secure; a magician who Is said to out-Thurston Thurston himself and a dozen other acts. In the evening the "Y" members and their guests will spend the even ing in Fahnestock Hall, in the social rooms and in the gymnasium. Coal Operators See Price War in Spring Chicago,. Dec. 29.—C0al mine operators here fear a price-cutting war next spring, due to the fact that it is easier to keep the mines oper ating at cost or even a litle below rather than shut down. Operators declared the only step which will prevent a price-cutting war will be amendment of the Sherman antitrust law allowing operators to establish a sliding sea sonal scale of coal prices and to ar range for sliding freight rates with the railroads. Compiling History of 79th Division Philadelphia, Dec. 29. Announce ment to the effect that Seventy-ninth Division Association was going to erect a monument to members of the division who lost their lives in France at Montfaucon has caused much dis cussion and awakened interest in the affairs of the association. So lively lias this Interest become that increased impetus has been giv en to the project of publishing the history of the division. Under the di rection of Major General Joseph E. Kulm. commender of the division and president of the association, this history was written by two officers of the division. ITO SOLDIER RRIDES WELCOMED IX STATE New York. Dec. 29—Pennsylvania is second only to New York state In hav ing the largest number of foreign born women who have come to make their home, in this country, as wives of American soldiers who served overseas. Pennsylvania has 170 such war brides. 123 of them being French, seven from Luxembourg. 26 from England, 5 from Ireland, 2 from Scot land, 3 from Wales, 2 from Italy, 2 from Russia. BRINGING OLD AVINE OCT Rhrlma, Dec. 29 —Labyrinthine wine cellars beneath the cities of Itheims snd Epeny are being rapidly put in order by the big champagne firms of the two cities. These cellars, which would form a subterranean gal lery 60 miles In length, hold hundreds of millions of bottles of precious vintages, and notwithstanding the fact that this region was for four years under fire from German or Al lied guns, they suffered comparative-, ly little damage. Losses incurred by the wine industry, while they will place a heavy burden on firms for a while will be recouped in a short time according to statements made to the Associated Press correspondent who isivisiting the former battle zone un der special permission from the French Government TO AID EMPLOYES Youngstown, Ohio, Dec. 29. A comprehensive plan to help the em ployes of the Carnegie Steel Company improve their condition was an nounced to-day by J. H. Grose, gen eral superintendent of the Youngs town district. The plan includes building homes for the workmen, loaning the men money at lower rates than those charged by the banks, with which they can build their own homes, establishment of schools in which foremen will be trained In the art of handling men and establishment of a bureau to give legal, financial and social ad vice. OHIO PAPER ADVANCES PRICK Cincinnati- Ohio, Dec. 29.—Effective January 4. the Cincinnati Enquirer's Sunday edition will be incraasAd to 7 cents, due to the advancing coat jf "" lt It ii announced. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH i' "The Live Store" U Reliable 11 | ".Be Sare o/ Yoar " I January Clothing Reductions I you are on all sidles of the I If you look around a bit before you come Here you'll see how very much better our values are and how much better selection we have for you. Our methods are so different from the ordinary store that you will enjoy spending your money Here, because there's a great deal more satisfaction to buy where you are sure you are getting known quality goods that are fully guaranteed. Here you will find the best values you have seen this season. Come in and be convinced. All Suits and Overcoats Reduced I Ail $35.00 Suits and Overcoats .. . . $29.50 1 All $40.00 Suits and Overcoats .. . . $33.50 I All $45.00 Suits and Overcoats .. . . $38.50 I I All $50.00 Suits and Overcoats .. . . $42.50 All $55.00 Suits and Overcoats ... _• $47.50 I All $60.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . . $51.50 All $12.00 Boys' Suits and Overcoats $] Q JjQ All $20.00 Boys* Suits and Overcoats $16.50 All $15.00 Boys' Suits and Overcoats $ 12.50 525.00 Boys' Suits and Overcoats $21.50 r ■< / i DECEMBER 29, 1919. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers