2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania WOMEN NAMED TO HELP IN CENSUS Jv Majority of Enumerators in (Franklin County Towns of Gentler Sex a '■ CiinmherMburK. fa., Pec. 20.—0f the nine census enumerators named for [• this town live ure women, who will begin their work with their male %2 colleagues next Friday. They are Irene O. Wingert. Mary B. Inghtner. M I„vdia N. Kump, Helen I. Deckert and Ella T. Sierer. Of the seven enumor f. ators appointed for Waynesboro four I are women. They are Sarah lv ? Buhrman, Mary McC. Shively, Lillian ! S. Shivelv and Anna Shriver. A woman also will take the census In t, the First Antrim district, one of the i* largest in the county. Mabel .. ti Haesler is the woman who has been named for. this work. j; Married at Penbrook 25 f Years Ago, Celebrate; Palmyra Couple Honored Palmyra, Pa., Dec. 29.—One of the most interesting of the holiday season social functions here was the celebration of .the 25tli wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. K. Grant Cassel. of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Cassel were the first couple to he married in the St. Andrew's Reform ed Church of Penbrook and were • also the lirst couple to be married by the Rev. Frank X,. Kerr, who had just been graduated from the Rc ' formed Church seminary at Lancas ter and who had accepted his first call to Penbrook. About 125 friends were entertain ed at a wedding dinner. The Rev. J. F. Frantz, of the Palmyra Re formed Church, made a pleasing ad dress. Eighteen persons of the wedding party in 1894 were present. Mr. and Mrs. Cassel were the ro cipients of many useful presenls of silver and linen. Guests were present from .Harris burg, Lebanon, Hershey, Middle town, Steelton, Linglestown and Palmyra. Funeral Services Held Today For Joseph Erb Shiremanstown, Pa., Dec. 29. Funeral services for Joseph Krb, who died at his home here on Fri day evening, were held this nfter noon at 1.30 o'clock, with services at the house conducted by the Rev. W. 12 Dougherty, pastor of the First ; T'nited Brethren Church of Harris- ! ( burg. Burial was made in St. 1 John's cemetery. ]|e was aged 81 I years, a life-long resident of this vicinity and a member of the T'nited Brethren Church. Death was due to old age. Teleohone Chief Gets Present From Employes l W(irtettn, Pa.. Dec. 29.—Ex-Council - | man Howard H. Hanlen, of Marietta. I an rmn'oye of the Columbia Tele- | phone Comnanv, in behalf of the em- I ploves of the four districts. Marietta. Columbia. Elizabothtown and Mount Joy. presented IT. A. Oberdorf. gen eral mannger of the company, with a watch. Masonic charm and button. i:\TLRT.\I\ AT 1)1 V\I2R Shironinnstowii, Pa.. Dee. 29. Mr. and 51rs. Malvin Chronister en tertained at a turkey dinner, Sun day, at their residence at 121" Hunter street, Harrisburg. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Raker, son Harvey \V. Baker, Ijemoyne, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Wolfe, daughter Myra Marcella Wolfe of Shiromanstown. COIDIHIA t'Ol I'I.E MARRY Columbia, Pa., .Dee. 29.—Harry W. Rurger and Miss Frances Ely Green awnlt, both of this nlace, were mar ried in Cookman Methodist Church In- the pastor, the Rev. W. S. Nichols, the ring ceremony being , tised. A reception was held at the I bride's "home after the ceremony. The couple will reside here. Sure Relief I 6 BELL*ANS Hot water jC__g' =£p[ Sure Relief RE LL-AIMS ■T FOR INDIGESTION increases strength of <lclic.it<-, nervous, rundown people in two weeks' time in many instances. Used and highly en dorsed by former United States Senators and Members of Congress, well-known physicians and former Public Health offi cials. Ask your doctor or druggist sbout_ij. ' For Colds or InCJuenza and as a Preventative Take "Laxative Br onto Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c t. MUMUAY EV^NINO, ! Fire Company Displays Wreath in Hero's Honor Mcclianlosburg, Pa , Dec. 29. —A beautiful, large Christmas wreath with a gold star in the center, is displayed on the doors of the Wash ington Fire Company house on East Main street, in honor of Alvln S. Meredith, a member of the or ganization, who gave his life in I France while serving his country. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. slere i dith, of Frederick, 51d., sent the wreath. FIRE WIPES OUT | $225,000 PLANT Building and Machinery of Slone Company Burns Near Blue Bidge Summit Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 29.—The plant of the Advance Industrial Sup ply Company, located at Green Stone, three miles northwest of Blue Ridge Summit, was completely wiped out by fire, entailing a loss estimated at between $200,000 and $225,000. The plant Is owned by S. C. Wright, of Chicago, and lias been in operation about seven years. The building used by the company was 125 feet by 40 feet and contained valuable machinery used in the manufacture of a green stone used in making roofs. The machinery alone, all of whieh was destroyed in the conflagration, was valued at $125,000. Three cars of the AA'estern Maryland Railroad were destroyed. The plant employed about one hun dred men and ivns one of the lirst to begin the new industry in this sec tion. which promised to become quite extensive. , The owners of the property are in Chicago and the superintendent on vacation, so that nothing definitely is known as to the origin of the Sire. Gives Up Huntingdon Pulpit to Take Another Huntingdon, Pa., Dec. 29. The Rev. F. J. Compson, rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church and organ, izer of the Episcopal Church of Mount Union, has resigned the rec torship and will become rector of the Mount Joy Episcopal Church.' The Rev. Mr. Compson took up the work lie is now leaving a year ago and his service has been most notable, particularly at the Pennsyl vania Industrial Reformatory, where i he brought into Ihe church and con- j firmed a large number of inmates qf ! the institution. Aside from his great i assistance to the people of 51ount Union in organizing, he was also per sona grata with the large Greek Catholic congregation in this city. Mrs. Compson and son, James, are in England visiting slrs. Compson's parents. Strange Animal Seen on Mountain in Mifflin Lewistowii, Pa., Dec. 29.—While crossing the mountain in Licking Creek frobi near Granville, Harvey Holler saw an animal which i JxV describes as something like a fox, only darker in color, longer in body, with heavier tail an-d larger face. John Bollinger, residing in the west ern part of the county, trapped sev eral animals of this description, it is thought they may have sprung from foxes crossed with wolves that got away, from Walter U Main's cir cus when it was wrecked on the mountains near Tyrone, a number of years ago. Samuel Eby, since thf? wreck, saw a strange looking arrimal | of this description on the Ktdge west of town. Judge Landis Takes Oath For Third Term Lancaster, Pa.. Dec. 29.—Charles T. Landis, elected president judge of Courts of Lancaster county at the last election for the third term took the oath of office on Saturday for another term of ten years. The commission issued by Governor Sproul was read before the Court by H. M. Hoffman, clerk of the pro thonotary's office. The oath was administered by Associate Judge A. B. Hassler. Major William C. Rehrn, elected district attorney for four years, then appeared before the Court and was sworn in, the oath being administer ed by Judge Landis. Young Mother Taken by Death at Carlisle Carlisle. Pa., Dec. 29.—Mrs. Ora Darling, wife of Joseph Darling, of East Waterford, Juniata county, died here on Saturday, aged "0 years. She was a member of the Methodist church at New Germantown, Perry county. Her husband, a son but a week old, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson, New Germantown; two sisters, Mrs. J. S. Eberly, Car lisle, ar?d Mrs. H. O. Baughman, of Concord, Franklin county, and two brothers, Harry and Claire Wilson, of New Germantown, survive. Burial will be at East Waterford. Twin Brothers Marry Girl Chums at York Dover, Pa., Dec. 29.—A double wed ding In which twin brothers married girl chums was solemnized by the Rev. Dr. O. P. Shellhamer, at York. The principals are Miss Minnie M. Myers and Miss Virgin V. Bailey, both of near Thomasville, who became the brides of Russell F. and Reuben E. Lauer, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lauer, of near here. Lutheran Church Scene of Welcome to Soldiers Marietta, Pa., Dec. 29.—The Seven Valleys Trinity Lutheran Church was crowded last night when a welcome home service was held In honor of the soldiers and sailors of the dis trict. The Rev. S. H. Culler, pastor, preached. The interior of the church was decorated. Toward the close of the service, the service dag was de mobilized. Prayers were offered for those who gave their lives. Shamokin Church Is Destroyed by Flames i Shmnokln, Pn.. Dec. 29.—Trinity Cnited Evangelical Church, of this I place, was destroyed by fli-e on Sat-1 urday night. The loss Is estimated | at aion.ooa. I WEDS PHYSICIAN IN FAROFF LAND Miss Anna K. Alexander, of Millerstown, Bride of Dr. W. Gordon Brown Millerstown, Pa., Dec. 29. Mrs. S. C. Alexander, through the Inter national Department of the Y. M. C. A. in Xew York, on Saturday, re ceived a cablegram announcing the mayriage of her daughter, Anna lv., ! to W. Gordon Rrown, Ph. D., on De [ oember 19, in Calcutta, India, j Mrs. Brown, daughter of the late Rev. S. C. Alexander, D. D., was at ' the tinte of her marriage the Ameri can National Secretary in the Y. W. I C. A. for India, Burman and Ceylon. She had been engaged for several years in Y. W. C. A. work in Helena, Montana, and in Steubenviile, Ohio, entering the foreign work about three years ago. Dr. Brown is di recting an educational work in be -1 half of his Alma Mater—McGill Uni versity—in connection with the Y. M. C. A. in India. Dr. and Mrs. Brown will make their home in Colombo Island of Ceylon. Personal and Social News of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. II trry Spnhr, of Philadelphia, have returned home after spending Christmas with Mrs. Spahr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John AY. Wolfe, near Shiremanstown. Miss Nellie Feister, of Shiremans town, was entertained at a turkey dinner on Christmas day at the home of 51r. and Mrs. Charles Houck, Sr., Xew Cumberland. slrs. Oliver Baker, of Lemoyne, spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Comfort and her niece, Mrs. Paul L. sVolfe, Shiremanstown. Mrs. John Hinkle, of Mechanics burg, spent Saturday with Mrs. Ray mond 12. Eberly at Shiremanstown. str. and Mrs. Pierce Feister, son Paul, Miss Mary Feister and 51iss Sylvia Feister, of Shiremanstown, were entertained at Christmas din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Coble at Lemoyne. Mrs. It. E. Eberly, of Shiremans town, and slrs. John Hinkle, of Me chanicsburg. were Harrisburg visitors on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheely, sons Robert and Eugene, have returned to their home in Carlisle after] spending several days with their parents at Shiremanstown. ' 51rs. slilton Deitz, of -Mechanics burg, visited her aunt, Mrs. Elmina Eckles, at Shiremanstown on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Kohr, of Xew Cumberland, are visiting the Rev. and Mrs. J. It. Adams at Williams port. Earl Bates, of Boston, Mas?., is the guest of his parents, Mr. and slrs. Joseph Bates, at New Cumberland. Miss Julia Rue. of Syracuse Uni versity, New York, is spending the holidays with her parents, the Rev. pnd Mrs. V. T. Rue, at the Metho dist parsonage. Miss Francis Maxwell Is Summoned by Death Xewville, Pa., Dec. 29. Miss' Frances 51axwell, daughter of the late Andrew and Martha Kitzmillc- Maxwell, died on Saturday morning after a prolonged illness. She is survived- by five sisters and two brothers: Mrs. Harry Thorpe, Phila delphia; Mrs. Johr? Wright, of Mt. Holly, N. J.; slrs. J. AVood Davidson, Airs. Robert Graham, Raymond and Rena, of Newville, and Wilmer, of Harrisburg. Miss Maxwell was a member of the Presbyterian church, mild and gentle and a friend to everyone. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 i.t Newville Cemetery. Car Turns Turtle and Four Are Pinned Beneath Mnrlrttn. Pa.. Dec. 29.—While re turning from Brickerville in their au tomobile 51 r. and Mrs. Howard Zart man and Mr. and Mrs. John Peters were injured when the car turned turtle on a hill. The machine was wrecked. Another car was following closely and the injured were assisted in getting from beneath the car. Mr. Peters, who was driving, is probably i hurt internally. Little Lines From Nearby Gettysburg—The price of eggs dropped ten cents a dozen here within the last week. Liverpool—'Watch night services will be held in United Evangelical church on Wednesday night, begin ning at 10 o'clock. Gloat Rock The Enterprise Furniture Company has advanced the wages of its employes 2 per cent, effective January 1. Liverpool—The proceeds from the moving picture show at this place on Saturday night went to swell the fund of the Liverpool lied Cross. Hagorstown—Einory Miller was probably fatally shot, here when a gun lie was holding while talking to a friend accidentally discharged. Rouzerville George Overcash, for 31 years a resident here, died on Saturday morning, aged 53 years. His widow and six children survive. GrotMioustU' —Mrs. Amanda L. Mc- Coy. wife of Renjamin F. McCoy died at Middleburg on Saturday, aged 50 years. Her maiden name was Shank. ltallastown —News has been re ceived hese of the wedding at Balti more of Miss N'aamah Bailey, of this place, and Wilbur C. Kraber, of York. Waynesboro—ln honor of their daughter, the parents of Miss Evelyn Bretzler, who recently returned from service as an overseas nurse, gave a reception at their home here. Ilajferstown—Captain Leander H. Kuhn, who was shot through the ankle at the battle of Gettysburg and whose foot was amputated forty-three years after war, is dead at Hancock, aged 80 years. Rillsburg—Funeral services were held here for Russell Firestone, who died while attending Ijiwrpnce Col lege. Applcton, Wis., after u brief illness. l/clmimii—Raymond Shaak. aged 2." years, was fatally hurt when lie tried to cross the Reading railroad tracks at the Avon grade crossing. His skull was fractured and one foot mangled. - HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WEALTHY WIDOW IN WEST SELLS RAN CH Mrs. Frank C. Busier Disposes of Her 5l),000-Acre Ranch in Wyoming; Husbuiul Developed Home of Famous Diamond White Faced Cattle in Northwest Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 29.—1t became known here to-day that Mrs. Frank C. Rosier, widow of the lnte Frank C. Bosler, who before his removal to the far west, was a prominent tlgure here, had sold a 60,000-acre ranch in AVyoming, purchased by her hus band a score of years ago. Mrs. Bosler retains another ranch and has large holdings. The ranch sold is located near Bosler, Wyoming, a town named In honor of the former Carlisle man. The sale of the ranch marks the passing pf one of the last of Wyoming's big ranches to small operators. Twenty years ago slr. Rosier de veloped the ranch just disposed of as the original home of the now famous Diamond white-faced cattle. STATE COUPLES WED OVER LINE Cupid Lures Pennsylvania Young People to Hagers lown Marriage Bureau Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 29.—Penn- I sylvania couples bent orr marrying' continue to journey to this Maryland city to procure licenses to wed and seek parsons to tie the knot. The Christmas holidays usually find many, young people traveling here to be made husband and wife. The 1 following couples from the Key stone State were granted licenses here sirrcc Friday evening: Paul L. Spangler and Nellie E. j Ranter, both of Gettysburg, who, were married at Chewsville by the! Rev. J. Stewart Hartman; Harry j Price, Middleburg, and Mary Keis- j ter, Beavertown; Archie H. Steese and Martha I. Boring, both of Mif flinburg; William C. Myers, Lewis- : burg, and Mary M. Lucas, Red Top; Albert D. Bricker,. Dauphin, and Xeeda J. Dalmatia; John ('. Dorman and Ruth Confer, both of Midpoint; George T. Ritter and Mil dred A. V. Shearer, both of Car lisle-; Robert J. Reed and Sarah M. Orris, both of Harrisburg; Howard R. Robinson ar.d Margaret M. Hart- ' man, both of Greencastle; Clarence F. Rubeck and Olive M. Smith, both ; of Mercersburg; John E. Spence, I Millersburg, and Bessie Keiter, Fis- ! lerville; Clarence R. Pentz and Mabel R. Backner, both of Waynes-; boro; Carl E. Fortzline and Eliza beth M. Knight, both of Thompson- ) town; Melvin D. Baker, Williams- j port, ar/d Margaret Hart, Mansfield: William W. Milliken and Louise J. i Reed, both of Lewistown. Ministry Student to Wed in Closing Term of Study Manchester, Pa., Dec. 29.—Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Fink, tills place, have announced the engagement of 1 their daughter. Miss Fairy Leona I Fink to J. Russel Fink, also of Man- j cheater. Mr. Fink is a student for the ministry at the Gettysburg Lu theran Theological Seminary, being a senior. The wedding will take place in the near future. Takes Five Officers to Subdue Crazed Man Lancaster. Pa., Dec. 29.—Private! Richard Liller, of this city, is in a' local hospital as the result of drink-i ing a substitute for whisky which contained benzine. Liller became violent after drinking the concoction and It required five police officers to ! subdue him. Lancaster Woman Has Freak Imperial Apple Marietta, Pa., Dec. 29.—Mrs. Sarah S. Newcomer, of lower Lancaster county. lias discovered an apple that is an unusual freak. It is of the York Imperial variety. One-quarter j is dark red, with lines as distinct as if drawn, while the other three fourths of the surface is a bright | yellow. The apple is perfect in j shape. • ELIZABETHVILLE j I HOLIDAY GUESTS! Hoy Snieltzer Brings Bride to I Home of Parents; Col lege Students Here | Kllmlirtlirlllo, Fa., Deo. 20.—Hoy I Pmeltzer und bride arrived here to i spend the holidays with Mr. Smeitss er's parents on Spruce street. Those home for the holiday season are the following: Miles Miller and, Kvan Dnhler. from t'rsinus College;; Nathan Stroup. from Cornell Uni versity; Or. C. H. Oordinier and j j family, from Millersville Normal I School; Frof. M. 10. Stlne, Del., jat O. M. Stine's; Charles Fetterhof and Miss Clata Buffington, Govern-1 iment clerks at Washington, O. C.;!' iTtalph Spaeht and Miss Ida Koppen bauer, at H. W. Spacht's; Miss Anna Gaupp. of Philadelphia, at G. F. I I I Oaupp's; Miss Annetta Itonibergor, ail teacher from Broadus College.! i Fhllippi, W. Va.; Misses Klvenaj. Zerflng. Helen Iteigle and Irene Bressler, from Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Adam Miller was a Lykens , visitor on Friday. Bolton Bug Company workmen, raised a large ( smoke stack at the ; plant in Spruco street. | At the home oi Mr. and Mrs. James, ' W. Iloke, all the children and grand children gathered around the familvl] table on Sunday and partook of roast i 1 turkey and duck. | t On Wednesday evening Trinity United Brethren Church will hold; < watch night services, beginning nt it: * o'clock. This will mark the begin-! ning of the regular revival services. I FIHKMAN'S WIFE IMIOS Columbia, Pa., Dec. 29.—Mrs.' Eliza- | , heth -Beaver laitz, wife of John/ H. .. Uutz, one of Columbia's oldest and V most populur firemen, died at her j 0 home from a complication of dis-i tl cases, .after a short illness, aged TO ! 0 years. Her husband and one daugli- in tef. Miss Myra B. Lutz, a teacher, Ili aurviva. ii, Later, he purchased 80,000 addi tional acres, securing thereby an almost solid block of land 100 miles long and averaging 10 miles wide. As many as 12,000 head have been run, and there never lias been a time when a single head has been forced on the market on account of scarcity in November of water or summer feed. Since the death of Mr. Bosler List year all of the property owned by the estate has come under the ac tive control and management of Mrs. Bosler. She may be seen almost any day either horseback or in her car, going over htm ranch, and look ing after her cattle, and site has be come one of the most competent and successful business women in the west. FAMILY CLAN AT REUNION DINNER Woman Kept From Sunday Function Over River by Reason of Accident : New Cumberland, Pa., Dee. 29. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sweeney in Bridge street yesterday. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelso Atticks, of Brodkllne, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. iltiuriee i Sweeney and daughter, of Philadel phia; Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lefevor and i family were unable to lie present because of an accident to Mrs. Le fever in which her arm was broken. Tlie official board will hold a meet ing after prayer meeting in Baugh nian Memorial Methodist Church. 1 Each employe of the New Cum | berland Knitting MALI was presented i with $2 as a Christmas gift from | the firm. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Speakman j have returned from a visit to their son. Charles Speakman, and family j in Reading. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Stubblefield, !of Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ; Natigle and son. Fred, of Middle town. urf holiday guests of Mr. aivl i Mrs. John Watts in Third street. Assemblyman Magiil Will Seek Re-Election; Two Out For Senate I Chambcrxbiirg, Pa., Dec. 29.—As ! seniblyman Frank S. Magiil is the first Franklin county citizen to an nounce his candidacy for the next ! Legislature. Former Superintendent j of Printing D, Edward Long is out ' Ter tlie Senate, as is Dr. Joseph P. Maelay, Republican county chairman and a son of the late Dr. David ; Maelay, who for many years was one of the party leaders in Franklin county, being associated closely with the late Dr. Robert W. Ramsey and Alexander Stewart. Seven Enumerators Are Wanted in Adams County j Gettysburg, Pa.. Dev. 29.—Enum | orators who will begin the work of i taking the census on Friday of this week have been napied for this place. The town harf, been divided into three districts, each ward com prising a district. Arthur G. Taugh iubaugli will ask tlie questions in tlie i First ward, John E. Slaybaugh in J (ho second and J. Ralph Redding in I the Third. Seven vacancies still ex ! ist in the list of enumerators for | Adams county, Supervisor Jacob E. ! Weaver, of York, having made all j tho other appointments'. Disturb Holy Rollers and Are Fined $4.85 ■ Fairlichl, Pa., Dec. 29. Four ! young men of Fountaindale, a few miles from this place, were arrested j and lined for disturbing a religious meeting. It is said the men, Wil liam Hull, Raymond Hurley, Albert Warren and Carrol Sanders, attended a meeting of tho Holy Rollers oil j Christmas night, going there in a j spirit, of fun. and In their fun threw' j hymn books about 1 the room and 1 otherwise' caused disturbance. Each | one was fined ,14.85. MINISTERS PLAN WEEK OF PRAYER Services Will He Held in Two Mechanicsburg Churches Beginning January -1 Mcclinnlcnlturg, Pa.. Dec. 29.—Ar rangements for the Week of Prayer services have been completed by the Mechaniesburg Ministerial Associa tion and will be different from otiier years. Instead of beginning on the first Monday evening in January, accord ing to former customs, union services will be held op Sunday evening, January 4, in tlie Presbyterian anil First United Brethren Churches. It has been planned that all the con gregations of ehurelies east of Mar ket street, worship GH. the Presby terian Church, and all those west of Market street in the First United Brethren Church. The names of the ministers having charge of the services are to be an nounced previous to the meeting. Be ginning Alonday evening, January 5, union services will be held the en tire week in St. Puul's Reformed Church, with a different minister each evening. Tho names of the ministers in charge will be withheld, but tlie subjects will be made public. Sunday Wedding at Home of Bride at Mount Joy Marietta. Pa., Dec. 29.—Iae W. El lis. a prominent young man. was married yesterday to Miss Miriam Mttmmert. of Mount Joy. at the home of the bride, the Rev. George Klroh ner. of the Trinity Lutheran Church officiating. Tlie ring ceremony was used. The bride is a graduate of the high school. A wedding dinner fol- Ultfc'AtL I DECEMBER 29, 1919, SAYS GERMANY FAVORS THE RICH Letter Received at Annville Tells of the High Prices Prevailing There Aiuiville, Deo. 30.—1n a letter from her sister in Germany, Mrs. John G. Kreider, of South AA'hite Oak street, was told that the poor are neglected and the rich living in luxury. The poorer classes receive one-fourth of a pound of meat every two weeks. - According to this letter, lard sells at four dollars a pound, meat one dollar, coffee three dollars and fifty cents, soap one dollar and sixty-three cents a piece and bread thirty-five cents a loaf. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K. 51ills en tertained at a Christmas dinner the Rev. and s!rs. Aithur R. Clippinger and sons Conrad and John of Day ton, Ohio, Dr. and 51 rs. Guy K. Ger berioh: 51r. and Mrs. 1). A. Frantz, Miss Suzanne Frantz. Lieut. Fred erick Frantz, Dr. Perty Gleim, Walter Reiver and Miss Mahle Ress ler of Lebanon and Miss Bessie Granger. Cecil Giltnan. Pittsburgh, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and 51 rs. J. E. Gilman. Mr. and .Mrs. D. G. Kietder, of Ellzabethtown, are visiting slr. and Mrs. A. E. Shroyer. Mr. and sirs. Lee J. Hastings of Philadelphia, spent a short time in town as guests of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiskey man. Earle 11. Cat many, of Pittsburgh, is spending the Christmas holidays here with his parents. 51 r. anil 51 rs. Rufus Carmany. Joseph Hollinger, a student at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., is in town to spend the Christ mas vacation. Knitting Mill Owner Dies of Heart Trouble Hag-erstotvii, lid., D ec , 29.—C01. Joseph C. Roulette, a wealthy manu facturer and resident of this city, who had been prominent in Repub lican politics of Maryland for a number of years, died suddenly at his home here on Saturday from heart failure. He was aged 87 > ears. Col. Roulette owned, to gether with his two sons, a large knitting mill, lie was prom'.n-ent in baseball circles in the Cumberland \ alley, served two terms ns a mem her of the city council and was a member and vestryman of St. John's Episcopal Church. He is survived by his widow and two sons, William U. Roulette and George G. Roulette, of this city, a daughter, Mrs. Kleffer, wife of Rev. Henri L. G. Kieffer, of Frederick, and a sister, Mrs. Re becca Santee, wife of the Rev. hi- Charles R. Santee, of Fort sVashing ton, Pu. Store Closed All Day I\eiv Year's Day / 28-30-32 North Third Street Two Day Sale—Tuesday | and Wednesday § I A bout 35 Fine Dresses J Formerly Priced Up to $45.00 Choice $0J.75 | This is another of those typical Schleisner Sales that mean so much to the woman and miss who want to economize on high class dresses. This lot, of course, is small, but there are so* many charm ing dresses in the group and the price so low that it should attract many of our regular patrons as well as new friends who want to test Schleisner values. The dresses are in the latest models, in satin, serge, tricolette, charmeuse, crepe de chin and Jersey, in the leading shades. _ £= 1/ Off The Price of All Siiits j /3 For Women and Misses Our entire line of suits is included in this |e sale. Not a suit is reserved. You simply de- || duct one-third from the regular price of the suit and there you are. Take your choice of any suit in stock. All Transactions Are Final None Returnable All Coats Radically Reduced All Furs at Great Reductions All Millinery at Extreme Reductions iiililiM Fraternal Order Elects Officers For New Year Mcclianicsburg, Pa., Dec. 29. —An election of officers for Washington Camp, Xo. 184, Patriotic Order Sons j of America, was held liere with the i following result: President, 12. G. I Swnnger; vice president, A. C. | Rupp; master of forms, C. 5b Cock | lin: secretary, E. C. Gardner: • treasurer. W. F. Fishburn; con- I duotor, George S. Sigier; inner i guard, J. C. Rupp; outer guard, J. ! A. Railing: trustee, W. O. Myers; ' host, John A. Railing. PERRY'S WARDEN | GIVES OUT DATA |Says Game Season Just Closed Was Best in County's History 1 Liverpool, Pa., Dec. 29.—The i game season just closed lias been \ the be3t in the history of Perry I county, according to Game Warden S. Maurice Shuler, who has com pleted his annual report and has it ready for submission to the State Game Commission. According to i the report there were 10,500 rabbits | killed in Shuler's district, 37 buck ' deer. 4,000 squirrels, 350 wild turk eys, 400 raccoons, 250 ruff grouse. 150 ring-neck pheasants, 200 quait land 50 ducks and geese. The ltill ! ing of 8 does also is reported, i The game warden has in his pens I here 100 ring-neck pheasants and j 100 Mexican quail which he will lib ; crate throughout the county in the ! Spring. ' Shuler calls upon the sportsmen jof the county to aid in protecting j the wild game during the severe i win lei*. Feed will lit- distributed by I the warden throughout the county I to those willing to assist hint in the j feeding. ;Two Mt. Union Teachers Give Up Profession to Wed I Mount Union, Ptj... Dec.-29.—Dur -1 ing the vacation season siiss Nanny I Gilford, instructor in Household i Arts department, was married to j Frederick H. McClain, son of Dr. C. I A. R. slcClain, on Christmas even j ing. The groom is a dental student < at University of Pitt. There was surprise expressed ' when Anna Kiinger, teacher in the I third grade, held a party and an nounced she had been married since August 2 to ltussel Shiv.-.ier, a proni j lnent young man, formerly employed ! in the office of the Mount Union Re- I fractories Company and now at Pitts | burgh. They were married at Clar ' ion. Pa. The secret was so well kept j that the parents of Mrs. Sliinner did j not know of the marriage until a week ago. RAILROAD CHIEF HELPS IN DRIVE Col. M. C. Kennedy Gives SI,OOO to Chambersburg Hospital Fund ChnmbcrnlMirs;, Pa.. Dec. 19.'—Im petus was given the drive for $60,000 for the- ChambcFjsburg Hospital on Saturday when the announcement was made that Colonel M. C. Ken nedy, resident vice-president of the Chambersburg district of the Penn sylvania railroad and a hospital di rector, had contributed SI,OOO, the third director to subscribe that amount. The physicians of Franklin county too, are back of the drive. At a special meeting of a number of the staff members it was decided that a committee- of three, Drs. S. D. Shull, J. C. Kempter and L. H. Sea ton, should canvass all members of the stalT, seeking subscriptions of SIOO or more from each. Ten of these have subscribed SIOO each. Chairman H. \Y'. Byron and Dr. J. P. Maclay were In Fulton county and secured a committee of ten citizens to push the drive in that county. Country Boy Narrowly Escapes Death When He Blows Out Gas in Room I l.nncnster. Pa.. Dec. 29.—Unfamiliar j Willi city life and modern conveni- I eni-e. John Morrison, a IT-.vcar-ohl lad who came here to work from Fairniount. this county, nearly lost litis life by blowing out the gas'in his j room, in East Madison street. Upon l retiring be gave a vigorous puff to I the gas light, thinking this the inan | net- to extinguish it. He was found at 12:45 n. m. overcome by gas. The police ambulance was sum moned and Morrison taken to the j General Hospital unconscious. By us.- iof a pulmotor he was resuscitated .and will recover. LAFF With False Teeth? ci ipc Dr. Wernet's Powder Kp them firm. Presents wore <sumi White. Flavored. Antiseptic. If your dental plate is loose or drops, to get instant relief use Dr. Wernet's Powder regularly. You can eat, laugh, talk with ease. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, & SI.OO. At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse imitations. This is the original powder.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers