16 'willF^nd Buyers F^orYour Used Musical Instruments, Deaths WILLIAMS —Harry McCormick Wil liams. son of Neza and Rena Wil liains. died suddenly on lhursda) morning. , , „„„ J Funeral services at home of srand Barents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph >V 11 fiams. i 836 Derry afternoon at J.JO, Burial in 11a bur* cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend without lurthcr notice. lIIHI'MAN On Thursday morning. December 25, 1010. Miss Sara a ; Dumuman. died at the Home For, UJe Friend less. Fifth and Muench j Funeral services will be held at the above address on Saturday i V-'m sil noon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Hast Harrisburg cemetery. HHAULkY-Mrs. Mary Bradley, died "lumber 21. 1010. aged 6 years, at War home. 4113 Boas .street. Funeral services Saturday morning Mt u o'clock from fet. BatricK. Cathedral, the ltev. D. J. Carey of ticlating. JOtißO—December 24. 1010, NY illiam C. Jones, aged 68 years- ft e -- i Funeral services .Saturday afte. a r i o clock from his iai> fpsidence. 1410 Venn Street. inter ment Fast Harrisburg Cemetery. j,-0\ Mrs. Fanny Fox died, Decern art!'s fffSfrrEKii.• "• uui turther notice. IX MEMORIAM "> -d but hiving d memoO g &*£ darted two years ago to-day. I.OST AXll FOUND I ,DST — 1 n Capitol J* rk Ca ?[ Ul ßfu pageant, piaid wool scarf, phone 136., Reward. i Oct ltiaht hand fur backed, 1 district. Please notify Donald M. _ land. 1016 N. 16th St. j IX.lST—Black patent I ® at ?L cr n^y^ Ck pe book containing sum of: mon >. ti\een 120 Boas street.and'lhird an Market Streets, via y* ward if returned to K0 Hoaa ~ BUST —Between Cumberland Hamilton Sts. on Second Street o Hamilton between rtecund and Thtrd. a black silk apron with words 1 U . s. .Nov Hampshire in gold. Kewara returned to tne oftice of the -near , Jug. Co.. 3uß Hamilton St. ; „SS1 A ~"™ SHS,"IS:| SKI •.J'iUiF.aar''■ " ! reward. Ucil 5075 R. __ once. - : MS v 3W?r Heir St. -—- IX STKUOTIONS ~ BUCKLE'S Business College. Kn ter any time, lndlvid-ia) .>e3a<-ieu 121 Market St. HELP WANTED —MALE IF YOF Ailil TIKED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER DOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR 0l " YE \R YO RO S UND DY KXCEEEENT WORKING CONDITIONS. EDLyA TIONAE ADVANTAGES and - WiSST ITY. GENERAG REPAIRMEN BORING MILL AEE AROUND MACHINISTS CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS PATTERNMAKERS SHEET METAL WORKERS b BENCHMEN A ERECTORS ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WEEDERS NEEDED Apply in person, or write at once to Factory Cttice Employment. THE GOODYEAR TIRE ... AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. SALESMAN OR BROKER One who has the facilities to repte sent us and push an issue of great merit. Some leads now available. \ cry lVberal arrangement. Please advise us of your activities. Our representati. e w ill be in your city alter Januaiy 1. McLAINE & COMPANY, 63 State Street. Boston, Mass. WANTED—MiIIer to operate a 100 bbl. flour mill and a ®, 0 ° Vl bd al 'h. plant, located on Lehigh Aalley ra r w d ' machinery just installed * rcaV in nnpTA'p January 1. Communicate at .ncTwUh MMdiSe* Milling Co.. 412 J-roduce Exchange. New York. N. Y. WANTED—Motor, truck salesman, must be experienced and can furnish feierence. Permanent position now open. Good salary. Address Box L-880J care Telegraph. SALESMAN to handle automobile lubricant in Harrisburg and vicinity. Man between age of -o and 40 with excellent reputation, experience in this line not necessary. To man who can nualifv will be In position to make 2oSd income. Address Box 133. Leb -4 Continued In Nest Column) / - This office is the headquarters for desirable homes and home sites In every part of Harrisburg and its several suburban sections. Don't fall to consult our lists before buying. Miller Brothers & Co. I.UCLKT \NU CUL II I' STS. UK AI. ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY HONUS Members Harrisburg Renl Estate Bon rd JKRIDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE | WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK. APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., STEELTON, PA. SALESMEN To work in crew, magazine propo sition. salary and commission, plenty of renewals. Want men to train for crew managers. Apply Room 410 .Pa triot Bldg. —— i SOLICITORS i Desiring to become high class) salesmen and make permanent con nections In local sales force. We teacli ! you our business and pay you a sai- | ary and commission while learning. : Apply Room 41u Patriot Bldg. YOUNG men. 18-35. for railway mail 1 clerks. SI3OO-SISOO. Experience unne-i cessary. Examinations Harrisburg. JanU&ry IT. For free particulars write R. Terry, (.former Civil Service Exam iner). 318 Continental Bldg., Wash-; ington, D. C. , LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Training qualifies you in your spare time to till important accounting, i traffic, banking and sales positions. Positions located for graduates. Full information without obligation. East ern office, 26 N. 18th St. Bell 3299. WANTED—More men to Work on automobiles uiul airplanes, between . class hours. Y'ou have an excellent j chance to learn the business, we guarantee 50 hours per week at $.30 per hour. Our'full course is SIOO. Ap ply 25 North Cameron St.; Flying I Field, 14tli and Sycamore Sts.; Hbg. Airdrome, Hbg., Pa. j 1 WANTED—Laborers and contrac- I tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax- | tang. j BE a newspaper correspondent and I earn $25 to SIOO weekly, according to your ability; sls to $25 weekly in spare time; experience unnecessary;; no canvassing; subjects suggested. | Send for free booklet; tells how. No- i tional Press Bureau. Buffalo, N. Y. | WANTED—Young man to work inj garage, one mechanically inclined preferred. Apply to Ward's Garage. 118 th and Chestnut Sts. | I ' WANTED Four planing mill; I hands or cabinetmakers. Reference j required. Apply P. O. Box 446, Harris-I | burg. ; IIELD WAX TE D—I'EMA 1.10 _ ( ! ' 1 OPERATORS j I Owing to the rapid increase j of our business we are re- i quiring experienced sewing . ; machine operators. Work is regular and permanent. As sanitary conditions of our sewing rooms and the effi ciency of our machines are ; J second to none, operators can I earn good wages. A bonus is i > paid every pay day to oper -1 ators. BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC., J .] REILY AND FULTON STREETS CANVASSERS ( Two ladies for city work, magazine .proposition that appeals to every ; housewife, salary and commission. We 1 will teach you our work. Apply Room ' 410 i'atriot Bldg. i WANTED Experienced typists and clerks for general office work; good chance for advancement for bright, energetic girls. Apply ELLIOTT-FISHER CO. ; i 1 WANTED Girl for stenograph.v ! and office work. Call Grand Union 'lea j Co.. 208 N. Second St. | WANTED —Girl over 20 years old for store work, reference required, i Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. | .Second St. 1 GIRLS wanted, 16 years of age or over; good wages. Apply City Star ! 1 sundry. 1005 North Sixth St. WANTED —One or two experienced j waitresses. Apply Court Dairy Lunch. ! WANTED—Six bright and steady i girls between ages of 16 and .0. We will teach you an excellent trade and pay you $lO per week while learning. Kraua & Co.. Inc.. 323 S. Cameron at. SALESMEN WANTED j SALESMEN —Write for list of open ' ings and lull particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for | men. inexperienced or experienced, j City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603. Chicago. j AGENTS WANTED AGENTS to sellDaudt's silver plat ling polish, plates each time you polish. | 1 makes old ware new. D. S. Daudt, 820 I Broadway. Bethlehem. Pa. | I j j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE i MARRIED man with ten years' is- Iperience in clerical work, some knowl edge of mechanics, seeks position with local business house. Can furnish best references. Write for interview A. It. 18,, P. O. Box 504. Harrisburg. i YOUNG man wishes position as por 'ter or butler in private family. Phone 2690J ; MAN wishes position as clerk in drugstore or clerking of any kind. Ap ply to M. Williams. 152 Ridge Street, jsteelton. COLORED man wishes position as truck driver. Call Bell 2455 R. SITUATION S WANTED*—FEMALE WANTED —Position by experienced young woman as house mother in a boaraing school or kindergarten teacher. Best of reference. Address Box H-8822 care Telegraph. WANTED — Position as housekeeper' lin Christian widower's family. Box I •192 Orhlsonia. Huntingdon county, Pa. I j WANTED Woman wants day's j work,' Apply 1322 Marion St. [j ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT —Young lady with fur inished apartment, will rent room to Iretined lady; ull privileges; refereneo required. Call after 6 p. ra.. 115 N. 'Sixth St. FURNISHED room for rent on 'third floor. $3 single. $4.50 double. Call 1107 Chestnut St. IFOR KENT —Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 1811 BerryhtH St. NICELY furnished warm rorms $3 I per week and up. Also rooms for lglht housekeeping. 143 S. Third St. J tContt ised Is Next Column) i — i _ _ HOOMS FOR RKNX FOR RENT —Large front room, fur nished. heat and bath, electric light, both v phones, reasonable rates, 1543 State street, cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 K. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, ail co i veniences, city steam heat, also second floor furnished room. Call 807 North Second Street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front oom with all conveniences, private amily; good central location; gentle men only. Apply 324 N. 2d Strertt. TWO furnished rooms, second floor, bay windows, porch, bath, phone, steam heat, good location, ten min utes' walk to business section, refer ences. Call after 4 p. m. or before 3 a. m. Bell phone 4657 M. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Adults only, nquire 923 North Second St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RIVER DRIVE APARTMENTS Six rooms and bath, all mod ern improvements, ready for occupancy. LEWIS B. COHEN. SOS Bergner Building. Bell phone 626 FOR RENT—At 1101 N. Sixth St.. 4 roomed apt. and bath, second floor ] front, all modern conveniences, city steam heat. Apply to Louis, 414 N. 3d. FOR RENT —From January 1, apt.,! 316 Broad St., 5 rooms and bath. Ap-j ply Iloerner, 316 Broad St. j FURNISHED apartment for rent on; second floor front bedroom, dining; room and kitchen combined, steam I heat, hot and cold water, use of bath, i furnished up to date. Also a separate] room for light housekeeping. Apply , at 443 Walnut St. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED—Unfurnished apartment of two rooms, bath and kitchenet; must be centrally located. Call Dial 3362 between 10 and 8 o'clock. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." I VOUR LAST CHANCE ONLY ONE OF SIX LEFT BRAND NEW AND VACANT—NO, MONEY DOWN, SAME AS RENT ■ 17th and Paxton Sts. —Seven rooms, and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity; a real modern home; front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in rear. POSSESSION AT ONCE Fulton St.. 1832—Three-story, eight room house, some improvements; very rare opportunity for family of modern means to buy a home. POSSESSION AT ONCE RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER 12th St.. N„ 68—Three-story, eight rooms and bath, newly painted and papered; gas and electricity; all im provements; house in tlrst class con dition; now vacant. A RARE OPPORTUNITY South 16th St., 544— Two-story brick, seven rooms and bath, cement cellar, very eaaily heated, newly pa pered and in very good condition. I o.s session by January 1. Small amount of cash, balance same as rent, can oe seen at any time. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME Three-story brick, nine rooms, new - ly papered throughout, hot and cold water in cemented cellar. Outside cei larway, nice size yard, all modern conveniences; small amount of cash; balance same as rent. Possession on short notice. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1 Security Trust Building, 36 North Third Street. Bell 1390. Dial oot 3 FOR SALE Vacant and completely renovated. PofTer street between Third and I'ourth streets, three-story brick, an mprovements# SSOO down, balance in monthly payments. Relly street, between Sixth and Seventh. All Improvements. suu town, balance as rent. Derry street, between 21st and 22(1 streets, three-story bricKa. eleclii j light and steam heat. $„00 down, bal ance at rent. Logan Street, 1900 block. $2500 and 43000. SIOO down. $-o a month. Reel street, above Seneca, three story brick, drive alley in the rear, all Improvements, S3OO down, balance as rent. 224 S. 17th St., two-story brick all Improvements, S2OO down, $- P er nonth. 1430 Naudain Street, three-story brick, all Improvements. S2OO down, $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 308 Bergner Building. Bell 626. A)ial 6-6 HOUSES FOR SALE North Sixth Street. Penn Street. Cumberland Street. Moore Street. Derry Street. Swatara Street. .. .„ Also many suburban properties. All kinds of farms, large and small; prices reasonable. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. THE MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS I WIFE ' iron J HUSBAND DAUGHTER I SON Buy a home, prepare now for the spring drive. I have what you want and where you want It. either cash or time payments. LOUIS B. COHEN Room 308 Bergner Building. Bell 626 PROPERTY AT ENOLA For Sale —2 V4 -story frame, 9 rooms and bath, electricity, furnace, slate roof front and rear porches. Plot "sxloo ft., garage in rear holds six cars, along street car line. Possession in two weeks. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. C'larrlsburgs Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market St. (Cantinned In Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I BEFORE THEY GROW BIG and S J annoying, classified advertising will j solve your little worries. If you find wk i it to your immediate interest to sell property, classified advertising will * enable you to cut out the worry which long delay might occasion for you. gT| i I § am^eEeßß^gaeeß^efiaßia,^ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , FOR SALE Possession 30 Days' Notice I 1214 N. loth St.; 3-story brick; cor- | ner property; all improvements j - Price ..MOO 147 Sylvan Terrace; 3-story brick all imp *4,000 '227 N. loth St.; 3-story brick; i porches, drive alley; all „q 0 j 1731 Park St.; 2 Vi -story brick; all Imp *3.500 228 S. 29tli St.; 2-story frame; side entrance; lot, 20x190; all imp.. *2,3 j0 •230 S. 29th St.; 216-story frame; side i entrance'; lot, 20x190; all imp.. *2,350 2-story frame; 8 rooms; lot, 60xi150; . J Bank St.. Penbrook. Price,.. .*-.000 1 1009-11-13 N. 19th St.; 3-story frame; j water and gas; price, each... *'-.000 1123 State; 8-story brick; all imp. Price 3-story, 12-room brick and brownstone house, cor. property, hot water heat, Whitehall and Regina Sts. Price very reasonable, Easy terms. Pos session at once. CHARLES DAVIES ! Real Estate and Fire Insurance. 1549 State, Cor. 16th. I Bell 4162-R Dial 4930 ! | FOR SALE—VACANT | 531 Maclay Street, 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, all im provements, first class condition, lot 20x150 with double brick garage, 16x20 on rear. Price *4950. C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Bell 701 3077J i FOR SALE Three-story brick house on corner with large store room, eleven rooms, hot water heat, with all other improvements, in good condition. No. 1100 North Sixth St. For further information call 1100 N. 6th Street. Occupied by owner. ("•ACPI for property. No commissions. Quick settlements. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. Third St. FOR SALE—2Oth and Brookwood Sts., beautiful corner house with five lots: end of Jots, good building with 3,000 feet floor space suitable for any business, shafting belting and 3 H. P. motor, 12 H. P. steam boiler. Reason for selling, leaving city. Inquire C. E. Cooper. 20th and Brookwood Sts. MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Business propeerty on Market street Brick construction, consisting of store and fine dwelling. A 1 condition throughout, all improvements, am compelled to sell for good reasons. If you mean business inquire for full particulars to Box B-i967, care Tele graphy FOR SALE —333 and 337 Emerald St., possession April 1, 2028 and 2030 Susquehanna St., possession in 30 days. Apply to 814 Capital St. VACANT I Seven homes, ranging from six rooms and bath to ten rooms and bath. For particulars, call on D. E. LUCAS, . Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis Street FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE Situate 918 NORTH THIRD STREET Eleven rooms and bath, city steam and all other modern conveniences. Immediate pos session given. Apply for terms and conditions at CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, Third and Broad Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. HOUSES FARTS OF CITY J&SS&S&S farm near Mechanlcsburg. Pa. Bar gain price If sold before lebruary 1. Call or Phone C. F Morning, 13th and Market Sts. Bell 4-09 M. •>044 Susquehanna St., 3-story brick, 8 rooms, bath, porch. Price *3,000. Chas Adler. 1003 N. Third St. 16"3 Green St.. 3-story brick. 9 rooms, bath, pantry, porch. Chas. Ad ler, 1002 N. Third St. VN up-to-date factory building, 3- storv brick and concrete, corner property, centrally located. D. A. Caley, 107 Kunkel Bldg. TOR SAIJi —The weo. B. Weber home. State street. West talrvlew, U room frame. 2 Vi -story house, lot 50x 180 ft bath, electric and gas, con crete walks, best of water, large gar den and chicken house. Possession I April 1. 1920. Price only *4,000. Also his store room with corner lot innxlOO ft. with garage and barn, oti A 1 business corner. Price *2,000. Will Kell stock fixtures, grocery and meat market at inventory. _ inarKei CHARBES DAVIES. 1549 State St.. cor. 16th St. Dial 4930. Bell 4162X1 DKSIRABL.E. properties in all parts of the city for sale, from *BOO to *25,- I,Jo some upon very easy terms. Sev eral vacant.^ce w JACOBS, 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539 •>(147 Penn St.. 3-story brick. 8 morns bath, porch. Price *3,000. Pos session, in 30 ,days. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third St. 7io S 27th St., new house, 6 rooms, bath electricity, steam heat, porch. ISIl W A°dt Third & : S3IOO will purchase a brick house I with seven rooms and bath, other Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. ■/ ' 4 Continued la Meat Qshuu* . i iii *"tifii iiitMiMiiiiHtiirriiii aftiii'ufii I HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE j FOR SALE—723 S. 21st St., 3-storv frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath gas and electric light, porches, lot 20xf13 drive alley on lear. good condition. ' _ For Sale—*4ooo will buy an elegant (-loom bungalow with all improve ments, lirst class condition, lot 70x211., located at Camp Hill. 1 For Sale—Lot in the 2400 block on Deny street, 40x100. for *I6OO. An elegant location and tfie price is right. • - F( ? r „ Sa,e l2O Columbia Road. I.nola, 3-story frame dwelling. One of 1 *000 lotations in Enola. Price, i | I* or Sale—s2o X. 15lh Street, corner I property, single brick, 8 rooms, bath, hardwood Hours, all other improve- I ments. For Sale—l7o9 Market St., 3-story i brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, lirst class condition, lot 34x90. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, • Second and Walnut Sts. ' STOP! looking for CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES FARMS, LOTS. We Have Them G. W. HAUCK COMPANY. Room 202 Caldcr Bldg 16 N. Market Sq. Bell 3917J Real Estate—lnsurance HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE Houses of all kinds in all parts of the city. Some on easy terms, four now vacant, possession at once. Some nice corner properties. A few large single homes with large' lawn and , shade trees, two or three up-to-date apartment houses, ten per cent, clear. Several 3-story brick houses centrally located,, .very suitable for apartments. Several business stands. Grocery | store, etc. For full particulars apply or phone to C. H. CORD'ER, 1722 Green Street. | Real. Estate, Insurance, ,„„. i Rents Collected. Bell 560J I 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE An up-town property, including a confectionery business, containing! three apartments with all improve ments; also a large garage which can be rented at *25 per month alone, this property is on newly routed double street car line. Price *14,000. Down town business property. Do-, ing business on a cash basis, includ ing a large corner vacant lot with an up-to-date garage in rear. This place is suitable for an up-to-date butchei shop. Price *5,000. A brick house of six rooms with all | 1 improvements on Cumberland street, j could be bought for a small sum down and the rest on a monthly pay ment. Price *3.000. Double, corner lots Hoichts in one of the latest citj s suburbs! These lots will increase In value every year. For further par ticulars. see us or call at once. SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Bldg. . Bell 2769 Harrisburg. South 16th Street, near Market, 8- storv corner brick. impro\ed. 10 p-r cent, cash, balance as rent. Own your h ° me- GEO. W. JACOBS. 17 N. Third Street. miY YOUR HOME on the rental nnvment Plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent We have houses in every o( ,he city and suburbs. Apply A P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. PFFFER STREET house for sale. Fight rooms and bath. gas. Price *2600 Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VAC VNT —House, 632 Boyd street, being renovated, offered for sale at reasonable price and easy terms. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. SUMMIT STREET. S„ 165. Price lias lust been reduced. Eight rooms and bath. gas. furnace. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST.. 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bun galow seven rooms and bath; hot Hater heat; other improvements. Bell ReaHV Co- Rergner Bldg. PENN STREET property for sale, 8 hath. gas. furnace. 1826 Penn Street! Price *2BOO. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two desirable houses, nart improvements. *l4 and *2O. In quire W. C. Jones, 204 S. 13th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED i WE HAVE A LARGE LIST Ol I PROSPECTIVE BUYERS READY T< BUY UP-TO-DATE HOMES. IF YOl WANT TO SELL LIST IT WITH US I YOU WILL SAVE TIME AS WELL A! MONEY. SALINGER & MILLER, 4 4 Union Trust Bldg. Bell phone 2769. Harrisburg REAL ESTATE WANTED Will you sell? What is your price? 1 have many calls. No sale, no charge. Give me a chance. & H CQRDER 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg Bell P hone jnsurance. Rents Collects f . _ (Ceatimae* la Meat Celama> I 'fw-'iiM 'UiLAgrumrm REAL ESTATE WANTED I WE will save you time and annoy- j ance from agent* and advertising, by buying your real estate direct. Send 1 us full particulars in your letter and ! we will buy your property if the price ! is right. Address P. O. Box 625. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES WANTED ' Want to lease thoroughly modern house with all con , veniences. Seven rooms or i more, porch and lawn, prefer ! red uptown or Hill section. I I Must be good neighborhood. [ Address Box K-8282 care Tel egraph. i . j OFFICES AND STOREROOMS ! I FOR RENT FLOOR AND WAREHOUSE Steam heat, water, elevator, low insurance. Apply Super- I intendent * BOWMAN & COMPANY. STOREROOM FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1. 1920, 502 MARKET ST. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD STREET. WANTED —Desk room in office cen trally* located down town. Owen M. L'opelin. P. O. Box 853. j STOREROOM for rent at 810 North J Third Street. Apply at above address. I FARMS : ! SUBURBAN FARM ! 4S-acre farm suburban to City of l 'Harrisburg, tine driveway direct from j I city to farm. Must be sold at once. Fine view; 10 minutes' drive from Market Square; tine location for; bungalow sites or acre plots. This can be made one of the tinest summer I homes in the country .it has S-room j stone house, large barn. etc. For in- j formation, call or write to C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St., Harrisburg FOR SALE—I7-acre truck, fruit and poultry farm. 4,000 asparagus. 3 to a years out; 1% acres line strawberries; 150 peach trees and small fruit; 6- room frame house; small bank barn, pig sty and chicken house, line spring watcr'and running water, best of soil. Possession at once. Located two miles west of Enola. Cumberland County. Price $2500. For Sale —113-acre truck or stock farm; eigliDroom frame house, all necessary outbuildings, no better val ues in Cumberland County. Price 1U per acre. 10 minutes walk to trolley. CHAS. DAVIES. Real Estate. 1549 State St.. cor. lth Street. Dial 4930 Bell 4162 L 55 acres. York county, good bldg., i 2 mules, 9 good milch cows. 2 hogs, j "5 chickens, all implements mostly f new. Will trade on city property. DURAND & BERBER, 107 Chestnut St. FARMS WANTED WANTED 50 to 70-acre farm close to main road. Address Box A-8763 care Telegraph. 'I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS rj - FOR SALE ! Three-piece parlor suite, golden oak. genuine Spanish leather cushions. 1 Value SJ2S, sale price $95. FORNWALD. 1321 North Sixth Street. i FOR SALE— Two-year-old white (poodle dog. Well trained. Call Dial ! phone 3496. . _____ ! FOR SALE One 10x18 inch Re liance portable stone crushing plant, bin capacity 25 tons, crusher, elevator ' and bins in excellent condition. Crush "er fitted with manganese steel aits (and cheek plates. Will demonstrate. Write Hoffman Bros. & Wilson, Hi#'- risburg. Pa., for further particulars and price. ___ CENTRAL furnishing store dealer in new and secondhand furniture, carpets and stoves, bought and sold. A try will convince you. Call on • Saturday. Call at 324 Reily. Bell lOtolM i CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer in new and second-hand furniture, ! carpets, stoves. Try us before bujlng or selling. Great bargain. 15 double heaters. Must be sold before chrlist- I mas. Great bargain price. Look it over. A trial will convince you. closed Saturday. 324 Reily St. Bell phone 1061 M. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ; CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED . I GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. 203 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES I FOR SALE —Painting outfit, includ . ing hooks, ropes, pullers, \ etc. Apply Frank DeLuca, 181- lark ■ Street. ! FOR SALE —200 feet of 2-inch cot ton water hose, in four sections, price ' 25c per foot. Baby carriage, cost sl6. . will sell for $5. Inquire 1458 Mar j ket Street. , I MORRIS SAYS save money buying . 1 new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for V™ ltu ™:, Morris 1 j Schmertz. 1018 Market St. Bell 449 1. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 "inew, old. rare, in stock. Aurand s, I 923 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en ■ ginc 10 H. P- International gasoline 1 engine, machine tools, electric motors, -! various sixes, large stone crushing j plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 1857 j Bell phone. NATIONAL cash registers sold on easy monthly . tcrest. Bell phone 2405. Dlal 3890. N. ) if. Black. Sales Agent. 10.) Mai ket St. J | CALKS! CALKS! CALKS! ; I For sale at Gable's, 111-117 South ' Second street. Reed Tip. Diamond. 1 Giant Grip. Rowe, Black Diamond and • Snow Storm Horse Shoe Calks. FOR SALE—A No. 4 McDowell port • able bake oven, in first class condl . tlon and very cheap, P a ""' steel mix ing bowl, ecales, etc. Address Owner, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning Outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. R. i Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. COATS FOR SALE I Three very nice ladies' coats cheap, a bargain, almost new, will sell one ' for $5. one for $8 and one for $lO. Call ,1$0 Bute atreet er BeU phone 3IJOJ. i =•** ' ; DECEMBER 26, 1919. I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS* f MAX SMELTZ r Second-hand furniture bought and j sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 | l Market Street. Will call, city or eoun- I try. Be ll phone 5321 J. i BELL Pliojf 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. | to" BROAD .ST.. HARRIBBUUG, PA. ! SIO,OOO wanted on first mortgage. 1 \ good security. Address Box S-9026 | care Telegraph. ' i WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. I Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. j BUSINESS OPI'ORUNITIES FOR SALE I,arge four-story brick build ing on South Second Street. A splendid proposition. An alley property which is in the heart of llarrlsburg's business section and can bi ased for many purposes. At $20,000 it is a cheap propo sition. Apply MILDER BROS. & CO.. Locust and Court Streets. I I An opportunity is now avail- J able to secure the agency for an old established line of heavy duty motor trucks 1%, 2Vs. S'/2 and 5-ton capacities. Pro j duetlon has now been increas ed to enable prompt deliv- j 1 cries. Write or wire for full particulars. UNITED MOTORS CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SALE OR LEASE garage and business situat ed in Central Pennsylvania. Modern and complete equipment. Sales agency two most popular automobiles. De partments of business include stor age, repair shop, battery, new and old cars. Stock consists of car parts, tires, batteries and parts, oil and ac cessories. A going business. Person nel best in surrounding community. Other business interests make a sale or lease necessary. Address G-S24S care Telegraph. TOY FACTORY FOR SALE Fully equipped for the man ufacture of wood toys, em ploying 18 to 25 men and boys, product is sold through the largest jobbing houses for which there is an unlimited demand. Business established six years and run profitably. Building has been sold and machinery must be removed before January 1. Will sell all equipment ready to set up in another location for $5,000. A rare opportunity to buy a manufacturing business for less than the machinery is worth. Act quick if interested. For full information, address Box K-8062 care Telegraph. ! - FOR SALE—Meat market and gro . eery, stock and fixtures with good will; old established business. Annual sales $30,000. will sell at inventory. Also the storeroom. 28x60 ft. with barn, garage and lot, 100x100 ft. No. better business location in West j Fairview. It is on the corner of State and Fairtnount ave. Price S2OOO. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street, i Bell 1162R Dial 4930 BUSINESS PERSONALS IF 'T'S painting, exterior or inter , lor or paperhanging. let me quote you a price. Quality and service is my ! motto, prices consistent with the 1 quality of work I do. D. W. Bixler, 2130 Susquehanna St. Bell phone . 4006 J. A. LANE ! New and second-hand furniture [ bought and sold. Highest prices paid. I 1022 Market street. Bell 3239-W2. FURNI TU R E CRATED. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street, llell 2632 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING - I Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan Street. Bell 4396 J. ' QUININE —Look out for that grippe " feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUI NINE will stave it iff if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED • Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, l>se . doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FINANCIAL INVEST CONSERVATIVELY HYDRO-ELECTRIC ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER ; GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALS 1 J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut Street, j Bell phone 518 J. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED —To borrow $3,000 on first " mortgage on suburban property, val • ue $1,500. Address E-7623 care Tele- graph. INSURANCE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION The beat gift you can make to your - most beloved one, a $5,000 policy, its memory will never be forgotten. It i costs nothing to consult me about it. [ J. BCHOOLNIK. 21 Spooner Building. Fire, Life. Casualty, Automobile Insurance, Bell 4593. MONEY TO LOAN ' WE LEND MONEY in compliance ' , with Act of Jbjte 4. 1919. to Indlvtdu ' HIM In need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pa.v --" ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. . PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. i 132 Walnut Street. 1 .J, (Cea tUsned la Neat Calumn) M&IEY TO LOAN | ! SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES sls TO S3UO On furniture, real estate or guaran teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on actual time the money is in your pos session. Open Evening, Dec. 20, 22, 23, 2< CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO -204 Chestnut Street, ' i MON"Ky LOANED—Employes, Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg- Third and Market streets. "Licensed, and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY TRUCKING I-iOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE. CONTRACT WORK A SPE CIALTY. RURAL TRANS PORTATION LINE. HARRISBURG AUTO CO BELL 100 LOCAL ANl> LONG-DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 630 (.'aider street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3638. BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery. 30 years' experience. Bell 3418. Dial 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance. furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Dine Transfer, 917 Capital St. Both phones. HICKS l.ocal and long-distance hauling and storage. 1314 Wallace St. .Bell phone 1050 M. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialtv ( of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617. Naudian St., or Bell 5235 J. J WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. .1. E. Gruber's Truck Service, irwin Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15 R6. MUSICAL HARUISBURG TALKING MACHINE ' HOSPITAL, 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYDER'S, 14 South Fourth street. Strlch & Zeidler upright mahogany piano, in A No. 1 condition. Selling on account of leaving the city. Can be purchased at a reasonable figure from a private party. Address Box L-9063 w tare Telegraph. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 1 South Fourth Street. , FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spang ler Music House. 2113 N. Sixth street. ! TALKING MACHINES promptly and i carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. I STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house ; hold goods, merchandise. Private | rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of . all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. | Both phones. i STORAGE Private rooms for j household goods in fireproof ware ! house, |3 per month and up. Lower \ storage rates in non-iireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 1 445 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, ; private rooms. Reasonable rates. 1". ; G. Diener, 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD., HIUHSPIRE, PA. j Both phones. Bell Steelton 169Y WHERE TO DINE ADVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS Funeral Director ( GEO. H. SOURBIER 1310 North Third Street SAMUEL S. FACKLKR, FUNERAL DIR EC TO R 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Kmbalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 253 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St. ALSO MiDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2423 . DIAL 3295 CEMETERY I AITS TOR SALE * PROSPECT 111LL CEMETERY— ; Rcautifully situated on Market street, jeast of Twenty-sixth, and on the north I and east faces the new parkway. The price of lots are moderate. Miller I Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING ! „ DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. Wo call and de liver. AIJ kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman, 130615 North I Sixth Street. , . AUTOMOBILES SECOND-HAND motor trucks for ! sale cheap—Fords, Kohler, Chalmers ' and Internationals; three-quarter to i two-ton capacities, 8200 and up. I INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER . MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 619-21 Walnut Street. ARE you looking for a bargain in a Ford roadster? Listen to this. West- Inghouse electric self-starter, shock exorber, splltorff magneto, tilt wheel, roller bearing, extra wheel with tire, equipped like a high priced car. Will sell to quick buyer for $350 cash. • Phone Bell 1321 W. STUDEBAKEK—Light 6; suitable i for livery; cheap to quick buyer. Reo 'roadster; A-l condition. Slble's Ga i rage, Third and Cumberland St. I FOR SALE—A genuine bargain, I 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand touring, In tine condition. DrUcoll Auto Co., 147 .South Cameron St. Additional Classified Ads , on Opposite Page ■ i J , - - M * a .... ' ' .. ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers