14 SAYS PERSHING SHOULD NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENCY "Absolutely Unfit," Declares Congressman Schull, of Minnesota 1 Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. -2.1. —j Congressman Thomas D. Scliall, of : Minnesota, denounced General John J. Pershing, in an address yesterday.! United States Food Administration l.lcenso No. (,35305 Special* For ednesdav. Dee. 24,1919 B. B. Special Butterine, 2 1b5........60c B Pure Lard, II) 27e I Mince Meat. II) 12ic I Fresh Sausage, lb. 22e I steak (22c ib. Chuck Roast, lb ,I.Bc I Top Rib, lb 121e I Pot Roast or Fleshy Roi l . .15c I I Spare Ribs, lb .25c B Pork Shoulder, Ribs . ."l Pig Ears. Pig Snouts, Brains . . . I Kidneys. Beef Liver, lb J Lamb Roast or Chops, lb . .20c ij Watch Our Wiivrhm For Specials Every C," MiirkcN hi Prlmipul CitlPH ol' l." Siatt'D Mtilii OMlt-p. < hlcntfo. 111. lltuisc. KVorln. 111. \l| Tlpaln I. S, Uovrrnntcni I •! \ll kouHn picr*li:i.Hl Kinir:int*Ml or mono rt*fuiilrd If Store Open I'ntil !l I*. M. Wcdiuslay Kvenillff R I f THE CONVENIENT TERMS OF OUR 1 I Christmas Club f I MAKE IT EASY FOR ANY HOME TO OWN A I 11 iltanola or j :ff : (Large Shipment Just Received) % Surprise and delight the lit a Kai-'-, ones on mas morning with ~ # jj Kg Wake the family from their fffl J* f jp|| dreams with music—and how W il l A small cash payment now j HI $m ma^es y° u a mem her of the MSnl ft Christmas Club and applies on #• : [f d the price of any Vitanola or JJ \\ .; 5 y Sonora, which we will deliver *• *£ fi : immediately or hold until c ill i f* Vitanola Christmas. oonora Jj I Musical Merchandise $: j£ J| Our trade on small instruments, Violins, ■ ! % 1 Banjos, Guitars, etc., has been much beyond ft jfi : it our expectations this year. Why don't you •. j # J get in line with other fathers and mothers who j| • j I I p are giving their children a chance to develop 'a j| their musical talents? g||*|i % •gf I Violins .$lO.OO up Mandolutes, Auto Harps, Ifi j & R Guitars . .$6.50 up $5.00 up . . $B.OO up jS •& Banjos ..$6.50 up Banjo Mandolins, Violin Cello. M ||M m Drums ... $15.00 . $lO.OO up Ukuleles. $3.95 up •jl : ff. flSr Mandolins, Saxophones, Banjo Ukuleles; \fetpF 1 fr $lO.OO up $75.00 up j $8.75 up *]K ! Banjo Cases and Supplies for all above instruments. Violin j&i I EMERSON RECORDS UNITED STATES MUSIC ROLLS I 5 10-inch. 85c Fine Hand-Played "Hits," 50c | I fi Until Xmas JL V/JL 11 1 &JKWJkJ* Until Xmas | 13 NORTH FOURTH STREET I m ACROSS FROM DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART | TUESDAY EVENING. tie declared that the general was! j seeking the presidency of the I nltod j i States and was "absolutely unlit for j the office." ! | Congressman Scliall was the only 1 : member of Congress to vote against I ! conferring the full rank oi general j lon the overseas commander-in-chief i of the American Army. "My objection to rewarding Per- j 'siting' with a full generalship was not | I that it would "foster militarism, hut j it would bo rewarding an unworthy j I officer, an un-American, unrepresen-j I tative officer," lie said. Mr. Sehall said General Pershing j was "inhuman and cruel, and that lie censored information that went from Prance to America to his own ; advantage, tie also attacked General Pershing for his alleged "snub of the congressional committee that, went to Prance. v TREATY WILL BE RATIFIED BEFORE | JAN. 16, BELIEF Some Senators Express Con-: fidenec of Early Action ' Alter Holidays By .-tssoeiated Press Washington. Dec. 22. Some of the more optimistic senators (' x ~ j pressed confidence that the ratifl- • i cation would conic before January j i 16. thus formally establishing peace, and permitting the President to lift, prohibition for a brief wet spell he- j fore the constitutional prohibition j amendment becomes effective on ( that date. There were other senators, how- i ever, who took less stock in the com - promise movement. It was pointed out that President Wilson might again intercede if reservations ac- 1 eepted by members of liis party in j the Senate did not meet his appro- j val. Await President For "the present, however, there ! was eveiy indication that senators | would go ahead with their compio- j mise negotiations without further light from the White House. Sena tor Hitchcock said he had no ap- . pointineiit with the President and' indicated that lie did not now in- i tend to seek one. There was wide discussion to-day j of the activities of Bernard M. j liuruch. of New York, a financial ad- | viscr to tlic Peace Conference at j Versailles, who lias seen several sen- , ators during the past week and is! said to have discussed the Treaty j \\ illl them. Senator Hitchcock said, j however, that ho did not regard Mr. ! Haruch as speaking for the Ptesi- j dent, with whom he recently had a ; conference. Knox Plan Opposed A protest against the action of thp j foreign relations committee in re- I porting Saturday the resolution of j Senator Knox. Republican, Pcnn- ! sylvania, to declare a state of peace, | is said to have been made to the j Republican leader by the mild reser- | vutionists. They are understood to j have removed all possibility of Sen- j ate action oil the measure in the near] future by serving notice that they would not support it unless and until it became certain the Treaty could not he ratified with reservations. As a result of "Sunday's conference and of activity among the Democrats, 1 the whole sugject of reservations] seemed to have been opened wide with both sides professing a willing ness to enter whole-heartedly into an energetic give and take effort at compromise. STKAI. VAI.I''AIII.K PAINTINGS Berlin. Dec. 23.—Burglars have stolen six paintings, valued at 100,000 marks, from Die picture gallery of the Palace of Sans Souci, according to the Abend. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH STRAIGHT RUN TO CLARK'S FERRY Houte One Completed Willi Exception of Short De tour in Dauphin The State Highway Department | to-day opened for traffic several sco | tlons of Stale highway which have I been under reputes, including the part of State route No. I between Dauphin and Clark's Ferry In Dau phin county, over which the William j Dunn •and Susquehanna trail high { ways reach the Stilt? capital. 'This section has ben closed since early I summer. This shortens lite time to j Dtmeanuon from llnrrisburg by j twenty minutes. The Hugh N'awn Company several ' months ago was awarded a contract i for the construction of approxtmute j ly six-and-one-half miles of con ien to and Hillside lirick highway .between Dauphin and Clark's Ferry 1 bridge. All of tit concrete surface has ben completed except for a ■ short distance in the borough at' I Dauphin. As it result there is a short detour at this point. Not all ! of the Hillside brick lias been laid j and, consequently, the travel is over i thee oncrete foundation at points • where tlto .brick rcmiuns to lie put j down. The road in question is Uoute No. i 1 on the State highway system. It I is now improccd, with the exception | of the short stretch at Dauphin, all ( tlie way from Front and Market 1 i streets to Clurks Ferry bridge. The l construction is eighteen feet in I I width front Dauphin to ('larks Ferry land as is well known sixteen feet j from Dauphin to Hnrrisburg. The , I thorough fare from flic cltv line to a ! ' point west of Koekvitlc bridge is a i ; bituminous surfacing and it lias j ' stood tit> remarkably well. The Ilcrshcy Condensing Co.. of j llershev. filed notice of increase of ! stock from $15,000 to $50,000. Ilr. \\. 11. Irvine, president of Mer |cersbiirg College; Senator T. Is Eyre, ;of Chester; Representative Heber : Dithrich, of Allegheny, were among I visitors to the Governor's office. Tile i'. A. anil S, •■ 111 aII Milling Co., I one of the old York companies, lias I filed notice of- dissolution. Governor Sprout 10-dnt Issued u re spite staying the execution of Alex lander Dale. Schuylkill, from the week I of December 20 to that of February 2 | as the Stale Heard of Pardons is eon ducting an investigation. I Robert 11. Paige, of Paoli, was to jdny appointed a first lieutenant in the I Reserve Militia and assigned to Com ! pan.v K. Ist Infantry. j Tlic Stale Hoard of Public Grounds and Buildings is preparing to take lover tiie Dambertville bridge span jning the Delaware in conjunction with | the State of New Jersey. Negotia tions for other bridges are under way. Captain AV. \. Adams, of flic State Police troop at Butler, will probably tie named as deputv superintendent of Stale* Police within a short time, lie was here to-iluy with Superintendent John Grpome. Both of them saw the Governor. iSunbury People File Attack on Water Co. j Rates and quality of water furnish- I i d by the Sunbuiy Water Company. >vu< S Mttaeke I before the Public Ser- Vt'O Commission to-day by the bor ough council, (.'antral llabor Union, Business Men's Association and tax payers of Sunbury, who also ask for a downward revision of rates, which i they claim have been in effect for more than four years and produce | more money than justified. The United States Hospital at llar kelton. filed complaint against the' Economy Telephone Company, of Mey ersdale, alleging that it hud not ex tended service to the hospital. Complaint that schools in Costelia have had to be dismised and that peo ple in Austin are inconvenienced was filed by Austin Council against the I'itter Gas Company, which is also accused of failing to lay pipes as re quired by a borough ordinance. The scholl district of Aft. Oliver, near Pittsburgh, asked the Commis sion to require the Kqultable Gas Company, from charging for gas used in public schools, claiming that under an agreement it must furnish free gas. Canadians Consider Buying Part of Liquor Surplus I Ottawa. Dec. 22.—Reports were current that Canadian liquor deal ers- might attempt to "salvage" many of the hundreds of thousands !of gallons of "red liquor" which must, be shipped front the United Stales before the Federal prohibi tion amendment becomes effective January 16. Whether dealers would scekAmeri | can imports, it was said, depended ' chiefly on whether they considered !it likely that Provincial nets pro | hibitlng the sale of liquor would be [ repealed by the various govern ments. The repeal of Dominion wartime j liquor legislation, whieh prevented | intorprovincial truffle, manufacture I and importation of liquor, hus'cro ! ateil a peculiar situation in whieh | liquor may be freely imported, but | not sold because of prohibition acts 'effective in every province but Que- I bee. There sales arc restricted to leer and wine. Big Business Ahead in Rail Equipment Noxv York. Dee. 23.—Domestic demands for railroad equipment are going to bo heavy for the next sev eral years, according lo W. 11. I Woodtn, president of the American f'nr and Foundry Company. "The railroad o.ar builders in this country." he said yesterday, "are go ing to liavo the biggest amount of business to do in the next two or three years that tliey have had in lliclr history. Purchases during the last four or five years have not been up to normal, and consequently there Is a very large shortage which must he made tin. Because of the scarcity of labor and materials the transportation companies have not been aide lo keep up repairs." ■ Traveler? and Hote! Men to Organize On Saturday the regular meeting of the United Commercial Travelers As- I soclatlon, Harrisburg Post, will bo brld In the Pent) Harris. The same day the organisation of Pennsylvania , Oreoters Number 41 will bo formed with more than 100 hotel men from ICntral Pennsylvania here a s guests of the management of lite Penn-Har rls. Among the speakers who will bo ; 1 present for'the banquet which is to ; j t>< given Saturday evening will be I Rieutenunt Governor B. E. Beidle- L | man. ! NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN [ * L . . - ■ ■ .... _ < ORPHEUM . Thuwflay. Friday and Saturday, mati i noes Christmas Day and Saturday , Thurston, the world famous ma-j ; giclan. with larger and better! | rhnw than ever before, direct from! a two-month Broadway engage-! ■ nient. MA.I I".STIC High grade- vaudeville Fox nmt lngruhnni; "The Cat." a dramatic' ' offering: Rex's Comedy Circus and two other headliner Keith nets, also another episode of "Tho Fntul Fortune, feut uring daring Helen I Holmes. VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow—lsist per ■ forntancos of Florence lteed In J "Her Ggnto"; also a laugh rollick ing comedy . . Thursday, Friday and Saturday—Tom 1 Mix In his latest production, "The i K " Ud " COLON I Ah ( To-day and all wok—Kt\ Beach's i greatput novel, "The Girl from Out i sid#*." RKGI2NT ; To-day—Knid Bennett in "Partneis ! Three." • To-morrow—"The Woman Thou Oav i est Me." tho I'aramount-Artcraft | Special. i Christ mas l>ay. Friday and Saturday —Wallace Held in "The Ijottery | Man." | 'THK <>lltl* FHOM Ol TSIPR" ! Kex Beach's great novel. "The Wag ' Lady," which has been produced as a ! motion picture through Goldwyn, (scored a decided hit at the. Colonial Theater yesterday. The name of the jplav Is "The Girl from Outside." The ! story is that of a young girl who, goes to Alaska with her father dur-j ,ing the time the gold fever was on. jller father dies aboard shin and she! : lands in a small town named Nome | I penniless and friendless. There j crooks fall in love with her and de cide to go straight. Then she gets | pneumonia and the doctor says s*h*' ■must have milk, hut there was only I one eow in Alaska and its own-T J 1 would not sell the milk, so the crook* j 'invite the cow over to their home for la vacation. This is one of the fun ! nlcst scenes ever shown on an> i screen. Coupled with this feature nttnu-, • tion a laugh rollicking comedy is t j ing shown. FI.OHK.NCI-; lIKKII COIU> ! IN I VI'F.ST riIOTOIM.AN i Florence Reed, who is starringln •Her Came." the drama of a urine, ! who lost her husband shortly arlei . I marriage, whl. lt Is paying at the Victoria Theater to-day and to morrow for the last times, is said I• I bo tin- best nicture Miss Reed bis jever nrodueed. Hundreds of °JJ;''• 'saw this picture yesterday and tne ■ crowds promise to he even larger -o i"'Thursday Friday and Saturday of Ithis week Tom Mix will be shown m | ; Ills latest success. "The V cut' l ".. 1 I successor to "The Speed Mania.. : Uvhich created such a furore \\ lu-n ( I shown here recently. i'l'lll iiston \!i 11 , . ,, !. l l^ri S | i i Tit F.N 1> TOWAHO (H '• UC CI l/l "Every great war of the wot Id - ! history has iieen followed hy unusi n I interest in magic spit ittiaßsnt an ' •other phenomena. says ...iTlni'iv' the famous magician who wbl appeal, at the Orpheunt for three da> s. sta I: ; 'ing Christmas matinee. _ V\ ar. v. t its grim toll of death brings * tieml | toward the occult. Al ' so . rts Mastic stories are to'd In | such ns the one of the spirit of .li nn of Arc rallying the '"-ench in th l early davs of the war. Throughout, ! the 'continent spiritism is aroUHing 'the keenest of interest. | I "The ancient Romans Ftp* e rre Hpiont exhibitions, lite oia'l.' nt De I uhi was a skillfully contrived bit of ! necromancy. The Egyptian statno ol I Memnon. which littered w eit d sound* | at sunrise and sunset, was anothei adroit lv contrived wojk or i I pcie-ts" and in the middle ages we j | find Merlin, who was eontemporai , with the saxon tnyasion of Btitain! in the latter part ot the fifth rentur _- | "The art of magic sui v') J, dark Ibaristn and ignorance of the daik lages, and reappeared In the ■'] I modern Italian school of Jonas. An i drolotti and Carlotti. The real era of modern mag; Mlate-' back to the beginning of tm j fn.-teenth century. Robert loud.n ' born 1803. died 1871. attracted the at . tent ion Of the world with his ttantastiuues at Ills Tempi" nf Mailt Ik l'uvi fn the '4os. Magic attained a remarkable popularity in England the '6os with the appearance of, l.'lohn Nevil Maskelyne, who acl.b;^; i.ie Hr*%t tamo hv Inxentin-. a \ : cabinet in which bV s<>no diH appeai'ed ind reappeared. Maskeljn'. 11 ' . I Bun't?er 'do ''kolh? bas n Hollar. Herrmann and Kellar. nil l ( STOIIV TO 11 IBK SHOWN M lIWIKM ! The pictui ization of the novel te garded as Hall Calne's groatcst The, | Woman Thou Gavest Me will 1" i shown on the mi* n notable • Theater to-morrow. "ni* noiauo l'a f amount - Art era ft bpfeal js'th U uit <tjf caat won loft.x Pnia • ■it was first shown at tho Kogont. 1 ><• . u whs ~„ ni'ufound sensation iSS.WBS-sW.VSS 'Enid Yb'nnctt, Thomas H. lnce star, i>s anpenring at' the Kcr;nt in-day In : her latest Paramount picture. art I net s Three." Holds Up Sale ol Cuban Sugar in New York at 20c Pound New \ rl.. Dec. 23.—Tin proposed !sai* of •• 000 ooa pounds or <• uoan i sugar to consumers at 19 to - rents a pound with 100.000 profit was held ui> yesterday by Arthur W 11- liama. Federal food administrator, because the fixed price is 11 cents. : The sugar is now aboard the steam- I ship Munuon which arrived recently from Cuba. Mr. Williams informed ' Hmmunuel Kionda. member of a firm of brokers to which the cargo was } consigned, thut the aid of the sijßut emuilization board would he invoked. !if necessary, to prevent the sale or I the price proposed. I Kionda explained that the sugar I would cost his firm 18 H '' pound, divided us lollovvs: 13H centi i paid growers :H, cents for refining 1 l-io cents for duty and 4-Id tnts j tor freight. Warns United States of German Duplicity New Vork. Dec. 23.—Prince CaHlmtr I.uliomlrskl. tin- m-vvlv acrc-ditefl , Polisii minister to the i'nlted slates, charges that vast numbers of pro fessidnal and Volunteer but none the ; less active propagandists are menae i Ing the fruits of the war for lit", free dom of oppressed nations and a lnst i itier European peace. I These menacing workers he <i r ! sert are working in New York and I every large American city in fac tories and other industrial centers, by public speeches, open air meetings ' ind purades. and by insidious maga zine and newspaper articles, i ••(>„ every side und in every pnrt or this country men and wontcp ate working night und day. under or ganized. cunning and well financed supervision to destroy American con fidence In the new Poland, and in turn to shatter Poland's fattli in the big sister republic. America." said the Polish minister a few minutes hefou ...kin" tile train tor Washington, where after necessary formalities and preliminary surveys he plunges into the arduous duties of creating the machinery for a new diplomatic ' organization to represent a country [almost as large in area as Germany. DECEMBER 23, 1919. ] Wallace Reid Coming to Regent For Christmas I j Tin? above sv * r.nin "Th. lottery Man." W. liner- Hold's lat st Para mount -Artcru It iiturc. which will lv shown 01 the R<g.-nL Theater on ■ Christinas Day. Friday and Saturday, would si<'tn to show tliat t!i* popular hero wins the. lottery himself. The 1 girl in his arms i< Wanda Hawloy. Fingei Print Clue in Murder Mystery Xcw Dec. 2:!. -Efforts arc 1 liciiiK ninth* liy tlic Drooklyn police, I |in co-operation with the police of ! otlicr cities, to lin<l the slayer of Miss 1 <'atherino Dunn, the niaiil wlio was l heuten to death in the home of Mr. i and Mrs. Clarence Sperry Clark, Sat : urday morning-. The police me also jtryiiiK to trace the $lO,OOO worth of '.jewelry taken from the Clark home. | The police believe the murder and , robbery were well timed by some | one who was familiar with the liajiits iof the Clarh fiynily. A llntfer print on the kitchen ifoor is now beintf I developed and may aid in locating tlie slayer. University of London i to Study Phonetics Jxiiiiloii, Dec. ( —'The t T ui\eraly |of Dondou is planning to build 'in , Institution of Phonetics at a cost of j stioo,ooo where seventy, assistants would ho engaged in research work . on the I,ooa languages of the Pritish 1 Kmpirc. The scheme, which origin ated with Daniel Jones, head of the , phonetic department of the uni • versify calls for the expenditure of , $2,500,000. Salvador Government to Drain Acajutla l Sun Salvador, IP-public of Salvador. ; D p c. 2.l.—The National Hoard of Health has decided to undertake ♦he work of draining the port of Aoa ljuPu. on the. Pacific ocean fifty miles 'from here. . A sanitary commission has already been sent there to study the situation. REGENT Today Only l:.M BKNVETT in •p artners+i'iiree** Tomorrow Only llall t niite'N Greatest Story, "TH E W (HI W TltOt a\ \ kst iiir \ return engagement. It Is the greatest worn an story ever Inltl* t iIUISTM \s I) ,\ A -—Fit 11) V i S ATI ID) \ \ WALLACE REID In Ills New I'araiiiotint-Artrr.ift Picture, ! THE LOTTERY MAN VDMIHSIO.N - - - lOe nail '-'Oe | ;| REX BEACH | j AT THE THEATER [ | WITH THE PLAYER* KUgar Iwis. having • ompieted I cutting "Ot her Men's Shoes," left tor, .California, where he will make four jbig features for Pathe release. As soon as Mr. He wis reaches tho 1 coast, he will begin work on "Ra honin. from the novel bv Janus Kills; ■ I .reckon ridge. Mr. Ht-vvis is pavticu-| lariy desirous of making* this picture i because it deals with tho rush for lend which took place in Oklahoma thirty vt urs ago when tin- Govern-< nicnt gave out farms t homestud c rs. It huppencd that Mr. Is*wis. at that lime u soldier of fortune, was in ' Oklahoma and was present on the, <.ay when the 250,000 persons made a \ scramble to stake their c aims. These wild scenes witnessed by the director so impressed themselves on his mind that even to this day every detail is as clear to him as if hi' had*seen them yesterday, he claims. The cast for Mary Roberts Kino hart's story. "Dangerous hays." being: filmed at the Uoldwyn West Roust Studio. under the direction of Reginald Parker, was enlarged this week by adding Barbara ('astleton as "Audrey" and Prank lsdgh as "Ru dolph." Doris Pawn, who has just com pleted work in "Tower of Ivory," has bM 11 east as "Flurry" in "The Strange Hoarder." featuring N V ill Rogers, under the direction of Clar ene Rodger. The final iiUorior scenes of Alice: Joyce's in xt special production. "The j Sporting Duchess," are being filmed! at \'ltagiapli's Brooklyn Studio. The | compun.v will go i-ither to Havana, j Cuba. or New Orleans, for the race j track seines, with a strong prob-J .ability in favor of the former. , t SPECIAL CHRISTMAS WFFIv SHOW AT II A.IESTIC THKATEIt Nothing seems to p'ease the kid dies more than the trained mule that is pi iforming at the Majestic Theater the first half of this week. This mule cannot he ridden and a standing otter of s*• is made by the owner if 'the animal for anyone who can ride i the animal for one minute. The mule is only one of tho seven trained ani- ; inals which perform in Rex's Comedy, Circus, the act that was booked es pecially for the kiddies. Four other Keith acts including Rcon Yavara. the raggy pianist I player; "The Cat." a live wire sketch;! Fox and Ingraham. in bits of melody, and Hill and Ackerman. in a variety of comedy gymnasties. f \ SSJ.N N ATION \L CHILD PI ANIST OP riGNt'E agdelkine hm akd Special Representative of French Government, who created furore ' here as soloist with New York Symphony Orchestra, • Assisted by FREDERICK Gl NSTF.n AMERICAN TP NO It TECHNICAL II It. II SCHOOL Friday. Dee. 20. at S.I.N O'clock Tickets now on sale, M. Sigler, Inc.. .10 North Second St.! ► I Jurrisburg. Pa. Direct ion—Salome Sanders Prices. #1.50, #l.OO and War Tax 10 Per cent, i GREAT CIIKIHTAIAs DI SM AL ATTRACTION < * J* r Dearest Dad— Can you ever for give me for not having you at the wedding? Things hap pened so quickly that BETWEEN THE BEGINNING AND THE END of a young bride's letter we learn how ! FLORENCE REED played HER GAME with Love, Honor and Fortune as the stakes But was the game won when it finished? See VICTORIA TODAY—TOMORROW called away an hour ago because of an auto acci dent down the road, and has not come back yet. Your affecionate daughter CAROL | TOM MIX in "THE FEDP ,r - ORPHEDM 3 Days Com. (!. XMAS Christinas ITiaiS SAT. Seats Now I&&TS**-, ; Direct From , New York r MAGICMAf / mm sim/ , ' i fj/y Ria!ous\\\>J: ml// MORE MOMENTS vW OT W HASSIVE 0F WE,RD MYSTERY. yIffIsSTriYSTIFYIMB AMAZIHO Wf?if*IHPRBSIVE i SENSATIONS uL.—-? THAN EVER I 00 THE SPIRITS RETURN? I Nights & Xnuil Saturday Mat. I •Mat. . .. I 25c, 50c, 75c, Jjt • J<k ' 75c - I JSI.OO. 51.50 i Sl.oo MAJESTIC SI'KCIAD AITK A CTION S this \vi:i:k REX'S COMEDY CIRCUS IT'X roil ALilj Seven Clever Animals in a licdlam of mirtli 1 4—Other Keith Acts—4 lAI.HY ON r, JIKADMXKKS I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers