BEI.I, 11191—11.T.-.U I SITED lit I & ui> Framed Pictures We have a large variety of subjects and sceneries; in different sizes with mahogany, walnut and mission finish frames. These pic tures are painted bv noted artists, and are worthy of your inspection: 25c, 39c, 50c to $6.00. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor Curtains and Couch Covers Sunfast Madras Curtains in beautiful color com binations: 2 ! 4 and 2)A yards long; SS.OC to 58.75 pair. Chenille and Armurc Repp Door Curtains; the good heavy kind, in rose, blue, green and brown; 2 K /> yards long; $13.50 to $19.00 pair. Couch Covers in worsted and tapestry. These are made for hard wear: full length and width; sev eral good designs; $4.00 to $1(\00 each. Fine Voile and Marquisette Curtains in white, ivory and ecru; some with neat edges, others more elaborately trimmed. A very beautiful assortment to select from; $2.50 to $ll.OO pair. Handsome I.ace 'lurtains, in white, ivory and ecru: Filet. Quaker > Vaft and Plain Net. These are all this season's patterns and are the most beautiful line we have ever shown; 52.75 to SIK.OO pair. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ■WSJ® - am - Bathrobes I . : —: Kimonos and Petticoats in a Profusion of Pretty Effects I A Warm Bathrobe of Blanket Cloth or Cor duroy id ways makes a handsome gift. We have a large assortment at prices ranging from $3.75, $4.95. $5.75. $5.95. $6.95, $7.50 to $19.50. Lovely Kimonos of Pussywillow, Crepe de Chine, Cheney Silk and Silk and Cotton Crepes are here in an impressive array. Dainty Garments in light blue, flesh, delft, Copen, orchid, wistaria, purple, maize, canary, peach, apricot, rose, gray, navy and figured pat terns ; $2.25 to $27.50. Perhaps she needs a pretty Petticoat for that new dress or suit. Our line of underskirts is com plete with pretty models of Jersey, Italian Silk, Peau de Cygne. Talt> i. Satin and Cot ton materials. Petticoats in Silk Jfersey: 1.00 to $14.50. Pettibloomers in Wool Ti Silk Jersey* BOWMAN'S—T I - Floor. MONDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES EVENINGS AT SIX UNTIL CHRISTMAS i J HARBISBITRG, MONDAY. DKCKDHKII % mill . .1 H IS Christmas Sale of Blankets and Comforts \\ c will place on sale 1 uesday Blankets and Comforts. Just in time to make your selection of a Blanket or Comfort for a Christmas present at prices that we could not duplicate, if we had to buy on to day s market. I here is nothing more appreciated and serviceable than a pair of good warm Blankets or Comforts. The Famous Nashue Woolnap Blankets at Woolnap in Plaids, size 66x80, in assorted col special prices for this sale as follows: ors of pink and white, gray and white, blue and White or Gray, size (>4x76; blue or pink border; white and tan and white; $5.79 pair. ends over-stitched good weight and fleecy; $4.49 , Laige Woolnap in gray and white: size • r ' " /2x84; end bound, heavy fleeced and warm; $6.00. '' ' pair. Gray or White Woolnap; 66x80; end bound I Wool Blankets in Plaids; made of selected with ribbons: assorted colored borders; extra wool, soft and fleecy; small percentage of cotton to heavy and warm; $5.59 pair. j prevent shrinking; $8.98 pair. Wool and Part Wool Blankets in large selection of patterns, includ ing white, gray and larger selection of plaids; $9.50 to $35.00 pair. A Baby Blankets in single and double crib size; white, and blue; / Ii 1 H A these are the famous Beacon Blankets and need no comment. Single Blankets in pink or blue, floral or animal designs; each in box: S 1 - 00 - - 59 to T%ssj£7 Comforts; all wool, double bed size, comforts made of figured ma \j|terials: both sides alike; $7.50 each. Cotton Filled Comforts in large selection of cretonnes and patterns, silkalinc and satine. Some both sides alike, others plain: back and fancy tops; some with borders, others plain; $6.00 to $9.00 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. A Beautiful Line of Greeting Cards If you have not got your supply, better get it now before they are all sold. There is no simpler and better way to greet your friends than with a small verse, or greeting; 5c and 10c each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Neckwear Collars and Sets in materials of Organdie, Georgette and Lace; 50c to $3.50 each. Real Filet Collars and Sets; $3.95 to $12.50 ea. The new Point Collars; SI.OO to $3.50 each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. * Star Gift Specials * Silk Blouses $3.89 Georgette an<l Crepe de Chine Waists in all wanted shades, trim med with embroidery and lace; all; Star Special, 53.89. BOWMAN'S—THIRL) FLOOR. Worsted Table Covers $2.49 Lot of Worsted Table Covers; 60x60 Inches, with fringe; Star i Special, each, $2.49. BOWMAN'S—FOURTH FLOOR. Table Cloth and Napkins $2.95 One Hemstitched Damask Table Cloth and one-half dozen Hem stitched Napkins to match; neatly boxed; Star Special, $2.95 complete. BOWMAN'S—SECOND FLOOR. Thread Silk Stockings $1.19 A fine quality of medium weight Pure Thread Silk Stockings for I women-; serviceable, elastic lisle top and feet; black, cordovan, navy ' and gray; Star Special, $1.19. BOWMAN'S—MAIN FLOOR. I. t . Union Suits 89c Children's Union Suits; gray cotton, ribbed fleece lined; all sizes; Star Special, S9c. BOWMAN'S—MAIN FLOOR. Dressed Dolls 98c Rig lot of Dolls just arrived. These dolls should have arrived in September. For quick disposal we have marked them at 98c. They arc about 13 inches high, nicely dressed with shoes, stockings and hut; Star Special 98e. BOWMAN'S —BASEMENT. Petticoats $2.98 i Silk Petticoats with dainty tucks or ruffle trimmed flounces in a ] wide variety of suit shades, waistbands to 30 inches. Star Special, $2.98. BOWMAN'S—THIRD FLOOR. Loom Tufted Rugs SIO.OO These Rugs are made by Blgelow-Hartford Company and Lyons ; Carpet Company in rich Orientul colors and patterns; 36x65 inches; ; Star Special; SIO.OO. B(IWMAN'S—FOURTH FLOOR. Daniel Green's Comfy Slippers, $1.35 Women's Daniel Green Felt Comfy Slippers. Drummers' samples; i sizes 4, 4V and 5. Star Special. $1.35. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. , HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH For Tuesday Only Veilings Veiling's are always appreciated. And now is the time to wear them, to protect the face from the wind. V e have it by the yard in the newest meshes, in col ors of black, brown, taupe and navy; 59c to $1.25 yd. Ready-to-wear Veils; SI.OO to $3.50 each. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Gifts Among Notions The last minute shopper always welcomes suggestions; so here are a few from the notion department:— Kitchen Aprons; 89c. Bubble Sets; 75c Fancy Garters; $1.39 to $4.25. Work Boxes; 19c to $2.75 Fans of all descriptions; 25c to $30.00. Pin Cushions; 45c to 75c. Christmas Boxes; 10c to 25c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Aluminum Percolator $2.25 Aluminum Coffee Percolator, squat shape, made by Manning lor Bowman Ac Company. Has ebonized handle. This is not the cheap percolator used by some stores for advertising purposes; Star Spe cial, <12.25. BOWMAN'S — BASEMENT. Table Lamp Electric Table Lamp; mahogany llr/.sh with silk shade; assorted colors. Star Special, $0.25. BOWM AX'S-B ASEM EXT Dress Material Specials 30-inch Printed Foulards, dark grounds with medium ligures; Star Specials; $1.95 yard. 44-inch Imported Black Velveteen; fast black and fast pile; Star Specials, $3.95 yard. 30-incli Imported Oingliam Zephyrs; 3,000 yards in new assort ment just come in of plaids and stripes; Star Special, 59c yard. 30-inch Wool Mixed Batiste; pink, rose, grays and tar.-.r; Star Spe cial, 59c yard. 1 JOWMAX'S —MA 1N FL<>< >lt. Black Velvet Bags, $1.95 Black Velvet Bug, metal frame, finished with chenille tassel, lined with poplin and fitted with coin purse and mirror; Star Special, $1.95. BOWMAN'S —MA IN FLOOK. Filet Trimmed Scarfs at 1-3 Off An extraordinary value in a wanted gift is this timely offering. Choice of Cupid or Conventional designs with varied cut of centers of good quality. These scarfs are all eighteen Inches' in widths and como in three wanted lengths; Star Special, 36-inch length; SI.OO. 45-inch length, 71.17; 50-inch length, $1.34. Children's Rain Capes, $1.95 Children's Ttain Capes, with silk plaid lined hoods, in tar.-, blue and red. Star Special, $1.95. BOWMAN'S—Sevond Floor. Cabinet Smokers, Fitted, $13.75 A fine, high-grade Cabinet Smoker, fitted with self lighter, cigar cutter, ash tray, cigar holders, pipe racks and large cupboard for stor age; finished In mahogany and oak. Star Special, $13.75. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Brass Smoking Sets, 95c Smoking Sets, made of genuine Jupanese hummered brass, consist ing of tray, match holder, cigar or cigaret holdqr and ash box. The very latest thing ar.-d n gift that father, brother or uncle would appre ciate. Star Special, 98c. SOWMAN'S—Main Floor, A Practical and Desirable Gift Bedspreads form a method of gift giving' that carry with them the interpretation' of thought fulness and a desire to he of some practical ser vice to the recipient. Undernoted we offer a se lection that will meet the resources of all purses. Hemmed Crochet Bedspread, double bed size; in a snow white, bleach and attractive patterns, $3.00 and $3.50 each. Hemmed Satin Bedspreads; full double bed size; exquisitely finished in beautiful designs; these spreads have only to be seen to have their value appreciated; $7.50 and SIO.OO each. Bedspreads with cut corners; double bed \ size and $8.50 ed in pink and blue; BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. DECEMBER 22, 1919 STORE CLOSES EVENINGS AT SIX UNTIL CHRISTMAS For the Baby's Christinas His majesty, no doubt, is a great believer in com fort—so why not give him a. gift that will make him happy by making him comfortable. Creepers, Dresses and Slips at just the right price to please ! baby and mother. White Poplin, Percale, Soisctte and Crepe I Creepers, trimmed, smocked and hand embroidered in pink, blue, white and contrasting colors; 6 months, 1, 2 and 3 years; $1.50, $1.75. $1.95 to $4.50. Infants' Short White Dresses, made of Nain sook; yoke and Bishop styles, trimmed with line lace and embroidery; 85c, SI.OO. $1.25 to $5.50. Infants' Hand-made Dresses of line Nainsook, | plain yoke and Bishop styles, with hand embroidery, French knots and feather stitching; $1.95, $2.25 to j $6.50. Infants' Slips; plain, Bishop and yoke styles with trimmings of dainty lace and embroidery; also hand made slips; 85c, SI.CO, $1.25 to $5.50. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 1 Bowman's For j| H • • 8 I Gift Furniture | You know, cream usually is at the top. So, $0 don't forget to get up on the Fifth Floor and see gSj Wl what's there. If you want gifts that enhance *| the beauty of home or you want some simple w (W piece of furniture to please some one friend, you ff, will find here furniture and floor lamps of the distinctive sort. i Xti Additional shipments of smokers offer a good (K selection in both cabinet and pedestal styles; § Wt some are fitted with lighters and humidors; dif- § <s. ferent finishes of wood and metal; $2.98 to $35.00 § 111 Select a Tea Wagon that will harmonize well § with your dining room furniture. We are show- ®jj fig ing a nice line of tea wagons in Golden Oak, An- ssj tique Mahogany and American Walnut. Several spa hp periods represented; $12.75 to $35.00. Never have we offered so many attractive SH fig Floor Lamps as this season. A showing of many jj|| jjjg styles and designs, both in plain Mahogany and || S Lacquer decorated. Shades arc in combinations m )§i of beautiful colored silks; $19.75 to SIOO.OO. © BOWMAN'S FIFTH FLOOR FOR FINE FURNITURE. FOUNDED 187 i CARPET SWEEPERS If mother or wife does not have a sweeper, make her work easier by giv ing" her one for a gift. Bissel's Sweepers, $4.25 to $6.50. Tprrington Sweepers; $4.25 to $6.00. Bissel's Vacuum; $9.00 to $13.00. T orrington Vacuum; $7.00 to $9.75. Torrington Elec tric Cleaners ; $49.75. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor 9
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