Kennedy Sells 321 Market Tuesday and Wednesday, December 23rd and 24th Suggestions For Christmas Presents Shaving Mirrors Ivory Articles Military Hair Brushes Safety Razors Flash Lights Manicure Sets Brushes and Combs Box of Cigars Carton of Cigarettes Toilet Water and Extracts Toilet Sets Traveling Sets Briar Pipe—Amber Stem Writing Paper Smoking Stands Hot Water Bottles Icy Hot Bottles Tourist Kits Kewpie Dolls Face Powders Flora Sweet Face Powder 59c Mary Garden Face Powder 77c Djer Kiss Face Powder 49c Garden Allah Face Powder 54c Garden Fragrance Powder 39c Fiancee Face Powder 79c Vendome Face Powder 98c Azurea Face Powder $1.27 Flormye Face Powder $1.27 Mavis Face Powder 39c Lady Mary Face Powder 39c La Blache Face Powder 42c L-Ame (La May) 23c and 39c Toilet Soaps Cuticura Soap .1 Palmer's Soap •' gm Poslam Soap I D. D. D. Soap ' IOC Johnson's Foot Soap . .. i Jergen's Geranium Bath J _ Palmolive 3 IOJT Rose Glycerine v f| f* Floating Rose Bath ....J a/* Life Buoy J Manicure Items 50c Cutex Set 39c $1.50 Cutex Set 98c $3.00 Cutex Set . . . $2.34 35c Cuticle Remover . . 1 35c Nail White j 35c Nail File OO 35c Cuticle Comfort .... j Jl/* 35c Rouge j' 35c Liquid Enamel j MONDAY EVENING, Toilet Creams Elcaya Cream 45c Cream De Meridor 34c Rose Cold Cream 28c Othine, Double-Strength 69c Stillman's Cream 32c Mavis Cold Cream 43c Elmo Cucumber Cream 39c Pompeian Day Cream 40c Oriental Cream $1.09 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 38c De Meridor Cream 21c, 34c Violet Cucumber Cream 29c Talcum Powders Mennen's Talcum . 19c Johnson's Red Cross Talcum .... 15c Pompeian Talcum 19c Babcock's Corylopsis 15c Babcock's Butterfly 18c Mavis Talcum 19c Palmolive Talcum 19c Lady Mary Talcum 39c Djer Kiss Talcum 21c Williams' Talcum 17c Jess Talcum 13c, 18c Dental Items Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Forhan's Tooth Paste 23c, 39c Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c Arnica Tooth 50ap...... 19c Euthymol Paste or Powder 18c- Graves Paste or Powder 18c Lyon's Paste or Powder 18c Senreco Tooth Paste 24c Lilly Tooth Paste 19c and 37c Zylano Tooth Paste !45c Johnson's & Johnson's Dental Floss 13c, 18c, 28c Special-Xmas-Candies Direct From Candy Kettle to You "Garrott"—so oz. box Asst. Chocolates $4.48 "Garrott"—26 oz. box Asst. Chocolates $2.48 "Garrott" Old Original Bittersweets $2.57 "Garrott" Milk Chocolates $1.29 "Garrott" Colonial sl.lO "Garrott" de Preference sl.lO "Garrott" Rhodora Chocolates sl.lO "Garrot" Whole Cherries in Cream 78c "Novia" Chocolates ... 98c "Alpha" Chocolates $1.13 "Auerbach" Town Talk Chocolates $1.27 "Fritz's Asst. Chocolates 89c "Fritz's Hidden Treasure 98c "Lowney's Leaders $1.48 "Helm's" Assorted Chocolates 53c CIGAR SPECIALS Manila .r., s 6 for 25c Sealed Havana . . . . .... 25 for $1.25 Thos. Willing 10 for 50c; 50 for $2.25 Old Abe 10f0r50c;50f0r52.25 Gen. Knox . 10 for 50c; 50 for $2.25 Lord Stowell 10 for 50c; 50 for $2.25 "44" 50 for $3.00 Owl 50 for $3.00 Counsellor . v . 50 for $3.00 Roig . 50 for $3.00 Even Steven . 50 for $3.00 Knull's Ambrosia 50 for $3.00 Bold 50 for $3.00 Adlon . 50 for $4.00 Manuel 50 for $4.00 El Producto 25 for $2.50 Acheiver 25 for $2.50 Cortez . 50 for $5.00 CIGARETTE SPECIALS Fatimas . 21c; Carton, $2.10 Camels .. ..> 18c; Carton, SI.BO Lucky Strike 18c; Carton, SI.BO Piedmont . 18c; Carton, SI.BO Chesterfield 18c; Carton, SI.BO Helmar . 15c; Carton, $1.40 Mogul ! 2 Packs for 33c Natural 2 Packs for 33c Melachrino 2 Packs for 33c Lord Salisbury 2 Packs for 33c HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 22, 1919. Assorted Perfumery Sets 1 AT Specially Reduced Prices Mary Garden $7.50, $16.48 Un Air Enbaume $29.00 Djer Kiss $2.59, $3.10, $4.75, $7.19 Lady Mary ....... $5.70 Mavis ~,53.10 Brown's Boomerang ~.x...x. $7.18 Brown's Garden of Allah . $6.58 Brown's Violet Simplicity $5.18 Woodworth's D'Alene Lilac $4.88 Vivadous's La Boheme . . $11.78 Vivadou's Lilas (Arley) $9.50 Woodworth's Fiancee . ~.54.88 Woodworth's Garden Fragrance ........ $2.98 Roger and Gallet Amberose $13.75 Roger and Gallet Jacinthe . $8.75 Roger and Gallet Lilas $5.00 Roger and Gallet Violette $3.98 and a full Line of Hudnets Sets Standard Patents Tanlac ...79c Vinol 79c Pierce's Medicine 79c Nujol, 9 ozs 40c Scott's Emulsion 98c S. S. S., small 69c S. S. S., large $1.23 Sal Hepatica .. 19c, 39c, 77c Pinkham's Compound 83c Gude's Pepto-Mangan 93c Kilmer's Swamp-Root 39c, 73c Pills and Tablets 100—Blaud's Iron Pills , 19c 100—5-grain Cascara 39c 100—Bayer's Aspirin 85c 100—Bell-Ans 45c 100—Cathartic Pills 45c Pape's Diapepsin ...34c Pond's Digestines 10c, 23c, 43c De Witt's Kidney Pills 34c, 67c Nuxated Iron 69c Stuart's Calcium Wafers 34c Stuart's Dyspepsia 34c, 67c Bellatone 83c Cascarcts 10c, 19c, 39c Shaving Items $5.00 Gillette Razor $3.75 $5.00 Auto Strop Razor $4.39 SI.OO Gem Razor 83c SI.OO Ever-Ready Razor 79c SI.OO Durham Duplex Razor ....79c 6—Auto Strop Blades 39c 7 —Gem Blades 39c s—Durham Duplex Blades 39c 6—Ever-Ready Blades 28c Shaving Brushes 25c to $2.85 Standard Patents S. S. S. Blood Medicine ...69c, $1.19 Miles' Nervine 77c Father John's 40c, 80c Jad Salts 55c California Syrup Figs 39c Pinex .39c Shiloh's Cough 19c, 39c Foley's Honey and Tar .... 19c, 39c Kemp's Balsam 21c, 40c Bro no-Seltzer 75c Lavoris 19c, 39c, 79c Salves and Ointments Vick's Salve 19c, 39c, 83c Resinol Ointment 39c Musterole 19c Mentholatum 19c, 37c Musterine 19c Carbolic Salve 28c Palmer's Ointment 19c, 39c Analgic Bengue 45c Campherole 23c, 43c Humphrey's Witch Hazel .. 19c, 39c lodex 40c Poslam 43c, $1.60 Hair Dressings Q-Ban Restorer 49c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 69c Hay's Hair Health 39c, 69c Danderine 22c, 43c, 70c Parker's Hair Balsam 39c, 79c Pinaud's Hair Tonic 49c, 98c Mary T. Goldman 98c Brownatone '..89 c Sago Sage and Sulphur ........45c Herpicide 1 43c, 73c Elvera Shampoo 59c Liquid Silmerine 80c 7
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