18 Get That Position Through Advertising in the Classified--For That Is the Modern Way of Applying For Work 4W ■,<■<-■* •**' W" JM 'tHTdt!"jr y- x-*tfSsanswr^K*^f**vgt> : &WP°&£- ;;■ ;* S IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs. E. K. Mountz, who departed this life one rear ago to-day, December 22, 1918. By Husband and Daughter. LOST AND FOUND LOST — Will the lady who picked up ! small brown billfold containing $7 or $8 at corner Second and Chestnut sts. tront of Acme store at noon Saturday, kindly return to Telegraph business office and receive reward. LOST— Wednesday in Dives, Pom eroy c Stewart's, a brown leather biliiold containing some currency. Reward if returned to 102 State su or call Bell 2152 W. Lost or stolon, \Boston bull terrier, answers to name of "Boy, dark brown boay, white breast, four white leet. lip Oi tail white, ears and tail not cut. Reward if returned to la it iieen St. Bell 144. 1N STH UCTIONS BECKLEY'S Business College. En ter any time. Individual promotion, 121 Market St. 11EL1* WANTED—MALE — j F YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO ANOTHER LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR FKItS YOU STEADY WORK THE VIL \ll li OUN' D. LXLbIjLbM WORKING CONDITIONS. KDLCA 'ATONAL ADVANTAGES and L CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABIL ITY. GENERAL REPAIRMEN BORING MILL ALL AROUND MACHINISTS CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS PIPEFITTERS PATTKRN M A K E RS SHEET METAL WORKERS BENCHMEN, ERECTORS. ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WELDERS NEEDED Apply in person, or write at once to factory Office Employment. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, , AKRON, OHIO. I j WANTED For office work in large com pany, young man good at fig ures and capable of operating typewriter or billing machine. State age, tvhere educated, experience, salary expected and reference. Address Box L-9086 care Telegraph. SALESMAN OR BROKER One who has the facilities to repre sent us and push an issue of nerit. Some leads now available. Very ibela I arrangement. Please advise us >r vuur activities. Our representative a ill be in your city after January 1. MeLAINE & COMPANY. 53 State Street, Boston. Mass. BOOKKEEPER WANTED by the 11 ARRISBU KG CLUB Must he able to furnish ref erences and fidelity bond. Pre fer man over 40. Apply bel iweeh 12 and 2 to T. P. McCUBBIN At Harrisburg Club SOLICITORS Desiring to become high class salesmen and make permanent con nections in local sales toiee. A\ e - ea c" you our business and pay S'ou a '- ary and commission while learning- Apply Room 410 Patriot Bldg. AY ANTED —Branch office managers. Salary and bonus. Must have refer . nces and cash or other security. Permanent positions. Articles exten sively advertised, thousands of wen pleased customers. Also several ings for salesmen. Only „ mean business need aPh'y; .7 Sun - F. M„ Room 216, tomith Bldg.. Sun bury, Pa. SALESMEN To work in crew, magazine propo sition. salary and commission, plenty of i enewals. Want men to train for new niunagers. Apply Koum 4lu la triot Bldg. W'ANTCD Four planing mill bunds' or cabinetmakers. Reference required. Apply P. o. Box 416. Harris burg. 1 A SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Training quulitles you in your spare time to fill important accounting, irafl'ic. banking and sales positions. Positions located for graduates, hull information without obligation. Last tin office. 26 N. 18th St. Bell 3299. WANTED —River coal fireman for industrial plant, steady work for com petent man, none except those experi enced in filing river coal need appiy. Reference required. Apply Hbg. Mtg. and Boiler Co.. 19th and Derry Sts. SALESMAN to handle automobile lubricant in Harrisburg and vicinity. Man between age of 25 and 40 with excellent reputation, experience in this line not necessary. To man who can qualify will be in position to make good income. Address Box 133, Leb anon, Pa. ROLL turners wanted. Experienced men only need apply. Steady work. Good wages. Address "Turners," JjlJ Heed Bldg., Philadelphia. MESSENGERS glutting good wages. Healthy outdoor work. Opportunity lor clerical positions. Apply imme diately. Western Union Telegraph Company. iContinued In Next Column! FOR SALE Cloverly Heights Residence NO. 1032 ROLLESTON STREET Detached 214-story brick dwell ing; 8 rooms, batli and pantry; gas and electric lights; steam lieat; first floor lias hardwood floors; cemented cellar with laun dry. There is a fine garage. The property has many attractive' fea tures. Lot, 46x11U ft., SIOO worth of shrubbery. The adjoining lot, 40x110 ft. can be bought either separately or with the house. Price upon inquiry. Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCT ST WD COUHT STS. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE! St METY HON'US .Members Harrisburg tteul Estate Hoard MONDAY EVENUNCi, HELP WANTED—MALE MECHANICALLY INCLINED YOUNG MEN WANTED We offer opportunities each month lo a limited number of young men to enter our I school for machine adjusters. | We supply intensive train ing in the adjustment and re pair of our product and then assign men to branch offices in ail parts of the U. S. A. To young men of vision this work offers, aside from the mechanical training, interest ing and exceptional oppor tunities for the acquirements of a practical commercial • education and there is an un usual field for advancement. Call or write. SERVICE AND SUPPLY DEPT.. ELLIOTT-FISHER CO., HARRISBURG, PA. WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY- j I MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO . STEELTON. PA I i WANTED Experienced treerer and iron i er at once. Good pay. Apply, ! KUHN. PAVORD WILKS SHOE C 0..! 4 6 North Ceaneron Street. ' ' WANTED AUTO TRUCK DRIVER (White) 1 One who possesses knowl l edge of mechanical features; also some salesmanship abil ity. Good and permanent po i sition to right party. Address in confidence. Box T-7609 care Telegraph. ' WANTED —Laborers and contra;- 1 1 tors. Appiy Paxtang Quarries, Pax- 1 j tang. WANTED —One good automobile j mechanic. Apply at once. Fedenck's | Garage, 1807 N. 7th St. j W ANTED —More men to work on j automobiles and airplanes, between j class hours. You have an excellent I chance to learn the business, we j guarantee 50 hours per week at $.30 ■ per hour. Our full course is SIOO. Ap | ply 25 North Cameron St. 1 lying I Field, 141 ii and Sycamore Sts. Hbg j Airdrome Hbg.. Pa. ' HELP WANTED —FEMALE SILK, SILK, SILK Silk Operators Good Learners If steady work Is what you want and short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL , _ Cor. Second and North Sts. i STENOGRAPHER Experienced, one who is ac customed to rapid dictation; opportunity for advancement. Address Box T-7607 care Tele graph. | WANTED —By a representa tive retail store, for pernia- I nent position with pleasant 1 surroundings, an experienced i stenographer, able to assist I witli genera? pffice work. Ad dress witli full details of ex | perience and salary expected. I Address K-6421 care Tele graph. WANTED—MiddIe aged wom an lor general housekeeping. Must furnish references. Ap ply H. G. McAllister. 325 Mar ket StreeL WANTED —A woman for _ sewing, apply at Keystone Laundry. Wallace |and Harris Sts. WANTED —Young girl or elderly woman to help with housework. Ap ply at 1510 Green Street. ' WANTED— 1 -White girl for general I housework; wages $8 per week. Ap ! ply 901 North Second St., or call Bell j phone 208. SEWING machine operators want ed A few good learners taken. We work 50 hours' a week and pay every Saturday, steady work guaranteed. Bonus paid every week. Apply Harris burg Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg. WANTED —Woman or girl for gen eral housework, good home lo right I party, inquire 3003 Riverside Drive |or Bell phone 3398. | WANTED Experienced g'ris on ! paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris j paper Box.. 103 N. Cameron St 4 (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—I'EMALE OPERATORS Owing to the rapid increase of our business we are re quiring" experienced sewing machine operators. Work is regular and permanent. As sanitary conditions of our sewing rooms and the effi ciency of our machines are second to none, operators can earn good wuges. A bonus is paid every pay day to oper ators. BLOUGH MFG. CO., INC., REILY AND FULTON STREETS WANTED —Girl over 20 years old for store work, reference required. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second St. CANVASSERS Two ladies for city work, magazine proposition that appeuls to every housewife, salary and commission. Wo will teach you our work. Apply Room 410 Patriot Uidg. WANTED—Six bright and steady girls between ages of 16 and 20. We will teach you an excellent trade and pay you $lO per week while learning. Kraus & Co., Inc., 323 S. Cameron St. WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to 110,000 yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. 1 Assn., Dept. 603, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE CHAUFFEUR wants job. Call 25 N. 11th St. or Bell 1710. EX-SERVICE man looking for em ployment with some firm with which there will be opportunities for de velopment and advancement. Address Box S-7970 care Telegraph. WANTED—Bookkeeping or clerical losition by man with experience in ank work and general bookkeeping. i-7965 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT 714 Capital Street, Second lioor furnished front room. All conveniences. Call Bell 466 R. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room on third lioor for light housekeeping, heat, gas and use of bath. Inquire 32, .South Front St. FOR RENT—Two or three unfur nished rooms with improvement, for light housekeeping, use of bath. Call 3 16 Muench or coiner of Fourth and Muench Sts. FOR RENT—Large front room, fur nished. heat and bath, electric light, both phones, reasonable rates, 1549 State street, cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, all co i veniences, city steam heat, also second floor furnished room. Call 807 North Second Street. TWO furnished rooms suitable for housekeeping, situated on third floor rear, 212 North Third street. Appiy 9 North Front St. Dial 5775. ROOMS for rent, three unfurnished communicating rooms, first floor, for light housekeeping, use of bath, range and light lurnished, sls per month in advance; no children; vicin ity, Third and Forsler Sts. Box 1699, City. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms on second floor, all conveniences, electric light and city steam, centrally locat ed. Apply 9 N. Front St. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front ooni with all conveniences, private lamtly; good central location; gentle men only. Apply 321 N. 2d StreiV. NEWLY furnished room with pri vate entrance, ail convenience, cen trally located, price $5 per week, Ueritlemar. only, very suitable tor business man. Call Bell phone 4620 R. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Adults only, nquire 923 North beeond St. TWO rooms and private bath, all nodern conveniences, will rent sep- j aiately or ensuite, suitable for light j ousekeeplng or otherwise. Bell hone, 815 N. 17th St. . I NIOEEY furnished warm rooms $3 , per week and up. 143 S. Third St. | TWO furnished rooms, second floor, i bay windows, porch, bath, phone, j strain lieat, good location, ten min utes' walk to business section, reter tnces. call after 4 p. m. or before | 9 a. m. Bell phone 4607 M. | ROOMS WANTED WANTED —Three or l'ouivrooms for light housekeeping, furnished or un furnished. Suburban preferred. State price. Address H-8208 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT RIVER DRIVE APARTMENTS Six rooms and bath, all mod ern improvements, ready for occupancy. LEWIS B. COHEN, SOS Bergner Building. Bell phone 626 FURNISHED apartment for rent on 'second Hoor front bedroom, dining i loom and kitchen combined, steam heat, hot and cold water, use ol bath, ' furnished up to date. Also a separate room for light housekeeping. Appiy \ at 443 Walnut St. 332 Harris street, furnished apart ment of three rooms on first floor. Ref erence required. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —Unfurnished apartment of two rooms, bath and kitchenette; must be centrally located. Call Dial 3362 between 1b and 8 o'clock. REAL ESTATE FCR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE North Sixth Street. t Penn Street. Cumberland Street. Moore Street. Derry Street. Swalara Street. Also many suburban properties. All kinds of farms. large and small; prices reasonable. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF CITY Any thing you want ill homes, some on easy payment, special 24-aero truck ■ arm near Mechaniesburg. Pa. Bar ! train price if sold before February 1. '••nil or phono C. F. Morning, 13lh and I Market Sts. Bell 4209 M. i Continued In Aext Cvlumii) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IF LIFE IN THIS CITY INTER ESTS YOU then you will find the classified ads interesting—for they re flect hundreds of phases and angles of it. They picture its minor busi ness activities, inform you as to cur rent opportunities. The life of the city would be only imperfectly understood or appreciated by anyone Avho failed to keep in touch Avith the little ads. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALLE FOR SALE Possession oO Days' Notice 1"14 N. 15th St.; 3-story brick; cor ner property; all improvements. Price fttiwu 147 Sylvan Terrace; 3-story 227 11 N mP 'lst'h'"st.';" 3-ktoiy" brick; porches, drive alley; all 1731 Park St.; 2>,4-story brick, afi 228 m s.' 29th St!;' 2>V-Vtory frame; side entrance; lot, 20x19u; all j^'aoo •>3O S "9th St.; 2V4 -story frame; side entrance; lot, 20x19u; all iln P;; OKA 2-storv frame; S rooms; lot, 60x150; Bank St., Penbrook. Price, $-.000 1009-11-13 N. 19th St.; 3-story fram£; water and gas; price, each - .*-.) 1123 State; 3-story brick; all imp. l'rice C-storv. 12-room brick and brownstone house, cor. property, hot water heat. AVhitehall and Regina sts. Price very reasonable. Easy terms. I os session at once. CHARLES DA VIES Real Estate and Fire Insurance. 1549 State, Cor. lth. Bell 4162-R uial 4930 FOR SALE—VACANT r,"l Maclav Street, 3-story frame dwelU'-S. $ rooms and bath, all im nrovt, lents, first class condition, lot "oxlso with double brick garage, lox 20 on rear. Price $4950. C O BACKENSTOSS, Owner. Harrisburg. Pa. £N 307 7 J FOR SALE Three-story brick house on corner with large store e o?h n er r im^rov h emcnt a ' e i r n gofti rondiUon°Na r HO0 P North Sixth St. For further information call 1100 N. bUi Street. Occupied by owner. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental nayment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bon™ first payment required, balance is rent We have houses in every cart of the city and suburbs. Apply 5? p. poranz. 1325 North Sixth street. NOW VACANT MUST BE LEAVING Bellevue lload, 3-story brick, in pairs? 8 r. and b., gas. electricity, two ranges, steam heat, linoleum. Minds and screens, front and real porches, lear 4rive lley i 1 no t * loU. Built in 191b. Price SIBOO. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Harrisburg Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. NEW double house, 100 feet south sss Sl l h h t, S KwsoS l ho ß r i,r?uung'roon 1 ;. era. Bell 3054 K. wad S A LIS—-Two Long Island lots, Kurd, Trustee, 317 Chestnut rK u tor property. No commissions. UAjfl yuiek settlements. Lhus. Adler. 1003 IN. Third street. FOR SALE — 20th and Brookwood sts beautiful corner house with five ots; end of lots, good building with *4 000 feet lioor space suitable tor any business, shutting belting and 3 H. P. motor, 12 H- P- steam boner. Reason lor selling, leaving city, inquire C. E. Cooper, 20th and Brookwood Sts. BEAUTIFUL SUMMEtt HOME with largo lawn and shrubbery. Also about 7 acres of land suitable for farming or building plots. Will be sold in lots or as a wnole. Also one row of five frame houses. All located with in six miles ot Harrisbuig. Excellent car service. Call Steelton Exchange, 106J on Bell phone. ■ MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Business property, on Market street Brick construction, consisting- of „tore and nne dwelling. A 1 condition throughout, all improvements, am compelled to sell for good reasons. 1C you mean business inquire for full particulars to Box B-7967 care Tele graphy FOR SALE —333 and 337 Emerald St., possession April 1. 3038 and 3030. Susquehanna St., possession in 3o I days. Apply to 814 Capital St. VACANT Seven homes, ranging from six rooms and bath tq ten rooms and bath, for particulars, cull on D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis Street. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE • Situate 918 NORTH THIRD STREET Eleven rooms and bath, city steam and all other moderu conveniences. Immediate pos session given. AiDly for terms and conditions at CENTRAL TRUST COMJPANY, Third and Broad Streets, Harrlsburg, Pa. PENN STREET property for sale, 8 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, 1836 Penn 1 Lt?£t Price 13800. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. i S3XOO will purchase -a brick house j with seven rooms and bath, other iin i provcments. Bell Realty Co.. Bergruir ! Building. i VACANT— House 033 Boyd Btreet, being renovated, offered tor sale at Seasonable price and easy terms. Bell | Realty Co- Bergner Bldg. 1 lContinued In Next Column; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDER LIN." YOUR LAST CHANCE „r> . ONLY ONE OF SIX LEFT BRAND NEW AND VACANT—NO MONEY DOAVN. SAME AS RENT j . an(4 Paxton sts. —Seven rooms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity; a real modern home; front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in rear. POSSESSION AT ONCE Fulton St., 1832—Three-story, eight room house, some improvements; very rare opportunity for family of modern means to buy a home. POSSESSION AT ONCE RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER ! 12th St.. N„ 68—Three-story, eight rooms and bath, newly painted and papered; gas and electricity; all im provements; house in first class con dition; now vacant. A RARE OPPORTUNITY South 16tli St., 544—Two-story brick, seven rooms and bath, cenienl cellar, very easily heated, newly pa pered and in very good condition. Pos session by January 1. Small amount of cash, balance same as rent. Can be seen at any time. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME Three-story brick, nine rooms, new ly papered throughout, hot and cold water in cemented cellar. Outside cel larway, nice size yard, all modern conveniences; small amount of cash; balance same as rent. Possession on short notice. 1. ASA SANDER LIN. Room 1 Security Tiust Building, 36 North Thiid Street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573 , FOR SALE | Vacant and completely renovated. Peffer street between Third and I Fourth streets, three-story brick, all i Improvements. SSUO down, balance in j monthly payments. Reily street, between Sixth and Seventh. All improvements. S3OO <own, balance as rent. Derry street, between 21st and 22d streets, tnree-story briens. electric i light and steam heat. S3OO down, bal- I ance at rent. I Logan Street, 1900 block, $2500 land S3OOO. SIOO down. $25 a mouth. I Reel street, above Seneca, three- I story brick, drive alley in the rear, I all improvements, S3OO down, balance : as rent. i I 224 S. 17th St.. two-story brick, all Improvements, S2OO down, s'-'& per | noil til. i 1430 Naudain Street, three-story brick, all Improvements. S2OO down, 1 $25 per nuonth. LOUIS B. COHEN. 308 Bergner Building. Bell 620. Dial 6226 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Two Mechaniesburg properties. Fine shade trees, front lawns, granolithic pavements, large porches, pressed urick fronts, nine looms and baili, oak finish, art glass, line mantels, furnace, electric lights and gas. Both in excellent repair and three minutes Horn trolley or train. If you are look | ing for a real suburban home this is I > our opportunity. North Sixth Street above Reily, 3- story brick residence. Second lioor ar ranged as separate apartment. Eight looms and bath, cemented cellar Willi lurnuee. Separate fruit and vegetable cellar. Possession about sixty days. North Sixth above Reily. 2 >4-story Irame, store front with private front entrance to dwelling. Bix rooms a;cl hath. Building lot 155 feet deep. A good investment. G. W. HAUCK COMPANY. 202 Caldcr Bldg.. 16 N. Market Squa-e. Real Estate and Insurance. Bell phone 3917 J. FUR SALE For cash or exchange for city prop erty: immediate possession, 2138 X. Third street, being a fine up to dale home with garage In rear. Also 1010 North Third street. Store room and two uparttnenls. city steam, electric light, liberal terms. Apply S. FRIEDMAN. 232 Market St. or 217 Defter St. HOUSES FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE Houses of all kinds in all parts of the city. Some on easy terms, four I now vacant, possession at once. Somo 1 nice corner properties. A few large single homes with large lawn and shade trees, two or three up-to-date apartment houses, ten per cent, cleur. Several 3-story brick houses centrally located very suitable for apartments, several business stands. Grocery store, etc. For lull particulars. Apply | or phone to C 11 CORDEII, 1722 Green Street. I Real Estate, Insurance • Rents Collected. Bell 560J AN up-to-date factory building. 3- Htnrv urlek and concrete, corner : iimnerty. centrally located. D. A. I calev, 107 Kunkel Bldg. PUFFER STREET'house for sale. ; Eight rooms and bath. gas. Price ' $2500. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bigg. ! SUMMIT STREET. S„ 165. p77ce hss Just boon reduced. Eight rooms and hath. gas. turnace. Bell Realty j Co.. Bergner Bldg. 1 I Continued In Next Column* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE MOST APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS | WIFE FOR J HUSBAND | DAUGHTER I SON Buy a homo, prepare now for tho spring drive. I have what you want and where you want it, either cash or time payments. LOUIS B. COHEN Room 308 Bergner Building. Bell 626 sth and Kelker Sts., lot 54x45 ft. 13th and Walnut Sts.. lot 90x96 ft. 3d and Calder Sts., lot 41x05 ft. Suitable locations for business site. BAUM & ROBESON, Russ Building. Bell phone 353 J. lIOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bun galow; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban POSSESSION AT ONCE Lemoyne—North Market St.. semi detached 2%-story brick, modern in every respect. Very little cash needed. Ca'l or phone C. P. Morning, 3 South 13th St. Bell 4209 M. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Large brick stable and warehouse, situate 1631) Fulton street. Immediate possession given. For terms and conditions, apply at Cen- ! tral Trust Company, Third and Broad ! streets, Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Will |ou sell? What is your ! price? 1 have many calls. No sale, no charge. Give me a chance. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Harrisburg Bell phone 560J Insurance, Rents Collected -——— . WANTED to purchase. We are in- | terested in purchasing a property somewhere between North and Lo- I cust and Kront and Third Streets. BACKENSTOSB REALTY CO., (Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. WE will save you time and annoy- | ance from agents and advertising, by buving your real estate direct. Sen t , us'full particulars in your letter audi we will buy your property if the price is right. Address P. O. Box 620. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS j FOR RENT FLOOR AND WAREHOUSE Steam heat, water, elevator, low insurance. Apply Super intendent BOWMAN & COMPANY. • STOREROOM FOR RENT FROM APRIL 1. 1921). 502 MARKET ST. CHAS. ADLEK. 1002 N. THIRD STREET. FARMS 1 FOR SALE —17-acre truck, fruit and poultry farm, 1,000 asparagus, 3 to '■> years out; 1% acres line strawberries; 150 peach trees and small fruit; 6- l-oom frame house; small bunk barn, pig sty and chicken house, tine spring water'and running water, best of soil. Possession at once. Located two miles west of Enola. Cumberland County. Price $2500. For Sale —115-acre truck or stock i farm' eight-room frame house, all necessary outbuildings, no better yal-i lies in Cumberland County. Price slls per acre, 10 minutes walk to trolley. CHAS. DAVIES. lteul Estate. 1519 State St.. cor. 16th Street. Dial 4930 Bell 4163R SUBURBAN FARM 48-acre farm suburban lo City or Harrisburg, tine driveway direct from city to farm. Must be sold at once. I Fine view; 10 minutes' drive from Market Square; line locution for bungalow sites or acre plots, ihis can be made one of the ilnest summer homes In the country .It has 8-room stone house, large barn, etc. 1-or In lormation, call or write to C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St., Harrisburg 7 j 55 acres, York county, good bldg . ' £ mules. 9 good milch cows. 2 hogs, 11,5 chickens, all implements mostly new. Will trade on city property. DURAND & FEItBER. 107 Chestnut St. FARMS WANTED WANTED 56 to 70-acre farm (dose to main load. Address Box A-8763 care Telegraph. FOK KALE—MISCEI.LANEOUS ' FOR SALE —A No. 4 McDowell port able bake oven, in flrst class condi tion and very cheap, parts, steel mix-, I ing bowl, scales, etc. Address Owner, care Telogruph. FOR SALE —Grand square piano, j must be sold at a sacrifice. Price $66. | Call Melrose School Bldg.. Room 12. BELGIAN HARES. Thoroughbreds. I ; Eight weeks old. $1 e <jeh- Stock of ] I breeding ago $2 each. Philip Condon, j Box 362. Westchester, Ohio. FOR SALE—2OO choice fat turkeys, live or dressed. J. D. Minnick, North , Lemoyne, Orchard Hill trolley stop. FOR BALE Superior oxy-acexy- Icne generators, cutting and welding torches carbon burning outfit. Dein onstrattn by appointment, r. K. l.avertj. 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE—Four burner gus stove, used six months. Call 101 Edward St., Riverside, or Bell phone 1337R ! COATS FOR SALE Three very nice ladies' coats cheap, a bargain, almost new, will sell one lor !S5 one for SB. and one for $lO. Call I ' 1506 State street or Bell phone 3890 J. i MORRIS SAYS save money buytug new and second-hand furniture here. Blah prices paid for furniture. Morrl, fcchniertz 1018 Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought and aold; 20,0 v) new. old. rare, lit stock. Aurand's, 5,25 North Third. Circulars free. , i la S DECEMBER 22, ISJIV. FOR SALF—MISCELLANEOUS | J"Oil SALE Tlirec-piece pallor suite, golden dak, genuine Spanish leather cushions. Value $125, sale price $95. FORNWALD. 1321 North Sixth Street. i CALKS! CALKS! CALKS! For sale at Gable's. 111-117 South! Second street, Red Tip, Diamond, | Giant Grip, llowe, Hlack Diamond and | Snow Storm, Horse Shoe Calks. . FOR SALE —Collie puppies; Just | what the boy wants for Christmas. ! Come and see them. Fellden Robinson.! 706 North 7th St. | FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en- i gine. 10 11. P. International gasoline j engine, machine tools, electric motors, i • various sizes, large stone crushing j plant complete. F. H. Laverty, iaa7 ; Bell phone. FOR SALE—A full set of black- i smith tools, almost new. Apply 27 j Brady ave. j NATIONAL cash registers sold on I easy monthly payments without in- ! tercst. Bell phone 2106. Dial 3890. N. ! 11. Black, Sales Agent, 105 Market St. , CENTRAL Furniture Store, dealer j in new and second-hand furniture, j carpets, stoves. Try us before buying , or selling. Great bargain, 15 double ; heaters. Must be sold before Christ mas. Great bargain price. Look it! over. A trail will convince you. Closed I Saturday. 321 Reily St. Bell phone 1061 M TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANUED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Mux Smeltz. 102U Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone 5321 J. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 1407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. SIO,OOO wanted on first mortage, good security: Address Box S-9U26 j care Telegraph. WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. i Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BROKERS wunted, home company, drilling two wells, starting third, i Desdeinona Held. Cuptlal $150,000. Twelve leases, efficient management. \V. D. Morrell, president, (cashier Farmers' Bank), Hug Town Company, Gormun, Texas. BUSINESS PERSONALS IF IT'S painting, exterior or inter ior or paperhanging, let me quote you a price. Quality and service is my motto, prices consistent with ti.e qualltv cf work 1 do. D. W. Bixlei. ! 213u Susquehanna St. Bell phone ; 1006 J. A. LANE New and second-nand furniture bought and sold. Hifehcst prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. FURNI TUIt E CRATED. J7 Z | Bishop. 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. OXY-ACETYLENE WELD IN C~ Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1638 Logan i fctreet Bell 4396 J. QUININE —Look out for that grippe i feeling, likely to catch you this 1 thangeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSFHO-QUININE will stave it oil ;if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ' 119 Market street. ' RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edgo. 25c doz.. double edge, 35c doz.. razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CaPLAN CO.. 208 Market street FINANCIAL INVEST CONBEKVATIVELY HYDRO-ELECTRIC ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALS , .1. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut Street. Bell phone 518 J. Harrisburg, Pa. INSURANCE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION i The best gift you can make to your most belovi-d one. a $5,000 policy, its memory will never be for gotten. it costs nothing to consult me übout it. .1. SCHOOLS'IK, 21 Spooner Building. Fire, Life, Casualty, Automobile Insurance. Bell 1593. MONEY TO LOAN SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL RATES sls TO S3OO On furniture, real estate or guaran teed notes. Convenient monthly pay ments. Interest charges based on the actual time the money is In your pos session. ' Open Evening, Dec. 20. 22, 23. 21. ! CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut Street. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rales In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. | MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., : Third and Market streets. "Licensed , and Bonded by the State." ! HAULING AND MOVING i ■ HEAVY TRUCKING LOCAL OH LONG DIS TANCE. CONTRACT WORK A SPECIALTY. RURAL TRANSPORTATION LINE. HARRISBURG AUTO CO., BELL 100 I ■ LOCAi. AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving | Prompt service. Erneut Corbln. 63,1 Calder street. Both phonej. Bel: I 5636-J. Dial 3838. I - " - ' I- CBlumhl HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving ai specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital St. Both phones. lIICKS Local and long-distanca hauling and storage. 1211 Wallace St. Bell phone 1050 M. PAUL BECK, general hauling, local! and long distance, making a speclatlw ?•* .f ur . n iVM - e 'T P ' u , no <ulci safe moving, Call at 1617 Nuudain St.. or Bell 6236 J. WE Move Anything, Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 1990 Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped lor furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain und dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager, Hcrshey, Pa. BeU phone 15R6. ! MUSICAL ~ ~ I HARRISBURG TALKING MACHIN id HOSPITAL. 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2181 J. I Strich & Zcidler upright mahogany [piano, in A No. 1 condition. Selling on account of leaving the city. Can be | purchased at a reasonable ligure from i a private party. Address Box L-9003 cure Telegraph. i —t PlANO—Muhoguny upright piano, in excellent condition, $325. Address Box A-8763 care Telegraph. TALKING MACHINES promptly and caielully repaired by an export only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE—AI four string banjo rine with leather case. Beautiful in strument. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Made in New York City; also violin bow and case for sale. Bargain to quick buyer. Jos. Poleo, 11U1 N. Third St., Harrisburg, lust, of Music. i PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED Iby a skilled tuner only. Oylet's, 14 I South Fourth Street. I FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. ! Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth I street. STORAGE I STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house- I hold goods, merchandise. Private [ rooms at reasonable rates. Also huul -1 lng of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, $3 per month and up. Lower j storage rates in non-tlreproof ware | house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, rear 406 Market. Household goods in clean, privatu looms. Reasonable rales, p. G. Diener. 408 Market Street. STORAGE LOW PRICES ! HIGHSPJHE DISTILLERY CO., LTD.. HIGHSPIRE. PA. I Both phones. Bell Steelton 169 Y WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS Funeral Director GEO. H. SOURBIEK 1310 North Third Street SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 G. E. BRESTLE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1745 N. 6th St. ALSO MIDDLETOWN OFFICE BELL 2123 DIAL 3295 CEMETERY' LOTS FOR SALE j PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY I Beautifully situated on Market street, least of Twenty-sixth, and on the | north and east faces the now park j way. The price of lots are nioder j ate. Miller Bros, & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall und win ter clothes look new. Wc cull and de liver All kinds of repairing. Both phones. 11. Goodmun, 1306 North Sixth street. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT DECEMBER THRIFT SALE NEW cars will be priced higher after the lirst of the year. Used cars will also be liigliciv We are offering ull used ears in our slock at THRIFT PRICES. Our lineal year closes this month and we do not intend to carry over a single car. At the prices we are marking them they are selling as fast as we can overhaul and repaint ihcim Overland Country Club with winter tup. Rellnished dark maroon, IBack wire wheels and black top. A handsome car, mechanically guaranteed, tires good. Summer top in cluded. Overland Country Club, brown with cream wire wheels, prac tically new tires, good run ning order. Chalmers seven-passenger six cylinder sedan. Rennished royal blue with black rua ning gear. 1913 Cadillac touring In good mechanical condition. Orig inal paint tine, new storage battery Open Evenings. Both phones THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. 212-214 North Second St. Overland, model 90. touring. Cheverlot. Baby Grand, touring. Sludebuker, 7 passenger. 6 cylinder, studebaker, 5 passenger, 4 cylinder. Willys-Knight, model 84, touring. \ ciie, light six, 5 passenger. Overland, model 86-4, line Hhape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO., 1917 N. Third Street. _ OVERLAND Touring, one, 98 NASH— Touring, one. 671 model, i 918. All cars are mechanically perfect. MYERS MOTOR SALES CO.. 1210 PENN STREET. Bell phono 2109. Dial 6275 ! Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers