Music in the Churches CHRIST LUTHERAN. Morning Prelude, "Christmas Pastorale," Merkel; anthem, "O Zion That Bringest Good Tidings." Stalncr; offertory, "Adoration," Meale; anthem, "The Birthday of a King," Neidlinger; postlude, "Alia Marcia," Mansfield. Evening—Prelude, "Silent Night," Harker; offertory, "March of the Magi," Mailing; cantata, "The Story of Christmas," Matthews; soloists, Miss Katherine Dubbs, soprano; Miss Alice Rollison, contralto; AA'il son Ebersole, tenor; Chas. Wen rich, tenor; A. C. Fulwider, tenor; Warren Lyme, bass; chorus of 2 4 voices; postlude, "Venite Ador amus," Morgans. Miss Ruth Stein hauer, organist and choirmistress. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD ' Morning—Prelude, "Christmas March," Merkel; anthem, "Holy Night," Adams; offertory, "Shep herd Girls' Sunday," Olc Brill, (translated by Mallard); anthem, "Let Us Now Go Even Unto Beth lehem," Field; postlude, "Chorus of Shepherds," Lemmens. Evening—Prelude. "Fanlusie On Holy Night, Peaceful Night," Op. 185, Ashmall: offertory, "Adora tion," Rockwell; Christmas Can tata, "Messiah's Advent." by F. W. and W. Peace: postlude, "Venite Adoremus, - ' Lefebure-Wely. J. R. Swartz, organist and choir master. STEVENS MEMORIAL M. E. Morning—Organ prelude, "Fan tasy on Christmas Carols," Faulkes; "A Bethlehem Folk Song" (carol), John W. Phillips; organ offertory, "In the Manger," Guilmant; anthem, "The Trumpets of Christmas," De- Kovcn; organ postlude. "Hosanna," Faulkes. Miss Mary ButtoriT, so prano. will be the special soloist at j this service. The evening service will be in charge of the Sunday school. ' 1 The Reliable Shop For PURE Christmas Candies ROSE'S Second at Walnut St. Page Sc Shaw Whitman's Sampler .Maillard's Foss Qualilij Fancy Packages Assorted Hard Candies Salted Almonds Salted Pecans Fruit Cake and Other Assorted Christmas Cakes The Largest Line of Cedar Chests to be Found in Harrisburg A Cedar Chest is a gift that is practical, durable, serviceable and at tractive. It is the sort of useful gift that one likes to receive. Our Cedar Chests are made of genuine Tennessee red cedar, selected stock, well constructed in all details, beautifully finished and are excep tional values. Splendid Cedar Extra Size Cedar Extra Big Cedar Chests at $17.50 Chests at $28.00 Chests at $36.00 This is a style 48 This style is 36 inches This style is 45 inches inches long and extra long and 17 inches wide, i ong in p i ain design and wide - Xt is air "ght, the made of good quality weU finished It has a best construction and a cedar and very carefully , high-grade lock. An un constructed. An excep- | ar S e storage capacity and usually large chest that tional value and a splen- is a substantial style for can be used for all pur did chest. general purposes. poses. SATURDAY EVENING, BERRY STREET Morning Prelude, "Christmas Pastorale," Dienel: anthem. "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," Al i fred Judson; offertory, 'Tho Three | Wise Men," Mailing; anthem, "Sing and Rejoice," Geilel; postlude, "On a I French Carol," Guilmant. Evening—Prelude, (a) "Christmas Eve." Mailing, (b) "With the Shep herds, Rogers; anthem, "The Angels are Singing," Lacky; offertory, "Gesu Bandino." P. A. Yon; anthem. "And the Glory of the Lord," Geilel; post lude. "Christmas Recessional," i Grison. j PINE STREET PRESBYTERIAN Morning—Prelude, "The Shep herd in the' Fields," Mailing, "Christ mas in Sicily," Yon; anthem. "Sing O Heavens," Tours; offertory. "Gesu Bambino," (The Infant Je sus), Yon; anthem, "Calm On the Listening Ear of Night," Harker; postlude, "Grand Chorus in E Flat," Guilmant. Evening—Prelude, "Bethlehem," Mailing, "the AVise Men of the East," Mailing; offertory, "Pastoral Symphony," (Messiah) Handel; "The Messiah" Part I and the "Hal lelujah Chorus," Handel. CAMP CURTIS MEMORIAL M. E. Morning Shepherds in the Fields, Mailing; offertory, "Christ mas." Merkel: anthem. "The Birth day of the King," Neittlinger; post lude, "Christmas," Detlier. Evening—Prelude, "Noel," Buch; offertory, "Ancient Christmas Ca rol," Guilinart; anthem, "Holy Night," (arranged Buck), "Christ mas Carols;" postlude, Toccoti, Ne vin. W. R. Stonosifer, organist and choirmaster. Special—Candlelight service at 6.30 under the direction of Epworth eague. Special music. Other Church Music on page 18 ZION LUTHERAN SEASON SERMONS Dr. S. W Herman to Present ; Pre-Cliristmas Sermons Tomorrow ' | Pre-Clirlstmas sermons will be , preached in Zion Lutheran Church, ' ! tomorrow by Dr. Herman. The 1 themes will be "The Incarnation of | the l.ord Jesus" and "Why lie Came." The Sunday school will have a program of Christmas music in all departments. The Mens' Adult Bible Class will I have a special program for Visl • tors' Day. There will bo special ; features in addition to the lesson to '| be taught by Dr. E. E. Campbell. ■ , The Senior Catechetical Class will '! be held at 6:80. On .Wednesday af ' ternoon the Children of thb First ; ! Department will have their program !of song and recitation. On Christmas morning the only 1 service of the day will be held. The ' j program will begin with the playing ' j of the chimes by E. A. Kepner. The I special music will be from "The Messiah." A brief social period is i enjoyed in the Lower Church prior ,to the service. An elaborate pro • gram of Christmas music will be of s t fered in Zion on Monday evening. j Next Sunday morning the annual | memorial service will be held, and 1 in the evening the Christmas Praise i service by the choir. The Christmas decorations in the auditorium will be characterized by their simplicity and beauty and will be placed by a committee headed by W. E. Bachman. The mid-winter preparatory service will be held on January 2, and the Holy Communion ■January 4. ! LPTIIEKAN* CIHJKCH OF THE REDEEMER. j Morning Prelude, "Christmas Offertory," by Grsion; offertory, I "Adoration," Lemmens; postlude, j "Finale," from Sixth Symphony, I Widor. Evening—Prelude, (a) "The Shop i herds in the Field," (b) "Bethle- I hem." by Otto Mailing; offertory, | "Pastorale." from First Sonata, Guil niant; postlude, Toccato, and Fugc jin D minor. Bach. E. B. Wase, or | ganist. SALEM REFORMED j Morning—"Christmas Pastorale," Merkel; introduction and chorus, j "Glory to God in the Highest" (from i Story of Christmas), Matthews; | contralto solo, "The Virgin's Lulla by" (Miss Cassel), Dudley Buck; i anthem, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks," with incidental solo, | Mrs. Ilelsley: "Jubilate Deo." 811- ! ver: "Pastorale." Bach: "Brightest i and Best." Rubensteirr-Dressler; anthem. "There wete Shepherds ; Abiding," Rhode; "Prelude in G," ! Herzog; quartet (men's voices), : "Silent Night," Becker; "March in ; D," Guilmant. IIETH LEH EM 'LUTHERAN' Morning, Sunday Prelude, "A i Royal Procession," Spinney; offer | tory, "Shepherd's Song," Merkel; 1 postlude, "Magnificat," Lemaigre. I Christmas Evening Prelude, ! "Evening Bells and Cradle Song," ; Macfarlane; postlude, "Venite Ador | emus," Lefebure-Wely. SPECIAL SERVICES There will be special Christmas j Day services at Riverside Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor, the j Rev. Dr. George Murray Klepfer, will i preach at in.3o a. m. on "The Gloria in Excelsis." At 7.30 p. m. the Sun day school will render a specially I prepared program for Christmas ox- I ercises. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CHURCH DIRECTOR Y M'THKRAN Trinity, bemoyne.—The Rev. I* A. Bush. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.45, "Lessons from the Manger;" 7.30, the Rev. Edwin Manger will preach; 0.30, C. E. Augsburg Tlio ReV. A. M. Stamets, D. D.. pastor. 10.30, "The Message of His Birth;" 7.30, "Chris tian Enthusiasm;" 2, Sunday School; 6.30, intermediate and Senior Chris tian Endeavor. Zion, Enola—The Rev. M. S. , Sharp, pastor. 10.30, "A Christmas Message;" 9.30, Sunday School; | Christmas exercises by the Sunday . School at 7.45. Church of the Redeemer —The j Rev. Myron E. Shafer. 13. D. 10.30. | "Our Home In Heaven;" 7.30, "God's , Unspeakable Gift;" special christ | mas music by the chotr. Holy Communion—The Rev. John i Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Lord is jat Hand;" 7.30, "The Third Cora -1 mandment;" 9.30, Sundav School. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. ID. Weigle. 10.45, "The Nativity of Christ;" 7.30, "Christmas in Song;" 9.30, Sunday School; augumented : choir, Christmas carols and an thems; 6.30, Luther League, j St. Matthews—The Rev. E. E. | Snyder. 11, "The Christmas Mess -1 age; 7.30, evening service; 9.45, Sun day School; 6.30, C. E. Society, j St. Paul's, Riverside—The Rev. E. jE. Snyder will preach at 3 P. M. Sunday School at 2. Christ—The Rev. Dr. Thomas Reisch. 10.30, "Grace for Grace;" 7.30, "Christmas Cantata: 2, Sun day Seh&ol. Trinity—The Rev. R. 1,. Meisen heldor. 10.30, Christmas Sermon; 7, Christmds entertainment by the Sunday School; 2. Sunday School. Calvary—The Rev. E. H. Paar. 11, "Joy in the Lord;" 7.30, "Promises Fulfilled at Christmas;" 10, Sunday School. Zion—The Rev. S. W. Herman, D. D. 10.30, "The Incarnation of Jesus;" 7.30, "Why Jesus Came;" 1.45, Sunday School; 1.50, Men's Class; 6.30, Senior Catechetical Class; 10, Men's Devotional Hour. Mehiorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. 10.30, "The Divine Deliverer; 7.30, Sunday School will render Christmas service; 2, Sunday School: 10, Men's prayer meeting. St. Mark's, Mechanicsburg—The Rev. H. M. Fegley. 9, Bible School; 10.30, "The Preparation Needed to Make Christmas a Blessed One;" 6.45, Luther League; 7.30, Mary's Song. Bethlehem—lo.3o, in charge of Hie Rev. Dr. Luther Kuhlman; 7.30. children's service will be held; 1.45, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E. CHURCH OF GOD Green street—The Rev. H. S. Hershey. 10.30, "God With Us;" 7.30. Christmas cantata. "Star of Bethle hem, ' by the choir; 2, Sunday school; 3. Junior Endeavor; 6.40, Senior En deavor. Penbrook—The S. N. Good. 10.30. The' First Christmas;" 7.30, Christ mas entertainment by the Sunday school; 9.30, Sunday school. Progress—The Rev. J. M Wag goner. 7.30, The Church Literature;" 9.30, Sunday school; 2.30, Junior Christian Endeavor; 6.30. Senior Christian Endeavor. Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner. 10.30. "The Church Litera ture; ' 9.30, Sunday school. Nagle Street—The Rev. Elmer E. Kauffman. 10.45, "The Relation of the Church to Her Ministry;" 7.30, "A Fulfilled and An Unfulfilled Prophecv," a Christmas sermon; 1.30, Sunday school: 9.45, Junior Christian En deavor; 6.45, Senior Christian En deavor. First—The Rev. William N. Yates. 10.30, "Exchanging Gifts With God;" 7.30, "Messiah's Advent," sung bv the choir: 1.40, Sunday school; 0.30, Chris tian Kndtiavor. Maclay Street—The Rev. William S. Houck. M. D. 11, "Making a Vow and Keeping It;" 7.30, a cantata, "The Salvation of Israel," will be given by tHe choir under direction of Mrs. Vesper C. Smith, chorister. Mondav night, at 8 o'clock, the Christmas program will be given by the Sun day school. UNITED EVANGELICAL Lemoyne—The Rev. E. Crumbling. 10.45, "The Wonderful Christ;" 7.30, the choir will give a Christmas can tata, "The Chaldean, a Song Story of the Magi's Visit to Christ;" 9.30, Sunday School; 6.30 Christian En deavor. Park Street—The Revs. A. E Hangen and S. A. Miller. 9.30 Sun day School; 10.45, juveniles' Christ mas exercises; 5.45, Junior Endeavor; 6.30, Senior Endeavor; 7.30, "White Gifts for the King." Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck. 10.45, Christmas entertainment bv Sunday School children; 7.30, the church choir will render "The Inn " a Christinas song story; 9.30, Sunday School. Harris Street—The Rev. A O Flexor. 9.30, Sunday School; 10 30* "Putting on the Whole Armor:" 6 40* K. L. C. E. meeting; 7.30, "Purpose of Christ's Advent." Sixth Street—The Rev. W. E. Pot tieger. The annual Christmas enter tainment, with address by the as sistant pastor, the Rev. W. S. Harris at 10 o'clock. Penbrook—The Rev. W. E. Pot lieger. 9.30, Sunday School; 10 30 "The Christmas Message;" 2, Junior Keystone League; 6.45, Keystone League; 7.30, the annual Christmas missionary entertainment. I : i\ITED BRETHnF,?! Calvary, J^emoyne—The liev. F. T. Kohler. 9.30, Sunday school; 10.30, "The Birth of Christ;" 4, Junior Y. P. 8. C. E.; 7.30, Christmas program Enola —The Rev. J. Stewart Glen. 0.30. Sunday school; 10.30, Christmas entertainment; 17.30, "Clrrist Crowded Out." Sixth Street—The Rev, J. Owen Jones. 10.30, "The Gift;" 7.30. "The Star of Bethlehem;" 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor; 9.45, praise service. Neldig Memorial, Oberlin The Rev. H. 8. Kiefer. 10.30, "God's Un speakable Gift;" 7.30, "No Room in the Inn;" D.20, Sunday school; Junior Christian Endeavor; 6.30, Senior Christian Endeavor. Christmas program by Sunday school December 24. at 7.30. First —The Rev. W. E. Daugherty, D. D. 10.30, "Sonsliip and Com munion;" 7.30, "Peace On Earth;" 1.45, Sunday school; 6.43, Christian Endeavor. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter. 10.30, "Why Christ Came;" 7.30, "The Universal Characteristic of Christ mastide;" 2, Sunday school. Otterbein —The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 10.30, "Good News;" 7.30, "An Inspiring Song;" 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. State Street —The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, "A. Christmas Message;" 7.30, the choir will sing the cantata, en titled, "Bethlehem By Gabriel;" 9.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Y. P. S. C. E. CHURCH OF CHRIST Ijomoyne—The Rev. Ira P. Har baugh. 9.30, Bible School; 10.30, "Our Christmas Guest;" 7.30, "What Think Ye of the Christ?" 6.30, Christian Endeavor. First—The Rev. Ira Boyd Wenger. 11, "If Every Day Were Christmas:" 7.30, "The Unspeakable Gift;" 9.45, Sunday School. CHUCRH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street —The Rev. William K. Conner. 11, "His Unspeakable Gift;" 6.45, Christmas program by i the Sunday School. Other notices on page IS PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street—The Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D. 10.30, "Christmas Enthu siasm;" 7.30, "The Wonderful Word;" 7.30, "The Messiah," Part 1, and the "Hallelujah Chorus." Division Street—The Rev. 11. H. Baldwin. 7.45, "The Christmas Sign." Covenant—The Rev. Henry Klaer. 10.30, "Christmas Questions An swered;" 6.30, Christmas Exercises of the Sunday School; 2, Sunday School. Westminster—The Rev. Henry W. Miller. 10.30, "Lessons From the Manger Birth;" 7.30, "The Lost Christ;" 1.45, Sunday School; 0.45, Christian Endeavor. Olivet—The Rev. S. A. Bower. 11. "The First Christmas;" 7.30, "A Pageant of Light; 10, Sunday School. Camp Hill—The Rev. Raymond A. Ketchledge. 11, "The Coming of the Christ Child:" 6.30, the annual Christmas exercises of the Sunday School. Capital Street —The Rev. 11. M. Ward, D. D. 10.45, "A Disastrous Experiment;" 7.30, "A Three-fold Command;" 12.15, Sunday School; 6.45, Christian Endeavor. Calvary—The Rev. J. L. Oehman. 10.15, "His Name;" 7.30, "Rahab;" 9, Sabbath School; 6.30 Christian Endeavor. Immanuel—The Rev. 11. Everett Hallman. 10, "The Christian Ser mon:" 11.15, Sunday School; 7.30, Chaplain P. H. Hershey will speak on "Sidelights of the Great War." Bethany—The Rev. John Martin Warden. 7.30, "A Day of Great Joy;" 9, Sunday School; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. Market Square The Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes, pustpr; the Rev. Howard Rodgers. assistant pastor. 9.4 5, Sunday school; 11. "The First Coming of Jesus Christ;" 7.15, Christmas music; special serv ice of song by the choir. METHODIST Ridge Avenue—Morning, "The Til carnation:" evening, "Our Disposition of the Christ," by the Rev. H. It. Bender; 10, Sunday school: C.30, Ep worth League. Pauphin—The Rev. Geo. L. Schaffer. 7.30, preaching'; 2, Sunday school. Entertainment on Christmas night. Hcckton—lo.Bo, preaching; 2, Sun day school. Christmas entertainment Sunday night. December 28. | Camp Curtin Memorial —The Rev. John H. Mortimer. 10.30. "The Divine Visitor." Christmas sermon: 7.30. "The Nativity," in beautiful lantern slides; 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Ep worth League. Camp Hill—The Rev. .1. Merrill Williams. 9.45, Sunday school; 11, "Good Tidings and Great Joy;" 7, Christmas program by the Sunday school. Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. i Pyles. 10.30, "The Manger Unveiling." 7.30, "The Message of the Incarna tion for 1919;" 2, Sunday school. Grace—The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag nell. 10.30, "The Angels' Song— Mockery or Prophecy," by P'r. Bag nell; 12.10, Sunday school; 1.45, candle light service; 6.30. Epworth League. Riverside—The Rev. George Murray Klepfer. 10.30, "The Gloria in Ex eelsis;" 7.30, Christmas exercises by Sunday school: 2, Sunday school; 6.15, Epwortli League. Epworth—The Rev. Homer E. Knox. 11, "A Christmas Sermon;" 7.30, Sunday school Christmas enter tainment. St. Paul's—The Rev. Wm. Moses. 10.30 and 7.30, preaching; 2, Sunday school. 7.30, Epworth League. MISCELLANEOUS Gospel Hall—lo.3o, "Breaking of Bread;" 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30, Gospel preaching. Christian and Missionary Alliance — The Rev. W. If. Worrall, pastor. 9.30, Bible school; 10.80 and 7.30, preach ing. Reformed Mennonite? —The Rev. Eli Yost. 10.30, preaching. Bethcsda Mission —Saturday night, Martin Stut/.man; Sunday night. 11. J. Beachlev: Monduy night. Sunshine Band of the Sixth Street U. B. Church. The speaker will be John Puey, the blind man. who's sight has been re cently restored. MARKET SQUARE NOTES The Market Square choir, under the direction of Mrs. Wilbur F. Har ris, will give a program from the best carols of the various musical na tions. Mrs. John R. Henry will be at the organ. The program begins at 7.15 p. m., 15 minutes earlier than usual. The morning service will be en riched by the Christmas music. The Rev. Dr. Hawes will speak on a sub ject in accord with the thought of the day. The mid-week meeting will be in charge of the church choir. This will make it one of interest and profit to lovers of music. The junnor and primary depart ments of the Sunday school will have their Christmas entertainment Wednesday afternoon. CHRISTMAS AT AUGSBURG All Jay Sunday the themes of the pastor and the music of the choir will be in harmony with the Christ mas season. Rev. Stamets will preach in the morning on "Tito Message of His Birth," and in the evening on "Christian Enthusiasm." The Christmas entertainment of the Sunday school will be held on Christ mas evening. The Christmas treat will be given on Sunday. Augsburg is getting ready to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the new church, on January 11, 1920. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM The annuul Christmas exercises of scholars of Paxton Presbyterian Sun day school will be held at 10.30 o'clock Sunday morning, and will ho a union service of church and Sun day schools. The larger part of the program will be devoted to the scholars of the Primary Department. The classes of Mrs. Rutherford and Mr. Holland of the Junior Depart ment will also take part. The music and addresses will all be of a Christ mas character. RUTHERFORD Rutherford Heights will hold its Christmas services In Trinity I.'. E. Church Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Charlton will hold com munion services Sunday morning at 10.30. Butchers in Packing Houses Return to Work After Strike Pittsburgh, Dec.2o. —More than 800 butchers and their helpers em ployed in Pittsburgh packing houses, have returned to work after an eight weeks' strike, upon assurance, it is said, that the packers would consider the demands in January. The butchers' demands include an increase in wages; an eight-hour day and a 40-hour week guarantee. Frederick D. Casey, Nephew of Grant, Dies Philadelphia, Dee. 20.—Frederick Dent Casey, a nephew by marriage of General U. S. Grant, died here yesterday. He had been living here temporarily for a year undergoing treatment by a physician. Ho was 55 years old; was a native of New Orleans and for many years lived in Florida. His mother was a sis ter of General Grant's wife. Two sons, James and Jules, live in Wush i ington. ST. ANURKW'S There will be two Christmas serv locs. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion* with music. lit:I,I. MUM—Ihl.-si i'MTKD II YRItISBt ltG. SATI IID iV. I)E<'KMlicit -JO. 11MJI roiTHMiD "vl3| m ' _ F Sjfe Christmas 6tors { | Closes At Six 9 & dock Every J | Until J Christmas ' cd fcgt Harrisburg's "Health Resort" Is Endorsed Jv /T \lK By Leading / 1/ -i Physicians ;} I HJA, \ J rwaHr -ri\~7r I lie health restoring influences of such famous Bath Resorts as Nauenheiinbaden, Bilz, Aix-les-Haines, \ icy and Stockholm are now available right here in Harrisburg, having already received the endorsement of local physicians. Dr. M. \ . Hcini, who has studied and practiced at the above resorts has remodeled and taken over the former Russ Baths, in stalling many of the more famous European Baths for i A 1 he Logical Treatment CDrugless) For Dropsy Rheumatism Asthma Lumbago Nervousness Neuritis Sprains Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Chronic Constipation Inflammatory Spine Here Is the History of One Remarkable Case! "Less than three weeks t was taken out of one of New York's most famous hospitals, where I had spent eighteen weeks undergoing treatment for Heart Disease and Asthma. My condition grew steadily worse. Several - times my physicians had my relatives gathered around me awaiting the end. As a last resort 1 was brought to^ Harrisburg's "Health Resort," my phy sicians warning against attempting to move me from my bed, declaring that 1 would never reach my destination. That was less thaipThrcc weeks ago. I am iip and around and to-day 1 leave for my home in Mississippi. I am 60 years old and I will make the trip unattended, feeling like an entirely new woman. I cannot endorse Dr. Ileim's Health Baths too highly. Should any one care to write me, my address is Kienstra, Adams County, Mississippi. "(Signed) MRS. F. ROTHSCHILD. Murray-Hill Turkish Baths 15 North Market Sq. Second Floor—Next Door to Patriot I beginning at 11.43 o'clock on Christ- celebration of the Ho MgpWftttlltiffllltJl j mas KVH. At the opening of thin The date of the onteyl | service the new Communion Set wiiltainment of the ChUPC'W.llchoOl wtljjj be blessed. At 11 o'clock on Christ-be announced at the eeijOion of thflM mas morning there will be a plain school on Sunday. .& 1 3
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