German Millionaire Sentenced by British DuVen, Germany, Dec. 1 p.—Herr Scholar, a German minionatre ol : this city, which is in the occupied urea, has been sentenced to six months imprisonment by the British Boxed Stationery Make* u Serviceable Uift We Have Boxed Stationery at 25<, 39£, 4Sf to $1.98 Plain white, huff, pink, lavender and blue linen papers, with envelopes to match. Nature Print Pictures, 59£ to $1.39 Beautiful subjects, all hand colored and framed with simple yet tasteful frames. f ■ - ~ Because of Another Shipment of f rlmlk^Over 100 Women's and Misses' $35 to S4O fOAK We For at mm 1 VJ Repeat Saturday dX All W 00l Silvertone Coats 111 !H t0 Actually^ ™ orth $35 SAT UR DAY SPECIAL. {UL x lull Sl i 'wfrnffi ill janH^ l nate in securing this wonderful assortment of pretty Coats, and we ■! Jill believe that our customers will appreciate the rare values and buy at C" I I this opportunity to save considerably. COME EARLY FOR BEST " CHOOSING. J OIlrfl ,„ or Silk Hosiery For Gifts Boxed hosiery in the favored colors and of the wear-long qualities; all sizes, many prices. . FIBER SILK 7Q. HOSE This is a seamless hose with double soles and heels and good •garter tops; conies in black, white, gray and champagne. FIBER SILK QC HOSE A mock-seam hose with double soles and neels and garter tops; black, white, cordovan, gray and field mouse. Special. FI'LL FASHIONED *1 Ofi HOSE <d> !..£.£ A silk lisle hose with double soles and heels and tine garter tops; only in black. FCM/ FASHIONED tfO QC SII-K HOSE Thread silk hose; reinforced heels and silk garter tops; comes in black, cordovan, Itussian calf and navy. THREAD SILK tfo AO HOSE \ . <96.10 They have silk lisle garter tops and come in black, white, cordo van, Ueld mouse, silver and navy; line quality. MOCK SEAM d-| QC HOSE Thread silk hose with double soles and high spliced heels; silk lisle garter tops; white, black, cordovan, Russian calf, field mouse and navy. 138 Children's Robes QC at Blanket bathrobes trimmed with silk on collars, pockets and fronts comes in all desirable colors and patterns. ISO Women's and Q C Misses' Bathrobes .. tpD/D These robes are richly trimmed with ribbons; liave largo pockets and cord belts; beautiful colorings and patterns; very special. 600 Children's Wash "1 Q C Dresses 1. */0 These are pretty gingham dresses in pretty plaid and stripes as well us plain colors in chambrays; all desirable new styles, in sizes 2 to 14 years. 265 Flannelette 1 AE? Kimonos tP X /0 flannelette kimonos In the new est floral patterns; gathered belt styles; all sizes. FRIDAY EVENING, i Summary Court for insolence to a j British ofllcer, and for failing to sup ply adequate heating in the room of j his house in which British otlteers : wore billeted. Ol! IB I N OB "l"l SSVBOOT" li was by liis work in protecting th : In, Mans in South Dakota, by the strict enforcement ol' the I'nited States siat utcs against introducing liquor on m- Store Open Every Evening to 9 P. M. Until Christmas F&CHHJSIMS BEAUTIFUL WANTTOBE 'Th^^TGI^GIVER? Come to Kaufman's, Saturday, or any of the 3 remaining shopping days before Christmas; look over the thousands of pretty gift suggestions attractively displayed about the big store, and the real happiness will come from the surprisingly low prices attached to these practical gift articles. You Can Cover Every Requirement For Man, Woman or Child. 162 Pairs of Infants' and Children's C* 1 A r Leggings v* ■* Pretty and warm knitted leggings in whim and blown, just the thing for those cold days; put up in pretty holly boxes. 265 Silk O* A QC Petticoats & Taffeta and ilk jersey petticoats in all the wanted colors; ideal as a gift for any woman. Packed in holly boxes. 800 Women's Chemises, Gowns and <f* 1 Q/T Petticoats Made of fine silk and cotton materials; nainsook and crepe in white and flesh color: all neatly trimmed with laces; embroidery and ribbons; choice; boxed in dividually. The Gift of Handkerchiefs Mountains of snowy linen squares, various kinds, qualities and styles; lowest prices. One Corner Embroidered and Hemstitched at s£, 10<S on up to 59^. Boxed Kerchiefs—3 in box 49c to $1.25 Boxed Kerchiefs—6 in box 59c to $1.95 Silk Crepe de Chine Si. 25c ■lmitation Madeira <)[J Kerchiefs ... Imitation Madeira Kerchiefs, 35£ each or 3 for SI.OO ilian rescrvHiions. that William B. Johnson, now working for prohibition I ill Hnc'iinil. acquired hi." title of i "Pussyfoet " according to former gov ernment officials who knew him well in this state in 1910. Mr. Johnson was at that time em ployed by the government to watch 1 tlie Indian reservations of the West; and had headqua iters ill Denver. I His vigilance in fe.lowing up t lie constant importations of tiiiinn Into TO 1 Blankets and fesf |8 EXTRA SPECIAL ! New Document CoiTlfortciblcS L Boxes 0%/ C Extra Quality Blankets . . $2.95 1* ! 1 Yj This is a real safety box, made Fine giade: all heavy kinds; sizes \\ I of hard steel; an ideal safe for fi,i 80; yery special. k/JJ I fflg your private papers and Liberty Wool Finish Blankets ... $3.95 j||] iCB Bonds; black Japanned. Special Heavy grade wool-finished blankets tjji* I jjTJ Saturday. ' in size 66 by SO; very special. Bt _ Woolnap Blankets $4.95 kj Cocoa Door Mats A gray blanket, size 64 by 76. with B : pretty pink or blue borders; special. B|j 3 Good, heavy door mats. Plaid Blankets, $6.49, $4.95 |Lri| Size 14x26. Q Q and $4.69 §3 Fnrli 77 fl f* Handsome plaids in pink, blue, tan fflj rwg K ______________ Wool Blankets ... $6.50 to $7.95 ¥ J Plain gray and plaid blankets; won tg# derful values; all double bed size; MP 1 RugS—Rugs—Rugs very special. gg| Mj Wool Filter Rugs—9xl2 ft.; extra 1 / v f~ good, heavy tfQ QC 9\i ad quality Savorv Roaster feto! | Heavy Wool Ftber Rugs—9xl2 ft.; octvuiy jxuciaiti j I I n''tVi^s IC%S 513.95 Just \\l at you need for Christ- I 1 |jjjSj I 1® patterns •••••••••••• mas; a good size Savory Roaster; m Matting Rugs—9xll Vi ft: self-basting' verv special BKnl jfTv scroll and Oriental $5.95 i mj, g Tapestry Brussels Rugs—Floral und rtssi'ifObl's B>kJ ► (JF Oriental patterns; 9x12 QC ... - • ,g[)| UH feet (imperfect) I .JiJ CQ (Rj j1 i 4 p#? I Axminstcr Rugs—9xl2 ft.; big se- JllwJr JIMU lection of pretty Kfl Nickel-plated casseroles, In ' 11 Hp patterns J™.3U brown or white fillers. This is an | 1 W Tapestry Brussels Rugs—Velvets, too; ideal gift suggestion. It 1. IS? S&ZSTfT. $34.50 CASSEROLES Bfi B $4.95. $3.49 QH Bil ". 1 *" a 52.69 M ■I Extra Special Nickel plated, with oven e1... IVB nn fillers, oval or round shapes. Aflß Bio STAIR TREADS Special. Hi IP Made of rubber; *1 A PIE CASSEROLES tSt Size 6xlß It'C 95 c X Hot Point Electric P ' a casse,ole8 ' in 1 $5,48 $4.95*"'°53.95 !w§ Thts is America's standard lrorr They come in round and oval 39? (FAj for general household purposes, shapes and have brown or white fully covered with guarantee. fillers. Special. < HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH the South Dakota Indian reservation** brought Mm ninth publicity. It wan asserted by hi.** detractors that *e "M'rt "pussyfoot" methods, and the name was promptly applied to hint in Clio newspapers and stuck to him. Mr. Johnson made scores of arrests' !in this sta 1- in his campaign. He • ;! lit without the co-operation of >tYieiuis land In numerous Instances was tin-i able to obtain conviction but be p.-r --• \>re<l in bis work nnd came to br Bargain Basement The "Down Stairs Store" of Lower Prices feared by the violators of the liquor I law on the reservations. When least j • xpeeled mid win n believed to be hundreds i" miles away, he li&d a way! j 'f suddenly appearing on the sec no f It be violation, hating; overcome the ' iiinited transportation facilities ib -t ■section of the country nrnvlded. 'ln never hesitated to ride day and night ;to reach his destination, win that oy .o f nrv -bile train or horseback. After leaving ibis seotioil be w*ut into Nort|icrn Minnesota, where t carried on the same energetic cam paign on behalf of the Indians against the Honor traffic.—Sioux Walls. S. D„ Dispatch in ('hrisilun Science Moni tor. Till: KM) OF Tin-: VK.Ut Oohl efnlcrs; did you ever hear of old embt s7" •Sure—November and December!*'— • 'nrtoons Magaxhic. Store Open Every Evening to 9 P. M. Until Christmas The Gift of Gloves A most beautiful assort ment of the many desirable kinds and styles; prices, too, are lowest in the city. GRAY MOCHA <fc*> OC GLOVES One-clasp mocha gloves; out side seams three-row heavy black embroidery; very special. IRKXCH Kll) <tO QCJ GLOVES Two-clasp gloves in black, white, brown, tan, stray and beaver; self and contrasting em broidery. WASHABLE CAPE d0 OC GLOVES One-clasp glove In brown, gray or mode: three-row l'our point stitching in self color. WOMEN'S GAUNT- <£ 1 OC LET GI/OVES JJI .£.U Slip-on chamolsette gloves with ela'stic wrist in mode, and gray with self-color stitching. 12-BUTTON CHAM- d* 1 Qfi OISETTE GLOVES. . d) 1. C 7J They come in gray and liglit buck color; have three rows of contrasting stitching. DOUBLE SILK d>l AO GLOVES <3>i.'*o Two-clasp gloves in black, gray or brown, with self or con trasting stitching; special. CHAMOISETTK Q Q GLOVES J7OC Two-clasp chamolsette gloves in black, white, gray, brown, mode and sand, with self or con trasting stitching. Beautiful Hand Made Beaded Bags $9.95, $14.50, $18.50, $22.50 and $25.00 The beads on these bags are ar ranged in such an artistic way that they have the appearance of hand painted designs; beautiful frames, silk lined and are fitted with small purse and mirror. Makes an ideal gift Main Flaor DECEMBER 19, 1919 V remarkable beautifying ebopf.k- 1 j //ct fe'JftVSlU TIES YET ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. ALL SHADES ['Oil JHy;* TWSa' t befits detection why not retain ywr youthful 4 J i X APPEARAMCET ask your favobitl deallr fob I tie-1 "DARLING" HOLDYIOHT ROUGE, 35c arok 3 V'lA TL'in? A?/ 7 iiADOLPH KLAR 4 " \*A 7 111 FOURTH AVENUE —— • NEW YORK J fc^MwiiaaMMi 600 BEAUTIFUL / \ BLOUSES 300 NEW VOILE dQ Q C WAISTS ..... d>£io%/3 Tailored and dressy models in pretty lure and embroidered styles; the very newest panels, as well as hand-em- Inoidered models; very special; sizes, oG to 46. OTHER FINE BLOUSES At $11.93, $4.93 and $3.93, and most unusual values in the different assort ments; many styles and qualities. .Main Floor 265 Silk o*l no Camisoles *P * White and flesh colored silk camisoles, trimmed with lace and ribbons; a very attractive and most acceptable gift; neatly packed in box. 350 Philippine Hand Embroidered 0* O Q Chemises These chemises are. made of the finest nainsook and in many different em broidered patterns; an intimate gift in pretty holiday boxes. 168 Children's 0* f Q C Bathrobes 1 Extra tine blanket robes in pink, light blue and dainty have silk sizes 2 to G years; special. Hand Bags and Leather Purses \ Ideal in every respect for gift-giving; service able and long remem bered. Leather Camera Bags— sl.9s, $2.48 to $9.95 Leather handles, good frames, fitted with mirror and purse. Plenty of styles. Leather Purses 9sc, $1.48, $1.95 to $9.95 Beautiful purses, with safety overlapping frames; fitted with ch&nge purses and mirrors. Desirable suit shades and black. Velvet Hand Bags, $4.95, $5.48, $6.95 to . - $9.95 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers