POLICY MADE IN RETIREMENT Important Ruling in Regard j to Time in Which Teachers i Mar Elect to Join System p^bi system when the act creating the re- ! tirement fund became effective to elect to participate in the benefits. I Such persons were known as present employes. Mr. Collins says "It may be noted that the period allowed by the act j for present employes to enter the association was not unreasonably i short, extending: from July IS. 1917, : to July 1, 1919. aud should have ac- j corded ample notice to all." He sug- ; gests that any relief would have to i come from remedial legislation, "and , not in straining the act to a construe- ; tion palpably at variance with its ex press terms. It must be taken as it, stands not as we may think it ought l to be." In an op'nion to the Auditor Gen- I THE GLOBE For the convenience of those who cannot shop during the daytime, THE GLOBE will be open ever}- evening until Christmas. He's Happy With the Christmas t Smile and Gifts From THE GLOBE Make the menfolk- happy with gifts that are ,y- /KU worth while practical serviceable a gift that will live—we'll say a Suit or ail Overcoat Every time he puts it on he's bound to think of the -X. joffi Set the amount you want to spend—we'll more than jfclh' V%Li match it with our EXTRA VALUE Suits and Overcoats at |lm' s 3S S 4O *45 Your choice must please "him" —we'll guarantee that it does for style, pattern, fit and service. fjjufMmi ur dollar Overcoats . t $50.00 to $90.00 ur C°H ars For Overcoats ' . $17.50 to $60.00 Leathertex and Reversible Coats ...... $20.00 to $50.00 A Hint to the Ladies is Sufficient A few helpful hints of the many good things at THE GLOBE for "HIS" Christmas. Mouse Coats. $7.50 to S4O Raincoats, $12.50 to $42.50 Gloves, $2.50 to $5 . Silk Mufflers, $5 to $7 Lounge Robes. $lB to S6O Beach Coats, $5.95 Wool Gloves. $1 to $1.50 Initial Hdkfs, 25c and 35c Bath Robes, $8.50 to sls Beach Vests, $2.95 Silk Shirts. $lO to sls Silk Hosiery, 75c to $1.75 Mackinaws, $16.50 to $25 Sweaters, $3.50 to sls Madras Shirts, $2 to $5 Lisle Hosiery, 35c and 50c Chauffeurs' Suits, $42.50 Wool Vests, $6 to $9.50 Pajamas, $3 to $7.00 Wool Hosiery, 75c to $2 Fancy Vests, $4 to $9.50 Velour Hats, $8 to Sl4 Night Shirts, $1.25 to $2.50 Fur Caps. $8 to $15.00 A Real X mas / • Filber Silk . / \ \ Shirts at Mxmle * 3 - 83 I \ Were we to buy i I I I T llv them today, we'd have to ask $6.00 for - I them. They're wond v ' U- crful shirts beauti- Tr —4 N/ /1 -J ful striped patterns. Christmas, Above All Belongs to the Boys It belongs to the girls, too, but all our efforts and attention are directed to the master of the house. We haven't any trinkets or toys, but we've got a Boys' Store full of the things he wants to wear. And after all, that's what brings him the most lasting joy. Put a Mackinaw in his stocking. If you want to choose it from the best as sortment in the city come to THE GLOBE. Prices range from $9.75 to $22.50 with special emphasis on the Pat rick Mackinaws at S2O and $22.50. Every boy wants a suit • —• say a Corduroy with either one or two pairs of pants, $lO to $15 —or a Blue FRIDAY EVENING, J eral, it is held by the Attorney Gen eral's department that the Scranton j 'Oral School for the Deaf is not within ] :the act forbidding use of substitutes : for butter. The case came up owing | to cost of provisions, there being a : State law that forbids furnishing to J inmates substitutes for butter. | Tlie Public Service Commission lias I received notice that the Pine Grove ! and Cressona Telephone Co., which operates in Schuylkill county, has advanced its rates $3 to $5.00 per j car. Over a score of telephone com > panics have given such notice in the. ; last three weeks. The Fayette I County Gas Co.. has tiled notice of ! advance in its rates. Tm|M>rtant steps for advancement 1 of recruiting of National Guard units i were discussed at the conference c-f | National Guard officers here follow ! ing the meeting of the State Armory i Hoard yesterday. The general offi ; cers, staff and regimental oommand ' ers are in conference to-day in Phil i adelphia with General J. Mel. Car i ter. chief of the Militia bureau, j Automobile license tags for 1920 are being shipped from the nutomo ! bile division of the State Highway j Department at the rate of 4,000 a day and it is planned to Increase ■ this to 5,000 a day. Applications are j pouring in on the divisional offices and there are big bundles of checks j ; and money orders being sent to the i i State Treasury. The rush for li-1 | censes is later than usual this year, ' j but bids fair to be very strong in the final ten days. In spite of the late ness there are numerous rcciuests for special numbers coming in. practie- ' ally all of which it is Impossible to ' I grant owing to the heavy demands 1 All Xmas Saving Fund Checks Cashed Serge, an extra special value at sls or the famous Wool Wear and Right-Pos ture suits at $lB to S3O. If he's a Boy Scout get him a scout outfit, we're the official outfitters for Boy and Girl Scouts. We know he'd like a Bath Robe, $5.00 to $8.50 —Raincoats, $5.00 to $15.00 —a nobby Hat, $1.50 to $5.00, Play Suits including Cowboy, Charley Chaplin, Military, Baseball and Junior Scout Suits, $2.95 to $5.00. Wash Suits, $1.95 to $7.50 —Sheep Lined Coats, $15.00 u half dozen pairs of stockings or a few new ties. / And say, when he sees that his gifts came from THE GLOBE, then you'll know his happiness is complete. THE GLOBE 'and the plan of handling the licenses| I as they come. ; Considerable data is la-lug prepar- | 1 ed for members of the State Consti- \ tutiouai Revision Commission to j j study during the recess. It will in-| i elude not only information from dc- I partments, hut from the constitu-i lions of other states. The Taxation i ; Committee has gathered a large' amount of information which will be ; I taken up for discussion when it i meets on January 6. It is the plan j :to devote that day to committee ( meetings as far as possible. Governor Sproul. who signed the' I State Road Bonds in New York yes- | ' terday, will be in Philadelphia to- j ; day. He plans to be here early on I j Monday and will probably spend ' ; Christmas at Chester. Only Durable Roads For Lawrence County Nowj j S. R. Iluey, T. K. Shields and Geo. j jT. Weingartner. recently elected ; i County Commissioner for Lawrence j j County and who will assume office in j ! January, to-day informed State j i Highway Commissioner Lewis S. i Sadler that it will he their aim as! j Commissioners of Lawrence County j j to build only durable roads. Lawrence County voters in the! I November election approved the | proposition to issue $1,000,000 to j i construct • roads which tying j t with the primary system to be j 'built at the sole cost of thel State will give that county a net | I work of durable thoroughfares us- j ■ able 305 days a year. The commls- j ' sioners-elect told the State High- j | way Commissioner that it would bet ' their aim to construct with the pro- ' Hundreds of Beautiful Silk nloo HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I feeds of the county bond Issue anlyi! .such roads as with proper malnten- ' lance would still be in existence after the maturity of the bonds. I "To build roads which woufd have | {disappeared years before the bonds i {matured would be an extravagant 1 | waste of public funds," the eonimis- i ! sioners-clect were told by Mr. Sad-! I ler. They agreed with him perfectly 1 ion this point. One of the chief aims ! of this board, they said, would be to i give Lawrence County all year high i ways. I Citizens of Fulton County saw the I Highway Commissioner relative to {the construction of a hard-surfaced . highway from McConnellsburg south j over Route Xo. 3S to the Maryland ! line. The Commissioner assured the ; delegation that everything possible i would be done for the people living 1 in southern Fulton County. In this .delegation wore Hon. G. I A. Comerer, W. Calvin Patterson. \V. • M. Kendall. Kennett Glazier, all of | McConnellsburg, and Frank Ranck, ithe Hon. W. B. Stiger, Ellsworth Hendershot, Clyde Crist, all of War- j ; t'ordsburg. A number of newly elected boards ( | of commissioners from various coun- : i tics have arranged to meet Commis- I ■ sioner Sadler during the next two! ! weeks. SORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle i with warm salt water, then apply— j Vicrs\lporu^ > I 1 "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30T. eOf/ifaC! THE GLOBE or-ztJ Lewis Confirms Date For Miners' Convention | Indianapolis, D ec . 19. John L. 1 Lewis, acting president of the United j Mine Workers of America, has con luined tlie announcement made in Cigars All 7c and 8c Cigars, 8 for 50c AH 12c and 14c Cigars, 10c Cigarettes At Usual Saturday Cut Prices Household Goods Piatt's Chlorides ... .26c, 49c Diamond Dyes, 3 for ... ,25c Dyola Dyes, 3 for 25c Putnam Dyes, 3 for 25c Alladin Dyes, 3 for 25c Carbona 13c, 19c 3-in-l Oil 12c, 19c Dead Stuck ig c Ivory Soap 8c Lifebuoy Soap 8c Saniflush ig c Peroxide Hydrogen, pt. . . 19c Sterno Heat, 3 for 25c Formaldehyde Fumigator, 21c,38c Peterman Discovery. 10c, 19c Witch Hazel, half pint ~2lc Liquid Veneer 19c Merck's Phosphate Soda. 17c 20-Mule Team Borax, 2 pack ages 23c Fever Thermometers, 89c, $1.19 Beef, Iron and Wine, pt.. ,69c Ammonia, pint 24c Olive Oil, 8 oz 39c Castile Soap, 3 for 25c Peterman's Powder .. L/c, 34c Rat, Corn 19c Chloride Lime 13c Face Creams 60c Elcaya Cream 45c D. & R. Cold Cream, 17c, 25c, 34c Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 37c Creme De Meridor. . 19c. 34c Woodbury's Facial Cream, 19c Pond's Vanishing Cream, 18c,33c 35c Pompeian Night Cream, 24c Mum 19c Porppeian Massage Cream, 37c, 48c Sassafola 19c Face Powders Luxor Face Powder 43c 50c Pompeian Beauty Powder 39c Mary Garden Powder 75c 25c Woodbury's Face Powder 17c Mavis Face Powder 37c 35c Satin Skin Face Powder ..28c L'Amc Face Powder 19c, 37c 50c Carmen Face Powder 37c Lov'me Face Powder 68c 50c Flamcrca Face Powder 45c Melbaline Face Powder 21c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 49c Garden Fragrance Face Powder . . .49c Fiancee Face Powder 79c 50c Java Rice Face Powder 37c 50c Flamenca Face Powder .....'..45c La Blache 43c 50c Marie Antoinette 39c 20c Swansdown Face Powder 13c 25c Sanitol Face Powder 19c Pussywillow Face Powder 37c Waltz Dream Face Powder 39c Soaps Woodbury's Soap 18c 25c Cuticura Soap 19c 25c Johnson's Foot Soap. 17c 25c Germicidal Soap, P. D. & Co 18c Hobson's Soap 21c Packer's Tar Soap 18c Palmolive Soap ~. . 3rfor 25c Castile "Soap 3 for 25c Sample Sachets Coty's L'Origon 10c Garden Fragrance 10c Mary Garden 10c Azurea 10c Fiancee 10c Houbigant's Ideal ~,,,, 10c DECEMBER 19, 1919. Washington by William Green, sec retary-treasurer of tlie organization, that a general convention of tlie miners would be held in Columbus, January sto 8. Decision to bold the convention at that time, it was said, was left largely to district officials of the organization, and duo to the fact that no hull in Indianapolis CLARK'S CBT-RATE MEDICINE STORES 300 Market St. 306 Broad Street. Special Sa!<£> Saturday One-half pound Countess Amalia Assorted Candy 39c Lady Helen Brazil Nuts, with cream, lb 79c Lady H'elen Chocolate Fruits and Nuts, with cream, lb. .79c Lady Helen Chocolate Caramels and Nougats, lb 79c Pills and Tablets Malena Pills 17c Pierce's Pellets 18c Bell-Ans 17c, 45c Alophen Pills .-..55 c 100 Compound Cathartic Pills 29c Lapactic Pills 29c Miles' Pain Pills 19c Pape's Diapepsin 34c Merck's Saccharine .... 23c Cascarets 19c, 39c Williams' Pink Pills 38c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Chase's Blood and Nerve.39c SI.OO Nuxated Iron Tablets, 69c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills, ,42c SI.OO Aspirin Tablets, Bayer's (100) 85c 25c Blaud's Iron Pills ...17c 35c McNeil's Cold Tablets, 24c Oil Korein Capsules ...,83c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 34c,67c For the Baby $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.75 Fletcher's Castoria 25c Denno's Food 63c SI.OO Sanatogen 75c Robinson's Barley 53c Eagle Milk, 3 cans 73c Imperial Granum .60c, 85c 50c Borden Malted Milk 34c 25c Hand's Remedies 17c Merck's Sugar Milk 59c 25c Mother Gray's Powder 19c 25c Infant Syringes 19c SI.OO Borden's Malted Milk ... 39c, 79c Nursing Bottles 5c Eskay's Food 63c, 75c Nestle's Food 4 sc, $2.49 Shaving Items 6 Gillette Blades 40c 12 Gillette Blades 79c Gillette Razor $3.79 Gem Blades 39c Durham-Duplex Blades 42c Ever-Ready Blades 28c Tootli Preparations Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c Kalpheno Tooth Paste ... 19c Pepsodent Tooth Paste . ,35c Lyon's Tooth Paste .... 18c Colgate's Tooth Paste, 10c, 25c Pond's Tooth Paste 17c Calox Tooth Powder ...,18c Kolynos Tooth Paste ...19c Pyorricidc Toqth Powder,7sc Albodcn Tooth Paste ... 19c S. S. White Tooth Paste. 18c Senreco Tooth Paste ... ,24c Peroxide Tooth Paste ...20c Forhan's Tooth Paste, 23c,40c A. D. S. Peroxide Tooth Paste 25c Lilly's Tooth Paste. . 19c, 34c Kalpheno Tooth Powder, 19c Peroxide Tooth Powder..24c Lyon's Tooth Powder... 18c Sheffield Dentifrice 17c Sample Perfumes Garden Fragrance 25c Mary Garden 25c Houbigant's Ideal 25c Azurea 25c Fiancee 25c Coty's L'Origon .25c large enough to accommodate the ~ l*llos Curwl in 6 to 14 Dmja more than 2.000 delegates would ho nruggists rotund money it PAJ* available before the latter part of OINTMENT fails to cure Itching . , Blind. Bleeding or Protruding: Pile* January, arrangements were made Sootheß and Hb^ to hold the meeting In Columbus. V ou can get restful sleep after thd I'se .McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. Ointments Poslam Ointment 43c Mustarine 19c K. Y. Jelly 19c Palmer's Skin Success ...19c Vick's Vapoßub 23c Hobson's Ointment 43c 15c Malena Salve 11c 50c Cuticura Ointment ..39c Resinol Ointment ...39c, 75c Musterole 23c, 39c Mentholatum 17c, 33c Mclba Talcum 21c Johnson's Baby Powder.. 14c Pompeian Talcum 19c Mary Garden Talcum ... ,47c Rubber Goods Rubber Sheeting 89c Syringe Tubing 21c Hard Rubber Syringes, 25c, 38c, 68c, 98c Crutch Tips Finger Cots 5 C N. Y. Elastic Trusses $2.48 Rubberset Tooth Brushes 38c Rubberset Lather Brushes. 25c, 48c, 98c Rubber Fittings .....10c Anti-Colic Nipples 5 C Hot Water Bottles. 77c, 96c, $1.68, $2.48 2-qt. Fountain Syringe, 77c, 84c, $1.19, $1.68 2-qt. Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle $1.38, $1.68 Daval Whirlpool Spray Syringe ..$1.98 Maderite Spray Syringe $1.34 Bulb Syringes 38c, 68c Nipple Shields 10c Nasal Atomizer 56 c Throat Atomizer 46c, 54c, 64c Breast Pumps 38 c Pacifier 10c Ice Caps 68c, 89c Face Bags 48 c Hygeia Nursers, complete 24c Anti-Colic Shape Nipples, 6 for 25c Ear and Ulcer Syringe .. * .19c Infant Syringes i 19 c Patent Medicines Cod Liver Oil, pt 89c Absorbine 90c, $1.85 SI.OO Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin 69c SI.OO Beef, Iron and Wine, 69c Eckman's Alterative, 67c, $1.23 Ovorferrin 95c Miles' Nervine 77c Atwood's Bitters 19c Vinol 75c Nujol 77c 60c Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 36c, 73c Bromo Seltzer .. 19c, 37c, 75c White Pine and Tar ....24c Angier's Emulsion ......83c 50c Pape's Diapepsin ...34c SI.OO Quaker Herb Ext.. .73c 50c Phenol Sodique 37c SI.OO Wampole's Cod Liver Extract 1.59 c $2.00 Chichester Pills $1.53 Russell's Emulsion 98c American Oil 55c Perfumes $5.00 Garden Fragrance 3-piece Sets $3.89 $3.50 Garden Fragrance 2-piece Sets $2.89 $7.00 Garden Fragrance 4-piece Sets $5.79 $15.00 Fiancee Perfume 4-piece Sets $9.89 $12.00 Fiancee Perfume 3-piece Sets $6.89 $5.00 Fiancee Perfume 2-piece Sets $3.89 Kewpie Dolls "Tiss-Me" Doll $1.89 "Splash-Me" Doll $1.89 Writing Paper 60c Writing Paper 35c 75c Writing Paper ......45c SI.OO Writing Paper .....65c $1.25 Writing Paper 85c $1.50 Writing Paper ..:SI.OO Hair Preparations Canthrox 43^ Hay's Hair Health ..34c, 67c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur,. 69c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil ..39c Pinaud's Hair Tonic.49c, 98c Brownatone 26c, 89c 50c Parker's Hair 8a15am.364 Danderine 21c, 69c Newbro's Herpicide .....43c 60c Parisian Sage ..39c SI.OO Liquid Arvon 79c $1.25 Mary Goldman Hair Dye $1.05 Talcums Pussywillow Talcum ... : .19c Garden Fragrance ......39c Squibb's Talcum ...19c Mennen's Talcum 19c William's Talcum 17c Patent Medicines Gray's Glycerine Tonic ..98c Alexander's Lung Healer, 19c Maltine Preparation 98c Pinex 39 C Pertussin 98c Foley's Honey and Tar, 19c, 37c Tonsiline 45 c Kemp's Balsam 19c, 39c Tanlac 79c Fellows' Hypophos. ...$1,05 60c Ely's Cream Balm ..38c S. S. S 69c, $1.19 Sloan's Liniment, 24c, 48c, 96c Glyco Thymoline, 19c, 39c, 79c SI.OO Mother's Friend...7lc Listerine 19c, 34c, 67c $1.20 Pierce's Medicine. .79c $1.25 Gude's Pepto-Man., 90c Scott's Emulsion ....49c,98c $1.50 Keller's Catarrh Rem edy $1.19 Cal. Syrup of Figs 37c Jad Salts 52c Usoline 39c 21
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers