18 LANDING AT MOLE PROVES DISASTER Admiral Bacon, in Book, Re veals Thrilling Tale of "Dover Patrol' London. Dec. 19.—1f you suddenly learned that at most vulnerable point, In some of the most critical mo ments of the late war. Great Britain •was being guarded by two men and a boy, armed with two popguns. one of which was away you would experience something ot the thrill given by Admiral Bacon's book, 'The Dover Patrol. 191-li. •writes a London reviewer. For the one fact t hat ®tands out most clearly In these fascinatllng volumes is that for the veiy gate of England, from which we had to send every man and every cartridge, and every mouthful of food 101 the fighting line in France, the ad miralty could only spare a few 0( ?^ 8 and ends of obsolete vessels, be cause, for a chance that never came, we hid away at Scapa all our boast ed naval strength. And yet the Do ver Patrol was the one unit of the fleet that was always in touch with th AimiraV Bacon is i * nd ready to carry on chcerfull} and im provise good-humoredly with two men and a boy. if my lords of the admiralty could spare him noth In* more. But his facts are startling. How splendidly he was wined y his men he is eager to te l. "The men were mostly plain fish erfolk; the vessels ordinary fishing craft The little drifter —with the armament of a single rifle an <* a few rounds of ammunition—who used to accompany us on our bom bardments and be shelled with ap parent enjoyment, had crews of hardv fellows who were seamen in the truest sense. Often they stood unarmed as outposts in the Straita of Dover, with neither gun to fight nor speed to avoid the German de stroyers ... ... "The trawlers, with their brother fisher-folk, swept for mines at the rate of 250 miles a day. and during the first three years of the war swept a total distance equivalent to twelve times round the earth! These pie i saw their comrades blown up. and vet wept on stendilv and unfal teringly with their duties. Eccentric. Monitors Of regular navy boats —except for monitors, of whose navigating ec centiioitlca Admiral Bacon tells some amusing stories —there were <ew: "The Interesting feature is the phenomenally small force of de strovers with the four-inch guns in the patrol. For two years four was the greatest number available find once we were reduced to a single four-inch gun destroyer to hold the straits, with a dozen or more Ger man boats barely sixty miles away, each superior in armament to our ■ingle boat." Little wonder that, with all their cheery confidence, the men of the Dover Patrol, up against the war as no other part of the navy was, sometimes coveted, at least, one of the countless boats hoarded and cherished In other harbors far away from the work. But Admiral Bacon made tha best of things—and what a Jolly good best it was we can realize now, •when we know how much he did for our national safety with such Inade quate arms—and the cheery spirit in which he writes is well illustrated by his description of the monitors that were entrusted to him. The Marshal Ney was a special pet: "Her engines not infrequently ex ploded when asked to start, her engine room was scarred as if by shrapnel from the fragments of burst cylinder heads, and the es capes of the engine room staff were miraculous. * * • • When they did not burst they usually would not start, and when once started no one liked to stop them for fear of not being able to start them again." It was when a new captain had her in a gale in m'dchannel, and she was doing everything hut steer, that the ndmiral wirelessed him to chepr him up. "The Marshal Nov usually navigates the waters of the patrol sideways." Unahle with the forces at his dis posal to fight the enemy, as his sailor's heart urged him to db. Ad miral Bacon was reduced to bluffing them, and he has some amusing stories to tell of this: "To give the enemy a fright and to give a wakeful night to several thousand men, I sent Commander Evans with two small torpedo hoats off Ostend to fire two bouquets of 100 rockets each to give the mili- Gifts Useful Christmas Shoppers buy sensibly as well as economically. Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Snutll Lamps, Domes, Ranges of all des criptions, Water Heaters, Waffle Grids, Cake Grids, Toasters, Irons, Self Lighters, Radiant Fire Heating Stoves and a score of other appli ances that appeal. Whether one is a housewife, a student or liv ing in bachelor apartments, our beautiful table lamps are exquisite as well as reason ably priced and suitable for any location, Waffle and Hot Cake Griddles that produce those golden brown waffles and cakes. Our gas radiant fire heating stoves remind one of the good old summer time, not un sightly to look upon, but most cheerful, and distribute pure heat in every direction. Most every household has a Gas Iron, which is used at little cost. 3 hours for one cent. There are many other very useful appliances that will please, because of their conveni ence. comfort and small cost of operation. Harrisburg Gas Company Middletown Harrisburg Stcelton FRIDAY EVENING, tary command something to think about," How plans were made for the landing of the First division on the Belgian cost in 1917, with tanks and guns, forms one of Admiral Bacon's mist interesting chapters. Huge pontoons, which were in reality 2,- 500 ton ships, were constructed, and the scheme contemplated the land ing of 16,000 men in twenty min utes. A replica of the Middlekerke sea wall that would have to be tackled was set up In France, and tanks were taught to climb it. Plans For a Landing Admiral Bacon gives a vivid ac count ot the landing as it was to have been, but our troubles on the Passchendaele Ridge made the pro posed combined attack impossible, and the scheme was never brought off. .After assuming that plans for run ning the huge pontoons (laden with troops, guns and tanks) end on to the shore had been safely accom plished. and that the monitors were keeping the German shore batteries amused, he continues: "One yell, and the first 400 troops burst ashore. The tanks began to move, nnd almost at once reached the wall. Then a tense excitement; the tanks gripped, up the tanks climbed. • • • A fi#od of troops swarmed over the wall, and the ac tion began. As soon as the troops were clear, carts, gun lumber nad sledges began to move off the pon toons. • * • Such is the descrip tion of what it was hoped would happen, but, alas, it never came off!" Of the plans for the famous at tack on Zeebrugge and Ostend Ad miral Bacon has much to say, since these were all worked out while he held the Dover command, though the actual operations were carried out by his successor. On these af fairs his comment is: "It is impossible to have a better example of how want of experience I wrecked a # scheme. • • • instead of this operation, the last naval , | operation of the war, being a model, i a classical model, the Mole landing j ' was a disaster and Ostend. after our i 1 having patrolled close to it for near- j lv a year and a half, was not found ; sum. u uatfM uoisaooo Xjuo uo j really necessary." To Probp Methods of Shipping Aniirals in Zero Weather . Pliiladelphla, Dee. 19. —The So-1 'eiety for the Prevention of Cruelty ito Animals will make an investiga j t'on of the method of shipping ani mals in zero weather. I The action was taken after 15 | horses, shipped from Delaware to i Philadelphia )in open-lattice stock | cars, were frozen to death yesterday on their way here. They were consigned to a fertlliz j ing plant at Greenwich Point, and ! were diverted to the Pennsylvania Railroad freight yards at Thirtieth and Race streets by mistake. Huddled together In an effort to shield themselves from the biting cold, the horses, which were on their ; way to slaughter, perished slowly as I the train raced north. Convict Ends Life by Hanging in Cell j Philadelphia, Deo. 18.—William \ Stehlik, 27 years old, hanged htm ; self in a cell in the Eastern Peni -1 tentiary Wednesday night, where he was serving a term of from two to ■ three years for highway robbery and | assault. I His body was found hanging from ! a rope he had made by tying to- "Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets" Paraphernalia Used by Moonshiners in Making "Gasoline Whisky" I Many a downtrodden drinking man has muttered after gulping down what is now surreptitiously sold as whisky: "That stuff must have been made out of gasoline." As a matter of fact, some of the more errt'-rprising moonshiners have been using the Btuff that makes autos and airplanes go in producing a brand of "hooch" that puts a kick into a human's every cylinder. This was discovered recently by Federal agents who made a raid on New York moonshiners. This photograph shows the agents exam ining paraphernalia seized in the raid. gether pieces of his shirt. He had also slashed both of his wrists with a piece of tin he had torn from his mess pan. The prisoner had taken part in a demonstration last week made by the convicts as a protest against the quality of food they wree receiving. Il: =®. You Pay Less far Quality at Miller and Kades lF-J Ik Columbia Grafonola The Incomparable Musical Instrument Is the Final Expression and Evidence of Columbia Priority, Prestige and Leadership SOLD ON l OUR CLi/fi I NO CASH NEEDED 1 For a Merry Musical Christmas and Many Melodious Years to Come The Only Store in Harrisbtirg Thai Sells Columbia Grafonolas and Records Exclusively MILLER and KADES | 7 North Market Square .p] HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ANNOUNCE DAUGHTER'S BIRTII Now Cumberland, pa., Dec. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Kufus Sherman, of . Fifth street, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, December lt>. Mrs. Sherman was Miss Ida Dates, of New Market, prior to her mn'T'age. MOTHER KILLED 'BUDDY' BLAKE Jury at Coroner's Inquest Be lieves Woman's Mind Was Deranged Atlantic City, N. J.. Dec. 19.—Five year old James (Buddy) Blake, whose body was washed aahore nt Ventnor last Sunday, came to his death at the hands of h's mother I while she was laboring: under a state j of mental aberration, according to I the verdict of the Jury at the oor | oner's inquest last night into the i boy's death. j Coroner Stoddard announced that he would hold Mrs. Blake to await the action of the grand jury, j More than lu witnesses were i heard by the jury, many of them I testifying as to the mental condition lof Mrs. Esther Miller Blake, the • boy's mother, who is charged with . his murder. Mrs. Blake, who is I under police guard at the City Hos | pital, was unable to appear at the J inquest. Several physicians, includ ing Dr. L. It. Souder, county physi- i eian, testified that Mrs. Blake was I | mentally irresponsible. James M. Blake, Buddy's father, j testified he had been separated from i his wife about five years and that prior to the separation he was forced to send her tu a sanitarium for the insane near Baltimore. "She improved and come here after a lapse of six months," Blake said. "In 1914 I transferred by bust- : ness to Philadelphia and not long afterward she became a patient in a I hospital there. Later we came to Yilantie City and decided to live apart. It was Impossible for us to live together owing to her unman ageable condition. When the boy v/as born she refused to return home, but finally did come against her wishes. She threatened my life on several occasions and I saw there was nothing to do but to separate finally." Blake said his wife made numer ous attempts to affect a reconcilia tion. Doctors Clarence Carrabrant and J. T. Berkwith, alienists appointed by the court, testified that Mrs. Blake was nervous and Excitable. 'Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad It® "PuotTr" Nut Margarine it churned If Tit ' Capital City Products Co., Columbus , Ohio, High Grade Margarine Maters Since 1884. (Also maters of "PuttiTr" Margarine.) "A word to the wise is sufficient"— Let that one word be "PURITY." It is the trade-marked name of Nut Margarine of superior quality and flavor. It is the guide-post to economy—the buy-word that sums up thirty-six years' experience. Your dealer has "PURITY" Nut Margarine, also 'PURITY" Oleomargarine made of wholesome >£_ ingredients, A Jm 'I'll!■! CAL'LTA I. CITY PRODUCTS CO., BRANCH, 40 S. Delaware Ave. ptiii.Al>Kl.pni A, PA. _ Hell Phone Keystone Lombard l4Trt >' < MM Ak TTifl pore Spread for dalfy Bread' DECEMBER 19, 1919.
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