16 KURRISBURG TELEGRAPH PJ| YGW.QPJ PFJ? F OR THE HOME Published eveningu except Sunday by H|K TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. k"ele*rk BalMlag, Federal bqaare E. J. STACK POLE President anil Editor-in-Chief )YSTER, Business Manager tTOS. M. STEINMKTZ. Managing I'ditar tA, R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Exri'ttbe Board. aCr.' McCULLOUG H. { ! F..R. OYSTER. GCS. 11. STEINMKTZ. tern Iters of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. ■ll rights of republication of special herein are also reserved. * 4 *J nber American r -i Chicago, Ilk ' ■ntered at the Post Office in Harris burg. Pa., aa second class matter. L By carrier, ten cents a RSB9W week: by mail. L.OV a " year in advance. U ftirrKsa>AT. deoember ir. ibis |k bright New Year and a sunny track ' Along an upward way, fejtd a song of praise on looking back. When the year has passed away; Rnd golden sheaves, nor small, nor few! This to my Near Year's wish for i you! -—Anon, j RIGHT. MR. UNDERWOOD SENATOR UNDERWOOD speaks J wisdom when he says it will notj do to turn the railroads back to their owners January 1 without the adoption of legislation of a protec tive character. It would be little less than criminal and a serious blow at prosperity of the whole country for President Wilson to do what he has threatened to do. Evidently. Mr. Underwood has got some inkling of | a change of attitude on Mr. Wilson's part with respect to the railroad problem, else he would not place himself in the position of being at bdds with the White House when he assumed the defense f the transportation systems against the irreparable damage of being dumped back Into the hands of their owners like so many scrambled eggs. The railroads cannot fairly he tadtlled with the burdens the govern ment has placed upon tliem without the means of raising money to meet the increased expenditures. Neither ean the government go along foot ing tremendous deficits. In either ease the answer lies in higher t freight rates, but it Is fair to as sume. that the railroads under pri vate ownership will need less than if they are continued under govern ment control, so that the sooner Con gress can agree upon a reasonable railroad biil the better. Settlement of the country's grave transportation ' problems, with their multitudinous ramifications, is even more import ant to the prosperity and content- i merit of the people than tlna.l action gn the Peace Treaty. A FOREHANDED BOARD THE Board of Tublic Ground.-: and Buildings is a far-seeing body. Every move in the de velopment of the Capitol Extension plan has been marked by good business Judgment and mature thought, but nothing the Board has flons Is more forehanded than its < fiociaion to have plans prepared for two office buildings in Capitol Park. Cn though the appropriation at ; id caJla for only one. It tjjll be good business to keep : Do Capitol work moving once it is ' fren QTidcr WBT, (wo badlr needed and by the time |9be first is completed money will be |ft hand for the second. Governor Sproul has never for a potnent lost sight of his plan to con ' psßtrwte all branches of the State! Dpwrnment in State-owned build-1 haqpi fcn the Capitol sone, and he and j Mb associates on the Board are ao- ; (ganpUshlng wonders along this line. , JDO-ORDIXATINCr CIEVRITV |pHE Chamber of Commerce com- ■ fl mlttee which lias under con- ' stderation a federttion of the ftciaJ agencies of llarrlsburg is paking a thorough study of the ■oblem with a view to ro-onlinal-! Ac the charitable work of the city, billad e phia is also engaged in a fcmilar movement, but the forma- Mn Of the federation there lias been postponed until such time us defln- Le statistical data is available upon khieh 10 build a permanent struc- Of co-operative effort. A Philadelphia newspaper says parlous estimates as to tlie amount Depended annually by the agencies Doing .social service work have been fnad-. as have also approximations : tf Üb# expenditures of hosnitaU, THURSDAY EVENING, | homos and institutions. hut these j estimates have lacked a sound basis [in that they have not been founded upon ascertainable facts. It is the thought here that some sort of federation of a practical character would prevent much over | lapping in administration anil save i considerable overhead expense. Ex i Mayor Howgnan is chairman of the [ committee and the others interest 'ed in the proposition are giving it i thorough study. STARTED RIGHT {-|-a I'IIJJING a new hotel in any | |-£ city is a large undertaking and it is very essential that the project bo started right." This i extract from a booklet of an im portant hotel construction company ;is of special and timely interest ow ing to the close of the lirst year of the Penn-Harris in this city. Har ' risburg's latest and most important j hotel was "started right." Before ground was broken the lessee was obtained and the advice .of the ; United Motels Company was followed : and its wishes referred to in the erection of the building. We quote ; further from this same expert con : cent: "A city determined to have a new hotel should incorporate a hotel iompany and elect men a* officers of this company who are 1 familiar with business procedure and who have the initiative go ahead and get things done. This j company should then arrange for ! a lessee for their new hotel if j they want to lease it. and should ! arrange toi th- architects and I engineers who will supervise the ! design and construction." This is precisely the course that was followed in tile organization of ithe Itarrisburg Hotel Company and j the building of the Penn-Harris. ( Every precaution was taken to as sure a modern and adequate lrotel land the results of the tiist year cult : tirru the judgment and justify the j plans of the owners. Of course, no one could have an j ticipated the need for enlargement would come so soon, but the public ■ spirited people of llarrisburg will look with confidence to those in [charge of tiiis important community ! enterprise lor such further extension as ma> be found necessary. GOOD MEN, ALL THE State Police force tosos two excellent and capable men * in the resignations of Captain George K. f.umb, for years assistant superintendent and during Major, Groome's absence acting head of the ; department and Captain la>on j Pitcher. Captain I.untb's right liftml j man. Muring their residence iierej the people of llarrisburg lta**e learn ed to admire and respect them, in j Captain Pitcher Wilkes-Barre will l get an able and. energetic chief of police, while in Captain Lumb the Mauphin county bar will claim the . lul time of a lawyer who already hasj i made a very favorable impression in ' the limited practice his other activi ties permitted. In the changes that are pa>t of every-day life at he. Capitol. Hurrisburg leses all too many men who have left their iin-i press upon the community, but it is pleasing to note that some, likcj Captain Lumb, think so well of the city that they decide to remain here peimanently when their terms of public service are at an end. Major Groome. organizer of the State Police, is a well-known figure. Tie brings to the resumption of li s work the peculiar qualities that fitted him for the office so well in the first place, and a wealth of experience. I gained in the Army, beside The I State Police force w ill continue, as it lias been ever since its organization, in excellent hands. AT THE OLD STAND J WEt.I,. well, well: Here we all j are. safe and sound, imping j business at the same stand, ' with the little old earth zipping i along at its accustomed speed, all | | careless of the predictions'of gloomy ! mortals who, if they had their way, j would have smashed it to bits yes- ■ terday in collision with another planet. We know of fc no more pre carious business # tl'ian 1 that of a! prophet, who very often is without honor not only in his own country, where his friends know him for a four-ttuslier. hut tlsetvhere as well.! when he has taken a long shot and missed. We have tried tlie prophet game ourselves, on occasion, and found it unprofitable, if we may run | the risk of I eing thought guilty of attempting a pun. Take, for ex ample. the time we forecasted the election of Mr. Hughes. My, hut that was a sail affair. The only con- 1 solution we had was that we were not alone: oh. my no. So we guess we know how the Michigan astronomer feels to-day. But at that he bad all the best of the argument, because even if his ! prediction bad come true he ! wouldn't have had opportunity of ! crowing over his triumph or of nod- ; ding knowingly to his friends and saying. "I told you so," which is about all the fun a prophet gets out of his business anyway. The old world has the habit of disappointing those who set a date for its dissolution. Not since Noah has any nrophet gotten awa> with uriythlng of the sort. Maybe some da> the Whole universe may go to eternal smash. But I hut's nothing to worry ul'out. It is a pretty well established fact that all of its will die some day, but we do not worry about that nor try to find out the date that will mark the esd of this world individually for us. Prophets would accomplish more if they preached right living and all of us would be better if we gave more thought to our own lives than to speculation on the end of theui, or to tlie vaporlngs of sensation seeking scientists of the Dr. Cook type. We wonder who will he the next charlatan to set the world on ; edge. fUttico U Tt-KxttfUajua. By tlw Ex-Committeeman Announcement of the candidacy of Gerard, former Ambassa dor to Germany, as a candidate for the Meniocratic nomination for President is expected to bring out the plans of the Democrats in Penn sylvania. The Palmer adherents make no hesitation in their advocacy of the Attorney General and are al ready setting up their men for Na tional delegate with as much care as Ihey are selecting State committee men. They are not going to run any chances such as they did in ltflS. when the gubernatorial nomination was bagged by Judge Eugene C. Monni well. The general belief is that Palmer will get most of the Pennsylvania Domoe ratio delegates and that what opposition there is to him will be in the two big counties, with possibly one or two in other sections. Some significance is attached to an edi torial in the Philadelphia Record boosting William . MrAdoo as Democratic presidential timber. Tile Philadelphia Evening Ledger says that Mr. Gerard is a nice man. but tiiai he is a candidate for the Suicide Club of liljo. Col William Jennings Bryan is Mill taking abiding interest in Penn > l\ania politics. Some eleven years ago the colonel was very much to the front in this State and' came here to address the Democratic State com mittee in his effort to throw out t'o'. J M. Ctuffcv. Since that time the colonel has been visiting around and lecturing, Put he h.Ts found time to w rito and say things about Pennsyl vania. —ln a recent letter the colonel said that of all the possible Repub lican candidates the man lie thought most available was Governor William <'. Sproul. The colonel raid that he had ttie ability and the qualities and recalled that he litid suggested the Governor as a good candidate months ago. Mayor-elect J. Hampton Moore's selection of James T. Cortelyou as di rector of public safety appears to be meeting general commendation in Philadelphia newspapers. Mr. Cor telyou is one of the men much men tioned for superintendent of the r - organized Stale Police. The inquirer says that he will be a "real director" and the Press and Public Ledger also commend him. The Evening Bulle tin says: "It is evident that the prospective mayor means to lie en tire master of the Department of Public Safety* on all essential ques tions. and lie believes that in c'or tel you he will find the sort of loyalty which lie wants in working out the policies to which he lias committed himself as a supporter of the new city charter in its relations to the police." —Mr. Cortelyou is quoted as say ing that the police department will hereafter be "governed from within and not from without" and that po lice w ill not be allowed to play politics or be played with. Major Samuel O. Wynne will tie bead of detectives and William D. Mills will be made superintendent. —The whole State will watch the way Cortelyou works out the prob lem. He is well known all over Pennsylvania and will have many sincere good wishers. "The Republican Alliance is solidly back of Mayor-elect Moore. There lias never been any danger of a break.* Thus Thomas W. Cun ningham. president of tile Repub lican Alliance, routed tumors that certain anli-Vare Republicans had threatened to leave the MoOre camp recently. Cunningham .said that the eleven Independent cotincilmen "have pledged themselves to stand back of the mayor-elect." —The Evening Bulletin says: "A determined effort to land Joseph Smith?"brother and secretary of the outgoing mayor, as real estate dep uty tinder Sheriff-elect ikobert E. Lambert on was disvov'ejjd^o-duy by Mr. laimbertou's friends. The sheriff elect assured fhem jthat Mr. Smith will not be a iea! estate deputy or anything else in the sheriff's office during his administration." —Changes in the executive oftbes of tlie State Police whereby Col. John c. (Jrooine. of Philadelphia, re siinu-s the superintendence from which he received a leave of absence when commissioned in the United States Army, and George P. the acting superintendent, retires, were not much of a surprise at the .Capitol. For some time it nns been known that the colonel and his for mer deputy wero at odds and when t'ol. tlroome returned to this coun try steps were taken b) him to re sume his status as superintendent, as he has two years of his term to serve. Captain l.umli sent Irs resig nation to tlie Governor several days ago, and following Col. Orocime's visit to thejClovernor yesterday after noon. it was announced that lie would return and that the Governor had accepted Captain i.umh's resig nation as acting superintendent ami deputy at the captain's own solici tation, as lie will engage in the prac tice of law in this city. Just how long Col. Grooms will remain head of the department is not known. Captain T.umb retires December 31. with leave now. —Captain Leon F. Pitcher. dep uty superintendent, will retire Jan uary l to become chief of police of Wilkes-Barre. a position •entered to him some time ago. iSoth Captains Lumb and Pitcher came to the State force out of the Army and both have tine records. The Governor declined to make any statement in the matter. —All of the members of the State delegation in Congress are expected to attend the dinner which Governor Sproul will give in honor of the dele,- gation early in January. It trill be the fust of the kind given by a Gov ernor and is a return of the compli ment paid the Governor at Wash ington --The new city of Sharon, wliieh emerges ftsiim boroughliood on Jan uary 1. is talohg its nw duties seri ously. Meetings are being held for di.%t-nssion of municipal organization and probieips afid some of tin- State departments have been asked for in formation and advice. Tills is the first extensive utilization of what the J>epart fneht of Internal Affairs has provided to aid lilies and bor oughs. —Col. George \ox McCain has tills to say about a Berks countian, who ; is well known 10. many llarrishurg | people: "There Is one thing about ; Charles 15. Spalz that his political ' friends admire: his persistency. Mr. [ Spatz -they pronounce it 'Spots' up I in Berks county—is a Philadelphia!) ' who at an early age emigrated to Boyertown, where they make more ! hurfal caskets than any place else In [ the country. He is pre-eminent iu j that domain of democracy as a fighting Democrat. Besides lie's a i newspaper publisher of thlrtyajlve i years' experience. Likewise, he is the 'father,of the famous American ace. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES By BRIGGS (LOOK HtNRV "ISnj T ) / AMD I VAJ ANT YOU TO 1 " C . <l= c Y-J iZr?£*i;£?k-y \r<S>v c ,T I 'SZS'Zi / A \ 00-r'N • /■* AREN'T THSSE ( THIS DARLING VEST "an eRVtLoPe-A ( HMICKERS "Too .SWEET ) 4 GoT For STELLA ? TEpDY 86AR • / \ FoR anything ?- y \ Sn'T" it Too Core, KiMicKSRS AND A / ( TmeYRE FOR 7 < — VEST ALL Rou-tP / V MlnniE i /?'■£s? WE.St') ? Jf&K |MTo OrvJE.-jjt fl\/ Major Sputz, who nearly won the' great trans-continental aerial race a few months ago. Charles Sputz's per sistency is,particularly noticeable in iiis militant democracy and an un wearying disposition to land a seat in the halls of Congress as one of j the little handful of Democrats from Pennsylvania in that body, lie tried lit two years ago, and he has just announced that he will make another, ' attempt the coming spring. As Berks 'is hopejacsly Democratic, why not 'Charhs It. Spats?" t After Forty-eight Years I From the New York Times. | 1 In the National Assembly at Bor deaux. Feb. 17. 1871, the Alsatian 'deputies made the famous declara tion wherein they proclaimed "for ever invincible the rights of Alsa tians and Lot tamers to remain members of the French nation." and 'swore for themselves, their consti [ tuents. their descendants, "to claim' | that right eternally and by all means 1 against any and all usurpers." Ou March 1, 1871. the deputies' | from Alsace and Lorraine, soon to be ! made; Germans against their will, made as Frenchmen the famous pro test of Bordeaux, against declaring ! "null and void a compact" which disposed of them without, their eon sent. on February 18. 1 874. in the Ger- ; titan Reichstag. Deputy Eduard 1 : Teutsch declared, amid howls of 1 education, that "citizens possessed !of souls and intelligence are not merchandise to l>e bartered: and it is not permissible to make them the 1 object of n contract." On Dec. 8, 1919, a declaration was i read in the French chamber in be- f {.half of the 2 4 deputies from restored I' Alsace and Lorraine, "the legiti- ! | mate heirs of the Boideuux protest-' ers." Thus, after nearly 50 years, aj great historic injustice has been righted: and one's belief in the j moral government of ttie world is ; renewed and strengthened. Few Old Signs Are Left [From the New York Sun.] Many of the familiar trade signs used to advertise imsiness enter prises have been discarded entirely in the onward sweep of advertising progress or displaced t>> more or less artistic displays of paint and electric lights. one of the most common of the old timers that has vanished was the wooden Indian, which kept its >uj>-nt. stolid vigil beside the door tvr'tlie tobacconist. The significant boot that once was suspended over the shop of the re pairer of boots and shoes is also only a memory. So are the anvil hanging above the entrance to the blacksmith slioj> and the horse's heads over liverymen's doorways. The origin of tlfe cigar store In dian dates back to Sir Walter llal eigh and his English settlers in our sunny South. These fortune seek ers. visiting the unknown New World in the Seventeenth Century, and for the first time in the history of the white race learning the use of the tobacco weed from the North American Indian, symbolized this industry by the led man's imposing figure. .1 (rood Method [From the Houston Post.] One day a visitor at a charity ba zar noticed a man going right along the line of booths, buying nothing and yet leaving smiling faces behind him. Furious to learn how he did it. the visitor strolled up just as the nian. after looking over some things at the last booth, Was about to pass on. "Why don't you buy something at my table?" the girl in the booth de ; niaiuled. j "Because." the man said confi [dcntly, "I buy only from the plain girls: they have a harder time tnak ' ing sales." Marks and Ruble* For Sale [From the Outlook) A bulletin board ill front of a inoney-btoker's shop on the Fust KUlr in New York t'lty rruiln, in sev eral languages: "liny and Keep! • n.OOO tiermon marks. $4 00. 10.000 Ilussiun rubles. $500." The investor will thus have, if the tnark ever goes to par attain, $2,500 for his $400; and if the ruble recovers ita pie-war value, $5,000 for SSOO. Tram Work Seeded [From the Baltimore News.] The Nation has had proof enough to convince anybody that without n spirit of compromise, without a dis position to Rite and take between the chief magistrate and the Senate, lit tle can be accomplished. It would prefer now to see what hope of pro gress there is in team work. MANY NEW CARS AT LONDON'S MOTOR SHOW Pit- Little Engine <>f About IIJ llrsepower, tu Sixttfii <>l' Twenty-two MOIIPK Shows the Trcild'lil England THE biggest motor show in i Great Britain's history—the I annual Olympia Show in Lon don, which has been interrupted by the great war —was held last month The attendance passed the 280,000 mark. The attendance at the pre vious show, in 1913. was 220,000. Next year, to accommodate a pre- | dieted increase and to circumvent > London's limited hotel facilities, j there will be two shows, one follow- j ing the other. The exhibitors will 1 draw lots for both dates and, space, j just as in ttie past they have drawn \ lots for space. The London Times' summary says # the output'of the British makers in 1920 will be one hundred and fifty thousand ears, while the British market will require three hundred , thousand ears. The excess, of course, { will be supplied by foreign cars im- ; ported by. British dealers, and j among these will figure American, j French and Italian cars which were exhibited at ttie Olympia Show. Small Engine in Favor. There were twenty-two new Eng- ■ lisli cars on display, and the London Times regards as significant of the trend of development in England j tlie fact that sixteen of ttie txyenty- ! two were in the 11.9-horsepower j class. The Times says: "There is no doubt that, providing it be developed on common sense i lines and too much is not extracted : from the willing small engine of , high efficiency, this new 11.9-horse- | power class of car which the new ' firms have been so largely instru mental in developing will pfove to tie most valuable. Essentially a car [ that is inexpensive in running costs, ' the 11.9 is quite capable of taking : light 4-passenger body with full complement of passengers at a rousing spied and of climbing any ordinary bill. "The Calthorpe was the first small car to show that, under proper conditions of gearing and when due attention was paid to economy of i weight and wind resistance in body American Footwear. In spite of the prevailing high price of shoes and of the steep supertax, there is a steady de mand among the well-to-do in Italy for American footwear. The ab normallv high rate of exchange is (lie only obstacle that prevents a very broad market, for it is admit ted that in finish', wearing quality and general desirability American shoes are well In the lead. Ihe shoes must be made to conform to Italian taste, which, at the present lime, runs to high heels and stubby toe c Sboes with uigh heels, short vamps and round tips, in tan or black, made of the best calf and kid, make up the stock wanted in Italy. Shoes of this character have a ready sale, at from $8 to sl3 a pair. Wo men's shoes, which requite, more leather and a finer finish, sell from tt to $lB a pair. It would prove pi ofltable if American manufactur i.. would study the requirements t >i the indoor -party shoe, so-called, which is a tow shoq, of light Ivpe, with a strap over the instep. This shoe is worn by the women who con stitute the great middle-class popula tion. As turned out by the native factories it is a rather flimsy affair, retailing lor around $7 a pair. So Sonrlltj [From Kansas City Star] "As I camy from the station Just now," said a recently arrived guest, "I noticed a crowd in front of the Iti-Mit Place store and heard con siderable yelling. Whut was the ex citement?" 1 "A farmer and tin- storekeeper were telling what they thought of each otheiV infernal hoggishncss In wanting Ave prices for tlie stuff they had to sell," replied the land lord of the Petunia tavern. "But i there wasn't any particular excite ment —it happens every day. The 1 crowd merely gathered in the hope thai thev might accidentally say j something new and interesting. And I low Long Agb? p-'rom Answers, Kondon.] She (just kissed by him) —How dare you I Father said he would kilt the ilrst iron who kissel nit-: He —How interesting: Did he dr. it? I work, a very little engine could be I coaxed into doing, and in a most economical manner, the work that had hitherto been regarded as al most inseparably associated with a big one, and that even so very few : concessions had to be made by the user in respect of comfort, speed and appearance. To adapt the small high efficiency ; motor to full sized car work is a difficult problem, only to be solved ; with great care. The American has | never attempted to solve it, but in ! economy cars has always gone in for i big motor dimensions. Evidently I there is some essentially- European characteristic about the small e'n ' gine. But whether or not it lias cer ' tainly been now given the chance to show what it can do. New Wrinkles in Cars. Features of some of the new Eng ! lisli cars pointed out are: The A. B. 01. and C. A. R. use air ' cooled engines. i The Grahame-White a new friction drive. The Guy is the only 8-cylinder ' car in the entire British list. The Douglas and C. A. R. have new coil suspension springs. The 1920 English car, for the first : time, is complete with lamps, horn. speedometer, clock, generator, sturt | er, demountable rims, etc., all in i eluded in the' purchase price. Hith ; erto they have been "extras." Disc wheels are used by inuny i manufacturers. ; All-rubber treads, following the American example, predominate in ' tires. Four speeds forward, instead of three, are used in 41 number of lead- I ing cars, although the tliree speed 1 gear box is holding its own. The 10-liorsepower Crouch has a 2-cylinder V-shaped engine and its ' transmission is by roller chain from gear box to rear axle. ; The Auto-Carrier is hailed as the first English light 6-cyllnder car. It develops about 12-horsepower. The Italian 12-cylinder 48-horse | power Lancia car attracted much 'interest at the London show. ! Wealthy French in a Combine [From the Ixindon Telegraph.] The craze for combination has seized the wealthy people of France. ! A remarkable gathering held re : cenlly included viscountesses and : baronesses, and many people whose i names are spelled with a "De," anil they met for the specific purpose •of devising means for fighting the ! high cost of living. Even the I wealthy have had enough of high prices, and they intend to take their part in fighting the food profiteers land speculators. i This meeting of rich people decided to form a co-operative society, which will be run on ambitious lines. In ' stead of spending their capital to , enrich the vulgar profiteers, who ; have established trusts in comtnodi ! ties, they will invest it in prodtic tion societies which they will create ; themselves. Farms for cattle breed ; ing, dairies, and factories for mak ing all sorts of things, are envis aged, and. to prove that they have i confidence in their own initiative, 1 j the wealthy people themselves in i tend to manage the concerns created : with their own money. When Days Are Bright When days are crisp and bright And Hakes are downward hurled, j Oh, to wake up in the light ' And lind a white, white world; ; Oh, to look out all around on fence, and bush, and hill. And see the snow piled on the ! ground j And on the window sill: It's hard to sit in school all day And work and study hard. "Twould tie such fun to go and play At soldiers in the yard. And build a fort Just like the one The picture has with Hag unfurled. The summer's good, but oh, the fun To have a white, white world! | —Annette Wynne' in "For Days and Da vs." (Stokes.) t And Hear of It Later? [From Answers, London.] In Korea, it is etiquette for a man to Ignore his wife If they chance i to meet in the street. , December is, 1919 America Is Opportunity [Prom tlie Kansas City Times.] Trie case of a Connecticut girl was reported the other day. She i had just been made the president of a million dollar concern whose em ployment she had entered fifteen years before at the fat salary of sl2 a week. Incidentally, the same girl conducted a farm of her own I near the place of her employment | and from the two sources was said to have accumulated a fortune of ; nearly a quarter million. of course she could not have done what, she did unless she had had more than ordinary ability. Hut also she wouldn't have proved that she had unusual ability if she hadn't worked hard and faithfully and shown a disposition to use her ; head. The boy or girl on a small salary i who doesn't try for all there is in j him may not he throwing away the i chance to become head of a biff \ business. At least he is throwing j away the chance that every person with health and any sort of training 1 has of making a comfortable and I satisfactory place for himself in the world. It is still as true as it was when j Emerson said it, that America is an | other name for opportunity. Our Memory Days When we look back along the years What days do we recall— When winter skies shed chilling tears Or dismul days of fall? i Does Memory hold fast the days Of loneliness and pain: Or those when we sought clearing ways i I Through Trouble's dim domain? ! No. Memory reflects the beams, The rosy-colored lights iOf summer noons, rare sunset gleams, | Of stars on winter nights: Of rivers sparkling to the sea, Of never-clouding skies; ' The glory that shines full and free From friends' and lovers' eyes. Then why should we, in vain alarm, Distrust the years to be? Why should we fear they hold more harm Than good for you and me? Upon our days the sun will rise, The stars at night will shine. And heart-light from beloved eyes Will glad your heart and mine. HOWARD MAHKLE HOKE. Harrisburg, Pa. Schoolhouses For Homes I From the Uondon Telegraph.l At a meeting of the Marylehone Guardians Councillor fj. E. Klntor moved that the board's schools at South;'ll he sold to the borough council, with a view to converting the building into a housing site for the people who need homes and are at present living in Marylehone. Councillor Hawkins seconded, and the matter was referred to a com mittee. Capt. F. W. Dean moved that the workhouse in Marylehone road he sold end utilized for the erection of suitable dwellings for Marlehone people. Captain Dean said there was room there for three hundred flats, which would vield an income of some £IB,OOO (JflO.OOO) a year. The matter was referred to a sub committee. Industrial Insurance [From Sf. I.ouis Globe-Democrat. 1 An association of scientists has Just stated that the unused water power in the United States amounts to 100.- 000.000 horse-power and is wortli f.>,000.000.000. Probably this is an underestimate. The possibilities of water power in this eountry, in con nection with electricity, are simply beyond reckoning. It could suonly, for one thing, the needed force of in dustrial and domestic energy with out regard to coal, an exceedingly pleasing idea at this time. Olhniel, the First Judge Ami when the children of Israel cried unto the T.ord. the l.ord raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel. the son of Kennz, Caleb's younger byother. And the Spirit of the I.ord came upon him. and he judged Israel. And the land had rest 40 years, and Othniel the son of Kenaz died. —Judges iii, 9 to 11. Bribing llie "Flu" [From Punch, I-onJon.] Oranges are a prophylacttc against influenza, says a medical writer. Upon seeing the germ In the road you throw It an orange, thus taking its mind ofT business, while yoi* slip UP another street. lEuntttfg (fljjat ~nrfO l, n e. Pf . th ? mou aetive in election and registration matters in Harris- IK r"!. u com nenclng to usk those v . 1)0,1 tlc . and some times when II whut tlu '- v arc going to do I .1 women begin to vote. Tin election system built up in Harris j'fi'g was devised for men and the work that has had to be done to keep it in running order, to got the men to register and then to vote is laminar to everyone who reads the newspapers and observes the gym- Hons of men in polities just before primary and general elections. Now. us Tar as our Republican friends are concerned, they say they have u pretty fair percentage of the men registered and voting. But what is perplexing the members of election and registration forces is how they are going to handle twice as many voters. i hese are some of the proposi tions that conversation with men connected with election boards in tour widely separated wards devel oped: I here will have to be more elec tion precincts in Uarrisburg. There are some districts where the boards are bard put to handle the votes of ; the male electors now in an ex peditious manner. \\ omen will probably want repre ! sentation on the election boards and i Oll,l ma 11 Pathetically expressed it, ■ "They may kick on a man's smokin' ! and chewin'." A woman may object to giving her age when registering. Age and vari ous otiier things are cardinal points, of the present registration law. Most women, especially when first registering or casting a ballot, will probably want their husbands, fath ers, Brothers or other relatives along to guide them, ami how will that lit in with the voters' assistance law. Some w omen may not want to vote the way their husbands or mule rel i atives desire and when the lady voter goes to the booth election boards will | have to lie tactful in telling the Jaforesuid relative that the ballot in Pennsylvania is secret, ly law at least. One cynic declared that he I thought a law would have to be en [acted enlarging the number of bal ' lots a person can be permitted to | spoil, but lie is probably to be classed j with that archaic individual who I says that a woman would be in the dickens of a fix if she changed her mind after voting anil came around luter and asked for lier ballot back. One far-seeing citizen declared that the presence of women at an election place would have a most ex cellent effect, because men would not "cuss" so much. He said that at ! many an election he found, especially | in times when things were strenuous, j language that would not souiyd well at any time. "Now, if we had women around we would not be so apt to call names or to be profane," said ! lie. "As far as 1 am concerned, j I'm glad ttie women are going to vote because it will make the men stand around. The prohibition amendment did more to make elec tions good than anything I know, and with rum gone and the women around we can look for elections to be dignified and the men behaving themselves." This opinion appeared to be shared by some men from up I town and out on the liill. "When | the women folks come to vote we 1 got to treat them right and this eussin' business has got to go," was another observation * • • One acti\fe political worker brought up the problem of how the | vote was to be "got out." He opined jtliat the women would look after their end of it, especially when there was a woman candidate, and that women would insist upon places on tlie ballot. "They'll get the sisters out all right." said he, "but, say, what'll it be like when we've rounded up some fellows to have women at the polls come up and try to get. 'em to switch. You gotta be polite to a woman and you won't be able to shoo 'em away. 1 tell you you gotta be sure of your man when you take him to the polls and tell him to stay put." This man was very emphatic on the point that tjiere would not be much attempting to buy elections when the women get voting. "Wouldn't it be awful if some one used money and the women told?" he asked! What appears to be interesting the. practical chieftains is whether there will have to he women watchers anil whether they will want, to be paid. It seems to be a settled proposition that the women are going to cleave to the old parties and that most of them will follow family affiliations for a time. This, the praetieal ones reason, will make the work of being certain that women vote rather easy in Harrisburg for a time. But there may be some women who might want to be formally named as watchers and every watcher means expense in this community. One man who hns had much experience in elections up town where there is a large popula tion say that women will not come out to vote in any numbers unless there is a woman on the ticket. "And then look out," said he. "They'll come out rain or shine." The possibilities in regard to wo men voting are endless and varied. Some of the most widely versed men* in polities admit that they are puz zled when they sit down to think it over They admit that women voting will have a wholesome influence and that they will make "some of the hoys step around." Just when the women will get the vote and whether it. will be restricted to presidential and congressional elections, and not include State and local elections, is much discussed. It all depends upon developments in the states. However, it may bo said that It wo men do not attain the right to vote at local elections, especially in re gard to school board place* there will he some disappointments and likewise some unceasing efforts until they do. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE 1 George S. Oliver, the Pittsburgh publisher, was among visitors to the city yesterday. —Ex-Justice E. J. Fox has re signed the superintendency of a Sunday school which he has held at Easton for thirty-one years. President Joseph Swain, of Swarthmore College, t ill take an ex tended vacation. O. p. Richardson, new vice president of Philadelphia Rapid Transit, started in life as a motor man. r DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg Is making ! stool for tank oars? HISTORIC HARRISBURG I —Numerous lots in Harrisburg j were owned by Philudelphlans for i years after John Harris laid out the | town.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers