EJSPi Re&diiscf <md oil ike KsmiKj jjjPll " When a Girl Marries" By ANN I ISLK A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With tl.e Absorbing Problem of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCCLXXYII. (Copyright, 1919. King Feature. Syndicate. Inc.) "You can't imagine how childishly pleased Yal is to have some of her, own things." said Virginia. She went on. scarcely noticing my "I dare say": "Our invalid is all dolled up in orchid-colored georgette and nile- | green chiffon. She seems to he get- . ting a queer sort of joy out of wear- j ing her own frillies instead of mine. Defiant. I d call it. And the j little old I-ady Pettingill looks j scared, as if she's srieezed aloud in , church. I suppose it antazes her to think that someone who's been so j near the edge of things can he so ; grateful to her for just bringing i down a bag full of lingerie." Words leaped to my lips, but not j into sound. 1 was very careful as: to that. But in silence I pondered: "How do we know what was in i the bag Aunt Mollie brought down ." i What could be tnore natural for her on hearing of the accident than to ; pack a bag and come to nurse Vnl?" ! But just then Aunt Mollie iter- 1 self followed a timid knock and walked into the room. I'd never seen her look so old, so broken. j "Anne, dear and Jim!" she cried, j "You dear children! I'm glad to see ! you. Sorry—tell a stupid old wo- i man when her train goes, please?" ! "Train!" protested Jim. while Ij busied myself kissing the old dear. | "You haven't come this long dis-j tance without planning to stay the % TIONATJ SEAL OF EFFICIENCY; Till J IS ABSO- # # I.I'TFI.Y THE LARGEST. 01.11 F.ST AND BEST % J BL'SINESS COLLEGE IN IIARUISBFRG. M I Enter Now—Day or Night \ School of Commerce I t J. H. Troup Building; 15 S. Market Square % ■ Bell 485 Dial 4303 # What Color is Your Coat? If you don't like the color of your coat let us dye it for you the color you like. We have dyed hundreds of overcoats and suits for men and women and our process assures perfect work and com plete satisfaction. Telephone for us. Both Phones Four Off ices FINKELSTEIN Dyer and Cleaner | Christmas is One of Joy! | W : Brighten up your whole "day—and the ft % years following, too —with a Grafonola as a gift 5' |T : for the entire family, or —if you already have : 3t .$ the t irafonola. why buy some new Columbia ft K Records for it. I 9 ® We have a large supply of records for the Holidays # *1 and also a large allotment of Grafonolas in all veneers .ft H and styles, but you'd better see them very soon. )jr j the recent labor troubles, Which |jj; JP| Spangler's § : ff. 2112 North Sixth Street TUESDAY EVENING. night—and didn't you ' keep your icar?" "I came in a taxi," replied Aunt Mollie. fluttering up from the com fortable chair into which I'd placed I her. . "Didn't you keep that?" asked i Jim with no apparent idea that he was acting as an inquisitor. | "Of course she didn't." I inter ; posed. "Aunt Mollie knows per i feetly well that Lyons will adore driving her into town if she has to ! go. Though I can guess she really | planned to walk to the station -if j need be rather than put any one ; out." She flashed me a grateful glance ; even as Virginia started to leave with a little hustle of housewifely j preparation, exclaiming at the same i time. "But we aren't going to let you go, dear Mrs. Pettingill! I do want j you to stay to dinner and then if I j can persuage you to stop the night. 1 I'd he glad to lend you all the ' things you'll need." ! "Oh. I couldn't " said Aunt 1 Mollie in distress that changed her usual hustling, rustling manner to j one of fluttering helplessness. T j thought she sent hue another plead j ing glance, so again I tried to as | sume control of the situation. . i "Perhaps Aunt Mollie wants to! ' get back to I-acy Wllloughby. We' j haven't told you about the accident I from which Vnl rescued her, have j we, Jeanie? And if Aunt Mollie does feel she can trust us with the —j Bringing Up Father -*- Copyright, 1919, International News Service By McManus [ HOVv Its IT ( WELL ANY WAY-I VE ( n I'M ALL TH\b n \ ( WELL-THAT MS' YOU ARE NEVER iN WRITTEN A tyONC. AND I f J "WORLD TO ), A NICK.E" W'L' \ WHEN i CALL 0 j Ci^v'<-, WANT V °° T S TE " LL MOTHER- fC YOurJ A PACK ACE OF ' - = —- £ 1 j more serious injured invalid and, : must herself get back to the little, '■girl who has no one but a fright-. • i ened sister to lean on if the Pettin- 1 ' , gill Fairy Godmother fails her—j why, we ought to be fluttered," I finished breathlessly, wonderfully if ' I'd come out just where 1 started in. ' ! "That's it. That's it." said Aunt [ | Mollie. j "Oh, but you must stay. I've just, , remembered that there's no train; , I between the 0:30 and the 9:40," in-' . • sisted Virginia, strangely imperv- ! , ious to lier guest's evident desire ; ] to get away. "We'll tlx you up for 1 . clothes. 1 can see that you didn't! , plan to stay or of course you'd have packed something of yours in Vol's bag." "I can't stay." fluttered Aunt Mol lie again, "1 must get home. The '■ 9:-411, you say? I'd he down at my] little cottage before midnight and] even if the girls don't expect" She hauled herself up and fin ished in something like terror: "I mean even if they don't expect j me so late." • Virginia. Jim anj I studiously' avoided each other's glances as Jim ■ said with formal seriousness: "Please dear Aunt Mollie. stay and have dinner with us. We'll send you home in the ear right af ter dinner, for we know you want to get away—we realize that you're] upset by seeing Yal and thinking what might have happened." Then ho caught himself up. add ing nervously, "Hut everything is all right—or will be when Lane gets here." "Lane!" The old lady breathed jt almost desperately. With growing clearness I saw : why she wanted to get awav—had j to get away, in fact., Val had con-] . tided in her. The pressure of knowl edge was too much for Aunt Mol-] j lie. She couldn't face us knowing j what she knew. Perhaps even she | and Val couldn't bear to see each' ! other again soon after what had ! 1 passed between them. "I wonder if I may have a little j confidential chat with Anne," said ' ; Aunt Mollie so gently that Jim Mid ! Jeanie couldn't lie hurt at her for i shutting them out. When, a minute later, they left us | together. Aunt Mollie came over and j j put her arm around me very ten- I j t,erlj ' "Dear, you stood by a frightened j j old woman splendidly!" she said. ■ 1 "I know you'd never willingly harm ' a human being. You'd never even) repay hurt for hurt, would you?" "Aunt Mollie." I replied, "are you j asking me to keep my thoughts on , ! certain matters to myself?" ; "Don't be hurt at me, Anne. You , ' see Val was visiting me. And came | , | off to visit you. Then this happen-; j ed. And I don't want Lane to get i i any false impressions. I don't ] want anything to come between : 1 those two dear people. They need j 1 eqeh other more than ever now., j You understand, don't you, child?" ' "Perfectly." 1 replied. "Your! motto is 'Judge not that ye he not) judged,' isn't it? Well, dear, it's, mine also. And if I've seemed to lie j —at all inquisitive, it was because I thought a friend who understood. ; could protect Val. Now she has j you. And I shall abide by whatever 1 1 you say." "That's it, dear." The little old 1 i lady hugged me as she plunged on. ' I "And you'll tell Lane just what I ] told you?" 1 took her dear, wrinkled, apple' I cheeks between my hands as I re-; ■ plied: I "I'll tell Lane precisely What -you j ' told me." (To Be Continued.) jtJse McNeil's Pain Exterminator— Ad BAD COLD GOT YOU? FEELING GRIPPY?! | Dr. King's New Discovery soon starts you on the road to recovery ONCE tried, always used. That's a trite expression, but one; , never more applicable than It is to Dr. King's New Discovery. You will like the prompt, busi ness-like way it loosens the phlcgm ! congested chest, soothes the tor-, ' tured throat, relieves un old or a new j cold, grippe, cough, croup. The kiddies can take it in perfect safety, too. No had after-effects, j . Standard half a century. 00c. ami 11.20 a bottle. At your druggist. j Don't Continue Constipated ' Don't let your bowels bulldoze , your system. Make them function ' ; regularly keep the body cleansed ' of waste matter with I)r. King's New I Life Pills. Biliousness, sick headache, sour : ! stomach. Indigestion, dizziness, fur- , red tongue, bad breath—think of the ; embarrassments and discomforts : traceable to constipation. How eas ily they're rectified by the occasional ] use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. , ; Move the bowels smoothly but sure j ly. Try them tor/.ght. All drug ■ "'gists— 25c. us usual. * V ■ ■ :; - - -r---- - ' HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH ||CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NEWSf Persona] and Social News j of Towns on West Shore \V. H. Young, of Philadelphia, was, in New Cumberland on business yes-1 1 terday, Mr. and MN. John Witmyer, of' Annville, were guests of tir. and | Mrs. C. J,. Smoke, New Cumberland.' .Miss Theta Hosier, of Shi remans- I town, is visiting her mother in Car-' lisle. Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zeibe and ; family of Shiremanstown, spent I 'Sunday with the former's parents, i at Spring Lake. Miss Helen Fisher, of Winding! Hill, visited her aunt. Mis. William I I Corman, at Shiremanstown on Sat-1 urday. Mr .and Mrs. Chapman Nebinger, j ' of Hillside, visited the former's par ] ents at Shiremanstown. Miss Virginia Wood has returned! ito Harrisburg after visiting her! 1 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. i Weigel, Shiremanstown. Mrs. Joseph Gingerich and sister. ( Mrs. Frank Eshleman of Shiremans- j 1 town, siient a day recently in Har ! rishurg. Mrs. Mary Eppley, of Shiremans town, visited friends in Mechanics- j ! burg. Mrs. Margaret AVertz, of Mo ! ehanicsburg, visited at the home of i i Joseph Erb, at Shiremanstown. Eugene Hitner has returned to' Shiremanstown from Pittsburgh, j ! where he was manager of the Han-I | over Shoe store. | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deeter, of j Mechanicshurg, were guests of Mr. I 'and Mrs. J. C. Wentz at Shiremans-' i town. 1 I Arthur K. Rtipp, of Shiremans-; | town is home from I-ancaster, where j ! he spent the week end with David I X. Landis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuntz of Steel- j 'ton, Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Walters, | jMiss Martha Miller, Miss Dorcas j (Miller, of Penbrook; Mr. and Mrs. j ■ Chapman Nebinger, of Hillside were I entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. j j Charles Nebinger at Shiremanstown.; I Mrs. Benjamin G. Baker, of Shire- , I manstown, was a capital city visitor. 'on Monday.^ Delbert Meloy, of Mochanicsburg, i ! visited his grandmother at Shire- j I manstown on Sunday. {Funeral Services Held Over Victims of Drowning j l.ewlstown. Pa.. Tier. ltl.—The ( j funeral services for Mrs. Joshua i Perry, of Sandiminea. and her sis-j Iter-in-law, Miss Mattie Perry, of I Philadelphia, who were drowned in' J the Juniata river near McCoy's Ford ling. three miles west of Lewistnwn,' | Saturday noon, were held in h * hoi j A. M. E. Church this morning at 101 5 o'clock, the Rev, J. W. Hayes, pastor i lof the church, olflciating. The j bodies were buried in the William J 'Lind Memorial Cemetery. Coroner Mitchell, who made anj investigation of the drowning, de-' , tided tlie tragedy was purely acci-l | dental. When the four occupants of] ittic ill-fated boat. Mr. and Mrs. |Joshua Perry, of Sandiminea, audi i Miss Mattie Perry and iter sister, ] Mrs. Arthur Turner, of Philadelphia.! [attempted to cross the river to meet! jo railroad train at Granville sta-l .tion Ithey probably overloaded the! !boat, causing the water to come into! [it. over its sides, when in the middle) : of the stream. . (Oilier Slate News on Page 2) i Daily Dot Puzzle { * G 3l rft 2S- < I YSt ,3. 22. 4 'X * 21 • a. 35 j 3 V • 7 ' I* *7 3b 2° . i • ,4 " *8 *" 1 • '4 ! '7 . .36 • • 10 _ .4o | * 4-2. 47 . * 46 4 j \ — ' LITTLE LINES FROM NEARBY I Columbia —The Columbia district, ] comprising Columbia, Mountville, | Washington borough and West ] Hempfleld township, has gone over; the top in the sale of Christmas! seals. ] Columbia—Brigadier General Ed- ■ | ward C. Shannon, of this place, was 1 a guest at the reunion of the l'enn jsylvaniu Society in New York, at which Charles Schwab made the; : address. Marietta The Rev. Henry D. j 1 Speakmun lias been chosen rector of I St. John's Episcopal Church, sue-' jeeeding the Rev. Herbert B. Pul jsifer, who recently resigned to take !a .professorship at Yeates School, 1 Lancaster. Mercersliiirg—Charles S. Karper lias resigned as cashier of the First I National Bank here to take a posi tion with D. A. Stiekell & Sons. e!e jvatoniien. here and at Hagerstown. Hanover Tlie Rev. E. M. Sundo, ! •of Hal lam, lias been chosen pastor! • OL' the West Manheim Reformed j charge., to succeed the Rev. J. 11. | ; Hartman, who resigned several 1 : months ago. Glen Rock—At the annual meet-1 Many Does Killed in South Mountain Region Clianvbcrshnrg, Pa., Dec. 16. —Tliei | j open season for deer hunting ended j .yesterday with a bag of 350 stags j ! and over a hundred does and fawns )in South Mountain. The final count! | may reach 400 stags. Nothing will j |be said of the unlawful kill. No j j deaths resulted from accidental | j shooting but three men were injured j Iby bullets, two of them rather I I seriously. One feature was the i ] stealing of automobiles parked in ) ; and around Caledonia Park by hunt- I ! ers. Ten such cases are reported, i ! Six of the cars stolen are yet miss- J ! tng. Two men were arrested for j | trying to steal cars and are in jail I ) here waiting for hearings. Bells Ring and Whistles Blow For Maimed Soldier I ! Marietta, Dec. 16.—Private Sam i uel Rcttcw is at his home here on a j i visit from Washington, D. C.. where j 'lie recently underwent an opera-' ' tion for injuries received overseas. ' j He is the only man from Marietta to j I return badly shot up. There were a ' (number kilied and gassed, but Ret- ■ few, in the loss of his limb under- | went a number* of operations to j i save his life. He was among the i j first to go abroad. The young man ! ' will return to the. Capitol city. • j I'pon his arrival home beils were ' I rung and whistles were blown. West Fairview Church Celebration in Progress West l'alrview. Pa.. Dec. 16.—The 'services being held this week in cele- i j bration of the fiftieth anniversary] jof the organization St". Mark's: ] Lutheran Church are being largely : [ attended. The Week of activities 1 ' opened on Sunday evening when aj j congregational rally was held and I ! the church tlag demobilized. Last; night the Rev. David S. Martin, pas- | tor of St. Paul's Luthreun Church, j j New Cumberland, was the speak""., j To-night the Rev. Dr. B. D. Weight, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, i Camp flill, will speak. MASKED lU'RGLAR CIIOKFS SERVANT IN EETILE ERRAND ; A'ork. Pa., Dec. 16. —Choking a : woman servant into insensibility a ! masked burglar ransacked the home 'of George \V. Mundorff, chain i manufacturer, but failed to get any- i | thing of value. A strange man ap- j peared in the afternoon at the ; Mundorff home and asked for some- I I thing to eat. He was refused. The I j servant" thought he had left, but at- | I traoted by a noise, looked around . 'j and was confronted bv a-man in a { handkerchief mask. She was over- j i come in a brief struggle and was i ) found unconsc'ous. Look Out For Symptoms; Disease Comes Gradually. There is a reason for every pain, everr dizzy spell. Little abarp jabs of pain, atiff lietf in be'.idiug, swollen joints, are all forerunners of disease that will become fatal unless thefr match is halted. There's no sense in allowing your condition to become run down. Dodd's Kidney Pills will elimi nate all of your chronic ills. Oft Dodd's (three D's in the name) from your druggist. If he can't supply you send 60.-. in stamps and your druggist s name to the Dodd Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. # end weM send you the flat, round box. Also Diamond Dinner Pills ere e safe, mild cathartic. 4B- I ing of the Glen Rock Horse Thief j •Detective Society the report was made that not a theft had oce.urre I, '■ during the year. Heading—lt is expected here that j Auditor General .Snyder will appoint, ■ Rtchard D. Beclitel, of Curaru, iner-! eantile appraiser for Berks county, j He is said to have the endorsement! of Republican party leaders in Berks I | county. Ixuvistowii l.ewistown Lodge, ■ No. 003, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, iias passed resolutions in | ' favor of the quick deportation of all j enemies of the Government. Cliuiitbcrsbiirg Governor Sproul j has sent his regrets to the committee having in charge Chambet'sburg's charity ball, which is to be held on I December 30. W aynesboro—News of the wed-! ding of Miss Ruth Beard, formerly] of this place, and Harry Uoghmun.: .a Baltimoreun, has been received i here. , i Cliumbcrshtirg Catherine Skats*-' j ley, the last member of her family,] lis dqail here at the age of 84. She j ! was a long time member of Ziou • I Reformed Church. May Establish Chocolate Factory at Chambersburg Clianiborsburg, Pa., Dec. 16.—A i chocolate factory may be established J hjere in a short time. 11. H. Fogel j Sanger, proprietor, of the Cumber -1 land Valley creamery, said to-day* the company would locate a build ! ing near the P. 11. It. line If pos sible. I The creamery company has been i providing materials for the manu ! facture of chocolate under the di j reetion of the Hershey Company. I The proposed factory here would be j in the nature of an extension, but j would be conducted under the name ;of the creamery company. Last | spring the old slerer furniture fao j ton along the Conococheague in j London street was purchased by Mr. | Fogelsanger. if this site is selected, I it will be necessary to enlarge and | i remodel the present building. Strips Constable of His Office and Fines Him $25 la-Imiiioii, Pa.. Dec. 16.—James Mc j Cloud, the Lancaster county eon ] stable, who was found guilty of wan-i j tonly pointing firearms and aggra- i j voted assault and battery in Squire I j Horst's ottice at Sehaeft'erstown last I [ summer, was sentenced to nay a fine ! ! of $25 and costs by Judge Henry yes- I terday. The court refused to impose ] sentence until McCloud signed pa pers tendering his resignation as spe- I cial officer for the Kphrata and Lcli j anon Traction Company in this • county, and as constable of Clay ' township, Lancaster county, i A plea for leniency was made to . the court by McCloud's attorney. The j ! court, however, said that there was j i no reason for Mci'lotid to discharge ; a firearm, and that he should be ; more careful in the future. I KEEP IT SWEET] Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the indigestion of tomorrow —try Kikoids the new aid to diges ji tion —as pleasant and as safe to take I as candy. HADE BY SCOTT ft BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION ; We carry the largest assortment of / Rubber Goods of every description Raincoats Footwear Boots Garden llose Rubber Sundries Elastic Goods Rnblier Matting, Tires, Ete. Harrisburg Rubber Co. i 205 Walnut St. 1 'i DECEMBER 16, 1919. 41 ma^^saiGarmerits of Oualiti7—— i —— ! jadies B a^§ r 8-10-12 S. FOURTH ST. , Give Her Something Serviceable This Christmas A Dainty Blouse, Skirt, ; Petticoat or Bathrobe Is Sure to be Appreciated. Our Low Prices for Best Quality Goods Assures You Perfect Satisfaction 1 I Blouses Petticoats Many dainty models for All sizes of waistbands aiiv occasion. All styles, and lengths. Many desir coiors and sizes. able shades and styles. Xmas Special. Xmas Special, $2.95 to $19.93 $1.93 to $8.93 i Shirts Bath Robes VV - Dress Skirts of new dc- The selection in our signs will make an appealing stocks cover a wide range of gift. quality, style and finish. Xmas Special, Xmas Special, $3.93 to $14.93 $4.93 to $8.93 Make Your Selections Without Delay * j jpZla siaxiii An Ideal Christmas Gift cjremiej* ELECTRIC CLEANER) ' | TXDER furniture, all around it, searching- §g j : out dirt and dust from difficult corners, 1 goes Premier doing better cleaning i j | in less time and with less effort. It's as satisfactory for one-minute crumb clearing jj around the dining table as it is for a thorough-cleaning ft of the whole house. And it keeps the home bright and |j i y clean ALL the time. B Come and see the wonderful things Premier does— l §J | how 4t saves several hours each week time you can f| ' and should spend in the enjoyment of life. Premier is , 1 inexpensive convenient terms if you desire them. See Demonstration —St Id by Premier Service Co. Miller & Kades 12<><i X. ('nurt St. 7
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