Lewisburg Reorganizes N. G. P. Cavalry Troop Lewisburg, Pa., Dec. 15. —Efforts are being made here to reorganize a cavalry troop in the new Penn sylvania National Guard. Assur ances have been received from Ad jutant General Beary that a troop will be assigned to Lewisburg, and a number of the former Guardsmen are securing signatures for the or ganization. The miniitium strength is seventy-two enlisted men und three officers. At this time more than fifty signatures have been se cured, and by the end of the week the committee in charge expect to report the required quota to the Ad jutant General. A number of ex service men have signed up. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad TUSTIN VOUCHES FOR TRUTH Of STATEMENT "Influenza left me In a terrible run-down condition," said Joseph S. Tustin, 1106 N. 24th St., Camden, N. J. "Stomach trouble, gastritis and nervousness persisted In hang ing on. "I commenced to build right up, however, when I began taking Tan lac. P eat good, my food assimilates, my nerves are quiet and I sleep fine. Tanlac is a wonder remedy." Tanlac is not only valuable as a combatant against disease epidem ics by strengthening and building up ' the system so that it can ward off disease, but restores the strength, i appetite and nerves of the con vales- [ cent. The genuine J. I. Gore Co. ' Tanlac is now sold here by all lead- I ing druggists. If Your Kidneys and Liver are Sluggish Bliss Native Herb Tablets Will Restore Them To Healthy Action "I suffered for years from defec-] five kidneys and sluggish liver.' Nothing seemed to relieve me till 1 used your Bliss Native Herb Tablets. 1 They are wonderful for I van say! that I am perfectly well. They re-' lieved me in a very short time and I have had no more trouble with sick kidneys or liver. I can't say enough in favor of Bliss Native Herb Tab lets to any one suffering from bad' kidneys and liver. "MRS. QUEEN TURNER. "Oak Park, Va." j There is a nugget of health in' every one of Bliss Native Herb Tab-| lets. They contain only the purest! herbs, roots, barks, and are free! Resinol^SiP treatment Is a simple effective remedy for sufferers from itching, burning, skin troubles. Try today, bathing that uncomfortable, irritated surface with RESINOL SOAP and warm water. After you have dried it gently with a soft cloth, apply RESIN'OI, OINTMENT with the finger tips. Then see if you are not surprised at the prompt and blessed relief. >T\ RESINOL SHAVING STICK gives a rich lather, full of sooth ing, healing properties which leave "j the skin comfortable and refreshed. druggists carry the Resitwl ww i j Clean Bread . . :■: £■ Cleanliness is next to God- 5" JiJJ liness. Do you realize that m [ m ii unwrapped bread is 5j handled, between the bakery ■ and your table, by four or Ijjlj five persons, including ■|i wagon drivers, and that in H'H ■> the store and wagon it is exposed to dust? J'J Only bread wrapped and sealed J" J at the bakery reaches your home in a thoroughly sanitary con dition. Added to ROLSOM'S %" sanitary wrapper is the fact that B J it is made practically without contact of hands in a sunny and "J" spotlessly clean modern bakery. Better bread isn't a 1" baked than HGLSUtt P A Schmidt'i Bakery V ijs THB nam or A 1! S HOLSuw .. i s 0"§ 5, MONDAY EVENING, TOY MISSION MAKES LAST GIFT APPEAL Hundreds of Boys and Girls to Be Made Happy by Charit able People on Christmas Day [ The burdens of war have been felt I by the great big, blue-eyed dollies, j the merry jumping jacks and all the other memb'ers of the toy world, no less than by their living mistresses and masters whose fathers answered their countries' call. Industrial pa ralysis has closed many a toy shop. Ask the toymen of Harrisburg. and they will tell you stocks were hard to secure. It matters not, however, what conditions prevail to make the heart of the adult world heavy—the heart of childhood should be free of care, and that is the policy that makes the Harrisburg Toy Mission a r'al charity with a throbbing heart and a breathing soul. Hapless as are the people of many, lands this Christmas, those of the United States have ample reason to feel merry. So the Toy Mission feels j itself Justified in appealing to the peo- | pic of Harrisburg to share their Christmas with the children of their less fortunate brothers and sisters. Xccil Quick Action "But if any good is to come of do nations," said Mrs. William .Jennings to-day, "they should be made at once. These gifts should be toys, dolls, skates, sleighs—any of the thousand ' and one articles so dear to the hearts of little folks. Or if one de sires to corAribute cash the donation will be used for the purchase of ar ticles most in demand. Contributions should be sent to the Toy Mission. I 119 South Front street; and the Toy | Mission is open all day long." Considerable rivalry is being man- |from drugs containing deleterious 'substances. By their action, the liv er is stimulated, the kidneys cleans ed, the bowels respond gently and i freely, and a healthy condition re sults. They are invaluable In cases of constipation, indigestion, bilious ness, dyspepsia, sour stomach, heart burn, sick headache, rheumatism. Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up 1 in boxes containing 200 tablets. Each box bears photograph of Alonzo O. i Bliss and guarantees beneficial re ; suits or money refunded. Price . $1 per box. Be sure and get tvJJ) the genuine. Every tablet VrV/ 1 stamped with our trade mark j Sold by leading druggists and local | agents everywhere. ifested in the city. The State Health department challenged the Highway Department to attempt to contribute as many toys and as much money as tin Health Department. The High way folks accepted the challenge. Several city school buildings propose something of the same sort. Sunday schools next Sunday will contribute toys. The Kiwanis Club members Thursday will take toys to their weekday luncheon. The Kotary Club to-morrow inay surprise the Toy Mis sion backers. The Elks and other fraternal organizations arc interest ed. And in the meantime 119 South Front street, is looking more and more like Santa Claus' shop. Hun dreds of boys and girls are going to be made happy, Nationwide Appeal to Be Made by Railway Heads For Return of Roads New York, Dec. 15. —Thomas De- Witt Cuyler, chairman of the Associ ' ntion of Hallway Executives, an nounced that the fundamental facts of the railroad situation would be presented to the country by means of national advertising. The open ing statement, to appear in the daily I newspapers during the next few days, is signed by nearly a hundred executives of the principal railroads. It will be followed by a series of advertisements in the daily and weekly newspapers and in other publications. "The unmistakable verdict of public opinipn," said Mr. Cuyler, In making the announcement of the i plan of the railroad companies, "Is 'that this great, national industry shall continue to be conducted by private companies under strict pub lic regulation. Modern railroad companies, of course, are not private affairs. Their capital is subscribed by a vast number of individual in vestors, as well as by institutions, such as savings banks and life in surance companies, holding the savings of millions of people, and they are subject to the most minute regulation by the public authorities. [ln Europe such corporations are called puljlic companies, and this (name more accurately describes them. Boy Bandit Shoots Man, Robs Him and Wounds a Detective Washington, Dec. 15.—Entering an automobile tire repair shop here yesterday, John McHenry, who gave St. Eouis as his home and nineteen .•is his age, shot and killed Wallace W. Mulcare, the proprietor, robbed Mulcare of a small sum of money, and later before detectives in the Union station could arrest him. shot and probably fatally wounded James E. Armstrong, a city detec tive. On entering the repair shop Mc- Henry, according to James Sheldon, a witness, demanded the contents of the cash register. Mulcare under pretext of delivering the money, tired at the youthful bandit, who dodged behind a showcase and then shot Mulcare through the heart. When cornered in the Union sta tion by the police, McHenry fired three shots, one of which struck Detective Armstrong in the stomach. Look to London For Some Definite Action B.i/ Associated rrcss Washington, Dec. 15. —Headers of both major factions of the Senate are hopeful that from the I.ondon conferences of the British and French Premiers may come, possi bly in a few days, some responsible action toward acceptance of Senate reservations which might lead to the Treaty's ratification. There appeared lessened hope, however, that a solution might be reached with the Knox resolution us a basis. The agreement of Senator Underwood, Democrat, Alabama, to support the Knox resolution, gave rise to this hope. The view was ex pressed last night, however, that opposition of Senator Borah and probably others of the "irrecon cilahles" to a compromise ratifica tion, taken together with the Presi dent's statement, had reduced ma terially any prospect for such rati fication. Effect of the President's state ment on the Democratic leadership contest between Senators Hitchcock and Underwood also was a subject of much Senatorial speculation last night. Legion Chiefs to Tell of Pennsylvania's Need Washington. Dec. 15. —Two rep resentatives of the American Legion of Pennsylvania are in Washington to present the needs of Pennsyl vanians assembled there for a need ed readjustment of Governmental agencies and legislation affecting the former service men and women. This conference will consist of the state officers of the American Legion from every state in the nation head ed by National Commander Frank lin D'Olier, who arrived in Wosliing ton on Friday. William G. Murdoch, department adjutant of Pennsylvania, and Thomas P. Meehan, who is chairman of the State Committee of Employ ment, are the Keystone State repre sentatives at the conference between Legionnaires and Federal officials, and it is intended thus to get into the hands of those administering the affairs of the nation tho needs and desires of the former service men and women, first handed. The con ference was arranged by Director Oho I mond ley-Jones, of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. George F. Tyler, commander of the department of Pennsylvania of the American Legion, will go to Pittsburgh to-day to participate In the "Get Together Week" program. Sir Roberf: Border? May Quit as Premier - Ottnwn. Dec. 15.—The report that Sir Robert Borden is about to retir es Canadian premier. Is strengthened with the announcement that after a conference of doctors last week Sir Robert was given medical orders to give up public life. A meeting of Fnionlst leaders lias been called to consider tbo i/uestion of his succes sor. The report of Premier Rorden's pending retirement was simultaneous with a rumor that he had been asked to accept the post of British embas sador to Washington. The premier was asked to-day about the truth of this rumor and rep!ted: "I have nothing to say about the matter." HAJtRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH German Banker Urges an International Loan Hamburg, Dec. 15.—An interna tional loan to be guaranteed by all nations is suggested by Max War burg. a German banker, who was in vited to attend the International Economic Conference at London, but was unable to be present. Herr War B THE FRANKLIN SEDAN B I li Considering its fitness to perform every enclosed car II II J y function and its disregard of climate, weather and y U ' roads, the Franklin Sedan stands today as the only all-purpose car built. Light Weight and Flexible, it enables you to motor all day with ease over any road. Free from hammer and pouqd, j jolt and jar, it does not fatigue rider or driver. It is easy to control and safe. It is cool and comfortable in summer, free , from annoying toe-board heat, perfectly ventilated. It is warm in winter and gives instant protection whenever needed. Direct Air Cooled, it no anxiety as to heat or cold. It carries no water to boil or freeze. Easy rolling, quickly responsive to the brake, yielding to the roads, it converts most pc iver into miles, does not slide and slip and does not grind or hammer tires. The result is a nation-wide | economy to owners of 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50% slower yearly depreciation And the Franklin Sedan leads in original sedan feat ures. The Wide Observation Windows, the two Wide Doors which mean convenience and accessibility, and the V-shaped Slanting Windshield, secure an unequaled breadth of vision. Together with the sloping French-style Hood, they give outward distinction in addition to these obvious practical advantages. Unless you are convinced that you have already obtained the utmost in motoring satisfaction, you will want a demonstration of this exceptional car. We will gladly show j # its performance over any road you. say. JL JL 21 J \ TniTRITJG CAR— Franklin per- RUNABOUT—AII the advauta- FOUR-PASSENGER ROAD- 1 2k 2=L f~~\ t \ TOUKINLt bft p Franklin Light Weight BTER—A convenient, attractive eked Franklin Car, intimat. j Franklin Sales and Service I FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STS. j j 1 BELL PHONE 4484 Jwii w w www BMC BWPMBI BBBS9K M *** WEBB nnn un mh ■ burg Was one of the German financial delegates to the Peace Conference. Mr. Warburg points to the neces sity of establishing German credit, in a report he has made to the Con gress of the Council for Alleviating Hunger. He states that the world war can be healed in a financial respect only by the whole world for it would be impossible to conceive an Interchange of goods throughout the whole world DECEMBER 15, 1919. In the same manner as before the war. The League of Nations. Herr War burg said, could promote this plan "if it were a real league," but it would have to be alteered so that all countries should be included. Since time is precious, he said, there should be created an International loan whereby debts which have been made nnd debts which are likely to be in curred can be regulated. SEES NEW COMET Mexico City, Dec. 15. —The di rector of the Central Observatory here states that he has seen the new comet recently discovered by the Japanese astronomer Sasakky and that It Is clearly visible every night after 7 o'clock. This is the fifth new comet reported during the past year. SORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm aalt TOA water, then apply— JgmC j VlCKS^porbblf -YOUR BODYGUARD"-30f.60£*1.2C1 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers