FIX 1B01—23R CMTKI) Twas the Night Before Christmas More Them Umbrellas Are Welcome As Gifts The umbrella used to be quite a humble article of utility. Today it ranks among the top notches of dress accessories as well as being so designed that many models are serviceable in rain and shine. Every woman has use for one or more, therefore, among the most acceptable of gifts. Our assortment is unusually attractive in every desired novelty, handle and striped and plain fabrics. Also the plain styles in various colors. For women and children. In Silk, American Taffeta and Cotton; $2.25 to $25.00. BOWMAN' S—Main Floor. Dress Goods and Silk Plushes Fabrics for Christmas giving that cause joy unending. First, the giving, second, the jov of the recipient, and last, the thought and anticipa tion of the comfort it will give and how pretty it will be made up. 27-inch All-wool Challies; $1.50 yard. 30-inch Striped Vyella Flannel; SI.BO yard. 36-inch Satin Striped Poplins; 51.75 yard. 36-inch Silk Poplins "plain' - '; $1.50 yard. 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplins; $2.50 yard. 40-inch Premier Crepe: $2.50 yard. 30-inch All Weather Corduroy; 51.65 yard. 40 to 54-inch Plaid Skirtings; $1.50 to 55.50 yard. 50-inch Black Silk Plush ; 512.50 yard. 50-inch Hudson* Seal Plush; $18.50 yard. 50-inch Beaver Silk Plush: 518.50 yard. 50-inch Chinchilla Plush: $20.00 yard. 44-inch Silk Embroidered Navy Serge Skirt ings ; $6.50 yard. to - yard Strips of Fancy and Plain Fur Cloths for Scarfs; $3.00 to $12.50. BOW MAlN'S—Main Floor. Christmas Suggestions in Ties, Ribbons, Collars & Sets Windsor ties in plain silk, crepe de chine and plaids; 39c to SI.OO each. Middy ties in red, black and navy; 59c to $1.95 each. Ribbon bag's; exquisite and dainty; $5.00 to $28.50 filet collars and s $3. to $18.50 BOW-MAN S—Main Floor. MONDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX Only Eight Short Shopping Days Until Christmas 1 :h } REST. AMD REST AND \'\ (y EXERCISE, ARE EXERCISE ARE. "\ \ \V W *W ESSENTIAL ESSENTIAL )\Y FEATURES' OF-THE FEATURES IN TE ( ATHLETES TRAINING CP OUR ' .—C pyrlght, Bowmtn A Co. OUR SALES PEOPLE ARE NOT REQUIRED TO>WoRK AFTER SIX- Select Your Gift Hosiery As Early As Possible Our Assortments Are Complete With High Grade Lisles, Silks, Wool and Mercerized Yarn We feature full-fashioned hosiery for perfect fit and durability. Shopping -at Bowman's Hosiery Department is a cheerful task because of the vast assortments to choose from and the courtesy of the sales ladies who serve you. Women's line quality lisle stocking - : mock seam, reinforced heel and toe; black and brown; SI.OO. Women's full fashioned lisle stockings; flexible tops, reinforced heel: black; $1.25 pair. Women's black cashmere stockings; fine quality, medium heavy weight; $1.25 pair. Women's pure thread silk stockings; medium weight, lisle top and reinforced heel and toes; mock seam: extra fine quality; $1.50 pair. Women's full fashioned pure thread silk stock ings; mercerized lisle tops and lisle feet; black and colors: 51.75 pair. Women's full fashioned pure thread silk stock ings; fine gauge flexible lisle tops, high spliced heels; black and white; $2.15 pair. Women's medium heavy full fashioned pure thread silk stockings; lisle garter rib tops; lisle feet; black; $2.75 pair. Dainty Silk Undergarments At One-Third Off Usual Prices i his is a sample line from one of the most reliable , t . makers of high-grade silk underwear, bought at price con- T cessions that enable us to sell them to you at one-third f less than would be possible otherwise. Good heavy weight jtTMi J/T V* f crepe de chine silks and satins, made with extra care by frfflK- - ir the most skilled operators, because sample slock must be J) lle] entire lot is tlesh colorefi Chemises, gowns and I/ fp . it —Crepe de Chine or Satin Envelope Chemise j / / I // $4.98 and $6.9/ 11 U \|ij9 pi Tailored models and those prettily trimmed in dainty /' -fj, lA 1 \ V VMI mil lace g eor K ette and embroidery. Made of good quality 2k- \ * V lU washable satin or crepe de chine. Bodice top and arm \ IBM e^ect - Flesh color only. \ ft vj Crepe de Chine or Satin n \ f Nightgowns Lrepe de Chine or Satin $9.50 and $11.50 ' Camisoles PC i Carefully made of lincst quality crepe $2.75, $3.75 yd* X *s'f de chine or satin. Sleeve and sleeveless e . > , , , , • xlr7 fclJ or P' a ' n tailored models. Daintily trim- . a aimhole models in crepe de jrCTpe* med with ribbon, georgette and Filet and chine or satin, beautified with cmbroi- Val laces. Flesh color only: also plain dery, georgette and pretty laces. Also V tailored. plain tailored models. Flesh color only. Timely Suggestions For Practical Holiday Gifts at Prices One-third Less HARRISBURG s%sss TELEGRAPIf /SawmCMJkl HAHIIISDURG. SIOM)AY. DECEMBER 15. 101*. Women's pure silk, full fashioned stockings, medium heavy all silk tops and feet; Beige, brown, navy and white; $3.25 pair. Women's fine quality pure silk full fashioned stockings; silk tops and silk feet, black only; $3.50 pair. Women's heavy all silk full fashioned stockings; silk tops and feet; extra fine quality; black; $4.25 pair. Women's heavy all silk full fashioned stockings; silk tops and feet; extra fine quality; black; $4.95 pair. OUR HOLIDAY SPECIAL A pure thread full fashioned silk stocking, flex ible lisle tops and lisle feet; black and colors; $2.49 Pair BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. DECEMBER 15, 1919. STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX A Peep at Santa Claus Christmas morning - . Scores of i f ; children meet him in his castle \ on tlie second floor, and parents Bowman's Toyland in the Base- Perhaps, it's just as well to let the children see the many toys lirst, then they will he better prepared to tell Santa their latest desire. Give Her An Ornament For Her Hair It is a graceful compliment as well as a handsome gift. • It shows thoughtful selection, as well as a desire to add a touch of beauty where one's admiration was already placed. Here is a counterful of artistic Hair Orna ments, from the tasteful, but inexpensive sorts, to those that are exquisitely jeweled. You can meet your own desire as to the price you wish to pay. Every woman will appreciate a hair orna ment. Our assortment is large to select from; 59c to $25.00 each. BOWMAN'S—Main FlooV. Bubbles Bubbles Do you remember when you were a kiddie, how many happy hours you spent blowing pretty rain-bow colored bubbles, of different shapes and sizes? Now then, is your chance .to make some child happy on Christmas, by giving it a combination bubble set; rubberized apron, soap bubbler and soap. They are sold in our No tion Department for 75c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. A Box of Handkerchiefs Is a Better Gift Than Ever So many people let their supplies of hand kerchiefs run low that there is a very large open ing in most bureau drawers for acceptable Christmas gifts of handkerchiefs. We have a handsome assortment for selec tion, in styles for men, women and children. For instance:— Novelty handkerchiefs for women in Appen zelle, Madeira and other hand embroidered kinds. Every desirable shade and style; 10c to $2.50 each. Boxes of handkerchiefs containing three, four and six in each box; 59c to $2.50 box. Men's handkerchiefs in plain, novelty and initial; 10c to $2.50 each. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Cold Nights Demand Warm "Comfys" '.j For Men, JVometi and Children For Women Felt fv^^ $3.50. For Children —Felt Comfys; $1.65 to $2.00. Felt Puss-in-Boots; $2.50 to $2.75. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 3 FOUNDED ISTI
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