POTTSVILLE TO HAVEAJCOMPANY Schuylkill County Capital to Be in the Eighth Infantry Once More State military authorities are se riously considering establishing a company of the Eighth infantry at Pottsvllle and conferences to that end are under way. Pottsville has had militia companies for three quarters of a century and one of the 'First Defender" organizations came * from that city in the early days of the Civil War. Location of the units of various regiments is now under way and definite reports will be made in a short time. , Commanders of brigades and reg iments and the staff officers have been summoned to Philadelphia by Major General W. G. Price, Jr., the general commanding, to meet Gen eral J. Mel. Carter, chief of the bureau of militia affairs, in regard to the organization of the new Na tional Guard. Adjutant General Beary expects some of the units of the separate battalions to be organized in the old Fourth Regiment territory to be ready before very long. The Public Service Commission will hold sittings in Philadelphia on December 17, 18 and 19, with big calendars. Arrangements are also being made for a hearing in that city on January 9. The ltorotigli of Ford City lias complained to the Commission against the . new rates of the Ktt taning Telephone Company. The West Penn Railways has filed no tice of increase of fare from five to six cents on the Kitaning division, vision. The State Highway Department announced to-day that on Monday the State will free the Doylestown- Willow Grove turnpike, seven miles in Bucks county and five in Montgomery. County authorities shared the purchase.which amount ed to about $36,000. Justice John W. Kcpliart was here to-day. Secretary of the Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods and Banking Com missioner John S. Fisher will at tend the dinner of the Pennsylva nia Society in New York. Commissioner of Banking Fisher last night announced the approval of the order for the reopening of the Citizens Banking Company, of Oil City, which was closed by him as in an unsafe condition months ago. Since that time the State has conserved the assets and people of that city raised the money to re habilitate the institution. The course of the department has been much praised in the community as the Commissioner insisted upon a fresh start and ample funds to meet con ditions. The bank will reopen Mon day. The sale of the North Penn assets in Philadelphia to a new trust company is now übout to be made after court approval. George F. Sproulc, recently ap pointed on the waterways conven tion delegation and connected with State navigation affairs for year 3, has been chosen as Philadelphia di rector of wharves, docks and fer ries by Mayor-elect J. Hampton Moore, a personal friend. C. Templeton Ritter, formerly connected with the State Department Ql clear skin is always a source of pride What joy and satisfaction comes from the knowledge that one possesses a I ] healthy, radiant skin which will stand the test of the brightest lights. Resinol Soap j will help you obtain just such a com- I plexion. Composed of the purest in- I gredients, it cannot injure the most sensitive skin. Work its generous I lather well into the pores, with the j finger tips, and after rinsing carefully, | finish with a dash of cold water, and I note how much clearer your skin looks, j RESINOL SHAVING STICK makes the daily shave a pleasure. Resinnl products at all druggists and dcaten ia I toilet goods. — —I^^——■— Cut Your Own Hair l e , "Peerless" Hair Cutter 1 and Safety Razor 1C t Complete with 6 blades, $2.00 'l Complete with dfr l on I f 2 blades .... $ 1 ,U(J i j Tliis offer good only until Xmas. | 3 Positive Adjustments. Mullet] on Receipt of Price A Sdeatilically ( "imtrvrted Tool Not n Toy F. S. LEWIS, Dlst. 038 Commercial Trust Willi. Plilln., I'n. W ■ f . CORN A M BUNIONS CALI.CKKS uts, uG STORES * J AUTO OWNERS I APPLY AT OUR OFFICE FOR 1920 Auto Licenses Applications cheerfully tilled out 5 by our Notary Public. Notary fee only charge. (Applications arc complicated r this year. We supply the ap plication.) i Backenstoss Realty Co. J 33' Market Street 1 "The Office of Service" | ' f r FRIDAY EVENING, of Internal Affairs, is dead at his home in Allentown. lieu rings held by the Public Ser vice Commission this week In Pitts burgh were the most extended known In months and will material ly clean up business for that sec tion of the State. Samuel M. Clement, Jr., member of the Public Service Commission, has been elected a director of the Union League at Philadelphia. According to word from Schuylkill county the Pottsvllle election board accused of fraud has been, cleared. Auditor General Snyder has di rected an Immediate appraisement of the Frick estate properties. Richard J. Beamish says In the Philadelphia Press that the Wood boomers are going to see Senator Penrose about Pennsylvania affairs. The State leader Is said to favor an uninstructed delegation. SEEK POSTMASTER Announcement has been issued by the United States Civil Service Com mission, that an examination will be held In Mcchunicsburg on Janu ary 10, to fill a contemplated va- I cancy in the postmastership of Shire manstown. Shiremanstown is a fourth-class office and the yearly compensation approximates SSOO. LIFT OFF CORNS WITH FINGERS j Few Drops of "Freezone," Then I Corns Lift Off —No Pain I | A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs so little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon any corn or callus. ] Instafftly it stops hurting, then j shortly you lift that bothersome | corn or callus right off with your | fingers. Truly. No humbug! | '^u=^Mh=====ißl^^HiB^at^glQ^Siai^=^Baß^SHl^=lEl^^lßls=a^rar====aCTraf======irir==c==- B J —■ B | | This Is Unusual!! . 1 I J A Sale of Trimmed Hats At I 1 Special Prices For Saturday I | A Strictly One-Day Sale!! ] 0 | Any Trimmed Velvet Hat ! 3 Any Trimmed Hat in our stock goes out at these special prices: = 3 Any Hat Marked $ 3.98 Saturday Price, $ 2.88 Any Hat Marked $ 4.98 Saturday Priec, $ 3.88 Any Hat Marked $ 5.98 Saturday Price, $ 4.88 Any Hat Marked $ 6.98 Saturday Price, $ 5.88 g Any Hat Marked $ 7.98 Saturday Price, $ 6.88 Any Hat Marked $ 8.98 Saturday Price, $ 7.88 Any Hat Marked $ 9.93 Staiirday Price, $ 8.88 Any Hat Marked $10.98 Saturday Price, $ 9.88 I Any Hat Marked $11.98 Saturday Price, SIO.BB j All high priced Hats not included in this sale sold g I at Special Prices Saturday. Every Trimmed Velvet Hat in Our Main Hat Room | Every Trimmed Velvet Hat in Our French Room f | Every Trimmed Misses' or Child's Hat | Every Trimmed Velvet Matron's Hat The majority of these Hats are of recent production, having come from our workroom within the last two weeks—You will jj find very few of our earlier Hats in this collection. □ I | That's Why This Sale Different II j from any other Sale advertised ] NOTICE— Every Hat has the regular price marked on the tag. Prices advertised Special are for this Saturday only. Clear $l2O in First Day at the St. Paul's Bazar About $l2O was taken in* last evening ut the twelve booths of the St. Paul's bazar, which opened yes terday in the gymnasium of the church, Second and Emerald streets. A large number of people witnessed the delightful entertainment given under the direction of Mrs. Sanford D. Cos, assisted by Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley, who provided the en tertainers, including several mem bers of the Moorhead chorus. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hobbs-Ley and a representation of Boy Scouts, under the leadership of : P 25% Off on When? & , f Cash Sales • Until Xmas % | Xmas Fund Salei | Buy Furniture for Xmas j ome and see us > we sell everything for the home. # 1 Join Our Grafonola Club 1 No home complete without music . I Let us explain our plan m- Columbia Records Jf SPECIAL XMAS NUMBERS. 3 HEAR THEM. * B. HANDLER I 1212 N. THIRD STREET # Out of High Rent District H ARRISBU RG TELEGRAPH Scout Executive J. Fredrick Vir gin, will give the entertainment. s To-morrow the bazar will close with a supper served from 5 to 8 o'clock. Thus far the event hus been most successful In every re spect. MARRIED HERE Miss Dora Gass and Madison Beers, both of Sunbury, were united In marriage yesterday. In this city, the Rev. Stewart W. Herman, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, officiating. SCHWAB BUYS CORPORATION New York, Dqc. 12. M. Schwab has acquired control of the United Zinc Smelting Corporation, it was announced here to-day. M. B. I.insberger has been elected presi dent of the company. Boardinghouses Relent on Appeals From Girls The appeal for sympathy for giVl boarders issued a few days ago by the Housing Bureau of the Harris j| Store Open Evenings Monday and Tuesday, December 22 and 23. Closed Christmas Eve. g . jII All Christmas Checks Cashed Without Obligation to Buy ji" BIIIBBSCOaaiEuMIIIB I And Now Comes The I December Coat Sale i 1 . " | Our Entire Stocks Are Included—Coats of Every § | Description, Color and Size—With or Without Fur ! I • ii I! FABRICS "* COLORS | [[j Silvertone Coats Brown jjjj ii'ij Bolivia Coats Reindeer 1J | -Chameleon Cord Coats Navy Plush Coats and Coatees Henna ••• |||j Broadcloth Coats Oxblood jj Tinseltone Coats Black ! 11l Polo Coats Tan j|j ||j Sport Coats Copen - | $25 $35 $45 S6O $75 SBS j II At bull silk lined Coats, seal At A choice group of the best Jj $Q P shawl, h Slor C or a s r quare collar' $ f\ Coats ' trimmed with fur or f||j x I Black Salt's Peco Plush I I plain tailored models. All full mm 111 l Coats, full satin lined. Many V# \ J , r t , | others. These are only two of line(l Coats - No Sr reater values X Values to SSO the unusual offerings. Values to SBS can be had anywhere. if HI At The largest assortment in At Bolivia Cloth, Polo Coats, [ii $0 C the entire stock, fur collars or tMfp, Plush Coats, Heather Coats, ® •< P la,n ' full fanc y silk lined Y ,| O%J Coats. Silvertone material. /al Silvertone Coats. Luxuriant | | About twenty different styles fur collars. All styles. All jj Values to SSO to select from. Values to SIOO sizes. At Coats selected from the fin- At At this price we include our i | $ A C est mattrial,. With or ivith- $0 r ! V out fur collars. Full lined or Q Coats of smartest style. . |||j x These values are uneatialed ij Values to $75 half lined Coats. Values to slls this season. !. > | Ii 15 Styles of Women's Fine Footwear at ijj | sy Greatly Reduced Prices i mi \ \f These shoes are less than the prices asked by the manu- ■ ' -ITV facturers to-day. Consisting of the following leathers and x fill J V'ft styles— _ QC ill / k Black, Field Mouse, Gray and Brown Kidskin—combina | _ tions atent an( * Beaver, Brown and Beaver, l| Black Kid and Field Mouse. Button and lace i ! li ni °dels —all this season's models—with a good I'll assortment of sizes and widths. ii ' : J S Lv ra v.v. VM v.. W . n == = _ * 1 burg Chamber of Commerce has been heeded, several householders of whom have come forward with offers of help for the girls who are looking for homes or rooniß, It was announc ed at the Chamber offices to-day. The contention of numerous house holders that girls are undesirable roomers and boarders becuuse of their alleged propensity for staying DECEMBER 12, 1919. in their rooms much of the time, criticising their surroundings, and requiring more attention than men, has been denied by other landladies who since the Chamber of Com merce appealed in behalf of the girls, have stoutly, affirmed their willingness to extend the hospitality of their rooming houses to female tenants. . PNEUMONIA Call a physician. Immedi ately begin "emergency" treatment with— MfilL VICR'S^PORUm ""YOUR BODYGUARD" - 50ft 60MEM 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers