Lives Lost in Boldly Trying Alaskan Travel Sewafd, Alaska. Reports are beginning to drift tn of men losing their lives In various parts of the ter ritory from exposure to the elements. Every year a number of Alaskans freeze or get lost In the blizzards and ■r' m.n-m.miwy.n v^'.nvw.nv^.-a-m-w-m,w -—>,wT-I.Wm.w-m.w:■m.-w-m.-a-m.wT-v.wm.w■m.w-m.-am.w,wm.w-^.-aTT.W; nwi' in. a e,. af<|,n v'l. a 'L H KENNEDY'S E I Street Friday and Saturday Street j [Real Christmas Saving Sale DE( ™ ER j 1 r , RRM SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS F " """"XTine^ssortment'of"^^™ - J I Flashlisrhts I°inp pee Before Making Your Holiday Purchases, Inspect Our Lines Holiday Stationery jj | . . —They Will Appeal to the Most Discriminating Tastes At the Following Prices I jfl I | ™ '■ "•* | And R emem ber Kennedy Sells It Cheaper I 23., i.o, i.m, .123 | | \ TOILET TOILET SETS PATENT-MEDICINE f I DEPARTMENT f VIRAUDOU 1 I RIGAUD — DEPARTMENT | . ~ , =R M "> SSS££R.SS . I ,I I ft J Face Powders | Toilet Creams | Mavis so.lU For the Hair | Patents I * V Djer-Kiss Face Powder 49c L'Ame (La May) Cream 28c POUF La FfJHICCj $12.35 T>T>rill7\T Hay's Hair Health 34c, 67c Scott's Emulsion ..49c, 98c * fMary Garden Face Powder 79c Ara Mara Cream 39c ■ ' J JdKVItVJM Wyeth Sage and Sulphur. .45c, 69c Fellow s Syrup Hypo 5L65 J Pompeian Face Powder 39c De Meridor Cream 19c, 34c v) Rnnmprantr C 7 1Q Danderine 21c, 43c, 69c K T iwr"Pw 4 'f, Waltz Dream Face Powder.... 39c Pond's Vanishing Cream... 18c, 33c WOOnWORTH WIN r J 5 AliU CfiKC Sago Sage and Sulphur 45c tract 65c 1 B Garden Allah Face Ponder 55c Pond's Cold Cream 18c, 34c WUUDWUKIIi &UlK> Garden pf Allah $6.58 Herpicide 7#c AAtfacptic !!!!!!!!! 1!!! if SI I Mavis Face Powder '. 39c Elcaya Cream 45c Fiancee $4.88, $4.98 Violet Simplicity . ...$5.10 Wild Root Tonic 39c, 79c Maltine Preparations 98c :J ft Lady Mary Face Pcwder 39c Othine Double Strength 69c PnrdPTi Frairrancp iL ') Pinaud's Quinine 49c, 98c J®® 8 ' Nervine 77c *j J: La Blache Face Powder 43c Kenklay Double Strength 79c Vraruen r rdgrance, , . Q-Ban Restorer 49c 7<fc 3 Flora Sweet Face Powder 59c Riker's Violet Cerate 43c $2.98, $3.78, $5.55 TOOf 1 !?!? Sir Parker's Hair Balsam 79c Miles' Heart Tonic !. 1 *!!!*.*.!!!77c g: Pussywillow Face Powder .34c Giltedge Peroxide Cream . 28c il —————— J- liUvJTiK OC uALLL J. Mary Goldman Restorer 98c Father John's .......79c : 1 ft Elmo Face Powder 19c, 39c Lady Mary Cold Cream 41c . Ambrerose $13.75 Parisian Sage 39c S. S. S. Blood Medicine $1.19 K L'Ame (La May) Face Powder, 39c Mercolized Wax 69c y-.. ¥7 -. Moauet 10.00 Walnutta Hair Stain 39c Piercers Discovery 79c I Ven Dome Face Powder 98c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, • DjCf KISS $2*59 Violet Rubra 9.78 . Liquid SUmerine 80c RlSPsion° n Vien Dome (Mio) Face Powder 98c Tubes 9c, 17c, 37c THpr Ift Bridallis 9.98 Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 39c Red Bone Marrow j~ Melbaline Face Powder 21c Daggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream, .pO.IU Jacinthe ' 8.75 Elvera Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, 59c Squibb's Mineral Oil .79c 4 £ Carmen Face PowCer 37c Jars 25c, 34c, 63c DI6F KISS $4.75 Lilas 5.00 Damshinskey Dye, 75c size, 57c Eckman's Alterative $1.23 j| re Java Rice Face Powder 38c Pompeian Night Cream 53c n . Tr . fTl _*. _ Indian HaV 5.00 Harfina Hair Tonic 29c Eckman's Alterative 67c Sanitol Face Powder 23c Pompeian Day Cream 40c Dj6F KISS $7.19 Violette 3.98 Ayer's Hair Vigor 89c n,^rfnr^ E jfl w Petalis Face Powder 24c La Meda Cold Creamed Powder 53c 11 ([, Graham's Hair Color sl.lO Varnesis Green Rle J I; Ven Dome Rice Powder 34c Stillman's Freckle Cream 33c Bromo-Seltzer. . V.'.75c m m Howard's Buttermilk Cream 45c J . ]) Fnr flip Tppfh Quaker Herb Extract 73c J I —=; —| MUM MAKICMNG SETS *tai || J SSSFE; : I=L V Cream 39c Hair Brushes Stag, Pearl, Ivory c*n Kolvnos Tooth Paste 19c Regulol 39c \ & Pompeian Rouge 43c Woodbury Facial Cream 19c Hair Receivers Handles Ml(Tors,LlC. ... ' ... . * . Usoline Oil 37c | I' Mary Garden Rouge 43c " Puff Boxes Handles Lily's Tooth Paste 19c, 34c Atwood's Bitters 19c j i Garden of Allah Rouge 29c Velvet Lined Cases Metal Mirror Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 24c Goffs Cough Syrup . 37c | I Calista Rouge 45c Toilet Waters Pin bST M Qfl CI ft 7Q Pedestal Mirror US. White's Tooth Paste 18c SilHpTSk Magnesia^ J if. Flora Sweet Rouge 45c Tooth Brush Holders 4>w.UU 4>IU./0 Pvip„ 6 inn Mi™, Zylano Tooth Paste 40c Hostetter's Bitters 89c 4 P Ven Dome Rouge Fin 43c Mavis Toilet Water 89c Shoe Horns <r-jnfl <M -t nn Perfecto Paste 19c Angier's Emulsion 43c, 83c : 2 1 Lady Mary Toilet Water $1.19 Shoe Hooks \IMM J> 11 .00 Triple Mirror Sozodont Tooth Paste 19c Djer-Kiss Toilet Water $1.39 M Manicuring Set Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37c J Talcum Powders Djer-Kiss Vegetale $1.19 Glove Stretchers SR.3B 511.98 Kalapheno Tooth Paste 19c Pills and Tablets - >OO Compound p Catharfc Pllb. ,29c n Mavis. 18c ' 2 02 s 3 * 9B Lorn Knivp _ __ Smoking Stand ' *, 100 Nux and Iron Tablets 89c iC £ Pompeian 19c Mary Garden Toilet Water, TornhV 5Q R8 519 78 „ H Mennen s Tooth Paste 23c Nuxated Iron 65c ft Butterfly 18c 507 82 89 I 4>3.v0 $\ Z./U Plateaux Pond's Tooth Paste 23c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 67c t £ I adv Marv 19,- Lilas De Rigaud Toilet Water, $2.89 Lyon's Tooth Powder 18c Bell-Ans. . 17c, 45c * 4 ft Marv Garden 45c Jess Toilet Water 49c, 89c Sozodont Tooth Powder 19c Beecham's Pills. ..17c j f Bto™, N ,„ LUy van., 99C. S9C C ANDY! CANDY! I S : Palmolive " l9c Pyrrocide Powder 79c Doan's Kidney Pills 42c jj £ Colgate's . . .V.'. § Willlama. any odor 17c I Novia Assoi.od Chocolates, pound 98c For Shaving Pond's lMaUtams .23c, Gla -1 Pussywillow 19c Hobson's Soap 23c Flange Assorted Chocolates, pound 79c Pierce's Pellets 17c A ft Woodbury Soap 18c Kellogg's Chocolate Coated Cherries and Nuts, pound 53c 55.00 Gillette Razor $3.75 Williams' Pink Pills 39c j £ m —: : : Resinoi Soap 19C Chocolate Coated Almonds 43c ' 86 00 Gi,lette Manicuring Specials Packer's Tar Soap 18c I I SB.OO Gillette Razor $6.98 :j £ ————— Poslam Soap 13c, 18c - • 6 Gillette Blades 40c Ointments 4 ft Cute * Sets 39c, 98c Germicidal Soap 19c r/Mrnrkf,. 4TA rrtW rm I 12 Gi " ette B,adeS V, 79c 2 35c Cutex Preparations 23c Mavis Soap 21c 1 * Ongoline 43c 4711 Glycerine Soap 19c L/UX nXV 1 ITXL/1 1 1 SI.OO Ever-Ready Razor 83c Musterole 21c, 39c :] 18--ancau e ;;;;;;;--2,c VZZ Ciars <% _ cigarettes E yß nTrd°" Bh '!! Rose Glycerine 3 for 25c 10for50c 50 for $4.00 Fatimas ... 21c; Carton, $2.10 Pure Witch ttoeli'; p,„t. 23c JSoSSSI Emery Boards 8c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for 25c 50 for $2.25 rJp . Camp]a IRr . Cartgm S1 M Wood's Massage Cream... ,34c, 55c Sassafola 17c 2 Triple Cut Forged Steel Nail Palmolive 3 for 25c Manilla Glrard C is .... 18c, Carton, SI.BO Palmolive Shaving Stick 23c Pazo Ointment 41c j Files 10c to 35c Venetian Bath Tablets.. .3 for 25c WILLING s Adlon Lucky Strike 18c; Carton, SI.BO Johnson's Shaving Cream 19c Peterson's Ointment 23c, 43c y r d NSTOWELL Manuel Peidmont .. 18c; Carton, SI.BO I Dft ll s t nnllflT , ftfnr Wftn American Empire Chesterfield. 18c; Carton, SI.BO Good For the Babies \ UOUS ' U0ll8! 50 for $3.00 Hdmar ... 15c; Carton, $1.40 ■] of f ftr eo ca Horlick's Malted Milk 39c, 75c, $2.75 \ Large "Kewple Dolls „. 8 covffiram V?** Borden's Mrttcd Milk 89c. 75c. $2.79 "Kewple" Doll with Talcum 83c haiwhanbt EI Natural 2 Packs for 33c \ EVEN htkveic k v- , . , . _ , . Meads Dextro Maltas 63c 1 "Splashme" Doll with Hair , $l6B AMBROSIA Achiever Melachrino .. 2 Packs for 33c 'j * WHITE STATUE „ ... t ,o „ . r, n i r Nestle's Food 45c, $2.49 1 "Splashme" Doll with Talcum . $167 B°l Henrietta Lord Salisbury 2 Packs for 33c 1 * ' Imperial Granum •. 59c, 89c j "Splaehme" Doll, plain ..$,.,8 ' . P^ CT ie Milk Powder 89c Me " p"' Look Over Our Line of Pipes B ar„ y FRIDAY EVENING, snowstorms and eventually die from starvation and Incidental hardships. Just the other day while John DeLay and Julius Larson were searching for Emil Olsen, who had lost his life, they came upon a man named Irvine who was just at the point of death and un able to help himself. He was taken Into Wiseman, and will recover. Old-timers, who are most familiar with the eccentricities of Alaska weather, are almost invariably the vic tims. In almost every instance where a man is lost through the rigors of the climate he could have been saved by' reasonable precautions. Great numbers go forth into the wilds with little food and no adequate provision for sudden severe drops in temperature, end it Is amazing the loss-s ere not larger HARRISBURG ! TELEGRAPH' But many are seen no more until the spring thaws uncover their bodies. A visitor from the United States will wait for days and even weeks before he takes a trail In a blizzard actual or Impending; but the old-timer "reck ons" ho can make It to such or such a point nnd frequently sallies forth while temperatures are anywhere from .SO to 50 degrees below zero, or when snow; storms are raging of "such Intensity he cannot see a stone's throw ahead." This constant flirting with death is dif ficult to understand, as it Is looked upon neither as manly nor courageous, nnd it Is certainly not pure bravado, and certainly It Is unnecessary In the vast majority of cases where tragedies result. Woodchuck Dug Up Coin From a Grave Wnkrtiwii. N. Y.—Charles Parsons, veteran Associated Press operator possesses a pocket piece, a penny of the year 1828. which was dug from a grave by a woodchuck. "This penny." Parsons said, "was | durr up In the Rodman cemetery by a' DECEMBER 12, 1919. woodchuck. Sixburry, one of the com positors in the Standard office, wai out hunting near Rodman a few weeks ago and chased a woodchucli from a field into the cemetery. Th< animal dug into a grave and kenl throwing a shower of dirt after him Sixburry could do nothing but watel him. Finally a round black objjeel shot out, and 'Six' picked It up. Ar Inspection showed It to be a coin, hul It was black with age. He scrubbec it and found it green: more scruhblna ' brought out the dark copper coloi ' and the date 1826. "How did the coin get into the : grave? Well, I can only surmlan. Ia ! the early days in thle section it wae i the custom to place a coin on the eyelids of a person who had Just i died In order that the eyes might re : main closed when rigor mortis set in, I No doubt that was what happened ia 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers