Many Ideas For Hats Gained in the Orient Asia presenttAlmost every graduation of civilization and extends over varying geographic and climatic conditions. The hats of Asia are, therefore, highly di- | Old Santa Has Gifts For Everyone of the Family! | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better | ff I Shop now in comfort and be prepared Useful gifts are always the best—l I for Christmas without worry and and that's why we have so ' many I (hurry. It's more satisfactory. see^em here every day. ' | i'O a A [ X$ yg? IN. jp, C? ® W W \ Good Jewelry at Lower Prices Pure Christmas Candies ——— - Hosiery Is Both Useful Rfif) JfC * t Dependable Jewelry of excellent quality 1, alway. to be found . There will be lota of to NeU) LOCeS, EmOrOtdeTteS and TrimmiUgS n „J n ffi^rn hlp DUKJIXIJ OUI/Aj .ft in our Jewelry Department. its quality and low pricing aire re- J ,u > for C brjatmnßt nni you should Mill* l/cailUl/lc p JII J /"VI I 117 sponsible for the enviable growth of thin braneh of our bunlneM. \" re ot *l\P uri *F m 1 °. ° UP o- 7* 1? J L MraWi " n I ladled lllttck Cotton Ho*c, lc. 1 tOT All A fffiQmmm I tin Htlfl If) ttHO J. *. . .1 eii.i u-i I. o- -A,. t undies meet the pure food law— 25c, 45<% 50c, 00c, 75c and ONe. bolt, 83c. o- ~~ 1% fAV /111 /ll:Co"V/lU Ifflll I U 111 IK Ak I'if rp? la . c *— • • and frenh Mock* arriving daily In New Irldeweent Hamllng, 38c, Kattall llralds. black, brown lad lea' I isle Hone 50e stte tlOe n . frw r., o- 4 ' 11 ' a an important fdetor. Wide a**ort- 50c, 6©c and 88c. | and navy, bolt, 85c. flni j ~, . Rook* are going to play a mighty Important part in gift giving '2 lie Clap*,-oe. A*li Trays, 23c, 50c, SS<N SI.OO mcnt* in Chocolate*, Hard Candle*. New Oriental Face*. 38c, 42c,! New Dress Cords, ull colors. I.ndlea *llk Hoot Hose %.. T1. Chrlatmaa—-more so tliaa ever, and we've prepared for the In- m* Bracelets, 2.*, 50c, 08c and sl-5. nnd f ,o s# etc.. may be had at our usual low , 45c and 50*. ! yard. 15c. $l ill s7™ $1 ' ereased demand. Here's a hint of our wonderful assortment for all H^hrr'itc ?£* 5L;.d , Clgr Jura. SO©. PHc<a. New Flirt I.acr,, 30© nnd 75c ; * New llreM Fringes. nil col- ' SI Mo.e 45r. SOc nK, '" <ot ,0 the ft Rf Si 317 Silver l.ocket, on Ribbon, 88c x New Crocbct Laces, 25c, 38c j or, 81-00, 01.98, 82.93 nnd 03.23. nnd 73e . War Book. * Peter ltnbbit Book. s'■ '!£• I n in . and 91.35. 30<- - I New Dre*s Girdles, 81.35. thlltlren - * ll>*r 19c "5c "9c 35c Fairy Tale* A | Ka " natton - ~ Miscellaneous Gift Ac l„d | Beauty Flna, 35c and 50c. Sliver Mesh Dagn, 50e nnd 98c. , I „ „Y" ..""h i'V i .Y 11 " ,, 1" k "P* 1 ; ° re !'s T "" K l el ** 11 color.. Infanta' Hoar, 38c, 39c nntl 43c. , lJ a !j r " Dolly Dimple M & Rourning IMas. 35c and 500 Silk Ribbon Wnldentnr Guard., Articles y , j^^d•Kiel?'e. Sltet 39 Khn°kl Girl." 'lot'Lcr'nunny S S * 1 "i?" I , l.adlcV I'nrt Wool Ho.e, 50c. 59e, Camp F'ro Glrln I Irc Story Book. # | 0 " 'M 98.' "Cr, 35e nnd 59c. ioit Black Part NVoo, | KffiS ft k: Ring, for women nnd children 93.48. 92.98 nnd 93.48. . Pocketbook., 35c. 50c, 59e, 98c, I 15t, 17c, 19c, —o, -5c nnd 35.. or., 30c , Date Daring Book, ! Story of the White Hou.e fk In plain hand, signet, cameo and Children's Velvet. 811k nnd $1.98, $2.23, $2.48 nnd $3.48. Mnoltn nr%A FI/tnnnf/iH/i n 0 '* I'nper Bookn ;w jt stone settings, 25c, 50c and 98c. , Leather Bags, 13c, 25c nnd 50c. J Novelties in Shell t.oods. In M ifluSiltl Uflu M lQflTX€l€lt€ [ ngalow Boys Board Covered Books jS: JF Braid Pins. Back and Side Combs, 1 Knit lInaPYU)PnY—A I Rlhhnnc fnr Ytnnc II J a A I m. . y * Mnen Books M J . • n la 11/ Bnrettes. etc.. lOc. 25c and 541 c. UIIII UnaeTweWT /± MOOOnS TOY ATRQS (Jna€Y gCLYmentS" At\ gPo* Inventors Paint, Drawing and Puzzle Books II g Attractive Guts in Keady-to-Wear 35c> Utility Gift „ P „r, Acceptable Gift s c u tn Wr % g. „ oti. ! t'lothe, llru.hcH, 35c nnd 50c. Women - . Veat,. long nnd short j l'i the making of pretty gift, and " P *■" A it* l.ndiCK - Apron,. 39c, 39c. 43c, 48c. W omen , Knit Skirt,, ,sc. 98c , shoe Tree, cnamclud white, j sc nnd 09c. n hot of other Xntn, pnrpo.c. Wc l.nillc,' Cornet Cover,, plain and ' .IS Y 'Hie. 09c and 85e. and *l.-o. I pjllk !(nd , tlllei 2 5c. 1 Women - . Ankle l.engtlt Drawer,. | hnv<- .peelnl prennration, lor trimmed. 39e. 35c. 39e and 39c. St I 1 n rr w w _ _ ■%, l.ndio, - Bungalow Apron,. 85 ts Children's Knit Skirt., 75c nnd l.adir, - nnd Children - * Belt*. 35c, 50 c and 59c. j JOI,r need,., c i( inl*olc*. lace trimmed. 79e I Blpl AAttf/, / 5 _- u ■ 19--- fj IF, I f Jn -91.00, 91.35 and 91.48. S3c. . 39c and 50c. Women - , Tight Knee Drawer,. Su(in K | llbonKi .. O i or - and 98c. \JIII Ulllilll jTIU.S MIPYP G i\POI lllflT"I? fit d I.allies' Black Apron,. 50c, 59c. Children - * Knit I.egging*. oOc. Shirred Blhbon Kla*tle Webbing, 00c. j jo t , )-,. t v ;[2c. 30c 'l3c' llrtt*,lere*. 50c. 59c nnd 73c. , UllkUl Ull/ln \JI ■ £' 85c, 81.00 nnd 91.39. Girl* - Knit Tarn*. 81-59. ull color., yard, 39c. Women - , Tight Knee Union ' 50,.' ( |o..' 7-..' ,ssc'n„d list- ' Comhlnullon Suit*, 05c, 75c and m/\ yyl* f\ /* > * /-■ - - r _. „ . _ st- B l.adic*' White Percale Apron, Children - . Sweater,, 59e and 75c. Military Bru.he., 25e, 39c and Suit*. 09c. 79c and 9Sc. ; t, -oc, aoc nnu tine, //| V i tlfil I V A KlPi A l\/fI?C *1 J,g for ollicc and rctnurant work, 85c, Girl* - Knit Aviation Cap*, *l>e- sfl P . Women - , Bibbed Sleeve | New Plaid Ribbon,, 39e, 42e, 09e, \ Wonien - , UatiNte Combination 11/ f il. 1/1 /I , 1 ,il XI IW f m I j JLB If If* W W 91.00 and 91.19. elal, 50c. _ Comb*. 10c and 98e. Cor.ct Cover*, nil lne. 50e. 79c and 85c. ■ Suit,. 81.18. " I *' ; ■L' Xure*' White Apron,, 85e. Babies' Knit Boot,. 15c, 25c, U9c, Hnir Brushes. 25e, 29e, 59e. 79c ! Children - * Union Suit,. 81.35, 3rn Brocade Ribbon. 05c and Gown,. 81-00 nnd 81.50. ff- P Women', Binek underdkirt,. 98c. n75 5 - . and gels. 81.35, 81.39 and 81-48. 7c. women - . Drawer,. 30c, 73c,-88c i There are hundreds and hundreds of them here—but mv jfiS. *1,30. $1.48 SI.BB. $1 OS and $2.25. Babies t nps. uOe* oOe and 80*. l.adles' Handlings, 50e, 08<\ up to Children s Vests and Pants, 50c, anil 98c. i f 2 ... .Is E: Norses' Cuffs nnd Cap* 15© and Babies - Sacqur,. 50e, 75c, 98c and $4.98. 50e, 03c and 75c. ><-w Ma,r n °"* - <0 ,n ' - Women - * llloomcr*. 59c and 75c. m y, they are going fast. Boys and girls are Sending in "if. ft' 25c. i 31-48. Band Mirrors, 25c, 29,-. 09c, 79c Infant,' N*cU, 25ev 30e. 50c and AVn.h Ribbon*. Sc. 10c, 12e. 15c, | Women - , Skirt,, 75c, 88c, 98e nnd their orders to the Old Than so fast- thai k.f„r. • Y li Children's Wash Dresses, 75c,! Babies' Sweaters, 50c, 75c, 98c j nnl) gj. 15 . 59c. 19e, 25e. 35c and 39c, 81-25. tn \ lr oraers 1° tne Uia Cnap SO last tllat betore Christmas A jar and 89e ' ' ! nnrt \ ! Women's Cor,ets. all sizes, 75c. arrives they'll all be gone. ;S Children's Bloomers, SOc, 45e, | Boot Socks, loc and !'■ m ~ , • , • I | I f-l. /"•/•. Children - * Drawers, 21c, 25e, 29c. | JU: ft 75c. SOc and 91.15. Misses nnd Children s Slumber _ , . . lit AylicloK HYP A rITiP Is life 1 32e, 35c, SOc, 45e, 50e, tlOe nnd 73c. Toys and Games from Up. I Specials in And Dolls from IOC to $1.25 1 I jrar taasaasskS-sfßrmgthe uidie.t s .hem, Tt ywuib.4ol,l^ i Boy:' - :* H5- „ J , „ , Va $1.19. n<.hinp c.v Ift _ M „ . r rt Fancy Soup*. 40c and .5c box. I owder BOXCH and Hair Itc- <t S( , cVinn fVi c 0- U Infant*' Ivhlte SllD* "do 9e "5c Infant*' Bib,, 10c nnd BOe. Hook, and'Kyen "on Tape, vitrd. " ■ n,, KouKe ' srM ' - ; "'miT' ""c SK l adle* - Flannelette Bloomer*. I Mf lnfant^ , White Slip, .Oc, oilc, uc ■ uiauk Saturn Skirts AMo m,. i 45c. 50c and 65c* I icturc f ramrN, .wc, 59c and SBo. rrt_ o _ rv i r\• • ,• g Whltp I)rr „ r „ _ 50( . to 82 35 *'*"• k,r4 "' 080 New Veil. w„b Elastic, lOc. 35e | ' T-,cunt, Powder,, 10c, 15e. 18e. Mi = 2k5 7e. -nd 8. ,5. ,W^ lld „ n -. Flannelette Gown*. - Ch °° Se Soon-DelayS are Disappointing - ;S L% I a fiint m White Drcsnen, 3\ OOc, , Ladlea* Colored Sklrtn, $1.59 to nn ,l {ui e 21c and 2oc. .Manicure Bet.H. 59c, $!.!., $1.29 , .> s 'Sf. p 9e, 75c and 83e. i 91.98. New- style, in Button, for Fnll, „ Sa,o, , y 3 nlor shi,vins: Set*. and 81j50. _ Children - * Flannelette Sleeper*. WW J J /• IJ I.J WW || |• f *T gf l ong Skirts, 39c nnd Cashmere Sneque*. 75c all sizes, from 10c dozen up. I SOc anil 85c* loinbs, .9., o9e and JSe. 0c nnd 89e. flUTldredS Ot Holiday liaTldkerCtll€tS ft | Infant*' (ion, 59c and 09c. Flamwlctte DreMN, 1 to 0 yearn, —mm———— t ""*■ "t.";.™:;.,.. Till? I/'lXin AF r*II?TC TO AT RJATUFD WT A XTTC *' or ™ en > " omen an " i-"aren * ink MND Ur blrlb IHAI MUlnhK WAIN 15 :2-sr-rsj=— * I Practical Gifts For Men and Boys ARE SHOWN IN GREA T PROFUSION DEPARTMENT -. i™- I U. lUHB-Ul VJ4IIO AV, IFsCfI UIIU MJUJfO , ! JD .fl J O'lL m-r., 25e. Men - * Colored Silk Handker- || gv- Men's and Boy, - Wool Cap*, light | Men - * Medium Weight Itibbcd N€W Lolor€U OURS l adle* - Silk Handkerchiefs. 10c. chief*. 3e, 75.- and 88e. 'Jf tl anil dark pnttrrns, 29e, 50e, 9e I'nlon Suit*, nil size,. 81.70. 11/ L.'i. _ J F-l--. J f),aoo C/iliec C.'lLc pf* nl Oil) Rlnch StlkS l.ndlen' Crepe do Clilne Handker- Men's While Silk Handkrrohlefs, Jfb J* and 98c. Men - * Heavy Weight nibbed W/llfC 0/10 LOlOred UTeSS t OPTICS, OtIRS, DIC. IIZW UIULK PUKi , c 4# In(|l( , wWf ! chiefs. 13c and 23c. Plain nnd Initial, sllc and SOc. A S. Men - * Dress nnd AVork Sri,- | Union Suit,, in gray nnd eeru, Bluek Silk Penu tie Sole, 3U ; ~11 color*. 82.48. I l-adlca' Handkerchief*, plain anil , Iloy*' Silk Handkerchief,, plain . ft - pendent, light nnd dark, 29e, 39c 91-98. Plain White Organdie,. 40 nnd Colored Voile*. 44 Inehe* in,-lie* wide, 82.25. j .. j ... , ... . . , , embroidered, tie. , and .bordered. 39e nnd 50e. "ffi Y 50e. 59e und 75c. Men - , Heavy Flreee I.lned llnne* 44-lneh width, 59c. tllle and 80c. wide, 4Se. Black Silk Mc,*aline, 82.39 * 1 wtae, | children - * Handkerchief,, plain Boys - Plain White Ilnndker- *T* j ; Men - , und Iloy,' Soft Collar,. Derby Bilihed Shirt* nnd Drawer*. Plain Wl.lte Voile, "9c SOc. Colored Organdlrn, 40 inehr, and 82.48.* i ~A i, -Jo i i. and embroidered, tie. chiefs. 10c ft. 25c. size, 32 to 40; gurn.ent. 98e. ' 1 V""® '""f" - wide, 50e. Black Silk Taffeta*. 81.59. ' J"""" 1 .'""- -,< i a " ; i.ndle,' Initial Handkerchiefs. Men's Colored Bordered Hand- J?- V_ Men - * Silk Collar*, all sizes; ape- Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Union ' ' „ Fancy Floral Saline, for lln- 81.09, 92.29 and 82.48. ! *7- -to wide „ii ' 13ennd3e. kerclilef*. 350. *F ff elal. 33c. Suit*, ecru color, all sizes, 81.08, Plain W hlte Unllste, 3- to 40- ingn, 91-011. Black Silk Poplin,. 30 Inehe*. I affeta*. _3O In the, wide, all Children - * Iloxed Handkerchief,, Men - * Bed and Blue Handker- Jf; Men - , Cotton Hose, black nnd Men - * Wool Shirt, nnd Drawer,. Inch width. 38e, 30e and ->oe- Urea* Gingliam*. pliiitt. neat wide. 81.45. I '°7i. .I n . i . i ■■ 23e and 35e. I chief,. 13c and lllc. {ft ft color*. 13c. all sizes; garment. 81.48. 1 Plain White Dimity Cheek, cheek* anil *trlpc*. 27 to 32 Black Silk Ilnhutal. 81.00. j , l,k "" wide, all , iT. f Men - * Male Finish Hone, blnck Boy, - Fleeee I.lned and Derby ni„l stripe,. 27 to 30 Inehe, inehe*, 17c. 20c, 35c, 39c, 48e and 81.15 nnd 81 25, colors, P1.48. _ _ . nnd color*. 10c. Itlhlird I nlon Suit*, size, 24 to 34. i wide, 29c, SOc. 42c and 05c. 75c. Black silk Velvet. 81.59 and luanh I oulnrd*. JO Inehe* wide, Thp Art NecdleUlOrk He- DfllflfV NeckweOT Etc 11 Men* Can van Work Glove,. 8K25 to 81.48. whH( . skirtlnKß . 3 0 Percale*, light and dark, neat ptI.DK. ... . IRe HTI 11 eeUISUJOTCI UC UUlJliy lietRWtUT, OIL., leilfhcr paint, 39© and 05c. Boy, - N'rekwrnr, 4Se and 59e. , h ld ... . -u_ ffgurc* and atrip©*. 29© and 42c. I renin silks, 30 In, hi, wide. Out. f\tt i , p /i■/, |j fg •XT Men - * Cotton Work Gloves, Ise, Men - * Neckwear. 48e, 30e, 05e ' ' Shirting Cheviot, for Boy* - Chiffon Silk*. 4. c. D QY {fflffll OffeTS At- FOT Gift PttTPOSCS A sf. 19e and 25e. and9Be. , Plain W hlte Poplin*. 2. to 30 vieu - , Shlrls, 29e. ft fe - Men - * I-inrn Collar,. 10c. Boxed Suspender,. 59c, 05c, 75c Inches w-ldc, oOc und ,9t. ;!3p |||||( -1 ^ ——, tmrtlHO (lift A rtl/°IPV l.adic* - l.ace. Organdy, tieorgrtte 'X A* Men - * I. rather Belt*, black nnd and 81.00. Plnln While Indlnn Head, 30 j Peggy Cloth, plnln color* and , . , - . _ in ll' TLI u ° and Net Collar*. 60c, 59c and 98c. ft' tun. 50c and 75c. Boxed Gnrtrr* nnd Arm Band*. inehe* wide, 4Sc nnd SOc. stripe*. 32 Inchr* wide, SOc. /f OUSehold (jOOUS. I OWeIS, Bedding, I able Women - * Felt Bedroom Slipper*. I.ndle*' New Bound Neck Col- ft II: Men;* Drcsa Shlrf*. 590. 50c and 75e. Plain White Linen. 30 to 43- Juvenile Cloth, plain color* liomeiiotu p ' T 1." a- ! 5 ' ,nede sn"e*. ■ill color* 81.09. . lar*. point effect*. In lace, net and ft 8 Men * Satin tnd Garter, and Mlk t Boxed t.nrter*. 25e nnd 35c. inch width. 81.25, 81-49 and nn d Mtrlpes, 32 inchr* wide. 48c. LtUPHS Etc Etc Fct Gift GlVing Ml**©* - Fell and Knitted Bed- georgette. SO©* 59c und 98c. £f: V. Arm Band*. 25e. Iloxed Belt*. 59© nnd 75© 81 80. 27-lnelt wide Linen Flnl*lt WHeili, Lll., LU., I l/r Ulll Ull/Hlg Mlasea _ t-ell una ixniiten . v..,, S ..tln < ollnr, s®c A :%f Houhlc Grip Iud Gar- Men'a and Hoy*' Wool Glovw, Natural Colored l.inen, 3 to Ponftee, plain color*, 50c. i'.hiiiiched Drilllnir and Duck I Plain While Turklali Towel*, * .. J , s l| ft : term, 35e. ! 3e. 50c. liSc. 70c, and $1215. 45-Inch width, $1.50. NMnch wide Drew Mnen*. * UrlllinK and Due h, I |„|n U hliCl.HdrenV. Bedroom Slipper*. ad I Sc. ,, r w # II ninin uhitA Pinup. 4Sd'. 30c -n 4S*. _. . i }.*}• ,U Y „T. ' ' ' * * • ! $1.35 and sl.lO. I.ndle*' Collar nnd Cuff Sets, 50c Y and 79e. Plain Whit- Pink. Blue. Yel- ' lied Table Dnmnnfc. 54 Inehep 88e ami 98e, Embroidered Pillow t a*e*. pair, and 98c. *£ | Jsehl Household Goods That Will Prove Ac . Js3 a '• •- i "S- . - - .. liJiVV-S | S Acceptable to the Housewife | : Savory Bonnier*, 81.25. 81-78, | Aluminum Sauce Pan*, set of Neat Stripe, In Colored Nent Figured Dark Calicoe,, Special—Entln of Hnek Towel- i 4Se. Nut Seticomnletc 8137 ' '9 I yszKsfsxOh'z. ' - - 77 f f isssss T asS"%ass. isssssasrss&rsi. ,jsz?srsarsrx'' M | .;ct 81.<l!l. 81.89. 81.98, 82.25 and .. > Y <k '" l I " lu " d Tru Pluln Wl.Ue Figured Voiles, White Outing Flannel. ~cd Tleklng.'uOe. :13c, 39c. 59c. Turkish Towel*, fancy. 39e, | Turkish ' Boudoir Cap*. 29c, 50 e, 98c, 81-25, Xk if. 82.49, *-•'-• 311 Inchr, wide, lSe. 19c, 25e. 35© and 39e. 72c nnd 75c. 48©. se. 75e. 88© unit 08c. | 'i fa ° urKtan , I>4S alld gl . ttß> JO ft Aluminum Berlin Kettle*. Casserole*, heavy nickel rltu. Plain White. Pink. Blue, 1 el- I nhleaclied shaker Flannel. I.i„e„ and Cotton Toweling. Keud.v-mnde Pillow- Case*. 42. chlld'reifa ' stainned Made IP Windsor Tie*, all colors. 25c. '£■ Vr 81-99, 82.89 anil 92.08. 81.25. 81.85. 81-75 nnd 81-08 low and Figured Crepes. 30 17c. 25c, 29c und 39c. 15e. 19e. 21c. 25e. {l9c, 48©. 115,-. 15 and 50 Inch.-, wide. each. 39e, : h Vlumlnum Sauce Pan*. 43c. Baby Plate*. 45c. 55c, 79c and Inches wide-.45© and Baby Hlunket*. 75e. 89©. 08© IST'„„d 98©. I 48c. 50© end She. , "V'mid (MnUnan He to and ilnwl. lIC nSd 75e. ft NI $1.25. SCo I'lttln White ,ln<l $! -•• Inhleuehed MUMIIH. I'LL to 3D Dress l iniiiK*. eiimlirlc nntl j .J |y Middy Tie*. 7llc and sl.lO. :9 ft inehe* wide, 25e, J2<\ 3e, 48c Illenehed C anton Flannel*. Incite* wide. Hie, 25e and 2De *ntlne. 20, HUe nnd e , Cut Glass and Chinaware "pC'wute Lncoth. Ma d . ©. ft w tut <• Ins* K-lneh Vane, $2.10. nntl Cream Sef*. $1.25, 30 Inehe* wide, 25e, 35c, 45c nntl 35c. Scarf* nntl Sliuins, Mexleiin j |.iinen*tcr Apron f•IIIKIIIIIIIN, THE FINAL CLEARANCE Or ill z a ... , . . ... ... X | —a 9, y, 4- lllt |_ 48e. Haby Flannel*, erenm, 27 to Drawn work, 2De. 3llc nntl 5De. i J*: -iff - " ' " c ' "■ " Olive Set*, 91.89, 81.98 nnd Plain W hit© Pnjitina t'heck*. 32 Inehe, wide. 20c, 39e. 51N-, 75c. Blenched Sheeting. 113. 72, 81 Plain White Mercerized Table -m wr wwr -w- -w--m -r m—n WA, MT T A •B. 'ut*, 3-footed Nnpplen. ~ sg >r|i 3 -j | n rhe, wide, 29c and 30c. 85© and 91.00. Ilnd m; liivhc* wide, 711©, 70c. Dnmimk, 54 to 2 luetic* wide. ft ft I H H I IX I ■Jlft ft .ft ft 81.39. Cuke Sets, 82.10. 83.00. 83.75 _________ N,,- I 311 c. 75c 88© and 81.25. • I ft Bill Iftft 1 HC ft ' xJ Cut ti I it** Sugar and Crrant. n nd 83.98 *rt. VI I MJIJB 9 ft ■M 81.75 and 82.25 pair. Berry Srt*. 82.10, 83.00. 83 08 - . _ . ' m Jm.-m. A % ! m 't! 'iHsh, ''''i De"-" H s>i*. 81.89,82Ji5, 82.50 Curtain Draperies, Fixtures, Etc. Black and Colored Dress Goods Enables You to Have a New Hat for the Holidays for >jr Liner. 91-98. and 82.711 *rt. Curtain Scrims, plain, fancy and Figured Cretonne,, 27 and 30 | Mere SoilF U if: Cut Glass Handled Vannlr* mi' '"l . ...... flgtiretl, 30 Inches wide, 29© and inehe* wide. 33©, 39c. 50e. 00c. 75e. Black Serge. .10. 11l and 41, trenm Moll air. 50c. i ft ft' null suoon Trnv* 810 si•" -v ' ' 39c. SOc and IIS,-. laches wide, 55©, 75e, 81-00, 81-35 Wool anil Worsted Plaid,. II j * J T * J M' * J FI'JJ X f" Cut 7d VLirnfaliilV lar* ... , Colored Marquisette, green and I- igured and Plain-colored S|;k- nail *131). 75c. Site. 81.25 and *1.50. • U ntrimmed, TriPimed MISSCS 000 Children S 9 •tltc 15 0- ' i ...V."' C " e . r,,, k, r rase. 50© .....I 75,-. oll„e. :111 lia-1.,, aide. 2!le. W „l lialiNle. In color*. 30 Cream Novelty Cloth. 50e. ' V- 111 - ft Cat f 1i... V1..1....e.* lis- *- s - Madras Curtain Drapery. 30 SHNIi t iirtnlii,. laer. 50c. Slle. 00c. laches wii.i-. 81.25. Nav, Blue Storm and French nnd W alkmo Hats trimmed HatS ft and il l Jar*. 81.19 and wide, plain, cream and 80. andllSe. Navy Blue Ml-woul Serge. Sc. ge*. 81.25. 81.50 and 01.75. If CllKlflg IIUIo lliltllim uut, f t '..l I 1,;.. . 81.08. __ White. Wle, Lace Curtain,. 2", to 3 yard, 81.25. 81.30 and 81.75. Black Velveteen. BI.IMI. *1.59 oat tt> npTPU SAT F PRTFI? Xh ut I*l ii** andy .lar*, OSr. Mnvonnal*r Srt*. r. *.r. HIM- t urtain \rt*. plain, whltr and IUIIK, OSr, $1.25. $1,311, $1,511. SI.OB. tutored Srricr*. SMNI. 1 nnd SI.S. oALEPKILL oAlxll* II II V \ VI V'l'l'ttv IFFIIN " n . < ! . - ... eeru, 30 laelie, wide. K9e, .die. and *2.29. 82.59 and 82.98. Shepherd Checks, 37Vic. 50c I ream Wool ( aslimcrc. 82.98 e* -_, ICo en /* /N ?? SO Artlinl ft* t AFY 'SR li vt Butter Tab*. 01.49. 09e. Curtain Drapery, marquise! I- I Cre. IM Wool S.-rgc. 02 75. & 2-00 and ! " 2 ' 50 QQ/t s><2->U Actual VL 1 /1U - - Spoon I'ray*. 00c. American Flag,. 10c. 17r. 25c plain, ecru, white and ereuat. Mb.- Actual vnliieg ief tJ L, values til JL .TO A Celery Set*. 92.25, 02.98, 03.25, Ban-hon Dl*hen, 80,- aad 91.09. nn ,l jtle. !ind 50e. nClUoi VaIUCS. ▼ jft 83.98 „d 84.50. Salad Bow Is. 02.25. $3.50 Actual 1 OO $ 3-50 Actual <C 1 Q Q 'M ■n Silverware values ... values ... D 1 *7/0 b ft" Knives and Fork*. 40,- und Butter Knlve*. Ise. C xff' ft T Y I* ft "4 l^r 1 "S W' 'ftk Ajl $5.00 Actual tfj OAQ $6.00 Actual O* O* Q ft 1 -gsa- ismi- /Sm\ oOU IICK o "S-:53.98 i 1 H 25nl 25 Cent Departi lent Store .! Uto'&S&S? I S : and ! sc. -.-K . „ rlI-! , %*{, Tray*. 30e, <lllr, 88c I\ r ,f-nri ||Y iff .... r\ SB.OO Actual QQ $1.50 Actual QQ 'iff; ,M U- 3 < - - and 81.25 %\ ftftPftftTßMfl /# |{, ,\£fc EVerX UCLX Is Bargain Day values ..v. f O values ... OOC xL* i£: " C adlrs. 3" nod oc. Nut llovvlv and Pick*. 81 S7. W'JhvNf^i 1 # SIO.OO Actual (t* f* 'A Q $2.00 Actual <t* % 1 A ft | 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse vaiu CS ... $6.48 values ... $-*.19 FRIDAY EVENING, versified. From hats of Jewels, denot ing the extreme; of human luxury, to the simple embroidered tur caps of the frozen steppes, every possible type is represented. Moreover, oriental head gear is rich in significance. The hats worn by both men and wo men have been an index, decreed by rigid caste order, to social position. Through gradual evolution they have ! been subjected to that ornamental modi fication which springs from an instinc tive artistry, and the color, shape and character of ornament have come to have definite reference to the rank, wealth and origin of the wearer. Only under the most rigorous climatic condi tions is the head covering purely ulita- ISARRISBURG TELEGRAPH rian, and even In these few Instances ornamental features are not neglected. Heru lies a wealth of Ideas for the milliner of to-dky, or for the woman who makes her own hats. Artists for centuries have embellished these hats of the Orient; each function of life, each station of society; each turn of whim, mode and fashion, have left their in- fluence. Surely in such a wealth of sug gestion there is much that can be adapt ed to our own use to-day. We often feel the influence of the Orient in our architecture and in other i forms of our art expression. Many cus- j toms, ccremoifieß and superstitions throughout the world have a common! basis, simply representing divergencies | of taste. Why should we not permit the intrusion of rich Influences from the East in the practical field of the milli nery of to-day? j The costume industry of America in I the past has been very narrow in its l point of view in limiting itsel to one | country, depending wholly on the French r DECEMBER 12, 1919. C for new ideas. The time has come for us to show our appreciation of the arts of all the world, and recreate and de velop. simplify or amplify the ideas and ' suggestions that are the result of un told centuries of patient development. The possibilities in this fruitful field are boundless. For Superfluous Hair DELATOR! The I Seller (or 10 Yean QUICK - SURE SAFE RELIABLE Ute Fresh a* Wanted Ark Your Dealer He K*wa 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers