BRITISH REMOVE i MANY WAR BANS Only Sugar and Butter Are Now Rationed in United Kingdom I.vntlon, Dec. 10.—The end of one year of peace finds the United King dom still working under many of the war-time restrictions anVcung ordi nary living conditions, althougn large numbers of the orders have been rescinded and others have boon modified. So far as food is concerned, only sugar and butter art* now rationed. 1 ▼ The regulations regarding the amount of meat which might be purchased were removed only a few dtys ago. about one year after the close >f the war. The consumption of liquor, however, is being held down rigidly ; under the old rules. Necessities still rationed, which vitally concern the 1 home include coal, gas and electric- , ity. The shortage of fuel has been causing considerable hardship both to the individual and to industry. The Ministry of Food lias found it j advisable to continue the maximum ; prices, both wholesale and retail, which it fixed for a considerable num ber of necessities Apart from the matter of food and fuel, the Hoard of Trade is maintain - j ing control of the exportation and j importation of a long list of articles. | The l>an has been removed from some I goods, but this has been mainly in ■ the case of things importation of ] which had been forbidden and which the country found itse'.f short of. Removal of restrictions on most of j the food necessities has not solved* the living problem of the masses, however. There is still a great short- j age of many things, and moreover, prices, which went down last summer | have now mounted to about where j they were at the signing of the arm- ! irtice. The increase is attributed partly to the world scarcity of necessities, part- j ly to the augmented demand from the I'-centljr belligerent countries, and partly to inflated currency and ad- j verse foreign exchanges. The last 1 named have had a pronounced intlu- ! eiice on prices and it is the belief of j economic experts that food cannot j become tnucli cheaper until those are] adjusted, even though there is an in- j ctease in production. The butter ration is placed at one ' and one-half ounces for each person j per week. This refers to the import- ! •• i product only, there being no re- ' strietion on the use of homemade hut - t ter. As a matter of fact, virtually no! better is being made in the United < Kingdom these days. o that the con sumer has to depend upon margarine and foreign butter. Will Seek German Shipping in Brazil Itlo do Janeiro. Dec. 10. —One i of the first duties of Alexandre! t'onty, the first French! dor to Brazil, will be to secure for | France, either by purchase or pro- 1 to ligation of the leasing: contract rt- j ready existing, tie use of a Israel part of the German shipping seized j in Brazilian ports during the war. Considerable discussion lias been! going: on in the Brazilian press as lo the final ownership of the forni-i erly German vessels taken over and I leased to France. In some quart ers it had been asserted, that all Ger man ships. 110 matter where seized. I would be divided proportionately! anions the various Allied powers | which participated in the war. The official view here, however, is 1 hut I,Brazilian ownership of vessels seized in Brazil an waters is estab lished' both by the leasing: contract with France, whicr describes the ships specifically as "ships belong:-1 ing to the Floyd Brasileiro" (Bra zilian government merchant fbeti.j and by the Versailles treaty, which J vests the ownership of vessels seized 111 Allied ports to the respec tive countries in which the seizures were made. Hundred? Seeking Refuge in Holland Hardcrwijik. Holland, Dec 10. -j Hundreds of men and women of all j nationalities, considered undesirable. | but accorded refuge and hospitality j by The Netherlands, are still con- I fined behind barbed-wire fences in ' the big war internment camp here, j The still are sources of trouble to the Dutch government. Many of them are war refugees, eseaped from Oermany, or Belgium, and to their number, since the war, have been added several sources of Russians, of Bolshevik tendencies, whom the government has confined here for safe keeping. The Russians have been particu larly troublesome, but the means taken by one of the Dutch military officers in charge of the camp to control their actions are repotted in the Dutch press to have them so se vere that recently a number of Dutch soldiers are said to have mutinied rather than obey the orders. German Dye Firm to Increase Capital Berlin. Dee. 10.—The Analine Dye I'onporatton at a general conference lias voted unanimously to increase its capitalization from 33,000,000 marks to 88,000,000 marks. The administration gave exhaus tive reasons for this move, riling among other things that the Baden Analine Soda <*orporation had suc ceeded in perfecting synthetic am monia and that there had been fur ther development during the war in the creation of an enormous plant for explosives at Merspberg. It was stated that the capital invested in explosives now totals seven hundred millions, but that more than a bil lion marks are needed. With this capital the corporation expects to be able to produce ex plosives and fertilizer in sufficient quantities for, the German needs for the chemical industry and for agrarian work. U. S. Mennonites Confer in Brazil Hid do Janeiro, Dec. 10.—Johann P. A\ all and five other representa tives of the Mennonites of the United States are holding conferences with State officials at Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, looking to the establishment of a Mennonite settle ment in that section of southern Brazil. If conditions are found fav orable, it is said, extenstvc tracts of land will be purchased. Urge Bicycle Makers to Trade in Denmark l.omlon, Dec. 10.—A recent trade r port advises bicycle manufacturers t > seek trade in Denmark, in Copen hagen there nr<- 700,000 people and more titan tOO.OOO bicycles. WEDNESDAY EVENING. 70 Millions Ready For Silver Trade lj Now York, Dec. .10.—A eonsider | üble amount of silver, in addition to i the supply already in the open mar- I Uet. has been made available for ex I port purposes by a recent arrange '•na.fZSt Advance Notice of a Special Apron Sale Coming Friday. Keep Watch Groat ndvnnco preparations are being made—as sorting, ticketing and arranging many hundreds of pretty TEA 818 and BAND APRONS. It's an even' that promises some sensational values, and just in time for gift giving. It will take the town by storm. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THURSDAY EVENING PAPERS 75 Women's and Misses' COATS s>>£.oo Special at W - Hf ——— Plumette, Silvertones, Pom Pom, Velours; Black, ti^Bl^ Navy, Burgundy, Pckin, Brown and Reindeer; big collars of seal or nutria; belted and swagger backs; all lined throughout with fancy Silk or Venetian; sizes for women and misses. LEATHERETTE COATS—Sport length and three quarter length—perfect copies of genuine leather—felt lined throughout, $18.75 BEAVER PLUSH COATEES —Of good plush cut with wide sweep—belted all around or front belt—fancy lining, Children's Coats Too, Go o Into the Big Before /£p>\ Christmas Reductions ( \ Children's Zibeline Coats ftl \ r !**§§) ' / Pretty little Coats for children 3to 6 years; in \ v - J Green, Brown and Oxford. Special $3.75 N. \\ Children's Chinchilla and 17 c \\ , Cheviot Coats I • f jrlJ Sizes, 2 to 6 years; Grey, Brown and Navy, trim med with velvet collars. Very special. Children's Silvertip Cloth and Cheviot Coats $12.75 *""514.75 Trimmed with Beaver Cloth Collars, full backs and yoke effects; wanted colors; sizes, 2 to 6. Children's Egyptian Plush Coats gg 75 Sizes, 7 to 9 years; pretty fulllback' effects; in Brown, Navy and Green. Very special. Girl's Coats of Cheviots and Zibelines 75 These pretty Coats come in sizes 10 to 14 years; all in the very latest styles. Chinchilla, Silvertip and Bolivia Cloth Coats for the Girls. All new shades and styles. Special 919-75 to 928.75 ment made between the Treusury | and the Federal lleservc Board. ' Standard silver dollars which are ' free in the Treasury are to be de- ' llvered to the Foreign Exchange of the Federal Deserve Board In ex change for other forms of money. The Fo-elfn Exchange will then use these coins in regulating our exchanges with silver standard conn- ' AN EVENT EXTRAORDINARY—Assuring women a most wonderful variety full of freshness and quality. In short the most wonderful bargains offered by this big underselling store during the year. We know that newhere could you find such beautiful gar ments of such excellent qualities, at such remarkably low prices but at this great Kaufman GARMENT SALE, and we suggest morning shopping, as many of the best styles cannot be dupli cated. Styles Should Be Seen As They Surpass Expectations, All Favored Colors and Leading Modes SALE THURSDAY 100 Women's and Misses' CoatsSlJMo Special at I J Velours, Cheviots, ■ Silvertones, Polo Cloth. Sizes for women and misses. Self Collars, Plush Collars and Fur Collars; full and half-lined with plain and fancy Venetian, belted and full back models; colors are Pekin, Taupe, Reindeer, Brown, Navy and Burgundy. HARRISBURG TELEGRAIH ] tries through brunches of American I bunks In the Orient. According to! ||Kii"en 'h" Treasury lias ap proximately $70.000.000 of fri e si I - i j ver available for use in supplying j ; Uicb. uai.KS. it '.. i txplnineu that tins arrangement will not affect the redemption of outstanding silver cer tificates (n standard silver dollars. ' According to bankers, the purpose I BEFORE CHRISTMAS REDUCTIONS of the new ex pi ilicnt is to stabilize the silver market and prevent, if possible, a rse in market price which, with silver selling at $1.40 an ounce, will endanger ihe supply of subsidiary coin a." a standard <!■>'- ur could be profitably melted down or the bullion l.t i'.. t T se r.te.Vcii's Pain Exiei miuatoi—Ad Pretty Poplin Suits s SIB.OO Here are some rare values in excep tional models. They will be found as wearable for Spring as for present use. Poplin, in black and navy, and Jerseys in all heather mixtures. Poplin and Jersey Suits $21.00 Not one of these Suits could be bought from the maker today at the price we offer them to you; all are well tailored, well lined and in best selling styles; sizes for women and misses. Poplin and Serge Suits Vclour and Broadcloth Suits $26.00 Many of our best Suits are included in this lot. When one or two of a style are left, we include them in the lower priced assortments; good colors and all sizes, but, of course, not all sizes in all styles. Yelour Suits-Broadcloth Suits-Check Yelour Suits -Poplin Suits-Full Wool Suits-Tweed Suits "*• $29.00 Actually remarkable values; only one or two of each style; many are fur trimmed; some plainly tailored; fancy Silk or Peau de Cygne linings; braided and embroidered models' among them. 50 Page Brief Argues For Women on Juries Mi Yo:k. Dec. 10.— Argu'ng tin, women :boul<l be permitted to s ; in ji. y tirxe.i and help (o decide th. u'cotno of all j uy ej> : . f ..s, whethe The garments placed on sale here during this event have ad vanced 33 to CO per cent since Kaufman's bought—so it's all a story of Kaufman's advance preparation and you can still obtain scarce, beautiful, finely tailored garments at less than you could hardly expect. 125 Women's and Misses' Coatss9l^s Special at 0 I ZZZZH Silvertones, Ve- ■■ I lours ? Kerseys, Che viots; with Big Plush Collars, Self Collars, Kit Coney Collars; comes in Black, Navy, Brown, Taupe, Pekin, Reindeer and Bur gundy; most of them lined throughout with Venetian linings; all sizes, 1G to 44. 80 Women's and Misses' COATS f^CVOO Special at & Broadcloths, Velours, Silvertones, Silver Tips, Polo Cloth, Vicuna Cloth; Black, Navy, Dark Brown! Deer, Burgundy, Olive, Taupe, with self, fur fabric or fur collars; all are splendidly lined throughout; swagger backs, belted backs; sizes 16 to 46. SALTS PLUSH COATEES—Made of high luster silk plush—big self collars—full sweep—guar- {gAA A anteed lining SALTS PLUSH COATEES—Fancy silk QOff A A lining—wide sweep—self collar w del® "If BLUMENTHALS MOLESKIN SILK PLUSH COATEES—SiIk poplin lining—belted or (UOQ IT A half belted DECEMBER 10, 1919. JL Christmas Sale of Furs The best values to be found in the city and no need to wait until after Christmas reductions as MnkWar these values are stronger than any offered elsewhere BUY THAT GIFT OF FURS NOW Fox Scarfs $29.50 to $59.50 Animal shape scarfs with plain or fancy linings, in taupe, poiret, black or silvered. Wolf Scarfs ..; $29.50 to $59.50 Large shapes with head and tail trimmings, plain and fancy linings; taupe, Poiret, Lucille and black. Red Fox Scarfs $12.90 to $35.00 All pretty animal shapes, nicely lined; excellent bargains. Coney Scarfs $8.95 to $20.00 All animal shapes in black, brown, natural and kit; fine values. Racoon Cross Fox Scarfs S2O to $39.50 These are all large animal scarfs that are exceptionally low in price. Muffs to match the above Scarfs .. $6.95 to $49.50 Children's Fur Sets $3.95 to SIO.OO Natural rabbit, red rabbit, kit coney, tiger coney in shawl and animal shapes with round muffs to match. Ihey lie divorce, murder, arson o my other crime. Julio V. drill up •eared y cute rutty before Judy 'jttKunsky In tiie Brooklyn Suprcnii 'out t. Miss Grill held up for ilie tnspee on of the Judge a 50-page brief nd mid she preferred to 3Uhmit thir n'he'r than to argue lier motion personally. A Most Interesting Announce ment, Announcing a Sale of Blouses, Friday Women contemplating the giving of blouses as gifts or buying for personal use will be agreeably surprised at the offerings of this store Friday next —actual values that belittle the present wholesale prices. MANY ASSORTMENTS ARE BEING AR RANGED. SEE THURSDAY EVENING PAPERS FOR DETAILS |No One Need Buy jCulicura Before He jTHes Free Samples I Soap, Ointment, Talcum. 25c. ervrywhcr* Sample* Carlo *r* lib#,at*rla. Dept. X, llaldoa, M*j 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers