New Express Orders to Local Shippers Start Today Shippers have been notified that effective to-day the American Rail way Express Company will refuse any package weighing over 25 pounds, pa per wrapped, or in an ordinary board box. whether such box is wrapped or unwrapped. Also package of any weight in an ordinary paper board box. the out side dimensions, length, width and depth added, exceeding 50 inches, un less crated will be refused. The Express Company is demand ing that nothing but first class ship ing containers be used, corrugated or solid fiber containers must be properly packed, sealed and marked. when you take Father John s Medicine for your cold because it is free from morphine, c h 1 or oform. codeine, heroin or other danger ous drugs. Take it To-day. Over 00 Years in Use WfilMlMf RELIEF! NO BUSIER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard, It does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster does it better and does not blister. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on—and usually the pain is gone 1 Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what re lief it givc3 from sore throat, bron chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia!. 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. !_ 1 ALL POLICY HOLDERS of the S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Can procure 1920 Calendars By calling at the office of the Local Manager W. M. ROBISON 708 TELEGRAPH BUILDING fsi Security Trust Co. Holiday Club NOW OPEN Regular Classes 36-38 North Third St. Opposite Penn-Harris Hotel RAILROAD NEWS ANNUAL SESSION ATP.R.R.Y.M.C.A. Re-elect A. G. Murray Presi dent ; Horace G. Geisel Resigns I ■MM RiMt. - A H M, I s^Ha ■WMnHI A. G. MURRAY At the annual meeting last night of the Pennsylvania railroad Y. M. C. | A., A. G. Murray was re-elected presi- | dent. This will be Mr. Murray's sixth : term. During his presidency the As- : sedation has grown rapidly in mem-! bershtp. His progressive ideas also] j brought many new branches to the : Association that have been member- , ship builders. Mr. Murray- is also strongly identi-I fied with the religious work, and has! planned an active season. His re- j election was unanimous. He is head I of the accountant department at the ' Pennsylvania railroad freight station ; South Second street. Other officers i elected last night are: Vice-president. G. A. Geisel. hostler I No. 2 enginehouse: J. B. Kautz. Jr.. i thief clerk atfthe Pennsylvania Rail-' road freight station; recording sec- ! retary, H. \V. Hoover, yardmaster at ' G. I. Hump: assistant recording sec-? retary, E. 11. Hupp; directors, Adam Martz. c. 1- Miller. George Rost. ' George Robinson. C. E. Whitman. U. j A. Poltenberger, and S. W. Weaver. ! The resignation of Horace G. Geisel. 1 physical director, was received with I many expressions of regret. He is physical director at Camp Curtin High School. For eight years he luv- j been in charge of the physical depart ment at the Railroad "Y" and has in troduced many new features. Under ! his tutorship many local basketball,! and other athletic stars have been de- • ? \ i loped. He has instructed many High School athletes. His successor Is Norman Ford, a local athlete who! ■ s quite popular and has won athletic f.. me. Following the meeting last night a 1 social session was held at which re-j! freshments were served and officials! told of the good work accomp- ' lished by the association. RELIEVER FERMENTATION. CAS, ETC.,AND AIDS IN STRENGTHENING YOUR DIGESTIVE POWER so as to he'.p get your stomach in such a condition that_ it will properly digest food without artificial assistance. It gives surprising relief in from ten to fifteen minutes in most cases. Your money refunded if it doesn't. Not a Secret remedy. ! Composition of formula on every paclcag- 1 j Ask your doctor. :hii city by j Croll Keller G. A. Gorgas H. C. Kennedy TRAIN DECREASE BRINGS CHANGES Crews to Run Under Pool Sys tem Until Further Notice WiUi the annulment of passenger trains on the Pennsylvania railroad and the Philadelphia and Rending Railway, and the cutting down of freight scheduled, numerous changes in handling crews became necessary. For some time the Reading freight crews have been operating under one pool, and each crew takes its turn in doing service. This means a big cut in some checks, which will be due about Christmas time. However, officials are of the opinion that a settlement Is not far away, and regular sched ules will be resumed in the very near future. Pennsylvania crews are also working on the "first in, first out" system. There will also be extensive changes in the running of passenger crews. Annulment of trains will also necessitate a pooling system for this branch. It is understood that for the present there will be no spe cial running schedule followed. Crews will be listed and called in j turn. To Continue Indefinitely , Whether the strike ends to-day or not. the regulations are expected to remain in operation for at least a week. No official forecast of the consequences of a settlement in In dianapolis could be had at the offices of the railroad administration here. R. O. Fischer, assistant to Mr. Baldwin, said restrictions would re main for a time, no matter what happened in Indianapots. "Whatever is done." he explained, "will be on orders from Washington. I do not believe, however the re strictions on the railroad* and in dustry at large will be lifted for some time after the strike is finally settled. "The time at which the restric tions will be lifted will depend upon the speed with which the miners re turn to work. It may take several days to get all the men back in the mines. That would delay bringing production up to normal. And until near normal is reached we will be unable to waive the permits under which the coal is now distributed. I'ntil that time comes the restric tions will be kept in force. ! Standing of the Crews HARRISBVRU sun; I'hlladrlphta Division. The US crew first to go after 4 o'clock: 108. 126. 103, 134. 133, 129. 116, 113. 119, 127. j Firemen for 126. 131. Conductors for 126, 133. • Brakemen lor 118, 108, 126. 103, 133 I and 127. [ Engineers up: Lowery, Snyder, Ry ' an. Geiger. Bickel. Rennard, Miller, | Bair, Stauffer. Graybill, Houseal. Firemen up: Webb. Kuntz, Kirchoff, | Westfall. Famous. Ulrich, Moyer, Ha i maker, Flank, Thomas, Dennison, I Leonard Smith, McKonley, Owens. Conductors up: Metzler. Brakemen up: Belford, Singleton. I Martin. McXaughton, Wendt. Shields, ' Eichelberger, Hilmer. Kuhlwind, Mur phy, Schriner, Lark. Middle Division. The 23 crew to go first 12.15 o'clock: 16, 17, 34, 24. 15. 30. 21. 25 4. Laid off—2B, 19. 18. 26. I Engineers wanted for 17. 34, 15. Firemen wanted for f6, 21. Brakemen for 34. Engineers up: Crammer. Dunkle, O. W. Snyder, Corder. Gray, Fisher, Kreps. Moretz, Rathefon. Letb, Kaulf man, Shelley, Xissley. E. R. Snyder, Titler, Hawk, McAllicher, Loper, Smith. McMurtrie. Firemen up: Xaylor, Buss. Holsing er, Brookhart, W. B. Bowers. Kauff man. Arndt, Myers. Acker, Wright, Clsh, Rumberger, Sunderland, Stini ler. Stover Rowe, Kint. Gilbert, j Condugtors up: Biggan, Miller, Bix- I ler. j Brokemen up: Cassatt, Linn, Lau ver, C. B. Hawk. Dennis. Yingst. Rod ' dy. Hoover, Dare, Lake, Hollenbach, Gross Zimmerman. Dissinger. Roushe, ! Deaner. Rumberger, Mathias, Lentz, Hildebrand, Buffington, Woodward. Hoffman, Deckard. McXaight, C. F. Beers. Depugh, Kurtz, Xichoias. Fen ical. Baker, McFadden, Anders, For bes, Steininger. Yard Board— Engineers wanted for 10C. Firemen for 11C 1. 15C. 23C, 26C. Engineers up: Kautz, Wagner, i Shade, McCord, Snyder, P. A. Myers. | Hoffleman, Buffington, Auman. Biev-1 er. Essig, Xye, H. R. Myers, Boyle, ; Shipley. Firemen up: Rothe, Ross. Cocklon. E Kruger, Mell, Engle, X. C. Kruger, Henderson. Selway, Gilbert. X. Lau ver. Dill. Gormley Wirt. Klineyoung, Mountz, J. E. Lauver, Bartless, Sha \ ver. shopp, Swab. Hoover, Rice. E>OLA SIDE Philadelphia DlviHion. The 251 ! crew first to go after 4 o'clock: 208, j 209. 235, 219, 245, 210, 236, 234, 204, | 223. 243. 201, 247, 240, 203, 219, 213, | 227. 238 and 2?2. Firemen for 251. 219, 204, 223. 240. } Conductors ttfr 08, 10. j Brakemen for 44, 04. 23. 43. 47(2), I 4C, 03. 15 and ST. Conductors up: Harrison. Eisen ; bcrger, Bankes. J. H. Miller. Brakemen up: Strickland, Krow, ; Vaudllng. QrofT. Smith, Morgan, Vand j ling. Shank, Miller. Middle Division. The 108 crew to j go after 1 o'clock: 105, 111, 112, 106, ■ 123. I-aid off—lo9, 122, 107, 116, 110, 128. Engineers for 105. i Firemen for 106. Flagman for 108. 4 nrd Board. Engineers for Ist ! 126, 3rd 126, 135. j Firemen for 2nd 126. 135. , Engineers up: Smith. Bretz, Kauff- I man. Fllcklnger, Shuey, Myers, Geib, ' Curtis, D. K. Hinkle, Holland, J. Hin j kle, Sheaffer. I Firemen up: Blsh, Cupp, Holmes,- ! Hauhaker, Mllliken, Kennedy, Al ! bright, Sanders, Benser, Cashman, Boyer, Meek, Shuey, Morris, Cram mer, PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. Engineers up: W. G. Jamison, H. F. Gronlnger, A. C Allen. H. F. Stuart, F. B. Goshen, J. W. Burd. C. D. Hollenbaugh, H. B. Fleck, J. H. Dltmer, L. H. Rlcedorf, F. F, Schreck. C. A. Swab, W, J. Keane, W, J. Dunmire, A. J. Wagner, W. C. Black, H. E. Cook, Q. W. Lenlg, J. Crimmel, H. M. Kuhn, Engineers wanted for 19, Firemen upi H, W, Fletcher, O. W. Howard, H. Karstetter, J. A. Kohr, I S P. StaufTer, C. A. Hunter, J, M. Stephens, L. R. Colyer, R, Simmons, A L. Reeder, W, E. Hoffner, M, B. Horning, R. , Sheaffer, B. F, Gunder man, H. W. Snyder, J. I. Beisel, L. E. Imvid, F. M. Forsythe, A. H. Kuntz. lC L. Sheats. R. D. Porter. Firemen wanted for 6(77, S3, 47, 11, i 4l l Philadelphia Division. Engineers B. E. Smith, C. E. Albright, W. O. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WATER COMPANY TREE PLANTING j Extensive Reforestation Work Is Under Way With the Aid of the State Now bet n furnished to poses by the Slate. jglluyyOU an no un c ement : gjon to .,| ay _ jci Ve I-* ' ars ago tne department started to I in,er ?st people in planting of trees as j a conservation measure and offered free trees suited to safeguarding of , water supply. i n 1915 only one cotn- VVW asked for trees and less than ; 1,200 were planted and this year I '"ore than 500,000 trees were set out water companies. Coal companies have taken an ac tive part in reforestation projects, but the water companies have done more in that line than any other. Many of them have bought and planted trees aside from what aid lias been extended by the State. One company in the Scranton district has planted 800.000 trees in nine years, 180,000 being its record for this year alone, while one Luzerne county company has planted 135,000. Five members of the Public Serv ice Commission have been assigned to hold hearings in Pittsburgh this week owing to the unusual number of cases. Chairman Ainey, Commis sioners Rilling, Shelby, Clemena and Benn will hold sittings. The Com mission is also holding hearings in I Harrisburg and Lebanon to-day. The State Board of Pardons enleu- I dar for the meeting on December 17 j will be one of the largest for the l last month of the year in a long ' time. Several of the cases have been i continued from previous months, In- i eluding one first degree case. The State Agricultural Department to-day issued a summary of reports on farms of the State showing that 164.229 are operated by owners and 51,105 by tenants. Twenty years ago ' there were 162,279 farms operated ! by owners and 58,266 by tenants, 3,703 being in the hands of man agers. The figures show Lancaster with over 10,000 farms, of which 6,600 are operated by owners. In Cumberland 1,600 farms are con ducted by owners and 1,300 by ten ants, while in Crawford over 6,000 are run by owners and less than 1,000 I by tenants. Philadelphia shows 306 j owners operating farms and 46S ten- I ants. More telephone companies have' filed notices of increases of rates i with the Public Service Commission. I In the number are Nlttany, Centre ] county: Burton, Butler county, and j Bald Eagle, Centre county. Other; increases filed include Palmer Water ' Company, Palmerton; Spring Brook j Water Company, Luzerne county; Dillsburg Water Company, York ' county; Erie Lighting Company, Erie and vicinity; Sergeant Gas Company, Elk county, and the Eaglesmere Light Company, operat ing in Sullivan county. Steps to secure for the State all of the inheritance taxes to whtch it is entitled by the code of 1919 front the estate of Henry C. Frick, of Pittsburgh, were taken to-day by Auditor General Charles A. Snyder in conference with Register of Wills William Conner, of Allegheny county. The State will receive several mil lions in taxes, there being a 2 per cent direct and 5 per cent collateral inheritance faxes. There is no doubt in the minds of the officials here that the State will get the money, notwithstanding claims that may be made in New York, as Mr. Frick" has long been considered a resident of Pittsburgh. The calculations made here are that the Federal Govern ment will receive about 22 per cent of the whole estate in taxes. Mortimer F. Elliott, of Wellsboro. | one of the survivors of the consti tutional convention of 1873, has sent j a letter to the Attorney General re- ! gretting inability to attend the meet- / ings of the Commission. State tax cases will come up in tlie Dauphin county court to-morrow. The Public Service Commission 1 adjourned its executive session last i night, acting upon a number of j minor cases. Representative Hugh A. Dawson, j of Scranton, was among visitors here yesterday. Complaint lias boon filed with the Public Service Commission against the proposed changes of zones by the Ephrata and Lebanon Traction Com pany in parts*of Lancaster county by M. B. Hacker, of Lincoln. He contends that the company has divided the village of Lincoln into halves by shortening zones and re ducing fares, the effect being that half the people of the town can ride to EphraOa for one fare and the other must pay two. Many bidders arc expected next week when the State opens the last bids for this year. Numerous sets of plans are being requested. The State Highway Department during the last few days has freed two toll roads at a cost to the Com monwealth of $8,400. One of these is the Hereford Turnpike in 3erk3 county, extending from Clayton to Hereford, a distance of two and one half miles. The cost of this piece of road was SI,BOO, in which the State Highway Department and Berks County Commissioners joined in the 50-50 plan. The other was that be tween Hilltown and Sellersville in Bucks county, a distance of three miles. It was acquired at a cost of $15,000, half of which was paid by the State and half by the county commissioners. Assistant State Highway Commis sioner George H. Biles and Col. Wil liam D. Uhler, chief engineer for the State Highway Department, are in Louisville, Ky., where they are attending the annual meeting of the American Association of State high way ofllcials. , Buck. H. Smeitser, C. H. Seits. V. C. Gibbons, E. C. Snow. Engineers wanted for none. Firemen wanted forC9(bfl2s7GsAG Firemen up: W. T. Grace, M. G. Shaffner. W. E. Aulthouse. B. W. Johnson, J; M. White, F. L. Floyd. Firemen wanted for none. THE READING The II crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock: 68. 64, 72. 5, 55, 3, 61, 71, 68, 66. 69. 60. Engineers for S. 53, 55. Firemen for 5, 18. Conductors for 5, 18, 61. Flagmen for 61. Brakemen for 3, 6 18, 55. Engineers up: Fetqpw. Jones, Mut ter. Ruth. Schubauer, Walton, Bord rer, BMownvin. Firemen up: Kohler, Helsey, Heck man, Gates, DeGruft, Royston, Chris mer. Conductors up: Fleagle, Hilton. Flagmen up: Gochenour. O'Weiler, Zink, Donley, Shults, Shank. Brakemen up: Tyler, Stahley, NEWS OF STEELTON CLOWN APPEARS AT HIGH SCHOOL Clio-Clio Entertains Borough Schoolchildren With Health Talk Boys and girls in the Steelton and Hlghspire schools were entertained yesterday aftertloon In the Steelton High School auditorium by Cho- Cho. the health clown, brought here by the Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Dauphin County to aid in the Red Cross Christmas Seal campaign and to hold health meetings for the chil dren. | Cho-Cho presented his "health ! talk" between bits of pantomime J that kept the youngsters In constant i laughter. Now and then he would j tell them what kinds of food to eat. j warned them not to drink coffee nnd i tea. but instead plenty of milk and j water, told them how to sleep at I night and tnke care of themselves so | that they would become big and I strong. Early reports to Mrs. J. M. Heagy, j who is in charge of the Seal cam paign in the borough, indicate that a new record will be made In Steel ton. G. W. Henry, principal of the Central Grammar school, who has been directing the campaign in the schools, said to-day that the chil dren have beep enthusiastic in the work, and reports from the build ings show big sales. Mr. Henry has been devoting much time to the campaign and through the various teachers aroused the in terest of the boys und girls in the Seal campaign. BOOSTER MEETING Ladies of the Altar Guild of St. James' Catholic Church will enter-1 tain at a chicken nnd waffle supper in the Young People's Catholic Club hall this evening, in honor of thirty five church members who have been collecting money to be devoted to ward wiping out the church debt. P. A. Kennedy, of the Auditor Gen eral's office of Capitol Hill, will speak. The meeting is being held for the purpose of boosting the cam paign. an official of the church said this morning. MEN'S MEETING The men's meeting held by the Mgn's Bible Class of the First Meth odist Church, last night, was attend ed by about 100 men. Russell Kohr, a widely-known New Cumberland resident, talked, and a male chorus from the New Cumberland Methodist Church, took part on the program. The New Cumberland men came to the meeting at the request of Sher man T. Hull, formerly a resident in the 'cross-river borough. THE THRIFT CLUB IS NOW OPEN I You Arc Welcome Make Yourself Save Money Join the Thrift Club Now I successfully A I a O help the you must have a A people of self to save system- j stantial sums but THE DAUPHIN DEPOSIT THRIFT CLUB To become a member you agree to deposit a certain sum in the hank each week for fifty weeks. At the end of that time you will receive a check for the amount deposited. $ .50 a week for 50 weeks, you get $ 25.00 1.00 a week for 50 weeks, you get 50.00 2.00 a week for 50 weeks, you get 100.00 * Come into the bank at the earliest possible moment and join your neighbors and friends in this effort to make Harrisburg the thriftiest place in the state of Pennsylvania. And do not forget that 1920 must be a year of thrift in the United States and that it is your duty to save regularly. The Thrift Club will help you do this. Join it today. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IsrisiwfiP®* Seal your gifts with American Red Cross Christmas Seals, which are being sold here by the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. James Harder, Widely Known Resident, Dies James Albert Harder, age| 41 years, a local magazine agent and manager of James' Mercantile Agency, at Harrlsburg, died this morning in his home, Front and Walnut streets, at 4.15 o'clock, after an illness of two weeks. Having been a machinist In the steel plant for thirteen years prior to going Into I the magazine business, at which he has been engaged for six years, Mr. Harder was widely known. He was a member of Steelton lodge, lA>yal ; Order of Moose; West End Repub lican Club, Harrlsburg, and a York lodge of Odd Fellows. He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Hard er; two sons, James and Willium Harder; four brothers, Frank B. Harder, Enhuut; Wilson 8 and Wil i liant Harder, Hlghspire; Donald G. Harder, of Philadelphia; one sister, Mrs. Charles Hart, Chambersburg. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. J. A. Tyson, pastor of the Methodist Church, will ottlciate. Burial will be made in the Oberlin Cemetery. The body may be viewed from 7 until 9 to-morrow evening. Visiting in Georgia James M. Wells, 215 North Front street, is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bell, Augusta, Ga. Steelton News Notes Dividend Declared To-morrow morning the Frog, Switeh and Signal Relief Association will refund 17.50 to each of its members who has paid a year's dues, being the first asso ciation to declare the 1919 dividend. More than $2,400 has been paid out by the association on disability, in jury and death claims during the year. Class Meeting A meeting of Mrs. Stees' class of the First Metho dlst Sunday School will be held to morrow evening at the home of Mrs. Watson, in Harrlsburg. Members of the class will meet at Front and Pine streets, at 7.15 o'clock, prior to going to Harrlsburg. Move Headquarters Headquar ters of the visiting nurse and agent for the Associated Charities and Civic Club was removed from South Front street to Room 6 of the Elec tric Light building, North Front street, yesterday. Office hours are from 8 to 9 in .the morning, and 4 to 5 in the afternoon. To Elect Officers Officers will be elected by Steelton council, Royal Arcanum, at its annual meeting this evening. Dwelling Sold Ross D. Saul has sold to John Simonic a single frame dwelling, located at 370 South Sec ond street. Only One "HItOVIO 111 l\ INK" To get the genuine, cnll for full nsine LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets. Look for signature of E W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day! i 30c.—Adv. DECEMBER 10, 1919. NO CH It IST MAS MAII. Christmas mull in and out of the local post office Is less this year than for some years, Postmaster M. M. Cusack said tills morning. The post master expected, however, thnt bus iness would Increase during the next week because, he deemed, the local ft ill you take a present of slfi 111 —for Xtnas? Of course you will! Read Friday Evening Papers I Christmas Gifts Toys, Dolls, 25c. 50£, 75C. 98C. $1.25, $1.49, $1.98, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00. Blocks, Games, Autos, Ships, Teddy-Bears, etc. "Choo-Choo' Cars, $1.39, $1.98, $2.49 i A LARGE STOCK OF \ TREE TRIMMINGS For Dad and Brother RAZORS Shaving Brushes Gem Safety Razors Mirrors Everready Safety Razor Everready "Daylo" Flash- Gillette Safety Razor lights (60 styles) Durham-Duplex Pocket Books—Money Belts Autostrop Safety Razor Pipes \... 25c to $5.00 Alarm Clocks Knives, Keen Kutter and Trunks, Suitcases and and Ulster Brands bags Thermos Bottles Catholic Prayer Books, Crucifixes. Candleholders, Night lights, Religious Articles for the Christmas Season Victor Victrolas and Records" * Three demonstrating rooms—Large Record stock J. J IRAS C BACHMAN) ESTATE 263 S. FRONT STREET Steelton, Pa. - •"*-* office has much mall to handle dun Ing the Christmas holiday season ai a rule. Much of the foreign mal has already been sent and was nc( us heavy as In previous years, dui to the fact thnt a large number of foreigners have gone back to the!) , own countries since the signing ol the armistice. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers