OLD WARSHIPS TO BE TARGETS JThey Will Give Bluejackets a Test of Real Marks manship Washington. Dec. 10.—American blue jackets will be given an oppor tunity to test their marksmanship on real battleships steaming at full speed under actual battle conditions. If plans now being worked out at the Navy Department materialize. The Bureau of Ordnance contem plates taking several obsolete ships to the target range and using them for targets moving at full speed. There would, of course, be no crews aboard the target ships, which would be steered by an electrical "distant control" system, probably from an aeroplane or another ves sel. In this manner, it was pointed out at the department, the battleships could be maneuvered under con ditions approximating those of bat tle. Smoke screens would be inter posed between the target and the fleet to simulate a destroyer smoke created. Heretofore no effort has been made to use moving ships as tar gets. Some years ago the old Tex as, renamed the San Marcos, was towed to Tangier sound in Chesa peake bay and there riddled with shells from the 12-inch guns of the fleet. For several years the wreck age of the old craft was used as a target so that incoming generations "oil I |LTo fj| a C@ldl WITHOUT NASTY QUININE =TL 0( '3? • □ nl . —n° Dorr't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas ®--©.-O<2XS |> CLASTER ON THE PACKAGE IS THE STAMP OF QUALITY. | Christmas Savings Checks Cheerfully Cashed. Pure Platinum and Platinum Top BAR PINS You will be surprised how many we have and you will marvel at the exquisite beauty ot the de signs and magnificence of the settings. - Pure Platinum and Platinum Top Bar Pins. in dainty and elaborate filigree and other hand carved effects. Studded with brilliant white dia monds, §50.00 up to $1,350.00 Others in Green Gold and White Gold. §ls up to $75 Clusters is the Homo of Delightfully Different Gifts Hundreds of Beautiful, Useful and Enduring Articles for Holiday Giving. Your visit will be highly appreciated by us and beneficial to you. I H.C. CLASTER f x Qe/ns -(Jewels - <St'/ver THE WONDERFUL' " "Quicker Yet" Electric Washers The One Best Christmas Gift For Mother or Wife /iPyyfTK o O Hundreds of them in use here and in j \\ nn suburban towns. We buy them by the I\ W. 11 carload direct from the factory and this V, \, Jy r*~" ' enables us to furnish you this best of all /i iv J I lr 1 J washers at reasonable prices. V W!\V ' Special Features of the "Quicker Yet." J \. ,V\ rajjß?-£ T 14b —Louisiana Caress, water has no Ml effect on it as on cedar. 1 ggr eav y S ears on tbe top or side of '' v Simpliest in operating— Best motor. Mfll'i;' i -Hf Kf;;> \ : sj[ Reversible, Swinging Wringer. Ji ij ft I A Real Quality Washing Machine. ~~ \ PRICES—-Snowhite Electric, $105.00 N less 10% for cash, tear X?' Y I Snowhite Belt Power, $65.00, less 10% WSRx I/' for cash £ Dou^ le Tub Electric, $i35.00, less 10% . Double Tub Belt Power, $95.00, less This shows the "QUICKER VET"' SNOWHITE for Cash. Washer with pulley to be run direct from small /Tim* . I *, n , engine or shafts wfiere there is no electricity. V lme payments On above, Sp 10.00 down, (We have the engines also.) SJQ Q0 ner month 1 THE SNOWHITE EI.ECTRIC is like the above. PIU.UU per munin; less the pulley and equipped with motor and cord. ORDER NOW We will hold them ready to attach to light socket. Also has rollers e We Will nOIO tnem on legs. for you if you wish. WALTER S. jCHELL Open Saturday Evenings Quality Seeds 1307-1309 Market Street. WEDNESDAY EVENING of tars could test their eyesight j through the telescopic sights on the i guns of the fleet. A number of old battleships, con- ' demned to the scrap heap or sale j for junk are available for use as j moving targets under the deptyrt- | ment's new plan. Among them are j the lowa, Indiana and Massachu- j setts. Two More U. S. Ships Launched by Japs Tokio. Dec. 10. —Two ocean-going steamships, built'for the United States Shipping Board have been launched recently in Japanese yards. They were the Eastern Trade, a 13.000 ton steamer, and the Eastern Glade, a steel cargo ship 400 feet long. A FURLONG A well-dressed stranger strolled up to a colored prisoner, who was taking a long Interval of rest be tween two heaves of a pick. "Well, Sam, what crime did you commit to be put in those overalls and set under guard?" < "Ah went on a furlong, sah." "Went on a furlong? You mean you went on a furlough." "No boss, it was a sho" nuff fur long. Ah went too fur, and Al\ stayed too long."—Houston Post. "WILL SING CANTATA New Cumberland, Pa.. Oec. lt>.— The choir -of Baughman Memorial Methodist church is arranging to give a Christmas cantata, entitled "The Holy City." sages of the head; stops nose run jing; relieves the headache, dullness. Jeverishness, sneezing, soreness and Stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and osts only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, no quinine. TRIAL OF DETZER IS EXPECTED TO BRING OUT NEW ARMY SENSATION New York, Dec. 10.—Another court martial involving charges of brutal treatment accorded members of the American Expeditionary Force, at which the evidence is ex pected to eclipse even the sensa tions developed at the trial of Lieu tenant "Hard Boiled" Smith, began j to-day at Governor's Island. A special investigation of the j charges was ordered by Secretary of j War Baker. More than 100 wit-i nesses have been brought here from 1 France and virtually all states in the ! Union. The defendant is Captain Karl W. j Detzer, a former newspaper man of! Fort Wayne. Ind., who while at tached to the 30Sth military police! company, had charge under the pro- i vost marshal of all criminal investi gation in the Le Mans area, the largest American concentration cen-1 tre in France, through which more | than 1,000,000 soldiers passed. It is charged that by various methods' of "torture." he sought to extort i confessions from prisoners, in order j that he might win favor in the eyes of his superiors by the number of convictions he obtained. To Try Sergeant At the close of Detzcr's court j martial, it is planned to place on' trial on similar charges his first j sergeant. U. S. Madden, of Pitts- 1 burgh._ a nephew of John E. Mad- | den, Kentucky horseman. Sergeant ; Frank L. Hoyt, who is alleged to' have aided and abetted Detzer and Madden, was said by members of j the Judge advocate's department to I Costa Rica May Now Be Recognized Washington, Dec. 10.—The State Department has recommended to President Wilson that recognition be accorded the present government of Costa Rica. The present government is headed by President Aguilar of Barquero, who was designated as president un , der regular constitutional methods , after former President Tinoco fled. ! President Aguilar has put back into ' force the old constitution. TO VACCINATE ALT. TORONTO Toronto. Dec. 10.—Taking cogni zance of the refusal of the city coun cil to accept its medical officers, recommendation the provincial board of health has ordered the civic authorities to issue a proclamation within 4 8 hours providing for'gen eral vaccination. The total number of cases of smallpox in Toronto since the epi demic started in the first week of November is 1.098. No deaths from the disease, which is a mild type, have been reported. SMALLPOX OX LINER New York, Dec. 10.—On account of the development of a case of smallpox on board the French steamship Britannia of the Havre line, which arrived yesterday from Marseilles, 809 of the steerage pas sengers were vaccinated and re moved to Hoffman Island for obser vation. 3 MONTHS OLD BABYWOECZEMA On Body. Cried All Night Cuti cura Soap and Ointment Healed. • When my baby was three month, old he had eczema come on different § parts of his body. It came as if the skin had been rubbad off, and waterwould ooze oot. Then a scale would form, and he would cxy all night. "I then tried Coticorm Soap and Ointment, and I used one cake of Soap and two boxea of Oint ment whan he was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Samuel E. Knight, Side St., Magnolia, Del., Jan. 8, 1919. Concurs Soap, Ointment and Tal cam are aM you need for all toilet use*. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soap XSc. On ami 50c, Talcwm 16c. So id throughout the world. For sample each free address: "CaticwraLah anrte-ica. DOT H. MSMIM. MM " W~Catwa Saw* dil.w without mac. RARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! be a deserter In France. He has not yet been arrested. Methods which Detzer and his subordinates are aliened to have employed to wring "•confessions" from their prisoners resulted, it is alleged, in sending many men to the hospital for a period of several weeks. Officers of the judge ad j vocate's department admitted that i many of the men Detzer had to | handle were "hard characters," ! often with long criminal records. \ The methods are said to have in ' eluded orders to stand at attention for 36 hours, 10 minutes on and Ave j minutes off: withholding food and : drink from prisoners until they i acknowledged their "guilt"; pulling | prisoners to their feet by the hair, I striking them in the face and j threatening them with pistols. It | also is charged that once Detzer I compelled Private Marcello Gon ! zalos, of the 110 th machine gun bat | talion to swallow a lighted cigarette ! which he was smoking against or ' ders. ! In all. Detzer faces 28 speciflca ! tions under charges of assault and ; conduct unbecoming an officer and , general charges. If convicted on all j counts. Major William E. Kelly, of I New York, judge advocate, declared ihe faced a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The offenses with which Detzer is charged are alleged to have been committed over a period of several months beginning last February. They were first brought to the at tention of the inspector general at Le Mans, who immediately began an investigation. TO STIMULATE ART OF FLYING British Officer to Come Here to Ask Aid of the Amer ican Government Ix>ndon. Dec. 10.—Major General Sir F. H. Skyies, British controller general of civil aviation, hopes to ar range for complete co-operation be tween Great Britain and the United States in all matters relating to fly ing. This is the purpose of his jour ney to America, on which he expects soon to leave. The American ambassador, John W. Davis, told General Sykes at a farewell luncheon to the British con troller that he thought American co operation might be taken as assur ed. General Sykes said that the inter- I national air convention, based in the main on regulations tor air navi- j i gation in Great Britain, now had re- j ' ceived the assent of all the powers , ' allied and associated in the war ex- j cept the United States and Japan. ! "The national tendency in aircraft j development in Britain," said Gen-1 eral Sykes, "is to allow individual I enterprise to work out its own sal-j vation in the main and no scheme j of government subsidies such as that ; in France has, so far, been adopted." I But he pointed out that did not j mean that the government will | spend nothing to promote enterprise. "With a view to stimulating the j efforts of designers and manufac- j turers of heavier-than-air craft and ! i to guiding them toward the attain- j ment of greater security and relia-1 bility," he continued, "an official | j competition has been instituted j j which is to be held next year. The j prizes offered amounted t0£64,000.1 "Prizes will be given first for the ! small type of airplane required for j business, pleasure and sporting flying j inn the British Isles; secondly, for I the large weight-carrying machine l which experience suggests will be 1 necessary to meet the conditions of j transcontinental traffic; and thirdly, 1 for a type of Mamphibious flying! boat which, in view of its power to j alight on and rise from land or I j water, cannot fail to find many j uses." The Civil Aviation Department of; the Air Ministry, he states, is an en- j tirely "new departure," on the part | of the government. Its purpose is j j to advise the Aircraft Industry and; render it all assistance possible, to j ; open international relations, to lay ! down internal and oversea air routes. ! to establish stations for landings and j departures, to deal with all metor-1 olical matters, and to provide in formation on that subject as well! as a host cf others connected with i aerial navigation. Her 'Ads' Brought 5,000 j Lost Church Members Back to the Fold 1 ■ •••• m sua . J MISS ELIZABETH MATTHEWS The novel idea of advertising for j lost church members was originated | by Miss Elizabeth Matthews, of Glen dale, Ohio, when the Episcopal i Church League for the isolated was started as a national movement. She was made secretary when the ; league was established in the South ern Obio diocese. "Lost—s,ooo Episcopalians," was the heading of an advertisement she had published ' in the Columbus newspapers and as a result more than 5,000 lax church 1 members returned to the fold. INTRODUCTORY SALE United JUL Tires 30% Off List Price United Red Tubes l c Each United Tires United Red Tubes Guaranteed 8000 Miles ' >ure '' ara Ribber Sale Price Sale Two Tubes p H One at List trice Q ne f or one Cent Size List 30% Off Size List 30x3 $19.33 $13.53 30x3 $3.55 Two Tubes, $3.56 30x31/2 $20.13 $14.09 30x31/$ $4.25 Two Tubes, $4.26 31x4 $29.40 $20.58 32x3]/$ $23.36 $16.36 3 * x4 X wo T f U^ S ' fH* 32x4 90QQ 32x4 $5.45 Two tubes, $5.46 „ 4 f 5 s2o *" 33x4 $5.55 Two Tubes, $5.56 3 $31.20 $21.84 34x4 $5.75 Two Tubes, $5.76 34x4 $32.07 $22.45 United Red Tubes Are And Other Sizes at Proportionate Recognized Among the Reduction Finest on the Market Guaranteed 8000 Miles The Greatest Tire and Tube Sale Ever Held In Harrisburg We want publicity. We want every motorist in the Harrisurg terri tory to use and boost United Tires and Tubes. Hence this introductory sale. The discounts in no way affect the guarantee. United "U" Tires are guaranteed for 8000 miles; backed by the factory and carried out by our direct factory branches in every large city. United Red Tubes For One Cent For example, 30x3y 2 , list price $4.25; buy two and you get the second one for one cent Viz.: Two 30x3 y 2 Tubes for $4.26. Come In and Watch Us Make United Tires A Miniature Tire Factory In Operation Today and tomorrow the public is invited to come here and watch us make United Tires. An interesting and very educational demonstration free to all. The above sale is for two days only. Make your purchases today. All sizes on band. Direct Factory Branch . v. UnitedTire&Rubber Corporation 231 North 2d Street One of a Chain of Direct Factory Branches Located in Every Important Center of Population "United For Service" Executive Offices: Wilmington, Delaware DECEMBER 10, 1919. ' 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers