4 HKIX IHI—23M UNITED I A little word but with a world of meaning when J* Christmas morning arrives. jy And it is soon here. Only ' thirteen shopping days and they'll be mighty busy ones throughout the land, and especially busy and trying jT ones for salespeople. So i Shop Early and avoid the crowds as early as possible j! - —in the forenoons is con- WE WILL CASH YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CHECKS. V anity Fair Silk • Undergarments that make a beautiful Christ mas gift for mother, sister or girl friend. ' rtfl* Jersey silk vests in flesh and white; plain tailored or em- ' broidered styles. Vanity Fair I vests are four inches long. I Jersey silk union suits, plain or tailored; $3,98 to $6.50. eui£oc<<>r ' The Pettibocker needs no •MM description; its name tells the" fcAjju story. Voit think it's a frilly k '|T~I petticoat until you start to Wn IHT| walk, then the freedom of the Ui I knicker makes itself felt, and )/ 'I there you have it. It's a petti- e \^m^ r falr coat and a knicker combined. The Vanity Fair silk Pettibocker comes in all the newest shades: Emerald, Belgian, Sand, Brown, Khaki, PurpL, Navy, Pink, Beetroot and Gray. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. WE WILL CASH YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CHECKS. Kayser Knit Underwear Women's Silk Top Vests and Union Suits make practical gifts. Kayser Garments that give satisfaction in style, fit and durability. Tops of fine quality silk, plain and embroidered, bodice and band tops. Lower part fine quality lisle and mercerized lisle. Vests; $2.25. Union Suits; $3.00, $4.25, $4.75. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor mm ml^uSr TUESDAY EVENING* Not Open Any Evening Before Christmas "How to Be Happy Without Furs Nobody has found the answer yet and no beauty-loving woman wants to find the answer, if there was one. But how to be happy with furs is too easy to tell about. Any woman who visits our Fur Section these days can tell in a minute how happy she might be with a dozen different varieties, or any one of them. Here are some very good reasons for not any longer doing without the Furs you have been waiting*. 1 Fur Scarfs in fox, taupe, brown, black land georgette; $49.50 to $125.00 —Muffs to match. Wolf Scarfs in dove, gray, taupe, brown, georgette and black; $25.00 to $75.00. . Lynx, Seal, Sealine, Mole, Moline, Nutria and Beaver; $25.00 to $225.00. Children's Fur Sets; (for little tots of all sizes) $2.98 to $25.00. These are gift suggestions that are practical as well as dressy, therefore acceptable without question by any Miss or Mrs. who has no furs. v BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. loofaear Put Bowman's Store on Your List For Slippers . For there are slippers here for the whole family. Slippers of all kinds are conveniently displayed in the department so that you can select the style you want and have it brought to you without delay. Selections of slippers made at this store carr y with them the quality and good A taste that every person admires. Every \ " member of the family likes them, every I y one appreciates them, and every one \vill The mere mention of slippers makes us " think of Christmas. And, of course, none \ For women —Daniel Green and Cozy Toe Felt Slippers; in all colors; $2.25 to Boudoir Slippers in satin with or with- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Salesmen's Sample Bags and Purses at Great Reductions These leather goods were bought for one-fourth less than usual prices, and we offer them to you at approximately the same low figure, while they last. $3.00 Purse Special A splendid of purses, mostly vachette leather, but different styles and sizes. Black and a few colors, some combinations of black and tan. One specially good number is the little square shape with strap going over the top. All are lined with moire silk and fitted with mirror. Just a few suede bags in the lot; $3.00. $5.00 Purse Special In this lot of $5.00 purses are a few swagger bags with long handles - and some ' smaller purses with short handles and made of vachette leather. Some have vanity fittings and some have mirror and coin purse. All are beautifully lined with moire silk. s $7.00 Purse Special. One lot of wonderful vachefte leather and crepe purses. All large sizes with both box bottom and broken bottoms, which gives them the necessary room. In the lot of these $7.00 bags are many of the swagger bags with three, four and five compartments; long handles. All are fitted with mirror and some with purse and mirror. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. HAJEUUBBURO TEUEQItAJPH fioamartZ u.vHHisa vno, Tuesday, December o. isio. Unusual Gifts From Our Art Department We have them as they come from America and the Orient. And the selection is all that can be de sired in point of quality, uniqueness and moderate prices. Decorated lacquer box, containing twelve coast ers ; SI.OO. Midnight Sets, finished in gold lacquer; 50c. Japanese Vases of which no two are alike and they are probably the only ones of their particular pattern; $1.50 to $6.98. Other Imported Vases in various patterns; $5.00 to $25.00. Decorated Pin Cushions and Fancies in assorted colors; 50c to SI.OO. Sweet Grass Baskets of the "smelly" kind; 50c to $3.50. Painted Japanese Baskets of many sizes and pat terns; $2.98 to SIO.OO. Incense Burners from America or the Orient; 59c to $1.50. Burn a Candle on Christmas Eve They are here in so mariy plain andfancy shapes that we cannot take the space to tell you all, but they are the best assortment we have ever been privileged to show. Sizes from 6 inches to 13 inches in length; pair, 10c to $1.50. Polychrome Candlesticks of various pat- ro terns in plaster; $5.98 to $10.98. |8 Solid Brass Candlestick, chased or in Rus sian enamel; $17.50 to $22.50. {ft} Decorated Wood in gray or black with glass tops; $2.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Sale of Filet Curtains Continues Wednesday Filet Net Curtains, in plain and all-over ef fects, many beautiful patterns; pair, $2.95. Filet Net Curtains, in plain and allover effects; lace edges; pair, $3.55. Filet Net Curtains, in beautiful new effects for any room, lace edges; pair, $4.35. Filet Net Curtains, very handsome; neat and more elaborate effects; lace edges; pair, $5.95. CRETONNE SPECIALS A special lot of very handsome new cretonnes in medium and dark colorings. Many of them are imported patterns, suitable for draperies, cushions and upholstery purposes; 69c yard. A fine assortment of Quaker Craft and Filet Net materials, from 36 to 46 inches wide in beau tiful designs for windows and doors. These are in white, ivory and ecru; 49c to $1.75 yard. A4arge assortment of these beautiful sectional curtains. They come in sections from 7to 9 inches wide; bring the measurements of your windows and we will help solve your curtain problems; 45c to 75c the section. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. DECEMBER 9. 10i Not Open Any Evening Before Christmas | Spring 1920 a Showing of Printed Voiles J Two-ply single and two-ply double Eng- J" lish yarns, all the colors arc medium and Jb 7 ' dark grounds with contrast printings, of the most studied and applied artistic workman ship. Seasons past have taught us that to pick early means selections unobtainable later and, besides, they make such a pretty anticipated gift. 40 inches wide; $1.25, $1.65 and $1.89 yd. Other Cotton, Fabrics that are advantag eous to buy now as later prices will be higher. 36-inch Silk Figured Habutines; 79c yd. 36-inch Kimono Silks; SI.OO to $1.50 yd. 32-inch English Madras; 59c to 79c yd. ) 32-inch Gingham Zephyrs; 50c and 75c yd. | M 32-incfy Kiddie Cloth; 45c yd. 32-inch Devonshire Cloth; 59c yd. 11l BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. * jr\ Round Scalloped Table Cloths $5.00 "Each These cloths are made of an exquisite satin fin ished mercerized Damask in beautiful round pat terns and make a most desirable Christmas gift; $5.00 each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. WE WILL CASH YOUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CHECKS. Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery at $2.15 Exceptional fine quality Silk Stockings, fine gauge, pure thread silk, with lisle top and feet; black and white; $2.15 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Gift Blouses to Sell Special $5.00 In lace trimmed beaded and embroidered blouses; flesh, white and bisque. These blouses have been taken right out of regular stock and usually sell for a great deal more. These dainty blouses are elaborately embroidered and trim med with colored beads. The latest neckline and sleeve fashions; special, $5.00. Crepe de Chine Blouses of heavy quality. Dainty embroidery and tucks; flesh, white, coral, maize. The youthful collarless, small round ef fects ; $3.95. Sweaters For the Girls and Junior Girls Tuxedo Coat Models with narrow and wide belts; turn back cuffs and the snug fitted cuffs with button in American Beauty, Buff, Brown, Oxford and Heather; $5.95 and up. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. I f BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. FOUNDED 1871
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