STATE BUYS BIG MONT ALTO TRACT Enlargement of Institution Is to Follow; News of the State Capitol The State Mlerttes abutting on the institution. The purcnase included holdings of Willtana L. Forney and $20,000 is involved in the transaction which was con eluded by Col. Edward Martin, the State Commissioner of Health. In a statement issued Col. Martin said that the purchase would en able the State to carry out its com prehensive program for the reha bilitation and enlargement of the institution, already the largest in the country. It is under charge of I Col. Theodore L. Hazeletter, form erly of the 28th Division who has doubled the personnel of the start ; in recent months. Col. John D. | McLean, deputy commissioner of . health, has direct charge of all 1 sanitoria. j The addition of the Forney prop- . erty enables the Commissioner to 1 provide quarters for the working , force at the sanitorlum and apart- 1 ments for the physicians and at- , tachcs who are married. An elec- j trie lighting system is being in- ( stalled and new highways are be- , ing constructed from the base of | the mountain to the institution. A 1 co-operative store has been estab lished and the patients and the at taches have the benefit of all mod ern conveniences. When the work has been completed, Mont Alto j Sanitorlum will not only be the most complete free institution main tained by any State in the Union, but it will compete with many of the larger private institutions, carrying on a similar work. State Commissioner of Fisheries Nathan R. Buller has sent word to a number of persons who took out licenses to catch fish and eels in special devices that unless they file the returns required by law to show their catches he will refuse- to is sue licenses to them next year. Many of the men who operated eel racks have ignored this provision of the law and may have trouble fishing next year, says the Com missioner. A special committee named by the State Industrial Board to con sider the State regulations for the making and sale of ladders has been summoned to meet in Phila delphia on Friday. A number of changes in the code are projected on the ground of safety and Sta bility. New forms of commissions for the officers of the Pennsylania Na- THE GLOBE I i Silk Shirts slo' A Delightful Gift At A Pleasing Price You'll better ap preciate the value of these wonderful shirts when we tell you sincerely that their present wholesale prices are greater than we sell them at re- 1 i tail. i And every man will appre ciate a silk shirt for his Christmas gift. These are made of Radium, Crepe de Chine and heavy Broadcloth Silk, in every de sirable color com bination. THE GLOBE TUESDAY EVENING. tional Guard are being prepared by- Adjutant General Frank D. Beary and will be Issued to all of the officers and commissioned for the new Guard. Over 60 are now be ing prepared for signature by the Governor when he returns to the city. Etlwanl Windowiiiakcr and George Geesey, convicted in Cum "The Live Store" "Be Sure of Your Store" If you want to buy useful gifts that will be appreciated, the Doutrichs Label or Doutrichs Gift Box is your assurance and protection. It means you bought Dependable Merchandise and we assume all responsibility and make good anything that does not come up to your ex pectations, and remember, we exchange goods or refund money either before or after < Christmas. Shirt Festival" I Our Men's Furnishing Department is enjoy ing the biggest Holiday business in the History of the store, and rightly so, for you have never looked upon a more wonderful dis- P 6 OUsan^B beautiful Silk, Madras, Percale It doesn't make any difference how many nice looking patterns you ve seen elsewhere in shirts, you'll forget all about them when you come to Doutrichs and glance over the great mountains of magnificent shirts—They're here by the thousands—in the most exquisite designs, indeed, they are so pretty we can't describe them, but at the prices we paid for them many months ago enables us to mark these high-grade shirts at such attractive prices that they are moving out in rapid order ¥ Bring Your Christmas Checks to Doutrichs—We Cash Them Cheer fully Whether You Buy or Not The Necktie Party Adlers Gloves Stetson Munsing, Duofold and Cooper's Underwear Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes Wearpledge Clothes For Boys • berland county In 1900 and sentenced to from five to ten years for ma- 1 llclously damaging a railroad car have applied for pardon. Chief Engineer W. D. llhler, 'of the State Highway Commission, Is at Louisville attending the High way convention. Use. McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad HARRISBURG 1$fB& TELEGRAPH More Auto Devices Arc Given Approval The State Highway Department to-day announced that four addi tional automobile lenses and light controlling devices have been ap moujrichfl proved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as follows: Dillon, Morelite, Parab-o-Light 8 1-4 lens, and Safetee Glass Lens. The maximum candle power al lowable with a horizontal beam for the Morelite lens, vacuum or B lamp, is 15; nitrogen or C lamp, 7; Parub-o-Light B, 18; C. 28; Safe tee B, 32; C, 32. The maximum candle power allowed on the Dillon lens with a tilted beam is: 15, B lamp; 21 C lamp. The following is a complete list of the automobile lenses approved by the Commonwealth De cember 4, 1919: Holophano Lens, •McKee Clear, McKee Amberoid, Mac-Kno Glare Lens, Violet Ray Lens, Full Ray Deflectors, Kopp DECEMBER 9. 1919 beth Lens, Conaphore Clear "B," Conaphore Novlal "B," Conaphore Clear "F," Conaphore Novial "F," Raydex, Warner Lens, E. & S. Non Glaring, Clamert, Osgood Lens, No Glare Auto Lens, Benzer Lens, Sun Ray Lens, Dim-a-Light Lens, Saf erlite Lens, Shaler Roadlighter, Legalite Lens, Dillon Lens, Morelite Boys' "Kaynee" Shirts and Blouses Lens, Parab-o-Llght 8 1-4 Lens Safetee Glass Lens. CHANGING THE OLYMPIC. ' Belfast, Eng., Dec. 9.—The White Star liner Olympic Is undergoing transformation from a war vessel into a peace ship. She Is being equipped to use oil as fuel. " The Live Store" 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers