■ Additional Classified Ads ■ on Opposite Page I * INSURANCE I DON'T TAKE Any unnecessary chances if It's anything in the lino of insurance, we handle it. J. SCHOOLNIK, 21 Spooner Building. Fire, Life, Casualty Insurance a specialty. ♦ MONEY TO I.OAN WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small louns a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. NOTICE Wo have taken over the accounts of the Profit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ments at our office. Others who desire • small loans may be accommodat'd upon application to us. Co-Operative Loan end Investment Company. 204 Chtstnui St.. Harrisburg. Pa. MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society. Boom 208 Bergner U'dg.. Third and Market streets. 'Licensed and Bonded by the State.' MUSICAL HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL. 1203 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired ami supplies a specialty. Call Beil phone 2184 J. ""VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. ItANJOS. Band and Orchestra lnstru x monts promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLKR'S, 11 South Fourth street. "TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED j by a skilled tuner only. Oylers. ll: South Fourth Street. j FOR SALE Player piano for 1450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street. t STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private . rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- I < ing of all kinds. D. Cooper At Co. Both phones. _____________ STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware -8 house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE STORAGE —In brick building, rear 40S Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. U. Diener. 403 Market Street STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPIKL DISTILLERY CO., LTD., HIGHSPIKE. PA. Both phones. Ben Steelton 169Y HAULING AND MOVING E. B. NEFF'S MOTOR EXPRESS Daily to and from Carlisle, office 140 North Hanover St. Bell phone 104W; Ml. Holly. Snyder's drugstore; Mcchanicsburg. Herissler s seed store; Harrisburg. Out Market St. Bell phone 31)53J. Furniture moving a specialty, i >aiiy connections to Philadelphia and twice a week to New York through A. T. Rulicnsbci'gei' Ac Son. GENERAL HAULING— Hauling of * all kinds, any thing, any where, j. A. Avollo, Bossier ale., Lemo>ne. Belli 6079 M. . | BECK AC HARRIS, moving of all I kinds, piano, sate, iurniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell j 1413. Dial 3283. | Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager. 841 Kelker Street, Harrisburg, Pa Bell Phone 823-W. Dial Phone 3513 AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, tuiuiiuie and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 017 Bupital St. Bom phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving, prompt service. Ernest Uorbin, 880 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3638. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and sieiage. 424 Kelly. Both phones. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 Nona Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for iurniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance 100 far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's 'Truck Service. Irwin ; Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15K6. PAUL BECK, general tiauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and sate moving. [ Call at 1817 Naudain at., or Bell 5235 J. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRE C TO R 1312 Derry St, BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmcr 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL .145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE , PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street. : east of Twenty-sixth, and on the : north and east faces the new park- : way. The price of lefts are moder ate. Miller Bios. 42 Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS 1 i CLEANING ' DYEING AND PRESSING let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver All kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman. 1306% North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS VlM—One-half ton, good condition, . cheap. ONE-TON truck, express body with top. electric start,r.g and lighting. COEY —Roadster, good condition. TWO-TON TOKBENSON rear axle, complete. CADILLAC motor, 1914. fine condition. S ONE DOCO automobile lighting sys tem. DENBY —Stake body; like new. CADILLAC Unit, with two-wheel trailer. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION, 1205 Capital Street. i FOR SALE —Ford touring car In [ good condition, cheap. Peuorook Gar age, Pen brook, Pa. ( 4 {Continued In Neat Column) ! a *H r WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FORD ROADSTER in very good condition. Has been driven and cared for by the owner. Equipment as follows: Tires on ear . in very good shape, four extras, ol which two are non-skid and brand new, never been'on the wheel, three lubes, two o£ which are new. Several i blow oul putehes. Pair of tire chain.-. , Tire carrier tor two tires, two tire covers, tool box, radiator e°y e . r : iStromberg carburetor, wind shield 'cleaner, presto lite tank, lock lor I rear compartment, also car locking \ device, tire tool for changing toil gauge fitted on dash, seven ext a spark plugs and other cxtius, all "I which will be included at a price ilia. :s right, and which will be tarnished upon inquiry. Call Bell phone iOtbJ between 6.30 and ..30 p. ill. SECOND-HAND motor trucks Tor sale, cheap—Fords, Kohier. Chalmers and Internationals; three-quarter to two-ton cupucilica, 5-'oo ami up. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER . MOTOR TRUCK DEPARIMENI . 619-21 Walnut Street. I For Sale. 191S, 5 passengery Buick six, looks like now. Price, SI,OOO. Also several two-'.on trucks, in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SELDON TRUCK CO., 1021 Market St. FOR SALE —Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap | Ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 443 S. Cameron Street. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Convert your new or used Ford into low cost 1 % -toil truck. COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS ELLIOTT-KIEL CO.. 535 Communipaw Ave., Jersey city. N. j. pno.ie Bergen 46.1. STUDEBAKER— Ligiit 0; suitable for fix cry; cneap to quick buyer. Reo road-lei'" A-l condition. Sibles Ua | rage, Third and Cumberland St. MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 Boscn high tension, Eismaii, Dixie, sDiilcic-il. Alca. Kemy ana uifteient makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiftmau. 22;24-26 North Cameron fcitrctft. fcJeii MITCHELL SIX-TOCIUNG Ai shape, extras, new tires, price very reasonable. Inquire 101 l Vernon j St. Bell Phone 926.11. 1918 Mitchell car, seven passenger, in Al condition, bargain to quick buyer. Dial 4996. See Esterbrook. 912 N. "Third St. ~ AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. Sew five ana seven-passenger cars for business or pleasuio at all hours. Bell 2360 Dlal 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. j All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair, work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. USED CAR BARGAINS All in First Class Condition Willys-Knight, 5- pass .$630 Liberty, 5-pass *l6>u Overland, u-pass sou Dixie, new. been used only as dem onstrator Two All-American trucks, never used, one equipped with pneumatic cord tires and one with solid tires on rear ana pneumatic on front; one is express body, the other stake bod>. Exceptional value. IIBG. AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR CO., 131 South Third Street. Both phones. YOUR Dodgo plus a Bayfield car buretor. That's a great combination a Kayileld equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dodge model is inexpensive and 1 tne saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for it in a short time. A Bayfield on any car creases its efficiency all around. My, how she Pulls the hills. Fedcrick's ' Garage, 443 S. Cameron St. FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good lun ning order, $695. Horst, Linglestown. FOR SALE —Chalmers Sedan. 1917; j new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4- ; passenger, sport model; wire wheels. ' bumper, spot light, live new tires; Overland, 1918, 90 delivery car. In quire Penn-Harris Taxicab office, care penn-Harris IloteU WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties find balls; careful crivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. 1911 Cadillac touring car in good condition. Two-ton auto car. cheap. Harrisburg Welding and Brazing Co., 44-46 S. Cameron St. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price $376 cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Ilorsi, Linglestown, near Harrisburg. FOR SALE —1915 Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. 1917 Chandler, club roadster, S9OO. 1917 Mercer louring, 7-passenger. very snappy, two spare tires. A real good bargain. 1914 overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice 328b. 1914 Overland, touring, $285. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstration given. CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schill'nian. Manager. Overland, touring, six good tires, overland, model 854, in fine shape. Chevrolet, model 1918, five passen ger, excellent condition. Studebaker. five passenger, re painted and in fine shape. Tim payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE AND SUPP Y CO. 1917 North Third Street. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers. In any condition. See me before sac r.iicing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. Schiffman, 22 24 26 17. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE —Imperial touring car in good condition, cheap if soid this year. Call alter 5.30 p. m., 2724 Boas St., Penbrook. " FORD OWNERS We have received a large shipment of front springs for Ford curs and are sacrificing thein tor $2.76 apiece. Chel sea Auto Co., 22 N. Cameron St. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EAPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY' SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1567 NORTH THIRD STREET. Garages, Accessories ami Heimlrs OPEN FOR BUSINESS Officially open for business in our new garage at 443 South Cameron street. We have a model fireproof building and storage, dead or live weigut, for over 100 civs. We thank our patrons foi past services I and desire to have them see i our new place of business. SCANDALIS & FEDERICK3 MOTOR CAR CO., 443 South Cameron Street. FOR RENT —One garage, private else, 10x14. Bell phono 698J or c*ll 1305 S. Cameron fit. FOR RENT—Garage room for one! car or storage for two cars; rent very I reasonable; fire proof building. Call 201 Herr St. i {MARKETS I NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS j Chandler Brothers ana Company, I members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg: 1338 Chestnut ! street. Philadelphia; 34 "Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations; Open Noon A. T. and T 100 Vi 100 Allis Chalmers 4243% I Ainei'. Beet Sugar 95 93% 'American C'an 55 54 ; A in. Car and Fndry C 0... 135** 135 ! .Vmer. Loco 93':; 94% ! Amer. Smelting 64*. * 63 j Anaconda 6" 59 Vi 1 Atchison 83 87% •Baldwin Loco 11l ill 'Baltimore and Ohio 37 37% • Bethlehem Steel 95* Si 94*, : Butte Copper 21 % 21% ji'al. Petro 47 45% 'Can. Pacific 145 145 j Central Leather 97'-j 96 'Chesapeake and Ohio ... 57'; g"> 8 | Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 41 > a 41 ! Chino Con. Copper 36% 35% ; Corn Products 82% 82 Crucible Steel 214 203 ! Erie 14% 14% I General Electric 168',a 168*4 {General Motors 361 352 j Goodrich, B. F 81% 81% i Great North., pfd 82% 82% [Great North. Ore, subs .. 40 39% Intcrboro Met 3% 3% Int. Nickel 25 24% int. Paper 71% 70*4 Kenneoott 29*4 29% Kaus. City So 17*4 17*4 I Lackawanna Steel 86 86% I l.ehigh Valley 43 40% j Merc. Mar Ctfs 53% 51% I Merc. Alar Ctfs.. pfd 105 104% j Alex. Petroleum 200% 198% .Miami Copper .' 23% 23% LEGAL NOTICES ($200,000.00 SCHOOL. BONDS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE •! CI TV OF HARRISBURG, I*A. Sealed proposals will be received by ; Un* Roaro 01 School Directors of the 1 I School District of Harrisburg. Pa.. " until Friday, December 19, 1919. at ; . 'clock, p. m,. for the purchase of 'tall or any portion ol $200,000.00 IVs 1 i per cent, coupon bonds of said School ; i District. - They will be issued in denomina tions of $1,000.00 each bearing date 1 of, November 1, 1919, and maturing $33,000.00 November 1. 1924. $6,009.00 each year from November 1, 1925, to November 1, 1922, inclusive, and $7,- ■ 1000.00 each year from November I, '1922. to November 1. 1919, inclusive. ; with interest payable on the first day •of May and November of each year. • j The principal and interest will be I , poyath at the office of the Treasurer i of the 11asrisburff School District. I liarrishurg'. Fa., and the bonds will lie free of State tax. Each proposal must be accompanied I |by a certified check, payable to the I order of the Treasurer of the School District, Harrisburg, l'a., for two (21 l per cent, of the par value of the (amount of bonds bid for. Bonds will be ready for delivery on ' or about January lu, 1920, and bids I must include the payment of accrued interest to the date of delivery. I The right is reserved to reject any or all bids not deemed to be in the interest of the school District. By order of the Board. , 1). D. HAMMKLBAUGH. Secretary. 121-122 Chestnut Street, Harrisburg, Fa. PUBLIC SALE Water Power Flour Mill and 14 acres, located 5 miles from Reading, Pa., on the Caeoosing Creek. Water rights secured by deeds. Large Stone Mill with Frame Wheat Storage House attached; 6,000 bu. ca pacity. Water Power, continuous, not froz en up severe winter of 1917; no Head Race or flume. Concrete Dam Breast and Pen Stock. This Mill newly equipped throughout with 4 double stand allis rolls, 6x20; 2 middlings mills, ball bearing; 9-A Robinson self-balancing, ball bearing sifter. Bran Duster. Reels, Receiving sep arator, wheat cleaners. Roll ex naust. Richardson Automatic Receiving Scale; automatically weighs and rec ords weight of wheat when receiving from farmers and for grinding. Magnetic Separator and Feed Gov ernor on first break roll. All line Shafting runs in Hyatt rol ler bearings. | One 18-inch, one 21-incb Morgan ; Smith turbines, operating under 9-ft. ! head. Horse Barn, Wagon Sheds and Storage Shed. Located in good wheat and dairy section. Will be offered for sale at the Security and Real Estate Ex change, 25 N. Sixth St., Reading, Pa., Saturday afternoon, November 29th, 1919, 2 P. M. Persons wishing to in spect will be met at Reading or Sink ing Spring by appointment. ROBT. R. SCHOFER, Sinking Spring, Pa., R. D. No. 1. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Frank Cerjanic, late of Steelton, Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. to COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Administrator, Harrisburg, Pa. Or to CHARLES C. STROH, Atty. WHEREAS, on application for let ters of administration upon the estate of Joseph Elliott, lately a resident of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsyl vania, who is alleged to have been absent and unheard of for seven (T) years and upwards and is supposed to Ibe dead leaving property situate in said Harrisburg. was presented by John Elliott to the Orphans Court of Dauphin county, on November 19, 1919. whereupon a decree was enter ed on the 19th day of November, 1919 In accordance with the Act of As sembly of June 7, 1917. THEREFORE, in pursuance of the decree ot said court therein made, all! parties interested in the estate of Jo seph Elliott, the supposed decedent, I are hereby notified to be and appear at the Courthouse, at Harrisburg, in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, on the sth day of January, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where the said court will hear evidence concern ing the alleged absence of Joseph Elliott, the supposed decedent, and the circumstances and duration thereof, and will make such orders and decrees as in the Act of Assembly are mode and provided. W. K. MEYERS. Attorney for John Elliott. I Letters of administration on the estate of Robert L. Gardner, late of ! the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin I County. Penna., deceased, having been I granted to the undersigned, residing | In Harrisburg, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them to me. ACQUILLA B. GARDNER. Administratrix. No. 37 S. Seventeenth Street. I will not be responsible for any bills except those contracted by my self or through my duly appointed I agents. | Signed. GEO. If. GROSS. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania. December 12, 1919, under the Act of Assembly en titled "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29, 1874. and the supplements thereto, for the character of an intended corpora lion. to be called The Monarch Wall Paper Company, the character and object of which is the manufacturing, applying, buying, selling and dealing in all kinds of paints, colors, varnish es, oils and their ingredients, wall paper, mouldings, brushes and paper hangers' supplies of all kinds, window shades and all things incident and ap purtenant to said business, und for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and ! privileges of said Act of Assenibly i i no the supplements tlierto. C. 1. JIcCOBB, i Solicitor. I < v. s ' I HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 'Midvale Steel 61% 51% Missouri Pacific 27 26% N. y„ N. H. and H. ... 31% 30% Nevada Copper 16% 15% Midvale Steel 51% 51% I Norfolk and AVest 100% 100% j , -North. Paciflc 84% 84% . Pittsburgh Coal 62% 61% . Penna. K. P. 42% 42% t Ray Con. Copper 20% 20% J Reading 77% 77% , Republic lion and Steel.loß% 106% So. Paciflc 97 95% Sinclair oil and It 49% 48% , studebalter 122 119% Union Pacific 127% 126% ,t* S. I. Alcohot 105% 103% U. S. Rubber 123% 122% I'. S. Steel 104% 104 I Utah Copper 75% 74% I Vlr.-Curo. Chem 67% 67% I Westinghouse Mfg 54 53% i Wlllys-Ovgrland 31% 30% , j Hide and Leather 32% 32% i | I'ierce Arrow 87% 84% \ PHILADELPHIA I'HOIHrH i I'liilailclpliin. Nov. 26.—Eggs—High ,'er: nearby firsts. $23.40 per case; cur ' rent receipts. $22.80; western extra first, $23.40; western firsts. $31.90# 22.50: fancy selected packed 88®90c per dozen. | Dressed Poultry—Good demand; | turkeys and geese lower: turkeys l nearby fancy. 48® 49c; fair to good. 44®46c; western, fancy. 45#46c; fair | to good. 40® 43c; geese, 31 @32u. I Brun—Lower; soft winter bran, western in 100 pound sacks to arrive, . ! $45.50® 46; spring bran in 100 pound I sacks to arrive. $44.45. Cheese—Higher: New York and Wisconsin, full milk, 32® 33%0. Potatoes—Easier; No. 1 per 150- pound sacks, S3.SOSi 4: No. 2, S2(B 2.40; Penna. per 100 pounds. $2.60@2.90. Butter—Higher; western creamery, exlia. 73c; nearby prints, fancy, 79 ® Sic. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 33®36e; small sies, 25®30c; roosters, 25c; spring ducks nearby, 40®41c; western fancy, • 38®40c; geese, western fancy. 32® 35c; broiling Jersey, 43®48c; other , nearby. 85040 c; western choice, 38® . 40c; roasting chickens, western, 27® ' 34c; western milk fed chickens, as to 1 size anu quality, 32®Sic; turkeys, nearby, fancy, 18® 50c; western, 41 j 1&' 4 6c. Flour—Firm: fair demand. Soft; winter straight western. sl®l.tH':| I nearby. $9.50® 10; hard winter straight. sl2® 12.50; short patent. $ 1.5 j ® 13.50; spring first clear, $9.75® 10.25: patent. sl3® 13.75; short patent. $13.80 j ® 14.50; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand. $14.50® 15. llay—Firm; good demand. Timothy, No. 1. $33 per ton; No. 2. $30®"31; No. 3, s27® 28; clover mixed hay, light mixed. $30®31; No. 1 mixed. $27@2S. Tallow—(Juit; prime city loose. 15c: special loose, 16% c; prime country, 15c; edible in tierces, 18%e. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET j Chicago. Nov. 2',. —Hogs Receipts) 10.000, lower; bulk, $12.75® 13.10; top, $13.25; heavy. $12.65® 13.10; medium. ' $12.75® 13.25; light, $12.65® 13; light Might, $12.25® 12.75; heavy packing sow's, smooth, $12&12.50; packing sows, rough, $ 11.50® 12; pigs. $11.75® 12.50. Cattle Receipts, 15.000, strong. Beef steers, medium ami heavy, choice and prime, $18.50® 20.40; me ctium and good. $11.25® 18.50; common, s9®) 11.25; light, good and choice, $14.15® 19.75; common and medium, $7.75® 14.15; heifers, $6.65®15; cows, $6.50® 13.50; canners and cutters,, $5.50% 0.50; veal calves, sl6® 17; feed ers strers. $7.25® 13; stockers steers. $®11; western range steers. $7.50® 15.25: cows and heifers. $6.50@12.75. | Sin ep—Receipts 11,00; firm. Lambs.) sl3® 15. culls and common. s9® 12.75:; ewes, medium, good and choice, $7 ® j 5.65; culls and common, s3® 6.75; breeding, $0.50® 11.25. . Annville Doctor Is to Move to Lebanon's Capital Annville, Pa., Nov. 26.—Dr. A. L. Haner, a well-known physician and surgeon of this place, will move to; Lebanon during March or April. Dr. Haner has purchased a residence in Lebanon. Dr. Haner came to Ann ville. 18 years ago. lie is a member of the staff of the Good Samaritan Hospital. His departure will leave Annville with only two physicians, Drs. E. B. Marshall and D. M. Rank. Postmaster H. A. Bowman has suc ceeded in securing a carload of Gov ernment food, which arrived this morning. The sale began this after noon, and baked beans, peas, toma toes, bacon and corned beef were disposed of. Mrs. Mary Bachman, Misses Vir ginia and Sara Bachman and Paul i and Harold Bachman attended the J dinner given at Zinn's Mill in honor j of Mr. and Mrs. Zinn Bachman, who) were recently married. The Rev. E. F\ Castetter, of State j College, spent several days in Ann-1 ville and preached in the Unite-ill Brethren Church on Sunday evening.! Former Altoona Man Dies Suddenly in Florida, Altoona. Pa., Nov. 26.—Edgar | Barton Greene, formerly general I superintendent of the Penn Central Light and Power company, of Al toona, and for many years promi nent In the electrical field, in this section, died suddenly yesterday morning at his farm home at Ocala, Fla., Mr .Greene returning to his home several days ago after a visit of a week in Altoona. Mr. Greene was born on Sept. 11, 1859, on the Greene homestead in i Huntingdon county. The Greene family traces its ancestry to Scot- ] i ! y < ' Statement of Condition of < y < *■ > i : Harrisburg National Bank ; 4 ► Condensed From the Re- < |; November 17, 1919 i: . : ► Resources Liabilities < i ' * i ► LOANS and DISCOUNTS, $1,240,648.48 Capital $300,000.00 4 i ► OVERDRAFTS 2.85 . Surplus 350,000.00 4 ►VU. S. Bonds 846,987.00 Undivided Profits 194,353.42 4 y Bonds and Securities 455,439.39 Circulation 198,400.00 Banking House 44,000.00 Deposits 2,213,622.46 Cash and due from Banks, 845,877.16 Liberty Loan Payments ... 176,579.00 ► 4 * $3,432,954.88 ~ $3,432,954.88 4 ► 4 ► Capital, Surplus and Profits over SBOO,OOO. ] This bank will be pleased to receive new accounts and offers its services and facilities to patrons. i * v 4 V 4 ► . I land, from which-country the grand father came to America in boyhood. ! Body of Altoona Lawyer Buried in Plot With Wife ClinmtxTSburg, Pa., Nov. 26. Edmund Shaw, an Altoona lawyer, was buried here on Monday by the side of his wife at Cedar Grove cem etery. He died suddenly in the Al toona hospital from eurenila. Ho was 73 years old gnd for years was a leader among Altoona lawyers. He was a Civil War veteran and served two terms in the Legislature, in 1884-88. He also served in the Al toona council for several years. For a number of years past he had lived a retired life, spending most of his winters in Florida. He was niurried in December, 1869, to Miss Mary E. Smith and they resided until her death at Altoona. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Jeannette Caufman, of this place. HAN'lv STATEMENT RANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK, ' at Harrisburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on November 17, 1919. I RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts , $1,194,907 Go j 5. U. S. Government securities owned I a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds l par value) ..; $100,000.00 b Pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value), 175,000 00 e Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) 5,000 00 f Owned and unpledged 111,315 00 h AVar Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned 1,076 71 Total U. S. Government Securities 422,391 71 0. Other bonds, securities. ete.l a Bonds (other than L\ S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits $194,976 23 b Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 27,900 00 e Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not in cluding stocks), owned and unpledged 672,381 47 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S - 895,257 70 ' I 7. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock ! 8. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent, of subscription), 16,800 00 i ; 10. Furniture and fixtures 3,881 89 1 j 12. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank I 14. Cash in vault and net amounts due from National banks .. .. , 142,962 99 | 15. Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies, (other than included in Items 12 or 14) 17,258 45 16. Exchanges for clearing house 56,772 68 i Total of Items 14, 15, and 16 $216,994 12 I 18. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of report ing bank and other cash items 26,994 01 | 19. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 5,000 00 20. Interest earned but not collected—approximate—on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due 6 571 78 | 21. Other assets, if any 393 59 ; TOTAL $2,910,507 31 ! LIABILITIES I 22. Capital Stock paid in SIOO,OOO 00 I | 23. Surplus fund \ 475,000 00 24. a Undivided profits $29,929 45 * b Less current expenses, interest. and taxes paid 46 88 29,882 57 ' 25. Interest and discount collected 1 tdiied in advance of maturity and not earned—(uT>i.....,imate) 3,037 65 | 26. ' Amount reserved for taxes accrued 30Ji87 96 ) 27. Amount reserved for all interest accrued 7,938 60 1 28. Circulating notes-outstanding 30. Net amounts due to National hanks 1.954 32 31. Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies (other than included in Item 30) 169,349 74 32. Certified checks outstanding 2[953 35 I 33. Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 2 130 10 I Total of Items 30, 31, 32 and 33 $176,417 51 Remand deposits (other tlnin hank deposits I subject to Re serve (deposits payable within 30 days): j 34. Individual deposits subject to check 1,212.661 88 | 38. Dividends unpaid 2,422 50 Total of demand deposits (other than bank de posits) subject to Reserve, Items 34 and 38.. $1,215,084 38 Tiiue deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or rpore notice, and postal savings): | 10. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed)... 119 685 66 j 42. Postal savings deposits 18.739 74 43. Other time deposits 485,069 30 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 40, 42 and 43 $623,494 70 44. United States deposits (other than postal savings): a War loan deposit account $118,652 85 c Other United States deposits, including de posits of IT. S. disbursing officers 27,434 00 I 54. Liabilities other than those above stated 6,377 09 TOTAL ' $2,910,507 31 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.'COUNTY OF DAUPHIN, ss; I. K. J. Glancey, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief E. J. GLANCEY," Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25tli (lav of November 1919 P.L.ISLLENBERGER, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. My commission expires at the end of the next session of the Senate. Correct—Attest: (Signed) AA'M. S. SNYDER, (Signed) AV. P. STARKEY, (Signed) WILLIAM JENNINGS, Directors. BBBBBBiBBBBBBg Store Room Wanted I Local Branch of a large Rubber Com- I pany desires to rent office and store room in business section. I j, Bell Phone, 3336 I ! Warns West Shore People , Against Fake Collectors | Lonioyne, Pa., Nov. 26. —I. W. ,; Appier, president of the local fire ' company, warns residents of the borough and West Shore districts against persons representing them selves as collectors for the new fire apparatus. Residents of Gump Hill yesterday notified Mr. Appier that a man who claimed to be a resident of Lemoyne was soliciting for funds for the lire company. Mr. Appier was told the person was selling chances on candy. The tire company has not authorized anyone to collect. The organization does not make its money In that way. Marysville's High School ! Holds Season's First Meet IMarysville, Pa., Nov. 26.—Marys ville High School held its first meet- NOVEMBER 26, 1919. ing of the year last evening in the I high school rooms. The program for 'the evening wus as follows: Selec tion, orchestra; address by president: reading of minutes; oration, Kay I-illey; piano solo. Miss Erma Bolze: recitation, Miss Margaret Kellers; se lection, orchestra: essay, Miss Anna Aikens; piano duet. Miss Marjorle Naee and Miss Helen Roberts; read- TEXCALOKAN OH. A OAS CO. nivhl>ii(| M t the rnte of 1 tone) per eent. per month (twelve per cent. Imimln) arc deelnred by (lilm Company. The flrnt f theNe |lvllen<lN IM piti able Deeember 30th to MtoeklioltlerM of record lleeentber Jstli. ttubMequeiit inoittlily tlivldentlM of 1 (one) per eent. are payuble the 30th of each month to Mtockliohlcr* of record the 15tli of that month. An extra Mtock dividend of 4 (four) per eent. IM deelnred. payuble Junii iiry 30. 1020, to MtockholderN of record January J5, I WHO. _ , F. 1.. SAWVKR, Treaa* j ludeiaendeiiee, Kim*. I T T ▼ T V.T T_T_T_T_'V_V_V J .M | PUBLIC SALEI 20 HEAD OF! W&' HORSES i ► AT THE < i ► Thudium House, Carlisle, Pa. J i > Saturday, Nov. 29, 1919—12 Noon S ► '< ► We will sell 20 head of Acclimated Horses, con- < | ► sisting of blacks, grays and bays, ranging in age < ► from 6to 10 years. Some well-mated teams, weigh- < ► ing from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds. Several good mares, i ► one pair of good mules, single-line leaders. These < ► horses are all out of hard work. The reason for < j ► selling them is that the ice business is over for the < j ► season and we have no further use for them. They < I ► will be sold for the high dollar. A credit will be ' I ► given. Horses can be seen at the Thudium House," ► Carlisle, the day before the sale. Sale starts at 12 " I ► o'clock noon. < |; UNITED ICE AND COAL CO. j i ► Harrisburg, Pa. < I ► \ A A A A A A AAA A -*• a -. - . Offering i Unsold Portion of 20,000 Shares SUPREME PICTURES, INC. I at $ 10.00 per share par value CAPITAL $1,000,000 SUPREME PICTURES, INC., is an estab lished Moving Picture Corporation, with studio at Flushing, L. 1., producing super serials and feature films—a bonafide invest ment. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO F. H. Belknap I nvestment Securities 1015 N. Front Street Bell mi IIAHRISBITIUJ, p Ai —i HUGHES & DIER Bankers and Brokers Mezzanine Floor PENN-HARRIS HOTEL Harrisburg, Pa. Orders for Stocks, Bonds and Securities executed on all leading Exchanges. Complete service of all stocks traded on New York Curb. Accounts solicited. The same careful attention given to orders for less than 100 shares (Odd Lots) as is given to larger accounts. Private wires to New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago. J. CLYDE MYTON Manager, l'hones—Bell, 190:1; Dial, 2427 C Philadelphia Stock Exchange Members Pittsburgh Stock Exchange [Chicago Board of Trade Pittsburgh 1135 Walnut Street, Philadelphia' Reading Camden, N. J. 50 Broad Street, New York Lancaster V _ FOR SALE Well built 3-story brick dwelling, 221 Forster Street, on 40-foot lot with side yard; alley in rear. Hall and 13 rooms, front porch back from street line. First floor lavatory, second and third floor bath rooms. Adapted for alterations, making three good apartments. Interested parties will be shown present house plans. Lease expires March, 1920. Apply to H. McCormick, Jr., Cameron Building ingr of the "Orange and Black," Mia Margaret Deckard; playlet, "Waitlnl for a Trolley"; chorus, high school girls. nil BBER STAHpri UU BEALB &STENQILB I V? n HARRIBB&BTCNOILWORKS II I lIgDLOOUBHT.MAIUUirt.fA.IJ MAIN \ COMPANY i ICERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS' ! 606-6QB Kurtkel BTd% i ! Service ; ; SystematizinoEtc. 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers