Only Four Passes of Kilted j Fefic in Scotland These Days : Kdteboigh. Nov. 21.—Snras of lßße*6ca.n vidians to ScollaaJ haw rmniSerrd by wi-cm /'Tkd on -what <-fs I Misfiron the picturesque native dross | TOYLAND I TISTp"™ 8 I *st* if taST*. Shawl $7.98 $g- 98 1 1 virir. -eel i,li,.iiiiii,. Pretty large scarfs that come in blue, t/Il owcaicta . . . Is brown, heather, grey and tan; trimmed and |3| \ /|*j | q plain styles. Pretty sweaters in the season's |IU sSSSHSS Saturday Savings For Thritty People """ 1 1 bnnging lasting joy to the t ><f * f . t f . . a hearts of American boys and Kaufman's, the Underselling Store where quality is always higher than price, r \ [1 l|j COME BRING THE KIDDIES offers for Saturday shoppers unusual values throughout the big, active store — f ffl w * Women's Union Suits Children's Union *• | 1 Ivl it_ I (O ~,_ , Cotton Union \i UIM/ I nj Scarfs ■H.'LvH -%~dßr v: . JHBUBMt > 1r weight, high necks and long sleeves, regular Sizes 8 to l 1.a5 i Si ji 11= '{ Women's Vests .. .sl.lO Children s Vests and v — L- 1 j™| Good wide shawl \ j I f\ \ J B( f \ Cotton ribbed Vests and Pants, fleece lined. -tSUIIS •>•••••••< .ult Rjl Is l ITil '? a !' ' lle m\ \ V - \ heavy quality, high necks and long sleeves. P.ibbed cotton Vests and Pants, fleece lined, Crt4-H-i/lrtyT Prkulillllfl is? hi have belts "o vKM " RH ' •£?! K m. match; special. luHS HB A- I ®| 1 U\P )/ffl (TVcXVu Eltr " ■ Uc " f 1.3S Sizes 10 to 10 -. 75c |t| ® Jj | 'ji j \v m/(l ■ \ Women's Chamois- Q r Girls' Serge Qr* The Sale Of | hi „T , Hk —I I! Wm J fif I 1 \W Choose from ette Gloves UOC Dresses Of. JO . . n1 LM Women S rrTWilflillf Kx UPnl I I Sv A two clasp double flnger tip- A dress that is made of good # v - 1J |B ■ 1 L |M| y QHi 1 \\ a| 1- . e ped Chamolsette Glove, in black. quality serge and finely tailored. I | wS hi /I „ Bfaßßgimi a mBBm \ LUli. I 1 \l tnis line OI white, grey, brown, mode and They come In sizes 6 toll years, VJ ts.V' IVV Ulv/ liO VO N l|L| HJIsCIS BfflMn \ #1 I \ I ipn > I 1 I sand. 3 rows embroidery in self and in the newest styles. Choice. S \ jU ! \ \ ~M i 1 pretty or contrasting color Children's Coat d9 or 1 $9 Kft 953 '/C '■ \\ \ d | U Bathßebes $1.95 \f s£l .29 i s i A |l R ' Tl 1 \ \ii fill lav t r Gauntlet Gloves with strap ers with shawl or button to the V ISSI hi I M gßu JI \ \ lluUMlm TMV\Vvr~7>. S OJO ftir a I OK wrist. In grey, brown, buck and neck collars. All wanted colors. H H gi ■ \ \ wW'lm 'V Am / JM.US, }p4.u&, sand 3 rows of self embroidery. Sizes 24 to 28. Special. • \Jf IS iu A better 12.50 cor- \ • V\\A'r! V.M $5.95, $6.95, Washable Kid rfo i Q Boys' Cotton iO kTi n\ t .- i ihi absol . utelV e iln " ''bnbßHSßSb \ \ 1 V Vlwr iLw nr S 68 Hose 4uC An unusual opportunity for women to buy SB.OO, !§j ffl There is an assort- V \J \ 3 Gloves, WS 3 h ro'ws four reinforced l 'sofes s* ® Slies $9.00 and SIO.OO Blouses at a good reduction. mem of , d . 1 V- \ \ I All made of the |j for ail flgures; s'uch prett,Mt Women's Flan-' 09 y#r in to h " These Blouses came to us from one of the coun iSj popular makes as r / \ *—Vi j \ T\\ I Blankets, assuring HPIPHP I'lmnc .fl/L 4 * Men s flannel Q 1 /}Q try s best designers, a man who makes only the ffl Worcester and EUsV Al lA Xt S'" PreftiesT'oi Extraordinary quamy flannel- fes T , hP '' n ili V yj . colorlnrs . specially "ail" w 'u m b ade' aiPsiLes. - |[|!| sizes. 19 to 30. qf priced. nicely trimmed and cut full. ' and roomy, special. Urday COUld not be replaced at this advertised |jl]l is j Men's {IQ „ Boys' Union 01 1C price. Every fashionable color in plain and com- Is P| Underwear. %/OC Suits • <P I • 10 binations, white and flesh included. h]J ___ Ribbed and fleeced lined shirts Ribbed and fleece lined union |||>j [\] |l£2& X MORK BEAUTIF UL - n ''en[ a v W aTu B e aU '" ZeH ' " VCr> ' eX " fecial" SiZCS ''° 10 yrS " V " y ;KAUFMAN'S MAIN FLOOR === J I ji 11 I kXC I | | j| I Blankets & Comfortables [ | ffl Cotton Blankets, pair $1.95 SjPlll} W fe| f+S-—SL Grey attd white cotton blankets; size 60 by 80; a . , i(ffl£n|yiranw- heavy, sturdy grade; very special. ™ k. Just brought back by our Buyer who has just returned from a visit to the ... ni . , mo io CASSEROLES §3 I Eastern markets, N~fS^~ s9c i I Such Pretty Coats Were Never Shown At Prices wool Finish Blankets $3.95 I D/xnn/\nnl\l/\ A rill, „ |.l_ 11 BOnds; black Japanned. Special Heavy grade wool-finished blankets in size 66 by 80; hi, . e *}' lers - Th , is ls an m oo Keasonable As lne r olio wing J very SP eciai. caLeroles ■ i n n n Woolnap Blankets $4.95 $4.95, $3.49 bj S Women's & Misses' Fine _ a np Rugs Rugs Rugs „£ sa^-jSka" M w "•*" " n " $2.69 i 5 Cnaid M V 1 I •/ rwd81anket556.49,54.95and54.69 | tu Ni. H Wool Fiber Hugs—9xl2 feet; tfQ Qg size 66 by 80; special. QC . Values that you will find at no other store anvwhere Thev rpnrp- SI H extra good, heax-y quality.. S7uc f|Tl i sent much higher priced garments and are made of Velours and Chev- B B "n Wool Blankets $6.50 to $7.95 H njl iots, colors and black, in sizes for women and misses JBk Tapestrv Brussels Rugs—FMoral and p, aln grey and plaid blankets; wonderful values; all NICKEL-COVERED m Igl ' UUISU allu oriental patterns; 9x12 <£27 95 double bed size; very special. CASSEROLES I'lii Si feet (imperfect) qj- an,| An s?^ nj —— —__ Axminster Rugs—9XU2. tet; bi f se- Heavy Cotton Comfortables $2.95 Kl m Wnmnn'c Miccnc' D A^i.T r r t ° rns - t' ♦ Silkoleen Covered Comfortables $3.95 a ,J shapes and"have ffl W Omen S & MISSCS riCtty m . ~ (> A HP SKJi n Silk Muslin Covered Comfortables ,$5.95 bmwn or W'hite fillers; ffl tfj . . Ml gD £a M f% ne\y patterns ' Wool Filled Stitched Comfortables, v / Kij I Coats At 1 M i o l c tf p , t 1 $10.95, $9.95 r g riij h M h Cofi66 Percolators M DI ' nclud ed in this huge assortment are coats made of Egyptian ■/ I Extra Special Cocoa Door WW Si m Plush and Soft Velours. They come in sizes up to 44 and are in the fi ks*S) Aluminum cot- VyUVUa uul HJ season's favored colors and black. A ■ _N2f Stair Treads Mats Savory Roaster !v] ' - - like picture, lY O ib pfa ' "rr Mil M very special. Made of rubber; size Good, heavy door mats. I wll IU 6xlß. Size 14x26. Each. q/A*C/VJ | Women's & Misses'Beauti- <t /\ nr iiliimP* l ® I O for Thanksgiving; a good I ful Coats At ... •. W $ 1 OtH • ' 14c 98c I KT C- I ese are finely tailored garments that are made of Polo Cloth, I J TtTtTWfe a mTTTi T TfTinTT T7< TIfTOD AATTriITT r SI ffl Silvertones and Velours, all exceptionally pretty models and are worth f PREPARING THE LITTLE MlSfe WITH [\ S considerably more. r n2 1 HER THANKSGIVING COAT p-v 1 0 WnmAn'o Miccac' Hnnrlcnzvxr\ x> _ _ From a stock that stands far above any other shown in Harrisburg. U? ▼ f 1/lllCll OV? ItllooCo I CP 1~ Hundreds of handsome Coats for girls of all ages at prices in many instances less than wc could K]l k .•, it l re p |acethemf ° r - flWll 6 LOatS At Wa ' Children's Coats $5.75 Coats, 10 to 14years ..$12.75 /jef {\ | (jy Here are some remarkable values in this mammoth assortment of w These little coats come In Egyptian plush and Handsome little coats of cheviots trimmed with /j. { / j\\ Hj fine Velour, Silvertone, Silvertip and Polo Cloth Coats. Many have nil* •l'l '' N ' 9 /"I ' d I brown and navy; extra special. H |3 large, warm collars of plush, while others are plain tailored. Sizes to 44. Children S Coats $9./5 Qirls' Coats $14.75 and $16.75 f k 'di| flft n IW beaver cloth collars: the colors are brow r n, ox- Cheviots and Egyptian plush coats In green, navy 1 1 a.- T7* - ___ blood and green; sizes 2to 6 years. * and brown; full backs; button trimmed; excellent \ J Kl | Women s&M,sses Extra Fme M.WMH. 1 1 Coats At M 2 2'JJL coats $8.75 $19.75 up to $28.75 ll i XX/, pll /-> !> . ... y- Beautiful coats for little girls from 7to 9 years; all r K / IH IS Nj WondeTrully pretty Coats from America s best designers. Garments w h prettily trimmed with beaver cioth. come in green, Tniszx.s' v k |g that are perfect in their tailoring and style. All fine materials that will v M x M brown. g.o>, speciah JUlllOr tOßto mmm /J J) H ffl give excellent service-, every desired color and size, Handsome Coats at $12.75 $12.75 lip to $38.75 jj SJ| • ■,j.jmr For girls 7 to 9 years; made of silvertip and fine Here ls a mammoth assortment of various nnilo- g fll Hlw|Fx^ .ALcheviots; the colors are navy, brown and green; spe- rials, in sizes 15 to 17, In styles that the young ladies §j| v clal. simply rave about. See them Saturday, V • * FRIDAY EVENING. jof Scotland, k;lfs, a.-q worn •-' (days. i Ujier* inquiry it is learned that 1 apart from actus! Highland gather ingSs xvhero rvcyono is rxpcdtod to "dross the part," thone are only four 1 {classes of ktltxO accepted with lot i comivrnt 1.1 Scotland-. 11l the i North, the head of clans and i.eplr, the "gentry"—which includes Eng lishmen, Welshmen, and anyone who owns land or caps land us a play grounds; in the South, the public piper; end all over Scotland, the soldier, As an evening dress it also hs a degree of general popularity. Use McNeil's Cold To K '"' Adv. HJLRRISBURG TELEGRAPH Easi Conemaugh Turns Down 10 "Strike" Police East Ooncmuugh, Pa., Nov. 21. Being satisfied with the excellent service of the Statu police force since the ending of the steel strike Mon day and fully ratlsfled that the State ti oopora are. competent to keep down disorder, the East Conemaugh Bor ough Council has adopted a resolu tion against thx- employment of 10 strikers an special policemen .and In uccordunco with tho resolution Bur gers Crum discharged the mob he had sworn in at the request of a i labor tempo delegation. DIES OF PNEUMONIA Mount Union. Pa.. Nov. 21.—John I Wilson, a resident of Allenport lor j the past six months, formerly of I Mifflin county, died after a short ill- ' ness from pneumonia, aged 36 years, j Mr. Wilson had just purchased n ' home In this suburb, lie is survived by his wife. Buiinl xvlll lie made at McVeyton B¥^ George A. Gorgas, Druggist. 5
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