28 AMAZON VALLEY IS RECOVERING Shocks to Business Caused by War Are Being Healed Over Para, Mouth of Amnion River, Nov. 21. —Business conditions in the Amazon Valley are beginning to re cover from the disturbance of com merce caused by the war, Rubber estate owners, and businessmen generally, realize that the compe tition of Oriental "plantation" rub ber which has forced the market price of that article down to about the actual cost of gathering "wild" Amazon rubber is really a blessing in disguise, since it is bringing about the development of the other nn-j I tural resources left untouched so long as rubber monopolized all at- I tention in the valley. Foodstufis ! that used to be imported front , abroad, or from other parts of Bra zil, are now being raised locally. A partv headed by Henry Flout ing, of New York, which has been investigating the commercial possi bilities of the Amazon Valley has re turned to the city after a two-month tour of the Amazon and some of its 1 principal affluents, nearly 8,000 miles of rivers being covered in the course of the trip. Mr. Fleming is receiver of an American company with extensive docking, shipyard, and navigation property at Para. Much Data Gathered The main river was ascended for over 2,500 miles, as far as Iquitos, Peru, and also the Javary, Purus, Negro, Xingu, Mo.iu, Tocantiins and other rivers for varying distances. A vast amount of valuable informa tion and data has been gathered as a result, which is being placed free of charge at the disposal of Ameri can manufacturers, importers, ex porters and others interested in tlio development of the Amazon Valley. Many inquiries have recently been made by Americans seeking informa tion regarding lands available for cattle raising, grain growing, and minerals which indicates an awaken ing interest in the United States in regard to the Amazon country. According to Mr. Fleming the most encouraging sign noted on the trip was tho increase in the produc tion of foodstuffs of all kinds. Mandioca corn, sugarcane, rice, beans, bananas, melons, fruits of many species, and occasionally to bacco and cotton, have been plant ed in small patches along the river hanks near the towns and settle ments. Before the war practically all foodstuffs had to be imported as the wages paid rubber gatherers was so high as to make labor unavail able for agricultural work, and at least two crops of corn, beans, mandioca, etc. are gathered between floods. Labor Problem Better One of the staple products most affected by the rubber boom was Cacao. AVhen labor was attracted by the lure of high wages, most of the large Cacao plantations had 10 be abandoned; to-day they are be ing cleaned and restored and new trees are being planted. Local cotton men are optimistic as to the future of Amazon cotton, which is said to be At' excellent qual ity and long staple. There are large, Immense areas of the Amazon Val ley suitable for cotton growing, and in many places, notably Iquitos (Peru), Santarem, Monte Algere, this is now being produced ill in creasing quantities. Last year was the first that any concerted effort was made to grow cotton, but the idea seems to have taken on with many landowners. , Kaiser's "Brother" Wanted to Visit Him; Returned to Germany Ainerongen, Holland. Nov. 21. Amerongen officials whose task is to guard the safety of the former Ger man Emperor were surprised into activity the other day by a German who said he was "Prince Friederich of Hohenzollern" and a brother of the former Emperor. The visitor registered at a hotel as Gustavus Cyrus, of Berlin. He wrote to the former Emperor at Ben tinck castle, demanding an interview on important "family matters." The police were informed and investi gation revealed that the man had in some way actually reached Holland from Germany the night before with out any papers to identify him, and be was speedily sent back over the frontier. When tho exiled monarch first came to Amerongen the village was visited by many persons who were mentally unbalanced. Among them one man who said that he was the King of England, and tried to prove it. Danzig May Be Supply Base For Yanks in Silesia With the American Forces iu Ger many, Nov. 21.—Plans were com pleted recently by headquarters of the American Forces in Germany for the lines of communication and di rection of supplies for the American units which are expected to form a paVt of the Allied troops of occupa tion in Upper Silesia during the plebiscite to be held there soon after the Treaty of Peace goes into effect. It is possible that Danzig will be used as a supply base for these tvoops which are expected to remain In Silesia for months. Announcement was made some time ago that the Fifth and Fif tieth Infantry Regiments, which were then in the United States, had been selected for duty in Silesia, go ing byway of Ooblenz. Asthma Is Dangerous Folly To Disregard Its Warning Asthma Is not only a disagreeable affliction but a dangerous one. The constant difficult breathing. the choked up air passages, the struggle for air. the loss of rest, combine to force a great strain on the nervous system and heart often too great a strain to stand. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a condition or to continually treat with ordinary narcotic medi cines, drugs, inhalers, smokes, or douches which merely give tempor ary relief from the choking par oxysms and do not relieve or correct the real cause of the trouble. In stead get from Geo. A. Gorgas or any druggist a small bottle of Oxidaze (essential oil) tablets and take one at short Intervals when ever distress is felt and one on going to bed. In stant. relief is usually felt and in ad dition the effect of consistent treat ment is to gradually bring about a greatly Improved health condition as the symptoms" of Astbinn disappear fouever. Oxidaze is the successful prescription of a Worcester. Mass.. physician and its treatment of Asth ma. even hi lite very worst forms lias probably never been excelled. Geo. A. (lorgns sells it and patients find It a safe pleasant and inexpen sive treatment to use. FRIDAY EVENING, Store Hours 9 to 9 Many a Man Expects a Bath Robe at Christmas man acce P ts a robe immcdi- Christmas. The gift is a splendid f onc ' Decause it gives so much com fchgnsagßobes with rope girdle at $4.95, Other styles at $6.50, $8.95, Beach Vests $2.95 Men's Dress Gloves Ireland and Northrop Mocha Gloves, Boys' chamoisette gloves fn buck and $5.00 slate shades $1.15 Tan cape dress gloves, Grey Suede dress and street gloves, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 embroidered back $2.50 Fownes dress kid gloves $8.50 Buck gloves, plain and embroidered, Fownes chamoisette gloves in buck $8.50, $8.95 and $4.50 shade $1.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store . inexpensive China for Thanksgiving But its modest pricing does not in the least detract from its quality or dainty patterns. A large variety of sets shown. 31-piece dinner sets, gold border 42-plece dinner sets, conventional decoration $2.98 decoration, double color line, all 42-piece dinner sets, floral gold handles traced with color line to stamp decoration, fancy shape... $1.98 match $8.50 42-pieco dinner sots, plain shape, f.O-piece' dinner sets, gold lace bor gold band decoration, with gold line, der and rose bud decoration, new all handles covered with gold, $0.98 shape $9 98 d in n T Se a?:o blUe ,. ba a l 70-picce dinner sets, pink floral dec gold edge, all handles eo\erod with oration, all pieces gold lined and all io '•''■' V, ; *'■" handles traced in gold SI 1.50 42-piece dinner sets, pink nose deco- ... ration, all handles traced with gold and 100-piece dinner sets, blue floral dec gold edge on all pieces $7.98 ©ration, fancy shade, all pieces finished 42-piece dinner sets, gold lace border, ,n Erold $19.50 plain shape $7.98 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Fancy Napery of Irish Linen ( l ua,it 3' °* round thread Irish Linen that has been standard for many years and is the choice of J> \ housewives for their own use and for gifts. Here's Thanksgiving spread of fancy pieces of pure Irish / tesf ff Linen. \\ f Plain hemstitched linen doilies— J 6 Inch doilies 190 J? 8 ,nch dollies sou ,\ 9 Inch doilies , j ' 35 c 2 4 inch doilies $1.75 Plain hemstitched linen luncheon 18x45 inch $2.89 cloths— 18x54 inch $2i75 30 inch cloths $3.00 Damask luncheon cloths— -30 inch cloths $4.00 Mercerized 40 inch cloth $2.00 45 inch cloths $5.50 Mercerized 50 ineli cloth $3.00 64 inch cloths $7.00 Mercerized 58 |ncli cloth ...... $3.50 Plain hemstitched linen napkins— Hemstitched linen luncheon cloths— -13 inch napkins, dozen $6.00 SO inch cloths, $2.50, s3tso and $5 00 14 inch napkins, dozen $7.00 45 inch cloths, $5.00, $6.00 and SB.OO Plain hemstitched linen scarf— 54 inch cloths, $6.00, SB.OO and SIO.OO. 18x30 inch $2.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Charming Hand-Made Blouses in Sheer Materials Hand-made Blouses in fine Swiss batiste with long rolling collar trimmed with rows of hand hemstitching and French knots j vest and cuffs to match . $8.95 Hand-made Blouses in sheer voile, trimmed with tucks and hand drawn work; long rolling collar, trimmed with hemstitched hem, drawn work and lace hemstitched turn-back cuffs SIO.OO Hand-made Blouses in sheer voile, trimmed with hand-drawtt work "and hand-made filet lace; sleeves trimmed with lace cuffs .$15.00 Dives, Pomeroy & StewarJ, Second Floor, Women's Silk Hosiery Black Thread Silk Ilose, lisle top. seamless $2.00 Black Thread Silk Hose, lisle top, fashioned feet $2.25 Thread Silk Hose, fashioned feet, black and c0rd0van....52.50 Thread Silk Out Size Hose, fash ioned feet, black and white, $2.75 Thread Silk Boot Out Size Hose, lisle tops, fashioned feet .... 8!lc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. DEMON STB ATION OF THE Star Electric Vibrator Die cust frame, nickel-plated P.lack Ebony, finished handle. Three applicators for different kinds of massages. Complete with cord and plug; operates on any electric current. I*ricc $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Saturday Candy Specials 80c Hcrshcy's Kisses, lb., 690 80c Jordan Almonds, lb., 59*' Klein's Almond and Creati Nut Bars. Special ... .s'* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I - Main Floor. DIVES, POMEROY STEWART Fine Handkerc'fs to Give a Woman a, jp. wtt A < Lace trimmed, embroi- I- ' dered Madeira and hand '' embroidered Linen Hand kerchiefs of the • finest quality and fancy colored I styles are a few of the R, J&W thousands and thousands —■ y, ' of gift handkerchiefs for tui- / / A women assembled here. X J ' Linen handkerchiefs, e:n- J" 7 liroidered corner,^ // / fa/ //A p pen/, ell embroidered ///bh handkerchiefs. 3 for $1.0o; " Embroidered Swiss hind kerchiefs 50 c Fancy Colored Handkerchiefs 25c and 35c Boxed Handkerchiefs, 3 in box, fancy embroidered corners, box, 35c, 50c to $1.50 Kiddies' Handkerchiefs with embroidered nursery designs in eor n-er, box of 3 50t; Fancy Folder ftandkerchiefs for children 10c Our varieties of the lesser expensive grades of sheer cotton hand kerchiefs are practically unlimited 10c, 12c, 15c anil 17c Japanese Crepe de Chine Fancy Printed Border Handkerchiefs, 35c, 50c, 05c niul 75c Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, with initial 15c and 25c I'laln Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs at prices that prevailed Iwo and iliree years ago. because we still have thousands of dozens of them which we bought at that time— Special at 12Vd•—20-e value. Special at Hie—2sc value. Special at 220—35 c value. Dives, Pomeroy *• Stewart, Street Floor. Men's Shoes of the Better Kind Dr. Itred's Cushion Shoes like walking on velvet.sll.oo Dulton's Wide Toe lUtsalun Calf Uluchcr Shoes, rubber heels, sl2 Fallon's Hemline Cordovan Bui Shoes, rubber heels. ... sl3. on Dulton's Dark Kusstu Calf Bui Shoes, Zip last, rubber heels, sll Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street IIARRISBURG TELEGRAPH The Famous Oz Books By L. Frank Baum Big books, inches, each with 100 or more illus trations, 12 or more in full color. Each volume with some distinctive bookmaking feature. Gay picture jackets. ■The Uand of Oz. The Patchwork Girl of Oz. Ozma of Oz. Tlk-Tok of Oz. ~ ~ , .. .... , The Scarecrow of Oz. Dorothy and the Wizard Rinkitink in Oz. °f ° T - " Tle Ix)st Princess of Oz. The Road to Oz. The Tin Woodman of Oz. The Emerald City of Oz. The Magic of Oz. Price, $1.50 per Volume Good books for children predominate in the showing of our holiday line. From the wee book series, with col ored illustrations at 30<* each, to the larger and more elaborately illustrated— Mother Goose, Robinson Crusoe. Arabian Night. Fairy Tales ' priced at $3.00, the line is replete with the most charm ing and entertaining stories for the little ones. Wee Books for Wee Folks These are just the bedtime stories that mothers need for noddy little heads. They will give pleasure to todd lers even when told over and over again every night. Profusely illustrated in colors— Mother Goose Nursery The little Wlso Chicken. Tales. The lxjng Ago Years Mother Goose Nursery Stories. Rhymos. Piffle's A. B. C. Rook of The Foolish Fox. Fanny Animals. Three little Pigs. Tho Wish Fairy of tlio Tho llobber Kitten. Sunshine and Shadow Forest. Tittle Black Sambo. * Tlio Four little Pigs that The Ilttlo Small Red lien. Didn't Have Any Mother. Tlio Nlglit Before Christ- Tlio Wee Folks' life of mas. Christ. Price, per Volume The Go Ahead Boys By ROSS KAY The Go Ahead Boys on The Go Ahead Boys in the Smugglers' Island. Island Camp. Tlio Go Ahead Boys and The Go Ahead Boys and the Treasure Cave. the Racing Motor. The Go Ahead Boys and The Go AhcAl Boys and the Mysterious Old House. Shnon's Mine. Price, per Volume Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. $5.00 $5.00 Hats Hats Down to $5.00 Goes a Group of Smart Dress Hats Formerly Up to $20.00 We must provide room on the Millinery Floor for Holiday 'goods and do it quickly. This means the immediate clearance <of a lot of hats, which have been grouped for speedy dismissal from stock and marked down to $5.00 regardless of former prices. Every conceivable type of hat from the snug turban to the extreme picture hat is represented in the collection. m ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Flannelette Gowns Flannelette Gowns, novelty stripes in pink and blue; col lar, collarless or slip-over style. $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 All-white Flannelette Gowns with or without collar, $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. The Garden Spot of the Store Th e Christ mas Flower Shop in the <X Millinery Section, X * where dcco rati v e flowers of every va riety may be bough separately or fillet in fancy baskets for JmmX your own home oi for gifts of ran Filled baskets fo. ..."v as 98£. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. More of Those Fashionable Fur Collar Coats For Women Have Come In For the Week-End In originality of line, fabric and develop ment, these fashionable Coats may well be considered among the season's choicest of- Each garment has been designed and fashioned with a full Winter's service in mind. JWtf/l'k 1 They will, we are quite positive, come up to ( /ftUjLJhJj) your every requirement and expectation. rffifJTul uh In no other showing this season, we are iS lAMi willing to wager, will you find coats of better j j f $ -J/fl /mmk qualities at these exceedingly moderate '"/ jj Among the most favored fabrics are: % si I , Velour, Silvertone, Bolivia, Chameleon and j V J Crystal Cloth, in Reindeer, Burgundy, Ox- J j|> fj ford, Brown, Navy, Taupe and Black. Many %iy , Y styles show collars of natural raccoon, Hud son seal, nutria and Australian Opossum. ' Price, $42.50 to $125.00. ' J* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Secoml Floor.' > • Christmas Lamps Are Lighted • Women's Some nook in the home of a friend no doubt would Lace Shoes be beautified by the addition of a lamp. An oppor- HFHflHßjfffflrf' tunity is presented from our large Christmas stock Black kldskln lace shoes r r " to select any gift lamp you could desire. These aro ma( i e on a medium wide lamps are In metal and the shades are of art glass , oe j asti for CO mfort, with In manj* different finishes. The prices range from oa k leather welted flexible $5.08 to SIO.OO. soles and low heels. . .SIO.OO Metul Lamps for electricity. Many beautiful de- Brown and black kidskin signs and finishes of lamps complete with Mazdo high cut lace shoes, on slen- Tungsten bulbs. Prices from $8 to $36.00 rt er lines. The soles are Mahogany Table Lamps with basis, $1.98 to SB.. light weight and flexible. Shades to fit same $1.98 to $17.50 heels are high Louis or*Mill-* Floor Lamps in many beautiful designs, mahogany tary $9.00 finish, Japanese decorated and polycrome. Prices SPATS range from sll to $36, including fixtures for gas or Cloth spats, in ill colors electricity. Shades for floor lamps, plain and fanfiy well tailored and good flt in colors of rose, blue, gold and two-tones, $7 to $69. ting $1.50 to $3.50 AAp Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Street Floor, Bear. Women's 8 and 12-Button Length Gloves Gloves fellow the changing bloiise styles, and the new bell sleeves and shorter sleeves calling as they do for longer gloves find our Christmas Glove Section filling all needs of this description in the best quality of kid. Twelve button length, white and black Kid Suede and silk-lined Silk Gloves, black, white ° EigM button "length;" white " and " black sKi,l $ Ki,l an T d C °' orS '' -$l6O and $1.75 Gloves $1.75 Leatherette Gloves, In white and colors, ■Mocha Gloves, In gTey and beaver, with fancy $1.50 and $3.25 embroidery $3.75, $4.25, $4.50 Children's Woolen Gloves and Mittena Washable cape skin Gloves, In tan, grey and 650 and $1.50 pearl $2,00 and $2.75 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street WM-, Winter Underwear For Men and Women: ManyStylesof Union Suits November has given us a taste of real Winter weather and incidentally warning that it is time to change to seasonable weights of underwear, Wo have the style and kind you prefer. MEN'S I NDKKWKAR WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Heavy natural wool shirts and draw- Heavy white cotton ribbed fleece lined era $2.50 vests and drawers, regular cizes, Heavy natural wool union suits. .$1.50 eX v£Ji}?,f ß 1,*7 i.7''C* ,7 '' *!'~J , Medium weight white cotton ribbed Heavy Egyptian cotton ribbed union vests and drawers, regular sizes, $1.00: suits, fleece lined $2.00 extra sizes . $1 25 Heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers, White cotton' ribbed union suits, med , . $1.25 i um weight, regular sizes, $1.00; extra Boys heavy cotton ribbed, fleece lined sizes $1 25 union suits, sizes 26 to 30, $1.00; 32 to White cotton' ribbed' union" suits, 34 $1.25 sleeveless, knee length 50c Boys' heavy natural wool union suits, Pink .cotton ribbed vests, bodice $2.00 to $2.50 style SDt- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Hear. The Best Corsets For Active Women Specially flexible, non-rusting boning allows all the freedom of motion the vigorous woman demands and provides sufficient support to keep the back muscles from tiring. We are anxious that every one of our patrons be correctly corseted for both comfort and style. To attain this end we are featuring these models: Madame Lyra $5.00 to $18.50 Bengo Belt $3.50 to $8.50 Mi Lida $5.00 to $25.00 La Camille, front lace, SI.OO to $15.00 Nemo $5.00 to $8.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Christmas Gifts For Little Tots Wee tots are usually so hard to buy for that we Suggest these acceptable gifts: Infants' Bootees, Hot Water Bottles, hand dec 30c, 500 to $1.50 orated $1.25 Infants' Crocheted Caps, Japune.se Quilted Hobes, 75c. SI.OO to $3.05 $3.50, $1.50. 6.5 to SIO.OO Infants' Sweaters, Beacon Blanket Bath Hobes, $2.25, $2.95 to $5.05 sizes 4 and ti SJ.S to $3.05 Infants' Beggings. Beacon Blanket Ruth Hobes, .. $1.05 to $2.50 8, 10 and, 12 ..$3.95 uml $1.05 (Jap Tunings 50c and 75c Japanese Quilted Robes. Celluloid Novelties, hand dec- $0.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.50 orated 25c to $2.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dolls, 50c, sl. $1.95 to $5.50. Second Floor. Fresh Groceries For Thanksgiving Planning the little side "frills" that add so much to the feast, is really an easy task when you bring your Grocery list to us. Our fresh Groceries mean success with all your preparations; and. of course, you wouldn't forget including one of our good Coffees with your Thanksgiving Dinner. Government packed bacon. Coffee, 3 lbs 98c lean and fat streaked, 12 lb. Rellned table salt, 4 lb. box, can. U> 29c 10c L,ord Calvert coffee, steel cut, Snowboy washing powder, 2 rich aroma, 3 lb. can .... $1.75 packages 9c Vanilla flavoring, quart bottle None-Such mince meat, 2 49c packages 2#c Gluten flour, recommended White table syrup, gallon 1 by physicians, 5 lb. bug... 98c bucket 98c California prunes, 3 lbs.. 98c: Sugar corn, can lie lb 35c Babbitt's white naphtha laun- Bliie Valley creamery butter. dry soap. Special, 4 cukes, 25c lb Hanlflush, 25c can 19c Pecan nuts, lb 35c Mayonnaise salad dressing. White tunic syrup, can -• 14 oz. bottle 35c White flouting span, 10 cakes. Swunsdown prepared cake 51c flour ./. 25c and 43c Crisco. for frying and short- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, enlng. lb 35c Basement. NOVEMBER 21, 1919 Store Hours 9 to 9 Silverware For Thanksgiving Many patterns shown. Including fin' "Ldnoobi," a beautiful plain IMitteni In Rogers'. ware— Teaspoons, one-half doz., $1.50 Dessert Spoons, one-half doz., $•2.75 Tablespoons, one-half doz., $3.00 Coffee Spoons, one-half doz., $1.50 Orange Spoons, one-half doz., $2.25 Soup Spoons, one-balf doz., $3.00 <riavy Ladles $1.25 Soup Ladles $2.75 Berry Spoons $1.50 Cold Meat Fork SI.OO Individual Salad Forks, one-half doz .\... $3.25 Individual Butter Spreuders. .one-half doz $2.98 Tomato Servers $1.50 Child's Three-piece 5et....51.50 Baby Spoons 50c Knives and Forks, one-half doz., each ss.9'' Silver Plated Casseroles with Pyrex Lining $6.98 to $8.98 Sheffield Piute Sandwich Trays, $3.98, $5.08 and $6.98 • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers