26 Classified Advertising Puts You in CAIID OF THANKS Mrs. Warfel wishes to thank the neighbors, friends and organizations , for their kindness and sympathy to )ir in her recent bereavement, also for the beautiful tributes. LOST AND FOUND 1 jOST—WaV.-h fob on black ribbon from l-'orster to Maelay on Third St.. on Maclav bridge or corner Cameron or Dauphin Sts. Initials W. K. D. Iteward if returned 262 Forster St. IX'ST—On Saturday at football game or in city afterwards, a plat inum "bar pin. Kinder will please no tify 1420 St. LOST—One bag 100 pounds Leban on bologn between Hill market and Broad Street Market last Friday. Re ward If returned to E. G. Slabaeh, -.o Chestnut St. STRAYED from stable at 344 South Front St.. Steelton. Thursday night, five Holstein cattle. Reward if re turned to above address or call Dial 9238. , INSTRUCTIONS TINDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting. Englwu. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic., etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. „ t tpov BERKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Berkley PRIVATE or Class teaching in Oastllian Spanish. Seventeen years experience in Puerto Rico. from New York Women s High School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar, $33 Maclay Street. Bell phone 2004\1. NOTICE WE play for parties, banquets ana all private occasions. Zembra Maudo lin Club. P. O. Box 625. HELP WANTED —MALE COST ACCOUNTANTS COST PRODUCTION EXPERTS CORPORATION AUDITORS TRAFFIC MANAGERS We want at once fifty or more callable men to quality for expert cost accounting and auditing positons with large corporations; also a nuni her of men needed for tax reports and Kovcrnment accounting and lint Mate Commerce. m Our home study training qualify you in eight to twelve month;. It is the most practical and thorough training ever offered Every member of our fatuity is a tVructlclng C. I*. A. we train you from the foundation. No previous expfefi- p'hone for interview with our manager. Appointments may be made for any day or evening or satur dav afternoon. Telephone 3-99. " R. A. WARNER. Registrar, 26 North 18th Street. WANTED EIRE BRICKLAYERS PIPE FITTERS OPEN HEARTH FURNACE MEN Apply EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. MID YALE AND ORDNANCE COATESVII-LE WORKS. -COATESVILLE. PA- "• WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., STEELTON, PA. WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job. Apply NATIONAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION. FAIP. GROUNDS, CARLISLE. PA. WANTED —Young man for sales man in shoe store. Opportunity to learn business and to advance your self. Experience desirable, but not necessary. Address Box R-8123 care Telegraph. MACHINISTS, handymen and spe cialists experienced in railroad, con tract jobbing shops, on general work. State age. experience. Steady work and good wages to reliable men. Ad dress Box 0-8131 care Telegraph. FIRST class machinists and mould ers Labor conditions satisfactory. McLanaliun-Stone Machine Co., Hol lidaysburg, Pa. FOUR men with newspaper or mag azine experience; guaranteed salary and commission, good chance for ad vancement. See Mr. Datesman, 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED Non-union carpenters, trimmers and rough hands; steady winter's work; good wages. Apply 89 New York avenue. N. 15., Washing ton, D. C. WANTED —A reliable chauffeur for operating a small Vim delivery truck. Steady employment to right party. Donaldson I'aper Company, 113-115 North Second St. GOOD tool makers or machinists. Write or phone 157, The D. Wilcox Mfg. Co., Mechaniesburg. Pa. (Continued In Next Column / > FOR SALE An unusual opportunity on Pine street —a 3-story brick dwelling, with an Imposing front; contains 11 rooms, reception liull and two bathrooms. Attractive price to quick buyer. A very desirable Green street residence —A 3-story brick dwell ing; one of pair; contains 10 rooms, bath and pantry; front agd back porches; gas and electric lights; steam heat; modern throughout. Possession two weeks. A modern brick dwelling on Relly street; near the river—Con- tains 8 rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and electric lights; fin ished floors; gas range; large liv ing room; two strairways; front and hack porches; other attractive features. Miller .Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members Üb|. Real Estate Board FRIDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN-i OTHER. LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODY" EAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATE 3 IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR - LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply in person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. LABORERS' Wanted for general work on plant. Permanent employ ment. Chances for promotion in accordance with your ability. APPLY - EMPLOYMENT BUREAU CENTRAL IRON & STEEL CO. I • AUTOMOBILE TRI.MMERS and top men. If you "want work in the National Capital under the best working con ditions, in a daylight shop, cafe, etc., in the building for. employes, we have opening for five first class men. Mr. Garages will be at the Penn-Harris Hotel," Friday, November 21. for interview. SIMMES MOTOR COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D. C. v WANTED ONE FIRST CLASS PLANER HAND. THREE FIRST CLASS PATTERN MAKERS. THREE FIRST CLASS CORE MAK ERS. STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. I TRKAftWELLTSNGTNEBRffICG • COMPANY, Kaston, Pa. WANTED Boys over 16 in lasting room, also experienced operators on sluggiiV machines. Appjy DEVINT & YUNGEL SHOE MFG. COMPANY, 16th and State Streets. WANTED —Twp young men over 22 years, desiring to learn salesmanship. Will you be satisfied with S2O per week while learning? Call 410 Patriot Bldg. SHIPPING CLERKS—An out-of town concern with a branch in Har risburg and other cities. Have open ings for several men, who have had experience as shipping clerks. We offer steady positions to reliable men. good salary, opportunity to-travel and advancement. State age. experience, married or single, with references; if willing to leave town on an occasion al business trip, all expenses allow ed. Write us fully regarding your self in own handwriting. Address Box E-8159 care Telegraph. WANTED —A stenographer, one familiar with figures. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second St. SALESMAN for clothing depart ment wanted for Saturday afternoons and evenings. Butler's. 219 Market St- ACCOUNTANCY—SpeciaI coaching in accounting under nationally known C. P. A.'s. Prepares for Cost Work, Auditing, C. P. A. Work. Civil Service jobs pay S2OOO to S6OOO, others up wards to SIO,OOO annually. Supply is Insufficient. ix>w tuition. Easy terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. For full par ticulars and appointment, address In ternational Accountants' Society, Box E-8267 care Telegraph. WANTED—Sexton for Camp Curtin Memorial M. E. Church. Must be ex perienced lireman. Apply to B. l'\ Moses, 1827 N. 6th St. MACHINIST, must he A-l journey man. ali around mechanic; exception al opening out of city; good salary to start; unusual opportunity for ad vancement. State complete experience and age. Address Box G-792S care Telegraph. GREEK or Roumanian, experienced as chipper on castings; must read and write English; steady position, high wages; out of city. State, experience fully and age in own handwriting. Address Box W-7926 care Telegraph. LEARN a trade and earn while you learn. Some .of our students are mak ing $l2O a month while learning. We can place you. We teach aeroplane operating, piloting and construction, automobile mechanism, wireless tele graphy or radio telephone. Write for particulars. Auto and Aeroplane Me chanical School. Ilarrishurg. Aero drome Office. 25 North Cameron St., llarrisbutg. Bell 1710. Dial 3065, STEEI, car repairman, must be thoroughly experienced on this work front the rails up, special work. Al position, high salary to man meeting requirements. Give full particulars, where lust employed and age. Address Box 0-7820 care Telegraph. WANTED Platen pressmen: good wages; steady employment. Apply at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Stpte and Cameron Sts. WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax !iang. | SHEARMAN In sheet mill; A-l ex perienced man only; excellent salary and opportunity for advancement to man meeting requirements; position out of city. Give complete description of experience and age. Address Box S-7927 care Telegraph. I HELP WANTED—FEMALE JOIN THE BELL FAMILY Several young women are need ed to till vacancies in our oper ating force. WE OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES Good salary—periodic increases Permanent employment Opportunity for promotion Carefully chosen associates Meals served at cost Comfortable rest rooms Sickness benefits Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' " Employment Department, 208 Walnut Street. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. ' SI IK, SILK. SILK Silk Operators Good Learners 0 If steady work is what you want anil short day and best pay. Apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern lieiseU THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY, ( Cameron and State Sts. WANTED—Two strong - girls for' lauudry work. $9 a week to start Apply Sanitary Family Washing Co., 16th and Elm Sts. SALESLADY for ready-to-wear de partment wanted for Saturday's. But ler's, 219 Market St. WANTED—Reliable gtrl or woman to assist with general housework. Apply 1 North IlarHsburg St., Steel ton. GOOD strong reliable white 'woman wanted for day's work. Must furnish reference. Apply 1504 State St. WANTED —Girl or middle aged woman to make herself generally useful around restaurant. Apply in person to New Enola Restaurant. Enola, or Dial 3654. WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —Middle aged white wom an of good habits bo care for two small children. No extra work. Good wages and gcfbtl home for right party. Address Box X-7747 care Ttlqgryjjh. WANTED—GirI or middle aged woman to do general housework; no cooking; $8 per week; state age and whether white or colored. Address Mrs. E. J. Peiffer, K. D. No. 3, Lan caster, Pa. WANTED Experienced girls on paper box Work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Canjeron St. HELP WANTED—Mate and Female ■ t'.'ojr "larfht scl> i 'r' WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pp. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn 32,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. . AGENTS WANTED AGENTS making good selling Blue Rock Sanitary Cleanser; washes clothes without rubbing; no'-blueing required. Box 75, Swedesboro,- N. J. WANTED—Live man with Ford to demonstrate and sell the J. C. M. Ac celerator. Liberal proposition. J. C. Mewshaw, 17 Stk. Exch. Bldg., Balti more. Md. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG man wishes position as ehauffeui, has had six years' experi ence. can do all repairing work and furnish reference. Call Bell 659 R. MAN wishes position as night watchman or elevator man can fur nish reference. Address W. G. Fair, Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED —By a young married man, position driving truck. Can fur nish reference. Apply at 1202 Market Street. WANTED —By colored man, porter l work in private family; references.! Inquire 227 River St. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE | WANTED—A practical,, -purs 4 do- ' sires nursing in private family. Ad- ! dress 1000 Green; St,-. ' WANTED —A girl want's place in a doctor's office and to do, 1 light work around house between 'School hours. Apply 1232 Cowden St.-, WANTED—A' girl Wqjtls place be tween school hours or Work in office, or light house work. Apply 1218 Cow den St. MIDDLE aged woman wishes a no sition as chambermaid, dishwasher or day's work. 416 Granite' Avenue. | WHlTE,woman wishes cleaning toj do lour days u week or housework. 1 sl.sd per day. Apply .1404 James St. YOUNG' lady desires position for; office or clerical work, has grammar; school education and good penman- | ship. Apply 501 Hamilton St.. city. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE furnished room for gentleman, use of phone and bath, near 12th and Market. Phone 5277 J. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for respectable employed woman preferred, use of hath and phone. Apply 514 Emerald St., or llell ■IS7IJ. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, second iloor, for light housekeeping, well heated. Apply 528 Camp St. FOR RENT —Two rooms, electric light and water, strictly private. $lO per month. No children. Apply 324 Reily St. SELECT accommodations for one'or two, in private family, references. Bell phone 624. Dial 4957. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second Iloor for light house keeping; use of bath. Call. Bell 254\V. l'Olt KENT—Two furnished rooms .on second Iloor front and th'lrd floor ifrdnt. gentlemen preferred, but must furnish best of reference. Call at 22 South Fourth St., during duy or 121 I Conoy St. from 5 to 7 p. m. , 1 s**N jn HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Touch With Opportunities HAVE YOU AN EXTRA ROOM? Rents are high. If you have a spare" room, why not find a tenant for it, of the desirable kind and lessen the cost of-living burden a little? ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two completely fur nished rooms for light housekeeping, liqt water and sink in kitchen. Ap ply 5fS Woodbine St. FOR RENT—Furnished two light housekeeping, third floor rooms, all conveniences, electric light, no chil dren. Apply 101 Evergreen St. NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third Street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED—Young man desires room and board in private family; all con veniences: centrally located. Address AV. H. liaiipt. care McFall & Son, Third and Market Sts. AV ANTED Young man desires room in small private family, central location preferred, A-i references. Address Box L-826fr care Telegraph. AVANTED—Young woman desires furnished room, vicinity of Thirteenth and Perry preferred. Best of refer ences. Address Box X-8205 care Tele graph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 FOR RENT—Apartment of four | rooms and bath, furnished, at 18th and Market Sts. inquire Dial 4376. FOR RENT—Apartment of three rooms and bath on second floor. Ap ply at 2002 State Street. FOR RENT—At 214 North Second street, second story flat, seven rooms 1 and two baths. Can he divided. Two rooms facing Second street. Apply at j"2s l'ine Street. , , ; , APARTMENTS WANTED ! FURNISHED apartment "fir small |house wanted by refined young couple with small, family. Must have same hv December 1. State particulars. Ad dress Box Y-8264 care Telegraph. WANTED —A furnished apartment or three rooms suitable for light housekeeping, with all conveniences, by a refined couple with no children. Can furnish best of references. Box" R-7751 care Telegraph. A prominent business man and wife wishes to correspond with parties who will have an apartment vacant Jan uary 1, or a private family who wishes to rent out entire second floor unfurnished. Address Box A-7752 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PAYS 17% PER CENT. The most attractive investment In ah apartment house ever offered in the history of the real estate world. Situated in the most desirable and selective district on Front street, (facing the river). Lot 60x200. Rental income S7BOO per anryim. Completed November 1919. Address all inquires to Box No. R-8621 care Telegraph. FOR SALE Immediate possession, house 2427 North Sixth Street, porches, stea.n heat side and rear entrances, all modern improvements, favorable ttrmS " C. H. KINTER. 300 Commonwealth Trust Bldg.. Harrisburg. Pa. TWO 2% and ?-story brick houses, all improvements, on HtU and up town some vacant; possession at onceV S2OO to SSOO down; pay as rent. C. H. CORDF.R. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. i.Tivt —On easy terms, 1003 r vvhili- 1212 and 1214 Berryhitl; KU Penn street; 1624 and 1026 North Seventh St.; 2355 and 2361 Prospect Setenur v.. ts. mugt b( , secn to Sfiggwrja: ' HOFFBR ST.. 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bunga low seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other improvements. Bell llealty Co., Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—No C 8 N 12th street. 3-story dwelling; exterior and Interior recently paint ed' all rooms papered and equipment' ir.'good order; extra lot at side ot' house. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. NEW HOUSES —For sale and now open for inspection; -419 perry street; brick construction, well finished, most modernly equipped; open fireplace: lot 20x100. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. ! HOUSES FOR SALE—Now vacant 'or icon to be vacated; 2419 Ilerry; 68 N l"th: 3202 N. 4th; 3124 Main St.. 1 i'enbrook; cor. llrisban and Swan Sts., I Pax tang; 1020 Chestnut St. Get par ticulars soon. Bell Realty Co., Bergner [Bldg. "> BUY YOUR HOME on the rental nnyment plan. Small cash or Liberty : Bond tlrst payment required, balance as rent. Wc have houses in every "part of the city and suburbs. Apply |A. P. Doranz, 1220 North Sixth street. I FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 1611 i Green etreet, 8 rooms and bath. Chas. j Adler. 1002 N. Third St. I FOR SALE —214-story frame dwell ing. air modern Improvements. Apply 16 N. Front St., Wormleysburg or call j Dial r.un BROWN Ave... four 214-story frame . bides., for sale at a sacrifice if sold at 'once; good Investment; must sell; for i particulars apply at 1024 Market St. I'AXTANG Several desirable properties for sale; three corner prop erties: good locations and prices rea- I sdnublc; all improvements; one now I vacant. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. J (Continued in Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" BRAND NEW AND VACANT NO DOWN MONEY: SAME AS RENT Seventeenth and Paxton Streets — Seven rooms and bath. hardwood floors, steam heat, gus and electricity; a real modern home; front, and back porelies; built In pairs; driveway in tear. 12TH ST., N., CS—VACANT; 3-story eight renins and bath, newly painted and papered, gus and electricity. aH iimprovements; house in first class; condition; possession at once. JEFFERSON ST.. 21UO 3-story ] brick; eight roonts and bath; all mod ern improvements; in good condition; driveway in rear; small amount down, balance as rent. CAMP HILL— 1',4-story bungalow, nine rooms and hath: very beautiful home; nice big front porch and lawn; gas and electric lights: steam heat: everything that goes to make up a modern home; right price to quirk buyer. - A GOOD INVESTMENT FRONT ST., 607-09—3-story brick; eight rooms and hath, all improve ments; the very best of location for an apartment house; can be bought right and converted into six apart ments at a small cost. D. ASA SANDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATE ON MARKET ST. Three-story brick containing eight rooms and storeroom; all improve ments; house in first class condi tion throughout, now rented for $G6u annual; possession can be had in 30 days; owner must sell on account of sickness; act quick if you don't want to loiso this opportunity. For quick sale $6,800. Address Box D-7919 care Telegraph or call Bell phone 4593. - HIGH CLASS BUNGAIjOW. SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH. ALT, IMPROVEMENTS COR NER OF RUTHERFORD AND SWAN STREETS. PAXTANG. I OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23. I TO 5 P. M. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. RHORER & SON. Bergner Bldg. . PARK ST—S3SSO will buy a seven room. brick front, porch house, elec tric. immediate possession. 18-acre farm, new buildings, good location. KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. 307 Kunkie Bldg. Botli phones BY paying S3OO down and sl9 50 per month for one year will give you a deed to 1837 Fulton St.. with nine looms and bath. Now renting for sl7. H. G. PEDLOW. 1201 Chestnut St. Bell phone 972J ON EMERALD ST.. No. 331, corner dwelling, modern brick stucco, six rooms, bath, gas and electric lights, steam heat, roontl for garage. Bell 48SJ. J. C. Behney. SO9 N. 2d St. FOR SALE—Penbrook property; frame house, eight (8) rooms and bath, all improvements, lot 21x162. Will sell cheap. Inquire of E. Meck ley, Fishburn Apts., I'enbrook, Pa., or Bell phone 3512 J. VACANT house for sale; 6 rooms and finished attic. Possession at once, trice SI2OO. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St. near Front. FOR SALE or will exchange for ether property, one 3-story ' brick. 9 rooms, all conveniences. Room for garage in rear, located on Sixth St., between Pefter and Maclay. Call Bell I 4667. .. FOR SALE Suburban —2373 Canby, Penbroolt, 214 -story, single seven-room frame house on lot, 30x200 fpet, corner prop ertv. cement walks, good garden, fruit trees end garage. Apply 1929 Park St.. or Bell phone 52i11. FOR SALE Calder St.; frame; 7 rooms $1,500 Balm St.; frame; b rooms 2,200 Muencli St.; all improvements .. 500 Boyd St.; brick; all imp 2,500 Currant St.; brick; 8 rooms.. 1,500 Currant St.; frame; 6 rooms... .1.000 Williams St.; frame 1 q o u LINCOLN REALTJf 80. 1129 N. Seventh St. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 05l Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler. 1002 X. 3d St. FOR SALE 1918 Penn St.. brick $3600 1943 N. 4lb St.. brick ijfpilill 1918 Park St.. brick 16000 2427 N. Sixth St.. brick ! I>6ooo 1820 Fulton St.. frame SI9OO Easy payments. I). A. CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589 FOR SALE A new modern. 6_-room house locat ed on a lot 50x175 feet midway be tween Swatara Station and Hockers ville. Pa. The house is equipped with I a good steam heating system, large pantry and attic, partially equipped bath room. A good sized garden in good condition adjoins a weil-gradcil var.l tilled with shrubbery and trees There is a poultry house in a good sized poultry yard. In the poultry yard is also a stable large enough for two automobiles. A well of splen ! did water is near the kitchen door I The home is located within a 5-cent fure to Hershey and Hummelstown and within a 11-cent fare to Ruther ford. No reply to any request within four days will Indicate that the prop el ty is sold. Apply to S. S. Shearer, Shtppensburg, Pa., for particulars. BUYERS FOR BUSINESS. BUYER'S FOR HOUSES. BU\ KKS FOR FARMS LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH m YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE i SALINGER & MILLER, 44 UNION TRUST BLDG. ' BELL PHONE 2769 (Continued In Next Coliuna) For Employment--the Rest Is Easy 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E FOR SALE Oyster I'olnt Ave.. Camp Hill. 8- ■ ronn ''welling; all improvements; lot' 120x120, price s.'lßoo j Nintli St., New Cumberland, double] name dwelling; good condition; all; ; improvements, price, each ... ~ .s'sooo ; 2020 North Kifth St.. a\>*i*tment | i building containing three modern | apartments of Hve rooms and bath | i each. A good investment. 1T 0 Market St.. 0 room brick! ,dwelling; elegant condition, gas, elec-i trie, light, steam boat, lot 21x00. price i I attractive. i I I ; Seven-loom dwelling with two, ■ acres of ground, located in Shire-, | manstown. Price SSOOO, I 1 939 Swatara St.. 6 room brick | I dwelling, all improvements, price • $2500 : Exceptionally attractive suburban] I properly located on the highest point] |in Washington Heights: lot 155x265, j I 50 hearing fruit trees, elegant shrub | bery. 1811 Zarkor St.. 2-story brick j (dwelling, good condition, price s29o'Jj i Vacant property on Bowman Ave.. ! Camp llill. large lot. steam heat, very (attractive. Price $4500 •i BRINTON-PACKER CO.. i Second and Walnut Streets | POSSESSION SOON FOR SALE—I9SB Bellevue Road, fine 3-story brick semi detached dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, gas and electricity, steam heat. etc.. rear drive way Plot 33 6-oxloo. Just listed to-day. BACKEXSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Itui rishurg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. i ; ! FOR SALE-—Market St., Camp llill.j 2VSsr s tory brick house; all conveni-, i.nces, front and side porches, front land side entrances. Address Box S-7734 care Telegraph. ' FOR SALE —$2500 will purchase 9- ! room brick house, 1307% Wallace street, all improvements. Inquire 318 ! Hummel St. | HOUSES in all.sections of city sold' on easy payment plan, ranging from | $1,001) to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 I j Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. j FOR SALE—Brick house, 403 Hum -1 mel avenue. Lemoyne; all improve ments; tine large porch; price $4,800 inquire 300 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. ltcal Estate For Sale or Exchange _ . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE On togn property, I -.acre farm and 30-acre farm. 6 to 8 mites from Harrisburg; pos session at once; clear title; SSOO down; pay as rent. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560.1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1, prop erty now occupied by Swain, Hick man Company, consisting of One office. * Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft. Suitable for auto accessory or sim ilar business, requiring space for storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop erty now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting 6f Two-story frame building, 38x155 feet. L-shapc building adjoining, 38x60 feet. Suitable for auto repair and paint shop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars apply at 126 South Second Street. FOR RENT—In Mechanicsburg. fur nished house December 1 to April 1. Modern improvements. ('all Bell phone 2794 or 107 J. Mechanicsburg. Only refined couple accepted. FOR RENT —Eight rooms, finest view in city. 33 sunny windows, sleep ing porch, hot water heat, gas, S4O per month. Call 1219 State St. FOR RENT—632 Boyd avenue. Va cant. Apply Clinkon M. liershey, 14 South Second St. REAL ESTATE WANTED Will buy any number of dwellings and make imme diate settlement if sold at very reasonable terms. Ad dress Box C-9016 care Tele graph. WANTED—B-room house, modern imp., central part of city preferred No children. Can furnish references. Address E. R. H., care Telegraph. WE will save you time and annoy ance from agents and advertising, by buying your real estate direct. Send us full particulars in your letter and we will buy your properly if the price is right. Address P. O. Box 625. FOR SALE or exchange for city propcrty, a 1918 8 cylinder car in good condition, lias run 7.00(1 miles. Address X-7908 euro Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. Y I'AHMS FARMS FOR SALE 15 acres SI7OO 16 acres <OO 24 acres 2000 28 acres 2901 30 ' acres 2600 29 litres 4200 48 acres it oo 65 acres ...... 3500 72 acres 2000 116 acres 4200 128 acres 59C0 150 acres 3900 DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut near Front FOR RENT Fnrm containing 130 acres; located in Cumberland county. H miles from thi* city; first class buildings: level !und; good soil. BRINTOI"-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut .Streets I i I (Continued In Next Column) NOVEMBER 21, 1919 FARMS FOR SfcALE—An A 1 stock or grain farm nnd would make an A 1 fruit farm. 187 acres, large bank barn, 8- lootn nlone house and outbuildings, best of water supply. 7 miles from city; possession at once. Price SBSOO. S4OOO can remain at 6 per cent. 135 acres cultivated land, 5-2 acres in woods and pasture. FOR SALE—IIS acres farm, best of soil for trucking. S-room frame house, large bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. Possession April 1, 1920; located 10 minutes' walk from trolley. .Cumberland county. Price! slls per acre. CHAS DA VIES. Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 1519 State Street. Pell 4162 R. Dial 4930 j TRUCK FARM, 9 acres, 9 room l house, near school and trolley. Price, I $1,300. Stock farm. 127 acres. 8 room house, large lank barn, good outbuildings. I land in excellent condition. Price, $5,700. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. nepr Front 43-acre farm, 10 roomed brick house, stone bank barn and outbuild ings. Productive soil and running water. Price $2600. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut near Front. TRUCK farm, 24 acres, 8 room | .house, lank barn and outbuildings, good fruit, rich land. Price s2,uou. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut St. near Front FOR SALE—OS of good timber I land. Inquire K. L. Mumma. Bell i phone 106.1. j FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS j THE CLOW "GASTEAM" RADIATORS i I MATCHES t For kindling GAS for fuel STEAM for heat. I See free demonstration KITZM ILLER'S DRUG STORE, I 1325 DERRY ST. | Everv day and night this week. ' AUCTIONEER IIITE ! 422 S. 13th. Bell 1875 J. E. E. HOEKNER, 4*21 Hummel St. |, I FOR SALE Overstuffed tapestry, 3-plece j parlor suite, valued S2OO. Sale, price $165. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—Leather couch and small oak table in good condition, in quire 1820 Chestnut St. | FOR SALE—Black Pomeraining ; pedigreed dog, ! % years old. 5 pounds, I price reasonable. Inquire 1204% j Bailey St. Bell phone 2900 R. j HANDSOME mahogany grandfath er's ciocl:, 118 years old and in perfect] I condition. Address Bell phone 2883,1. I FOR SALE—Adding machines. Ah makes at reasonable prices. Write for price quotations. General Adding Ma chine Exchange. 327 Broadway, New York City. FOR SALE —Acorn cabinet gas range, five burner, self-lighter, good as new. 1317 State St. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and'welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. R. Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE—Long pine wood. 12x12, 7 to 10 feet long. Robert Brown. 143 j Linden St. ' FOR SALE —Two modern oak ward robes. suitable for men's or women's Clothing htore, cheap to quick buyer, clothing store, cheap to quick buyer. Apply at once. A. J. Lehvman, 37 S. j Front St., Steelton. IVOR SALE—Upright piano, good condition. bargain. Address Box 0-7748 care Telegraph. FOR SALE —Two girl's Dayton bi cycles, also one large folding bed with incased mirror, cheap. Inquire 429 Broud St.. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 11. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors. 1 various sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 185 7 Bell phone. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,0u0 new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE I'. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE OItPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris jSchmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. CENTRAL Furnishing Store, sec ond-hand heaters, $4 up. ranges >n good condition, $lO up. Must be sold in next 15 days. Also big bargains in lugs and linoleums. Come an 1 see. we will try and convince you. Open even ings at 3-4 Reiiy St. Closed all day Saturday. x WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS OLD FALSE TEETH Samuel Corb. general buyer of false teeth, gold, silver and silverware, relics and antiques of ull descriptions, also linn's clothes and shoes and furniture. Highest prices paid. Send postal to 1109 Cowden St.. Harrisburg. and 1 will call. Keep this ad. WANTED to buy second-hand used coal range in good con dition. Call Bell phone 1774 M. ELECTRIC coffee mill wanted. What have you to offer. Lock Box 630. Steeltoii, Pa. WANTED —Second-hand banjo, ten or or banjurine, IJ-1912 Lenox St. WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smelts. 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone 3321 J. BELL PHONE 5370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. BUSINESS OPPORUNITIES GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box 11-9016 care Telegraph. , FOR SALE or rent, one of the most complete restuurunts in Central Penn sylvania Will rent room and sell fix tures or lent room with fixtures. Do ing big business. Can clear five thou sand a year. Address Owner, caro of Telegraph. i" (Caattaae* In Next Caltuan) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES _ ■''OR ALE—A well established and piofltublo implement and hardware business in Carlisle, p a . The decision to dispose of this business results from the death of one partner and the necessity of settling the estate. 1' or particulars and terms address l, M 'l: '.1 a ?. -Jackson, surviving: partner < of h. H. Jackson & Bon.. Carfisle. Pa. GROCERY for sale. 5-year leasa with heat, s2o rent, doing good bust ness in good location, cash business and no cut rates, clean stock and flxZ teres at inventory. Call Dial 3809 fo* appointment. — j BUSINESS PERSONAM A. LANE New and second-hand furnltorn V?o.FiJ and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2; ' ' W , IK IT'S painting, exterior or inter ior or paperhanglng, let me quote yoU a price. Quulity and service Is my motto, prices consistent with tlia quality of work I do. D. W. Bixler. Susquehanna St. Bell phona 1 1C06.T. j" OOUDY & HILNER, building con [tractors, jobbing a specialty, all work guaranteed satisfactory. 1530 G'athar | ine St., City. j OXY-ACETYLENE WEL DI N O—i I Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed bv oxveen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan I Street. Bell 4396 J. B i PAPERHANOING AND PAINTINtj —First class work. Chilcoat Bros. | 333 Harris Street. ! DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. !" RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —. < j Single edge, 25c doz., double edge 35a ' doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. : QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you thla .changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PiIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off lif taken in time. Gross Drug Store. [ll9 Market street. ' KUHN I TURE CRATED. J. 71 j Bishop. 11 36 I,ogan street. Bell 2632 R. j - FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND * LOOK OVER DISPLAY. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS. ABOVE SHOE STORE Bell Phone 1577R FINANCIAL SAFE INVESTMENTS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HIGH GRADE FIRST MORTGAGE BONP.S. I LOW PRICE. HIGH YIELD. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR.. 130 Walnut St. | Bell phone 518 J. Harrisburc INVENTIONS of merit reap rich rev turns. yet olftimes the originator misses his reward through lack of training to present. I work with, tot and in the inventor's Interest. Ham ilton Practical Draftsman, 125 Sootlt Eleventh St. INSURANCE DON'T TAKE Any unnecessary chances If It's anything In the line of insurance, v handle it. J. SCHOOLNIK, 21 Spooner Building. Fire. Life, Casualty Insurance a specially. MONEY TO I/O AN NOTICE We have taken over the accounts of the Profit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ments at our office. Others who desire small loans may be accommodated upon application to us. Co-Operative Loan and Investment Company, 204 Chestnut St.. Harrißburg. Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO -132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bidg- Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL FINE HIGH GRADE PIANO FOR SALE On account of moving unexpectedly. Big bargain to quick buyenTime pay ments to reliable buyer. Call at 718 North Sixth St. or Bell phono 1036 M. HARRISBURG TALKING MACHINE HOSPITAL, 1303 North Sixth Street. Talking machines repaired and supplies a specialty. Call Bell phone 2184 J. WILL sell grand piano for balance due on lease. $lB5. Address J. W. Miller.' 1319 Perry St. _ TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South I-ourth street. FOR SALE— Square piano. sls. In quire 109 Evergreen St., between and 4 p. m. | FOR SALE—A good toned Living gton piano, in condition, very reasonable. Can be seen at 2*9 South 13tli St. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler s, 11 South Fourth Street. FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. falxta street. STORAGE STORAGE warehouse space on P, end R. siding; well located; sufficient to accommodate ten car loads oC stock. Phone Bell 3333. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Prlvata rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooma tot household goods in fireproof ware house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 445 South Second street. STORAGE —in brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Dioncr. 408 Market Street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page \ L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers