24 NAVAL PREPARATORY SCHOOL ELEVEN PLAY HERE TOMORROW-AFTER TECH'S SCALP" LAST BATTLE FOR BUCKNELL TEAM Play at Carlisle on Thanksgiv ing Day; Lauster in Lineup Lcwisburg, Pa., Nov. 21.—Buck nell will close the most successful football season experienced In the last decade when its gridiron war riors clash with Dickinson, at Car lisle, on Thanksgiving Day. The an nual contest between these institu tions have become a fixture on both schedules, being played alternately at Carlisle and Lewisburg on Turkey Day. Although Bucknell will enter the fray with a decided advantage in comparative scores, tho Dickinson ians are regarded here with consid erable esteem. The Orange and Blue has downed Gettysburg 17 to 0, while the Battlefield collegians won from Dickinson 7 to 0. On that basis. Coach Reynolds' men should push over a victory next Thursday. Lauster Right Guard There is no indication of a shake up, at present, in the Bucknellian lineup. Coach Reynolds has put Lauster, the lineman, who formerly played with Harrisburg Tech. at right guard in Rosenbloom's place. Rosenbloom suffered a wrenched ankle in the Gettysburg fracas, and he is on crutches for the remainder of the season. That is the only change expected, providing no other regulars are hurt in the few remain ing days of practice. Basketball practice was started this week. Following a call issued by Captain Townsend, more than 30 aspirtants for the five have started their season's work. The schedule will contain more than 25 games, and by far the most attractive ar ranged for a Bucknell basketball season in recent years. cfletvarfc JgflKi Sfioe Stereo Co. * WORLD'S LARGEST SHOE RETAILERS. HARRISBURG STORE 315 MARKET ST., Near Dewberry THE STEADILY INCREAS ING DEMAND FOR King Oscar Cigars has been met by increased pro duction in our factories. We have been working day and night to supply you with your customary supply at the same price of Seven Cents John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. FRIDAY EVENING, EDISON READY FOR HARD GAME Meet Mechanicsburg Tomor row; Anxious to Win Last Out-of-Town Game "Shorty" Miller, coach, is rapidly rounding out the Edison squad for Saturday's game at Mechanicsburg. Since several of the players are able to go over by auto the coach has about arranged plans whereby he can take the entire squad with him. The team realizes that the game next Wednesday is the important event but also want to put up a good game at Mechanicsburg to-morrow. The spirit of the school is being aroused and it is expected that a large number of rooters will follow the team Saturday. Team in Good Shape The entire squad were put through a light signal and scrimmage prac tice last evening. The men are in good shape for the game and will make Mechanicsburg play hard for any points they may make. The game will likely start with the fol lowing lineup on each side. MECHANICSBURG EDISON Drawbaugh .. L. E McLinn Bentz L. T Heagy Thornton .... L. G Fellers Tate C. . Bihl Stevens R. G Cassell Slyder It. T Selser Stahl R. E Kelly Sponsler Q. B Lentz Fulton L. H. B Snyder Barnes R. H. B ".. Nye Baker F. B Barringer or Dreese SNORING AROUND "You know my brother?" "Yes. we sleep in the same pew at churdh." —Cartoons Magazine. SNOODLES By Hungerford ? HA-HA I .) HOW MANY DIPS Do 71 ffe^£ Y THP _ \ BRILLIANT IDEA •( Vou W,SH ; Beez.ez. , ( J PRECIOUS \|M Fooli n f~j> OPV 1 / scene: ~ W WILLARD WANTS ANOTHER FIGHT May Meet Fred Fulton in the Fast Before New Year New York, Nov. 21.—Jess Willard, ex-champion, and Fred Ftilton, the ponderous plasterer of Rochester, Minn., probably will be exchanging swings in this vicinity shortly after the first of the year. The ponderous plasterer will arrive from London next week. Willard is uttering plain tive means from Lawrence, Kan., to be given another chance to kiss the canvas and last but not least, it be gins to look as though the next ses sion of the New York Legislature would pass the Army, Navy and Civil ian Boards bill to permit twelve rounds to a decision. The combination of these three cir cumstances point to the bout. Some of those who seem to have the inside on solons and boxers are willing to assert already that New Yorkers will have to lock the city gates and throw out barbed wire entanglements to keep tho match away. Kicknrd In Busy Tex Rickard. who promoted some of tho biggest prize fights of late years, has ljeen making a few coy references to the possibilities of a Fulton-Willard match. It is more than probable that Rickard will do a little promoting around New York when boxing is restored, in addition to his work as matchmaker for the International Sporting Club, of New York. But there are a few others who arc trying to bring Fulton and Willard together. Dave Mackay, the Jersey imprtsurio, will be at the dock to greet the plasterer. David has an armory and everything and would not have to wait until next year to pro mote a boxing bout. David also would like to match Fulton again with Jack Dempsey. When this proposal was made to Jack Kearnk, the manager of Demp sey flicked a perfumed handkerchief and said: "If Dempsey ever lays eyes on Fulton again he will knock him out without any formalities of matchmaking." But in these days ot conservative business such things are notations. No prize fighter of to-day would waste a possible fifty thousand dollar wallop on the desert air or the barroom air—which is the same thing at the current writing. MIDDI.KTOWN WANTS GAME The Mlddletown Juniors basketball team has organized and is ready for games with teams averaging in age 15 years and weight 115 pounds. Games out of town are wanted. All teams desiring a game communicate with Donald N. McCord, 429 North Union St., Middletown. frOWLING ACADEMY DUCKPIN LEAGUE CUBS Shupley . ... 106 123 155 384 Lou 11l 92 97 300 Sible 110 111 104 — 325 Nunemaker . 70 115 91— 276 Burger . ... 142 146 138— 426 Totals ... 539 587 585—1711 SENATORS Shields 103 126 90— 319 Buela 114 114 114— 342 Foger 109 128 121— 358 Julius 93 118 186— 397 Hennenkamp 115 115 115 — 345 Totals ... 534 601 626—1761 Schedule for Monday, November 21 Yankees vs. Indians and Red Sox vs. White Sox. To-morrow night the Academy Stars will play Dull's New Cumberland team on the Acad emy alleys. CASINO TENPIN LEAGUE COLONIALS Barnes .... 170 159 C 10—539 Yowler .... 152 190 159 501 Biever 156 162 151 — 469 Jones 143 177 161— 481 Hepford . . 1663 195 134 492 Totals ... 784 883 815 —2482 JOLLY FIVE Basch 224 225 155 604 Fletcher ... 178 212 198— 588 H. Miller . .. 152 158 148— 458 A. Miller... 171 180 161— 512 Smith 171 166 158— 495 Totals ... 896 941 820 —2657 STANDING OF THE TEAMS Teams— W. L. Pet.. Majesties 13 5 .722 Jolly Five 13 5 .722 Orpheums 12 6 .666 Crescents 7 8 .467 Colonials 4 14 .222 Alphas 2 13 .133 RAILROAD LEAGUE INSPECTORS Mann 156 156 145 — 457 Hoke 130 124 166 — 420 Collins .... 121 150 134 405 Zeiders .... 122 134 130— 386 Smith 183 138 134 455 Totals ... 712 702 709—2123 PIPE SHOP P. Leisman . 188 148 168— 504 Kepford ... 179 147 135 461 Hunk 143 102 100 — 345 Beck 150 197 169 516 Cookerly ... 188 167 173 528 Totals ... 848 761 745—2354 Schedule for to-night Electric ians vs. Enginehouse No. 2. LEMOYXE LEAGUE BAKERS Tonler 99 118 135 — 352 Eesher .... 110 70 98 —278 Atticks . ... 101 89 114— 304 Stettler . ... 90 89 94 273 Stall r 120 95 122 337 Totals ... 520 461 563—1544 MERCHANTS Picker 115 116 141— 414 Browell .... 95 147 129 371 Reiff 89 88 111— 288 J. Reefer . . 77 86 125 288 Palmer .... 106 183 81 — 370 Totals . 480 664 587—1731 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TECH HAS HARD GAME IN TAKING ON NA VY SCHOOL; CONFLICT ON LATER DATE Tech High will meet the Naval Pre paratory School of Washington, p. C.. to-morrow afternoon at Island Park. Steelton will be the Thanksgiving Day attraction, and Erie High School has been scheduled for Saturday, No vember 29. The latter date is also claimed by the American Legion for the Army-Navy battle. A double header has been suggested, but this is out of the question. P. L. Grubb, faculty athletic direct or, will confer to-day with the Amer ican Legion managers. Football fans are anxious to see Tech in the big championship game and also look to the Army-Navy game as a good at traction. That there will be a satis factory adjustment is the general be lief. The Naval Apprentice school of Washington, D. C., comes with a rec ord of not having been scored on this season and should give Tech a hard battle. They claim that they are unable to secure games with the Southern High school because of their own strength. In addition, at 1.30 there will be another battle be tween the Melrose team and the Tech reserves. These two teams battled several weeks ago for one hour and at the end of that time the Reserves had made one touch- LEGION BOOSTERS CALL PLAYERS Army-Navy Candidates to Meet Saturday Afternopn at Local Y..M. C. A. Plans for the Army-Navy game, in Harrisburg, Saturday. November 29. at Island Park, will be com pleted to-morrow afternoon. A meeting wil be held in the Central Y. M. C. A. gymnasium at 1.30 p. m. It is urged that all prosepctive can didates for both the Army and Navy teams met with Charles W. Thomas and Josiah Wilbur, of the American Legion at that time. After all the candidates have been listed the two teams will elect cap tains and plan for practice. Com plete details will be announced at this meeting. The local men in charge desire all soldiers who play ed football abroad, and Navy men who played football during their service, to join in this big event. Names handed in to date include: Some Stars on List Bennett, Gill, Schreck, Warner, Siler, Carmichael, Henderson, Rea gan, Chubb, Wolfe, Gibson, Taggert, Kilheffer, Cook, Schlichter, Jerry Frock, Mutch, Eddie Harris, Dick Gregory, Clarence Beck, "Bones" Boss, who will be on the Navy team. There will be others. If it is im possible for the Navy to get a com plete lineup they will be given an opportunity to take on other players. However, it is the belief there will be at least twenty candidates on each squad. The meeting schedulel for to-morrow will be over in time for the game at Island Park. Those w"ho cannot be present are requested to send in their names. Manager of Texas Baylor Praises Local Fight Fans; Compliments Joe Barrett Texas Baylor, who broke a bone In his hand during a fight with Johnny Gill at the last Steelton show, is improving, and hopes to be able to resume his engagements within two weeks. He is anxious to get another chance at Johnny Gill. In a letter to The Harrisburg Tele graph his manager, J. E. Cain, has the following to say: "I now find time to think the fans of Steelton and Harrisburg for the treatment they gave me and my fighter, Texas Baylor, when he in jured his arm in his bout with Johnny Gill at Steelton. "As soon as the docetro examined Baylor and announced that he was unable to continue, every one in the place was satisfied and there was not one kick registered. The fans certainly proved their sportsman ship, and as soon as Baylor is O. K. I will be glad to box Gill again and show the fans what this cowboy can do after he gets warmed up. "I would also like to state that if Promoter Barrett continues to give the same kind of shows as the last one it won't be very long until he will have to get a larger place, as the boxing fans will grow with each show. I also have a boy I would like to show in Steelton against Billy Angelo. He is Paddy Sylves ter, who is just out of the service. "Paddy was n boxing Instructor in the Southern training corps and also won the lightweight championship of the above corps. Sylvester is no stranger, having boxed several times in Harrisburg, beating Tim Droney the last time he fought there." Rote Back in Game Is Hope of Coach Keady South Bethleliein, Pa., Nov. 21. There will be no more hard work for the Lehigh squad before to-mor row's game. Coach Keady is satis fied with the condition of his men and intends to give them just enough work to keep them on edge' from now on. The coaches concentrated their efforts id perfecting the varsity In their new formations. The men down. Melrose will be out l'or re venge. Frank Ont of Game To-morrow Captain Frank will not enter the battle because of his injury. He . will strengthen himself for what is to come in later cham pionship games. Another lineman who may be out is lloffsommer. He has been bothered with a bad throat that threatened him with quinsy. "Johnny" Smith will start at center; Aldinger and Ellinger, guard; lloff sommer and Arnold, tackle; Eman uel and Malick, end; Lingle, quar terback; Beck and Garrett, halves with Wilsbach, fullback. Books and several other first string lads will get a chance as soon as it is seen fit. The varsity contet is scheduled for 3 o'clock. The probable line up will be: NAVAL SCHOOLTECH. Bowman. I.e. Malick, I.e. Durity, l.t. Arnold, l.t. Cox, l.g. Comfort, l.g. Hutchinson, c. Smith, c. Jarvis, r.g. Ellinger, r.g. Wedding, r.t. Hoffsommer, r.t. Fraiser, r.e. Emanuel, r.e. Philger, q.b. Lingle, q.b. * Hamel, l.h. Garrett, l.h. Miller, r.h. Beck, r.li. Byers, f.b. Wilsbach, f.b. ran through the signals with a smoothness and snap which was the best seen since the men have been given the new plays. Harry Rote appeared on the field none the worse for the hard bump received in Wednesday's scrimmage. His reappearance has relieved Coach Keady of a lot of anxiety. Although Rote is not expected to start at quar terback he is almost sure to be sent into the game and is being counted on to give the enemy plenty of trouble with his clever open-field running. -SHE MEANT HIM He —There's something about you I like. She —I always thought you were the most conceited of men.—Florida Times-Union. mel l° wness is so enticingly different You never ■ tasted such a cigarette! Bite is eliminated and there B \ c is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty 'v. aftertaste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor! H B9 ||| Camels are made of an expert blend of choice nil ... Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are Carnal* are o !•> ttt A y>• NVRV JH scientifically H Wo'S". smooth and mild, but have that desirable full-body ■ carton. Wm strongly recommend this carton for # , # th. how or o/Bce supply or when yo„ trevei. and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous H - _ measure. They are good all the way through and B §fl may be smoked liberally without tiring you: I taste. You will prefer this Camel blend to ;BiF\ either kind of tobacco smoked straight 1 W, . Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the .ft JMm. I \ world at any price for quality, flavor, J ~satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not m/w Mf R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY M ■ Yl ■ Winston-Salem, N. C. ,i' . - AMATEURS LOSE BOUTS ABROAD Donze Only American Is Vic torious in Denmark Battle Uncle Sam's trio of amateur box ers, who are touring Scandinavian countries, encountered an unexpect ed setback in their initial foreign appearance, according to a cable gram received at New York A. A. U. headquarters. The team is com posed of Aston Donze, of New Or leans, national 115-pound cham pion; Frank Cassldy, of the Ozanam A. A., New York, national 135-pound titleholder, and John Burke, of the Willow A. C., of Pittsburgh. Of the trio only Donze came through his first bout victoriously. The team arrived at Bergen, Nor way, November 10, and made its first competitive appearance in a tournament conducted at the Sparta Club, Copenhagen, Denmark, last Saturday night. Donze drew as his opponent one Holm, and gained the judges' award rather handily. . Cassidy exchanged blows with a boxer by the name of Johansen and was defeated in three stiffly contest ed rounds, according to the cable gram sent by Emil Andersen, secre tary of the Sparta Club. Burke met a tartar in the person of one An dersen, who gained-a referee's de cision over the Pittsburgh boxer. Whether this meant that Burke was knocked out or was beaten in an extra round match was a matter of conjecture with the local officials, but the opinion was held that Burke was defeated on points when the judges disagreed, inasmuch as the cablegram stated tliat 'the bouts in which Cassidy and Burke partici pated were close. Burke has never experienced the sensation of being knocked out since he started his amateur career more than a year ago. a APPROPRIATE "Did the medical captain get a military funeral?" "Certainly. They fired three vol leys of paratyphoid shots over his grave."—The Home Sector. NOVEMBER 21, 1919 Camp Hill High to Open Basketball Season Tonight The Camp Hill High School var sity five will open the season on the Camp Hill floor to-morrow evening, ANNOUNCEMENT Having contracted with the INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA for the sale of the FULL LINE of machines manufactured by them for 1920, we want to invite every farmer and every person, who is interested in Implements and Repairs, located in the territory covered by us, which embraces Mechanicsburg and vicinity, Camp Hill and vicinity, Shiremanstown and vicinity, Dillsburg and vicinity and Lisburn and vicinity, to call at our place of business and examine this stock. Being conversant with, the needs of the farmer, our object in taking on this line is to give SERVICE to the farmer. • • • . You will find us equipped with a full line of REPAIR Parts. Should we however, be caught with out a certaiii repair in stock we can still render service, as we are equipped with service men, and have our own pattern department, machine shops, welding and blacksmith's departments. .We feel we. can help YOU and WE know YOU can help US. Come in and get acquainted with our line and us. POTTS MANUFACTURING CO. Mechanicsburg, Pa. having as an opponent the Tech High Olivets. The Camp Hill line up is as follows: Nell and Freese, forwards; Wilson, center; Sponsler and Haines, guards. Substitutes; Gross, Stern and Kilburn. Play will be called at 8 o'clock.
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