"The Live Store" jj L "Always Reliable" | i *~ i *~*' rT * r ' <r<r^'y^^'r^'rl ] I I | * *"'*'* -VJVJVJVJTJTJTJTJYJT i' Good Overcoats: im ' are * : $35, S4O, $45 : : Your Store'' j: | * A iiiAAAiAA A A; g '*- ± ±_± -*- Doutrichs "Overcoat-Fair" * Is the greatest achievement in big business and enthusiastic interest that we have ever promot ed, and as you well know, this is a "Live Store" at all times, so you can imagine the great number of people who are coming here for their new Fall Clothes at our exceptionally low, reasonable prices. S3O sjc $49 -145 *SQ V A man's first duty is to provide food, shelter and suitable wearing apparel for himself and family, we needn't tell you how very scarce houses are, or certain articles of food. These shortages have made good business for the shoe mer chants because the daily walk in search of everyday essentials has worn out a great many pairs of shoes during the past few weeks. The clothing situation is causing alarm, also "good clothes" were never so scarce with the manufacturers as they are today —They simply can't get cloth to make clothes in sufficient quantities to fill their enor mous orders. They think they are doing remarkably well to deliver twenty-five to thirty-five per cent, of their orders, so you can easily figure what's going to happen to the other sixty-five to seventy-five per cent, of their orders . The "Overcoat-Fair" has been a great saving of time and money as well as energy to thousands of people this year for when, our customers came here and found out what a wonderful stock of good clothes we had at so much less in price than they expected to pay, they went away pleased, telling their friends and neighbors about our good values. They in turn investigated and were delighted at finding our stccks and prices just as it had been their money, and this endless chain of co-operation from our kind and generous patrons has made the "Overcoat-Fair" a phenomenal success. Get your thanksgiving clothes now—Ycu can save money at Doutrichs. ■Vy•,VTVWWTTT T V V y "T V T V T T t * j j; The Boys Are Coming to | the "Overcoat-Fair" • C M FXIDAY EVKNXBSKi, HAKRISBURG (flfiSjl lEEEGK3CFH IDomrichSj Some merchants will simply not get half their pur chase because they waited late to buy. The early orders had the prefer ence and we are thankful that we were in the early class and, that large proportions were shipped to us in July, August and September, gave us a chance tp get a big stock on hand when thd season opened and we have been better prepared to serve you than almost any other store in Pennsylvania. NOVEMBER-21, 1919 I- 1 : Tomorrow a Big Day j; at the " Overcoa" : < A A A A A A AAA A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers