STORE CLOSES (O ijjj |i| jm-% STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT SIX SATURDAY AT SIX nEI 'I' ITOl — a 3S UNITED HAIiHIBBUHO. MONDAY, NOVEMBER IT. 1918. FOUNDED Jgl T NJ'Z'OZ' A Tomorrow Is Brown Day Jn tfie Piece Goods Department EEE'I!S £"SS£ mmW ■ SJK Thi t d ? ,or wc , present in H r, of rf r^ d fora! B,ack hMIIy we also take the op- If started, Navy stood second, now comes the color that bids fair to reach the top rung il the number of sales portunity of remind- J or sc ' ec Pon. Surely distinctly rich, and embraces many hues from a sombre tan .y rrj from week to week ing you that this store to a dark Seal Brown. '1 he following silks and woolen dress goods are here in ||-f ( bear evidence of its will close every even- SSgflHjl 1 ample quantities and of dependable quality, with the most reasonable prices to be WtMWnTwmGS) popularity, ing as usual and will obtained. - , If you arc contemplaA- This is in accord lIK § fjjjl , BfOWn Silks Rmwn strated brfore^^mS with the established 7, OIIHO DIOW II WOOltllS a decision as to the type andwe°cer C ta inlv a n - ffikW/JrE ! 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta; $2.00 to $3.00 yard. . , ill wOTk There arc washers and ' •. , , £ y P lYtff (MfM if? I 36-inch Messaline; $2.25 to $3.00 yard. 54-inch Brown Silvertweed; $4.9 a yard. ■ lw, washers ; some good some p eciate the co-opera- I M 36-inch Satins; $2.50 to $4.50 vard. 54-inch Silvertone; $5.95 yard. fljll bad some fair, but there is from our customers to 36.inch Tncolette; S7.SO to |§5S. 54-inch Brown Heather Chinchilla; $5.95 yard. %;4 enable us to continue an-u" a*? 6 e-Vnl 116 ' y 54-inch Scotch Mixtures; $4.95 yard. We sele , cted . th easy the policy. This policv x tw tl an ' , 54-inch Brown with hair line stripe; $4.25 vard. Vacuum Electric YVasher .V v • rJPvP M 40-inch Charmeuse; $3.75 vard. c ,< • 1 ™ t- ,-i , - Ait.Ymf mf after having a number of ake possible moie 40-inch Satin Pershing; $3.95 yard 54-mch Brown Fur Cloth; $5.00 yard. ® others demonstrated to us efficient service by our 40-inch Satin Sublime; $4.25 vard 54-mch Flufftex; $9.50 yard. by various manufacturing your advantage Satin ; to shop more leisurely 35-inch \ elutina Velvet; $4.95 yard. a4-inch Brown Mixture Jersey ; $4.50 yard. man Club Plan. Ideal for during daylight hours. 27-inch Velutina Cords; $3.00 yard. 54-inch Brown Broadcloth; $4.95 yard. Christmas. I BOWMAN'S— Fifth Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. !___ A Domestic Science " ~ I Redfern Corsets Fireless Cooker J I I I I comfortable pre isure or re For Christmas 1 home andTprove o^ great Special Pre-Holi-day Sale of ing contour of the fashion M in fuel and food. 900 J &lICV Tlirkish ToWels '1 he high-grade, econom; Pictu / c /ourself pre- ~ - # ±'"'"lwMAN's-s^nd UH Handkerchiefs For Christmas Gifts ' ——— Fairv cook appears n who ~ TUII TaSll lOlied Silk 25c Each Now On Display Stockings $2.15 attend to the food while it is cooking. I will see to it These handkerchiefs were bought in 1916 and .A knowledge of labor troubles and a known S— that it is cooked the way you want it— roasted, baked, have just been received in the U. S. A. four weeks difficulty in delivery of Fancy Towels induced advantiire of wearing full fashioned silk steamed, stewed or boiled perfectly. You will not ago. They are of fine Swiss imitation Appenzell, us to e " er th f ™\ ket A a " d P' ace our order f at an to have to come into the kitchen once to baste, turn or full size. If we were to purchase these same unusually early date. \\ e are reaping the benefit lit corrfctK- ire m re serv iccTl ie than poor fit stir the food. You will not have to worry for fear handkerchiefs at today's market price, we would of t llß action now, in so far as we have in stock. stockhms These stocking ire of fine that it will scorch, burn, dry up or overcook. Your be obliged to sell them at double the price we are read - v f ? r ,ns P ectloI b one ot the most varied and * ' t ckuag.. 1 ese ae ot hne time is your own, you can do with it as you please, now quoting. As gift season is rapidly approach- comprehensive assortments of Fancy lurkish fi f i , J J 1 ' and when the family is ready to cat, there will be ing, we would urge you to purchase some of Towels we have ever had. The patterns arc from l)latk an(l Nxmt e, ready to serve the most delicious food that has ever these, as they are sure to meet approval at 25c ie est a . nd best efforts of the designers, bowman's-Main i ioor. been brought to your table. each. brought out in each of the most desirable colors. • A Domestic Science Fireless Cookstove is the reali- bowman's—Main Floor. The prices are based on the figures we paid at , zation of all this. the time of purchase and not on the much higher #&HMI Sold on the Bowman Club Plan. wholesale prices prevailing to-day. bowman's —Fifth Floor, for Fine Furniture Vv 0111611's BIoOITIPrS Notethe range of prices—Fancy Turkish T UIIJUI 3 XJUJUIIICIS, JJL Towels, 50c, 75c, SI.CO, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Al7 , 0 i r ,. Fine quality pink cotton bloomers; full sizes; A selection of these ,towels can be matched , S Why Bowman S Hair Goods Shop exceptional values; 55c pair. with est sizes and face doths Ci: Is Patronized Extensively B— Dance." The new evening slippers are a pretty Lj |7 | complement to the lovely evening clothes of I Mfi I I "•|7" C peace time gaities. Demure Black Satin for Dccdusc uur quamy mercnanaise wun reason- X X Milady who prefers, then there are pumps in able prices, bring good results. " 4 Patent Leather and Black Calfskin. Because daylight is plentiful and its privacy T - ' J l Satin Pumps; $8.50. Kid Pumps ; $9.00, enables each customer to match without em- j /ll /J "f~ h*f\t* ft*/I "h H P Patent Leather; $9.50. barrassment. JL rvCf'l/ JL {Jf [/1 tv y ' tit/ I seasona ble colors are here in spatsj Special Short Stem Switches, Gray m _ § • s.soand., bowman-s—Main noor. ,ncl sso ° I I rend of Fashion ■, T, . I KjlJk .'jalja, White Ivorv ————_j >/ These attractive dresses appeal instinctively Drummer S Sample Pine of / j their artistic beauty of lines and color har- \ Christmas is but six weeks away. Yes, six ( Af 71TI monies. \ weeks, and the prudent buyer who takes time byj f inpn ctnrl \1 /J Li Law\ the proverbial forelock, is already making judi*> ailU ivicrcenzeq i iWjitt I<>X re ect t e distinction and finished V up and laid away for the Christmas gift. White Cloths iinH Sr*CirfQ •MJUPyfI&P grace of individual modes. \ \BBiIB ivory offers so many beautiful pieces in various Hff - D ' Mwkr Gracefully clinging Velvets, airy Tulles, -Mfil thing that is appropriate for another lady frieni ZD/o yJJJ Kegular r rices " 'Mfi-Zr , 1 many, many women start with one or two The line consists of Table Cloths, Napkins JRi • BUp P le T f etas a " J Sa,i " es ur Real Laces are IHR\ X fs '° fro '" l ° Unt " short lengths of Linen Huck, suitable for guest used in their fashioning. The newest pastel We have a large assortment of combs, brushes, towels, and miscellaneous pieces. m shades, exquisite colors and Navy or Black are * / / mirrors, jewel boxes, hair receivers, powder as SrVTn' \ ' all re P~ d in thi —We. f £lsc"£' A^^^i the advantages of this opportunity. m h 0 j d any article. l|M Sizes, 14 to 44, $29.50 to $150.00 '' Givea J^£ h ; r istmas '' BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. \ Mmmmmm MONDAY EVENING. BAIUUSBDRO HSBftl TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 17, 1919. 3
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