16 EYour Business Going Ahead Under Fall Speed. Find the Helpers You Require the Classified^ 430O8SKPaEaS3K3!B3B3E5asaS3E£i Deaths HETTBI IKi—Died. Saturday. Novem ber IS, 1019, Mrs. Louisa A. Rettbu; g. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p. m., from the residence of her son. 124 Hoerner street. Relatives and f I lends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial pri vate. fARVRH—Died, Saturday. November 15. 1919. Mary Ann Farver, aged 17 years, S months and 28 days. Brief funeral services will lie held Tuesday, November 18, 1919. at 1 p. m. from the home of her daugli; ter-in-law, Mrs. Annie Farver, 70, South Front Street, Marrisburg. The hody will be taken to Mount Fleas ant. York county, at 2.30 p. m. where services will take place in: the Fhurrh of God at that place. I Burial will be made in the cemetery j adjoining the church. ' Book—Died, November 16. 1919. John Thud Book, aged 78 years. 2 months! and 27 days, at his residence. 15221 North Sixth street. Funeral services will be held at the, above address on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited lo attend without fur ther notice. Burial Harrisburg cem- j nery I IX M KM OR I AM j IN MEMORIAM CHARLES W. HARTWICK. j • DIED NOVEMBER 16. 1318. ! God's linger touched him. and he slept, i In sad but loving remembrance of ( our dear mother. Mrs. Mary Mader, | who departed this life November I<. j 1918. on< year ago to-day. Gone but! not forgotten. j BY HER CHILDREN. I In sad but loving remembrance of our soldier son. Frank S. Miller, who, nied November 17, 1918. Gone but not forgotten. Softly now the light is falling on a quiet grave. ! Where there sleepeth without: dreaming One we loved but could not save. Oh! do not ask us if we miss him. For there's such a vacant place. Oft I feel his presence near me. lltii nt more 1 see his smilinfi lace. Yet I know that he is happy In the mansions of the blest. Where there is no hour of parting. Just one sweet eternal rest Bv his broken-hearted mother and father, Klverda C. Miller and John K., Miller. I I/O ST AM) FOUND | I.OST Driving glove between T'nion Trusi and Forney's drug store.] Monday morning. Reward if returned t,o 332 Crescent St. J LOsl —Saturday afternoon between i • 'onipton's on Second street and Ken- j nedv's drug store, a Georgette waist. Reward if returned to 1129 N. Seventh) Sleet. j IX3ST—On Saturday, pearl and sap- I i hire out l>in between Broad Street, and the Wolfe corset shop. Reward it returned to Miss Wolfe. 224 North Second St LOST—3SxS Firestone retread cord | tire with rim on road between i Speeec'.Tlle and Steelton. Reward. Ad . I,ess liox .1-7745 care Telegraph. I LO^T —Saturday evening between 6 and 6.30 p. m. going from Third and Reilv Street to Broad street marker. 1 lack astrakhan collarette. Return to 1513 Notth Third St. IXJST —Thursday pair of girl's shell rimmed glasses in case. Reward if r tui ned to 118 Washington St. or phone D6SJ LOST—Near Camp Hill. fema.e beagle pup. white with black and tan spots. Liberal reward. E. E. Sheesley. . 3907 P.cllevue Road. Bell 3u481>. 1/JST— black pocketbook on i Broad street, containing SB. two door j Ktys* hnd receipts. Kewurd if returned ( 571 Primrose St. | instructions I "INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting. English, i Bookk-cping. Penmanship. Antnme tic.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL; OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. I t-,il 125. Dial 4016. kKCKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ! 121 Market St. Chas. R. Becklev PRIVATE or class teaching in; Casliliun Spanish. Seventeen years j experience in Puerto Rico. , Dip-Ulna from New York Women s High, School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar,! 235 Mr.clay Street. Bell phone 2ao4\\. X OTICK WE piay for parties, banquets anu ; ail private occasions. Zembra Mando- i ]>n Club. P. O. Box 625. j lIEI-l' WANTED—MAI-IS WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL TLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. STEELTON. PA. INSURANCE men to solicit for in dustrial fire insurance, either full time or side line, by the largest com pany in America, first class contract and opportunity for advancement. Ao j'iv 9 to 12 a. m.. Manager's office. Room 5. 29 North Second St. WANTED Non-union carpenters, trimmers and rough hands; steady winter's work; good wages. Apply 39 New York avenue, N. E., Washing ton, D. C. TAILOR wanted at once for old and new work; good pay. M. Fadh, 32 S. Ninth St.. Lebanon. (Continued in Next Column Three Desirable Residences For Sale NO. 1032 X. FIFTH ST. Detached, 3-story brick dwelling. 8 rooms, bath and pantry; gas light; furnace heat; front, side and back porches; cemented cellar; lot,, 32x100 ft. IM >IEDI ATE I'OSSESSIO N NO. 2141 X. FIFTH ST. Three-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; combination gas and electric lights; furnace heat; front and back porches; laundry in cellar; sells at a low price. NO. 233 MACLAY STREET A 3-story brick corner dwelling; contains 9 rooms and bath; front and back porches; steam heat; gas and electric lights: lot. 17x99 ft. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Miller Brothers & Co. I.OCUST A.ND COURT STS. ItEAL ESTATE IXSIKAME SL'HETY BONOS SlVmbera lib*. Heal E(uie Hoard MONDAY EVENING, rIW-*lhr"(Wi Iff- r™- - HEI-P WANTED—MALE : IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING i AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN OTHER. LOSING TIME AND MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. I ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply in person or write at j once to FACTORY' EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. I THE GOODY'EAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. ! j CAN YOU MAKE GOOD I AS A SALESMAN? . An incorporated business, making a .product universally used, with a big ! money-making future, is being ex-! | panded upon a broad scale; the meth- ( lod of financing this expansion makes i lit possible for the corporation to offer, (direct ti selected prospects in this city and vicinity a most attractive! I profit-sharing interest on a plan j I which makes it comparatively easy | I for an aggressive, capable, conscien- | It ions salesman to average a healthy | ! number of subscriptions weekly; the: I essential talking points are easily] grasped and with our co-operation the I right man of good education and ap pearance should immediately obtain] satisfactory results and earn upward! of 3125 weekly. If you can qualify for the position and make good, write us in confidence, full particulars about! yourself; state age, religion, experi-1 ence and names of former employers. No investigation will be made, and no references are required until after you are interviewed. Address Secre tary, Box 33, 1-ebanon, Pa. I CLOTHING SALESMEN—Two ex perienced men wanted. Apply to 177 |.-outh Front Street, Steelton. Tuesday or Wednesday, for an interview. j MACHINIST, must be A 1 Journey- j man, all around mechanic, exceptional | opening, out of city, good salary to 'start, unusual opportunity for ad- | jvancement. Stat.' complete experi ence and age. Address Box K-7SIS tare Telegraph. | WANTED—At once. paperhangers j and helpers. Apply Fellow's. 312 IReily St. I ] WANTED—Elderly man, steady po-j sition, to distribute cards, references required. Call 329 Market St.. Second] floor. Harrisburg. Tuesday. 10 to, | U a. m. I LEARN a trade and earn while youj learn. Some of our students are mak-j ing $l2O a month while learning. Woj lean place you. We teach aeroplane i operating, piloting and construction, automobile mechanism, wireless tele-| graphy or radio telephone. Write for particulars. Auto and Aeroplane Me chanical School. Harrisburg. Aero drome Office. 25 North Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Rell 1710. Dial 3065. WANTED —Single man over 20 years of age.for general office work. Experience salary ex pected. Address 1.-IWK. care Tele ' graph. ! WANTED—Two young men over 22] I years, desiring to learn salesmanship.; | Will you be satisfied with S2O per; ■week while learning? Call 410 Patriot! | Bldg | STHI'CTI'RAL iron workers, tem ! plate maker, layerout. positions out of eitv. high pay to thoroughly de-] pendablt- and experienced men, spe cial work. Give full particulars of ex-; perience and age. Address Box H-7Sl9| care Telegraph. , I j STEEL car repairman, must be] thoroughly experienced on this work ' from the rails up. special work. Ai position, high salary to man meeting! requirements. Give full particulars. I where last employed and age. Address' I Box O-7520 rare Telegraph. ] WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment. Apply at once. ' THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.] State and Cameron Sts. j ] WANTED —Laborers and contrac- I l tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax-; j tang. j FOUR men with newspaper or mag-j a'/.ine experience; guaranteed salary and commission, good chance for ad vancement. See Mr. Datesman, 410] j Patriot Bldg. I LABORERS WANTED On concrete work, winter job. I Apply National Engineering ; Corporation. Fair Grounds, Carlisle, Pa. HELP WANTED—I EMAI.E , ! i BELL TELEPHONE OPER ATING ,\ . j "An Ideal Occupation for . ! Y'oung Women" , ] PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS An operator's pay is increas . j ed after four weeks' training I | period and thereafter at short , intervals as she becomes ex perienced. . I | Y'oung women between 18 and 25 will find telephone oper j a ting very fascinating, clean wcrk, with unusual oppor tunity for advancement In salary and position. ■ In addition to a good salary ] our operators have a com fortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is ; served at cost. i Apply to Miss Kline. Oper ators' Employment Depart ment. Second Floor. 208 Wal j nut Street. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bcrn | heisel, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Cameron and State Sts. WANTED—Woman for mending ■I U. days per week. Apply Keystone Laundry. Wallace and Harris Sts. I WANTED —Girls to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-llarris Pupcr Box., 103 N. Cameron St. . i in Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Two strong girls for laundry work, $9 a week to start Apply Sanitary Family Washing Co., 16th and Elm Sts. | j WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom an of good habits to care for two small children. No extra work. Good wages and good home for right party. Address Box X-7747 care Telegraph. WANTED—GirI or woman, (white), for general housework. Will pay go id wages and furnish comfortable home. Small house and small family. Apply 239 Woodbine St. HOUSEWORK—AN EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: SMALL FAMILY; NO CHILDREN; GOOD HOME. APPLY 1923 NORTH SECOND STREET. i WANTED —Girl or middle aged ! woman to do general housework; no cooking; $8 per week; state age and whether white or colored. Address Mrs. E. J. Peiffer, R. D. No. 3. Lan caster. Fa. WANTED—A refilled young lady tol act as assistant three hours each evening and Saturday afternoon, one! who can dance preferred. Apply 1 to 10 p. m., 5 N. Market Square. Room 2. WANTED—GirIs to take course in j comptometer school. Experienced oper jators always in demand at good sal-' ; aries. It. H. Robinson, 208 Arcade Bldg.. I 219 Walnut St. ] WANTED Experienced girls on j paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris j Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron SC HELP WANTED—MnIe uiul Female | J WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg. Pa. I SALESMEN WANTED ' SALESMEN—-'Write for list of open ! ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 |to $ 10,000 yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Live man with Ford to demonstrate and sell the J. C. M. Ac celerator. Liberal proposition, j. C. Mewshaiv. 17 Stk. E.xch. Bldg.. Balti more. Md. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ] BOY', 15 years, going to school, de sires work after school hours. 330 | Hamilton St. j HIGH school, business college grad uate. experienced salesman, executive] lability, first class secretary, desires j position uf salesman or assistant to (executive. Address Box S-8201 care i Telegraph. : EXPERIENCED man wishes posi-1 tion as chauffeur or driving of any kind; can furnish reference. Apply I 1122 North Sixth St. , SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE | Y'OUNG lady desires position as] stenographer. typist or assistant] bookkeeper, has had experience. Can furnish reference. Call at 1201 Wai-i lace St. WANTED—Housework after school hours by colored girl. Inquire 1730 Walnut St. WANTED—Washing and ironing to do at home by colored woman. Ap ply 1720 Walnut St. ] MIDDLE-AGED lady would like ! ! position as housekeeper. Apply at ] 1402 Williams street. ] YVAN"fED—Colored woman wants ! i'ay'B work of any kind. 938 Carrie | Avenue. ! WANTED—Position as collector by | a young wrfian with business experi j ence. Address Box A-7737 care Tele i graph. j ROOMS LOR RENT WANTED—A gentleman roomer;! private family; rent $5 per week: will! i serve breakfast if desired. Apply at i 2-10 Herr St. | i SELECT accommodations for one or two. in private family, references. '.Bell phone 624. Dial 4957. : FOR RENT—A beautiful front room i furnished or unfurnished, first floor,) I steam heat, use of phone, gentlemen' 'preferred. Apply 118 Chestnut St. j I I ENTIRE third floor, two furnished] I rooms and private bath, suitable fori j light housekeeping or otherwise! re > lined neighborhood; all modern con-' veniences; use of phone. 815 North I j 17th St. j j FOR RENT—Furnished second floor! I room, all conveniences. gentlemen I ! only. Address Box Y'-5267 care Tele-1 graph. | I FOR RENT —Sitting room, bed room! ]nnd hath, suitable for one or two] 1 gpntiemen, location central. Call 252' ; Pell. THREE furnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping, location near Reservoir Park, no children. Bell 1 14S3J. NICELY furnished room for rent, j for lady or gentlemen. Apply 1524 , Gretn St. FOR RENT —Two rooms, electric' light and water, strictly private. sl3 I per month. No children. Apply 324) ! Rcily St. ' NICELY furnished, clean, warm: ft rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 142 i I South Third Street. i 1 BOARD AND ROOMS j ROOM for rent with board, use of i phone. Apply 606 Briggs St. j ROOMERS AND HOARDERS WANTED—Boarders and roomers. 1 Apply 45 N. 13th St. ' APARTMENTS FOB RENT FOR RENT—Two-room apartment, j unfurnished, all conveniences. Inquire j 2425 N. Sixth St. or Bell 1207 R. HOME WANTED I I WANTED—A good home for a girl I 13 and a boy 11. Address Box T-8262 i care. Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—S2SOO will purchase 9-j room brick house, 130714 Wallace street, all improvements. Inquire 318 . Hummel St. HOFFER ST., 2307—N0W VACANT? for sale; brick and stucco semi-bunga low; seven rooms and bath; hot water teat; other improvements. Bell Really l 0.. Bergner Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—No. 68 N. 12th street, 3-story dwelling; exterior and interior recently paint ed; all rooms papered and equipment in good order; extra lot at side of • house. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 3 FOR SALE or will exchange for ether property, one 3-story brick, 9 - rooms, all conveniences. Room for 3 gnrsgc in rear, located on Sixth St.. s between Peffer and Maclay. Call Bell 467. (Continued In Meat Column) h . 11l HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH jrn. -¥ll —, JIU .f/e . . 1-//-. ; -y/n in AVE YOU AN EXTRA ROOM ? ffi j Rents are high. If you have a spare ess : room, why not find a tenant for it. of j the desirable kind and lessen the c kpj; ot-living burden a little? j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOW VACANT ! .For Sale—33!<S N. Sixth. Will let | stand. $350 cash needed. Price j 3-0..0. Act quickly. Vacant. : ,• s *°- .1 "22 Boas. Frame dwelling: on I plot size 96x110. Bear driveway. Will let large mortgage stand. Must be sold quickly to settle estate. Vacant. POSSESSION SOON. Arrange to Move For Sale—North Third St.. No. 2216. ! Beautiful detached residence in exclu , stve residential section. Modern in every particular. All improvements imaginable. Five neatly erected gar ages in rear (facing Susquehanna st.) which net $32.50 rental income month ly. Plot 40x160. We will help finance this proposition. Only reason for sell ing—family dwindled to three. This is an 11-room house. North Sixth St.. 1 945. Fine apart ment and business proposition. Cor. I Sixth and Peffer Sts. \IAPEF GROVE 11OTFI,. cor Sixth and Maclay Sts. Plot one-half square Vfvp. with "L" shaped rear plot. size 15ux33. The width facing Sixth St. isj l-.i feet. Bet us help you finance thisj most valuable West End proposition. | VACANT PLOT. cor. South Tlur-' teentli and Kittatinnv hts. Size 60x6:1.1 A wonderfully attractive apartment proposition. South Fourteenth St. No. 109. 3-! story brick and frame dwelling. S2OOO j can remain. Will rcpaper entire j house at S3OOO price. North 15th St. No. 909. Beautiful de-| j tached residence in "Shreiner-town." Plot 54x110. Everything modern. I [Large front porch. Easily financed. | corner property. | South 17th St.. No. 812. Nice 2-story tile and stucco home with all im provements. Garage in rear. North 19th St.. SIOO down will give title to this 2%-story frame. Balance to suit purchaser. I South 21st St.. No. 957. Another ] nice 2'4-story frame (corner), with j rear driveway. i Atlas St. No. 2248, 2-Story brick, j around S2OOO mark. Derry St. No. 2907. 3-story brick, semi-detached, steam heat, gas. elee ] tricity. etc. Plot 18x100. Hear drive j way. ' Emerald St. No. 626. Make us an: loiter for this corner property. Plot ( 30x100. Kensington St. Nos. 2014-16. This pair of frames must go at $2500 soon. Good renters. Peffer St.. No. 622. What is your of fer? Nice corner residence. 1 Zarker St. No. 1423, 2'/4-story frame with rear driveway. Zarker St., No. 1807-09. two-story bricks with gas and electricity that (should attract the conservative home seeker or investor. Plot of ground at Faxtang known i on plan as Nos. 101-102, size of both 40x120. Ideal spot to build. Price around SI,OOO. SUBURBAN Aqueduct. Nice summer home of Joshua Gross is offered for sale. Plot 235x335, 10 ft. porches surround. Fine ! well water. Many, many fruit trees, [berry bushes, etc. Get an early start I for thai ideal summer home next I year, price to suit purchaser. i Knola. We have several nice homes in Em.la. including large plots of va cant ground, which will bear inspee | tion. I Highspire Cor. Eshelman and] 1 Hamaker Sts. Fine 3-story pressed brick residence on 64x120 plot, abund ance of fruit trees. 30 rose bushes ' hedgewotk, etc.. also large chicken j bouse and single garage in rea.. | I What is your offer? i Penbrook —Canby St. No. 2380. 2'4- !story frame, plot 30x190, garage room.! j Inquire about this $2500 home. I Steelton —Harrisburg St.. No. 211. Nice corner frame dwelling. I White Hill —We have several mod-I est dwellings here at attractive! prices. Also plots of ground along. 'Main street. ; Consulting this offer for rea! estate advice costs nothing. Wc should ue delighted to enlighten you on any i matter placed before us. We make a I specialtv of financing purchasers ot Ileal estate. Consult us. BAOKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. ! (Harris-burg's Heal Estate Bureau). 331 Market Street. 1 : ! I BUYERS FOR BUSINESS. BUYKRS FOR HOUSES. BUYERS FOR FARMS. LIST YOUR HEAL ESTATE WITH irs YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE. SALINGEIt & MILLER. 4) UNION TRUST BLDG. BELL PHONE 2769 FOR SALE —Brick house. 403 Hum imel avenue, Lemoyne; all improve ments; fine large porch; price $4,800. i Inquire 300 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. I ! BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty 'pond Hi st payment required, balance as rent. we have houses in every • part of the city and suburbs. Apply | A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE —A desirable home at •>45 S 13th St., also properties valued • from $1,400 to $7,000. Inquire of Mrs. , Anna M. Alleman, 245 S. 13th St.. or J Grant Koons, 401 S. 13th St., llar • risbnrg. Bell phone. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 1611 ■ Green street, 8 rooms and bath. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. EMERALD St., 333. Modern seml ; bungalow. Very desirable. Call 1814. I Dr. B. S Behney, 236 N. Second St. VERY DESIRABLE—Brick house • I for sale, 1920 Chestnut street; all I modern improvements. including " I steam heat ; do not delay as this . I neighborhood and dwelling are desir- II able and the price is right. Bell Realty | Co.. Pergner Bldg. (Continued If xt Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I "IF ITS REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" BRAND NEW AND VACANT I NO DOWN MONEY; SAME AS RENT I i—Seven rooms and bath, hardwood doors, steam heat, gas and electricity; | a real modern home; front and back porches; built in pairs; driveway in, tear. 12TH ST.. N., 68—VACANT; 3-story eight rooms and bath, newly painted and papered, gus and electricity, all improvements: house in first class condition; possession at once. JEFFERSON ST.. 2130 3-story brick; eight rooms and bath; all niod-j ern improvements; in good condition; driveway in rear; small amount down, balance as rent. CAMP HILL —2'4-story bungalow, nine rooms and bath; very beautiful I I home; nice big front porch and !awn;j gas and electric lights; steam heat;i l everything that goes to make up a (modern home; right price to quick j buyer. A GOOD INVESTMENT | FRONT ST.. 607-00—3-story brick: j l eight looms and bath, all improve-: I incuts; tlie very best of locution for an apartment house; ran he bought] right and converted into six apart-' ments at a small cost. D. ASA SANDER LIN. f \ i ROOM I SECURITY TRUST BLDG. I 36 NORTH THIRD ST. J BELL 1390. DIAL 3573 I FOR SALE: POSSESSION SOON 147 Sylvan Terrace, Improvements, 3- | _story brick S4OOO 1731 Park St., improvements, 2'A-story brick ";.$3500 liOO block. State St., imp., garage, 3- stor.v brick $5200 1400 block, Herr St., imp., 2-storv brick, side entrance S3OOO 15th, cor. Broad, imp., steam heat. 3-i story brick $56001 227 N. 15th. imp., 3-story brick, bayl window, porches $5200 1 I 'Whitehall and Regina Sts., 3-story I brick and brownstone, hot water) heat. See this property. Bargain: $15,500 o2 S. 2sth St.. 214-story frame, gar age, large lot. bargain $2450 228 and 230 S. 29th St., Penbrook, imp., large lot. each $2350 400 hiock, W T oodbine St., 3-story bit imp 6,3. 67u, 677 Briggs St., 3-storv bit., imp., each $3200 2Clh end Herr. double 2',4-story frame j house, barn, garage, ehiekeii house, I all kinds fruit, large garden, bar- Saln |Fl.ucnce St., Penbrook, double frame house, barn, pig sty, chicken house lots of fruit and large garden. Pf'-e S4BOO Eight-room, new brick house, lot 184 by 170, chicken house, pig sty, near Penbrook. Price $3500 1123 State St.. 3-story brick, imp. $4600 Any of the above properties can be had on 30 days' notice. See my list. I have other properties. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. Real Estate and Insurance. 1549 State St., cor. 16th St Dial 4930 Bell 41621! 3113 Riverside Drive for sale. 11- room brick dwelling, handsome finish, modern throughout, garage, lot 50x 30" feet. 3023-25 Second St.. 214-story brick bungalow type. 8 rooms and barb sleeping porches, fireplace, hardwood. 3200 Third St., 214-story frame, de tached, 9 rooms, hardwood. 316-18-20-22 Lewis Stt. 2-stor.v brick, 6 rooms, bath, gas and electric." 3223-25-27-29 Sixth St., 2-storv stucco. | 3224-27-29-31 Sixth, 8-htory brick, 9 i rooms, hardwood, steam. ! 2136 Seventh St., 3-story brick, bath and gas. ' VD-20-22 Cowden St., 3-story frame. j i.li.i-17 Cojvden St., 2',4-story frame. | 1117-19-21-23 Grape ave., 3-story i frame. I 511-13 Curtin St., 3-story brick, gas I an'' eleeirlc. ] 333-837-339 Emerald St., 2-story i brick and stucco. 6 looms and bath, j 20(4 Susquehanna St.. 3-story brick, ! 8 rnotns and bath. ' 2141 Susquehanna. 2-story brick. 7 rooms and hath. ! 3118 Third St.. 214-story bungalow ] (ye 8 rooms and bath, steam. Maclay St.. 326, 3-story brick house, j 9 rooms, bath, hardwood, j 2127 Reel, 2-story brick, 8 rooms, i gas and electric. ; 62" Mueneh St., 8-story brick, 9 rooms, hath and gas. 2241 Penn St.. 3-story brick, 7 rooms and bath, gas and electric. 2325-27 Penn St.. 2-story brick. 7 rooms, hath, steam heat, j 2409-11 Penn. 3-story stucco, 7 j rooms, hardwood finish, sun porch. I garage. i 1428 Hunter St., 2-story brick, 6 vo .— bob . 1174-76-78-80 S. 9th St., 2'4-story I frame 7 rooms. ] North St., facing Capitol Park, 3- ; story brick, very good house, excel j lent location. Would make a lino ! apartment if desired. Ft. Washington.. 2'4-story detached bouse, 8 rooms and hath, hardwood finish, large lot. large porches, un onstrtieted \iew in every direction. D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Insurance. 303 Lewis St. Bell 5065R | J | FOR SAIJE—2d St. below Maclay, | [j 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 feet ;! front: 162 ft. deep; runs back to j Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautilul home; all improvements; ''must be seen to be appreciated. Im ' mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN. ■ ' 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J VACANT house for sale; 6 rooms - and finished attic. Possession at once. > Price SI2OO. Durand & Ferber. 107 I Chestnut St. near Front. h HOUSES in all sections of city sold - on easy payment plan, ranging from r SI,OOO to $6,000. I). A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. (0a-l in Next Column) J'?' 'l' J'P REA I, ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATE ON MARKET ST. Three-story brick containing eight rooms and storeroom; all improve ments: house In first class condi tion throughout, now rented for $66" annual: possession can be had in 30 days; owner must sell on account of sickness; act quick if you don't want to loose this opportunity. For quick I sale $6,800. Address Box D-7919 care j Telegraph. ! 1 i I ' Three-story brick houses: steam! [heat and all improvements; Derr.v j I St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3OO j down. Balance as rent. 1 BRICK HOUSE—Logan St., below! i Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos-i I session fifteen days. SSO down. $251 iper month. | WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and! I bath; electric light; papered and ! painted new. SSO down. $25 peri : month. IxOITIS B. COHEN, I 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J i FOR SALE j A new modern. 6-room house locat-l ed on a lot 50x175 feet midway be-1 Itween Swatara Station and Ilockers ville. Pa. The house is equipped with a good steam heating system, large pantry and attic, partially equipped! bath room. A good sized garden in I good condition adjoins a well-graded yard filled with shrubbery and trees.! There is a poultry house in a good-1 sized poultry yard. In tlie poultry yard is also a stable large enough I for two automobiles. A well of splen jdid water is near the kitchen door. I The home is located within a 5-eentl fare to llershey. and Ilumnielstown' | and within a 11-eent fare to Ruther-( lord. Xc reply to any request within | four days will indicate that the prop el tv is sold. Apply to S. S. Shearer, I Shippensburg. Pa., for particulars. | FOR SALE—Nice home on Hill j single property, brick, all improve-1 ments, recently completed, lot 40x103 ! Value 55.500. Will consider trade of' auto or small homes. Address Boxj jO-7906 care Telegraph. 1 FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 20511 ' Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front 1 i porch. Clias. Adler. 1002 N. 3(1 St. | FOR SALE 1918 Penn St.. brick $3600 1 11913 N. 4th St., brick $3001)! 1918 Park St.. brick SSOOO 2427 N. Sixth St., brick S6OOO IS2O Fulton St., frame $1900! Easy payments. D. A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589 FOR SALE I'ulder St.: frame; 7 r00m5....$ 1.500 Balm St.: frame; 6 rooms 2,200, Muencli St.-; all improvements . . 2,500 Boyd St.: brick; all imp 2,500 • Currant St.; brick; 8 rooms.. 1,500 ! | Currant St.; frame; 6 r00m5.. .. 1.000 j I Williams St.: frame . 1,000: LINCOLN REALTY CO. j 1 129 N. Seventh St. FOR SALE Suburban—2373 Canby. Penbrook. 2'4-story, single seven-room frame house on lot, 30x200 feet, corner prop-1 erty, cement walks, good garden, fruit I trees end garage. Apply 1929 Park St., or Bell phone 527 R. Emerald. Woodbine and Seneca Sts. j Several very fine homes. 18-acre home, new buildings. IvOUGH, BIIIGHTBI LL & KLINE. ' Both phones 307 Kunkle Bldg.' FOR SALE—A line single house, ! now vacant at Third and Lewis Sts. | it lias large lot and all improvements, j Easy terms if desired. K. Moeslein, [ 600 a Boas St.; la;wis M. Neiffer, 2102 I Front St. | Derry Street between 23d i and 24th„ finished August. 1919. Three-story stone and stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat; hardwood floors, garage. $9,500 if sold by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN. 151 North Second Street. Bell :!Of.7J HOUSES FOR SALE—Now vacant! or soon to be vacated; 2419 Derry; 68 N. 12th; 3202 N. Ith; 3124 Main St., i Penbrook; cor. Brisban and Swan Sts., i Paxtang; 1920 Chestnut St. Get par ticulars soon. Bell Realty Co., Bergner — i NEW HOUSES—For sale and now open for inspection; 2419 Derry street: ! 1 brick construction, well finished, most i modi inly equipped; open fireplace; lot 20x100. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 1 BROWN Ave., four 2'4-story frame! bidgs., for sale at a sacrifice if sold at! once; good investment; must sell; (or! particulars apply at 1024 Market St. j UFA I. ESTATE FOlt RENT | | BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1, prop- ; trty now occupied by Swain, Hick- j man Company, consisting of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft. I Suitable for auto accessory or sim- ! ilar business, requiring space for! storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop- I crty now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting of Two-story frame building, 38x165 leet. L-shapc building adjoining. 38x00 I feet. Suitable for auto repair and paint : shop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars apply at 126 South Second Street. ,1 i FOR RENT —1130 S. Cameron St.., ; 2'4-storv frame dwelling with garden: 50x100 ft., immediate possession, small' ' family. Apply Miller Bros., Locust and | Court Sts. I PART of house for rent, consisting; ; of five unfurnished rooms and hatli. Call any evening after 5.30 at 454 j Broad Street. I REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent , . . ! Opportunity for live wire, Howard | street abovo Thirteenth, 15,000 square feet of floor space, brick construe- ( • tion, adaptable for warehouse or i manufacturing purpose, electrically i . equipped, steam heated, now used as ' garage and service station, (known as Conover Garage), attractive propo ■ sition to quick buyer. I i LOUIS B. COHEN. ' Bell 2057J 31 North Second St. t ' - if NOVEMBER 17, 1919. / - 'j//. Trrr. ■7t/s^7[/:. ■//'-. . •/. HKAI, ESTATE WANTED ( WANTED Apartment house In good lo cation, prefer Front Street, Must accommodate three to six families with all the latest improvements. Must show good investment. Ad dress, D. ASA SANDERLIN, 36 N. Third St., Room 1, Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 2573. HOUSE WANTED By reliable j i arty on easy payments: SSOO cash, balance monthly, six to eight rooms] .ill good neighborhood, must be mod-! | ern and ill first class condition. State • exact location and price. Address Box | jc-7746 care Telegraph. j WE have some money to invest in real estate, city property preferred. Address P. O. Box 625. T HAVE BUYERS—Eist your prop lerties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es ] tate and Insurance, 1002 North Thir l i Street. | OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT —Office space, fully equipped with two largo communicat ing rooms which can be used for stor age or supplies. Inquire 429 Broad St. FARMS I . FARMS FOR SALE 15 acres $l7OOl 16 acres 7uu 24 acres 2000 28 acres 2900] 30 acres 2600. 29 acres 4200' 48 acres 1190 | j fiS acres 2500 •72 acres 2000 1116 acres 4200 128 acres 5900 ' 1 180 acres i 2900] I DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut near Front FOR SALE—An A 1 stock or grain | farm nnd would make an A 1 fruit j farm, 187 acres, large bank barn. 8- : room stone house and outbuildings. • best of water supply, 7 miles from I city: possession at once. Price SBSO. i. I S4OOO can remain at 6 per cent. 135 j acres cultivated land. 52 acres In woods and pasture. ] FOR RAIJE—IIS acres farm, best of | soil for trucking, 8-room frame house, I large bank barn and all necessary j outbuildings. Possession April I, 11920, located 10 minutes' walk from [trolley. Cumberland county. Price slls per acre. CIIAS RAVI ES, ! Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 1549 state street, j Pell 4162 R. Dial 4930 ] 43-aere farm. 10 roomed brick house, stone hank barn and outbuild ings. Productive soil and running water. Price $2600. DUR AND A- FERRER. 107 Chestnut near Front. 18 acres limestone soil near Wil liams Grove, %-mlle to trolley. 7- I room frame house, bank barn (30x501. 'all buildings in good shape, electric light, good well, 50 fruit trees, splcn ] did place. F. S. Mumma & Son, Me- I chanicsburg, Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I ' | THE CLOW "OASTEAM" RADIATORS MATCHES For kindling GAS for fuel STEAM for heat. See free demonstration KITZMILLEK'H DRUG STORE, 1325 DERRY ST. Everv day and night this week. ! AUCTIONEER HITE 422 S. 13th. Bell 1875.1. 10. 10. HOERNIOR. 421 Hummel St. I FOR SALE I Overstuffed tapestry. 3-piece parlor suite. valued S2OO. Sale price $165. FORNWALT. 1321 "North Sixth Street. FOR SALE —Quartered oak dining room set. table, buffet, china closet, leather upholstered chairs. Can be i seen at the "Stone House" Trindle Road. 1H miles east of Mechanies ] burg. Ask for Mrs. Linn. j i I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR iCASII ALI, MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. ' 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE OIIPH 10 I'M THE AT Bit BOTH PHONES ] FOR SALE—Upright piano, good condition. bargain. Address Box 0-7748 care Telegraph. j FOR SALE—White enameled reed ] baby carriage, in good condition, $lO. | Inquire 1042 S. 17th St. i FOR SALE —Two modern oak wanl ' robes, suitable for men's or women's i clothing htore, cheap to quick buyer. ! clothing store, cheap to quick buyer. I Apply at once. A. J. Lehrman, 37 S. ; Front St., Steelton. I FOR SALE —Adding machines. Ali makes st reasonable prices. Write for I price quotations. General Adding Ma ' chine Exchange. 327 Broadway. New I York City. FOR SALE —White reed stroller, good condition, cheap. Apply 9 N. 13th St., first floor, FOR SALE —Remington typewriter No 10, practically new, at a bargain D. I* Campbell. Irving College, Me chanlcsburg. Pa. FOR SALE —Two girl's Dayton bi cycles. also one large, folding bed with incased mirror, cheap. Inquire 429 j Broad St. : poll SALE Gasoline hoisting en ! gine 10 H. P. International gasoline I Engine, machine tools, electric motors, I various sizes, large stone crushing i plant complete. F. R. Laverty. 180. ! Bell phone. I BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 ! new old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, 1925 North Third. Circulars free. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. 'High prices paid for furniture. Morris ' Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. j CENTRAL Furnishing Store, sec 'ond-hand beaters. $4 up. ranges in 'good condition. $lO up. Must be sold j in next 15 days. Also big bargains in 'rugs and linoleums. Come nnd see, we will try and convince you. Open even iings 111 321 Relly St. Closed all day Saturday. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. it. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. g^£ninoaiaps| j WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS OLD FALSE TEETH Samuel Corb, general buyer of fals® teeth, gold, ailver and silverware, relics nnil antiques of all descriptions, also men's clothes and shoes and furniture. Highest prices paid. Send postal to 1109 Cowden St.. Harrisburg, and 1 will call. Keep this ad. ,N WE are in the market for all kinda of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Sineltz, 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Hell phone 5321 J. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH P.RICES PATD. I 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. ' I BUSINESS OPPORUNITIES 1 GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box 11-9016 care Telegraph. ♦ FOR SALE—Millinery' store: cen trally located. Must be sold on ac count of leaving city. Address Box M-7744 care Telegraph. ] INVENTORS —Am experienced In grouping ideas on paper and working out details giving quick and gratify ing results. Can 1 aid you? Hamilton Practical Draftsman, 125 S. Eleventh I Street. I HAVE $3,000 to $5,000 to invest in manufacturing business. Want one or more partners with SIO,OOO ad ditional. Address 0-7741 care Tcle- I graph. SODA fountain for sale cheap. M. Gingrich. 1305 Market St. BUSINESS PERSONALS : A. LANE New and second-hand furniture [bought and sold. Highest prices paid. j1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. i OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING-- * I Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan j Street. Bell 4396 J. PA PERI TANGING AND PAINTING i—First class work. Chilcoat Bros., 333 Harris Street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street ; RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED j Single edge, 25c dox., double edge, 35c i rloz., razcrs, 25r. Gorgas Drug Store. ! QUININE —Look out for that grippe I feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PHOSFHO-QUININE will stave it off jif taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. j FURNI TU R E CRATED. 7 A . 'Bishop. 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND A. LOOK OVER DISPLAY. I MYERS MANUFACTURING OQ THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS. ' ABOVE SHOE STORE Bell Phone 1577R ... * FINANCIAL SAFE INVESTMENTS SOUND VALUES LARGE NET PROFITS SALABILITY J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. •' 130 Walnut Street. Bell j.hone 518.T Harrisburg, Pa. ' • I MONEY TO LOAN NOTICE We have taken over the accounts of ;the Prolit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ; menls at our office. Others who desire • small loans may he accommodated upon application to us. Co-Operative Loan end Investment Company, 204 I Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. :! WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu i als in need of ready cash, small loans ] a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. ' MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan ; Society. Room 206 Bergner Bidg.. ■ Third and Market streets. 'Licensed ! and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL FINE HIGH GRADE PIANO FOlt SALE .! On account of moving unexpectedly. Big bargain to quick buyer. Time pav- I roents to reliable buyer. Call at 718 ■ North Sixth St. or Bell phone 1036 M. I FOR SALE—Square piano, very rea ' I sonablc to quick buyer, or will trade for side car. inquire 2552 Agate St. TALKING MACHINES promptly and I carefully repaired by an expert only. ■ OY LEU'S. 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE —To quick buyer, slight ly used Grand piano, party leaving ■ city on account of changing position. Address Box G-6235 care Telegraph. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. OyleVs, 14 South Fourth Street. FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth . street. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house- t hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms ut reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for I household goods in fireproof wars house, $3 per month and up. Lower I storage rates in non-fireproof ware- I I house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- j 445 South Second street. STORAGE LOW PRICES 1 HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD.. HIGHSPIRE. PA. Both phones. Bell Steelton 169Y ' STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean. ' private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. 0. Diener, 408 Market Streot. i Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers