_ Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page FARMS FARMS FOR SALE Farm 140 acres, <1650; 220 acres, S2OOO, both have good buildings and considerable timber, trout stream nd orchards Hunting and Ashing pre serve 640 acres, modern house, several caretakers houses. <7150. All in Cat skills, Ulster county, N. Y., 130 aero farm. Village of Livingston Manor. Sullivan county, <I2OOO. Will subdi ( vide this to suit purchaser. Bungalow l_ **t%d small farm lots, running water and electric lights. Also valuable tract of timber and saw mill, and twenty five woodworking machines. Send for lists. P. S. JOHNSTON. Livingston Manor, N. Y. 18 acres limestone soil near Wil liams Grove, %-mlle to trolley. 7- room frame house, bank barn (30x50), all buildings in good shape, electric light, good well, 50 fruit trees, splen , did place. F. S. Mumma & Son. Me chanicsburg. Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I jtXii C. I *SU-.JO fe ARE YOU INTERESTED ' IN HEATING YOUR HOME, YOUR OFFICE. YOUR CHURCH, OR HAVE YOU ANY HEATING PROBLEMS 7 IF SO YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE BURNALL FUEL SAVERS. RADIANT FIRE HEATERS. OASTEAM HEATING RADIATORS. For data, write or phone, AUCTIONEER HITE BELL 1875-J K: E. HOERNER. 421 Hummel St. DEMONSTRATION IN KITZMILLER'S DRUG STORE. 1325 Derry St. I FOR SALE Overstuffed tapestry, 3-piece parlor suite, valued <2OO. • Sale price <165. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—Quartered oak dining room set, table, buffet, china closet, leather upholstered chairs. Can be seen at the "Stone House" Trindle Road, 1H miles east of Mechanics burg. Ask for Mrs. Linn. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED t EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILIjOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHKUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE—One round dining room table, <B. Apply 39 X- 18th St. FOR SALE—White enameled reed baby carriage, in good condition, <lO. Inquire 1042 S. 17th St. FOR SALE —Two modern oak ward robes, suitable for men's or women's clothing htore, cheap to quick buyer, clothing store, cheap to quick buyer. Apply at once. A. J. Lehrman, J7 S. Front St., Steeiton. BELGIAN HARES. Thoroughbreds. Eight weeks old, <1 each. Stock of breeding age $2 each. Philip Condon. Box 362. Westchester, Ohio. FOR SALE —Adding machines. All makes at reasonable prices. Write for price quotations. General Adding Ma chine Exchange. 327 Broadway. New York City. FOR SALE—White reed stroller, good condition, cheap. Apply 9 N. 13th St., first floor. FOR RALE —One large oak side hoard price <2O; one 16 ft. extension oak dii.ing table, <10; one large oak dresser, <ls; one oak bed and coil springs, <lO. Call Bell 71R. FOR SALE —Remington typewriter No. 10, practically new, at a bargain l>. L. Campbell. Irving College, Me chanicsburg. Pa. FOR SALE —Two girl's Dayton bi cycles, also one large folding bed with incased mirror, cheap. Inquire 429 Broad St. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 H. P. International gasoline engine machine tools, electric motors, various sizes, large stone crushing nlant complete. F. R. Lavcrty, 18e? bell phone. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,0u0 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's. li6 North Third. Circulars free. ~) —— MORRIS SAYS save money buying n< w .uiu second-band furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Sehmerlz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. CENTRAL Furnishing Store, sec ond-hand heaters. <4 up. ranges tn good condition. <lO up. Must be sold in next 15 days. Also big bargains in rugs and linoleums. Come and see, we' will try and convince you. Open even ings at 324 Reily St. Closed all day Saturday. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acety kne generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. R. Jgiverty. 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE —A No. 11 Monitor coil boiler for steam heat or hot water plant. Also 800 ft. of 14 inch pipe and radiators. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire H. H. Martin. New Bloomfleld. Pa. Bell phone 374. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS OLD FALSE TEETH Samuel Corb, general buyer of false teeth, gold. silver and silverware, relics and antiques of all descriptions, also men's clothes and shoes and furniture. Highest prices paid. Send postal to 1109 Cowden St.. Harrlsburg. and 1 will call. Keep this ad. WANTED —False teeth. We pay high as <6 for full sets, don't mat ter if broken. Satisfaction or teeth returned. Western Metal Co.. Bloom ington. 111. EXTENSION ladder wanted for thirty-foot reach. Butler's, 219 Mar ket St. Upstairs. Bell phone 5238 J. WANTED —Second-hand flat top desk with drawers, good condition re cuircd. H. R. Atkins, 1171 Market St. WE are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. MAX SMELTZ • Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Srneltz, 1020 Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone 5321 J. ' BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPI*ORTUNITIES DRUG STORE for sale In Harrls burg, good location with dwelling, do ing good business, owner leaving city. Cash sole. Address Box B-7751 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) SATURDAY EVENING, BUSINESS OPPORUNITIES GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing Ave men. Address Box ij H-9016 care Telegraph. i i - MONEY can be made on small in l estments in oil stocks. However, many - of these stocks are highly speculative. 1 Post yourself before you invest by v reading the Oil Press. It has helped - thousands to profit—as well as pro ' tected them from loss. Each issue is f brimful of valuable information and t analytical reports concerning oil ■ stock—some good, bad and indifferent r in scores of companies operating in the great Mid-Continent and Texas fields. Every holder of oil stocks • and those interested in the world's - Oil Press. The last issue together with " a late crpv of the "Markets" contain ' ing quotations of listed and unlisted. ; active and inactive oil stocks, will be : sent free on request; also while they ' last n new accurate colored map of ' Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas just out, featuring the oil fields in red. Address " Oil Iress. 653 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Mo BUY AN OIL LEASE <lO buys five acres Texas Field. Ranger leases sold at 25c now worth thousands per acre. Nuttle paid <1 per acre and sold for <6,000 per acre. Texas-Rainbows End now opening up shows same geological formation as I proven territory. Leases here may jump any price witli first well coming I in. it's a speculation, but the kind of speculation that lias made many small investors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.. started in by several men pooling <4OO in leases—sold out recently for u million dollars. If you don't tinder stand lease business, we will gladly explain nil details. Remit <lO for five acres. Wo send you legal lease form and keep you in touch with develop ments. Send name for free map and full information. Pecos Valley Co. 114 $4 N. Robinson, Oklahoma. Okla. I HAVE <3,000 to <5,000 to invest in manufacturing business. Want one or more partners with <IO,OOO ad- I ditionai. Address 0-7741 care Tele ) graph. SODA fountain for sale cheap. M. Gingrich, 1305 Market St. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANE I New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. INVENTORS—In perfecting me chanical ideas and simplifying for manufacture, have had long experi ence. Hamilton Practical Draftsman. OXY-ACETYLENE WKLD XN G Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxvgen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan Street, liell 4396.1. FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS CALX. AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK OVER DISPLAY. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS ! ABOVE SHOE STORE Bell Phone 1577R PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING I —First class work. Chilcoat Bros., 333 Harris Street. FURNITURE CRATED. L Z Bishop, 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 35c doz., razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. QUININE— Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you thi3 changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSFHO-QUININE will stave it oft if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. FINANCIAL SAFE INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM BONDS TO YIELD SEVEN PER CENT. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut Street. Bell 518-J Harrlsburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN NOTICE We have taken over the accounts of the Profit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ments at our office. Others who desire small loans may be uccommodat.id upon application to us. Co-Operative Isian end Investment Company, 204 Chestnul St., Harrisburg-, Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY' IXJANED—Employes' J.oan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg.,' Third and Market streets. 'Licensed and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL ~ FINE HIGH GRADE PIANO FOR SALE On account of moving unexpectedlv. Big bargain to quick buyer. Time pay ments to reliable buyer. Call at 718 North Sixth St. or Bell phone 1036 M. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE—To quick buyer, slight ly used Grand piano, party leaving city on account of changing position. Address Box G-6235 care Telegraph PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth Street. FOR SALE Player piano for <450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street. * STORAGE STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, <3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD HIGHSPIRE. PA. I Both phones. Bell Steeiton 169Y STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Dlener. 408 Market Street. HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of ail kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 8418. Dial 3283. tCoiitlnned In Next Column) HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager. 341 Kelker Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3613 AUTO hauling, local or long dis tance, furniture and piano moving a - specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 91T y Capital St. Both phones. y LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE d HAULING Furniture moving. - Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 630 s Calder street. Both phones. Bell 1 3636-J. Dial 3638. 1 t HICKS Local and long-distance ii hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both s phones. s ———————— s WE Move Anything, Anywhere, i Any time. Price reasonable. Dial - 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. #l2 North I' Third Street e ' HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped ' for furniture, freight and piano niov • ing. No distance too fur. Careful : driver. Rain and dustproof bodv. J. IE. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager. Hersliey. Pa. Bell I phone 15R6. j PAUL BECK, general nauling, local r and long distance, making a specialfy | of furniture, piano and safe moving, j Call at 1617 Xaudain St.. or Bell 5235J s WHERE TO DINE ! : ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. | THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ; UNDERTAKERS ' SAMUEL S. FACKLER. ; FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. j BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 ' RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer " 511 North Second Street. [ BELL 252 DIAL 2145 ! | CEMETERY lAYTS FOR SALE I PROSPECT lIILL CEMETERY • i Beautifully situuted on Market street, | east of Twenty-sixth, and on the " north and east faces the new park i way. The price of lots are moder ■ | ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING I>t us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. All kinds of repairing. Both phones. FT. Goodman, 1306<4 North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES — CLEARANCE SALE OF REBUILT TRUCKS Included in this offering, all of which must be moved before we vacate our warehouse, are the following: FCOO-pound Overland delivery. \ 1-ton Republic, new tires. 1-ton Garford, rebuilt, pneu matic tires on front. 14s-ton Bethlehem with cab and stake body. Used one month ar.d exchanged for 2 1 ,4-ton of same make, account grow •ng bu iness. Practically a new tuck equipped with | electric lights and starter. Also several bodies, express, stake and dump, with hand and hydraulic hoists. THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. Both Phones. USED CAR BARGAINS All in First Class Condition Willys-Knight. 5- pass .$6lO Liberty, 5-pass <1391/ Overland, 5-pass <866 Dixie, new. been used only as dem onstrator <1206 Two All-American trucks, never used, one equipped with pneumatic cord tires and one with solid tires on rear and pneumatic on front; one is express body, the other stake body. Exceptional value. HRG. AUTO AND TIRE REPAIR CO.. 131 South Third Street. Both phones. 1917 Chandler, club roadster, <9OO. 1917 Mercer touring, 7-passenger, very snappy, two spare tires. A real good bargain. . , , , 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice <285. 1914 Overland, touring, <2B. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstration given. CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. SchifTman, Manager. STUDEBAKER —Light 6; suitable for livery; cheap to quick buyer, lteo roadster; A-l condition. Bible's Ga rage, Third and Cumberland St. For Sale, 1918, 5 passenger Buick six, looks like new, Price, <I,OOO. Also several two-ton trucks, in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SELDON TRUCK CO., 1021 Market St. OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT CLEARANCE SALE We must vacate our present wari house and service station December 1. Our new building v.* ill not be completed before January, therefore, to move them quickly, we have marked down the price of every used tai from <IOO to <l5O. Immediate deliveries only and subject to prior sale, we offer; Pullman 6-passenger touring, fine tire equipment, reflnished, equipped with electric lights and starter. Previously priced at $485. now marked, for Quick salo Cadillac, 7-passenger touring, original paint in excellent con dition. splendid upholstry. New storage battery, motor and all mechanical parts unusually good. Formerly priced at' <6 80, Now I® 2o Ovorland 5 passenger tour ing, 1919, model 90 demonstra tor, like new and bearing new car guarantee. This car never sold but used by us for dem onstrating. Original price <1095. Reflnished and specially priced for thla sale Willys Six touring, "cven passenger demonstrator. Thor oughly overhauled and re painted. Excellent tire equip ment, one extra. Open evenings until nine. ' THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG 0.. 1 212-214 North Second Street. Roth Phones. tContinued In Next Column) ' ttHtIUBBCG TEU^IUPB ACTOMOBII.KS - Overland, touring, alx good tires. Chevrolet, model 1918. tlve passen ger. excellent condition. Studefcaker. Ave passenger.- re painted and In fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. J RKX OARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third Street BARGAINS ' BETHLEHEM-2?4-ton. dump body. ' M'HITF—S-ton, sump body. DUPLEX—New condition: van body. ; FEDERAL 3%-ton, dump body ' three. : ACME—3%-ton, Woods dump body. . DENBY—Stake body; like new. 'iCADILLAC —Unit, with two-wheel trailer. [ SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 Capital Street | . 1917 OVERLAND 1 Five passenger, four cylinders, in first class mechanical condition, new 1 top. new tires, new battery, good all around car. Cheap to quick buyer. Ad dress Box D-7740 1 Care Harrisburg Telegraph 1918 Mitchell car. seven passenger. . !in A 1 condition, bargain to quick buyer. Dial 4990. See Esterbrook, 912 N. Third St. CADILLAC BARGAIN 1917, 7-passenger Cadillac, first class condition, has had best of care. Six cord tires, two brand new. $2200 t> quick buyer. Good reasons for selling. ' Bargain. Write at once. Address But • J-81S0 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—I9IS Maxwell touring - car, In good condition, new tires. In - quire 1427 Walnut St. SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap—Fords, Kohler, Chalmers and Internationals; three-quarter to two-ton capacities; S2OO and up. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 619-21 Walnut Street. FOR SALE—I%-ton capacity Mar tin truck. 36 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House. 15 S. Market Square. FOR SALE —Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap- Pl> FEDERICK'B GARAGE. 443 S. Cameron Street. FORD touring. 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price $375 cash. Dial 36-C. S. It. Horst, Linglestown. near Harrisburg. FOR SALE —1915 Buick. in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. ~ WANTED—Air*kTnds ofTTsedTTTlo tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. MAGNETOS Ail types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eisman. Dixie. Splitdorf. Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiitman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. Bell 2360 Dial 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. 1916 Jefferys. 4 cylinder. 7 passen ger touring car. newly painted and in excellent condition for sale at low srice5 rice for quick sale. Phone 488 J. 809 . Second St. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. FOR SALE—Chalmers Sedan. 1917; new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4- passenger. sport model; wire wheels, •bumper, spot light, five new tires; Overland, 191S, 90 delivery car. In quire Penn-Harris Taxicab office, care Penn-Harris Hotel. FORD Sedan, 1918 model; good run ning order. $695. Horst, Linglestown. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. Schiftman. 22 24 26 N. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. WANTED Any model or make Auto Tire Vulcanizing Molds, com plete Hants or Parts, for cash. Give description. Queen City Vul. Co., Cin cinnati. Ohio. FOR SALE —Three 1919 Oaklands. good shape, one car has been driven only 400 miles, practically new. One model 85. Big Four Overland. 1913 Ford touring. These cars will be sold at a bar- KBin ' STEELLER'S GARAGE, , Bell 72 Newberrytown, Pa FOR SALE or exchange, a 1918 8- cylinder car in good condition, has run 7,000 miles. Address X-7908 care Telegraph. FOR SALE —One Hupp model 20, SIOO. Worth It. See G. W. C. at Jack son Mfg. Co.. 4th and Boyd Ave., City. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET. FOR SALE —Ilarley-Davldson three speed motorcycle with sidecar for sale cheap to quick buyer. Earl Wolf. 1102 N. Sixth St.. City. Garages, Accessories and Repairs FOR RENT Clinton St.. rear of 1618 % N. Fifth St., one-half garage, will accommodate one car or truck, rent reasonable, pos session at once. D. ASA SANDERLJN, 36 N. 3d St., Room 1, Secur ity Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Officially open for business In our new garage at 443 South Cameron street. We have a model fireproof building and storage, dead or live weight, for over 100 cits. We thank our patrons foi past services and desire to have them see our new place of business. SCANDALIS &. FEDERInKS MOTOR CAR CO., 443 South Cameron Street. GARAGE for rent. Storage tor twenty cars; office and equipment; centrally located. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. STORAGE wanted; general auto re pairing; cars washed while you wait; all work guaranteed. Cut Rate Gar age. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. YOUR Dodge plus a Hayfleld car buretor. That's a great combination— a Bayfield equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dodge model Is Inexpensive and the saving In gasolino bills Is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for it In a short time. A ltttyfielrl on any car creases Its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Federlck's Garage, 448 S. Cameron St, > '} MARKETS 1 * NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square. Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close ■ Allis Chalmers 44 43% Amer. Beet Sugar 92',* 92 American Can 56 55% Am. Car and Fndry C 0...135% 138 'I Amer. Loco 99 96% Amer. Smelting 70% 70 American Sugar 137 137 Anaconda 65% 65% Atchison 91 % 91 Baldwin Loco 110% 108% , Baltimore and Ohio 40 40 Bethlehem Steel, B 97% 97 Butte Copper 23 * 23 Cal. Petro 46% 45% Central Leather 99% 98% Chesa. and Ohio 60 80 a Chi., Mil. and St. Paul ... 45% 45 1 Chi., R. I. and Pacific ... 30 29% Chino Con. Copper ..... 40% 40% Col. Fuel and Iron 45% 45% Corn Products 86% 56% Crucible Steel 218 220' A ' Rrie 16% 15% General Electric 171 171 General Motors 315 344 * Goodrich, B. F 83%' 82% '• Great North, pfd 86% 85% * Great North. Ore. subs .. 41 41% - Inspiration Copper 57 57 , Interboro Met 5% 51; Int. Nickel 25% 23% int. Paper 73% 73H s Kennecott 34% 34 Kansas City So 20 19 a: > Lackawanna Steel 87% 88% £ Lehigh Valley 46% 4 6 Maxwell Motors 43% 43% " PUBLIC SALE ' ———— ———— —— „ PUBLIC SALE Mater Power Flour Mill and 14 acres, located 5 miles from Reading r Pa., on the Cacoosing Creek. Water s rights secured by deeds. > Large Stone Mill with Frame Wheat Storage House attached; 6,000 bu ca pacity. r Water Power continuous, not froz en up severe winter of 1917; no Head - Ra ? e ° r Hume. Concrete Dam Breast and Pen Stock. This Mill newly equipped throughout A.? oub,e sta nd "His rolls, 6x20; 1 2 middlings mills, hall bearing; 9.A Robinson self-balancing, ball bearing sifter. ** Bran Duster, Reels, Receiving sep - arat.or, wheat cleaners. 801 l ei- I naust. Richardson Automatic Receiving Scale; automatically weighs and rec ords weight of wheat when receiving from farmers and for grinding. Magnetic Separator and Feed Gov . ernor on first break roll. , All line Shafting runs in Hyatt rol ler bearings. One 18-inch, one 21-inch Morgan , Smith turbines, operating: under 9-ft , head. Horse Barn, Wagon Sheds and _ Storage Shed. Located in good wheat, and dairv section. M ill be offered for sale at the Security and Real Estate Ex change. 25 N. Sixth St., Reading Pa Saturday afternoon, November ' 291 iV ■ 1919 2 P M. Persons wishing to i,,. - spect will be met at Reading or Sink- 1 , ing Spring by appointment. : O , , HORT ', R ' SCHOFER, Sinking spring, Pp., R. IJ. NO. 1. ' LEGAL XOTICES TAKE NOTICE Thero will be a meeting of members of the Country Club of Har risburg In the assembly room ha L ment of the Public Library. Front srfh Walnut streets. Friday evening 1 n, d eember 19. 1919. at 8 o'clock to vou . cn the approval or disapproval of tnf increase of the indebtedness of ' club from $90,500 to SIBO,OOO lle or Ry ordera ot the Boards of' Govern- FRANK J. BRADY. . Secretary. I !• ' • i \ i i a DF.I.Ii, MAIN 2H30 w yg OHIO STATE, CENT. 238 The Templar Motors Corporation W. O COOPER FACTORY LOCATION X. v. CENTRAL, 11. R. NEAR MADISON AYE. ORGANIZATION MANAGER CLEVELAND ; 733-739 GUARDIAN BUILDING CLEVELAND Harrisburg, Pa. ' November 15, 1919. MR. CAREFUL INVESTOR: t Dear Sir—After nearly three years of good hard work in Harrisburg on a proposition that, on the start, was condemned as a money grabbing scheme, etc., marching steadily along to the music of the Anvil Chorus, composed of a bunch of knockers who never look nor see any farther than the length of their nose, I wish to publicly announce that the Templar Motors Corporation has made good in every sense of the word, notwithstanding all predictions to the contrary.' If you doubt it, request your bank to get you a statement as to its financial standing. Ihe company was three years old November 7th and has over fourteen thousand enthusiastic stockholders scattered all over the United States and no large ones. It never sold a share of stock for less than par value, which is SIO.OO per share. Has no bonds or mortgages outstanding. No preferred stock underlying the common; never borrowed a dollar or contracted a bill it could not discount, i Is the only $5,000,000 industrial company ever financed without the assistance of a bank or syndicate of underwriting brokers and claims only one dollar as a good will asset. as 110 water in its organization; every dollar paid for Templar Stock, less the cost of selling, having gone into the business, creating a handsome surplus and reserve fund. Is paying an earned dividend of 12 per cent., payable quarterly; has over $20,000,000 of business booked for 1920, owns and builds complete the best four cylinder gasoline motor in the world, and is turning out the finest, most efficient and well-constructed small automobile ever built, comparing in quality to the Pierce-Arrow and Locomobile—two of the best cars ever built. . ; 3 1 he company has sold $4,000,000 of its stock and is now starting on its last million. Stock now selling at $16.00 per share and wi 11 shortly advance to SIB.OO. All common, full paid, full voting and nonassessible. Non taxable in Ohio for State and normal Federal tax. If you have from $160.00 to $1,600.00 that you would like to put to work' in a real company, man-, aged by real men who have proven their ability and integrity, where you will receive every dollar your money earns, rather than a small rental for the use of it, write or phone the undersigned at once for particulars. Subscriptions received on cash or four-payment plan. r " Subscriptions of record prior'to December 1 will participate in December quarterly dividend of • 3 per cent. < Respectfully, , F. H. BELKNAP, 1015 North Front Street, : Bell Phone—4344 Harrisburg, Pa, i i i r B % & I Merc. Mar Ctfs 53% 52% Merc. Mar Ctfs.. pfd 105% 104% Mex. Petro 205% 205% Miami Copper 25% 26 Mtdvale Steel 52% 52% Missouri Pacific 30% 24% , N. Y. Central 74% 74 . N. Y., N. H. and H. ... 34% 34'% N Y., Ont and West. ... 19% 19% j ' Nevada Copper 16% 16% ■ Norfolk and West 102% 102% ; North. Pacific 87 87% ' I Pittsburgh Coal 62 62 ! Penna. R. R 4.1% 43% Ray Con. Copper 21% 22% Reading 82% 81% Rep. Iron and Steel ....111% 110% Southern Pacific 109% 109 Southern Ry 26% 36% Sinclair Oil and It 53% 53% Studebaker 117% 116% I Union Pacific 127% 125% jU.S. I. Alcohol 113 111% jU. S. Rubber 122% 122% U. S. Steel 105 % 106 Utah Copper 79% 79 Vlr.-Caro. Chem 74% 74 1 M'estinghouse Mfg 55% 54% 1 I Willys-Overland 32 32 | I Hide and Leather 34% 34 j j Pierce Arrow 70% 71 I NEW YORK CI'RH STOCKS Following quotations supplied oy ! Howard A. Riley and Company, 212 ' North Third street. Harrisburg. Pa.;! Land Title Building, Fhila., Pa.; 20 1 Broad street. New York City: Last Sale Aetna 9 Perf. T'ire 1 3-46 Overland 311 Republic 5% Hupp Mo'. 12% General Asp 436 Meyden 7% Am. Macroni 6% Oar Light 3% U. S. Light 3 % Submarine 17% U. S. Ship 6*4 INDEPENDENT OILS 1 Last Sale Barnett % Cosden 40% Federal .. 2% Inter. Pct.f 57% Met. Pet 2% Sequoyah % Boston and Wyo 81 Glenrock .' 334 Island 714 Merritt 22% Ryan 534 Sapulpa 7 % MINING Last Sale Big Ledge 9.46 Oresson 2 Cal. and Jerome % Canada 4 % Howe 41/ Mother Lode 58 Nipising 44% Tono. Mln 3 Tono. EX ........ 2% M'hite Caps 4 2 Boston and Montana 73 Caledonta 40 Cash Boy 6 Hecla 4 % Jumbo .. .< 9 Ray Hercules 2% Tonopah Bel 3 West End 4% CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE 1 * 0 ' Nov ' 15 -—Board of Trade ' .Corn—Dec. 127%; Jan. 123; Mav Opts—Dee. 71%: May 74%. Pork—Jan. 33.75: May 32.40 Lard—Nov. 25.85; Jan. 23.90' Ribs—Jan. 18.25; May 18.05. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET - f'hlcego, Nov. 15.—Hogs Receipts 1.000, steady to loc lower. Top. $14.55- bulk, $1 4.lft@ 14.50; heavy. $14.10® 14.50; medium. $14.10@14.55; light. $14.10 @ 14.55; light lights, $14.25® I?J'Oi heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.50@14: packing sows, rough, sows, rough, $13.25® 13.50; pigs, $14.25 @14.75. Catt'e—Receipts 4.000; compared with a week ago beef steers mostly NOVEMBER 15, 1919. 50 to 750 higher. She stock 25 to 50c higher: bologna bulls, 50c higher; butcher hulls steady; canners and cutters mostly 25c higher; veal calves mostly 50c higher; best grade stoclc ers and feeders, 50 to 75c up; common grade stookers. steady to 25c-higher; western 25 to 50c higher. Sheep—Receipts 4,000, compared with u week ago; fat lambs big quat tt r higher; sheep strong to 25c high er; feeders steady. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia. Nov. 15.—Stocks clos- I ed heavy. (Baldwin locomotive 10814 General Asphalt 124 I General- Asphalt, pfd 200 !I-ake Superior 2114 jl-ehigh Nav 64' i I Dehigh Val 46 | P. R. R 43'4 I Phi la. lClectric 2474 iPhlla. Co 32 I hila. Co.. pfd 25 Phila. Co., pfd 42 ll'hila. Rapid Transit 2614 . Reading 81 I Storage Battery 137% .Union Traction 3714 United Oas 5414 IT. S. Steel ; 10414 I York Railways 8 IYork Railways, pfd 30 Plllf,AOr.l.l>HlA PIIODIiCR i Philadelphia. Nov. 15.—Oats—Tllgh- 1 i er; No. 1 white, 83®>8314c: No. 2 I iwhite. 82@8214c', No. 3, white. 81(0 I 8114 c. i Butter—Higher, western creamery.! | extra, 71; nearby prints, fancy, 77 | @79c. Kggs—Higher, nearby firsts, $21.60 per ease; current receipts, s2l; west ern extra firsts. $21.60; western lirsts. 51 9.SO® 21; fancy selected packed. 80 j @8 2c. Dive Poultry—Dull, fowls and chickens, lower; fowls as to quality, 25 ® 34c; chickens as to quality, 23 <fc 28c. * Cheese —Dower, New York and WI s - consln, full milk. 31®33c. Dive Poultry—Firm: turkeys high er. 35 @4O c. | Hay—Higher; timothy. No. 1, $32; No. 2, $29@31: No. 3. $25®28: clover, mixed hay. light mixed. $29@31; No. 1 mixed, $27@28. Potatoes —Steady but quiet; nearby No. 1 per basket. 90c®$1.10; lower i grades. 40®65c: 150 pound sacks, No. j 1 $3.53® 4.10; No. 2, $2 @2.40; Penna. in 100 pounds, $2.60®3. Flour—Quiet, but steady; soft win ter straight western, $10®10.25: near by. $9.75@10; hard winter straight, $11.35® 11.55; short patent, $11.75® 12.25; spring first clear, $9.25®9.75; patent. $12.10® 12.35; short patent. $12.50® 12.75; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand, $12,714® 15.25. Tallow—Dull and weak; prime city locse. 16c; special loose. 1614 c; prime country. 15c; edible in tierces, 1314 c. Doutrich Employes Discuss Store's Future Ways and means for the better ment of the Doutrich Company or ganization were discussed at a meet ing of employes. H. H. Kinneard, speaking on "Psychology of Store keeping," gave some helpful hints to the store men. Following Mr. 1 Kinneard's talk. J. M. Smith sales- | manager of the Hart Schaffner & | Marx organization, the guest of the ; evening, was introduced. In a brief ! talk Mr. Smith pointed out the pos- I I sibilities of the Doutrich store. He | said that by comparison Doutrich's j were far above the average cloth- ; ing merchants and paid high tribute ; to the aggressive spirit of the store. j Charles Holsberg outlined points | of service which will be emphasized ! in the customer's behalf. Mr. Hols- I berg talked about "What the People ( Think of Doutrich's," which reveal- j ed many reasons why the store has become so popular. I. H. Doutrich spoke of the wonderful support the employes gave to build the big busi ness now en.ioyed by the firm, and ] lauded employes for the success in I their work and thanked them for their support. Frank .T. Consylman was foastmaster. School Board Takes No Action on Salaries J No action was taken by the School ;! Hoard at the*special meeting yes* terday regarding the salary ln 1 creases asked by teachers of thfl ! city. They are asking the dlrec* tors to pay them in addition to ths increase allowed by the Woodrufl salary bill, the amounts which they would have received under the citj| salary schedule. it is said in school official clr* cles that action will likely be dot 1 ferred until the reorganization oi j the board in December when | new members go into office for six* j year terms. The directors yesterday authorized ; issuing bonds for $200,000 which will be used to pay for the purchase ! of the Houman's woods tract front J the McKee-Graham estate, and to pay for the completion of the new junior high schools and for equip ing them. The Christmas Gift—a photo- , j graph by llnrhrarh. Individuality 1 nnd enduring eliurni. Reasonable | price*. j Write (or our booklet P. BACHRACH Photographs of Distinction 1(120 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 1 Studios In 12 other Eastern Cities U J I H. E. SCHRIVER :j AUDITS SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE 1 union Trust Illdg., Ilarrlsburg, Pa. Established issu n 11BBER STAM D f) UU SEALS aSTENOILSrIC n HARRIBBBBTEHOILWORKS ll I lI3OLOGUBTei.HARIUBM.PAII |main\company! KCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS; K 606-608 Kunkel BTd% ' K Auditing-Tax Service v Systematizing Etc. Help Wanted j Press Feeders at Once The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. 15
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