Increase in Jewelry Exports to Europe Will Reach Millions Chicago, Nov. 13. The export business In jewelry from the United States to Europe, according to the P priced assortments. Come in white, flesh and various other 1 Hitched to the Big Value-Giving Underselling Event I j| ( FRIDAY COMES THESE FRIDAY v || I sSS-fe PPITI A v n ADT AI\TC I handkerchiefs. Usually they sell at ■ ■ J9 H AJ| B I Heavy Cheviot pants, all strongly I|J | price. ° y X ' -JL%, XU ii i 1 m jf\ XV VJT X W; tart Uh ° r WithoUt CU?,S - i tjJ Tremendous savings for those who grasp the opportunities presented in these unusual Friday Bargains. Each depart- m \ FRIDAY BARGAINS ] ment of the big store contributes a share to make this the biggest crowd bringing day of the entire event. [ FRIDAY BARGAINS ] j|j I M Sw S ea?eis y €oat .. $1.29 J FRIDAY k [ FRIDAY BARGAINS J ( [ FRIDAY BARGAINS J (FRIDAY BARGAINS ] , ( FRIDAY BARGAINS ] J FRIDAY V . 95c 1 mwh\?e. Ca ?h t |s dU |S l n e eo t d hlB w 1 : e rS a g n a y r-- V ' * ' * ' V ' I |V / in^d.SS? ?x7l LimUed number. Worth y Flannelette Gas AO £*Q Fiber AQn Bread QZn oil QC Canister neck and s Pe - it 111 Mais Floor Heaters. Vfcnv*7 8r00m5.....5r.... UUC. Boxes UDL Heaters. O*T.%JD Sets ium. n.., ||| t k These are a round cylinder Good strong fiber brooms. Slightly damaged bread Good strong smokeless oil QJ2n iSi lIU > llghf figured gas heater; special. worth much more. boxes; special. heaters; extra special. tfO C ft] FRIDAY BARGAINS J SPiV e iS£A te^XTo'n 8 : ' 1 FRIDAY BARGAINS 1 1 I U —J wide. slstlng of flour, I J , _ . . . e . sugar. coffee ISJ i XoSho. 24c [ FRIDAY BARGAINS J ( FRIDAY BARGAINS ] ( FRIDAY BARGAINS \ , t [ FRIDAY BARGAINS ] , CgPRS Women' s Um°n £245 |j Good roller back suspenders. Ex- f ' ' > * ff* pj ne ribbed cotton union suit. Si |] SSSSSaS'SIt'Whn. n s,. iSfii'ti Good COM. Clothes QC Water AQ Cotton /JO Wall of IOC Sii!iilT s .T V a . wf Mops. 48c Bats 98c n* 85c Si IS V A n flrnlted "num- A eooA Blze w,llow clothes Good water mops with Six good white cotton bats. Washable wool wall mops kitchen use' °A ber. basket; special. handle, ready for use. enough for a comfort. with very long handles. 1 limited number |A| / -J at this price. f \ |[|j| |jj , j FRIDAY BARGAINS ] v ' 9 ' [ FRIDAY BARGAINS [ N SS fll Women's Flannel- At O Q * \ Women's Qr* bjj la ette Kimonos ifll.O*/ _ Gloves */DC l|| I Here Is a Wonderful Coat and Suit Event ;i6figg | | 1 , \ FRIDAY BARGAINS I , Not a Luckv Purchase, — DTT nn The Greatest Assortment of Twenty-Three , 1 FRIDAY BARGAINS 1 , I 1 „ tvt.O i /-t . n| I I Dollar and Seventy-Five Cent Coats and rhM ■v , T 1 ® Blouses ......59c INot Sample Garments X § u ;t s Ever Put on Sale in Harrisburg Pants .. 57c 1 Sizes 6 to 16 years. Neat striped ' . Fleeced lined ribbed cotton vesta mil |W percales In light shades. The new V. and pants for children. 2to 16 years. 111!] gjjj tapeless models. Deep collar. while they last. Friday special. s 1 1 Pretty if These toques arc well worth com- ■*. 1 A Heavv hlack ,nt',.n I ing after, as they will sell at SI.OO J0 M LM V 4to 14 a f cut full and S I later. Come in nil the newest shades. Mj* extraordinary vslu" for Frtday j Mitln Floor . Second Floe, ' 1^ FSIY BAKGAISS J —. Til E SUITS and CPA TS Go on SaleFriday 7S C— | 1 and Continues Throughout Saturday W EEEEEE 1 dm coat t for working purposes. Ex- !iS 1 '' loor We find it impossible to give you accurate impressions of this garment event """^"no __J E J , {TRIDAY mrnrn} You Have to Come and See the Coats and. Suits to Appreciate Them ( FB[MY MB6tiils l | 1 M Rf™ nchilla ... $9.95 TKP COATS— I T HEY include the most eoii- T CTTITQ 1 I 1 b — swss S wc,aK Main Floor are made of youthful and stunning effects, such as are are made of bot°tom and h^^ bo t rder >round b The materials are worthy faring kinds, full Poplins Jersey Cloth jl , || |j [ FRIDAY BARGAINS j Velours SllVGrtips of service and good appearance and the col- Serges Silvertones ,_[ FRioaY bAUGaiws ]. |j Men's Corduroy A 9 0C (Sw "" 1 Floor) J ors are those that all women want. I (second HQd Worry's Af oo ni Pants ( ! Blouses j/laUt) l§ Other Coats at $14.75, $19.75, $33.75 and up Other Suits at $19.75, $29.75 $33.75 and up K'KSIaVs p !H3S ill Friday. . I Siyleß . R „ i>! <5! i - \> • ____ J , • Main Floor LI M [FRIDAY BA GAliis"] f~ FRIDAY \ [ FRIDAY BArGAINs! ]- [FRIDAY BA GAIHS ] [FRIDAY : n;3AY ), 1 r"?.IDAY £A SiV.SS ) | (u v^ h ., QC g, 3ss ash Carpet Qfls. Water Muslin (Pi 1 Q 6 Cakes Ofl _ Apron Noveltv Ortba /?()✓ ffi Sj Comlfr" oUMwh "°^ ds Sweepers ... Pails JOC Sheets " Wool Soap . Gingham Goods OJC | iM alxe and strong. L ffl _ A Di.'t vvool InvlbiLlo cliocl's; navy, tu-in Fio.,r Q Kleanwell Carpet Sweep- u .. . . c . . . . ... Jin *.g.i i>rn. fill " ; r Heavy tin water pails in Size 72x90, hemmed A good soap for bath or L 1 C SS IM Con! AC% . Extra good crs. Only one to a cus- , .. , . fvl Hods 4S,C w?n r Ei? l 5gJ tomcr. 10-quart size; special. ready for use; special. laundry; extra special. in^ ll| .laimnned coal hods: good sue and cellent service. . . UOttUl and otl.lS, OH thlfl V, heavy: .special gingham. UiM'C on SfllC ill K|l Mnin Floor . r. J > — ■ '■ - - ■■ ■■ / * v. " C__ __/ s— ftj i 4JHWBJ w\:'- TM >">->■* y\" w* V■ w THURSDAY EVENING, president of a large jewelry firm here, will show an increase of sev eral million dollars during the next year. "The United States." he said, "has secured the service of approximately 90 per cent of the expert gold and silver workers of the world who were engaged in the business prior to the war. Virtually the entire world is dependent on these men now working in American shops and factories for what is technically known as oriental jewelry. "Among the artificers who have come to America are the cleverest of the workmen who formerly made antique mountings in Europe. To day the European dealer is con fronted with a condition the Amerl- can dealer faced before the war. To get his original mountings, he has to send to the United States. Be fore the war, it was the other way around. Most of these expert work men came from the Netherlands. Belgium. Bulgaria, Switzerland and France." Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. Engineers Discover Original Niagara Toronto, Ont., Nov. 13.—A dead and buried Niagara, its thunders stilled fpr countless uges, once per haps as great in height and volume of water as the present falls, has been unearthed by excavations made In the course of the new Welland ship canal near Thoroid in Southern Ontario. No memories of this lost Niagara linger even in aboriginal tradition. When it existed or when It ceased to exist has not even been conjectured. The engineers who partly uncov ered it believe it was the orgtnal I NOVEMBER 13, 1919. Niagara marking the course of a paleolithic river that connected Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Some mighty prehistoric cataclysm, it is supposed, diverted the course of the stream and buried the falls and the old river bed level with the surrounding country. 5 I Soothe) Troubles fa\kwith Cnticura 1 Soap. Oliitniil. Man a*. a 4 _jjjjg_Tls Bmitao) "OaMuan J>)> "
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