17 RwpqmagHHgaaaaaaaggHadiiiaaHEigaaaHaggaaaaaagHgaaaaagaasHggag^gaga^gaggaaggß^gaag^gtgaggags 1 You May Reduce Petty Worries to the Vanishing Point by Letting the Classified Ads Serve You I 2ESS23ES Heatbs THROOK —On November 13, 1919, Stella Elizabeth Crook, wife of Thomas 13. Crook, aged 24 years. Funeral on Saturday morning at I*. o'clock from her late residence. 1411 S. 12th St. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment East Harrisburg cemetery. Renfliins can be viewed on Friday evening at the late residence. KELL.4M —On Tuesday morning. No vember 11, 1919 Annie Carolin Kellam, wife of Jehu Camp Kellaru. aged til years, 4 months and three days. . „ Funeral on Friday afternoon o'clock from her late residence. -i| North 15th Street. Funeral services, in the State Street U. B. Church. | ISth and State Streets. Relatives and friends are invited to attend j without further notice. I SRI'HER —On Tuesday. November 11.1 1919. Mary Ann. widow of the late> John O. Oruber. died at her late residence. 422 Briggs Street i Funeral services will be he'" 111- j dav afternoon at 2 o'clock at the| home of her son. Lewis H. 406 Briggs Street. Relatives hnd friends are Invited to attend. Burial private in East Harrisburg ceme tery. 1 BI'EHLER—Died at the home of his sister, Mrs. George D. Ramsey. 101 IjOCUst street. Edward A. Buehier. of SeVv'ices'wiu'be held in St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church. Fri day afternoon at b.30. Interment private. IX MEMORIAM In lcving remembrance of my dear j husband. Thomas W. Nelligan. who departed this life one year ago, No vember 13. 191 S. More and more each day I miss >'bu. , Friends may think the wound is I healed; ' . . But they little know the ! That lies within my heart concealed Peaceful be thy rest. Dear Thomas, it is sweet to breathe thy name. | In lite I loved you dearly; In death I do the same. Sadly missed by his wife v MRS. EMMA NELLIGAN. | LOST AND FOUND j 1 A)ST—Brown leather pocketbook I containing small change, keys and. meal ticket. Finder please return -o | Telegraph business oifice and recene. leward. \ LOST —Brown dog, white breast and feet. Reward if returned. Cail j Bell 1425 J. ! I,OST—Rear auto license tag No. 416127 between Harrisburg and Ann- j vilie Wednesday morning, Nov. 1.. Finder please return same to 404 | Telegraph Bldg.. Harrisburg. I LOST- —Large black pocketbook on j Broad street, containing SB. two door, l.cvs and receipts. Reward if returned 1 Primrose St. 1 LOST —Two tires. :'.4x4 between Le- > moyne. Harrisburg and Gettysburg. License tag and tail light b..2it>. tie ward. 1. IV. Appleon, Lemoyne. LOST—Firestone rim Goodyear cord tire. ;.6x4Vj itcwaei if returned. .-01 North 2d St., or call Bell 2229. INSTRUCTIONS "INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Greeg Shorthand. Typewriting, English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic.. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN -ILL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 12.7. Dial 4016. BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Berkley ..PRIVATE ur class teaching In Costilia'n Spanish. Seventeen 'years experience in Puerto Rico. Diploma i from New York Women s High: School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar. 333 Mnclay Street. Bell phone 2004\\. HELP WANTED —MALE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF MOVING j AROUND FROM ONE JOB TO AN-j OTIII7R. LOSING TIME AND j MONEY GOODYEAR OFFERS YOU PERMANENT WORK THE YEAR 'ROUND. EXCELLENT j WORKING CONDITIONS AND A CHANCE TO EARN RATES IN AC CORDANCE WITH YOUR ABILITY. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS BORING MILL BENCH AND FLOOR LARGE LATHE GENERAL REPAIRMAN BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS Apply in person or write at once to FACTORY EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. WANTED Woodworkers, bench hands, machine hands, stair builders. Good wages, steady work, union shop. Apply Sotners Lumber Co.. 209 North Missouri. Atlantic City. DRUGGIST —Registered druggist to take charge of store in small town; short hours; no Sunday work; good salary. Address C-9019 care Telegraph WANTED Platen pressmen: good wages: steady employment. Apply at once. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. State and Cameron Sts. <Contlnuel In Next Column For Sale Immediate Possession NO. 233 MAC LAY ST. Splendid 3-story brick corner dwelling; in best uptown residence section; contains 9 rooms and bath; front and back porches; steam heat, gas and electric light; lot, 17x99 ft. NO. 2309 X. THIRD ST. Detached, 2V4-tory frame dwell ing: 8 rooms, bath, pantry and sewing room; front and side porches; gas and electric lights; hot water heater; first floor has oak floors and finish; second floor maple finish: lot, 40x150 ft. NO. 2018 DERRY ST. brick dwelling: one of pair; 6 rooms, bath and attic; gas and electric light; pipeless furnace; combination coal and gas range; hardwood floors first floor; front and back porches; cemented eel- Jar; lot. 18x150 ft., to 20-ft. wide alley. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members Hb(. Real Estate Board THURSDAY EVENING, ro:LP WANTED —MALE OPPORTUNITIES IN ACCOUNTANCY Demands for accountants are <n creasing daily: much more insistent than ever before. WE CAN PROVE THAT Many concerns prefer our men, and not only give our men preference, but In some cases require all accounting clerks to take our courses. WE CAN PROVE THAT Prominent certified public accountants have approved our qourses and have emphasized their indorsement by choosing our school to train their em ployes and their sons. WE CAN PROVE THAT 1 For three successive years (1917-1918- 1919) our students stood first among the successful candidates for mem bership in the American Institute of Accountants. WE CAN PROVE THAT 290 leading universities are using Ea Salle text in their schools of com merce. WE CAN PROVE THAT The demand for our trained men is greater than the supply: salaries average larger than in other profes sions. If you intend to study Advanced Accounting, train with a school that can show and prove tangible results. Eastern OfTice, 26 N. 18th Street. 611 Kunkle Building Bell 4940R FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE F. R. R. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER, HBG.. PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGHT TRANSFER. 7TH AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. R. R. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU. NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE, HARRISBURG. PA. WANTED—Two first class tinners and furnace men. will pay from oOc to 80c an hour. Apply E. S. Yeatts. cor. Herman and Rosemont Ave., Le r.ioyne. Call Bell phone any time after 7 p. m„ 2132 M. Only reliable men need apply. WANTED CARPENTERS TRACK REPAIRMEN AND LABORERS FOR GENERAL PLANT WORK APPLY AT EMPLOY MENT OFFICE BETHLEHEM STEEL CO.. STEELTON, PA. WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R. Shops. Har risburg, Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, Harrisburg. . General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, ■ Euola. • 1 Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg. Pa. i | EARN $5-110 weekly, addressing mailing circulars, spare time at home. ! Instructions 10c. Barrett Mailing Co., 1 625 28th St.. Detroit, Mich. I WANTED —At once tailor or press or: good pay. Apply D. Harris. 1428 Derry St. | WANTED—Truck drivers by Uard- I ner Baptisti. Apply office at Third jPnd Chestnut Sts. GRASP the opportunity to-day to | become an expert mechanic and chauf i fer. Wc teach you between your ! working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli | cation at once. Automobile and Aero -1 plane Mechnical School. Office 25 N. ! Camei on St., Harrisburg. Training Quartern and Aeroplane Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax | tang. | WANTED—Woodsmen for work on I lumber job near Rockville, teamsters land choppers. Apply Samuel Witten | moyer. 7th and Schuylkill Sts. ' WANTED —Young man for clerk in shoe store: state age; reference and I salary desired. Address S-7918 care j Telegraph. WANTED Union carpenters for form work; winter job. Apply NATIONAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION. FAIR GROUNDS, CARLISLE, PA. f ' ' WANTED —Two young men over 22 years, df siring to learn salesmanship. ' Will you be satisfied with s*2o per week while learning? Call 410 Patriot i Bldg ' FOUR men with newspaper or mag iazine experience; guaranteed salary and commission, good chance for ad • vnncement. See Mr. Datesman. 410 Patriot Bldg. • LABORERS WANTED I On concrete work, winter job. ! Apply National Engineering Corporation. Fair Grounds, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED —For lunch room work, one counterman and one lloor boy. ex iperienco not necessary. Apply Rustic ,Dniry Lunch. 7-9 S. 3d St. | WANTED —Three high grade boys, 16 to 19 years for permanent and pos sible good position for future. Ad- I dress C-7732 care Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE SALESGIRLS For stationery and book store. Good opportunity. Good pay. Apply COTTEREL-EBNER CO.. 9 North Second St. I I I WANTED—Talloross; good pay. Ap ply D. Harris. 1428 Derry. , (Continued in Next Column) HELP WASTED—EEMALE I BELI, TELEPHONE OPER- , j ATING "An Ideal Occupation for I Voung Women" *9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS | An operator's pay is lncrcas- I ed after four weeks' training I period and thereafter at short intervals as she becomes ex perienced. Young women between 18 and ] 25 will find telephone oper ating very fascinating, clean wcrk. with unusual oppor tunity for advancement in salary and position. i In addition to a good salary our operators have a com fortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. Apply to Miss Kline. Oper ators' Employment Depart ment. Second Floor, 208 Wal nut Street. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heisel, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. M Cameron and State Sts. WANTED Girls for paperbox work: steady employment. Applv Hbg. Bag and Box Company, 1550 Vernon Street. WANTED—A refined young lady to I act as assistant three hours each I evening and Saturday afternoon, one' v. ho can dance preferred. Apply 1 to I 10 p. m., 5 N. Market Square. Room 2.' WANTED—GirIs to take course in< comptometer school. Experienced oper ators always in demand at good sal- ! aries. R. H. Robinson, 208 Aroade Bldg., i 119 Walnut St. WANTED —Reliable white girl for! general housework. Apply 320 Emer ald St. : WANTED—Salesladies for a very | good proposition, salary $5 per day. Call 109 Washington St.. Mrs. John Srin. WANTED—GirI or middle aged ' woman to do general housework; no cooking; $S per week; state age and: whether white or colored. Address j Mrs. E. J. Peiffer, R. D. No. 3. I>an- | master. Pa. WANTED—Settled white woman to' 'are fcr small apartment down town. I l to 11 each morning. Must be horast; and last worker; no triftlers need | apply; reference; give phone number in replying. Address Box G-7734 care Telegraph. | WANTED—MiddIe aged white wo;n-I an for general housework, in family of three adults. Apply 1611 Swatara Street. SALESLADY having ability and ex- I perience for women's ready-to-wear; i give particulars. Address Box E-7728j care Telegraph. WANTED Saleslady experienced in shirt waists, also extras for Sat-1 nrdays. Apply Rainbow Shop, 219 ; Market Street. j WANTED—GirI to sell hosiery, j Books Shoe Store, 217 Market St. SEAMSTRESS for alterations on men's and women's clothing, steady | position; state experience, reference | and salary expected, also phone num- | ber. Address Box T-7915 care Tele graph. j WANTED—GirIs to learn how to j make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. | WANTED Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Experienced loopers and menders. Apply Harris Hoaieiy Co.. Calder and Marion Sts. • HEW WANTED—MaIe ami Female MEN AND WOMEN TO SELL THE CLOW CASTEAM HEATING RADIATORS BURNALL FUEL SAVERS RADIANTFIRE HEATERS AUCTIONEER HITE 422 S. 13TH STREET. BELL 187 5J i E. E. HOERNER 421 HUMMEL ST. WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets. Harrisburg, Fa. WANTED Ladv and men canvassers, only those of ability and good character need apply. One of the largest music houses In Harrisburg. Address Box D-7733 tare Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and tull particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n.. Dept. 603. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED ARE you tired selling everyday articles, if so let us show you how you can make $lO daily supplying auto owners and dealers with Marvello 208 Jackson Ave.. Susquehanna, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE MIDDLE aged man desires posi tion as truck driver or chauffeur. Best of references. Phone 9956R-11. AN honest young married man. aged 22, wishes for work from any time between 7-12 o'clock in the evenings, afternoons on Saturday. Address Box 9696 Lemoyne. Pa. YOUNG High school boy would Ilk-' work for Saturdays. Can furnish besj of reference. Address Box S-8128 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE COICrRED woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Apply a! 1623 Apricot St. WANTED—General office work b> young woman schooled in stenog raphy and office training. Best of ref erence. Address 0-7914 care Tele i graph. HARRISBURG t&dMB TELEGRAPH ffi HAVE YOU AN EXTRA ROOM? S &P Rents are high. If you have a spare jut j Cy room, why not find a tenant for it. of the desirable kind, and lessen the cost- ]n j I f]R of-living burden a little? y ] I * ROOMS FOR REM L. —Furnished front room on third floor. Hill location, one door 1 rom car line, suitable for one or two ittdiro. Address Box X-7735 care Tele graph. rHRMB furnished rooms for rent' : for light housekeeping", location near llVsYj *" Park ' no children. Bell j i TWO fiii fished second floor front! rooms, bath and phone. Apply l*>s3i |Derry St. ' ! [ FOR RENT—Two rooms furnished |or unfurnished on third floor- all conveniences: man and wife preferred (inquire 1909 N. Fourth St. 'TWO nicely furnished rooms on third floor for light housekeeping, hot and cold water, electric light and use of bath. Reference required. Aonlv "" North ISth St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; cen trally located: all conveniences. In 'quire, 328 North St. MARKET ST., near 19th, desirable furnished room, third floor front, all conveniences, references. Bell 1539. I FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor for light house keeping use of bath electric lights and heat corner property no children. In j quire 204? N. sth St. I NICELY furnished room for rent. | for lady or gentlemen. Apply 1524 ■Green St. i FOR RENT—Two rooms, electric I light and water, strictly private. $lO per month. No children. Apply 321 ( Roily St. ! FOR RENT—Two furnished or un furnished rooms; all conveniences. 'Apply 600 North St. Call Bell phone , 593 M. | THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, electric lights and , steam brat, use of phone and bath. 'Apply 1321 State St. I NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 ; South Third Street. ROOMS WANTED | WANTED—Young woman desires ; room and board if possible in private 'family. References If required. L-7736 j care Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED ! APARTMENT—Furnished or small '•modern home wanted in desirable ' residential section; responsible, re - 1; fined family. Address Box H-7911 I care Telegraph. BOARD AND ROOMS . j ROOMS and board furnished to two i or three gentlemen in private family, lccatior. uptown section, all conveni- I ences. Address Box Y-7905 care Tele •' graph. REAIJ ESTATE FOR SALE HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 831 MARKET STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE SITUATE ON MARKET ST. j Tliree-story brick containing eight 'rooms and storeroom: all improve ments; house in first class condi- Jtion throughout, now rented for $669 'annual; possession can be had in 30 jdavs; owner must sell on account of j sickness; act quick if you don't want to loose this opportunity. For quick i sale $6,800. Address Box D-7919 care j Telegraph. EMERALD St., 333. Modern semi bungalow. Very desirable. Call 1811. Dr. B S Behney, 236 N. Second St. FOR SALE Two-story mansarcd roof, 11-room brick building, electric lights, bath and hot water heat and frame garage (room for two cars), lot 150x150 feet, situate on the west side of Market street, Duncannon. Pa. Price $7,000. R. Jones Rife, Dun cannon. Pa. FOR SALE—Bungalow. 3218 N. 2d St., pressed brick, slate roof, lot 26x 150: six rooms, steam heat, fireplace, hardwoou. Phone 2612 W. FOR SALE or will exchange for < tlier property, one 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all conveniences. Room for garage in rear, located on Sixth St.. between PefTer and Maclay. Call Bell 4667. VACANT house for sale; 6 rooms and finished attic. Possession at once. 1 rice SI2OO. Durand & Ferber. 107 Chestnut St. near Front. FOR SALE 1918 Penn St.. brick 360H 1943 N. 4th St.. brick $3006 1918 Park St.. brick *sooa 2127 N. Sixth St., brick $600(1 1820 Fulton St.. frame $1906 Easy payments. D. A. CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 58'J FOR SALE—A fine single house, now vacant at Third and Lewis Str It lias large lot and all improvements. Easy terms if desired. E. Moeslein, 600 A Boas St.; Lewis M. Nelfter. 2102 Front St. FOR SALE —Two-story frame house on Montgomery St.. and house In rear. Reasonable price. Easy terms Inquire at 1003 N. Second St. Bell phone 899 M. $2700 WILL PURCHASE a 3-stor.v brick house on Penn street; elghl ruoms and hath; all improvements No. 1812. Bell Realty Co.. Bergnei Bldg. (Continued In Neat Column) RKAL ESTATE FPU SALK j I 3113 I''ront St., 14 rooms, batli. water' heat, hardwood finish, garage, lot 50x i 200 feet. 3023 and 3025 Second St., 8 rooms.! hath, steam heat, hardwood finish,: j sleeping porch, lot 26x130 feet. 2144 Susquehanna St., 7 rooms, I bath, steam heat. I 2044 Susquehanna St.. 8 rooms, bath, I furnace. j 1933 Third St., 10 rooms, two baths, j steam heat, hardwood finish. ■ 2200 Third St., 10 rooms, bath. ■ steam heat, hardwood finish. | 2427-29-31 Sixth St., 9 rooms, steam: heat, hardwood finish. .. 3227-29 Sixth St.. 6 rooms, bath, | steam heat. ! 2136 Seventh St., 8 rooms, bath, fur nace I 316-18-20-22 Lewis St., 6 , rooms, ,bath. furnace. I 1423 Hunter St., 6 rooms, bath, fur ! nace. ' Ft Washington, 9 rooms, bnth. fur i nace, hardwood finish, lot 60x200. j 620 Muench St., 3-story brick, to j rcoma and bath, now vacant. D. E. LUCAS, Ileal Estate and Insurance | 303 Lewis St. Bell phone I , j i Derry Street between 23d and 24th„ finished August, j 1919. Three-story stone, and ! stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat: hardwood floors, garage, $9,500 if sold by December 1, LEWIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J FOB SALfE —2d St. below Maclay, 2-story, semi-detached house; 25 feet i front; 162 ft. deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J HOUSES in all sections of city sold on easy payment plan, ranging from ! SI,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. WHATEVER YOUR REQUIREMENTS If interested in locating a home in the city or country, get in touch with this ofTlce LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. FOR SALE A new modern. 6-room house locut ed on a lot 50x175 feet midway be tween Swatara Station and 1-fockers vllle. Pa. The house is equipped with a good steam heating system, large pr.ntry and attic, partially equipped bath room. A good sized garden in good condition adjoins a well-graded i yard filled with shrubbery and trees. There is a poultry house in a good sized poultry yard. In the poultry yard is also a stable large enough ior two automobiles. A well of splen did water is near the kitchen door. The home is located within u 5-cent fare to Hershey and Hummelstown and within a 11-cent fare, to Ruther ford. No reply to any request within | four days will Indicate that the prop el tv is sold. Apply to S. S. Shearer, lohippensburg. Pa., for particulars. FOR SALE—A fine ten room house with porch, side entrance and long lot on S. 13th St. A. VV. Swengel, 2131 N. j Second St. i FOR SALE—Brick house. 403 Hum mel avenue. Lemoyne; all Improve ments; fine laige porch; price $4,800. Inquire 300 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. | FOR SALE—Brick dwelling. 2051 , Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front : porch. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. 3d St. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 1611 Green street, 8 rooms and bath. Cha.i. | Adler, 1002 N. Third St. NEW HOUSES—For sale and now open for inspection; 2419 Derry street; brick construction: weil finished, most I modornly e quipped: open fireplace; lot 2C.\100. Bell Iteulty Co., Bergner ; Bldg. I VERY DESIRABLE—-Brick house for sale. 1920 Chestnut street; all modern improvements, including 1 steam heat; do not delay as tills neighborhood anel dwelling ure desir !able and the price is right. Bell Realty I Co., Pergner Bldg. MARKET ST., 1606—Brick house for sale; nine rooms and bath, all other improvements; occupied by owner; inspect It. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner i'.lelg. i VACANT HOUSE FOR SALK—No' 68 N. 12th street. 3-story dwelling; exterior and Interior recently paint ,ej; all rooms papered und equipment iln good order; extra lot ut side of bouse. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. $1301) WILL PURCHASE a brick property on Park street; all Improve ments; drive alley In rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFBR ST., 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale; brick and stucco semi-bunga low seven rooms and bath: hot water heat; other improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. PROPERTY FOR SALE—On corner of Bailey and Twelfth streets; brick construction; nine rooms; all Im piovemcnts. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST.. 2307—N0W VACANT, for sale, brick and stucco semi-bun galow seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other improvements. Bell BeaUy Co.. Bergner Bldg. ' (Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KOI! SALIC; POSSESSION SOON 147 Sylvan Terrace, Improvements. 3- story brick $400( "31 Park St.. improvements, 2V6-stor> brick $3501 1700 block. State St., imp., garage, 3- story brick ss2ot 1400 block, Herr St.. imp., 2-storj brick, side entrance s3oo< 15th. cor. Broad, imp., steam heat, 3- story brick $560( 127 N. 15th. imp.. 3-story brick, baj window, porches $520( Whitehall and Itegina Sts.. 3-storj brick and brownstone. hot watei heat. See this property. Bargaii $15,501 12 S. 28th St., 214-tory frame, gar age. large lot. bargain $245< !2X ar.d 230 S. 29th St., Penbrook. imp. largo- lot. each s23*'. 100 luock. Woodbine St., 3-story bk. imp $3501 673. 675, 677 Briggs St., 3-story bk. imp., each $32-11 ICtli rnd Herr, double 216-story frami home, barn, garage, chicken house all kinds fruit, large garden, bar gain s42oi b'J .rcnce St., Penbrook. double framt houbc. barn, pig sty, chicken house lots of fruit and large garden Price : $lBOl Eight-room, new brick house, lot 18- bv 170, chicken house, pig sty, neai penbrook. Price $3501 1123 State St.. 3-story brick, imp. s46o< Any of the above properties can bi riad on 30 days' notice. See my list. . lave other properties. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. Real Estate and Insurance, 1549 State St.. cor. 16th St Dial 4930 Belt 41621 BUY YOUR HOME on the renta payment plan. Small cash or Libert; Bond til st payment required, balanc as rent. We have houses in ever part of the city and suburbs. Appl- A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street FOR SALE—Nice home on Hill single property, brick, all improve ments, recently completed, lot 40xl0'J Value $8,500. Will consider trade o auto or small homes. Address Bo: 0-7900 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR REN'i located at the east end of Mulberry Street Bridge. No. 1. Possession December 1. prop crty now occupied by Swain, Hick man Company, consisting of One office. Two basements. One storage room. One concrete garage 15x155 ft. Suitable for auto accessory or aim liar business, requiring space fo storage. No. 2. Possession January 1, prop erty now occupied by C. A. Fair, con sisting of Two-story frame building, 38xlb L-shapo building adjoining. 38x0 feet. Suitable for auto repair and pain Bliop, or manufacturing business. For further particulars upply at 126 South Second Street. Three-storv brick houses; stear heat and all improvements; Derr; St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3O down. Balance as rent. BRICIv HOUSE—Logan St.. belot Peffer Street: 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fiftedn days. SSO down. $2 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms an bath: electric light; aw painted new. SSO down. $25 pe month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057J HOUSE FOR RENT—Susquehann St. or Mvrtle ave.. 819. sl7 per montl Inquire L. Minter, 110 N. Second Si both phones. REAL EST ATI-: —For Sale or Ren Opportunity for live wire, llowar street above Thirteenth, 15,000 squar feet of lioor apace, brick construe lion, adaptable for warehouse o manufacturing purpose, electrical) equipped, steam heated, now used a garage and service station, (know Conover Garage), attractive propo sition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN. Bell 3057J 31 North Second Si REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Apartment house In good lo cation, prefer Front Street, Must accommodate three to six families with all the latest improvements. Must show good investment. Ad dress. D. ASA SANDERLIN, 36 N. Third St., Room 1, Security Trust Bldg. Bell 139 U. Dial 3573. WAN'I to buy property betweei Second and Third Streets, on Maclay Woodbine. Emerald or Seneca Streets Address Box T-773U care Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop -rties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es late and Insurance, 1002 North Thiv: it reet. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS FOIi RENT—Office space, full; •quipped with two large communicai ing rooms which can be used for stor ige or supplies. Inquire 429 Broad St FOR RENT —Second floor room. 50: 110 ft. no posts, 11th and Berryhil -'treet. Apply on premises. FARMS FOR SALE Truck farm of 16 acres. 5 mile from Harrlsburg. Cumberland coun tv, 2'/4-htory frame house, barn, pii sty and chicken house, 216 acre fruit Possession at once. $3,100. 17-aere truck farm, 6-room house bank barn. A moneymaker. Possessioi at once. Cumberland county. 5 mile from Harrlsburg. Price $2,500. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1542 State, corner Sixteenth St. Bell 4162R t>il <93 FOR SALE Grain or stock farm. 72 acres, 2 acres timber, frame house, 8 rooms Kinall barn, hog and chicken house, horses, 1 cow. 2 wagons and farm Ira [dements. Price $2,000. Also 50 acres. 12 acres fine timber log house and frame barn; vacant Price $650. Both farms near Manad; 3ap. Dauphin county. 100 acres in Fishing Creek Valley 13 miles from Harrlsburg, good housi and barn, chicken house and pig sty (00 cords of wood cut goes with thl [arm. Frlce $3,000. •C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State Street, Bell 4162R Dial 493 (Continued In Next' Column) NOVEMBER 13, 1919. FARMS | FARMS FOR SALE 15 acres SI7OO 16 acres 700 24 acres 2000 26 acres 2000 30 acres 2600 30 acres ...4200 48 acres 1100 50 acres .' 1700 US acres 3500 72 acres 2000 110 acres 4200 128 acres 5300 180 acres 3900 DURAND & FERRER. 107 Chestnut near Front 18 acres limestone soil near Wil liams Grove, '/a-mile to trolley. 7- room frame house, bank barn (30x50!, all buildings in good shape, eleetrlc light, good well. 50 fruit trees, splen did place. F, P. Mumma & Son. Me chanicsburg. Pa. FOll SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Ask any of the following satisfied users of the BURNALL FUEL SAVER what they think of the efficiency and convenience of the same, they know by actual experience, llnrrishurg Telegraph. Patriot Nejys. Heisey Apartments. 901 North Front St., Dr. .lohn C. Stevens, 240 South 13th St. For further data and information call on AUCTIONEER HITE 422 South 13th St. E. E. FIOERNER 421 Hummel St. General sales agents FOR SALE—One large oak side hoard. price S2O; one 16 ft. extension oak dining table, sl6; one large oak dresser, sls; one oak bed and coil springs. $lO. Call Bell 71R. FOll SALE—Remington typewriter No. 10. practically new. at a bargain. H. L Campbell, Irving College, Me chanicsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Overstuffed tapestry. 3-piece parlor suite, valued S2OO. Sale price $165. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE —Furniture, parlor, din ing, hail and bedroom, good as new; cheap if sold quick. 40 N. 18th St. FOR SALE —Kitchen range, good as new. price sls. Inquire 1828 North St. FOR SALE—A tine. 6-foot Indian tanned Buffalo robe, never used. A. W. Swengel. 2131 N. 2d St. FOR SALE—Burroughs adding ma chine, used about six months; good as new. Address Box B-7917 caro Tele graph FOR SALE—Leather couch, iron eril) and ladies' oak writing desk. Call at 1834 Chestnut St. Bell 5068 R. FOR SALE—Two girl's Dayton bi cycles. also one large folding bed with Incased mirror, cheap. Inquire 429 Broad St. FOR SALE Gasoline hoisting en gine. 10 H. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors, various sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. TYPEWRITERS BOU OH T FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. Tt BLOTS OX. 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPH Ell M TIH EATER BOTH PHONES BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.006 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars free. MORRIS SAYS save money buying n< w and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. CENTRAL Furnishing Store, sec ond-hand heaters. $4 up. ranges in good condition. $lO up. Must be sold in next 15 days. Also big bargains in nigs and linoleums. Come and see. we will try and convince you. Open even ings at 324 Reily St. Closed all day Saturday. FOR SALE Superior Oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstration by appointment. F. R. Laverty. 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE—A No. 11 Monitor coll holler for steam heat or hot water plant. Also 806 ft. of I\i inch pipe and radiators. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire H. 11. Martin. New Bloomileld, Pa. Bel', phone 374. FOR SALE—Couch in good condi tion. Inquire 927 N. 2d St. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Second-hand Hat top desk with drawers, good condition re ( ulrrd. H. R. Aikins. 1171 Market St. WF are In the market foi all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Cohen & Co., York and Ash Ave. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 102(1 Market Street. Will call, city or coun try. Bell phone 5321 J. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. BUSINESS OI'I'OnUNITIES GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing live men. Address Box 11-9016 care Telegraph. DRUG STORE for sale In Harris burg. good location with dwelling, do ing good business, owner leaving city. Cash sale. Address Box B-7731 care Teli gruph. GROCERY store for sale; good lo cation; doing good business; goo,) reasons for selling. Address Box D-7729 care Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239W-2. INVENTORS, If you have Ideas of value 1 can co-operate to develop. Hamilton Practical Draftsman. 125 tj. Eleventh St. OXY-ACETYLENE WEI,D IN G Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygon. Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan Street Bell 4396 J. (Continued in Next Column) BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS >■ CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK OVER DISPLAY. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO, FHIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS ABOVE SHOE STORE Bell Phone 1577R I'AI'ER HANGING AND PAINTING —First class work. Chileoat Bros .33 Harris Street. Fir lIiNITUR E CRATED. J A* Bishop, 1136 Logan street. Bell 2632R1 DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. JAPLAN CO., 206 Market atreet. QUININE —Look out for that grippe reeling, likely to catch you this 'hangcable weather. OUR LAXATIVF, PHOSKHO-QUININK will stave It off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store 119 Market street. ' RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED —. Single edge. 25c doz.. double edge, 35c Joz.. razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FINANCIAL SAFE INVESTMENTS SHORT TERM BONDS TO YIELD SEVEN PiER CENT. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. * 130 Walnut Street, Bell 518-J Harrisburg, Pa.f ■ 1 MONEY IX) LOAN NOTICE We have taken over the accounts of the Profit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ments at our office. Others who desire small loans may be accommodated upon application to us. Co-Operative Loan end Investment Company, 204 Chestnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to indlvidu- ,J als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. J 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg.. Third and Market streets. 'Licensed and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repuired by an expert only. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE —Square piano, very rea sonable to quick buyer, or will .rade for side car. Inquire 2552 Agate St. FOR SALE —To quick buyer, slight ly used Grand piano, party leaving city on account of changing position. Address Box G-6236 care Telegraph PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler's, 14 South Fourth Street. FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 N. Sixth street. STORAGE ft STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms ut reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. J Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, is per month and up. Liwer storage rates in non-iireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co, 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSFIRE DISTILLERY CO, LTD, HIGHSPIRE. PA. Both phones. Bell Steelton 169Y STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. 0. Dlener. 40S Market Street. HAULING AND MOVING * Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelker Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery, 20 years' experience. Bell 8418. Dial 3283. AUTO hauling, local or long dis- (ance, furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital St. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 630 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3638. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. ___________ WE Move Anything, Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co, 912 Nortl Third Street. HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubcr'H Truck Service. Irwin J Aungst. Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone irK6. PAUL BECK, general nuuling, local and long distance, making a of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Naudain St.. or Bell 5235 J. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLICR. F I'NERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Den y St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2188 RUDOLPH K. SPICKR. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer 511 North Second Street. t BELL 252 DIAL 2145 CEM ETERY I.< >TS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new parlb way The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co, Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS — ■ 4 CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let siake your old fall and Win er clothes look new. We call and de- Iver All kinds of repairing. Both iliones. 11. Goodman, 1306% North tlxth Street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers