Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page MONEY TO LOAN" NOTICE We have taken over the accounts of the Profit Sharing Loan Society. Per sons indebted will please make pay ments at our office. Others who desire small loans may be accommodated upon application to us. Co-Operative Loan end Investment Company, 204 Chestnut St.. Harrisburg. Pa. WE LEND MONEY in compliance 4 with Act of June 4. 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. MONEY* LOANED— Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg.. Third and Market streets. -Licensed and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL FOR SALE— Square piano, very rea sonable to quick buyer, or will .rade for side car. Inquire 25a2 Agate St. FOR SALE —To quick buyer, slight- Iv used Grand piano, party leaving city on account of changing position. Address Box G-6235 care Telegrap PIXNOS TUNED AND REPAIRED by a skilled tuner only. Oyler s. -4 South Fourth Street. _____ VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South kourth street. FOR SALE Player piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangler Music House, -11- N. Sixtn street- STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. , STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware- | house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- ] 445 South Second street. 1 STORAGE LOW PRICES HIGHSPIRR DISTILLERY CO., LTD., HIGHSPIRE. PA. Both phones. Bell Steelton lli9Y STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener. 408 Market Street. HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelker Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery. 20 years' experience. Bell 2118. Dial 3283. ___________ XUTO hauling, local or long dis tance. furniture and piano moving a specialtv. Blue Line Transfer. 91. Capital St. Both Rhones. LOCAL AND LGNG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 630 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3638. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. WE Move Anything, Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third Street HEAVY HAULING Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Bell phone ISR6. PAUL BECK, general nauling. local and long distance, making a special.*;-' of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1617 Naudain St.. Or Bell 5235 J. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UN" IIKKTAKKRS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2ISS RUDOLPH K. SPICKR. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY* IA)TS FOR SAI.E PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY' Pcautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The price of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver Ail kinds of repairing. Both phones. H. Goodman, 1306% North Sixth Street. . AUTOMOBILES CLEARANCE SALE OF REBUILT TRUCKS Included In this offering, all of which must be moved before we vacate our warehouse, are the following: 1200-pound Overland delivery. % 1-ton Republic, new tires. 1-ton C.arford, rebuilt, pneu matic tires on front. 1%-tor. Bethlehem with cab and stake body. Used one month ar.d exchanged for 2%-ton of same make, account grow ing business. Practically a new truck equipped with electric lights and starter. Also several bodies, express, slake and dump, with hand and hydraulic hoists. THE OY'ERLAND HARRISBURG CO., 212-214 North Second Street. Both Phones. FOR SALE —Three 1919 Oaklands. good shape, one car has been driven onlv 400 miles, practically new. One model 85, Big Four Overland. 1913 Ford touring. These cars will be sold at a bar- Kain " STEELLER'S GARAGE, •"Bill 72 Newberrytown. Pa. FOR SALE —Late model Ford tour ing car, In excellent condition, all new tires. Call Bell phone 3679 M. FOR SALE or exchange, a 1918 8- eylinder car in good condition, ha* run 7.000 miles. Address X-7908 care Telegraph. YVM. PENN GARAGE ""4-6 Muonch street. Limousines for funerals, parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. AN eight cylinder, 1918 O'dsmobiio, on city property. Address X-7908 car-t Telegraph. % (.Continued in Next liilumiq WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND US-ED CAR DEPARTMENT CLEARANCE SALE We must vacate our present warehouse and service station December 1. Our'new building will not be completed before January, therefore, to move them quickly, we have marked down the price of every used lai from 6100 to $l5O. Immediate deliveries only and subject to prior sale, we offer: Pullman 6-passenger touring, fine tire equipment, refinished. equipped with electric lights and starter. Previously priced at 8485. now markid. for qui'' l sala 35 Cadillac. 7-passenger touring, original paint in excellent con dition. splendid upholstry. New storage battery, motor and ail mechanical parts , un " s, good. Formerly priced at *6_so. Now * a2a Overland 5 passenger tour ing. 1919, model 90 demonstra tor, l>ke new and bearing new ear guarantee. Th.s car never sold but used by us for dem onstrating. Original price slo9j. Refinished and specially prirea ! for this sale $.90 Willys Six touring. seven passenger demonstrator. Thor oughly overhauled and re painted. Excellent tire equip ment, one extra. Open evenings until nine. HIE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO.. "12-214 North Second Street. Both Phones. • FOR SALE —One Hupp model 20. $lOO. Worth it. See G. VV. C. at Jack son Mfg. Co.. 4th and Boyd Ave.. I ity. 1917 Chandler, club roadster. $9OO. 1917 Mercer touring. 7-passenger. very snappy, two spare tires. A real good bargain. 1914 Overland roadster, electric equipment. Sacrifice $285. 1914 Overland, touring. $28:,. 1917 Mitchell, touring, real bargain. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used car. Demonstration given. CHEIJSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schiffman, Manager. DODGE roadster for sale, 191S mod el run 4.900 miles, new cord tires, every accessory, in perfect condition. Apply 2137 Green St. 1910 Cadillac eight, new top. cord "m 7 Standavd eight. 7 passenger touring, cord tiros. 1919 Standard eight, beating fac tor-.- guarantee. Mercet speedster. Willys-Knight touring. Will demonstrate any of these cars Bny CHESTER-TAYLOR & CO.. Bell 2731 34 S. 13th St. BARGAINS PREMIER— Touring, like new; cheap. BETHLEHEM —2%-ton. dump body. WHITE —5-tor_ aunip body. DUPIiKX New condition; van body. FEDERAL 3%-ton. dump body; three. . . . ACME—3%-ton, Woods dump body. DENBY'—a-con. Woods dump body. DENBY —Stake body; like new. CADILLAC —Unit, with two-wheel trailer. FORD—S-passenger. touring. MACK—2-ton. Woods dump body. SEVERAL BODIES FOR SALE DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 Capital Street. A new Ford touring car for sal-, starter and storage battery. Inquire at Room 411, Metropolitan Hotel from 5.30 to 5.30 evenings. Owner leaving for West. Will sell at a sacrifice. APPLRSON —Six-cylinder chummy roadster for sale; refined and in good condition; new tires: a real bargain. Keystone Sales Co., 108 Market St. FOR SALE—Automobile; seven pas senger Cadillac, in fine condition; model 1915. Inquire 511 North Second SC or Bell phone 252. FOR SALE —Reo car. Rebuilt and in first class running order. Chassis suit able for light delivery. Immediate sale $250 Harrisburg Welding and Blazing Co.. 94-96 South Cameron St. Overland, touring, six good tires. Chevrolet, model 1918, five passett ger. excellent condition. Studebaker, five passenger, re painted and in fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. 1917 North Third Street. FOR SALE—Chalmers Sedan. 1917: new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4- passenger, sport model; wire wheels, bumper, spot light, five nt?w tires; Overland. 1918, 90 delivery car. In quire Penn-Harris Taxicab office, care Penn--Harris Hotel. FORD Sedan. 191S model; good run ning order. $695. Horst, Linglestown. OLD Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in anv condition. See me before .sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto wrecking. A. Schiffman. 22 24 26 X. Cameron Street. Bell 3633. For Sale, 1918. 5 passenger Buick six. looks like new. Price. $l,OOO. Also several two-ton trucks, in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. SKLDOX TRUCK CO.. 1021 Market St. SECOND-HAND motor trucks for sale cheap—Fords. Kohler, Chalmers and Internationals; three-quarter to two-ton capacities; $2OO and up. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER MOTOR TRUCK DEPARTMENT 619-21 Walnut Street. FOR SALE—II4-ton capacity Mar tin truck. 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House, 15 S. Market square. FOR SALE—Two-ton International truck in good condition; cheap. Ap- Pl> FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 443 S. Cameron Street. FORD touring. 17 model; electric lights, runs and pulls like new. Price $375 cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Horst, Linglestown, near Harrisburg. PAN-AMERICAN. big six. 1919 touring, run 2,000 miles, like new, will demonstrate. G. J. swope, 602 North 16th. Bell 675 J. "'FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. WANTED —All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. MAGNETOS All types, 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman. Dixie. Splitdorf, Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. AUTOS FOR HIRE UITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. Bell 2360 Dial 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. | MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar. kct Square, Harrisburg: 1338 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Americau T. and T Its 1 * 99 s * Allis Chalmers 43 43% Amer. Beet Sugar 92'* 91 American Can 57 >* 5714 Am. Car and Fndry C 0...135 13514 Amer. Loco 96 9714 Amer. Smelting 68 7214 Amer. Sugar 135 137 Anaconda 65'* 6614 Atchison 891* 89% Baldwin Loco 121 119% Baltimore and Ohio .... 3814 39 Bethlehem Stel. B 991-j 10014 Butte Copper 23'* 2414 Cal. Petro 4714 47 Can. Pacitlc 147% 148U Central Leather 160 99'* Chesapeake and Ohio ... 5714 57 Chi.. Mil and St. Paul ... 42% 421* Chi.. R. I. and Pacific 27 % 27 4* Chino Con. Copper 4014 4014 Col. Fuel and Iron 43 42 7 * Corn Products 88 81 % Crucible Steel 221 225 Eric 161* 15 General Electric 168 168 General Motors 345 326 Goodrich. B. F 8114 8314 Great North Ore, subs ... 41 4014 Inspiration Copper 5714 57% Interboro Met 51* 6' Int. Nickel 25% 25' Int. Paper 71 Vj 711* Kennecott 32 32 Lackawanna Steel 92 92 Lehigh Valley 46 45 "4 Maxwell Motors 46 4514 Merc. Mar Ctfs 55'* 56 Merc. Mar. Ctfs.. pfd 1051 a 105 7 * llei. Petro 220 21614 Miami Copper 25 ' 25'* Midvale Steel v.. 51 ? 4 5114 Missouri Patiflc 28 28 N. Y. Central 72'* 72*4 N. Y„ N. H. and H 32 ', 32% North. Pacific 85 85 Pittsburgh Coal 62 s , 6314 Pinna, it. R 42% 42 7 * Railway Steel Spg 99'* 99 Hay Con. Copper 21", 21 s 4 Reading 80 79% It< public Iron and Steel ..112% 11514 Southern Pacific 107', 107'* Southern Pacific 107'* 107'* Southern Ry 24% 24% Sinclair Oil" and R. 63', 52 7 Sludebaker 127'- 12614 I'nion Pacific 122'* 122'* I". S. I. Alcohol 113% 114% U. S. Rubber 123% 12514 I*. S. Steel 105% 105%) Utah Copper ........... 79% 79%] Westinghouae Mfg 35'* 54% ! Willys-Overland 31% 31% ' . I MOTORCYCLES AND HICYCI.ES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK. GUARANTEED DORV SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH TlllKl' STREET. Garages. Accessories and Repairs FOR RENT i Clinton St.. rear of 161814 N. Fifth St.. one-half gaiage. will accommodate one car or truck, rent reasonable, pos-* session at once. D. ASA SANDERLIN, I 36 N. 3d St.. liooni 1. Secur ity Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Officially open for business in our new garage at 443 South Cameron street. We have a model fireproof building and storage, dead or live weight, for over 100 cars. We thank our patrons for past services and desire to have them see our new place of business. SCAN DA LIS & FEDERICKS MOTOR CAR CO.. 443 South Cameron Street. GARAGE for rent. Storage for twenty cars: office and equipment: l centrally located. D. A. Caley, 707 \ Ktinkel Bldg. Bell 559. STORAGE wanted; general auto re pairing: cars washed while you wait: all work guaranteed. Cut Rate Gar age, 1807-09 N. Seventh St. YOt'R Dodge plus a Haytield car buretor. That's a great combination— a Rayfleld equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dodge model is inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for it in a short time. A Bayfield on any ear creases its efficiency all around. Mv, how she pulls the hills. Federick's Garage. 443 S. Cameron St. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will he made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin coun ty on Monday, the 24th day of No vember. 1919. at 10 o'clock a. m.. or as soon thereafter as the said court may lie in session for the transfer of the retail liquor license now held by Richard F. Culhane. for northeast corner of Capital and Forster streets. Fifth ward. City of llarrisburg. Pa., unto David Wiseman. ROBERT STUCK Kit. Attorney for Transferee. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania, December 12. 1919. under the Act of Assembly en title,! "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29. 1574. and the supplements thereto, for the character ol an intended corpora tion. to be called The Monarch Wall Paper Company, the character and object of which is the manufacturing, applying, buying, selling and dealing in all kinds of paints, colors, varnish es. oils and their ingredients, wall paper, rnouldings. brushes and paper hangers' supplies of all kinds, window shades and all things incident and ap purtejiant to said business, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjov all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements therto. C. L. MeCOBB. Solicitor. TRANSFER OF LIQUOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that appH. cation has been tiled in this office and will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin Countv on Wednesday. November 28. 1919 10 o'clock a. m.. for the transfer of the license to sell liquor at retail now held by Frank O. Horting and s' Bruce Mingle, for the premises sit uate at 309 Market Street, Third ward llarrisburg. Pa., known us the Hotel' Dauphin, to premises situate at 1415 North Third Street, Sixth ward. Hat. risburs. Pa. CHARLIES E. PASS, Clerg. EXECUTORS' PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, executors of the estate of Harriet Cassol, deceased with the sole devisee under decedent's will joining therein, will sell at public sale in tront of the Courthouse, Hur rUburg. Pa., on Thursday. November 20. 1919. at 2 o clock p. m.. the follow ing described real estate. Three -story brick dwelling house and lot of land situate tit 933 North Third street. Harrlsburg, Pennsylva nia. Fronting 21 feet on North Third street, and extending back the same width 131 feet to James alley. Also six two-story frame dwelling houses. Nos. 414, 416. 418, 420. 422 and 421 Hamilton street, fronting 01 , Hamilton street. 72 feet and extend ing back the same width 62 feet to a three-foot private alley. Terms made known on day of sale BENJAMIN M NEAD . B FRANK NEAD, Executors of the last will nnd testament of Harriet Cassel. deceased Bessie G. Tuipin. sole devisee. ... . . ... - ■QLKRISBURG frfijSg TEIttUKAPg Governor Re-elected as Rebuke to Radicals and Three Other Successful Candidates - —Mm—, 1 GOVERNOR CALVIN COOLIDGE EDWIN P. MORROW Of Massachusetts, Re-elected Goverrror-elect V of Kentucky MM:% j ÜBB EDWARD T. EDWARDS ALBERT C. RITCHIE Governor-elect of New Jersey Governor-elect of Maryland Hide and Leather 34 34 Pierce Arrow S3 77% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Pliiliiilrlplilii. Nov. 12.—Bran—Low er: sott winter bran, western in 100 pound sacks. $45.50@46.5u: spring bran in 100 pound sacks. $ 14.50@45.5p. Live Poultry—Firm: turkeys high er. 37. 6 40c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; turkeys higher. 45® 470; fowls, lower; fresh killed fowls, choice to fancy, 37@3Sc; email sixes, 26630 c. ilay—Higher; timothy. No. 1, $33; No. $296 31; No. 3. s2s® 28; clover, mixed hay. light mixed, $29631; No. 1 mixed, $27 628. Kggs—Higher; nearby firsts. $20.70; current receipts, $20.10; western ex tra firsts, $20.70: western firsts. $19.50 '<t 20.10: fancy selected packed, 76# 78c. per dozen. Cheese —Lower: New York and Wis consin full milk, 31@33%c. Oats—Quit, but steady: No. 1 white, S2@B£4c; No. 2 white, 81®Sl%c; No. 3, white, 80@80%c. Butter —Steady; western creamery, extra. 70c; nearby prints, fancy, 76 6 78 c. Live Poultry—Firm: fowls, as to qualitv. 26637 c; chickens, as to qual ity. 24® 32c: roosters. 21@22c; ducks, Fekin. 52® 34c; Indian runner, 2S® 30c; turkeys. 32® 36c: geese. 26® 30c. Potatoes—Steady but quiet; nearby No. 1 per basket. 90c@$1.10: lower grades. 40@65c: 150 pound sacks. No. 1 $3.53®,4.10; No. 2, $2@2.40; Penna. in 100 pounds. $2.6063. Flour—Quiet, but steady; soft win ter straight western. slo® 10.25; new bv. $9.75610; hard winter straight, $11.35® 11.55: short patent, $11.75® 12.25; spring first clear, $9.25@9.75; patent. $12.10®) 12.35; short patent, $12.50® 12.75; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand, $12.75® ' Tailow—Dull and weak: prime city locse. 16c: special loose, 16% c; prime country. 15c; edible in tierces, 13% c. CHICAGO CATTLE 'MARKET Chicago. Nov. 12.—Hogs Receipts 24.000, lower. Bulk. $4.35@14..5; too. earl\. $14.90: heavy, $14.40® 14._i0; medium. $14.40® 14.80: light. $14.35® 14.75- light lights, $14.25614 a 0; heavy packing sow?, smooth, _sl4 #14.35, packing sows, rough. $13.75# 14; pigs. — Receipts. 17,000. strong. Beef steers, medium and heavy, choice and pr'-me. $18.15620.25; medium and good $11.25® 18.15; common. sB:7s® 11.25; light, good and choice. $14.60® 2>: common and medium. sB# 14. bo. butcher tattle heifers. la: cows. SC. 15# 13.50; canner* and cutlers, s.kii.> <fi6.65: veal calves. $17.o&lS. 5; feeders steers. $7.25® 13: stoeker steers $6.25® 10.25: western range, steers. $7.75@15.50; cows and heifers. — Receipts 28.000, strong: lambs, $12.25@14.80: culls and com mon. $8,506 11.75: ewes, medium, good "nd choice. $6.75® 8.20; culls and common. $3#6.50; breeding. $6.50® $11.75. CHICAGO HOARD OP TRADE Chicago, Nov. 12.—Board of Tiade Corn —Dec. 130%; Jan. 120. Ma> 12 Oats—Dec. 71%: May 74%. Pork—Jan. 34: May 33.25. lgtrd—Nov. 26.27 : Jan. -4. . Ribs—Jan. 18.15; May 18.10. MARRIAGE LICENSES Harry D. Wllhelm. Harrisburg. and Rosa M. Wolf. Lebanon. Murray M. Matteson and Ijiuretta B Thomas, Harrisburg. Thomas R. Shuey and Katherine K. Aldir.ger, Harrisburg. Arthur F. Fagan and Emma E. Jpnes, Harrisburg. Scientific Discussions by Garrett P. Serviss The apparent fulfilment this year of the old weather saw. or proverb, about St Swithin and his forty days' rain may serve to strenghten faith in that curious superstition, for which reason it is worth while to examine a little closely the grounds on which the legen dary belief has grown up. It could not have lived for 'more than a thousand years, and could not have appeared as it has done in various cognate forms, among separate peoples, i in different parts of Europe and have been transferred in full vigor to this side of the Atlantic unless there were real facts in nature to suggest and ap parently to support it. The event that gave birth to the tradition in its English dress was no doubt historic —a striking example of •.he way in which the imagination work ing upon some natural occurrence of an unusual character builds up a legend that towers above and outlasts contem porary history. Here'is the'story, and I it is easy to perceive in it the senti mental features which give it lasting popularity. In the year 862 Bishop Swithin of Winchester died, and in accordance with Ills special behest, was buried not in the crypt of his cathedral church, but cut in the open churchyard, the rea son given by him being that he wished j "the sweet rain from Heaven" to fall | uninterrupted on his grave. But after ihe had been canonized the monks thought it an unworthy tiling tlia% a saint should lie thus unsheltered and they decided that on his canonical day, July 15, his body should be re moved into the cathedral. However, on that very day heavy rain set in and prevented the removal and the rain persistently continued for forty days, at the end of which the monks concluded that St. Swithin must be giving them this extraordinary sign of his opposition by causing the heavens to weep over their attempt to thwart his last wishes. Accordingly, they de cided to leave the body undisturbed, whereupon the ruin ceased. Nevertheless, some centuries later, the body of St. Swithin was enclosed in a gold shrine studded with jewels and placed in a chapel of the new cathedral that arose on the site of the earlier church. This had no effect on the legend, although It cleared the way for the sarcastic suggestion that St. Swithin wus determined that,' since his wish had finally been violated, the world should never forget his protest when his day came around. But it would ap pear that the good saint is not always in bad humor on this subject, for there is a second clause to the proverb which : says that if the sun shines on St. Swithin's day, fair weather will con tinue for forty days thereafter. | All weather saws are loosejointed; 1 they won't work unless they have plenty of elbow-room. This is illustrated by the variants of the St. Swithin legend. ' All cover a vaticination period of about : forty days, but the various periods do not all begin on the same date. Never • theless—and this is a point of great '< importance—they are not so far apart ' that they do not overlap one another. and, taken together, they cover that • season of the year when extraordinary 1 rains or droughts are most immediately noticeable by their effects on human af fairs viz.. in June and July. In Scot , land St. Martin of Bouillons takes the place of St. Swithin. and his day is July ; 4. In France the forty-day legend ap plies to St. Gervals, and the period be , gins June 19. (OXCI.I'DH VISIT TO LONDON By Associated Press London, Nov. 12.—President and Madame Poincare concluded their visit here to-day, leaving for Scot land, where the President is to re ceive a rectorship it? Glasgow Uni versity. King George and Queen Mary and other members of the roy al family accompanied the President and Madame Poincare to the sta- I lion. RUMANIA REPLIES By Associated Press• Paris. Nov. 12.—The reply of Ru mania to the Allied note recently presented in which it was again de manded that Hungary be evacuated, is regarded in peace conference cir cles as wholly unsatisfactory. The note, which was taken up for con sideration by the Suprpnie this morning, is characterized as extremely evasive. BOYS EI NED SlO Robert Keller, George Laman and William Kamm ~youths between the kges of 16 and 19 years, yesterday afternoon paid fines of $lO In po lice court, on a charge of breaking milk bottles. WOMEN DISCHARGED f*ecle Bardaux and Blanche But ler, charged with robbing William Nesbit, 15 South Sixteenth street, of $l5O on Monday morning, were dis charged In police court yesterday af ternoon. TRIES TO KILL ADMIRAL Basle, Monday, Nov. 19.—Buda pest newspapers announce that a revolver shot was fired at Admiral Horthy, former commander-in-chief of the Ausiro-Hungarian navy, but that the bullet missed Its mark. The would-be assassin was arrested. CONGREGATIONAL SOCIAL AT DERRY STREET CHURCH The official board of Derry Street United Brethren Church announce a Congregational Social to be held in the assembly room of the church this evening ut 8 o'clock. ARREST MERCHANTS FOR PROFITEERING Washington, Nov. Ya.— Arrest under the Lever food control not of seven merchants in various cities is announced by Attorney General Palmer. These arrests include John Rurke, u Baltimore grocer, charg ed with wrapping sugar and rice in short weight packages: Israel rnd Harry Oreenberger, of Scranton, Pa., charged with con spiracy to restrict distribution, and anAtlnnta, Ga., dealer named Prank who was held for the grand jury on a charge of profi teering. Indictments have been returned against Jacob learner and George and Julius Both, of New York, charged with conspiracy and profiteering. In Brooklyn, Louis Leuvitt is held on a charge of hoarding 1,300,000 pounds of ba con. HANG LEADER OF I. W. W. POST [Continued from First Page.] that • building and the root of a building across the street bullets came. Persons in the crowds that lined the street to honor the re turned soldiers also drew weapons and began Aring. Grimm, leading a company of men, dropped mortally wounded. McElfresh marching in the ranks, was killed instantly. Ben Casa granda died later l'roin his wbunds. John Earl Watt, George Stevens, Jacob Phitzler and E. Eubanks also fell wounded, the tirst named prob ably fatally. Stevens was shot when he attempted to disarm an 1. W. W. standing on the street. The fourth death of a parader was added when Dale liubbard, recently returned overseas man, gathered a small band and started after the I. W. W. secretary. Hubbard and the fugitive grappled after a chase, in which Smith fired repeatedly at his pursuers. As they clinched, Hubbard received four wounds in the body. Body Riddled Another pursuer overpowered Smith and he was taken to jail, later to be removed and hanged aft er citizens learned that four of the former soldiers hud died. An at tempt to lynch Smith was made be fore he was lodged in jail. "You fellows can't hang me," he said, "t was sent to do my duty and 1 did it." Smith was tossed from a bridge over the Chelafs river after a rope was tied about his neck and a vol lev of bullets sent into his body. The lynching party worked silently and In darkness while taking him from the Jail. At 7.30 o'clock all the city's electric lights were cut off and eight men easilv overcame the one man on guard inside the jail. Smith was placed in one of about six darkened automobiles that stood about the jail and rushed to the bridge. Little was known of Smith. He came here a short time ago. Two undertakers refused to han dle Smith's body, and what disposal of it would be made was unknown. Burned Furniture JToviously Clashes between the I. W. W. and Centralia citizens have occurred at intervals during the last two years. The first trouble occurred when a radical spoke against a Red Cross bazar. At that time a crowd re moved all furniture from I. W. W. hall and burned it in the street. Governor Hart to-day was en route to the capital from the eastern part of the State. He started imme diately on receipt of news of the disorders here. From Yakinta to-day came a re port that members of the American Legion there were discussing forma tion of a secret order within the Legion designed to combat radical ism. The Centralia police force con sists of only five paid memßers and they were powerless in the face of the great odds against them, both in combatting the I. W. W. and in de fending Smith before he vaas hanged. Members of the Legion as sisted them in putroling and in guarding the jail.. Served Overseas Warren Grimm was commander of the local post of the American Legion. He returned recently from Siberia and had been practicing law with his brother. During his college days at the University of Washing ton. he acquired fame as an athlete. He was 31 years old and Is survived by a widow and baby daughter. McElfresh was 24 years old. He returned from France last May after sixteen months oversens. Hubbard served with the Twen tieth Engineers in France. He was married only two weeks ago. Casagrandu served with the Nine ty-first Division in France. One eye witness account of the attack on the marchers was that it came just as the head of the line slowed down to "mark time" in front of the I. W. W. headquarters to permit the rest of the column to make up distance. From the root and windows of the I. W. W. head quarters and buildings across the street and from pedestrians volleys of bullets sprayed the halted ranks. Men came running from different exits of the I. W. W. hall. Secretary Smith fled from a rear entrance, firing an automatic. His weapon "jammed" but he restored it to working condition and con tinued to fire until he was overtaken and disarmed. Problems of Facers and Consumers Taken Up Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 12. A number of important questions concerning not only farmers but all consumers of their products were before the National Grange for con sideration when the fifty-third an nual convention opened here to-day. Among the subjects to be brought before the convention which con tinues ten days, are the labor situ ation, speculation in foodstuffs, rail road control, distribution, extension of the rural free delivery and the Im migration laws. A better dealing is to be demanded for the farmer, some of the officers asserted. A plan for fixing the price of farm products closely following the "cost plus" system employed by the Government in war contracts has been outlined for presentation to the convention. Sixty-five delegates representing 800,000 farmers in 33 States, and 3,000 visitors are here for the meet ing. POLES WIN ELECTIONS By Associated Press Berlin, Nov. 12, Via London. —The reports that the results of the mu nicipal elections in Upper Silesia were most favorable to the Poles were officially confirmed here to day. The Poles secured sixty-four per ccr.'t. of the votes in the Hinden berg district, seventy-eight per cent, on the average in the Beuthen and eighty-nine per cent, in the Tarno wltz district. —• —• - ' -v. NOVEMBER 12, 1919. n CHILD-WIFE FOUND INNOCENT BY JURY j [clnitiiinrtl from I'lrst Pago.] | in the court room at times wiped i away tears as they heard a plea for j acquittal and then heard the clear J tones of the District Attorney tell- I ing the jurors to cast aside uny , sympathy or prejudice und do their I sworn duty, "returning a true ver | diet." Judge Kunkel reiterated the i warning and told the jurymen to I consider nothing but the evidence. Makes Final I'lra For 20 minutes Mr. Carter pleuded | the child-mother's defense, telling the ■ jury that she must either be convict i ed of murder in the lirst degree or I must be acquitted. "If you find she I was the blind instrument of a fate I above and beyond her which she | could not* control, then she Is inno -1 cent. Here is a girl who has been i afflicted with the terrible disase— , epilepsy. Tossed about as a ship I without suil or rudder, hurled on un- II seen rocks, hers is a terrible afflic tion. "Who Is Cathleen Htewnrt? First of all she is a mother. A word that is the purest the lips can utter. The sweetest thing in the vorldl is a mother's love. The sweetest music is the cooing of her baby. The great est grief for her Is to look upon the cold face of her dead baby. Do you think this mother could commit the crime of which she 'a charged? "To-night, when a thanksgiving shall be given for her deliverance, a a prayer shall go up for you," he con cluded. Asks For Conviction District Attorney Stroup in his address to the Jury declared that the homicide was committed because of a selfish mother love. "The Common wealth seeks no victims. She is on trial for her own act. "Some homicides are committed be cause, of anger, jealousy, hatred or for revenge. The Commonwealth does not contend that in this case. In this case It was a love of self—selfishness —that prompted her.' Continuing Mr. Stroup argued against the theory that she was either insane at tha time of the poisoning or that it was accidental. Snld Xot Insane "To want to commit suicide is not evidence of insanity, and epilepsy is not insanity. It may lead to insanity. Some of the greatest characters <n history when confronted with an aw ful calamity have committed suicide, let they were not insane. "She confessed she wanted to com mit suicide. But she did not want to die alone. The selfishness of ner mother love made her want the chiid with her in the great beyond. She did not want to leave it behind. Gen tlemen of the jury, didn't she take that child in her left arm, and pour the poison into its mouth, then when she saw it suffering, didn't her lie.iit fail her? She lacked the nerve nni courage to end her life. Then she called to her mother. 'O, mother, look what I have done to my baby' Not. 'book what has happened to >ny baby,' but "Look what I have done.' ' For almost an hour Mr. Stroup spoke to the jurymen and then Judge Kunkel charged them, spejkirg for 40 nv'nutes. At no > t the jur\ left the room and just bark of it foil eved Cathleen Stewart with two deputy sheriffs. She looked back wad smiled to some relatives among lliein her mother and aunt, just as she stop ped from the courtroom. They nodded reassuringly and remained until ad- V-urrini*; • 11l Since Thirteenth Year Witnesses called by the defense yes terday afternoon were placed on the stand principally for the purpose of showing the epileptic condition of the Stewart girl. Mrs. May A. Smith, 1222 North Front street, an aunt, was called first at the afternoon court session. Since the girl-mother was two years of age she had been living with her,aunt. Ac cording to Mrs. Smith the girl first suffered from epilepsy when she was 13 years old. and one year later had to be taken from school because of her condition. In 1911 she was mar ried and in May. 1919, the child was born at the Smith home. Mrs. Smith said her niece suffered fiom two to four attacks a day, and usually was in a dazed condition for at least two hours after each one. Sometimes the girl was in that con dition without suffering from any convulsions, the aunt also told the jury. Mrs. Fannie Dinger and Mrs. Ber tha Dinger, two neighbors, made sim ilar statements telling of fits which the girl had while at their homes. Mrs. Clara Spangler was another who was called and told of the attacks of epilepsy. Douis W. Smith, an uncle, said that h saw his niece wandering around in a circle in the street one day. He said she did not know where she was and had to be taken into his barber shop until she recovered. Mrs. Mary Gluspey said that she was seated in River front park one day and saw the girl fall over the bank suffering from a. fit. Three physicians were called in the afternoon to explain the effect of epilepsy on the body and mind. They were Dr. C. R. Phillips. Dr. Thomas IC Bowman and Dr. William H. West. Dr. Phillips repeated some of the testimony he gave in the morning aboqt finding the Stewart girl in a dazed condition and unable to answer j what she had done. After a short argument between District Attorney Michael E. Stroup and W. Justin Carter, counsel for the i defense, it was deemed by the court to let Dr. Bowman testify. Mr. Stroup contended he was not an expert in the study and treatment of epilepsy, and I>r. Bowman stated on the witness stand he handled only about five or six cases a year. It was pointed out that the defense could either be accidental poisoning on the part of the child-mother dur ing an epileptic fit, or if the poisoning was intentional, then the defense should show whether the defendant was in such a state of mind when she I administered it that she fully realized the nature and consequence of her . act. I Dr. Bowman said that an epileptic attack might last only a few seconds and yet the person suffering from it would not know what had happened in that brief space, of time. He also said that from the evidence he had heard the CommonweaM produce, he did not believe the girl was conscious of what she was doing at the time of the poisoning. He also said on cross examination that the girl could suf fer from a fit and then in a few sec onds be rational enough to call to her mother and tell her to eoine and look at the baby. Dr. West made statements similar to those of Dr. Bowman, and said that frequent attacks of epilepsy of ten resulted in insanity, and might cause suicidal or other mania. In cross-examination Mr. Stroup attempt ed to show that the mother must have been rational when she secured the acid and immediately after the pois oning or she could not have called her mother. The two physicians said they would not attempt to tell what state of mind she had in as they were not present, and" could only base their conclusions on the state ments of witnesses who had seen and I spoken to the defendant at the time. CHEER EDWARDS ! Washington, Nov. 12.—Oovernor ' elect Edwards, of New Jersey, re i celved an ovation last night when Ihe visited the House, Republican members joining with the Demo crate in applauding him. 17 STORY TELLERS HOLD MEETING Announcement of Eastern District Conference Is Made I A regular meeting of the Story Tellers League was held last even t*', ° Sector's room of the Public Library. The subject for the evening was "My Favorite Stories; How and Where to Find Them." Mrs. Lawrence lletrick told "The Tin Sol dier," by Temple Bailey; Mrs. Nell 1 rout told the story of "The Happy Prince," by Oscar Wilde, and Mm. Harry G. Keffer gave "The White Babbit 'That Wanted Red Wings."* Announcement was made of a. conference of the Eastern District of the National Story Tellers League, called by Mrs. Harry G. Keffer, chairman, to he held at Baltimore, the early part of next week. On Monday night, Mrs. Keffer and Mrs. Roberta Swurtz Harllng, of this oity, will appear in an evening of story telling before ihe Terrapin League, of Baltimore. On Tuesday there will be a meeting of the Committee of Organization, and on Wednesday the advisory board will meet. This board includes Mrs. Harry G. Keffer, dis trict chairman; Mrs. William Uodgers, of the Terrapin Leagne, Baltimore, secretary of the Eastern District; Mrs. Roberta Harllng Swartz, of this city; Miss Katharine | Bennett, librarian of the Williams port library; Minnie Ellis O'Donald, of Brooklyn and Stephani Schultze, of New York. THREE CENTS IS SAIDFAIR PRICE [Continued from First Page.] of newsprint for the purpose of car rying on unfair and injurious compe tition and building up temporary cir culation for private owners; recom mending the curtailment of costly supplements, extras and returns in order to conserve the newsprint sup ply; supporting individuals in their right to refuse to work, but condemn ing all general strikes which refuse to recognize the primary duty to state and nation by refusing to remain at work until arbitration has been at tempted; and declaring the Pennsyl nia Associated Dailies as being staunchly behind the President and the Governor in the maintenance of luw and order. Officers Elected E. J. Stackpole, who was one at the founders and president of the Pennsylvania Associated Dailies, declined re-election. Mr. Stackpole lias been president of the Asso ciated Dallies since the organization. C H. Long, of the Chester Times, is his successor. Other elections yes terday include George J. Campbell, Dally Law Bulletin, Pittsburgh, first vice-president; W. L Taylor. York Dispatch, second vice-president; W. L. Binder, Pottstown News, treasurer, and Wiliner Crow. Harrisburg, sec retary. The executive committee as elected includes J. H. Zerby, Pottsville Re publican, chairman; C. N. Andrews. Kaston Free Press; R. P. Habgood. Bradford Star; E. R. Stoll, secretary Pittsburgh Newspaper Publishers' Association; W. L. McLean. Philadel phia Bulletin; E. J. Stackpole. Har risburg Telegraph; John L. Stewart. Washington Observer and Reporter; A. Nevin Pomeroy, Repository, Cham bersburg; J. G. Humes, Altoona Mir ror, A. B. Schropp, Lebanon News; John W. Itauch, Reading Eagle; J. R. Gilbert, Lancaster Examiner, and C. J. Smith, Allentown Item. Increased Advertising Rates and Reduction in Size Are Ui sed By Associated Press. New York. Nov. 12.—Increased ad vertising rates and reduction in the size of newspapers were urged to-day by Franklin P. Glass, of Birmingham, Ala., president of the American News paper Publishers' Association, at a special meeting here to consider the newsprint shortage. "Every paper," he said, "should agree to cut down its average num ber of pages, both week day and Sun day, by a considerable percentage and then hold downs its advertising vol ume to a fixed number of pages. This will probably necessitate an arbitrary reduction of at least 33 per cent, in volume of business. "Radical advances should be made in advertising rates. The percentage of increase should be such that they will hold back the sluice of advrtlsing that has poured into offices and bids fair to continue during the next year." MIDDLKTOWN MAY ERECT NEW ARMORY Middle town. Pa., Nov. 12.—The president of the Board of Trade has called a community meeting in the council chamber for to-morrow eve ning at 7 o'clock to consider an op portunity which has been presented to the town in the matter of the erection of an armory and a head quarters for the ex-service men. E. J. Stackpole, Jr., of Harrisburg, will be one of the speakers. JU SEALS ASTENOILSr U I HARRIBBBfTKNOILWORKS || IW) LOCUST "r* - _ Help Wanted Press Feeders at Once ' The Telegraph Printing Co. Cameron and State Harrisburg, Pa. - i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers