18 1 Yoi May 1 "Inn Into Money" Thai Used Car Through j Deaths DUN LAP—On November 2, 1919. David Dunlap, in his 90th year, at his late home, 1817 N. Seventh St. Funeral services will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Fifth and Pefter Streets, to which relatives and friends are invited. Interment Harrisburg cemetery. CONRAD—William H. Conrad, age 55 years, died suddenly Monday at the home of his brother-in-law, P. D. Witman, 2120 N. 4th St. Funeral services will be held at the above address Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited. Interment Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Dauphin, Pa. IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother, who de parted this life. November 4, 1918. C. L. Cocklin and Daughter. In loving remembrance of Mrs. Mary A. Myers, who departed this life November 4, 1912. Gone but not for go len - aughter and Grandchildren. j In sud but loving remembrance of car dear mother and wife, Mrs. Emma F. Charles, who was called away from us one year ago to-day, November 4, 1918. Gone in the best of her days. Blighted in womanhood's bloom. Gone from hearts that loved her To sleep in the silent tomb. •'From a world of care and sorrow. To a land of peace and rest God has taken our dear mother. Where she will find eternal rest. J. W. Charles and Children. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Large cameo pin on Satur [day afternoon. Reward if returned to i 604 Curtin, er call Bell 2468. ' LOST —Open face Elgin gold watch Hind pin. Initial "S" on pin. Rewaid jjf returned 309 Briggs St. LOST—Bunch of keys on train No. fBS, which arrived in Harrisburg at |SL4O Monday morning. Reward if re turned to 430 Harris St. ' WILL the party who took diamond j lyings from the ladies' washroom ,<t | fehe Hotel Carlisle, return at once to. [avoid prosecution. Hotel (ai lisle, (Carlisle, Pa. LOST—carat diamond from ring Ifin Friday evening, somewhere on Klarket street. Reward if returned to j|l2 Cherry Street. • LOST—A gray squirrel choke neck teiece, between Rose's and Fourth and , [Market Sts. Reward if returned to. at: is office. 1 L LOST —One pair of tortoise shell rim j fclasses in case. Lost in city or' on Ednglestown car. F'inder please return J E> Telegraph office. INSTRUCTIONS [* INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg i Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL DPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. a. PRIVATE or class teaching in Bastilian Spanish. Seventeen years ►xperience in Puerto Rico. Diploma bom New York Women's High School. Apply Mrs. Manuel Andujar, |S3 Maclay Street. Bell phone 2504) V. COSSIO POMAR, B. A., University ttf San Marcos, will open a class at night In beginner's and advanced bpauish. Address Harrisburg Acade HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Two boys over 16 years Ef age to learn mattress finishing; teady work. Apply United States lattress Co., 12th and Herr Sts. i WANTED —Would engage services ■>f man who has the ability to sell an assue of bank stock; selling experi ence and references should be given in first letter. Address Box B-7895 care Telegraph. GOOD hustler wanted as a special field mar. for canvassing and delivery. Must be willing to leave town. Must he able to furnish bond and good ref erences. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., £OB N. Second St. — 1 WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R. Shops, Har risburg, Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, Harrisburg. General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enola. Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Carpenters, door boys, moulder! helpers, roll hands, machinist helpers, t laborers for blast furnaces, mills, coke ovens and general plant work. Apply at Employment Office BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., Steelton, Pa. MEN TAKE NOTICE Strike is still on at the plant of the Bethlehem Steel Co., at Steelton, Pa. Policy Com. JOHN OSBORN, F. TOURISON. WANTED A competent steno grapher for lawyer's office. No person of less than three years' actual ex perience. need apply. Write stating age, experience and salary expected. Address, Lawyer, care Telegraph. WANTED —Man as bookkeeper must bo competent and experienced, Address M, P. O. Box 374. PATTERNMAKERS Several first class wood and metal patternmakers. First class open shop; 8 hour day; time and one-half for over time. Pay 75c per hour. Ad dress Patternmaker. P. O. Box 462. Baltimore. Md. (Continued In Next Column) FOR SALE An Exceptional Value In an 83-Acre Farm Fine view, overlooking the Sus quehanna River; good productive soil; 3 acres woodland; chestnut and oak timber; choice peach and apple orchard; new barn; all the buildings are in excellent condi tion. Price 0,000 Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COUItT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Reul Estate Board ! TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE —t GRASP tne opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. ; WANTED—Quarry men at plant land Harrisburg Shale Brick Co.. Cam eron and Seneca Sts. WANTED—Boy 16 or 17 years of age to do office work. Apply at once. 711 Telegraph Bid a. ERRAND boy wanted. Regular em ployment. The Courier. 219 North 3d street. V WANTED—A competent shoe fac tory fitting room machinist and fore man. Price is secondary consideration lor right man. Address F, care Tele graph. WANTED Platen pressmen; good Wages; | steady employment. Apply at cnce. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., State and Cameron Sts. MACHINIST Wanted—Competent machin ist for shoe factory fitting room. Only one familiar with Singer machines need apply. GREENBERG-MILLER CO.. INC PALMYRA, PA. WANTED Riveters, corkers, rivet heat ers; on gas holder work. Apply ready for work to Foreman Thomas F. Hall, at WAYNESBORO GAS WORKS. Waynesboro, Pa. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper. Give references; also state ability; all replies will be considered strictly confidential. Apply B-7810 care Har risburg- Telegraph. WANTED—Roy over 16 years age to work in bakery. Apply Sheaf er's Bakery, 905 N. 3d St. FREIGHT TRUCKERS AND FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED AT THE P. R. K. DIVISION ST. TRANSFER. HBO., PA. APPLY TO AGENT AT DIVISION ST. FREIGHT TRANSFER. 7TH AND DIVISION STS. OR AT P. U. R. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, NO. 5 GRACE AVENUE. I HARRISBURG, PA. PERMANENT WORK The year 'round and a chance to earn rate in accordance with your ability. All around machinists, boring mill men. lathe shapcr planer, milling machine, drill press, bench and floor men. Apply in per son or write at once to fac tory employment office. THE GOODYEAR YIRE AND RUBBER CO.. AKRON, OHIO. CEMENT FINISHERS WANT ED ON NEW BUILDINGS OF NARROW FABRIC COMPANY. WYCMISSING, PA. BEST WAGES. APPLY STONE & WEBSTER. Reading, Pa. GOOD PAYING POSITIONS with C. P. A. firms. Public Accountants. In dustrial Corporations and the Internal Revenue Department of the Govern ment will be open during January, 1920. INTENSIVE TRAINING in special home study course in high er accountancy and traffic, linked up with resident consultation, service now being organized, will qualify you for salaries from $2,000 to $6,000 per year. Write, call or phone Bell 4940 R. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 26 N. 18th St.. liarrisburg, Pa. Open Evenings. WANTED—Honest and trustworthy man to distribute bills. Collins Com pany, 34 N. Second St. WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Pax tang. WANTED—Dishwasher at once. Apply Herman's Restaurant, . 1254 Market St. WANTED—Two first class meat cutters and countermen, also good boy for delivery. Apply Buehler Bros., 432 Market St. ILEI.f WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Two young ladies for waitresses, also two middle aged ladies to help in kitchen. Opening new Place. Apply Stouffer's Restau rant. 4 North Court St. WANTED—Woman for house clean ing. Apply 433 Strawberry St. WANTED Girls for paper box work; steady employment Apply HARRISBURO BAG AND BOX CO.. 1550 Vernon St. WANTED —Reliable, girl to help witli child and assist in housework. Call Bill Phone 378R-3, or write C. W. D., Box 687, Harrlsburg, Pa. ' 4Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Experienced sewers, good opportunity to learn alterations on men's and women's clothing, good wages and steady employment. Apply at once. Hoffman & Kerns. 34 South 41 h St. SI UK, SI UK, SIUK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. If steady work Is what you want and short day and best pay. apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBBBB care Telegraph. WANTED—Reliable girl or middle aged woman for general housework; no washing or ironing; good wages and steady work to right party. Ap ply 2333 North Second street. WANTED Experienced loopers. Harris Hosiery Co., Calder and Marion Street. WANTED Stenographer. Give age, ex perience if any. and salary expected in letter to Box 1,-7922 care Telegraph. WANTED —A lady with life in surance experience to take charge of ladies' department in Central Penn sylvania. You don't need to change your present location. Write and ad dress. Manager. Farmers' and Trad ers' T.ife Insurance Co.. Box S, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. WANTED—Experienced operators on Union Special inseamer or felling machine; steady work; 30 per cent, bonus Jennings Mfg. Co., 2012 North Fourth St. GOOD girl wanted for general of fice woik, must be good at figures and be able to operate a typewriter. Ap ply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second St. WANTED A competent steno grapher for lawyer's office; no person ot less than three years' actual ex perience need apply. Write stating age. experience and salary expected. Address. Lawyer, care Telegraph. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Reliable girl or woman to keep house for two. References desired. W. Gard Conklin. 2137 Swatara St. Phone 388 R. WANTED —Girls to learn compto meter. Students admitted at anytime. Become an expert operator and in crease your earning capacity. Write A. H. Robinson. 208 Arcade Bldg. WANTED—Two maids, white pre ferred. Apply Lenox Hotel, 428 Mar ket St. WANTED 1 Our business Is steadily la creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our lactory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO.. 1408 Vernon Street. WE NEED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKERS * ALL YEAR WORK ASTRICH'S, Second Floor. 308 MARKET ST. WANTED Girls to work in book-bind ing department, experience unnecessary. Apply Mr. Bern heisei, THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMTANY, Cumeron and State Sts. WANTED—GirIs to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Hams Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED A girl for general housework in small family. Apply 104 boas Street. WANTED —White woman as cook. Apply Itoyal Dining Room, 1315 A Market St. Ralph G. McNeil, proprie tor. WANTED —Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED—tiouseueeper who will will assist in the cooking. A per manent and pleasant home for a Christian woman who can qualify. Call in person at 1926 N. Second St. GIRL over 21 to hold copy and learn to read proof. Hours 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. Apply Foreman Telegraph Com posing Room. WANTED —A good settled woman for light house work; good home privi leges and good wages, prefer widow with child, can make my home like vour own. Wm. E. Van Sciver, llth St. wharf, S. W. Washington, D. C. HELP WANTED—MaIe anil Female THOUSANDS Census clerks wanted. $ll4O-11260 year. Harrlsburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept., 41; T, Rochester, N. Y. V/ANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrlsburg. Pa. HAJUUBBURG Q6&9A& TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING helps you to select that needed worker from among all those available who believe that they can serve you effi ciently. Your choice will he restricted only by the number of people who see in the position you offer good oppor tunity for advancement. SALESMEN WANTED — 1 SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. National Salesmen's Tr. Ass'n., Dept. 603, Chicago. SIT U ATI OX S WANTED—MA LE WANTED By experienced shoe man wants position as salesman or manager, ten years' experience. Ad |dress Box T-7807 care Telegraph. YOUNG man desires position with reliable firm, experienced bank clerk, timekeeper and general clerical. Al references. Address Box A-7891 care Telegraph. YOUNG man, typist, clerk and ac countant, desires morning work from .8 to 12 daily. Address K. C. B„ care Telegraph. j COMPETENT and responsible man [recently released from war service is 'open for engagement or contract, j Prefer opportunity that hustling can run into four figures. Best of refer ences. Address Box S-7897 care Tele- I graph. i COLORED boy wishes work of any kind. Apply 1322 Marion St. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Competent bookkeeper and stenographer desires position. Has had experience and can furnish best references. Address Box L-8121 care Telegraph. u ——— I WANTED—By reliable colored gill just fiom the South. wishe° to help with general housework in small family. Call or write,. 1216 Cowden. WANTED —By middle aged woman a position as dish washer or assistant in the kitchen. Address 416 Granite avenue. WANTED Hand knitting, slip overs and sweaters for ladies', gents and children. Prices reasonable. Call or write Mrs. E. H. Ruch. 627 Boyd St. WHITE woman with child wants position as housekeeper, has had ex perience. Call or write between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m„ 1124 Montgomery St. STENOGRAPHER wishes perma nent position, has had previous ex perience and can furnish best of ref erence. Call Bell 2666 J. WANTED—By husband and wife, woman wants housekeeping and husband gives part time as fire keep ing. Address Box T-7892 care Tele graph. . WASHING to do at home by a young woman; can give reference. Call 1125 State street. i EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes sewing by the day. Satisfaction guar anteed. C-7891 care Telegraph. WANTED —By colored woman, day's work of any kind. Call or ad dress 424 Reily St. Bell 2401 W. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished front room on second floor with bath adjoining, suitable for two young men, break fast if desired. Kent $5 per week. Ad dress Box R, 8018 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Second floor, nicely furnished front room in private fam ily. Inquire 468 Crescent St. VERY nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences. 9 Front St. Dial 5775. CAPITAL St., 822, furnished rooms, second fioor, suitable for two, con venient location. Call after 4 p. m. TWO unfurnished rooms and one large room suitable for office, facing Capitol Park. All conveniences. Apply 321 Walnut St. FOR RENT—Second story room; nicely furnished; all modern conveni ences; city steam; electric light; use of both phones and bath. 721 North Sixth St. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room on second floor; all conveniences, 2139 Derry St. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with private bath, all possible con veniences, use of phone, beautiful and refined neighborhood. Private family. 815 N. 17th St. FOR RENT —209 Boas street, large furnished front bed room; all cpn-' ven fences. FOR RENT—Furnished room on j second floor, two front rooms on third floor conveniences, hot water heat. Gentlemen preferred. Both phones. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930. NICEEY furnished, clean. cool I rooms. J2.60 per week and up. 143 South Third street. - — ROOMS WANTED ROOMS—Three or four furnished rooms wanted, with bath, for li ?ht housekeeping, or a small apartment; would like to have possession any time before the 12th of November. Highest references given. State terms. Address L-7596 care Telegraph. > •VANTED —Small apartments, or three or four unfurnished rooms. Ad dress Box B-8260. care Telegraph. —l APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RFNT—Apartment consisting of seven looms. Centrally located. Rental $BO per month. Apply H-7809 care Telegraph. 1 FOP. RENT—Furnished apartments just completed, consisting of four rooms and bath, all conveniences. $l5 per week. 1306 Market St. Dial 4376. RE All ESTATE FOR SAI.E i HOUSES in all acAlona oi city sotd lon easy payment plan, ranging from I $l,OOO to $6,000. D. A. Caley, 707 i Kuiikfci Bldg. Bell 689. (Continued In Next Column) J . i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Several 3-story bricks on Hill and uptown; all imp. Corner houses on Hill and uptown; all Imp. 3-story bricks on Market St. all imp. Several apartment houses on Hill and uptown; good in vestments. Two 3-story bricks near Broad Street market. $5OO down; easy payments. Vacant, possession at once, 2-story brick; all imp.; porch drive allsy; on Hill. $5OO down. Vacant, possession at once, 3-stor.v brick, all imp, uptown. $5OO down. Possession at once. North 6th St., 8 rooms, all imp., elect, and gas, porch, buy window, side entrance, nice yard $5OO down. Vacant. 4-room frame, up town, good shape. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J FOR SALE—2d St. below Maclay, 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 ft. front; 162 ft- deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057 J. FOR SALE—3I4 South Second St. 9-room brick house with furniture and self-player piano. Give us an of ler. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St. near Front. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Three-story brick house. 9 rooms and bath, all conveni ences, on Sixtli street near Maclay. Pho'ne f 4 O 667 SaraSo rPa '"' Apply Bp " REAL estate for sale in all parts Jf the city. Some on very easy terms and immediate possession. Vacant houses in this city and Steelton. George W Jacobs. 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539. HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Country home of six acres four miles west of Carlisle, a few minutes walk from Carlisle-Newville street car line, near Conodoguinet creek House contains seven rooms summ*.'. kitchen attached, slate roof, ccm™,t ff llar ; '; a , rn ' S a >;K'. Chicken house, three cisterns, young orchard of peach and apple trees, besides a larev variety of other fruits. Including as paragus bed. Buildings and fenJSa in good repair, soil fertile, beautiful vista.. Charles E. Bear. 407 W S St., Curlisle, Pa. " " ronrna'boiu'"'! M 23'3 ' house. G 'i larEe lot - attractive price to a quick buyer. * i QU o ehanna St., No. 2044, 3-story splendid * S °° d h ° Use ' Susquehanna St., No. 2144. 2-story brick, 6 rooms, bath, steam heat. House is practically new. Nc !' 3-story frame. 8 rooms, bath, oloctric and gas, furnace is new. newly papered throughout, house in excellent condition. Price very reasonable. Penn St., near Seneca. Two 2-storv bricks. , rooms, bath, steam heat. Price reasonable. 2136 N. 7th St., 3-story brick, 10 rooms and bath. Ft. Washington, 2 H-story frame, hardwood finish, lot 60x200 ft., large perches, electric light. Excellent lo cation. view is unobstructed. Third St.. No. 1933, 3-story, brick, 10 rooms, two baths, steam heat, elec tricity. gas. modern throughout. At tractive price to a quick buyer. Third St.. 3200, 2 H-story frame, rteam heat, gas and electric, hard wood on first floor, lot 53x100 feet Possession Nov. 6. Lewis St., 316, 318, 320, 322, 2-story bricks. 6 rooms, bath, electric, gas. D. E. LUCAS, 303 LEWIS Street. Real Estate and Insurance. I - ■— (Continued in Next Mama) < | HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'OR SALE—Oyster's Point, double frame house, 6 rooms each, all con veniences. large lot to each side. Price $4650. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut Street. 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house; all improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 Belly St. \ MIT desirable Penbrook property tor sale, corner of Curtin and Green streets; eight rooms and bath. gas. electric light, hot water heat, lot 60.x 12>; considerable shrubberv. R.-ll Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—Two-story frame bun galow. located on Bowman ave.. Camp Hill, G rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, hardwood floors, tire place, large lot, corner property. Immediate possession. Price $4,500. l'or Sale—Double frame dwelling on Main Street. Camp Hill. 7 rooms and bath each, gas and electric light, steam heat. These properties are well located In good condition and of fered at an exceptionally low figure. For Sale—Ten acre truck farm, lo cated one mile from car line at Progress, Dauphin county, elegant soil, buildings in first class condi tion. location good, considerable fruit. Bli 1 N" TON -PACK E R CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE-—Two-story mansared roof. 12-room brick building, electric lights, hath and hot water heat and Irame garage (room for two cars), lot 150x150 feet, situale on the west side of Market street, Dunoannon. Pa. Price $7,000. R. Jones Rife. Dun cannon, Pa. VACANT PAXTANG PROPERTY for sale, nine rooms and bath, gas and electric light, other improvements; plot 60x130; corner Brisban and Swan Sts. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. POS SESSION AT ONCE 30-acre farm, 6 miles north Harris burg, 9-room house, stable, outbuild ings, huge chicken house, etc., or chard. Some woodland. Imiles to trolley and railroad. Will take auto as part pa>. Easy terms. Pay as rent. 4-acre farm. 8 miles S. Harrisburg on public highway. 6-room house, stable, large chicken house, etc.. young orchard, land level, creek and spring water, possession at once. Will exchange on auto or town property. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell SSOJ FOR SALE 620 Muench St.. 3-story brick, 8 looms and bath, all im provements; possession at once. T. B. ROCKEFELLER, 202 North Street. Derry Street between 23d and 24th. finished August, 1919. Three-story stone and stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat; hardwood floors, garage. $9,500 it sold by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J FOR SALE Two 2%-story frame houses on Hill, all imp., elect, and gas. 7 rooms each, front porch, slate roof, nice size yard to drive alley, room for garage fruit trees, out buildings, price s2aoii each. Also several more cheap houses. Vacant. Possession at once. 2-story brick, all imp., front porch, bay win dow, drive alley, $5OO down, balance easy payments. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. • Bell phone 560 J. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 643 Harris St.. 8 rooms and bath. Chas Adlcr, 1002 N. Third st. as ' FOR SALE—Brick dwelling **osl Penn St., 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. 3d St. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling 431 Harris street, 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler, JOO2 N. Third st. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling 1611 Green street. 8 rooms and bath Phn Adler. 1002 N. Third sL ' FOR SALE —1041 South Melrose St 2>,i-story frame dwelling. 8 rooms and bath, stable in rear. A bargain for quick sale. Possession at once. Annlv 1435 Vernon St y FOR SALE—New brick >llOOBO on Paxtang avenue, 9 rooms, bath and pantry, large porch, corner lot all conveniences. Inquire D. M. Ricker Paxtang. Bell phone. "IP IT'S REAL, ESTATE, SEE SANDERL.IN" CAMP HILL,—BOWMAN AVE., 2H story bungalow, 9 rooms and bath; a bcautifuJ home; nice big lfont porch and lawn; gas and electric ltgbi; steam heat; everything that goes to make up a modern home; right price to quick buyer. PAX-TON ST. AND 17TH—BRAND u —VACANT—7 looms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity; a real modern home; can be bought with small amount of cash; balance same as rent. , N. ST; 68—VACANT—3-story brick,, 8 rooms and bath, newly paint ed and papered, gas and electricity; all improvements; house in flrst class condition; possession at once. A GOOD INVESTMENT I' RONT ST., 607-09 —Three-story bricks; 8 rooms and bath; all im provements; the very best of loca tion for an apartment house; can be bought right and converted into six apartments at a small cost. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building, 36 North Third Street. Bell 1390 Dial 3 .3 I 12TH ST., N., 68—Eight rooms and bath for sale; electric light; furnace heat, extra lot on the side; price rea sonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. WHY NOT PAY RENT ON YOUR OWN HOME? We have houses in all parts of city and suburbs. Ask LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. How you do it. J (Candaßti It Ofclninjt , I NOVEMBER 4, IDI9I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2,00(1 will purchase a frame house with seven rooms: lot 50x195: located in New Market. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bldg. On what street would you like to live? Two brick houses on Berryhill St.. 8 rooms, bath ahd furnace. Two-story frame on Shellis St.. 6 rooms and furnace. heily St., all improvements. South 21st St.. 7 rooms and bath. Atlas St., all Improvements. Tenth St.. Muench, Calder, Boas, Forstcr. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh Street. $l5OO will purchase a frame house. In Penbrook. with seven rooms; lot 14x180. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—A modern brick dwell ing on a prominent street (above Broad street) neur the river. 8 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric and gas lights, finished floors, front and back porches, gas range, large living room, two stairways, two sets window I shades, ether attractive fixtures. Ap ply Millc-r Bros.. Locust and Court I Streets. POSSESSION AT ONCE Six-room house, largo lot, $2OO to $3OO down, balance as rent. Price is $1,200. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut near Front REAL ESTATE FOR RENT * Three-story brick houses; steam heat and all Improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. $3OO down. Balance as rent. I BRICK HOUSE —Logan St.. below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos- I session fifteen days. $5O down, $25 i per month. j WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and | painted new. $5O down; $25 per | month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent Opportunity for live wire, Howard street above Thirteenth. 15,000 square feet of floor space, brick construc tion, adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically equipped, steam heated, now used as garage and service station, (known as Conover Garage), attractive propo osition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN. Bell 3C57J 31 North Second St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to rent house with six >r seven rooms, bath and garage on Hill or oiptown section. Building and grounds must be in first class condi tion. Address R-7812 care Telegraph. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS 63-acre farm, York Co., 5 acres timber, good bldg., $3500. with stock and implements $5OOO. 72-acre farm, 7 room house and out buildings, 3 horses, 1 cow. 2 box wag ons, spring wagon, plough and other implements, also 80 bushel of corn Frice $2OOO. DURAND & FERBER. 107 Chestnut near Front Street. 130-acre larni for sale or exchange 011 city property in business location; good quality soil; 4 miles from Dun cannon on Wrn. Penn road to Sun bury; 2%-story. 8 roomed house; porch on three sides; summer house; running spring water; large bank barn; wagon shed with corn crib on both sides; good hog stable with corn ciib; large chicken house; apple or chard and other fruit trees; school house and church nearby. Inquire Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St. Bell 4767 or 1649 J. FOR SALE Good grain or stock farm. 102 acres, 30 acres timber, 6-room frame house and barn, 3 horses. 2 wagons, one good cow. and all farming imple ments. Possession at once. $2,100. Also 50 acres of good soil with house and barn, 12 acres of timber. Possession at once. Price $750. These two farms are at Manada Gap. 16 miles from Harrisburg, Dauphin Co. "C" CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State Street, cor. 16th. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 FOR SALE Grain or stock l'arm, 72 acres. 28 acres timber, frame house, 8 rooms, small barn, hop and chicken house. 3 horses, 1 cow, 2 wagons and farm im plements. Price $2,000. Also 50 acres. 12 acres fine timber, log house and frame barn; vacant. Price $650. Both farms near Manada Gap. Dauphin county. 100 acres in Fishing Creek Valley, 13 miles from Harrisburg, good house and burn, chicken house and pig sty, 400 cords of wood cut goes with this larm. Price $3,000. "C" CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street, Eell 4162R Dial 4930 , FRUIT farm for sale. 30 acres; 13 acres of orchard, peach and apple trees. Give us an offer. Durand & Fer bcr, 107 Chestnut near Front. OFFICKS AND STOREROOMS FOR RENT Entire third floor, 303 Market St.. over Claster's Jewelry Store, formerly occupied by the Kellberg Studio. Best lo cation in city for photograph ic business. Apply Claster's. FOR RENT—Second floor room, 60x 140 ft., no posts, 11th and Berryhill Street. Apply on premises. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—A physician's operat ing chkii and up-to-date medical li brary. Address Box T-7923 care Tele raph. FOR SALE—At a bargain, one chestnut door with glass panel, one chestnut mantel with bevel glass mir ror and slate tile front, one four-light electric fixture, one two-light electric wall fixture. All the above aro A 1 condition. Apply 2216 N. 4th St. FOR SALE—Gray reed baby car riage; with reversible body. Call Bell 1429 J. FOR SALE—Six hundred feet white pine picket fence. Call Bell 1547 R. I ; . (Oaiflißcd la Jiut Cilosul FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Lady's wool velour suit, size 38, latest model, price, $3O. Call after 5 p. m„ 413 Herr St. % I'OR SALE—Shotgun, double barrel, liammeriess Ithaca; barrels, full and medium choke; case and schwaba complete Excellent condition. $25. Bell phone 3036 W. FOR SALE—Pink evening dreuis. Apply 1410 Green St. THK MAXWELL FUEL SAVER IS A PRODUCT OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURV. IT IS ONE OK AMERICA'S G R EAT EST IN VEN T lON S DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SAVING FROM 20 TO 50 PER CENT, t OF THE FUEL CONSUMED IN ADD STEAM. HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING PDANTS *. ADSO HOT AIR FURNACES AND STOVES. WRITE FOR DATA AND FREE DEMONSTRATION AUCTIONEER HITE FOR SADE—A No. 11 Monitor coil boiler for steam heat or hot water I plant. Also 800 ft. of IV* inch pipe and radiators. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire H. H. Martin, New Bloomtield, Pa. Bell phone 374. — I 500 bales class "D" comforters and . quilts In original bales as packed by-f the government. Good, bad and indif ferent. 30 comforters to bale, sold "as is" at $15.75 per bale. F. O. 8., Green ville. Terms, eash with order. Green ville Auction Co., Greenville, S. C. I FOR SADE —Coal range in good condition. Inquire 212 N. 14th St. FOR SADE—MaIe Boston bull ter rier; pedigreed; two months old; call 019 Schuylkill St. Bell 4123 W. FOR SALE One white iron bed, one goon mattress, spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWADT, 1221 North Sixth Street. * BEAUTIFUD dining room set, bar gain; upright mahogany piano, $125. Reed rocker, mahogany table, lamp. 141 Juniper Street, rear 1541 State. , FOR SALE —Superior oxy-acety lcne generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstrations by appointment. F. R. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE—Gasoline hoisting en gine, 10 H. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motorst!' various sizes, large stonp plant complete. F. R. Laverty,. 1857 Bell phone. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, 825 North Third. Circulars free. CENTRAL Furniture Store. 824 Aeily St.. on account of building oui% warehouse. we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial, will convince you. 1061 M. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmcrtz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —Oak flat top desk, table and rugs. Gannett. Seelye & Flem-' ing, £O4 Locust St., Harrisburg. WE arc in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L. Cohen K- Co., York and Ash Avenue. MAX SMELTZ W Second hand furniture bought and rold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smoltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Bell phone 3239-RL BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVENTORS develop your ideas on paper before experimenting in wood* and iron. 1 can assist you. Hamilton Practical Draftsman, 125 S. 11th St. GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing Ave men. Addresß Box H-9P16 care Telegraph. WOULD like to communicate with party who would be interested in go ing into the manufacturing business; small capital required; practical ar ticle; patents just allowed. Address L-7811 care Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS m FOR SALE 1920 ADVERTISING CALENDARS BIG BARGAINS IN JOB LOTS CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK OVER DISPLAY MYERS MANUFACTURING CO, THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS.* ABOVE SHOE STORE QUININE—Look out for that gr:lope feeling, likely to catch you tJBto changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVb PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off If taken In time. Gross Drug. Store, 119 Market street. ( RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edgci 25c doz„ double edge. 35c do", ?azofs. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. furniture crated j. a. Bißhop. 1736 Logan street. Bell 2632 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. OXY-ACETYLENE WEL DjlNO-. £ed "carbon' removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 U>gan Street. Bell 4396J, Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers