Reading all ike Kmikj jJfipj " When a Girl " By ASS LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problem of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CCCXXXVII (Copyright, 1919, King Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Carlotta Sturges saved me from the embarrassment of thinking up some plausible story to account for Virginia and the absent Tony must be made to understand. "Are we waiting for anything?" she asked, as we three stood there in the lobby of the hotel whence Virginia had fled at sight of us. "For someone," smiled Tony. "Virginia Dalton. Our Betty's other dear chum." Carlotta's eyes caught and held mine for a moment She seemed to be politely offering me the right of way, but when I gasped, blushed and cleared my throat in a helpless effort to find the right thing to say, she spoke calmly in my stead: "Mrs. Dalton isn't coming. Another appointment. You were both off so early to keep this appointment she couldn't reach you. I was the last to leave regions where I couldn't be reached by telephone. So I have the message." "I flashed Carlotta a grateful glance. I couldn't tell how much she knew, but evidently she had seen Virginia come and go again and had put two and two together. And, as usual, Carlotta was jumping in and helping a "pal" out of the hole regardless of the mud she might splash on herself. Tony made no comment on things beyond: "Then we may as well go in to lunch." But once we were seated and the ordering attended to, he reverted to a previous remark, and I felt that he was telling me again what he had said twice before namely, that Carlotta Sturges was a brick. "Betty Winston and you are kin dred souls, Miss Sturges. I'll read her brave, storm-tossed letter now, if I may. There are things you i must hear so you may stand by and help us help her." So he took Carlotta into our little fraternity. But strangely enough, I could see that instead 'of making her proud and happy, it hurt and Many School Children are Sickly tand take cold easily, are feverish and constipated, have headaches, stomach or bowel trouble. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN I . Used by Mothers for over 30 years Are pleasant to take and a certain relief. They tend to break up a cold in 24 hours, act on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels and tend to correct intestinal disorders and destroy worms. 10,000 testimonials like the following from mothers and friends of children telling of relief. Originals are on file in our offices : "I think MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POW- "We have used MOTH ER GR AYS SWEET DERS FOR CHILDREN are grand. They POWDERS FOR CHILDREN at different were recommended to my Bister by a doctor. times for past nine years, and alwaya found I am giving them to my little three year old them a perfect children's medicine and very girl who was very puny, and abe is picking up satisfactory in every caae." wonderfully." jr Get a package from your druggist for use when needed. Do Not Accept Any Substitute for MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS.; Makes the Clothes That Baby Soils Snowy White Again v I stained sheets, bed covers, pillow slips and clothing will all come out of 'the wash fresh, clean and snowy-white if you use Whitens Clothes !It dissolves the stain and grime and is as harmless as pure soap itself. A little poured into your wash ing water, deodorizes and disin rtpgjp fects the clothes. NACO is for household linen and all white linen and cotton appareL It won't harm the daintiest or the sheerest material. In . fact it makes them wear much longer be cause it does away with the necessity for ■ 'fjlLJll hard rubbing. Make next wash-day the easiest and most successful you've ever had by using NACO. Sold by ell leading grocers. pl||i NACO PRODUCTS CO. General Offices: New York City WEDNESDAY EVENING, puzzled her. More than ever I felt convinced that Tony was Cai lotta's' ideal—the man she had in mind when she said: " 'My man is the sort who'd split rails if that was his way to the White House, or walk on the stumps of his less to battle for his country if the rest of him "were shot away. But there's another woman who may need him some day. So I guess I'll stick to real estate and good pals.' " I had surmised at the time she spoke that she felt I needed Tony. Yet. I couldn't find any way of pro testing delicately. Now Tony was making it evident that poor Betty needed him. What a tangle! By the time lunch was over I knew Carotta would stand by Betty if she had to let that struggling soul walk to happiness over her heart. When I left Carlotta and Tony at the shop to which he'd taken me in his car my soul turned to big melodies. I felt that I was my best and most worthy self. Ten minutes later I knew I was my smallest, pettiest self; and I couldn't help the change any more than I could control the chance that brought it about Looking across the aisle where T was standing trying on gloves, I saw Val C'osby and Aunt Mollie Pettingill deep in conference at the jewelry counter. So absorbed were they that I couldn't get their at tention. But I hurried with my er rands and went around to join them. Aunt Mollie became suddenly ab sorbed in her purchase and in giv ing quick directions to the clerii, while Val, turning to me with her most insolent manner, said in a voice which hadn't a strain of wel come in it: "Where did you drop from, Anne? Been here Ions? What were you buying? Oh, that that counter over there! Well, dear, just time for a word, and then we must run. You have to buy things a month ahead nowadays to get delivery. Impor tant shopping to do." "Excuse me, dear," said Aunt Mollie, turning from her absorbing Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1919, International News Service - By McManus | LOCKED IN • e>QT I'LL 1 ' NOW -I'LL CO v \ BN <OLLV- t ) ( INJECT-COME ] w |n O° w ■ so back I \ t>lOO<htihad I 2£§lium J cLST I S VHILE SHEB VIBITIN J /-amc-Jl AtN ° ATTEND . U W ENOUGH ROPE *"-> BACK' / ' nix" I r NR?JONES-frTtt J IpS T ° T -, * L N OR ' E< a- | interest to little, unimportant me. "This was very special. Had to be tended to and gotten out of the way. Now where, Val, dear?" They didn't ask me to go with them. They didn't even pretend they were glad to see me. They made it evident that they wanted to be rid of me, and right in front of the clerk, who couldn't help wit nessing my humiliation, succeeding the eagerness with which I'd come to join them. And when they rush ed me away from the counter and got me to the door, Val said sud denly: Oh, I ve something more to at tend to, Aunt Mollie. Come back with me, please. Can Jennings drop you anywhere, Anne?" No, thank you, I'm merely going across the street," I said, feeling hurt to the point of tears and far beyond allowing Val to lend me her car and chauffeur as the best way to get rid of me. I fairly bolted out of the store As I crossed the street and walked aimlessly through the fehop where I hadn t a thing to buy, it came to me that I couldn't whimper to Jim about this. But, unless I found some way of soothing my wound I'd not be able to hide it from him. frhen. K occurred to n*e that it might be a good idea to drop in at a movie and forget myself in the drama of the screen. Carrying out my idea before the impulse died, I hurried into a mo tion picture house that was near by. The auditorium was dark, as the feature picture was already on. But the usher wljo piloted me down the aisle in the little circle of light his electric torch made, assured me that the picture hadn't been on five minutes In a minute or two I got the thread of the story anrl sat watch ing with attention that I didn't have to force. When the lights went up at the end of that part of the program, what was my amazement to see Vir ginia only n few seats away. She, too, was seeking solace and forget fulness. I had an impulse to take an empty seat near her, but sud denly she looked up and caught my eye. Her own expression was cold. Daily Dot Puzzle 15, .lb 14 2 *' 7 V t 18 13* • > . •* 2, 4* ,19 , ' J 5 ' t y V * 2l • 7. " * 7 • 2a .22 iO. • 8 • 49* \ 2b • 24 - . 2 c 49 , 25 • . . * 27 45 4b 2 & • 2 3 5o '44 • • 4a 2>i 4, 45. .30 51* 4x . £ •. 3* 32 52 \ • . 65 \ • bb ' .58 *4 • , V 04 . 55 57 *3fo 35 £4. 55 07- &b - 58 61 ft,- 37* * . to J ' 59 e ™ Draw from one to two and so on to the end. THE PROPER WAY TO TAKE ASPIRIN First See That the Tablets You Take are Marked With the "Bayer Cross." The Bayer Company, who Intro duced Aspirin, tell In their careful directions In each package of genu ine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" that to get best results one or two glasses of water should bo drank after tak ing tablets. "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin", to be genuine must bo marked with the safety "Bayer Cross," Thon you are getting the Vorld-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, Each unbroken "Bayer" package contains proper dlreatlons for Colds, Headache, Toothaoho, Earache, Neu. rnlglu, Lumbago, Hheumatlsm, Neu. rltls, and for Pain generally. Handy tin boxen of twelve tablets cost but a few cents, Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages, As* plrtn Is the trade mark of Bayer i Manufacture of Menoaoeteaeldester of Salluylicacld, fcLBJRISBrnRG tedlegrxfb: almost unseeing. Evidently I didn't exist for Virginia. Feeling as snubbed as if I'd spoken my thoughts of making up and she had sneered at them. I turned and hurried from the theater. The third hurt of the day was lying in wait for me in the lobby of my own apart ment building. As I prepared to step into the elevator for its upward trip, Phoebe got out. "I'm in a dreadful hurry," re plied Phoebe fairly brushing by. "She was to Mrs. Cosby's," ex plained the elevator boy as he took me up. Loneliness engulfed me. (To Be Continued) ARMY EXHIBITS RESULT OF TRAINING SCHOOL Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Lentz, General Staff, U. S. Army, is in charge of a detachment of foreign born recruits, representing fifteen different nationalities, who entered the Army five months ago unable to speak, read or write English. It took the Army school just four months not only to teach them the English language, but at the same time drill them in such a manner that they have been pronounced the equal of the best drill unit in any Army in the world. They are now at Philadelphia, where they will remain for three dbys, giving exhibition drills in va rious parts of the city. This unit is the product of the recruit educational center at Camp Upton, N. Y., .and is for the pur pose of demonstrating to the world at large what can be accomplished by the War Department with alien illiterate. Any foreigner, between the ages of IS and 40 years, who has de clared his intentions to become a citizen of the United States, is un married and who can pass the pre. liminary physical examination, will be accepted at any Army recruiting station, and forwarded to the edu cational center for a course of train ing. "OUR ADVERTISING RATES" Referring to an old citizen as a "relic of antiquity," sl. Calling a newmade lawyer "a legal light of which the profession should feel proud," $2.25. To call a man a "progressive citi zen," when it is known that he is lazier than a government mule, $1.75. Calling a female acquisition and re fined lady, a valuable acquisition to society," with variations, 51.85. Referring to a deceased citizen as "a man whose place will long rematn un filled," when we know ne was the nest' poker player in town, $2.25. Extra rates are charged when the party is well.—Arkansaw Thomas Cat. CARELESSNESS EXPLAINED 'Willis—Why don't you pronounce these foreign name correctly? Don't you know how ? Gillis—Sure, but if I did nobody would understand what I was talking about-—Judge. DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS | A PRETTY FROCK FOR THE GROWING GIRL i Col2—As here shown, plaid suiting I in green and brown tones was used; collar and other trimming is of white pique. This dress In blue serge, with ; satin for trimming, would bo nttrac j five, or in brown gabardine or voile, I braided or embroidered. | The pattern is cut in 4 sizes. 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 10 requires 3(a yards of 44-Inch material, A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 100 In • silver or lo and 2o stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department I For the 10 cents Inclosed please I send pattern to the following | address: i j Size Pattern No Name ij Address I I City and Stats LIFE'S PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED BY MRS WILSON WOODKOYV From my experience in receiving and answering letters, I have learned certain things. One of them is that when a woman sits down and writes to me out of the misery and despair of her heart, it is usually because she has no one else to whom she can turn. She has faced her problem night and day until she has reached what seems to her the limit of endurance. She is writing in a stark sincerity, and she wants no piffle, but sincerity in return. The letter given below is from a wo man in a blind alley from which she sees no quiet. She says: "I am so discouraged that I do not know what to do. I was in hopes that after July 1 things would be different but they are just as bad as ever. My husband comes home drunk as usual, and my son by a former marriage is in the saloon all day Saturday and Sunday and sometimes Monday. My husband works at night, and spends most of the day in this same saloon. I am lucky if I get half of the money I need for the house. If my son loses any time at his work he takes it out of what he gives me. "As they are big eaters, I have hard work to get along with everything so high. I only eat myself the scraps they leave. "I have done my best. I am always at home, and have everything neat and clean and mended. I would only be too glad if they would bring their friends here, but they would rather meet them in the saloon. If I tell them that any person I know is coming to the house in the evening, they both fuss, and say, 'What do they want here?' or 'What are they coming for?" "Am I at fault? I really don't scold or nag, and I don't let my neighbors | know any of my business. I don't have time to go out. Although my husband is through his work at sevent-thirty in the morning, he is often not at home until late in the afternoon, and then he comes in drunk. He was recently brought home in an automobile so stupid with drink that he couldn't stand up, and as he became very sick he made the house a disgusting place. They both think I have no right even to speak to them about the way they go on. "I have no near relatives, and I can not go to my friends in my trouble. I do not sleep nights, and I feel as If I was going crazy, I know how to work, and I often think how much happier I would be if I could go away and live by myself and.earn my own money. Do you think it would be wrong to do so?" Dear lady, I think you are not get ting a square deal; neither are you giv ing your husband and son one. You are bestowing far too much for far too little. Life isn't worth much to any of us unless we are looking forward to some thing. We all like to have a hand in the construction of our futures and to build to some end. In the circumstances in which you live you feel the same sense of discouragement that a child does when he patiently constructs a house of sand every day. and then sees the waves wash it away. All your work and effort goes for nothing and leads nowhere. J3y your present course you are only encouraging your husband and son In a EE £!• OIL. y| s: of the country's leading cooks. Easy : 'f- B ifs. 9 =£ to follow. The Corn Products Cook I I == Book is handsomely illustrated. | ■■MLHHBGANNBNH i CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. p- jg E= r.O.BuHI New York City g - IsllSß MHBBHBHMHUMBBBIHHBJM NATIONAL STARC'I COM?A:IT K!^ Sc.lcs I'vp/vjersativi-s x its? 13S Seat* SecouJ ht Philadelphia, /', their ways. When men reach such a state of selfishness that they consider nothing but their own appetites, a wo man is a fool wlio ministers to them. They are thinking of nothing but them selves, and no amount of nagging or pleading is going to do any good.' Useless self-saeritice is one of wo man's worst vices. She would not have posed as a martyr through the centuries if she had shown a little more common sense and a little less sentimental weak ness. i Why do you not put both your lius |band and your son on pronation? Take | advantage of their more reasonable | moments, and state your case to tliem. Tell them that conditions as they stand are unbearable, that your health is breaking under the strain, and that you are thinking of going away by your self for a time and where they will not be able to communicate with you. If you should be forced to go. it might be the means of bringing them to their senses. They would no longer be able to enjoy themselves after their own fashion, and then go home to a clean house, freshly-made beds, and meals ready and waiting for them. They would have to do some healthful hust ling for themselves, and this would cause them to pause and think a bit, They would be very uncomfortable and extremely anxious for your return. Then you would be able to make con ditions, and insist that they play the game according to decent rules as well as yourself. THIEF ROBS CHURCH _ lingers town, Md„ Oct. 29.—Thieves entered the United Brethren Church at Williamsport, this county, and stole about sls from a receptacle into which birthday offerings had been placed by members of the con gregation. The theft was discovered by the sexton. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY 1 Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 29.—The Rev. U F. Svvengel, D. D„ pastor of the Evangelical Church, of .Mount Holly Springs, yesterday celebrated *his' seventy-second birthday. He is a, former bishop and one of the leading men of his denomination. | DULL, SPLITTING, SICK HEADACHE Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve at Once—lo Cents a Package You take a Dr. James' Headache Powder and in just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and pain fades away. It's the quick est and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve-rarking. Send someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering—it's so need less. Be sure you get Dr. James* Headache Powders—then there will be no disappointment. OCTOBER 29, 1919. STEEL. EARNINGS SHOW INCREASE Effect of Strike, JHowever, Is Seen in the Returns For Quarter New York, Oct. 29. —Earnings of the United States Steel Corporation for the three months ended Septem- ber 30 last aggregated $40,177,232, an increase of $5,845,931 over the previous quarter. Net income amounted to $29,111,- 429, an increaso of $5,787,323, and the surplus, after payment of regu liir dividends on the preferred and common shares, aggregated $11,105,- 167, an increase of $5,796,580. Earnings are equivalent to $3.43 applicab'e to the copimon stock, against $2.29 in the previous quar ter and $4 in the third quarter of 1918. The effect of the strike, which be gan in the last fortnight of the quarter, is seen in the monthly re turns, earnings of $12,880,609 for September being less by $2,279,502 than those of August. SECRET XiwßL IS OUT vivaciousness and attractiveness of good health and beauty is keeping clean — inside as well as outside. Sluggishness of the intestinal tract is responsible for nine-tenths of the diseases —notably headache. The sallow complexion, the coated tongue, dark circles under eyes— indigestion—depression—fear—are all signs of danger and of the poisoning caused by constipation. Everyone should guard against putrefaction, the stoppage of the bowels or the colon. Everyone should occasionally take castor oil, or, what is better, a pleasant pellet made up of May-apple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap, rolled into tiny, sugar-coated pellets and long sold as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. After influenza or colds the kidneys and bladder are often affected —called "nephritis," or inflammation of the kidneys. ANNOUNCES SON'S BIRTH New Cumberland, Pa., Oct. 29. — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leaf of Geary street, announce the birth of a son on Monday, October 27. I "KILL-JOYS" I Constipation, Headache, t Colds, Biliousness ended with "Cascarets" Nothing takes the joy out of life quicker than a disordered liver oi waste-clogged bowels. Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. W"hy not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative cathartic you ever experienced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or in convenience one like Salts, Oil, Calo mel or harsh pills. They work while you sleep. This is the red-flag of danger—" better be wise and check the fun ther inroads of kidney flisegge by obtaining at the drug store thai wonderful new discovery of Dr,' Pierce's, known as "Anttric", (anti-uric-acid-), because Anuric expels the uric-acid poison from the body and cures those pains, such as backache, rheum** tism in muscles and joints. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood is filled with poisonous waste matter, which settles in the feet, ankles and wrists; or under the eyes in bag like formations. Doctor Pierce's Arturic is many times more potent than Ethia and often eliminates uric acid as hot tea melts sugar. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y„ ten cents for trial package. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers