16 I Ysu May Sell That Property Tbroogh Adequate Aivertisimg li tie Classified I Deaths JICBD-Mrs. E. Burd, in her 49th year, at her home, 1839 1? ulton Street. The funeral services will be held at iho above address Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Burial in Last Harrisburg cemetery. The body may be viewed Tuesday evening between , the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock. Rela tives and friends invited to attend without further notlcy. Bl'RD—On October 27, 1919. George E. Burd, aged 38 years. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock from the residence of his mother. Mrs. Annie Arnold. ->3 Savford Street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend w '' u> " qut further notice. Burial in I ax tang cemetery. ___ MACKEY —Died. October 26, Mrs. Louisa Mackcy, widow of Lo renzo D. Mackey. in her 88th year, at her home. 331 Hamilton r-tieet. Funeral services at the above ad; dross Thursdav afternoon at - o'olfck. to which relatives and friends are invited. Burial private, at Paxtang cemetery. McCOMAS— On October 1919;^Mi- Funeral at 3 clock from the residence of he. rrlSS' trth BiSi> Street. | [ cemetery. . i Funeral on ' o'clock from her late re- d ! and Walnut Streets^Relame^jth triends are ln ?'. l ** d ß urial in Shoop's i out further notice. Buriai } Church cemetery. Stanford— on P " t s ' Bilhop ' 6 M A St!nf n ord 22 Roily Street. < S C clock from theHarri.. ar .> £ Atrorrh. The relatives furthcr fjivited to attend Harrisburg 5.- Notice. Interment in "a f' femetery. -> I LOST AND FOUND LOST—A white Angora cat named fcsTTuffy." Reward will be given . teamed to 255% Boas St. , l^t S mo7thro a id le weU U marked! n Wa e ck SEnd whitef earß all^Mack and brown. Reward. Call 4146J or 23- Mac lay -t- LOST —Black skirt in a package in WCVool worth's on V\ ednesday Eoon. Reward if returned to 6„t> fichuylkill St. INSTRUCTIONS 5 INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION >n Gregg (fhorthand, Typewriting. EnKlUh. ilr k e k tc eP DA S V SCHOOL ?)PEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. ®BECKLEVS BUSINESS £2l Market St. Clias. R- Beck'.... JCOSSIO POMAR. B. A, University >4Bx San Marcos, will open a lass at Slight In beginner s and aavancca Spanish. Address Harrisburg Acade- HTXP WANTED —MALI: WANTED Boy 16 year or over to carry ' proofs and work in Telegraph composing room. Apply to Foreman of Composing room. f ; ' CLERK S, bookkeeper and office tsnen. ambitious men, not satisfied with f present success and income, will re ? eive full conideration to till import ant commercial positions paying large I salaries when qualified or present l-Worth demonstrated. State your de ; Sires. Room 511, Kunkel Bldg. ENGINEER WANTED Wanted, good, steady refrigerator . Engineer to work in ice plant. Reg ular inside work. Apply UNITED ICE AND COAL CO, Forster and Cowden Sts. WANTED Carpenters, door boys, moulder helpers, roll hands, machinist helpers, laborer* for blast furnaces, mills, coke ovens and general plant work. Applv at Employment Office "BETHLEHEM STEEL CO, Steelton. Pa. WANTED —Painters, reliable me chanics only needed. Apply at once, 1836 Fulton St.. J. A. Gill. RAILWAY traffic Inspectors want ed- sllO a month and expenses to start; short hours; travel; three months' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-273. Standard Busi ness Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y. THOUSANDS Census clerks wanted. sll4O-$1260 year. Harrisburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept., 412T, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED —Non-union bricklayers, rate $1 per hour, for good men; old established open shop; no strikes. Ap ply 829 Orange St., Wilmington. Del. INSURANCE —If you are a good per sonal producer with a good clean-cut record, we have a vacancy for you. a good paying position with rapid promotion. Apply 8 to 10 a. m. J. Schoolnik. 9 North Market Square. (Continued In Next Column) SIXTH STREET HOUSES FOR SALE No. 244)8 —3-story brick dwelling; one of pair; 8 rooms and bath; electric light; steam heat; cement ed cellar; chestnut an! hardwood finish; lot 20x130 feet., with 20-foot rear alley. Possession in 60 days. No. 2320 —3-story brick dwelling;. 9 rooms and bath: electric light; steam heat; first flDof oak floors; combination coal and gas range; tront and back porches; cemented cellar; lot 16.2x105 feet, to Lexing ton street in rear.. Possession No vember Ist. No. 700 —3-story brick dwelling; brownstone trimmings; 10 rooms and bath; hardwood finished in terior; bay window front; cement ed cellar; lot 17.6x70.7 feet; gas light; furnace heat. No. 3433 —2V4-story frame house; 7 rooms and bathroom (but no fix tures); furnace heat;lot 13 1-3xloo feet, with garage on rear. This property is moderately priced. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONUS Members Üb. lieul Estate Bonrd WEDNESDAY EVENING HELP WANTED —MALE PERMANENT WORK The year 'round and a chance to earn rate in accordance with your ability. All around machinists, boring mill men. lathe shaper planer, milling machine, drill press, bench ! and floor men. Apply in per son or write at once to fac tory employment office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO, AKRON. OHIO. I | . I 7~~ CEMENT FINISHERS WANT ED ON NEW BUILDINGS OF NARROW FABRIC COMPANY. WYCMIS SIN G, PA. BEST WAGES. APPLY STONE & WEBSTER, Reading, Pa. WANTED—First class varnisher or coach finisher. The W. O. Hiekok Mfg. Company. WANTED—A No. 1 salesmen. Leads furnished. One week room and meals free. Apply American Auto Club, Tourists Hotel, formerly City Hotel, Sixth and Cherry- Streets. Reading. WANTED—Two first class meat cutters and countermen, also good boy for delivery. Apply Buehler Bros, 432 Market St. WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED—Cylinder press feeders. Apply Evangelical Press. Third and Rtily Sts. SALESMAN—We want an ex-county or city official, a bank employe, a school principal, an insurance man, or high grade salesman, a man of th's type; in short, a man of integrity and large acquaintance to represent a Philadelphia financial house hand ling only best of nearby industrial securities. These securities have the preference with investors at this time because of their tax exemption features and high yield. Territory Harrisburg and vicinity. The right man is assured success and a perma nent position with satisfactory com pensation. Whole or part time, rpur communications treated confidential ly. Box W-7724 care Telegraph. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. Cameron st, Harrisburg. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. WANTED Platen pressmen; good wages; steady- employment. Apply at cnce. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO, State and Cameron Sts. ! t WANTED Laborers, permanent work and a chance for advance ment in accordance with your ability. Apply at Employment Bureau. CENTRAL IRON AND STEEL COMPANY Slaughter house man want ed at once. Apply, STEELTON STORE CO., ETD., Steelton, Pa. GOOD PAYING POSITIONS with C. P. A. firms, Public Accountants, In dustrial Corporations and the Internal Revenue Department of the Govern ment will be open during January, 1920. INTENSIVE TRAINING in special home study course in high er accountancy and traffic, linked up with resident consultation. service now being organized, will qualify you fcr salaries from $2,000 to $6,000 per year. Write, call or phone Bell 4940 R. LA SAEEE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 26 N. 18th St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Open Evenings. WANTED —• Ambitious salesman who has ability and is desirous of making from SIOO to S2OO per week every week in the year, five days in the week and be home week-ends. This is not a slock, bond or insur ance proposition, but an unusual op portunity if you have the right kind of foundation. We will train you in a l big money making proposition. State I age and experience. All replies con [fidential. Address B-7882 care Telc- I graph. I WANTED—Salesman with own car [to call on automobile trade. Liberal compensation to good worker. Reply The U-Kan Co., Lykens. Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE . Girls wanted to learn band ing; good pay while learn ing; good opportunity. Apply I GENERAL CIGAR CO., \ 600 Race Street. \ ' (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Experienced operators on Union Special inseamer or felling machine; steady work; 30 per cent, bonus Jennings Mfg. Co.. 3013 North Fourth St. WANTED! Our business Is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine aud and want to work shorter hours thun at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in har risburg than our tactory aud we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO, 1408 Vernon Street. WANTED—Fitter experienced for women's cloaks and gowns. Don nely's, 39 East Orange St, Lancaster. 1 WANTED—Stenographer over 18 years. A<>ply Grand Union Tea Co, 308 N. Second St. LADIES—Earn sll weekly at home mailing circulars. Send dime lor cir culars and instructions. Madam Good, Lock Box 105, Grand Rapids, Mich. COLORED cook in small family. Must be experienced and furnish best references. Wages $8.50 per week. Ap ply at once at H. H. Bowman's resi dence. Third and Maclay Sts. WANTED —Colored cook, reference required. Apply 507 North Front St. WANTED—I-touserteeper who will will assist in the cooking. A per manent and pleasant home for a Christian woman who can qualify. Call in person at 1936 N. Second St. WANTED—Two ladies who are settled to do plain and fancy pressing on ladies' garments. Must be experi enced. No others need apply. Call at Kggert's, 1343 Market St. WANTED—GirI for grocery coun ter. Apply Buehler Bros, 433 Market Street. WANTED—A woman past 35. in telligent, energetic, forceful, who is ready to exchange hard work for a worthwhile, permanent position of trust. Good pay. Address B-7SS7 care Telegraph. GOOD 1 WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material. Positively no canvassing. Tarn supplied. Particulars. 2c stamp. Dept. 146-C, Auto Knitter Co, Buffalo, N. V. EXTRA salesladies wanted. Apply S. W. Wool worth Co, 4ul Market St. —— i WANTED—A good settled woman for light house work; good home privi leges and good wages, prefer widow with child, can make my home like vour own. Win. E. Van Sciver, 11th St. wharf. S. W. Washington. D. C. WANTED—White woman for dish washer. Apply Camp Curtin Restau rant, 022 Maclay St. WANTED —Girls to work in book binding department; experience un necessary. Apply Mr. Bernheisel. The Telegraph Printing Co, Cameron and State Sts. SILK. SILK. SILK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay. apply SILK MILL. Cor. Second and North Sts. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBbBS care Telegraph. SHOE Saleslady; young lady about 18 years old. Must be willing worker. Apply Dandy Line Shoe Store, 27 S. Fourth St. WANTED —Lady to do rough dry washing at home for family of two. One who washes clean and carefully. Address B-7853 care Telegraph. W \NTED Experienced loopers. Harris Hosiery Co., Calder and Marion Street. WANTED —Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —Girls to learn how to make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harris Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED —Girl or middle aged woman for general housework; no cooking; wages $8 per week with loom and board. White preferred. Write Mrs. E. J. -Vieper, R. D. No. 3, Lancaster. Pa. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Reliable girl or woman to keep house for two. References desired. W. Gard Conklin, 2137 Swatara St. Phone 388 R. HELP WANTED —Male ant] Female WANTED Press feeders at once, experi ence preferred, but not neces sary. The Telegraph Print ing Company. Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —Man and wife for coun try place near city. Man as chauffeur and gardenes. wife for cooking and housework. Furnished room and bath. SIOO per month. Including board. State reference and age. Henry Boettcher, care Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of openings and full particulars. Earn $2 000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand i {or men. Inexperienced or experl i enced. City or traveling. Nat'l. Salos j mens Tr. Assn.. Dept. 603. Chicago. ' (Continued In Next Column) HAHRISBUHG 66ft TELEGRAPH SOME CLASSIFIED ADS were "written for you." That is, they touch you and your interests as directly as though they came to you in a personal message. Are you overlooking these r SALESMEN WANTED j SALESMEN WANTED Several young men on solicit ing proposition. S6O per month and expenses. while we teach you our line, commis sion contract to live wires, experience not required. Ad dress D-7790 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED—A position as traveling salesman with reliable concern. Can give best of reference as to character. R. Allen Diehl, Mount Wolf. Pa. BOY. 16 years old, desires position with reliable Arm with chance for advancement. Address Box S-7992 care Teieraph. COLORED boy age 19. wishes extra work.' five hours per day. Address X-7884 care Telegraph. SITUATION'S WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Widow lady would like to keep house for widower; good home preferred. Address Box L-7859 care Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, place as rtrst class cook. Call at 1705 North Seventh St. UNDER graduate nurse with four years' practical experience, wishes permanent case; best of reference. Address. Nurse. Box 113. Harrisburg, R. F. D 5. WOMAN wishes washing and iron ing to do at home. Address P. O. Box 99. Camp Hill. EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires sewing by the day. Anna Mozingo, 1623 Penr. St. Bell 1179 W. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, use of bath. Inquire 1820 Penn St. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms en second floor, also two unfurnished third floor rooms. Inquire 1212 North Second St. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms end small storage room for light housekeeping; all conveniences; very warm in winter. Inquire 1521 Wallace Street. FOR RENT —Second floor, nicely furnished front room, suitable for married couple or two gentlemen, three doors from Mulberry Street bridge; private family. Inquire 156 Sylvan Terrace. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms with use of hath, gentlemen preferred Rent $3.50 per week. Apply to Mrs. Owens, fourth floor. Pott's apartment, Third and Herr Sts. FOR RENT —Second story room, niceiv furnished; all modern conveni ences; city steam; electric light; use of both phones and bath. <2l North Sixth St. FOR RENT —209 Boas street, large furnished front bed room, all con veniences. NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. APARTMENTS WANTED Wanted to rent, house or aoartment. Retined couple with one child. Rent in ad vance. Highest references. Apply or phone Claster's Jewelry Store. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE 2053 Swatara St., 6-room. modern house, cement porch, garage, high lo cation. 2026 Kensington St., 2 V4-story frame, corner, front porch, nice shade trees. 624 Harris St., 9-room house, im provements, good condition. KOUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINUC. Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. FOR SALE MODERN SUBURBAN HOME, Shiremanstown. Three-story brick, AMPLE PORCH ES, SUN PARLOR, all HA ®WOOD THROUGHOUT. electric STEAM HEAT LARGE IX)T. double GAR AGE. Beautiful NEW MODERN home. Will sell at a SACRIFICE. Furnished or unfurnished. POSSESSION at Ono6 ' S. W. FITZGERALD, Real Estate Agency. 34 S. 3d St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THKSB properties can be bought on easy terms, possession to B ° me less than a month. 49 N. l-* h St., 810 Kelker St.. 1837 Fulton ft.. South 19th St., near Paxton, (new), 406 S. 13tn atre6t H. G. PEDLOW, 1201 Chestnut St. Bell phone 972J LINDEN ST., 144-141) —Two 3-story frame 6-room houses, with water supply; Price for cash. $2,600. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market St. BELLEVUE ROAD, .1957 —Modern 8-room brick house, with steam heat and electric light, porch, side en trance and drive alley in rear; price $4,650. J. E. Gipple. 12el Market St. ' (Continued la Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN" CAMP HILL—BOWMAN AVE, 2 Vi ctory bungalow, 9 rooms and bath; a beautiful home; nice big front porch and lawn; gas and electric light; steam heat; everything that goes to make up a modern home; right price to quick buyer. TON st and 17TH—BRAND , —VACANT—7 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity; a real modern home; can be bought with small amount of cash; balance same as rent. i f*', I: ,™ S T; 6S—VACANT—3-story j , 10 ° ms and buth, newly paint ed and papered, gas and electricity; i®JP rove ments; house in first class condition; possession at once. A GOOD INVESTMENT FRONT ST, 607-09—Three-story bricks: s rooms and bath; all im provements; the very best of loca tion for an apartment house; can be bought right and converted into six apartments at a small cost. _ D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building, 36 North Third Street. Fell 1390 Dial 3573 POSSESSION SOON r 126 Sylvan Terrace, one of pair of 3-story bricks, front porch, first class condition. 1149 Derry St., S rooms, front porch noose. & minutes walk to business district, rear drive alley. KOUOH. BRUIHTBILL & KLINE. Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. When ready to sell list your business properties. farms and lots with us. It brings results. SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Bldgs., City. Bell phone 2769. FOR SALE 1401 State St 66000 1406 Slate St 66000 sold SOI N. ISth St 65000 803 N. 18th St 64509 811 N. 18th St 64500 IS2O Briggs St 64000 1822 Briggs St 64000 ISIO Briggs St 63500 All very desirable properties. A. S. MILLER. Room 206 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Bell phone 3740R SUBURBAN Property For Sale Situated on car line. 5 minute service, 9 minutes to Square, lot 110 ft. front by 150 ft. deep, drive alley on side and rear, improved with shade trees, cement walks, surrounded with healthy double row hedge, beautiful lawn loaded with all kinds of flowers and shrubbery; gardens In very best cultivation, 15 different kinds fruit trees, ox heart cherries, sour cherries, apricots, plums, German prunes, peaches, apples, pears and quinces, strawberries, raspberries, blackber ries, gooseberries and currants. Buildings. Eight-room frame hcu:<e, finished in cypress, front, side and rear porches, vestibule, open stairs, good cellar, furnace heat, gas light, coal range and hot and cold running water. Summer house containing drilled well, furnishing the verv finest drinking water. Garage, hog sty, 50 feet of improved chicken houses and yards, ample room to ac commodate 200 chickens, chicken brooder, etc. This property can be bought for 65.500. For interviews ad -1 dress \V. P. O. Box 122, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE —Seven lots In Camp H'U. 20x125 ft., high, level, well lo cated en a corner plot. Price right for a quick sale. Call or write, 439 Boyd St.. City. HOUSES In all sections of city sold on easy payment plan, ranging- from SI,OOO to $6,u00. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. HOUSE for sate, new two-story brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melrose St., near 23d and Derry. Call Bell 2062 R. FOR SALE —-314 South Second St. 9-room brick house with furniture and self-player piano. Give us an of lcr. Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St. near Front. FOR SALE—Camp Hill, Trindla Road, 214 -story brick, 8 rooms and bath, gas and electric, hot water heat, cemented cellar, three extra building lets, 50x150, 33 fruit trees. Apply cor ner of Rupp and Trindle Terrace, Camp Hill. 13TH ST.. N., 20-22—Two frame. 0- room dwellings: also two 2-story brick dwellings on rear of lot and fronting or. Linden St. A good proposition. Consult us. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market Street. N $2200 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling with eight rooms and bath, gas, fur nace and cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. DESIRABLE Paxtang property for sale—-corner Swan and Brlsban Sta.. all Improvements, large lot. Beil Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. $250(1 "WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow with six rooms, furnace heat, recently papered and in good condition; porch front and rear; lot 40x135. Bell Realty Cc.. Bergner Bldg. $4500 will purchase a three-story brick house with all improvements, located at Riverside, possession De cember 1. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FDR SALE —2 &-story frame house, 10 rooms with ull modern Improve ments, located at 1829 North street. Inquire Jacob Shlomberg, 903 H Ira rod ave., Youngstown, Ohio. (Continued in Next Column) , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Hunter St., No. 1423. brick house. 6 rooms, bath, large lot. attractive price to a quick buyer. Susquehanna St, No. 2044. 3-story trick. 8 rooms, bath, a good house, splendid location. Susquehanna St, No. 2144. 2-story brick. 6 rooms, bath, steum heat. House is practically new. Sixth St., No. 1832, 3-story fraiiie, 8 rooms, bath, electric and gas. furnace is new. newly papered throughout, house is in excellent condition. Price very reasonable. Pe.nn St. near Seneca. Two 2-story bricks. 7 rooms, bath, steam heat. Price leasonable. Ft. Washington, 2Vj -story frame, hardwood finish, lot 6ux200 ft, large porches, electric light. Excellent lo cation. view is unobstructed. Third St. No. 1933. 3-story brick. 10 rooms, two baths, steam heat, elec tricity, gas, modern throughout. At tractive price to a quick buyer. Third St. 3200, 242-story frame, steam heat, gas and electric, hard wood on tirst floor, lot 53x100 feet. Possession Nov. 5. lewis St. 346, 318, 320, 322. 2-story bricks. 6 rooms, bath, electric, gas. D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Esta'te and Insurance Several 3-story bricks on Hill and uptown; all imp. Corner houses on Hill and uptown; all imp. 3-story bricks on Market St.; all imp. Several apartment houses on Hill and uptown; good in vestments. Two 3-story bricks near Broad Street market. SSOO down; easy payments. Vacant, possession at once, 2-story brick; all imp.; porch drive alley; on Hill, SSOO down. Vai ant, possession at once. 3-story brick, all imp, uptown. SSOO down. Possession at once. North 6th St, 8 rooms, all Imp, elect, and gas, porch, bay window, side entrance, nice yard. SSOO down. Vacant. 4-rooni frame, up town, good Shape. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J FOR SALE—2d St. below Maclay; 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 ft. front; 162 ft. deep; runs back to Penn St.; garage; room for two cars; beautiful home; all Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price 610,500. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057 J. Derry Street between 23d and 24th, finished August. 1919 Three-story stone and stucco house, electric lights, vapor steam heat; hardwood floors, garage. 69,500 if sold by December 1. LEWIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell 3057J 258 BROAD STREET; 3- STORY BRJCK; NINE ROOM AND BATH. POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. INQUIRE DR. ELLENBERGER. 922 NORTH THIRD ST. On what street would you like to live? Two brick houses on Berryhill St., :S rooms, bath and furnace. I Two-story " frame on Shcllis St., 6 l rooms and furnace. I Reily St., all improvements. | South 21st St., 7 rooms and bath. Atlas St.. all improvements. Tenth St., Muench, Calder, Boas, Forster. , LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh St. POSSESSION AT ONCE I Six-room house, large lot, S2OO to S3OO down, balance as rent. Price is $1,200. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut near Front i REAI, estate for sale at a bargain) i Apply \V. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. j llighgplre. Pa. j~ HOUSES FOR SALE 1229 CUMBERLAND ST., Harris ' burg. Pa., brick house with 6 rooms I and bath; new paint; all latest lm? ments; cemented cellar, wjth flrst . i clsHtt cement w&lks. i his property i can be bought on easy terms or if : b *'• I 603-805 S. THIRD. Steelton. P a . Two frame dwellings with 6 rooms each Price $1,500.00 apiece. 759'MOHN ST., Steelton Pa. Frame house in llrat-class condition. Price, 929 S. FRONT ST., Steelton. Blx by°2l3'ft.mPr'lc" 8 $ 6 2,30o!00." lot 30 "• y SALINGER & MILLER, 44 Union Trust Bldg. Harrlsburg. Pa. Bell Phone 2769 FOR SALE —Brick dwelling. 343 Harris st., 8 rooms and bath. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. Third st. FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 2051 Penn St.. 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. 3d St. FOR SALE—Brick dwelling, 431 Harris street, 8 rooms, bath and front porch. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. Third st FOR SALE —Brick dwelling, 1611 Gfeeu street, 8 rooms and bath. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. Third st. . (Continned la Next Column) OCTOBER 29, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Two 2 % -story frame houses on Hill, all imp, elect, and gas. 7 rooms each, iront porch, slato roof, nice size yard to drive alley, room for garage, lruit trees, out buildings, price $2600j each. Also several more cheap houses. "Vacant. Possession at once. 2-story brick, all imp, front porch, bay win dow, drive alley, SSOO down, balance easy payments. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560 J. LOT FOR SALE Iterated in Knola, 50x150. • Price $350. BAUM & ROBESON. Bell phone 353J Room 3 Russ Bldg. FOR SALE —On Berryhill St, sev eral desirable homes, drive alley in rear, possession soon. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second St. Be.ll phono 2575 J. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental gayment plan. Small cash or Liberty ond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. I-\ Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. VACANT—I 47 S. 4th St, Steelton 2%-story fr, imp. Nice lot to diive alley. $2,400. Easy terms to right party. Ceo. W. Jacobs, Real Est. and Ins, 17 N 3d St. Bell 1539. FOR SALE—Oyster's Point, double frame house. 6 rooms each, all con veniences. largo lot to each side I rice $4650. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut Street. 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house- all Improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Reuts for $25. Apply 324 Kelly St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Three-story brick houses; steam heat and all improvements; Derrv St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3OO down. Balance as rent. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St, below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down, $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. SSO down; $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J FOR RENT Tlirre-story building in city's business center. No. 26 South Third Street. Store room, ap proximately 20x70 feet, can be rented separately, if de sired. Possession April 1, 1920. Apply COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, 222 Market Street. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent Opportunity for live wire, Howard street above Thirteenth, 15,000 square leet of floor space, brick construc tion, adaptable for warehouse or manufacturing purpose, electrically equipped, steam heated, now used as garage and service station, (known as Garage), attractive propo osition to quick buyer. LOUIS B. COHEN. Bell 3C57J 31 North Second St. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—New house, moderate price, well located, immediate possession, will exchange for 1919. 7 passenger ear, limousine preferred. Address Mr. Wilson care Telegraph. — 1 REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adlcr, Real Es tate and Insurance. 10u2 North Third Street. FARMS 4-acre farm, 8 miles south city, level good soil, creek water, also spring and well water, 6 room frame house, large chicken house, stable, etc., 35 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc., price $1600; 8500 down balance can stand; pos session at once, (house va cant). located on State high way, school close by. 3ft-acre farm, 5 miles north of city, good house, out build ings, fruit, some woodland. Will sell o'r trade on city property. Price S3OOO. Posses sion soon. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J FARMS FOR SALE Price 16 acres, Dauphin county SI7OO 17 acres. Perry county ~.5750 33 acres, Dauphin county SI6OO 40 acres, Lebanon county $4200 51 acres, York county SI7OO 63 acres, Perry county SIOOO 77 acres, Lebanon county $4500 SO acres. Lebanon county $4200 98 acres, Dauphin county $2900 115 acres. Dauphin county S3OOO 150 acres, Lebunon county SB4OO 180 acres. Dauphin county S3OOO DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut near Front 130-aere larm for sale or exchange on city property In business location; good quality soil; 4 miles from Dun cannon on Wro. Penn road to Sun bury; 2%-story, 8 roomed house; porch on three sides; summer house; running spring water; large bank barn; wagon shed with corn crib on both sides; good hog stable with corn ciib; large chicken house; apple or chard and other fruit trees; school house and church nearby. Inquire Durand & Ferber, 107 Chestnut St- Eell 4767 or 1649 J. FARM—At public sale on Thursday, October 30, 1919, at 2 p. m., the Sam uel Mumma farm of 98 acres, 4V6 miles r.orth of Mechaniesburg and about seven miles from Harrisburg near Bowman's Mill, at Good Hope. Brick house and bank barn. Fanny Mumma. Ellen M. Adams, executrixes. FRUIT farm for sale, 30 acres; 18 acres of orchard, peach and apple trees. Give us an offer. Durand & Fer ber, 107 Chestnut near Front. (Caatlncd la Next Column) J i FARMS 20 acres limestone land Churchlown. Vi-mile from tro?W house good, barn ordinarv „.if y 2 buildings fair. A good pronoai'tlnn ii S. Miimma & Son. Mochanicshurg.' ** OFFICES AND STOREROOMS i TOR RENT Entire third floor. 302 Market f cl Caster's Jewelry ihi t> f?v rmerly occupied by the Kellberg Studio. Best lo cation in city for photograph ic business. Apply Claster's. I AVANTUD—Room for office nn. snn square fee?, in \V ilmi""st r y t-hostnut, Fifth and HnKil ' f,,r immediate use by re dress C-7622. ,n ' references. Ad •znS'? HENT—Second floor room, 60* t a llo i' )os nth and Berryhlll Street. Apply on premises. orr y" FOR SALE—.MISCELLANEOUS HUMPHREY R ADFANTFI RE WONDERFUL NEW Hi SCO VERT IN HOUSE HEATING t >H mon s M ation. D^ El s;?ee't RUa STORE ' Night This Week. 1 AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875 J. FOR SALE One white iron bed. one good mattress. spring, complete -•>. Crex rug s9.so. FORNWALT. l"-l North Sixth Street. FOR SALE YORK IMPERIAL Apples, ail hand-picked. $2 a bushel $ a barrel. Phone your order or CUv Ben" J a C ?A el ' ®l® Oxford St., city. Bell phone 4052 W. Delivered direct from the farm to any place in Harrisburg or vicinity. FOR SALE CHEAP Double French plate glass front, including door frames, h'nges, sills and transom, lormerly in store room Board of, Trade Building. CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market Street. — , FOP. SALE—Quartered oak combi nation sideboard china closet, in good condition, for S2O if sold at once. Can oe seen at 608 N. ISth St. Address Ida L. Hoover, 1023 Hamilton St.. Al lentown, Pa. For Sole—Coat suit and two waists. Apply 110 Sylvan Terrace. i FOR SALE—A reed baby carriage. Apply 2337 North Second St. I „ FOR SALE—Beaver oak double heater, in good condition. Price sl6. Apply 36 N. 4th St., Steelton. FOR SALE—At once at Hotel Dau phin.'3oo Market Street, fifty cane seated chairs, four, celling fans, three National cash registers, one electric, square and round tables, 300 two quart fruit jars, bar fixtures, lot of •dishes, etc. FOR SALE—White enameled round reed baby stroller, and one leather couch. Inquire apartment No. 3, 1216 Market St. FOR SALE —Reed reclining stroller, slightly used. Call 814 Capital St. FOR SALE —Reed furniture and bedroom suite. Call Bell 5024. . FOR SALE—Partly broken rabbit hound. Apply 28 Evergreen St. FOR SALE—Superior oxy-acety lene generators, cutting and welding torches, carbon burning outfit. Dem onstrations by appointment. F. R. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE —Gasoline hoisting en gine, 10 H. P. International gasoline engine, machine tools, electric motors, vurious sizes, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty, 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE —A first class steel cool ing range at a bargain. 1941 North Fourth St. FOR SALE—CoaI range with hot water back and good baking oven, in perfect condition, S3B. Apply 2i.1l Penn St.. or Bell phone 4553 J. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.000 new, old. rare. In stock. Aurand s. $25 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE— One-minute water mo tor washer in good condition. Call Bell phene 4554. Deft Device Co., -8 S. Fourth St. TYPEWRITERS BOU GH T FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED —, EXCHANGED GEORGE P. TIL'LOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES CENTRAL Furniture Store. 824 Reily St.. on account of building our warehouse, we close ou.. our 78 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at low price; also furniture and door covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you. 1061 M. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand fur?AVd r High prices paid for * u " ,l . t . u^®' o J lorr ** Bchmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—22O volt, single ta.ee. electric motor. *4 to; 3 horsepower. Coxestown Garage. Dial 57j1. WANTED— Secondhand safe, must be in good order, also glass top show caseS. Phcne 3852 or call at Dr. Rutherford's office. 108 N. -d St. WE arc In the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974 or write L Cohen & Co.. York and Ash Avenue. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and rold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smelts', 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Beil phone 3289 kl BELL PHONE 3370-J K UIFKIN CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE# BOUGHT AND SOLE> a t_ HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. rA. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers